The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, April 11, 1889, Image 4

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The Sioux County Journal.
Published ery Thm-lay.
8ubs rij.tion Pri.-e. 2.0u
W, K. Patterson r EdiUr a""1 PrP-
Entered at the puto!lics at Harrison
as secoud class niutu-r.
Pleasurable Mention.
It is a matter ttf no little pleasure to
the Jocwsal to le al.Ie to announce the
fact that Sioux flinty lia Wu receiv
ing during the iast few weeks numerous
and worthy acquisitions to its population.
Quite a large number of people liave
come here and made permanent arrang
ments to remain. Increased pleasure
is experienced in the fact tliat a large
portion of the new coiners are electing
homes on tlie table lauds adjoining Har
for e-ratifiiu-
tion is found in the fact that tlie new
settlers are practical farmers and are
going to work to make for themselves
homes in the full sense of the word.
These table lands are very fertile. It
is a question whether thev are not even
tetter lands than are those adjoining the
water courses. The only reason they
have laid vacant heretofore is the fact
of the probable depth to water. So far
the -wells on this divide run from 150 to
250 feet in depth. That is not a very
great disadvantage purely when we re
member that the water is excellent and
the land lays well and is rich in alluvial
The settlement has lieeu going on
quietly and no stir has leen made aliout
it, but a drive in any directiou from
town will reveal the industrious pres
ence of no small number of earnest home
makers. Since the (irst of March about
7,000 acres have been taken within six
miles of town. Yet there is room for
more, and within a dozen miles of Har
rison are scores of Uncle Sum's splendid
farms waiting for takers. They will not
wait long. If the present steady immi
gration continues it will be a very short
time until there will lie no more govern
ment land unclaimed on this broad, lieau
tiful and fertile table whereon Harrison
is located.
These newcomers deserve a hearty and
responsive welcome from the business
men and "old timers" of Harrison. They
bring t the town that steady and sure
prosperity winch can come in no other
way than by honest settlement and homa
making in contiguous territory.
Jones of the Advocate.
Bro. Jones, of the Oelrichs Advocate,
liad a proposition the other day to re
ceive a portion of tlie patronage of the
Rapid City land office on condition that
he would keep quiet concerning the per
sonal character of the democratic regis
ter of that office. The ofTer was indig
nantly refused, Jones giving the assur
ance tliat th time had passed for want
ing patronage at the hands ot tlie pres
ent officials. Bro. Jones lias had a long,
liard, uphill pull to keep his Advocate
going and the republican colors flying at
Oelrichs and the proposition above noted
was without doubt a temptation to him.
The fact tliat he resisted it is commend
able. In this connection we desire to
sav that the democratic register of
questionable character will do well not
to provoke the wrath of tlie Advocate.
Jones is a hard hitter and an excellent
newspajier man, and fully capable of
handling facts in such a way as to make
life a dreary waste to a disreputable op
Civil Service.
When President Cleveland assumed
control of the administration he found
among other things that Francis E. War
ren was governor of Wyoming territory.
Mr. Warren liad two years to serve, and
lie staid during his term. Then Mr.
Cleveland appointed tliat old veteran
and war horse, Col. Moonlight. Just
twenty-four days after Harrison deliver
ed his famous civil rvice inaugural ad
dress he breaks Governor Moonlight's
term in the middle and gives the position
back to Warren. Cliadron Democrat.
Yes, and was only carrying out the
wishes of a large majority of the set
tlers of Wyoming irresjiective of party
when he invited Moonlight down and
Warren up.
Stanley Heard From.
The great African explorer has been
heard from and there is no longer any
reasonable doubt of the fact that he
will Anally emerge from the hitherto
impenetrable darkness of that country
with a most interesting story to tell.
Stanley is a wonderful man and
vne value of his African evnW
rations cannot as yet by any possibility
be estimated. Millions of people take a
persona interest in him and in the
results of his African labors, and are
anxiously awaiting his report.
It's M Um.
The Gordon Herald, formerly the Cor
don Democratic Herald, has flopped. It
is no use. The Herald has always been
a disgrace to the town and the section
and will not succeed in catching repub
lican patronage, Tlie last issue appro
priately prints a picture of a blacksmith
shop at, its head. It is n. fair index of
the ability of the Nicholsons as printers
and editors. Tlie Gordon Republican
bth lu.tural ability and l.iiA l"""1
cluraCeruodwill undoubtedly
UttrvnaK the KepuUi-an part
U1y le able to bestow.
Ilon't Vim Know it!
The fail that Harrison i a th" 4a
trading place is U.WK democrat!
more fully each succeeding week- "1
receiitlv parties from. Wyoming who re-
side as
far as miles I rom
to Harrison to tnwle Hecau-e
wirtl letter quality of
the I it-tter
euods car-
riedbvour mercUnts was tl.e
that paid them to lake advant.i-.-e of.
Little tottoiiHiMxt,
Jacob Groves iicw
. house is Hearing
Tlw farmers on Lit. It
don't hold indignation meeting
deuounce Gilchrist for his action
s, nor
in re
si hool
gard to the herd law.
Af;. lr .itle C:irvv is teaching
in district No. 1, on White river.
Several of the young men in tin
cinity contemplate going we-t
llus dav
w .1.0 u.iirui! meeimi: ia-i -'inn
evening in district No. :!. a 1"' mill tax
was voted. Mr. ). K. Sua? chosen
as his own succesor for treaswer. In
district No. 4 an entire new school Sward
was elected. M-ss Tally. Taylor and
I'uhloW constitute the new lioard, A
tax of 20 mills was voted; also a W
Wind for the purpose of repairing the
school house and jayiug lor the furni
ture for same.
War Bonnet Warlilinir.
Corwin Lewis, who has neen swndini:
the winter with his sister on Pumpkin
creek, returned aliout two week since
and is holding down a job on the A U
.' tik, S E ranch has secured the scrvi
ces of J olm L. Kay for the summer.
John is little but he "gets ther just the
, Bob Keel's 1-est girl mourns his de
parture to the Cheyenne river whitner
he has gone to secure work on George
William's liurse ranch. Hob has woiked
for Mr. Williams U-fore ami is likely to
secure a fat job.
Leslie Crane will herd cattle for Mr.
Mi-Ginly on the A ranch this season.
John Nolan and Waller Woodruff
took a trip the first of the month to the
C R and the O W randies in quest of
work hut returned unsuccessful.
Harry Stine also has gone to look for
a summer's job. Thus do the lioys scat
ter out in the summer but they all know
where is a good place to spend the win
ter, and all liml their way hack to the
valley in the fall.
Everybody is invited to assemble at
the school house in distri t No. l.ri next
Sunday P. M.. at 2:30 o'clock, to organ
ize a Sunday School.
County Surveyor Rigdon was in the
valley the first of the week running
lines between B. F. Thomas and Charlie
J. J. Zumbrunneo is moving on to his
claim this week.
Elder Wallace has rented Mr. Tubb's
place at the mouth of Monroe creek.
(Juite an Incident.
Wild animals are st ill raising havoc
among stock owners east and north-east
of here. A subscriber of the Herald
writes us that on last Wednesday while
he and a companion were crossing at the
head of Vantassel creek, they espied four
mountain lions that seemed to I watch
ing a small group of horses which were
grazing toward them. The lxiys were
not observed by the lions, so they got in
ambush to watch the actions of the hun
gry brutes. They liad not long to wait
before their animosity was excited.
When the horses had grazed within
alxiut 20 yards of the lions, two of the
carnivorous brutes made a rush for tlie
horses, and before they could imagine
such, they were upon the back of a fine
sorrel VT mare who was bucking and
bawling for life. She pitched the one
that lighted on her hips loose, but the
one that sprang upon her shoulders and
neck was there to stay. He throwed his
front paws alxiut her throat and the
boys could see great spurts of blood
wpui t irom uie lerrioie gashes lie was
tearing in her nec k. She pitched with
-..-A ..! i
nun nume j.u jarus wnen sue gave a
great bound in the air and fell backward
ueaa, with her throat cut from side to
side. The boys rushed up to where the
mare and lion were to see if they could
not rope him. He sat upon his prey
lashing his tail and lapping his tongue,
uiirsung ior human gore. His eyes to
the Iwys looked like two Raucers of fire,
ana laughingly at them he showed four
long white tusks that told them what
they should expect from his reception,
Tl,.,.. I. t.. i
iucj com mueii unit one was to rojie
him while tlie other was to shoot if any
thing happened. One of them made i
uRitn anu as luck would have it, caught
mm aliout the body while the other
followed, and before they knew it they
nuu mm woKing like a short piece of
barb wire. He measured nine feet two
inches and weighs 400 pounds. Jim Wal
ters has tlie hide and skull at tlie Nod.
men nuu win nnng it to Lusk next
week. Tom Bell and Jim W:,n,.,.u
the boys who did up (he furoci,,,,,
-Lusk HeiiiM.
Jones & Verity,
"The Wrong
Our enemies may tell you tliat thi. . "the
An; Here to May
We would resxs tfully all the attention
that we are prepared to make farm loans in
The Most Liberal Terms.
Final proof money
Without Extra
Land Office business will receive SI'F'IAL ATTENTION
Contests Initiated,
Land filings made and a general law business transacted. We offer
you the advantage of several years successful prac tice before
the United States Land Ofliee. Will also do
A Locating Business.
Collections made on all accessible points. Abstracts carefully com
piled. Do your business
Where Business is Done!
C. H. Andrews & Co.,-
-Dealers in-
Fine Toilet Goods,
wrontT J-
1 but the firm of
and do
of the publn
to tls fact
C. F. (VlKFEE,
Vice. I're.
C'HAS. C. JAMEWJN, Cashier.
Commercial Bank.
General Banking Business
Or a Square Mea!
G. ARMSTRONCi, rr-Kid-nt.
: s , Gil! I
K O a 5 w '
a k c J,
s K i , -.
s V.
Transacts a pvtieal bi
-O'l1 .
Loans Money on CIdbks
i ,
The Harriso
EGOEHT ROIIWEU, l'ropnetor,
Special Attention yff
Trade. ,
Best Accommodations i
Fremont, Elkhofi
"The Northwestern Line'
Omaha, Sioux
.Ami AH
East, North, Sou
Ctf T''
fVT in - I
: .. i;
p bay barbed wj
(you to buy it i
G3 (X
1 11!
i I
Jones! & Jtnnisviii is a very good pa-
Enr Sale
- I'lliv Millet vvvl ,(, -v. r.
r, Tlie you,!;: moi who edit it have.