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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1889)
1 The Sioux County Journal. I'Sl lished every TliurvLiy. o Suliserij'tion Price. $2.00 H, E. Patterson - Editor and I-rop, Enteied at the jjostoili'-e at Ila;on as second class matter. Innocuous desuetude" i wliat now remains of tlui Man of Destiny."' A corn w I ace train costing upwaic of 7.000. from Sioux fit v. Iowa, was one of the features of interest at Wash ington during the inaugural ceremonies. The bill providing for a SMO,X0 sol diers home at Hot Springs, Dakota, was vetoed by the Governor and the legislj t ure kindly and quickly jmsed it over his head. Walt JIason, of the State Journal, is evidently not very deeply in love with one of the Kansas Legislators and says of him '-his head is used only for the purpose of preventing his ears from fall ing apart."' We believe the expression will liave an immense cin illation liefore lieing reduced to "innocuous desuetude." A copy of last week's Herald has leen mailed to Attorney General I-eese. It is now in order for Mr. Leese to make an apology for presuming to give his opin ion on the legal effect of House Hull 9"i. Don't lie too hard on the Hon. Attor ney General, Charlie, he had no means of knowing wliat VOI K OPINION would lie at the time his was rendered. Pigott finally confessed that he forged the Parnell and Egan letters and lied f rom England one day last week and a recent report claims that he has com mitted suicide at Madrid, Spain. The London Times wishes it had never heard of "Parnellism and Crime," has with drawn from the book-stalls its pamphlet of that title and makes very humble apology to both the gentlemen. 'Home Rulers'' are happy and demonstrations of rejoicing are lieing held all over the world wherever an Irishman or a man who sympathizes with the cause of freedom can be found. The Governor of Iowa, Wm. Larraliee, was recently arrested and tried on a charge of criminal liliel. The Governor had been petitioned to pardon one Tour ney who was serving a sentence in the jienitentiary, and in answer to the many letters of inquiry as to why he did not so do, he had what purported to be the facts in the case along with manv let ters remonstrating against the pardun, printed and sent out. The sending out of the circulars was the ground tion which the accusation was laid. The ju ry returned a verdict of "not guilty.' Gen. Boulanger is on top with both feet as it were. His motion to revise the c onstitution was carried by a vote of 30? to 218 in the French chamber of depu ties. How far he may be able to con f rol the two branches of congress for his constitutional revision schemes is not apparent at present writing. He has completely overthrown the Flouquet Ministry and we may safely look for rad ical changes in the present form of the French government. It is asserted by some that he will advocate the adoption of a constitution similar to tlie constitu tion of Hie United States. The Democratic government goes out leaving our relations with foreign Gov ernments in bad shape. The Canadian fisheries question is unsettled. The British minister was invited to leave the umuiry anu no successor lias been ap pointed, tier-many has just trodden on Uncle Sam's corns out in Samoa and im jiunvuu -rtjijenciiu ciuzens, there is trouble in Hayti and more in Madagas car and difficulty is threatened with France over the Nicaragua and Panama canal schemes. Blaine will have his hands full straightening out the crooked suuesmansnip or the late Democratic ad ministration. Under the operation of the new insur ance law, when a loss of insured projier ty occurs the obligation of the insurance company carrying the risk will be the amount of the insurance named in the policy and upon which the company has received premiums, tlie value of the des troyed property not being considered in tlie adjustment of the loss, but the poli cy holder will receive the full amount his policy calls for. It is intended to prevent overinsurance and compel com jianics to exercise greater care in placing risks under the true value of the proper ty insured and so prevent inducements to incendiarism. Exchanges down the road in Nebraska will take no stock in the statement printed last week in the Herald, that there are thirty-three townships in Sioux county unfit for agricultural purposes because they are informed of tlie coun try and of the falsehood ttm 1 i told of Nebraska by "free range" stock men from Norfolk "west, dnnno. n n " ure VPfLPfll OT thA Wfitwlarnl ,1 1 v ' - - "vimvuui iRVKu ninonr r this great section. Such desperately ...TMtr, i.i uniy 00 ine harm Intended far beyond the boundaries of Abe juiws. what ought to be done with bhslier wlw will print uch a hurtful i obviously lying statement in a com mitjr where the doing of all we can to d tlie Hettlement and development be country is the only safe passport liMie confidence and esteem? Hudi ttouses of Congress are now Kt- hu'.-m nni! with (n-IKV.l! Il.ini.'U i" the While Hon, tlie Republican Lis wit ire coufrol of The Kiiui'ra'ic Is"ly l,jtioii:il affairs. i.i the soup. i !lt.e Genuau prince m-kes a serious t mistake if he thinks he can iniiose on j tiie proverbial good nature of this conn- try. Uncle Sam is patient out he knows i wliat is rigi.l and will fight for it if , needs be. Ti.ere is a good deal in the Sa- j I...L-1 attair anU I ie lierman oeriimem lias already gone too far and will eitlier retreat or tight. We believe and hojie it will retreat. The Postmaster of New Yoik says tliat if the rates iid by the Government for carrying the mails on the railroads of the country were reduced in the Mime proportion as tlie companies have re duced freight rates to private parties, a one c ent rate for letters could tie imme diately inaugurated without increasing the present jostoffice deficit. The lb-raid objects to the poetry" our correspondent "Warbler" and of it doggerel. The lines may have lieen silly they certainly were not worse: but we will stand Warbler" up alongside of tlie whole Herald outfit of hypocrites and bums and leave it to any disinter ested stranger if he don't possess more brains, culture and moral worth than all of them. It seems to le natural for some oj.le to revert to jiersonal abuse when their stock of argument is exhausted. So it waswilhtlie Glen corresontlent who signed himself "tine Who Knows." A letter from the gentleman against whom he makes the absuniiy fal.- statements will lie found in another column, and is a clear mid honest denial of the accusa tions, minus the jiersonal abuse that 'One Who Knows" uses as argument! Here is a iaragnth from an exchange which meets our hearty aouroval: "Nev er send a dollar awav from home when the article that the dollar will jmrrhast. can lie obtained at home. Money is our financial blood. Its circulation keejis the business body alive. Bleed the body by sending that money away from home and soon business will put on a look of lethargy and inactivity. Always trade at home. It is twice blessed. It heljis the person jmtrouized and finds its way to you again." Tlie democratic government of New York state let the contract for ceiling the state capitol building', to a democrat of course. The ceiling was to tie carved oak and would have cost $142,r00, but a ceiling of painted tjaiier niache, imita tion of oak, ceiling was put in at a cost of $11,500. On this 11,500 investment the contractor and tlie boodlers got away with $132,000. In the presence of these figures such a little steal as charg ing $50 for a $7 court docket liecomes quite insignificant. Still the principle is the same provided it is jiroper to use the word principle when reference is had to the jieculations of a democratic jioliti- cian. The Board of Trade, Business Men's Club. County Central Committee, and Citizens' Indignation Association (there would have been more organizations, but there wasn't but four men to start i of Harrison, Sioux county, has discover ed a fact which is important, if true and is deriving sweet consolation there from in large chunks and double leads jiiis is mat House Koll fj.i is not retro active, and tliat though the state of Ne braska has nothing but a hen! law. Sioux county will not lie "retroacted" liecause she once voted to susjend a repealed law. Having found a soothing syruji the distempered "board, club, committee, and indiominf t Sioux should now subside ami 1. ,,;..( Dawes County Journal. Glen. Nebraska Ed. JorRXAL: In a recent Jopknal we noticed nn ar. tide on herd law and we think von l,.,v0 ably anwered tliat corresiondent's ou-s- tions on that subject: onlv nn nv.r. r-.i. it his duty to correct the wrong state- uienismiwe. Jn the first tdn. ih barge of selling out rioor farmers on mortgages is aWlutely false, as I never soiu out any man in my life. The next is that I own 1,C00 acres in Sioux and Dawes counties. That is also false. The man does not know what he i i,n,i about. I defy him to nrove i V. as to thai cabbage natch: I ,.Miiv ,u,i not expect he would have the fa (a ny it but I am aware of having credited him too highly as he even offers in swear to it in order to make the contra- aiction of my statement more forcible Why does he not offer to swear to all of the cliargesJ We will not reouire ih poor man to arid n..ri,, i falsehood about the cabbages, as the owner stands ready to testify that he did own those cabUigeu himself. I did noi imnk it necessary in my last to state that there were two cabbage patches on his place. One was partially ami lb. other totally destroyed. Tlie one parti al iy uestroyeu wag planted on sliares a unuersumc,. The one I have reference to was owned bv the npAr.rioi ..... pWe, and I refer him to the owner of .u piaoejor proof. Now as the thing made plain I sinc-erely ho, the jrson referred to will make ample com,nsa- t-.r.i w UK IWOP imin for li . would be a hard mutter for any on to discover how else he could get m fof ""o uuuer rree range law. 1 Jones & Verity, "The Wrong Pew." tell you that this Our enemies ma CONLEY. REIDY Are Here to Stay A STRAIGHT FORWARD HONORABLE BUSINESS. We would resjieetfully cull the attention of the public to the that we are prejiared to make farm loans in SIOUX, DAWES and BOX on The Most Liberal Terms. Final jiroof money Without Extra Charge. Luid Ofhce business will receive Contests Initiated, ' PROSECUTED or Liind filings made and a general law business transacted. We offer you the advantage of several years successf ul ,,,-aotice U.fore the United States Land Ollice. Will also do A Locating Business. Collections made on all accessible point. Abstract ca x-fully com piled. Do your business Where Business is Done! OFTICE ON MAIN Harrison, The Wrong Pew. fa fa b OlsT LIBERAL auU-KJULS. : 1 "the wrong '" hut the f!rm of & POLLARD and do f.u t BUTTE COUNTIES advanced SPECIAL ATTENTION DEFENDED STREET Nebraska. fa fe "fa Harrismi Blacksmith, Wagon Repair $ Good stock always on hand. jijj , . SATISFY TION ,,. Siuth of Pfott's Livery Darn , (kit The Rest! When you C li A C K E K S i K S : it c A K (i K K O K A K S ll 1 K S Or a Square Meal THE OF HARKSj Harrison, Tninsay ts a gi-ro-ral folk?, , h Loans Money on tWl The Harrison EGGERT ItOmVKH, J'roj.rietor. Special Attention to Trade. FLED STABLE IN CON' Best Accommodations Fremont, Elkhom -AND tlissoi Hailroai-JV't'j "The Northwestern Line" Bet Omaha, Sioux City Chicago1 And All P"""'-" East, North, South THRfJUOH TICKETS TO A'-1 Full Information on Abdication Ui J. C. NOnT'! H. O. Blut, General Manager, 1 J. It Blfiujux, General J'wiigcr Sff- 4''- it. . i ? f ?' ; . Mv( -" fit . AND i- 1 I, i