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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1889)
I "t ', ''it, ' Sioux County Journal. HA.RKXSOIiT, 1TEB;, jVEA.R,. 21, 1889. lt f;-f . f.- Aim, FURNITURE, u ypa ICZIZ BARBED-WIRE ? - And a Big - 5 : i K and Lowest Prices GOTO 1 GBISWOLD'S. Itotayhrttd win CHEAP. Have just received a CAR I f JTQU tfcuy it WOW. Yours for bnhiaess. DH. GUISWOLD. irsUEW GOODS r ?HZ ' OCHCOTANTLY ARRIVING AT THE,' V.J Q H i Y r m m J8W-PLYU : : E I ) " JTresh Groceries, Class Dry. Goods, 'SxwW uxxwo? gvuw fr: rrrJb, or anything: in the OflCliiifn fc'ii'ip USU OF pl pnerchandisr r'J IfJerchandisC erchandisl riSI ' C3 G CO., Harrison, Nebraska. i IV, . '.' i ht '; " C3Wl office f. C. Socensbn, Secretary. " ' K$Sa OAP, DAKOTA, ion' rraiC'JHlO,D LUMBER CO., BLE3" , , . , latft ', . Dialers in G:nl, Brain, Lath K And Chingles. Kliv 1 ' . Ill"' Doors, Plaster, Lime , bla J, . memm htock i!:?nd0' lav- G. GUTHRIE, Manager. THE SIOUX COUNTY W. E. Paltrwn, ProprHlor. Time Table. F. E. & M. V. Ry., Passenger. 6oing west leave Harrison at ld:35 A. M. Going east leav Harrison at 3:51 P. M. t Oats for sal at the lumber, yard. uni joj fQ pa uaq ) Our callerti have been more thap many this week. The assessors held a meeting at tlw Clerk's office Monday. ieure mouldings. All kinds at Griswold & Marsteljpr's. John Bartell moved onto his claim south-east of town Tuesday. Mr. G. W. Hester took a trip to Craw ford Monday by the overland route. We, are obliged to omit the commiss ioner' proceedings for lat-k of space. A. E. Gates and Joseph Deckeis of White river, were in Harrison Tuesday. The dance at Mr. John A. Pratt's will take place on the evening of March 29th. Mr. John Frisch, one of our late arriv als, gave this office a pleasant call Sat urday. Mr. T. O. Williams is engaged in drill ing an eight inch well for the town and is now down about 50 feet. We want a correspondent at Montrose and will give a chromo to the first pno that applies for the position. Mr. Clias. Atchison, formerly of Har rison but now residing at Alliance, was in this city tne first of the week. S. R. Storey, J. H. Warn and James Farnam were in town the first of this week and called on the Journal. "Judge a man by his language" and where in the scale of human decency will you find Babcock and Satterleef The damp snow of yesterday and to day is doing a great benefit to the earth by preparing the ground for the seed. Mr. Thos. Davenport and son were in Harrison Monday. We acknowledge a very pleasant call from the gentlemen. Miss Price, from the vicinity of Boggy creek, was in Harrison Saturday taking an examination, before Superintendent Cox. ' " ' - - To the barber sljop has been added a bath room and those desiring to give themselves a "thorough cleansing" are invited to call. Judge Hunter and Chas. Slingerland visited the Dakota country last Sunday and Monday but were not favorably pressed with it The ball at the court house Monday evening was well attended and greatly enjoyed. The proceeds were very satis factory, amounting to over 40. E. L. Galpin has relinquished his homestead in the valley and taken a pre emption three miles south-east of town, and is building a cosy house thereon. Bufus Coffin, a Boston capitalist and banker, was a visitor with Jones & Ver ity last Thursday. Mr. Coffin is the Boston agent of the Nebraska Land and Investment Company. 11 parties knowing themselves to be ndebted to me must settle their ac counts by April 1st to save costs. You will find me at the old stand. H. M. Warneke. "House Roll 95" said Consistentlv Fluctuate Slingerland, while that, angel ic smile acquired dy long residence in Holy Row lighted up his intellectual features, "don't retroact." "Uncle Bab" in his attempt at wit ap pearing in last week's Herald comes near destroying the high opinion the commu nity has of his depth of mind, by intima ting the possibility of being interested in the contents of the Herald. If it were not for the possibility that he was read ing the "patent" the question of the au thorship of certain articles in late copies of that paper, betraying unusually se nile puerility, would be settled. The herd law bill passed the Senate without opposition last Saturday. The law will be effective in all parts of the state in three calender months after the Legislature adjourns, which will be for practical purposes, the first of July. We will then be possessed of all the pro taction and advantages of a farming country and the "grangers" will do well, we believe, to plant a greater acreage of grain than was intended as it will only be necessary to watch it a short time. Sheriff Pfost lost his pocket-book con taining over $200 while engaged in jug ging several drunken toughs Tuesday. A thorough search failed to disclose its whereabouts up to noon yesterday when the niail carrier arrived from the north and presented Jack with the lost treas ure. He had left it lying on the desk in the barn office And Mr. Dunn had seen it lying there and picked it up and in hurry of getting off on time with the mail Tuesday, forgot to give it to him, OUR RAMBLER. 4 fern Things he $ecs Hears and Com prehend. rTlie project of drilling the old well deeper has been abandoned and a b one is being drilled on the lot adjoining the N. W. hotel tn the west. , This the correct metljoa we believe as water is likely to be found nearer the surface and in greater qiantities, so say .those who are experienced at the water Jind ing business in Sioux county. r-Rambler ries to remark that there are just the soioe number of rocks arid young boulder pervading the streets .of Harrison, the Mime number of gaps in sidewalks, the same number of dead trees standing jlistiessly around both business houses and dwellings and tlta,t the same air of careless disorder greets Teye in raaiy places as of ,yore. The farmers visiting our city can not leave, with any show of security, aiy thing in their wagons that is palata- bB to the many cattle and horses that pirade within the corporate limits con tinually.. The quilt or comfort tf-sed for a1seat cushion, the littje basket cotain ing lunch and other commodities, the hyy and grain to feed the team at . noon, ae all in danger of utter .annihilation if left to the mercy of the meek looking cvwsana me nrinmea uronctios that in- f$st our thoroughfares. The city coun cn should pass a "hrd law" within the l'ttiits of the incorporation or build a central station where such articles may 1 dejwsited without extra charge. Heretofore we have not been inclined t look with favor on Ignatius Don nelly's theory that Bacon wrote the Shakespearian plays and that they are an ingenious cryptogram, but after ponder ing over the Herald s adaptation front Macbeth appearing in its last issue, we recognize two facts, that if the adapta tion has any meaning it is surely not on the surface, and that in this particular stance at least, it is used to ease the mind of bacon in its primitive state, i e, swine, The commissioners' proceedings were quite short at the last two meetings but one act of considerable importance was ordered and that was to advertise for Wds for a mile of grading to be done on the new road recently located by the commissioners from the valley to Har rison, and also for the building of two -.vrs, Gantlemen we congratulate you upon the improved methods you are adopting. Will you extend this method of letting by contract to the lowest re sponsible bidder to the printing and fur nishing of all supplies for the county? If it is right for the building of bridges and grading of roads, why isn't it the thing for a court docket? After reading the Journal last Thurs day the Judge began imbibing of the fiery glass. In the evening, during a a conversation between the Judge and the Journal's editor the Judge remarked that he was sorry he had ever been elected to the office of county judge whereupon the meek editor informed him that there were four or five hun dred other people in Sioux county of the same mind as he in that respect. At this the Judge casually mentioned that it was "A G d lie," at the same time striking the editor a light tap on the head as a kind of emphasis to his remark. The Judge wanted to fight real H. R. 95. PASSED THE SENATE IAST URDAV. SAT, L. tiilchrist to the front. Lincoln, Nebr,, March 16, Sixial Telegram to The JOURNAL. 95 passed committee of the whole Senate unani mously. All right now. L. W. Gilchrist. L A XJEK- Lincoln , March 16. Spe cial Telegram to The Journal. We are ther. Ninety-five -passed ike Senate this morning. L. W. Gilchhikt, a niigmy wave ot thankfulness goes out to Representative Gilchrist and Sen ator CottnelL, from the jxjot farmers of Sioux county, for their efforts in secur ing the passage of the berd law. Young Mr Emery, from Sioux count y, Iowa, arrived Monday and is building on his claim south-east of town. County Attorney Satterlee pretended that he wanted to shoot someone Satur day night but our pride for the town and county prevents our making further publicity of the matter unless compelled by circumstances to do so. jMonroe Creek &c. Clias. Mr. Antony Moravick visited Schiltz last Sunday. Frank E. H. Stratton built a new house on Jim creek last week. Virgil Hester and tle young batohelor are heJninfir Mr. Zumbrumien build a house on his claim in Wyoming. Don M. Weir and wife visited the Old folks last week. Leonard Doubt is talking of herding in Wyoming next summer. Jas. E. Wallace is building near the led of Jim creek, on his pre-emption. Chas. Athison, of Box Butte county, was looking over the valley last week. Would'nt St. Patrick turn in his cof fin if he knew how he waS being cele brated? Junior. L. O. HULL, " ATTORNEY-A.TXAW. JUARRISON, - NKE. GEORGE WALKER, ATTORNEY-AT-'LA W. Will practice before all courts aod ire United Mates land office. Business entrusted to my care wiil re ceive prompt attention. .HARRISON, NEB. M. BRUCK, boot & shoe maker . FIRST CLASS GOODS At REASONABLE PRICES. First door north of Bank of Harrison. - B. F. THOMAS, - SURVEYOR, AND GENERAL LAND AGENT Is well acquainted with the U. S. land aws and rulings of this department Keeps plats of Sioux county and easten Wyoming; and has done work fron Cliadron to the Laramie plains, and fron. iNortn riatte to the DaKota line. He fur nishes good entertainment to visitors and immigrants in this Hie most wonderful corner of Nebraska. 8 miles north wesi of Harrison. Have 640 acres of the bes3 winter pasture to let. THE HARRISON NOVELTY W'KS. All kinds of Wood & Iron Work SATISFACTORILY DONE. New and Improved Machinery is Con stantly lieing added. I RESPECTFULLY Solicit Your Patronage. C I TUBBS, Prop. B. E. Brewster, President. a F. Coffee, Vice. Pres. bad but as it had never been demonstrat ed to the editor as a money making busi ness, he declined with tlianks. Glen, Nebraska. Ed. Journal: Please allow me space in your col umns to answer the sworn charges of James E. Wallace, in the Herald. He swears that Thos. Davenport gave me, John Sliay, the money to file on my homestead just to help Rim light J. T. Mason. He did furnish me the money to file with but I paid it back along with the interest. As for fighting Mason, that is a lie as 1 have enough to do to tend to my own business. If J. T. Ma son and Darnel Klein would do the same, instead of running around Sundays and kicking up neighborhood quarrels and getting old, gray headed men to make oath to their doings, they would be more thought of. They say our neighborhood was in quietness and harmony before Daven port came here. How was it a year ago last summer when J. F, Pfost and his deputy were down every two or three weeks with a warrant for me. When their stock was eatintr mv cron 1 shut them up and tried to get pay for the damages; but Klein and Mason said "uon't pay him, sue him, lock him up." What the cattle did not eat someone stole from me while 1 was lying in jail, is mis not sor i am Here to stay. John Shay, The Barber SI First door south f tin E. L. GCPIN, Proprietor. S7 Here voir can get a clean shave, first class hair cut or a WARM or COLD BATH toer-T ("court house, Bogrgry Grove. Everybody is stirring up the earth for a crop. What makes everybody have such a grin on his face? Ohl it is because the herd law has passed. Hurrah for Gil christ 1 Judge Hunter and Charley passed down the valley the 16th. Farewell, fellows. Mrs. Carrie Corcoran leaves the 18thd to meet her husband in Minnesota, their? future home. I heard the voice of J. Marking saying "Herd law!" He had a chariot loaded down with new comers. H. Story is fencing his east forty. Mr. Daniels came home from the rail road sick. But is all right and is going again. The John Nolan school house is not finished for the reason that there is lime to plaster the cracks. ' G. Gregor hauled out another horse last week, the ninth one that he has lost. Mr. Price and son have gone east with tneir sample books. What has became of old Slocum? haven't seen him for some time. Wir.D West. llARBisON. . rLL Glen Items. Ed. Sandy lias moved back to Craw ford again. War has been declared in the Daven port, Mason, and Shay neighborhood. wan tasseis on nis cap ana bells on his toes Charley gets there in great shape but it puts us in mind of a picture of a scene on the Rhine. A. E. Gates is busy putting in wheat and so is J. N. Frazier, S. W. Kemp is still busy hauling logs. H. J. Howard has been doing some breaking on the divide, School commenced in district No, on the 18th, with Miss Hattie Carey as teacher. It will be in order now for One Who Knows(?) to tell us what he knows about ing, J. T. Mason is fatting his. cattle on straw and preparing to have them ready for market in a few days, Mr. Wallace has moved away and reU understand, left some of his friends in the swim to a small extent. . MSLUNCVK. at ft for sale at the lumber yard, CHAS. C. JAMESON, Cashier. Commercial Bank. (INCORPORATED. A General Banking Business -TRANSACTED. Nebraska. C. H. Andrews & Co., -Dealers in- Drugs, Paints, Brushes, Oils, -AND- Fine Toilet Goods, STATIONERY & PERFUMES. BEST CIGARS IN THE CITY. J. H- COOK. Agate Springs Ranch. Brand C on left jaw. Makes aspecialty of breeding Roadsters, Draft and Saddle Horses; also red and black Polled aHU). Range on Running Water. Post )f ai . - " i - , f j i i..f.,.;,;... 4