tt:: - ' 7 i "i I -. Xile..-. I Hit i ' J aMrftsRka Foul ( -J own Kirbvui iahnsissii al fcitW.W awmaaaatty WaiM-CSl Pearl h m iMUtM I'MllItf,' polj. ;- ' U1"? I wfcrrCaewrla. ' end Ms taesi raefcria. lin a i-l 4 i ' f MUoriU fall whom i It eo:fc-. Mt, t; H'n-V'l ill tally. wly nptlfis Jit ia always Vaod the best J land i over t, on the fa- mal, every Bluffs and . se Mm 1 aVa4 Sasakctl ae- ' tJ-J Mticed to-day that yon Lave a-tlTti jy one cigar out of that box I 3 OB your birthday nearly six All. do von think I can smoke ixjarf I want to keep them as of your affection. VtftMaf ataure you I would feel just M WaJlifyou woulil imoke them. umauf But 1 fear 1 wouliln t Hmg- apulmcari. - D. T. Hntax Brehmkr, an eminent Qtnm authority, says: "Consumption fa always due to deficient nutrition of tta bfl, caused by bad blood." At tha Beoaapton Hospital for consump tive, London, England, a statement has bra paUiahed that 52 per cent of the patieata of that institution have unsus pected kidney disorder. This explains why tae propriotore of Warner's Hafe Cais) elatin that they hTe received taavr taatimnnials which they have not pa bushed, because of the incredulity with wliieh they would be received were it ehUmed that Warner's Safe Cure cures COUKuantioii. Iiutthe fact is that if TOW Udneys be cured and put in a Maltbjr condition they expel the uric acid aad poiwinoun waste matter, and praramt toe irritation of the delicate substances of the limprs, thereby remov iac tha cause. When the effect is re movad the symptom of kidney disease, which ii called contiiDiption, disappears, and with it the irritation, which it to wt ) If iffv 0 rmnhawl i tlie W-.. ia muck aflecl- I 11 1 iff iK in !'.. men I,,,, . ''Utvtr.t if to KdT IS ' 1 ' llif ns. if a rnllf wjf tioon. u tlttiltlM t i li r, oa3! i, lIr, iv Miah-amaf hull ma'am ancM.'aaea a It Mt iWw sj waas.-, T had fsirlt.W'" Hi. , U-ohoc Kvtlka,Vi ctt wittc ijut-'-k sMsa attr ttil i. - ,,ly boas .WaJS Wwlmpiti .w licrihmt plops rent in ol " litST ,0,MBsfcsaVaTt' Tri Jhr-iaaltwuii Will 0 the ceile Tlie cm' dude: toD.Mbj& I',cvolbt f . rim. 'a'ia,iai.,iai 'i' i'f'TwsattsBnr ) OIK U Onsnt .fw nrv ol ("fit SMIimii I ': bttTa?Z!5 .;re ii fcsi i in w aaa lajwisCw a row-N';1 CO., lite 4. '-tastTt nurtviv llrTm-t" 1 uni ImnNff I'OTltOd-J' Arru HiKll-l m Hoot-' I . The Kvolmlon of Kara. At araeent metii)fr of the Western 4fiaroaoopical club, of London, Prof. Stawart remarked that while we expect to Had the ears upon, the head in the larger animals, we look in vain for the aama arrangement in the lower inverte brate oreaturtK. Many of these, like UteaeaUop, have no head, others, like eraba and lolistcrs, have their ears plaead On their horns or antenna?, otli ere, like the f'reen grasshopper, liave the ear on Hie fore lc; others, like the fresh water shrimp, have it on the tail. Ia foot, it would s((!iu thiit in those low er forma of life, whose origin was Jong anterior to the evolution of man, nature waa feeling Jier way and making experi ments to the future position of the aenae organs. - Amu rain follows sunshine. Stop tuat cough and cure consumption by using Warner's Lop Cabin COUGH AND CONSUMPTION REMEDY and you n ill find the sunshine of health soon following. Two sizes, $1.00 and 80 eents. - ' lu tli Wrong Offlr. Feddler"5fy dear sir, do yon know how much time you lose dipping a pen into the ink? 'len dins a minute means 600 dip an hour or 0,000 dips in ten boors, and each dip consumes Bortness Man "Yes, I know: I have fcUWdit all out." Peddler "And vet I find von writing is the old way." Badness Man "Yes, I am using the fowtain pen yon "old me about a month go using it in the old way because it ml write in any other way." Jeddlar "Meg pardon: I'm in the jwgj office. Good day. New York A Luoky Haul.' (Tei.) Ball, Feb. a. Learning a few days ago that lot tery lightning had struck Marlin to tit tune of $5,000, and that Messrs. 'J, E. Johnson and Matt. Walker were "the lacky individuals, a Ball repre sentative proceeded to ascertain the truthfulness of the matter. We met Mr. J. E. Johnson in town last Satur day. There was nothing unusual in Ma countenance or demeanor, and he did not hesitate to state the facts. Mr. Johnson is a young man engaged fa the service of Mr. Walker on his ranches, for two years he has been in vesting a small sum in the Louisiana State Lottery, but the fickle goddess dl not smile upon him until last month. On Saturday before the drawing Mr. Johnson and Mr. Walker Wit up $25 each and purchased 50 imcMonal tickets. Hie money was acnt by Wells Fargo Express and reached its destination promptly be fore the drawing, in due time the tick eta were received and on examination it was found that they held one-twentieth of ticket No. 64,100, which drew ihevecond capital prize of $100,000. The ticket was placed in the Bank of Martin for collection and was prompt ly cashed on presentation, Mr. John aon receiving $2,500 and Mr. Walker (1,600. Mr. Johnson says he pro peees to continue investing a small fctnount every month. Mr. Walker hyjji been twice lucky, having drawn $900 in August last. i - . A medical aid society for self-supporting I has opened rooms in I'lulsdslplua. '"Ybe further extension ot the Tien Tain railway in China has been prohibited. r Tbs situation that has not its ideal was yet occupied by mnn. Carly l. SCI -. Sir? I 'w-t SS. - i WS,M UnfTl "iaowN's Bboncbui- Thocuks-' are vleaty known aa an admirable remedy for Bresjchitis, Hoarsenesi. Coughs, and Xikt troubles. Sold only in boxes. 'Kothing is so strong as gentleness; notb B(W o gentle aa real strength 1 I . U. WftlZS." Oai and alUr March 17th, 1689, Fin tjamBD Vestibulk ExrRcas Traimb a,iiltraa daily over the Orkit Rock Island BeVTC. leaving Umaha, 4:UU f. M.; coun til Koffs, 4:30 P. M.; Kansas aty, 6:30 t.U.; and Kt. Joseph, 6:30 P. 11. Maes I Brent equipment of Palace Day COMM. Sleepers, IHsIng Cars, and (be tifSa St. Joseph and Kansas City and Ai l C... 6..lll.. Ck.l. Can Hln. aat-Limlted through trains between and Pueblo (vlaCoiorarioHprtag,) Chicago. 'J heee trains are Vkstibui.kd, ad bv steam froa tbs locomotive, and have all modern improvements that eoa- dmm to safetv and comfort, liirnUbkng ua fMeased accommodations to paaMoger I fewest rates. "fWmpt Union Dvpot Conneetlons ia 061 with outgoing Past Trains for De- Jt, - Cleveland, Buffalo,, Pittsburgh, .adslphia, Baltimore, Waahlngton, Bos 5l.w York and aU points East. Save tend money, and set that your tickets f Ksst read via unciao, noes ibi-akb The Doable Doers at Tlptea. Going into Tipton, Ind., by rail, I shared my seat with a man who ex hibited a spirit of friendliness, and we soon engaged in conversation. Noticing that he was very nervous, I finally made bold to ask if he was skipping out with the funds of a bnnk or had lately chopped up his family, and he at once relieved his mind in a measure by replying: "Bless you, boy, I am as harmless aa a kitten! I own up to being nervous, and you could never guess the cause. I will tell you that I am on mv wav to Tipton to null off a! funeral. "What do you mean?" "I've been learning tlie undertak r business in Indianapolis. Served two years at it. Have helped the old man out on thirty or forty scrub funerals and three or four rirst-clas affairs, but this w ill be my first job all alone. It's my starter. Rich old brewer died yesterday and bis wife telegraphed for us to come down and pull off the business?" "But why are you nervoust,: "There's hall a dozen chances for a bad break. The parlor may be a small, tucked-up room, the minister may be late at the house, there may be a miscount as to the number of chairs and carriages. .I'll lie held for any plunder, you know. If the wid ow is rich, and I kndw she is she'll be watching me like a cat. She'll shed tears with one eye and watch out of the other. There'll be flowers to arrange, pall benrers to coach, the driver of the hoarse to instruct, and a dozen other things to lookout for. Ever in Tipton?" "No." "Wish you had been. Wish you knew tlie house. I'm dreadfully wor ried about the front door or doors." "How?" "Why, if there's only one door, I can't guarantee the job. Sure to lie trouble lieforo we got out. If there lire double doors, I'm all right, and will show those Tipton undertakers, who'll be on hand to watch and criti cise, something to be remembered forever. I'm iii a sweat over those doors, and you'll excuse me for any lack of interest in the Samoan ques tion or Harrison's policy." "I hope there are double doors." "Thanks. You exhibit the right spirit, and I can assure you that I appreciate your words. There ought to be a law that every house should liave double lront doors. If there was the undertaking business would become a work ot art inside of five years." Two weeks later I met him in ilianapolis, and ns he gripped my linnd, 1 asked him how he found things at Tipton. -"El-egant, beau-t.iful!" he exclaim- ?d. "Largest double doors in the State of Indiana, and Ipullod off the job so satisfactorily that the widow lent me an extra $50 as a present." In- The Grain of Bait. A lady finding a bepr-boy at her door gave him a meal of coffee, meat, and bread and butter, which he eat down in the area to eat. A moment af terward, however, he rapped beseech ingly at the door apain, and on its be ing opened remarked with his hand upon his heart, "If I had but a little salt 1 should be perfectly happy." Of course he sot the salt. Human nature is always lacking some thing. Oftentimes it were better off withont its wishes, yet it is universally conceded that no permanent enjoyment can be had without the savor of health, which keeps good cheer fresh and pre serves and sweetens life for the future. The gnat, ruddy farmer pines be cause he has not won fame or position. The famous man longs for the lusty health of the sturdy farmer. 1 he grain of salt is wanting. How to secure and retain the savor of health in the midst of this rushing, nervous, overworked generation is a problem worthy of our closest attention. It cannot be done with stimulants. which but spur on the over-worked nerves to fresh efforts, only to leave them more jaded and shattered. Nor with narcotics, which temporarily soothe, but to create an unnatural appe tite, the terrors of which a De (juincy has so graphically portrayed. It may be asked, what is the cause of this extreme nervousness, lack of appe tite, lung trouble, deficient heart action, falling eyesight, apoplectical tendency, etc. We reply, poisoned blood, caused br diseased kidnevs. and the troubles indicated are aftsr all, but symptoms of advanced Kidney Disease, which is but another name for Bright s Disease. Un less remedied there will be a complete breaking down of the great blood-puri fying or?ans, the kidneys, and they will be excreted piecemeal, through the urine. Now, in the spring ot the year, owing to the extra work which has been put upon the hidnevs and Liver, through meat diet during the winter months, these symptoms are more pronounced, and the danger to the patient corre spondingly increased. It is therefore imperative that the poisoned blood be eradicated, and that the Kidneys be put in corupleto health, which can be speedily and effectually accomplished by the use of Warner's Safe Cure, a tried and provod specific in hundreds of thousands of cases. Pursuing the path we have marked out vou will poskpsh the salt of content without which life's banquet is "flat, stale and unprofitable." A Century. New York Herald: One hundred years is not much in the history of a nation. But three generations have passed away since King George concurred in our declaration of inde pendence, and we are therefore at the very beginning of our career as a people. As the direction which the bullet takes when first it leaves the gun, liowever.determiiies its course toward or away from the target, so the be nign or evil influences political, social, commercial which control our country to-day are a kind of prophecy of our future. II we may judge by the longevity of other governments we arc still in the halcyon days of our national youth; nre indulging in the visions, and perhaps the follies,which are incident to that period. We havesimply begun tomakepi-e-parations for a work to be finished a thousand years hence. We have millions of acres waiting for the hardy courage which will ultimate ly subdue them. Our magnificent .dreams are growing impatient to turn tho mill wheels of factories yet unbuilt. The western and southern hills and valley hold unmeasured treasures which our children's skill will force from their hiding places. Sixty millions of people are but a handful in comparison with the population which will crowd into these large areas of waste and wiI- derness when we shall have lieen "silently laid to rest with our fore fathers. Thestatesmnn'sdrcam of the future republic goes even further than this. To his mind our manifest destiny will not reach its glorious comsum ruation till with our right hand we grasp tho frozen north and with our left the torrid territory of Mexico and Central America. How to Keep Lent. The true forte of the emancipated mind is to self denial and self-sacrifice for others. The man who goea withont what he wants and denies himself of needed comforts to meet his obligations and help the poor keeps the true Lent. The woman who turns her bock on some great temptation and sacrflces her pride and time and cares for the sick and destitute is the true Lent keeper. Long faces are no longer in order. People have no liking for tho nisty that makes one look as though he had the colic and talk as though there was a grave stone in his lungs, ftivdnees is no part of sanctity, and the Lenten season should bo aa cheerful as great hopes can render It, and filled wieh overflowingjoy. worn obuckbw ciomi. Frozen Iflllk. The agricultural society of France has been shown by M. Gueriu that fresh milk may be easily transported to the most distant places in a frozen state, the freshnexs being retained for an in definite period. When thawed, though days and weeks after freezing, the milk is said to equal new for cooking, yield of cream, production of butter aud cheese, aud in all other respects. Time Rolls Its Ceaseless Coarse. Invention see been eacoeeded bx iaveatioa, leading U Uia benefit ef mankind; till Terjp lements bare beooaoe aabeerviest te his wtU. Witness the winged lightning; trained to become a fleet and trait meaaeager, the plaeid water converted into a power, the Ilk of which aor oaeaea the.anderetandinc The conning, craft sad ingenuity ef maa hare achieved weadera (er bia amelioration, eomfsrt sad reootramente. Under this cannectiea it mar not be oat at place to note at what aervioe Dr. Had war has been to hta fellow man in diacovering and com pounding, aate and reliable Hedlcinee for the Belief of pain, and for the enre f diaeaae. Dr. Radwar'e llediclnea ae long and favorably known to the public, have never been mere pep alar than at the preaent time. Their exoellence xtenda all over the world. They are alike wel comed b the rich aa by the poor. In all proper ly ateretl homea Radway't Keady Relief, Baraa parilliaa Resolvent er Radway'a Pilla are Bore to be foand. Dr. Radway'a Hedicinea caa at all times be relied npon, each to perform its proper function. Radway'a Ready Relief ia a sore antidote for pain, isqnickerin ita operation, end more pow erful than any other preparation; while it ie en tirely froe from the daugerone effect ef many which numb the aeusee and clog the escalation. Radwny's l'esdy rlolief ia safe, reliable and ef fectual bocaae uf the stimulating action which it tiertt over the nerves and vital powere of the body, adding tone to the one, and inciting to re obw.'iI and increased vigor the slambering vital ity of the physical structure, and through thia healthful stimulation and increased action, the cause n f the l'ain is driven away, aud a natnral condition restored. It ie thus thst the Heady Relief in so admirably adapted for the core of psio and without the risk of injury which ia sure to result from the use nf muuy of the so-called jicin rni'tiiw of the day. ltMiwey'a Utrssimiiljian Resolvent Is the great Mcfiiral l-Hscuvery of the age for the cure of chronic dinfasw, such ns Scrofula in all its forma, Kyohilis with its Iruoirnduus traiu uf evils, aud t maneotio diarnsr-e of all kiuOs, often to diffi cult to cure ami yet so formidable sn antagonis tic to good haHii end to good looks. Had amy's Pills the only reliable substitute for Crtlorricl or Mf-ri-nry, are ftill the people's favor ite vuiKtivi'S; and ft sure cure for costiv-nes, indiK.iion. pnipitation and ttie kindred die chss of the bow-Is, liver and atomach ihut re mit from over eating or one of improper food or improper nee of stimulants, or overflow ef bile in the blood, aud ail cases where a purgative cathartic, aperh ut or laiative Medicine is re quired. Dr. Itariwaya Slodicinee can be had ot any Lruiicist or at most of the country stores. Add a little boiling vrnter to the bog swill ho as to take the chill off. For two twn-cent stamps we will send vou one ol the handsomvet Hlinitmic in the country. "Homestead," Uuiaha, Neb. For the Hike ot one good action a hun dred evil one ehnuld be forgotten. Mrlv-lly Rllelneee. Old (lent "I understand, sir in fact, 1 know you and my daughter are edging very rapidly toward matri mony." Penniless Suitor "It is true, sir; and although I am obliged to confess it will have to hn a case of love in a cottage, I hoe " "Say no more. Love in a cottage is tho true ideal of happiness. Yon have ny consent " , "Oh, thank y oil!" "Providing you can show me the deed for the cottage. Good day. "New York Weekly. Bcwara cl OlatmeaU for Catarrh That Vonaalai Hercarf , As Mercury will certainly destroy thssens of smell and completely derange the whole System when entering it through the mucus Surfaces. Such articles should never be used sxcept on prescriptions Irom reputa ble physicians, as tbs damages they will do are ten fold to tbs good you can poesi Mr derive from thsra. Hall's Catarrh Curs, manufactured by F. J. Carney & Co., Toledo. 0., contain ae mercarr, and Is taken iaUraally, aaa acte directly npan the blood aad, mueas surface of the sys tem. Ia baying Hall's Catarrh Cure W sure you get tb genalas, it ia taken In ternally aad mads la Toledo, Ohio, ky F. -T (scy & Co. TdeU by Druggist, pries 7Se per hot Us. ' I tceammsnd est lure S, Sheboygan, Via, bar. U, I have aasd St. Jacobs Ofl au with frees sae eeas. Every fowl eaTeeted with the disease we eweC by a aa4 tt as a sat can. It baa saved . A. KCEfNB, laser as Pin Powta Diamond Vera-Cura FOK IIVNPKI'MIA. An all avroaUia iftotii.n stc i.t licVffeatiB. bar btoanici. Ueartbara, Nsuv. G'.l dlufaa, Comtlailn. FnHne-i aft-r faMnf. food RlatnaT Id ttof Motif ti tad Liasrreiija) tuaie .ttT fttlDf. ISercoutDeti mitd Low tplr.u. 0ficts. 5 bojce (1 Otii in tiainpt. san.pU teat un rtctipt qf 2-Cernf Siamp. j THE CHARLES A. YtK.hl.r.P. CO . lialilmorr, Md. ' er J liaSTv rtTX. It I!, r mm mm AUiOSTASPAlJCABLE AS MUX. 4ji,!So dilfuiMd that the mott dalicavt atomach cab tike it. Ly-9 i-: v Kemarkable aa a -wa-LKSH PRODUCER. 'Persona rapidly SCOTT'S EMULSIOR Is acknowledged by Physlclsn to be the l iutU and lint preparation for the roller of CONS V MP TION, S('nOfVLA,OK KRAT. DKnil.fTT, WASTIXO DISKASIS OF CUILDHKy, and CHROtIC VOIKIUH. aix D.oaoiaTs. g00tt 4 owne, New York. MOTHERS'! FRIENil Makes CHILD BIRTH W ip uaio aiFoaa CONFINEMENT. OK TO "Votmsrs ' alirxiDOlTRas. IliSriILS BESCLAToa CO.. ATLATa4a. SeLO IT ALL DSHSIBISTS. mm i Ely's Crtam Balm, Price 60 Cents. WILL CURE CATARRH Apply Balm fito a h ooatrit. KI-T BROft., fie Virtw Ht.. N. Y. 'TOOIOADAYI i aSBERTa WAaTtDl 1 J caav ffcistmiu rasa. TT IWlresrster's Safety tletn Holders OIVIN AWAY le Iftre dnce theOL Svery horse ewner haye rtesa 1 to e. Maee sever aecer eeree'e f "et. SeeSKente Ie stamps to ey Ptaee aad peeklaf lor Nlcalc latea Ha pie that sella for et nnu. Address, Brewitor Mf g 0o., Hall j, Mich. Baby Carriages; We naaufactn-.a to sell direct te private sar tlea. and Uellver free of chare within 700 mlle of Ohlc-niro. Snd for CUligi. CUA. KAISEU. Mfr.. SI 4 UrWe i. talesa. the most car fain and safe Pain REMEDY In the world that instantly stops the most excruciating; istruly the great CON QUEROR OF PAIN, and has done more good than any known remedy. For Sprains. Bruises. Backache,. Pain in tha Chest or Sides, Headache, Toothache, or any other External Pain, a few applications rubbed on by tha hand act like magic, causing the pain to instantly stop. For Congestions, Inflammations Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Colrl in the Chest, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Lum bago. Sciatica, Pains in the Small of the Back, eic. more extended, longer continued and repeated applications are rtt cessary to ettscl a cure. iflDVAV'S READY RELIEF. In&tantly relieves and quickly cures all INTERNAL PAINS, Cramps, Spasms, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Vom iting, Heartburn, Nervousness, Sleep lessness, Sick Headache, Diarrhoea, Colic, Flatulency, Fainting, Spells. Sold By Druggists. 60 Cents a Bottle. 20 PRiZE STALLIONS Percherens and French Coachera, RESERVED FOR SPRING TRADE, TO BS PLAfSD On Sale March 25, 1889. Tim fUIliont we Prtte WtnDervaltbe lhr frvat Hnrt Gbowiot Fraec?, ISA. 1 have found each year that a number of my ufltTBBri could not coDTuintly buj uutil lat In lavntjaioD aud It waa to acronoiodat tbesa that 1 lut fTtsllraada a reaarra of Twii of sir ft ialllwB01 Old eaaagh for Jtar;.co. nbUh will ba piucKd on tala March tt being my determination to eontrol my la.portatioiia tkal I ran offer aurcbaaen a flrflUclau Moraa aay day 1m the year. A alltfB.etwry Irudlig JBa.raal flvea, wltb Baci Ailaal Saldt. M. W. DUNHAM, Wayne, Illinois. Tkirtv-Sve Miles West of -bteaeo no taa Chteasa k Nurth-Weilern KaUroed. EMI by return mall, fall descriptive draulaxa of mm i vaiiaa tnrtii irWcturriM. Aaj lad of ordl aary lntelll(ance can easily and ulcklj leara te cut aad aaaM aav (araseat, re aay strle te mmf aseseurcforlaar crekllS.Adarea tenor VCQ. Ciaelaacti, 0. J Wu tit 1 I WELL DRILLS, FOR ALL PURPOSES. Have made Z f t.m minute with the AUSTIN e TRIUMPH. Send Kc. for maUlna; aavaae Catalogue. F. C. Austin Mfg. Co. COM. CARPCNTC! BT. AND CARROLL AVE. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. A W. N. U., Oinaba, Tlie uiciu who hats inrrteii (row tbrre to Are dollars in a Rubber Coat, and hi his first half hour cipt-rience ia at itxinn finds to hi sorrow that it it hardly a better protection than a m quito nettinf, not enlr feels chafiined at being so badly take a ia, but alto feels tf be does not look exactly Ilka AJk tor the "FIHH It HAND" Slicker lllBaV 111 and take iiootlier, if your storekeeper doe not hare the fimihrand, scud for desrriptfTecatalojrae. A.J.Towkr, 20 Simmons St., Boston. Mass. We rlt-r Hit' muii who wm.lf .ervl (not tytvie) a Karuieiit tltvtt Mill keep ' aa aa m aaaaj ffaajB him dry in ttif hardctit Pturni. It in 1 flff mm I tailed TOWKk'S hl.SH I'.kANl) UU CL I SI.K'K KK,' atiametuimilartoc'vtjry m Cow-boy all over tlie land. With them ft. tlie only perfect Wind and Waterproof mm WLm 111 Coat is " 1 ower s Kinh Brand SUckej.-1 niaatlll MIRACULOUS RESTORATION. That dainty lady trippins; by. How )iht her step, how br1ht her eye. How fresh her check with healthful (low, Uke roses that In Msytlme Mow' . And yet few weeks have passed away Since she was fading, day by day. The doctor's skill could naufht avail; Weaker she grew, and thin and pale. At last, while in a fcoprlces frame, One day she said, " There is a name I've often wen a remedy Perhaps 'twill help; 1 can but try.' And so, according to direction. She took Dr. Pierce's Favorite PrescrtptioBa And every baleful symptom fled. And she was raised as from the desd. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prew.rlrvtlon ie the world-famed, lnvijtoratinp; tonic and nervine, carefully compounded by an experienced aud skillful physician, and adapted to woman's delicate organization. It is purely vegetable mid perfectly harmless in any condition of the system. It Is tho only medicine for the dis tressing weaknesses and deranfrements peculiar to women, Hold by dnircists, under a potitive guarantee, from the manufacturers, that It will rive satlitfactioB in every case, or money will be refunded. This guarantee has been printed on the bottle-wrappers, and faithfully carried out for many yean. Copyright, IMS, by World's DisraisAKT Mbdicai. Association, Proprietors.' " Dr. Pierce's Pellets, or Anti-bilious Granules, are Laxative or Cathartic, according to size of dose. WW CeaHja 'I