The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, April 04, 1889, Image 4

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1 .
The Sioux County Journal. I
published every Thursday. j
o j
.Subscription Price, $2.00 I
W. E. I'attPisoa Editor and irp.
Entered at the pAstoftiitf at Harrison
a sccid class mutter.
WriMiir is Sot Kitrut,'
Editor JchksaL: In last week's issue
of the HeralJ Clias. F. Slingerland, tlie
editor of that sheet, takes it ujon lcim
self to excuse and defend the work of our
county officers in presenting and swear
ing to false and illegal claims, and as a
defence of his case says that tlie ''nioutb
piece of tlie mud ring seems to forget
I low he lamented last July, because the
arrant lie ffot for the cash he paid out
for a road implement did not reimburse
iiim. even after waiting several months
for the warrant, and yet when another
county official asks for an amount ecpiiv-
ilant to tlie discount on the warrant he
yells robliery."
We will now look at what the Herald
lias said and see if it amounts to xtry
lluiif,' in defence of the illegal robbery of
county funds. Now, Charley, in the
first place you make a statement tliat is
false in saying that I am the mouth
piece of the mud ring. That is false.
You say that it seems tliat I forgot
something about a warrant tliat I got
. last July. Tliat is false also. I fullv
i-ecollect all about it very clearly. As
. ou say I had paid out some money to
purchase a plow for road work and in
payment therefor received a warrant.
. Said warrant I oiferred in part payment
of my taxes to the county treasurer who
refused to accept the same, ami I was
forced to sell the warrant at a discount
and pay the cash for taxes. But, Char
ley, do you know that I had sworn, had
made oath, to the correctness of said
account and received the warrant in
payment of the same thereby releasing
tlie county from any further liability
on tliat score. I could not then go a
gain Wore the commissioners, render
anotl ler account and swear to it, saying
the second account to be iust and correct
and unpaid by either the county or any
individual, for the reason that the county
hail already paid said account before.
But, Cliarley, to convince voa that
the man that you are trying to defend
is not limit that way I will call your
attention to the following claims pre
sented by your client and former part
ner, as filed in the county clerk's ollice,
and paid by the county. They are No.
265 and claim No 275, both presented by
the judge. If you desire to be fair you
will tell tlie people that claims 265 and
273 contain one and the same account
and that both were sworn to as being
just and correct, by J. V. Hunter; and
as there never was but one case against
the party, your friend swore falsely,
and knowingly, and Charley that is the
kind of company you keep. You make
the very best defence possible under tlie
circumstances but you should be in bet
ter business. Now for the next one of
your clients. You say that there is :i
howl being made by Mr. Walker because
the county purchased some coal from
Mr. Ffost who is also sheriff. You try
to excuse it by saying it was a small
amount anil purchased the same as one
man would purcliase of another. This
is the poorest of all pleas you have made
in defence of a violation of a statutory
law governing this very point. You
virtually plead guilty to the but
offer the pitiful excuse tliat it was "on
ly a small amount." I say that the
county paid $8.95 per ton for coat !,
can be bought right here in Harrison for
4.f)0, a difference of $1.45. Will you
kindly inform the tax payers what you
would consider of some account? You
say the Mud Ring ha to occasionally
assail someone to keep up their reputa
tion. I am convinced that those whom
you term the Mud Ring are in v.
way and any one that will undertake to
uncover the record made by some of the
'wuiuj ouicers nas some very nastv
work on hand.
Yours Respectfully,
George Walker.
Cra ford, N-b , Mar, 23 j
Editou JoTVKAL: I
Much aguinsl my Mil 1 feel calleJ up-j
on la make a ivrt contribution to your j
uanei in answer to a called aitidavit
of James T. Mason wb b apjieared in j
the Herald of recent stie. in which he
...vow it. onln'htel! the lBCI'lf of
Sioux count v as to the linancial stand-
ini of one of our miaeus. Mr. Thomas j
A ins sou and agent 1 trust tliat you
wUl not consider my appearance at this
stage out of order. In the first place al
low me to suggest that .my party de
siring to do o can. iu a very short time,
by making an examination of the official
records of Dawes and Sioux c ounties,
coiivim themselves that there never
was at any one time I'M) acres of land
recorded in the name of Thos. Deven
osr JjIbieHAXj terms, J
mm m sS
Jones & Verity, Harrison, fj
The Attorney General' Opinion.
There ought to lie no more foolishness
on the part of the Herald in repeating
tlie assertion that the h Til I'ira tir;it
, . "til (JUL
be in force ,n Sioux county hereafter,
the following letter was received in
answer to one written to the Attorney
General by Mr. Conley and will explain
itself; 1
State of Nebraska, i
Attorney General's Office.
xr it Uiia, March 27, 1889.
Mr. H. T. Conley,
Harrison, Nebraska.
LKAR Snc.-ln answer to yours of
-.tli inst. 1 would Atate that under pro
visions of House R 93 there i, no law
uSnd,t,gtl.ehe,dlaw and when this
la goes into effect, the remainder of
Article 3. bears upon
tne state, lld pub, the herd law into
V For one county to have the herd law
Niperided, it must have some vahd ex-
i y law to support it and as that law
.been r. pealed, the herd law attaches
Nl"lklr 10 very county , the,
K This is tlie cond.tion of your
at present, with the herd law
Youro Very Truly; .
' "A . WM. Ldcse
AtUirowy UeiK,ruL
As to Mr. Mason's statement to the ef
fect tliat be made out the juipers
on the (ieo. James farm, I hojie
the Sipiire will not lie offended when J
hint that he is in error, as the deed was
placed in his liamls merely for acknowl
edgment by virtue ol Ins exalted onmai
canacitv. iustic e of theicae; but
wish to congi-atulate the Hon. gentle
man ujion the excellent manner in whic h
he executed his jail of the work, as be
seemed, niion this occasion, to lie a very
fpn liable child. To this article I will
attac h a couple of affidavits which will.
to some extent at least, show the eople
of Sioux county Mr. Masons false and
unprincipled attitude.
As to the contemptible and uncall
for insinuations which have apieared
from time to time in the Herald under
the "non de plume" of One Who Knows
accusing Thos. Devenport of forec losm
mortgages on poor men and otherwise
taking advantage of their limited cir
cumstances, I have only this to say:
have a record of every chattel loan
that he has ever made in Nebraska, and
I offer a reward of $50 for each and ev
erv instance of foreclosure in bis name
or for every dollar's worth of property
which has leen forcibly taken by virtue
of an v security or mortgage which he
has held.
Kor the lionefft of those who have not
seen the affidavit of Mr. Mason it is here
Crawford, Neb., March 9, 'f-9
I, James T. Mason, being duly sworn
on my oath state that alxnit the time
tliat Thomas Devenport bought George
James land, in conversation with me.
while making out the papers for said
transfer, said that "this piece of land
makes me the owner of sixteen hundred
acres of land in Dawes and Sioux count
James T. Mason.
Sworn to before me, a notary public
in and for Lawes count y, Nebraska.
Leroy Haix, Notary Public.
I, O. P. Devenport. of Crawford.
L;awes county, Nebraska, liemg duly
sworn according to law, herein state
that I was present at the residence of
Thomas Devenport, in Sioux county,
Nebraska, on the date and at the time
refered to by James T. Mason, when the
transfer of real estate was made from
Geo. James to Thos. Devenport, and
positively assert that the said Thos.
uevenjwrt did neither say or intimate
that he was the owner of 1600 acres
ueeoeu lands in iJawes and Sioux cout
les, and 1 further declare under oath
that tlie statement of the afore-
James T. Mason, justice of the peace, of
Ulen, hiou.x county, Nebraska, which
appeared in the Herald of March Ifith
is a willful and absolute fuU-hood.
Subscritied and sworn to U
SEAL fore me this 25th day of March
A. D. 1,-j.u.
W. II. Faxxku, Notary Public.
oiAifcOF .M-HRASKA, 1
I, Thomas tevennort. of Kion
Neb., being duly sworn it,:cor,Ung to Lew
(lennsp ind li.c t j- i .
' -i 1 uiu never, at any
time or place say to James T. Mason
that I was the owner of 1000 acres of
deeded land in Dawes and Sioux count
ies, Nebraska, and I berebv ,,..,..,.
J ..Vnt,. c
the (above) affidavit of James T. Mason
which apjieared in the Herald of March
JMh, as maliciously false.
Thomas i evexiiikt.
SubscriU-d and sworn to k-fore me
a notary public in and for the
SEAL county of Lawes, and state of
- Nebraska on this the 2a rd day of
March, A. a iHbi).
F. M. Damei,s, Notary Public.
In a recent Herald the Glen KiiW
says: "Wonder why i,eveiiiB,H ,1,.,,-c
deny by aflidavit the c harge of being the
owner of 1,(500 acres of land " i
answer I simply call his attention to
me awive affidavits.
Very Respectfully,
S 3
"The Wrong Pew.
bill tin- lilili of
Our enemies may tell you tltat thl. i. "tin- wnmg '' but
Are Here to Stay and do
We would respectfully call the attention of the public to 1 1 - I'.i. I
that we are prepared to make farm loans in
The Most Liberal Terms.
Final proof money advanced
Without Extra Charge.
H I-
The Res!
When yot 5
V C H c
I A R o
K K E o
S i' I
Or a Square Mk:
J. G. AftMSTUUNti, Pr-ul-.i,!.
Estray Kotice.
Taken on bv no t. i .
, . f v wiari;n 21st. 1.Hfl
at my place on nation 31, town j in
Posed to be 2 vur. ,.i,i urwt. up.
Oscar A. aartou.
X my ranch Rmti, i .
n - -"" i Jiamson.
itu-ec yearn old-lken or unbrofcei,.
iL cook.
Land Office business will receive SPECIAL ATTENTION
Contests Initiated,
Land filings made and a general law business transacted. We offer
you the advantage of several years suecwful practice before
the United States Land Oflic e. Will also do
A Locating Business. '
Collections made on all accessible iomts Abstracts carefully com
piled. Io your business
Where Business is Done!
Harrison, - - . NohmcVo
r -
of hare;
Trannacts a penwal Ike
Loans Money on ffi
The Harris:
EGGERT ROHWER. Propnet..,-.
-o !
' -
C. H. Andrews & CoM
-Dealers in-
Fine Toilet Goods,
W THIi Ciiy
B. E. Jinmmm, C. F. Vxirm.
rresident. Vu,e, pre
Commercial Bank.
General Banking Business
Attention t
Trade , . '
Best Accommodations
Fremont, Elkhorf
1 1,',
'The Northwestern Line" Wfi
Omaha, Sioux Ci p
I'uJ Infontmtion on Aliction to I
H. O. Bunt, Oeneral it;inWr
J. R. BrcBAjiiji, (hrovnl IW""1
--' " 1 - - ... vi ' , i, i,.'