III! t .... '-.i 1 IOUX HZRIESO NEB, MAB. 14, 1889, ItTO. 26 County Journal. li'.'S n 1' - ltTX COUNTY FiinrjiTiiRF . I Villi! I Vllhi JIE, BARBED-WIRE 1 a Big - Cj Lowest TO 4 ' ' Prices JSWOL B'S. J CHEAP. I have just received a CAB .'JEJUNI " Jtw. Youss for business, D. IL GR1SWOLD.. ,1-1; 'heyC2ome! GOODSm jT ARRIVING AT THE Grand Ball on Die 18th. Outs for sale at the lumber yard. ( yCall at Montrose Gayhart & Sort, r 'j.vn aii.il tialu ftt aalt ai tliA it. ll ber yard. It w'hs formerly' Daniel but nosy ff js Dennis," 1 Furru machinery of all description Gayhart & Son. I Sioux county school warrants boujit at the Bank of Harrison. G, H n ?PLYU S E ;ss f-. '-.It!. 1 J ,esh Groceries, '!it Class Dry Goods, ' dod boots, shoes, gents or anything in the OF ' HHerchandisr "erchandisC ; i CO., Harrison, Nebraska. i .',, it 4 ' nl nflif-P J In' idMt: W. Ef non, rnprtetor. Hanson' Market. Butter, Vjt .f. "Egfe's, l(K.f lf;' Poultry, par dfc 0.O to 3. Oats, per 100 fffl0k J.10. Corn, per J00f 2i Bran, per 100 B fi.lwfy Feed, chopped, per 100 B $1.35. Potatoes, per bu. 2qer Sorghum, per gal. 60c. Onions, per bu. f 1.50. Beans, pr bu. ICSi 0 ; . Time Table. F. E. & JL V. Ry., Passenger, y Going west leave Hamson at l):3f A. M. IB. T.'Coniey has received a copy-right Going east leave Harrison at 8:51 P. XTdeed of Sioux county ,for. the exclusive Villi Geo. Klein is here on a business but may conclude to stay. $ Of plows and harrows we handjo We Bradley &. Morrison. Gayhart & Hon Mr. Jacob Kallnier, of Odebolt, Lw!t, is here visiting his daughter Mrs. II. M. Warneke. "D. P. Davis will be Harrison's, iv jt postmaster, reporu to tiie contrary mv 'ithstanUogr HeraW. .' ' Harrison at,. Washington p, Harrison in Sioux county, Iebra-ska aiv no places for winged insects. ' Esterly binders and mowers art) t-sv Boss." They are durable and wtr first class. Gayhart & Son. Tlie Ketchum wagon is well kno4i;, There are no no ftes on it, We sell thwit at right prices. Gayhart & Son. The contest cases of Wm. Schonebailu 4 c. Oats far sale at the lumber yard. J at K soman democracy in the person of A. J. U. has again retired for a years' sleep, like Rip Van Winkle, but we trust that the latter part of that famous individual's record (the awaken ing) will never be realized in the case Mr. B. Mr. Wm. C. O'Conner left this place kiat Monday ior his former home at Wayne, this state. Mr. O'Conner had been here several days viewing the coun try and was finally located by;Mr. Reidy on a half section of land four miles south of town making a filing of timber eul ture and homestead rights. A finer piece of land could hardly be found and Mr. Otjjme Jhighly pleased with -the fttontry. , He tM return in a few weeks with his manly, goods and effects. right to the use of the .Tyler Compen dious System of Abstracts. This system will be used by Conley);,Reidy & Pollard. ii; is me simplest auu most comact sys tem extant. He also received Tyler Digest of laws of all the states:and terri lories, governing ana anecling Uie con veyancing of real estate. Do your ,busi ness with Conley, Reidy & Pollard. The lecfae by. Major Scamahorn, the church. 'Saturday evening, was not so wen attended aswe woUlu like have seen, and . we assure those who were not presen-ty.hat they missed a real treat.., ine Majors experience was thrilling one and he narrates it in a most pleasing manner, sometimes humorou anu again patiietic. llie audience was well pleased and greeted tl. j speakei wun many a rounu ot approbative ap- pjyise, at Monroe Creek &c. and M. Kreias vs:p Levi A-...Pnd I.ihKji "eo. Several boys are going lo pull out soon for the range. Some people are like spiders always weaving nets for others. , A dance at John Nolan's on the 14th instant. Some are like bees always collecting sweet, but don't you meddle with them. Jno. Scott has built and is living on his homestead. Some are like flowers always pleasant .OAP, DAKOTA. F. C. SrKESSEN, Secretary ciirraaa? LUMBER CO., -Dalers in I K y, Grain, LQIII - n- i v- 1 wef i Doors T. 4 . A I , . v : iC 7TE STOCK v i t IT i- AM,.V- I k) C . Plaster me HAND G. GUTHRIE, Manager. Brumbaugh were quite interesting Tues day. . Charley, will you appro ve of the ap pointment of S. IL Jones as postmaster or wiil you interpose a veto? Please don't. F. F. Gray, in his communication in answer to Babcock's article, gets there to the Queen's taste in the Crawford Clipper. D. P. Davis is "in the soup." In con nection wun tins we nere wisn to say that there are oats for sale at the lumber yard. Samuel Holiday Jones has been ap pointed postmaster at Hamson. In the language of Judge Hunter "whither are we drifting?." fancy green ribbon rosettes, suitable for St. Patrick's Day badges for sale at Mrs. Loutzenheiser's. Be sure to secure one for use at the ball. Mr. Isador Richstein, one of our prom inent German farmers, gave this ollice a pleasant call yesterday and left us two dollars on subscription. Mr. John A. Pratt writes us to an nounce that the dance advertised to be held at his residence on the 16th, had been indefinitely postponed. 11 persons knowing themselves in debted to me will please get to the front and settle up as I need the money. D. II, Gbjkwold. ven if not in want of farm machines give us a call, we at au times are pleased to meet you. Our spring assort ments of dry goods &c will soon be on hand. Gayhart & Son. 'All parties knowing themselves to be indebted to me must settle their ac counts by April 1st to save costs. You will find me at the old stand. H. M. Wakneke. "I withdraw in favor of E. D. Satter lee, believing it to be for the best inter ests of the Republican party." D. P. Davis. It is understood that Mr Davis is not a candidate for the appointment as Kstmaster at Harrison. Mr. Lewie Gerjach exhibited on our streets last Saturday his line three-year-old stallion Fred. The animal is a beau tiful dark bay 17 hands high and weighs 1 WO. His sire is an imported Clydesdale and his dam a half blood. He is an .un usually well built animal with line car riage, good action and a kind and gentle disposition. i II. M. Warneke has sold to W. R. Smith & Son his store building together with the contents and lot upon which it is situated. Smith & Hon took possession Monday and are now putting a stock of new dry goods and fresh groceries. From a several year's acquaintance with this linn we recommend tiieru ' for square, honest dealing;. , Mr. and Mrs. t,. A. iiigelow were visi tors at B. F. Thomas' last Sunday. Some are like willows always weep ing over the stream, yet it moves on just the same. Miss Alice Thomas is visiting on the divide this week. Some are like a vane and move just as the wind turns. Farmers are seeding with a will. Junior. (iramiiiercy. Wm. Munson and Jack Blackwell keeping back the range cattle and c holding headquarters at Geo. Turner's. A now school house is being built district JNo. M, and U tne work goes on as it has for the past week it will be ready for use by the 20th. S. J. Leeling is turning over the soil and has commenced farming in earnest W. Jf. Shepherd had a well drilled on his homestead and found abundance of water. L. Pfost made his apiearance at the head of Squaw Saturday and rode away with one of our citizens for carrying a short gun the day before. James Davis has hired out to Geo. Turner for the coming summer. Miss O'Conner, of Hat creek, was can- vaasing for the book known as the Wild West, in this vicinity last week. We wish her success. Joiinie Come Lately. War Bonnet Warbling. Waller Woodruffs girl is the broncho buster of the valley. school ma'am is just as good the exception that when she gets boss The with tired riding and wants to get off she gets off on the wrong side of the pony. Firefly made a mistake, as Warbler never said anything about John Thorn ton or any one else chopping wood for the school house. Borer has been boring Wilber Shep- ln-rd with his "sour disposition" while boring a hole in the ground but as he left a well 71 feet deep with 55 feet of water, Wilber feels very well reaid the' boring. Shades of our grandfather who Would have 'thought that fiat little "doggerel" would have hurt Eli so? How very unfortunate for him that he slum Id have borrowed that particular Journal and wasted his valuable time reuiling it, as his feelings are so awfully feasfcy hurt. How very fortunate it would bu if he should borrow another one pr two; he might read something thai would kill him entirely. I'll wager two bushels of next years tUrnip crop tlmi if the truth were known, this same Eli fets bis old mother chop the wood, bu fife and bis daughter curry in the wood and winter and do ,the drudgery generally. It is a pity aliout what we don't know, but what we do' know and what Junior don,'t know would. jiiake a large book. But the idea of his -revealing the time of my birth. That was'the "most unkind- est cut of all," (just as though I could help it). As.ilunior was iborn so many vears oetore we were we are not aware of the-phase of tlie moon in which he was born, but it seems to us that the only mistake in the time of his birth is that he was born at all. Be tliat as it may, w tl)ink the record of births in our family witLcompare favorably 'with his any time he wonts to compare notes. Wahbleb. - V " '!' . The War Bonnet warrior lis on ;ihe war path, and you heartiis whoop ilat-: ly. We think be must have been a lit-tie- rattled or he would not liave gotten so completely off his nest onto Ihe straw as to charge "Borer" with wliat he never said anything about. Said Bor er never mentioned said.Ex-County Offi cial, and now sir, please don't borrow any trouble about us and the ipublic as we stand in together all right. So far as attending to our own business is con cerned; we consider it a part of our busi .ness.to get,posts from government land Wlienever we feel inclined that way, and whA you try to bluff us off by saying that you have most of the posts marked, and tliat "there are lots of posts .over there in that other canyon," &c. &c. You are barking up the wrong sailing, that's all. - - Horeb. lilen Items. the W. W. H. Johnson is staying with Jack Walls claim but is talking of i ing to the Cheyenne river. Ed. Sandy is cutting logs for ,S. Kemp. Mr. Davenport is putting up a fence around his claim. Mr. Fraizer is building an addition to his house. James Green is .helping C. II, Rigdon on his new bouse. John Decker is working at Crawford. Quite a number of cattle have disap peared from White river in the last few moiths. - . , - - Dance at S. W. Kemp's on the 6th EXPERIENCE AS COMPARED WITH WOEFUL IGNORANCE" Wiil One Who Knows excuse our us ing the same beading that he did to his article of the 25th in the Heruid? but as it is appropriate and fits his case exactly we take the liberty of using it. He charges the editor of the Journal with misrepresenting facts iu regard to the amount of land lit for agricultural pur poses, which he did not, but is one who never farmed any beyond raising a small garden, a competent judge of farming land? I believe that you, three or four years ago, claimed that nothing could be raised in this country except along the creeks where it could be irrigated, (and which has proved to be the poorest land we have) and because you have carried a compass and been on nearly all the and in the county and pronounced some of it unfit for farming you consider it a settled fact tliat it never can be farmed, but we as herd law men and FARMERS see fit to differ with you and consider the epithet "woefully ignorant" applic able to yourself. As for our herd law friends that he seems to hold in such disrespect, they are certainly as honest and more industrious and fully as intel- igent as the cattle-men of-Sioux: county for have you ever heard of a precinct in Sioux county settled by farmers, return- a vote eight times as large as the actual number of voters? If One -Who Knows will look at the way some of his particular free range friends act toward their neighbors he would llnd that in stead of a Calf he had a full grown hog by the ear. We see tliat you tend to ward the same point as your honored J. Babeock, that is "If you don't like the robberies and large voting in Sioux county why don t you get out of it?" but my Dear Sir, we came to stay and we think that the ones that are commit ting the roblieriesand creating the trouble in Sioux County are the ones that -will eventually have to move on. Mkluncye. L, O. HULL, ATTORXEY-AT'LAW. HARRISON, - 'ER. GEORGE WALKER, AXTORXEY-AT-LA W. Will practice before all courts and trie United States land office. Business entrusted to my care will re ceive prompt attention. .HARRISON, NEB. M. BRUCK, boot & shoe maker. FIRST CLASSOOOLS Atr- HEASONABLE PRICES. First door north of Bank of Harrison. - B. R THOMAS, - SURVEYOR, and GENERAL LAND At.ENT FIFTEEN YEARS EXPERIENCE. Is well acquainted with the U. S. land laws and rulings of this dcartnieiit. Keeps plats of Sioux county and eastern Wyoming, and has done work from Chadron to the Laramie plains, and from North Platte to the Dakota line. He fur nishes good entertainment "to visitors and immigrants in this the .most wonderful corner of Nebraska. 8 miles north west of Harrison. Have 640 acres of the test winter pasture to let. THE HARRISON NOVELTY W'KS. All kinds of Wood & Iron Work SATISFACTORILY DONE. New and Improved Machinery is Con stantly being added. I RESPECTFULLY Solicit Your Patronage. C. L. TIJBBS, Prop. E. Brewster, President. C. F. Coffee. Vice. Pres. CHAS. C. JAMESON, Cashier. Commercial Bank. INCORPORATED. -A. General Banking Business TRANSACTED. Harrison, Nebraska, C. H. Andrews & Co., -Dealers in- Drugs, v Paints, Brushes, Oils, -AND- 3111 IV aiVS JHMKUO.) Our Clubbing List Is complete and comprises every news paper, magazine or periodical of note in tlie United States, We can save you from 10 to 25 per cent on a large majori ty of publications. Come and see our lubhing prices and note how much luapur you can get your pajiers and magazines by clubbing them with the Journal. WANTEi A boy between the ages of ten and fifteen to learn the printer's trade. We can save you money pn any pn- ler in tl U. 8. by clubbing it with the Joiilnal. Come and see, Fine Toilet Goods, STATIONERY & PERFUMES. BEST CIGARS IN THE CITY. J. H- COOK. Acute Sprinos Ranch; Brand C on left jaw. Makes aspecialty of breeding Roadsters, Draft and Saddio Horses; also red and black Polled cattle. Range on Running Water. , Post ()," flee - I- Habjuhon, . Mriuiasuu. c to' ISP 11 ) I! l 4 ' 1 v.