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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1889)
SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL W. B. PATTBBMN, Mlwr. HARRISON. NEB. iBODT NEBRASKA. Sheridan county baa the only fe male deputy sheriff in the state in the person of Mrs. E. J. Kosecrans, wife of the iheriff, whose appointment lias been approved by the county commissioners. At Wahoo a young man named George Hazlett attempted to board an east-bound freight train while in mo tion, bat missed his hold and fell be tween the cars. The wheels of one cat passed over his legs below the knees, mangling them in such a manner as to ' render amputation necessary. Hi. chances for recovery are doubtful. Burglars entered the store of J. Olne at Norfolk, and stole $300 worth of goods. The town board of Obiowa bat agreed to pass an ordinance compelling all lot owners to plant at least three shade trees in front of each lot. There are ten prisoners confined in the Gags county jail. Mayor Broatch gives it out cold that he will permit no gambling in Omaha no matter what the legislature may do with the law in the case. The Hebron pork packing house, under the management of a new firm. Hill Lieaoh, hare commenced opera' tion. The Congregationalist of Clear water have commenced the erection of their new church. W. G. Boston, prominent bard' ware merchant at David City, has lost his reason. He wandered away from home and was found at 3 o'clock in the morning near Garrison, having walked all night in the heavy mud. His de rangement is caused by overwork, and u thought to be onlv temporary. The Hebron creamery company ex pect to have their building completed and be ready to receive cream by about May l. The Christian church of Hebron have their plans completed for the erec tion of a new building. The estimated oost is $7,500. Ihe corner stone of the Christ church (Episcopal), at Beatrice, was laid on the 17th. No houses to rent and many appli cants is the condition of things at An rora. The farmers of It is ex will be en his work there The 700, the amount necessary for the securing of a general secretary for th. V M fi. A. at Fairbury, has all been pledged, and State Secretary N has been notified ot me same. pected that the secretary gaged ana enter upon soon. Peter Jensen, of Jefferson county, last week began the shipment of 7,000 t.t .tioon tn Chicago. He made ar- F.nntnli with the Rock Island for special train each week until the entire shipment is mass. Cheyenne county are preparing to sow a larger acreage oi wueai uua spring man ever before. A beautiful boquet appears on the flesk of Representative Hays, deceased. voty morning. The Masons of Fairbury have tem porarily abandoned the project of erect ing a urea-story building. George A. Smith, having been ap pointed postmaster at Long Pine under the new administration, has commenced Ike erection of a two-story briok 25x00 feet The first floor will be fitted up for ihe finest postoffice west of Fremont, while the second story will be fitted up M a hall for the Masons and Oddfellow. Much building is talked of at North Platte, and several large contracts for Dries: nonces win soon be let. Patrick Ryan, the Grand Island man who was so badly frozen recently, is alive and doing well, but both of his feet have been amputated. Captain Asbby, of Beatrice, has re ceived and rejected nn offer of $5,000 for his trotter. Chit wood. The MadUou Chronicle remarks that it is quite common these days to notice a vacant lot in the morning and before night to see a building going up on it. The Norfolk business men's asso ciation received a letter from James P. Teller, president of the Yankton, Nor folk & Southwestern railroad, stating that if the city would vote its share of $75,000 lionds the road would be built W. W. Marple was sent to Yankton to confer with the business men of that city. The Beatrice board of trade is ne gotiating to secure the location of large engine and machine shops. The senate committee on the indus trial home reported favorably without reduction the house bill anuronrintinv $31,000 for the erection of the south wing to the Milford institution, in cluding the completion of the heating and lighting apparatus of the same, and for a barn and stable. A Lincoln special says it is now known that Eric Erickson, the young Swede who died at his home six miles north west of Lincoln about a week ago, came to his death from a woond re ceived at the hands of a prostitute who resided in that city. His death at the time was supposed to have been the re sult of sickness. The deceased, how ever, just before his death gave np the truth to a friend, but refused to name the party who struck the blow or locate we place. The citizens of Grand Island have organiied a base ball association and will join the inter state league. -South Omaha grocers have formal an organisation to protect one another Br. A. W. CotiMtt. D. D., of tk fvova wsisv Vft MUMU g ? ?wnr,i BeiiPt member of - unicoH ui rjrwias, that organise, attended church in body to hear Irst sermon. BtJl boys at David City have been f themselves of late by putting , m oap notices, warning different I 'to quit their iniquities. It has K "" easily frirbteaed naonW . . J a, . 7 " 7 . few more ereouow of the M only white eaps known w Anew worn by old maids, i old grannies in the night to. oldest tima. ' 1m wkI; Mkl approved bond wen of secretary of state -Rotating the Nebraska Secret eri Ire Service, with head qnartanati and the object of the aesockt t. "act and punish crim inals. lt I v given in the sum of 101099 fef I o wfol and legal per formasMw Cl a.- , A town site has been platted in Lin coin county at Brady island and a store V,c tiAn Imilt bv Trenton parties. At Waterly on the night of the 19th a young man named Fitzsimmons struck a man over the head with a billiard cue, from the efforts of which be died soon after. The murdered man leaves a wife and threa children. Fitzsimmons we arrested. The following postmasters were ap pointed in Nebraska during the week ending March 16, 1889: Cambridge, Fur nas county, Ephraim E. Bee; Clear water. Antelope county, J. F. Fannen; Corbin, Box Butte county, ItoDert B. Gregg; Ewing, Holt county, John A. Wood; Harrison, Sioux county, Samuel H. Jones; Hooper, Dodge county, Wm. C. Hecker; Humphrey, PJatte county, J. L. Robinson; Ong, Clay conuty, A. R. Rudd; 1'lainview, Pierce count)-, J. L. Stevens; Sargent, Custer county, William Shannon. Two young men were lodged in jail at David City, charged with robbing the Merchants' and Farmers' bank at Linwood. At a hearing given them at Linwood, each was placed under fl.OOO bonds, and failing to give the required bail were broi'ght to the county seat for safe-keeping till the next session of the district court for Butler county, which meets in May. The executive committee of the state Sunday school association met at the Capital hotel, Lincoln, last week, and formnlated a programme for the coming convention to be held in Te eiimseh June 11 to 13. B. F. Jacobs, of Chicago, will probably be present, as els. j v'her eminent Sunday school workers. "There is something rotten in Ne braska," remarked a senator at Lincoln. The contract for the new boilers at the Lincoln hospital for the insnne was let the other day, and ft friend of mine, who came too late to bid, says lie would furnish the same outtit for $:j,000 less than the figure named in the contract. He says that that would .be his figure ithout competition, and he could go even lower." Last week T. J. Ferguson, a prom inent attorney of Alma, was hung in effigy to his office sign and placarded. giving him sixty days to settle business and leave town. The demand for dwelling houses at West Point exceeds the supply. -Ex-State Treasurer Willard has commenced work on his new residence to be built in Park Place addition to Hebron The Salvation army has taken up quarters in South Omaha and will see what can be done for the regeneration of that wicked town. The Maaonio lodge of Grand Island went to Beatrice to assist in laying the corner stone of the Episcopal church in the latter place. An order is to be issued tor a bond election in Norfolk, the amount being 830,000, in aid of the Yankton, Norfolk Southwestern railroad. It is now considered definitely settled that the road will be built, the only thing re maining before work is commenced be ing the raisin? of $75,000 at Norfolk, Yankton and along the line. This will undoubtedly be done. A Lawrence (Mass.) dispatch says: The police have discovered that the man nnder arrest here for larceny is Charles Lincoln, wanted in Nebraska, where lie was sentenced to life imprisonment for murder. His sentence was reduced to eighteen years, of which he served ten and escaped. He is held in $800 to the superior court. A senator who has been invh. gating the demands of the state institn- tions for fuel and lights has prepared statement which makes the following showing: Thirteen institutions ask fne uel and lights, U4,00; allowing $1,000 i year for Hsrhti flf PUViireiTitti(in fil 000; leaves for fuel, $118,500. This will" urmsu more tuan five tons of coal per (lav TS atili " I 4L. ' .'. . ' --j . i ula institutions, or ten tons per day for 184 days in the year. The board of public lands and build ings met last week to settle with the workmen and material men, for work done and material furnished on the state house. Fifteen per cent of the moneys appropriated and set apart to Pay for the capital building was kept back by the board when the final settle went was made with the contractor. lUis- was done to give time to investi gate for loose joints and hit and mine work in general It would seem from .jiiub oi uie uoard that none haa been found. Alfred Brosaord, Frenchman lr. tag near Campbell north of Red Cloud, mysteriously disappeared from horn January 10, and all effort to find him , 1, ,B wunr MM' week when the body was diaeovsred by accident, lying on the open prairie about ona hundred yards from tha mA nr. ... twentyneight year old, well-to-do and uarnou. The house has decreed that the live toek commission will have to go, which will effect wring of bont $80,000 to H , The ,UU etrinrin and Ure stock inspectors t stock yards will t retained and the other features of n law stneken out. J-Bloon keepers of Omaha are fag. Waning the mayor to rescind his or- -n7 satoons oa Sunday. Hi. honor offers no esMourasemant t hZ "a" the thirsty will look to -In the event of Captain Hammond' removal as eoramendant at the soldiers' at Grand Island, petition to forwarded to the governor Fn...u THE MEMMIA E11 MB NOV. endorsing a old soldier, a resident of N.KSk. lorwenty years, a boeineas man and at 'WMtooTnaMadsrof LyoapoetG. A. R. In thelenate on the 16th the bona bill repealing the free range law was nasaed leaving the herd law in force aU over the state without the power count- to suspend it This is to pro tect the homesteaders of northern and western Nebraska from the cattie herd. Tn rv,mmittee of the whole the following m,r,n.U.t for nassae, all una , .... . ... - - - , m,ires: Cadv's bill for a boun o nl l rent ner pound on beet sugar the bill allowing plate glass in.uranee ;. .,'th H10(10 capital to do business in Nebraska, the limit for all foreign insurance cominie now being $200,000, and the bill providing that the charges for the keeping of hv stock shall be a lien upon such animals, ine committee of the whole recommended the issage of the following bills: Au tlKirizing the state treasurer to transfer to the general fund 1120.000 now in tue inline hospital fund, inquiring ion and building associations from other t. r etirj.ka assfioifttions doiug business in counties other than tli"S9 in which they are organized to "M $100,000 worth of securities with the cvrotjirv of state, but the limitation nr.t nimlv to the lending of money. In the house Caldwell moved to take on fth a iiironnj4tions lor ine HUiu.cin uu ilnra liom nil (I moved to insert there in an item of 15.000 for hospital ml $5,000 for five double cottages. Hunirate's motion to fit the amount at 10.OX1 was adopted, and Scoviile movd to insert nn item of 1 1.000 for an ele vator, which was accepted, and the item d ir.fKKl for additional wings was stricken out and the bill approved. The expenses of the commissioners of pub lic lands and bnihlinirs were pasw-dover after several ineffectual efforts to lop off leveral items. The expenses for the hospital for the asylum at Lincoln were reduced as follows: General repairs and amusements from 810,000 to $1,000; greenhouse from $5,000 to $2,000. The items of $', 000 for improving grounds, and $4,600 for changing heating appar atus were stricken out. McBride moved to increase the salary of employes ot the capitol from $11,740 to 217.040, and gave as a reason that it was the desire of the governor and necessary to meet the expenses of the enlarged building. The governor sent in a special message and the bill recommended by the late meeting at St Louis in regard to the beef combine; also a bill to regulate trusts, prepared by delegates of the western states st the recent convention. In the senate on the 18th the follow ing bills were passed: Requiring fire in sarance companies to give each policy bolder a certificate copy of b;? applica tion whenever the policy is based on an application. Authorizing plate glass in surance companies with $100,000 capital to do business in Nebraska. Providing that foreign corporations mav become incorporated in Nebraska by Sling their articles of incorporation ith the secre tary of state. The Cady Lease !ill pro viding for a bounty on beet sugar. In committee of the whole the following measures were recommended for pass age: Amending the agricutural society law to make it imitoatible for county boards to evade the payment to suc societies of the fees ordered in that law. AjpropriHting $171 for the reimburse ment of Pawnee for excuses in collect ing certain taxes. Requiring a mort gagor to get the written consent of the mortgagee before selling murtgagftd property. Cushing's bill allowing courts to grant or refuse injunctions on Sunday. Appropriating $13,000 for the Peru normal school. Appropriating 31,000 for the Milford home for fallen women. For letting the state printing by contract in job lots. In the house Governor Thayer sent in a message withdrawing his trust bills in troduced Saturday, and stated that he was not aware that the subject is already covered !y bills now landing. The appropriation bills were taken up in committee of the whole. The following ltenw of excuse for the state lioard of transiKirtation were allowed: TVt.' telegraph and express, $500; stationery and printing, $2,500; traveling expenses, $750; furniture and carnets. W): nfll. cers' fees in serving process, $100. The amount recommended by the commit tee for the fish commission and the state board of pharmacy were allowed. Cady moved to reduce the items revenue books and blanks. 20 000 ts o nnn which was adopted. 'I he item nf '. 000 for conveying convicts to the peni tentiary and juvenile offenders to the reiorm school, on motion of Swartaley. was reduced to :l fton fin ,,i; ,.t C " ....... U.V'hii'U ui aay, the exjiensa of printing law jour nals and miscellaneous matter under contract was reduoed from $25 000 to $18,000. Everett moved to strike out the item of $35,784 65 in favor of W. YL a. Stout for interest on ranita! fnn1 warrant. Carried bv Sfl In Hi lln,,.a roll 484, the salary appropriation bill, was taken up. Corbin moved to reduoo the salary of the eovernor'a nrivatA .- retary from $1,800 to $1,700. Lost In the senate on the 19th the follow ing bills were ised: Making laud rent a lien on crops; requiring counties to pay for the printing of the district court bar dockets; limiting iustices of the peace in metropolitan cities to six; limiting legislative employee to sixty six in the senate and aevsnty-five in the house; regulating loan and building as sociations, and the constitutional amend ment ior railway commission ap pointed by the governor. The senate took up its social order, consisting of two house measures intended to correct the irregularities in tha taxation. On wan fVirlkin'a Kill making it unlawful for aaaAaanr. tn nrn irorrtT at leas than foil value sr.,; fixing beavv fines for violations. The other was Morrisaey's bill fixing the rate ?JL .J..111 ord,r to Tite le valuation. jiwuiuswere indefinitely postponed. Ihe committee of tn whole approved SbJate1"?5. "Poison school district taxes; providing that the -Buwr uitHwngs oi me board of super visors .hall be Lid the first Tuesday in January and tha Tn.t. -. .i.- tSi 25S!.,,dy. in . Jnne; relative to elec- .ur, u, eiect mperriaor for two year instead of one : relative to th. mil. age and per diem of supervisors; relative wnum ana official nallL T ik. hM.u :1 . . " " " STIT". --erBiiOB wa rammed of Kenerai .ropriaU.n bin. There- for ik. .li7i "wrepnaiion jor mm Hate mWeraity, wss aabetttniMl fe estimate in he rntS biL w Penti farm and g'60?'OT trading, which was locate M In aonaMaaU i l. w 10 v" nuurr of th mm.u asjvwaj: from S1.SO0 to $1.0 .and then to $i,, I l ioO suMivly. and all were ae a.Dd -T, l Reuses of the office of ZUry J staU, were considered the deputy from $1.WI m ,he bookkee, r from t to . j which carried -38 to 84 ' . 1 , deputy ftW.P'T'V.-.ri- ol I elerks and bookee:er iu i immUoner. of public lands and , arh re.Iuced from W , W " Va evening session was held at 1 ,th . bill toprot.-ct hotelkeeper. from 1 i i..uU.iuiiniii travelers. rom he of lnii! to imposition i;v V.V7Valuabl ami limiting tueir iiliy - , stolen from tf. room, of Letf was recommended for P0- m tne .euate on the 20th, several bill amending th. law governing counties under township organiaation were libed, and the senate went into com mittee of the whole to consider the pro- ... 1 .n 1.nt i-rmll. ioei ronsiiiuuoimi nmruuunu. i- ii" the investment of the state rma entsclnMd fund in regi.-tered s."hoid ditnct Docaa. iu mended for paasage by a vole of 14 t IX 1 l.ill lt tllA Jlie senate - state printing on contriu-t in jd lolsand went into committ-ee of the whole. 'Ihe lull to appropriate y-iy.w i"r wuu un pw Imil.lings for the Beatrice institu on for feeble minded children was in I'tiniteiy iw.stiued. The senate passed the following house bills: Prohibiting flicial court rejw.rters from practicing lun ; requiring the written consent of mortgagee to dispose oi iroerty uuwt lmttel mortgage; legalizing tUe Mtato liairymen's aMsociation, and appropriat ing 81.000 annually tnereior. wim .tead's bill for the Australian election svstem was killed ly a vote oi rj u is. In the house Hall's maximum tariff bill ran tuL-i-n tin iii commit ee of tlie whole. Hall moved an amendment, eiiiMiwer- ng the railroail commisnon by a luiir- tifths vote to raise the established rate Jieuever it is proven that the existing ate is not remunerative to the roads, but authorizing a mere majority to re- uce the rate when found to be exces sive ot exorbitant. 1 tie amendment nas adopted and the bill reported Inu k that it do pass. Senate tile 1", the bill repealing the live stwk commission, wo. nLUn ... 'II, A Mimmilll B fitlkl and reported t'hc bill lack uinl jlaynr-r uoveit to indetuuteiy ostone tne oni, laiiuing that tho provision authorizing the state veterinary surgeon to coon the farm of a citizen and kill his stock without compensation, is clearly uncon stitutional. The reimrt ws adopted. The appropriation bills wi re again con- id. re l. Caldwell movi d to insert the item of $.V,44 for interest on state war rants in the gemrnl appropriation bill in fuv,,r ,,f V 11 It 'I I,. fit al vote resulted, yeas 4H, navs 42, and the .i i - auitTuoiiieni. rnrrieo. x u appiotfiia- ion of $0,0o0 for the eines of the iva stork ai-enta was atrirken out and $10,000 for eii-eiiHcs of the state veter inarian Biilwtituted. Jlall moved to add t-'iO.OoO for insurance of tste bnildi.ngs, which was losL and H20 to cancel ex isting iKilicie. inserted. In the senate on the 21st after a lone and determined fight the constitutional amendment authorizing the investment of the state public school fund in regis tered school district bonds was defeated. Baker's registration bill iisjumiI Tim committee of the whole approved the house bill allowing awistnnts to the at torneys of longlae and Lancaster coun ties on Rnnointment of vimmiuhioum In Douglas $2,500 may be appropriated ior sucu assuuuta and in Ijancaster $1,000. The appropriation bill for new buildings at the industrial acliru-,1 at Kearney was amended by reducing the amount from $75, (XX) to t-50,000 and cut ting out the building for kitchen, dining room and chnoel. Johnson's Imnm, r, m- olution directing the railroad commis sioners to make a schedule of freight rates to jirevent discrimination led to a three-hour debate. The retuilntion . mains on the general filo and will prooauiy ie defeated. In tlie house, consideration was had of the L'eneral annrotirinliin bill A ,r,. tion to strike out the claim of W. II. U. Stout for S.5,784.6.5 for interest on war rants was lost by a vote of ;j7 to 41. The bill was then reported back to the bouse with the recommendation that it do pass as amended. Helaney moved to strike ouv me sj.uyu house rent Ior the gover nor. Lost. The aiioronrittlion of (! . 100 for support of the militia was adopted. The cxensea of the board of educational lands and funds, supreme court, state library, normal school nnd penitentiary were adopted. The ex- )cnhC8 of the hospital for the insane was reached and McBride moved to amend HV ilisertill" for general i,.,,.r,.... and repairs $0,000 instead of $1,000 wuicli was lost by 84 to !i7. Stirk moved to adopt the retort of the committee on exiienses ft r tlie fn !,. i. .v.. ...a IllWtllU at Norfolk, which carried. When the expenses of the feeble minded institute at Beatrice were resched, Wyman moved to insert $40,000 for kitchen and other buildings, which was adopted. Johnson movea to smite out the item of $12,500 for S 000 copies of the revised statute Which waa loat Sb..!, ...!,..,;.. i . ' amendment providing that all printing p'""."' ue oni suouia be let to tlie juweiii iiuKier, which preveried by Urge majority. Ihe senate amend ments to house roll f5l, the Baker regis- lMllin V..II a O ..-Muu Kill, tiero concurred amendmenU provide that the bill shall apply only to cities of 2,500 and upwrd. In the senate on the 23d the follow.-. measures were recommended for pas. ge: A houan bill nmnJi.. it... . - ""uiii uw lun Jened for publio work ordered in the -i ce set amde for the payment of bond issued for ,!. . Kner s immigration bill, which pro- ininteraat ('.i'.i.:n,i m"f a . t t " me reguia- t'-T The Unln charter nTi i 2 ,rom "ottittee on v. . "cw wuuuings at the Kearuejr rel rm Mboo) Approiriation SSf ZT, ? oon.idere,l:P lC WM Lb 3 ' ?r. .ne th loria th genera: aimMi.ti l!, 'MoWkm for ihi' rWt5! . 7" ".vsujuiai rro th7E.. .ooo. la Henaieau aVV.""?. amber i legiK - in a.s..W"te?: nous. ,i i w- t-u -" . .w-,r w uTvteci natal keepr from oeing imP on 'f n- icuniou. travelers. j uui iuiiinuing the live stock commission except tb oflice of veterinary surgeon and the quarantine 'regulations, nd appropri stiug the sum of $10,000 for the sup port of this officer and the enforcement of the law. Clianging the bouadariu of the judicial districts sod pro viding for au additional judge in the i..i. .l.t r,ft enmmiasd of the iNm . ties of Buffalo. Dawaon, Custer. Lin coln, Logan, Hherman. Keith and Chey enne, and HJ unorganiieJ territory west of Ixgn. The salary bill u then considered. The bill reducing the lecial appropriation for additional buildings at the Kearney reform school from $75,000 to $50,001, was taken up nd Hed. liaymotid'a banking bill a as taken np in committee of the whole. An effort by dishing to increase the minimum capital from $5,000 to $10,000 was lo.t by 24 to 47. Cady submitted tn smendment putting the control of the bsnks under the Isw in the hands of a board eiiioed of the secretary of state, .uditor of publio accounts and the attornev general, which was adopt ed. Tha bill wss considered section by section, snd riorted back with favor able recommendation. MISCELLANEOUS WASHINGTON MATTERS. Ilium tf Mr. Harrlton VtmlmllMil Sotm te H Sfl In. Washington iecial: Mrs. Harrison's present illness has called attention to the niihralthfulnesa and iualejiiacy of the white house, and lias aroused pub lic sentiment here in favor of a new ex ecutive mansion. The white bouse has miserable plumbing, snd the eer can be tasted on a foggy day in any part of the building. 'I hen the house is too small. There are but five bed rooms in it, and when the presi dent and Ins wife have a few relatives visiting them, as at present, they are crowded. There is sufficient mrlor room, probably, but tins must be given to the public and could not lie utilized by a domestic family, as it is alone, the ground floor Iwiug rut off from the other part of the building. 'Iliree or four times during the psst decade tho somite has adopted bills making appro lriBtioiin for the construction of a family residence for the president. 1 lie sum named for the building and its furnish ing have varied from a quarter to three quarter of million dollars. ! or two of the bills have provided for the purchase of grounds in the suburbs, the hills on the northern boundary be ing in mind, ahilo the others have con templated the construction of building on the park square immediately north of and across Pennsylvania avenue from the white house. The venerable Sena tor Morrill, of Vermont, has two or three times advocated the construction of a family residence for the president, presenting plans for it and shaking in its behalf, and he will proWbly renew bis efforts at the approaching session oi congress. Kvery dsy the necessity of such a provision is more and more seen, not altogether on account of the cramil condition of the family of the president in its present quarters and the unhealthy condition of the old building, but on ac count of the necessity for more room in which to transact the public business. There has leen a complete rearrange ment of the rooms for the clerk, at the white house so as to utilme the room to tho bent osible advantage, ami yet all are crowded. Two clerks have been put out in the telegraph office, while anolier one is at work in one of the outer wait ing rooms. There is no privacy for the president, his private secretary or any one. The space on the second floor is occupied, every inch of it Now that there is s surplus, a iieoeity and a re publican msjontr, it is prosd to take action for the building of a private resi dence for the executive family. TANNEB TALKS l-ENHIONK. Corporal Tanner, the newly apiKiinted conmiisMoiier of iiensions, when asked what licv he would pursue in dealing with the aflTairs of tho bureau, said: "i can Im-K answer that by quoting one of (ien. Harrison's remarks made dur ing the last campaign. Ho aaiil: "(ien tlemen, it is no tirno to use the axthe cary's scales when you come to weigh the services of the men who (saved this nation. ' It seems to me thnt that is a pretty good motto for all the -ople of the l uited States to adopt If I were asked to define my ideas on this tension in a sentence, I should unhesitatingly reply: 'A pension for every surviving soldier who needs one, and no soldier's widow, father or mother should Ite in want.' I nm going to take bold of this mighty machine, and 1 am not f'd enough to think I have nothing to learn of its working." "Are you in favor of an increase in the soldiers' pensions" "I tell you frankly, I am opposed to these $1, $2 and $:J a month -iisious. If yon are going to give a tuan anvtbing give him euotlill that be nnv rcnlizfl be is getting something, If "there is an old soldier who has got a claim that vou are satisfied is a grxxl one and he has not quite proved it, tho .olicy is to as sist him to secure that proof. Vou may say that I am oppose,! to knocking out soldiers' claims because of a technical shortcoming." fkr Murrrt e Ik. Gall Mrs. Little Rock dispstch: Three negroes, Dn Jone, Anderson Mitchell and Wil li Oreen, the latter a preacher, wera xecnted at ArkadelphU to-day for th murder of Arthur Horton, colored, Sp fcmber 21, 1887. Th .heriff granted them th opportunity to make final UUment Jone, delivered himself at om length of a disconnected wnder iK .haranirn, but Mltoball aad Own nwntained .tolid ..l.noe. Jon con fessed in measure his guilt, but wanted blow, ,nd tMwtot bv hi manner and ffertieulaUon. that tl. oth.r. did o. Aba trap went down at 10:40. The neck of 11 were broken. 1 fl, nigbc seven negroes en tUST roOB' tuei faccof- ri. r7? "? LoMn and f,rcibly car Cb.JKm 150 .Jr'rd, i-U, the wood. fcwttsSrf fh'infcrarfonol UAli7 ?pVtfd ," that. Th. -Tba thraa Caster aounty uurderer hOhT haaa .a..a i .i - w i. ! Sis ftfior uk- Br" wis,,. aHei?.3 I vW ii .a- ight lb. Anbei 7.j -" Ta Kirbji ra "Wtw- aa of 'eloi(;.T7N,. two 7 tlie ft-. tn kuP a hut I'snlmf, '.? m edseuej sTT. ral .F-, I'lsnj i.tsCaM toCss Arb"7 Cs.1 a f: lrnM, feP Ihe "el.Bn:fj' . wli'a a l! 4 i ' l--.lli' f ssetsoi saally. wly lit U Laad iJllsa H.-oii Rnai Blv If Wi ') I V vt In ,to i, i'T ejEv- ll!L". s . Mt, t; I'miliMifc' "( tlieUi. tlamui I II I iff iK in refu, .. . V.. ' OT, Jll lis uec:iii! men v I,,,, : out tr: t Of to ur ii I I.. '.V. I III btC if , Fnllwuiy lioon. mj tiOiltMt ti 1 h r, oas!ijj seen bj i lrr, ivt . 'i .. -. eTiikttirraa,! itlM tAll Mia rv -caii I tt Vbiiti staer ti half Dotawaaan ancea Im .-' )ertlbtef4sfa. had (AiriraMtlMs tentioc rt'i fearU Deit vitls f hmUm skrnKiHy pity beats m WanLispaft herihmtS elope refill Id Ol T here, w-iiw ' for Mn f-f Tri i??sSS will tx 'WaXa lhef("yJ i bucrx i Tlie cm5 cludi: toDbjC-- ception t -.m- riD, :'''TTir i''sl!'Tw. Vurk Ui;':e,.st "Onsnt . bv ( U-f ncv ol "-1 byProL au J nouncei Xmti tenBi,afasalr -fasWHl Mm Lire IMjuiiS QMuUtoff Oat. WT7 Oil- ''stasia ' Ilirrti-' a. I Kuon-MW (ISAMtff- l.l.,ll-'Ir i PuT.tolrl Tcs"1"'. a Wool-',a. nun...-".nrrO twtaJfS 1 1 1 T . Po. ur? 1 7. r;. 7' r UafTl