The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 07, 1889, Image 3

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' A ( PfcllaaaplMr.
'Jfr- Hiee, wife of tbe ex-goTernor of
aaftrhuHettx, recently brought home
Vie of tbat curious New Bedford wood
t burui with a bright blue flame.
t baruel a bit of it to amuse her lit-
aon and then hid av the rt.
Jast dry xhe found him )layin? with
of the forbidden sticks. "Why,
Wre did vou evt that?" ahe akel:
V)w did yoa know where it was?"
"Slaiuma, dear, replied the 7-year-old
philosopher, "niirarulous iutuition ia
Mt the result of forethought" Sew
York Tribune.
Mr. and Mn. Clareland will lire at tbe
Victoria botcl watn they retira to Naw
"If a woman U pretty,
To me 'tis no matter.
Be ahe blonde or brunette,
o alia leta me look at her."
An unhealthy woman la rarely, if ever,
Wautilcil. The peculiar dineaet to which
o many of the sex are subject, are prolific
MUM of pale, aallow faces, blotched with
anaightly pimples, dull lustreless eyea and
emaciated forma. Women ao afflicted, can
be permanently cured by using Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription; and with the restor
ation ol health cornea tbat beauty which,
combined with good qualitiea ot head and
heart, make women angela ot loveliness.
"Favorit Preacription" ia the only medi
cine for women, sold by druggists, under a
poaitive cuarantee from the manufacturers,
that it will give satisfaction in every case,
r money will be refunded. This guaran
tee haa been piinted on tbe bottle-wrapper,
end faithfully carried out for many years.
Dies hard tbe man who ban frozen to
Nolhlns Like It!
Every day ewolls the volume of proof
that aa a specific for all Blood diseases,
otbing equals Dr. Pierce's tjoliien Medical
Discovery. Jtemember, this is an old es
tablished reinedj with a record! It haa
Been weighed in the balance and found ful
filling every claim! It haa bean tested
many years in thousands of cases with
flattering success! For throat and I.ung
troubles, Catarrh, Kidney disoase, Liver
Complaint, Dyspepsia, Hick Headache and
all disorders resulting froin impoverished
blood, there is nothing like Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovi ry world-renowned
and every growing in favor!
Dr. (iatling's latest invention is a. police
gun or street piece tor use in riots.
llo'a Yaur Liver.
The old lady who replied, when asked
how her liver was, "God bless me, I never
heard that there was such a thfngmthc
house. was noted for her amiability
Prometheus, when chained to a rock,
miifht as well have pretended to be bappy,
as the man chained to .a diseased
hver. i''or poor Prometheus, there
wns no escape, but by tbe use ol lir
Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets, the
disagreeable feelings, irritable temper, con
stipation, indigestion, diztiness and sick
headache, which are caused by a diseased
liver, promptly disappear.
There are people who feed themselves
with tbeir grief until they get fat on it.
For Rlekels, Marasmus, and all Wast
InC Disorder of Children
Scott's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil,
with Hypophosphites, is unequaled. Tbe
rapidity with which children gain nesli ana
strength is wonderful. "I have used
Scott's Emulsion in case ot Rickets and
Marasmus of long standing. In every case
the Improvement was marked." J. M.
MiiN, M. D., New York. Sold by all drug
gists. It ia the fellow with the aand who lays
siege to the girl with the rocks.
Consumption Nnrely Cured.
To the Editor: Please inform yourread
ers that I have a positive remedy for con
sumption. By its timely use thousands ot
hopeless cases have been permanently
cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles
ot my remedy khkk to any ot your read
ers who havo consumption if they willsend
me their express and P. 0. address. Re
spectfully, T. A. Sl.OCUM, M. C, 181 Tearl
street, New Vprk.
An electric car line to the top of Mis
sionary Kidge is proposed.
ft hen KmIiv was 1'L. we gave her Cafttorts,
When the wn a Child, h cried for Cftitaria.
When she bernmt Mn9. phe clam to Caatoria.
When he hst! CJUMren. she g-nT them Cnirori.
Conversation enriches the understanding
but solitude is the school of genius.
It is an old adage, "To be forewarned is
to be forearmed." So let it be in your
case, who read this, and keep on hand Al'h Lumj Balsam, which is sold by all
Cranberry sauce differs from mercy in
that it ahotild alwuji tie strained.
TT SUIIIrewterSftjRlB
Holders GIVEN AWAY w 'stre
fluco lliein. srv hums owner tours
Irum Hod. Lines never under horss's Kendttcenu in Hiirpi to pay
Pntsxs snd packing tor Nlcklf
Isted rample thai aella for
cents. Address,
Brewster Mf g Co., Holly ,Mich.
I do not mtn mi If to atop them tor t urns and
then hv than, return I uiran a radical etirtv I har
iiffr-lnnf ttudr. I warrant my reiundy to cure tlw
DAcauM otliera hare falld ii no rtaaoo
wsrrsnt my reiuedy to cure the
use others have failed la no rpsaoa
fornotDowrermlvlnsaeur. Seud st oute for treatise
sua itm docusot nir imeuiDie remeqr. uive r.ipreipj
snar.u u. u. boot.
. B.U.
M.(J.iS3Pearlbt. :
ii sft tattisLt:- mwsos1vS)
Wtmtmmt riHin the wane aaasaJsearsseosafosVl
I sMs aUae ; effects car whare all others t Sli I
Tn address of aalitlen
and Hsuora was HUMa
iruinuui this Moer. vnnf an
1 STEADED . thmn
'Tluiaui. before Juu
rmh Eallabla. Oaly I and I
esnta per latss paekace. teaOP)
Novelty preaenu e'HXS. Msai
Biith Hand Parma. Una aura
rkanrt wtUOn TBO mllaa of Cblcaa. . and for OataJoros.
!B2S. AATaBH. aln,il laraasea Ms., ikNaaa,
And Plan's Care for
(Vmaumplt)) TBI
BK8T renedy for
hoarsen sad 10
elaar the throat.
I aaxklat ! tt werld. Rllker tea CaMUaalll
Tawrsaa. aaem. lssa 0.. Aana. !.
( Ail m r.. Alrulsoj.
1 1 east free to any on aillrt4
Da. TR DaVi, KochMter, Z
Catrrwt Wit,
lx)e is blind, they eaj. Before
marriage he certainly to, and after
niarriae:e Le ud to lie. Somervillo
Josenli tlianiberlain says that th
homf rule question is lowng its im-portaiu-e.
l'erhniH he will not think
no after he has lieen married longer.
AVliou it is a man who is about to
l: told a won't he Hunts the door.
When it is a woman nhe opens it to
make sure there ia no one lintening
'The only color," says a scientific
note, "that can be determined by the
sense of touch is blue." Trueenough.
A man alwavs knows when he leela
Jud;(i "Miss, how old are you?
Witness "Well, I am thirty."
"Thirty what?" Well, between
thirty and forty." "I'll put your
are down at thirty -niue; I guess you
won't loose anything by that."
There was company at dinner ami
Hobby's mother was somewhat sur"
prised when Hobby refused pie. "Why,
Hobby," remarked one of the guests,
"aren't you fond of pie?" "Yes,
nnirni, I'm as fond of it as any little
boy, but my sister made that pie."
The Little Judge "On what
grounds do you wish me to hold this
man?" Officer Lunimen "Well there
was n murthcr committed, sor; and,
all hough Oi have me doubts about
this man bcin' the criminal, it
wouldn't do to let him go until we
catch another felly." l'uik.
Helen, six years old, had a copy of
''.Ksop's Tables" given to her. She
looked at the title page attentively
for a few moments, noticing probably
the diphthong A), in capitals, for tho
first time. "That A is in a hurry,
isn't it, Auntie?" she said. "Why
so?" said her aunt. "Hccause it's
crowding the E.'' Hoslon Times.
A mother was correcting her littlo
boy tho oi lier day, and appealing to
hiia, asked how he would feel if he
had a son who diln't do this and
didn't rlo that, and so on. When
she had reached the end ot the m-
ipiiry he answered: "Well, mamma,
if I had a little bov eight years old,
I don't think I'd expect the earth of
.Society Reporter "I'd like a vaca
tion of a month, sir." City Editor
"Why, what do you mean? We can't
spare you now. right in the midst of
the season. What's the matter?"
Society Reporter "Oh nothing much;
only in writing up the Rlowout wed
ding I said: 'The happypair enter life
under auspicious circumstance?,"
anil it appeared in the paper suspi
cious. I guess I'd better go sou Ih for
the rest of the winter." Toledo
Joshua, said a fanner who lived a
few miles from u Western town, in
conversation with his son, where do
V )U think we had better plant our
potatoes next Spring. I don't know,
fnt her, I hadn't thought ofit. How
would the land down by the creek do?
Down by tho creek? repeated tho
old man, seorntullv. AVe'll plant
them at the corner oft Inellundrednnd
Eighteenth and (lay street, lot (i,
block 31 7, Jenkin'H addition to the
city of Swamp Hollow.
Von Bulow was walking one day
in Berlin, when ho mot a man with
whom he had formerly been on some
what intimate terms, but whose ac
quaintance he was desirious of drop
ping. I he quondam irienu at once a
costed him. "How do you do, Von
Bulow? delighted to see you! Now
1 11 bet Unit you don t remember my
mime! You ve won that net, re
plied Von Hulow, and turning on his
iieel ho walked off in the opposite di
A teacher in tho infant department
of an Eighth Ward Sunday-School
recentlyobserved a five-year-old girl iu
the clans mnkingdesperate efforts to
suppress the exhibition of something
which pwmed toplenseher wonderful.
ly. Thinking that relicveing her
mind might quiet the child, the teach
er inquired tho cnu;je of her merri
ment. "Why " exclaimed tho child,
"my drnmnia s Head, ana papas
sroin' to let me sing at ze funeral zis
t.f ernoon."
An English rector in a Sussex par
ish onco visited a poor old widow
who had nine or ten children. All of
them except the daughter had gone
out into the world and left her. At
last tho daughter married and left the
mother alone. "Dame," said tho
rector, "you must feel lonely now,
after having had so large a family
"Yes, sir," she answered, "I do feel it
lonesome. 1 have brought upalarge
family, nnd here I am now living
alone. And I misses'emand 1 wants
Vm: but I misses'em more than I
1'hilndelpliia man (in Dakota:)
"What did that man do, steal a
horse?" leader lynching mob
"Worse." "Kill somebody?" "Worso
'nr that, stranger. We don't lynrh
fellers for hoss-stealin' and killin' no
more. We're a law-abidin' peoplo
wen we nn t pushed to hard. But,
vou see, there nn't no law to reni'h
that feller's ease." "There Isn't?"
"No Sir. He's one o' thoso o
eastern eovotes wot comes around
eiiggestin' jnwbreakin' Injun iiumed
tor north and south Dakota."
A Bala with Mtaaary.
There is a ceotleman livias in tnia
city who baa iu his poaceseioii a knife
once owned by Jim Bowie, which a as
given to him by Juan Padillo, a man
who if ft the Lbtte liana ot pirates to
follow the fortunes of Bowie, and who
is "till livinff. The knife is of temiered
alee), the blade sixteen inches long,
with a steel iruam sua a buckborn Han
dle. The handle is dressed smooth
where the baud rlaii it, and on one
side is a silver )Iute, one and one-half
inches long, set into the handle, on
which is scratched in rude characters.
Jim Bowie." Uu the steel guard of
the knife, on the upper side, two notch
es Lave been cut with a file, which old
Juan Padillo said were cut to mark tbe
number of men Bowie had killed with
the knife. On the lower side of the
gnard are three notches, which are said
to represent tbe number of Indians
scalped with the same knife. The knife
was given to Padillo by Bowie while
Bowie was a resident of bt. Auinistine,
Tex., and was presented by Padillo to
its present owner in 18X12, when the lat
ter succeeded in recovering; from the
Comunches ten head of horses which
they had stolen from Padillo's ranch,
thirty-live miles went of San Antouio.
Honey Grove (Tex.) Special.
Lovallnesa In Kllpper.
The eirl who dances for dancing's
sake wears a pair of thin, elegantly lin
itihod patent leather low heels and lacing
up the instep with ribbons. The beauty
who loves to dance, but who has mora
than ordinarily pretty feet, which olio
wishes to display to the best advantage,
wears bronze silk stockinjrs, elaborately
clocked and Louis XV slippers of tan
suede, embroidered on the toes with
gold beads and sometimes having a
glided heel. Miss Hargons, the beauty,
wears the former, and Miss HecUsher,
the belle, who has charming; little feet,
the latter. Miss De Wolf wears with
her India tea gown n little pair of scar
let satin slippers, sharply pointed Mt the
toe, and India red stockings. Miss
Marhnry, who has extremely pretty
feet, wears pale blue stockings ami
black satin slippers embroidered in gold.
Mrs. James Harvey Dew wears a pule
yellow empire gown, with blue silk
stockings and yellow satin slippers.
Mrs. James (J. Blaine, jr., receives her
calls in a black lace gown, and wears
scarlet stockings and slim, low-heeled
patent leather slippers. Most of the de
butantes wear their white tulle dancing
dress, tan snede slippers fastened with
small silver buckles. New York World.
fttrphoason'a Leisure Hour.
George Stephenson, the great railway
pioneer, did not know his alphabet un
til he was 18 years of age; but he no
sooner became convinced of the neces
ity of learning to read in order to get
along in Jlie world than he set about it
with all the energy be possessed, and
wont to school (though he made rather
a big school boy) while he was working
twelve hours a day at a very laborious
work. Meside learning to read and
write and acquiring the other elements
of education, he mended clocks and
shoes for his neghbors in his "leisure
hours." George Stephenson's example
hows that a great deal may be done if
we only make up our minds to do it
In a Quandary.
Mistah White "Doctah, my little
chile done caught de hoopin' cough."
Doctah Black (after serious thought)
You mus' take tree hairs from a mule's
back an' put 'em on dat chile. Dey will
cure de chile, but it'll kill de mule."
"But see heah, doctah, I's a poor man,
I is, an' I can't afford ter lose dat 'ere
mule. Wou't takin' de hairs from some
odder plnce cure de chile widout killin'
de mule?"
"Only one? You kin take 'em from
de mule's hind legs."
"But dat ud kill me." New York
.11 r. Sswall Male a Tcn-StrlUe.
Cheapo c 1 11-J Arkansas Traveller, Feb. 9.
A Traveller representative, learning
that Mr. George W, Sewall, of Auburn,
Park, III, had held a lucky number in
the last drawing of the Louisiana State
Lottery, interviewed that gentleman. It
was found that Mr. Sewall had one-tenth
of ticket No. 40,789, which drew the sec
ond capital prize of fl 00,000 in the com
pany's drawing of January 15th. Mr,
Sewall said: "I was asked incidentally
by a friend to purchase n ticket in this
drawing. I did so, paying one dollar
for the same, and gave the matter no
further thought until, to my great sur
prise, I was notified that my ticket had
drawn a prize. I received my money
through the Adams Express company,
five days after the date of the drawing.
The $10,000 was handed me without
question and without the slightest in
convenience or annoyance to me. The
one dollar which I paid for the ticket is
the first and only money I have ever in
vested in tho lottery."
Mr. Sewall has already invested the
proceeds of his lucky draw in Cook
county (111.) bonds, an investment which
is regarded as perfectly safe, and which
will bring him a comfortable income.
Khrxwd Art vies to a Riutterrr.
Tom Merritt is on deck again. If tho
gentleman from Marion did not bob up
at such limes the legislature would lose
one of its qnainest characters.
Merritt's stutter gives ft peculiar spice
to his stories. Several years ago, desir
ing to achieve distinction as an orator,
he sought to have the impediment
cured. He heard of a man who, it was
said, could cure stuttering, and con
sulted him. Being informed that the
impediment could be removed, he was
ao elated that he made known the fact
to all his friends, one of whom was Sam
I' nek master, who used to run the old
Alton penitentiary.
"Don't do it," was Buck master's ad
vice. "W-wh-why?" ejaculated Merritt, in
"Because your stuttering is all there
is to you. Don't do it," rejoined Buck
waster. Chicago Tribune.
Tnttl can carry on eonvsraatlon in flvs
different languages.
nowa THIS)
W alter On Handrtd Dollars lUwarl
lor any ess of Catarrh that can not b
turad nr taking Hall's Catarrh Cur.
F. J. CHKNRY CO., Prapa., Tolsdo, O.
We, the undsratgard, bav known F. J.
CbDy for th 1t 16 years, and bliv
him rfctly honorable In all businws
transactions, ard financially abl to carry
ut any obligation mad by tkair Arm.
West Trims, Wholesale Druggist. Tole
do, Ohio.
Watdiag. Klanla A Marvin, Wholesale
Proggla, Tolado, Ohio.
I. H. Van Hcma, Cashier, Toledo Na
tional Bank, Toltdo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cur la takn internally,
acting directly upon th Mood and atucu
nrlaess ol th system. Prl, 76 ctat DM
( boUl. Sld by all Druggist.
I suBsrwd for two weak ailk neuralgia
t th far, and procured immediate relict
by using Salvation Oil
S1U. WM.U BA1.U.
432 X. Carey St., Balto., MJ.
A Chicago lover bet his giri that hecouhl
tell what sfae was thinking of. 11 thought
b was thinking of him, hut sh wasn't; it
was about lr. Hull s luugli feyrup, wnien
bad just cured her of a dreadful rough.
Wb'B a little wan is hopelessly ia love it
greatly increase bia sighs.
Th State ot Texas on roaiiag iuto the
Caion reaervfd to itself its public lands,
and afterward devoted the alternating
section to promote schools aud aid rail
roads. The Houston and Texas (Jentral
B. R. Co. wa th first to build and eelect
from th then public douiaiu. For some
years it haa been at the mercy ot its cred
itors, but has recently been reorganized
and is now ready to part with its landed
estate, and make title thereto. By an an
nouncement, to be found elsewhere, it will
be seen tbat settlers ran have time in
which to complete purchases
The man who invests in a worthless
mine i a hole sold fellow.
Fob TaROur DisKAStr, t'ouiiSK. Colds,
etc., effectual relief is found ia the us of
"Brown's Bronchial Troches." 1'rice 25
cts. Sold only in bores.
The busy chimney sweep appssrs in a
fresh soot every day
For Stableman and Stockmen.
Ostt. SvlUsfS, BrvUn, Sprit u Salli. Slrsiss,
Uiihmi, StUTstu, CvcS4 !. Scrlltau.
OMirMUm, ftae WmMi, Strlafkfcit. Sr
titm. lumru. cii, wsituw. rii sm.
rirtvls. Tur. Spllau. BlBfbMtt sn4 Spvl
ta IU urlj Itsf . DlrnUw wltt Mck ktu.
At Dnruui.vrs asa Dtiuti.
Diamond Vera-Cura
Monikcn Trouble-. A r lulu Therefrom.
Tour Jji ufgist or General Dealer wilt get Vera
Cvrn for yov if vol alreiJy in rock, or tt tctll be
hytHailonrece.ittoVtcu, i5 hxt$ ll.UO) In uta-nip
ba tuple vent on receipt of Trcent taMt.
THK CHAKI.KS A. V'OiJiil.KK t',0., Baltimore. Md.
mi It aHm II Vm k mi bfi.
Among In Mt reneaiss siism n !
Mas pre-e mi neat, 'fft drusslsu speak ut It in
hifkest terms, sftsiviBUrsufscUoB wfcereve
11 to use.
Price 2ScU.,SOcta., and $1 per Bottle
Tks BOTTLES are pat ap for th soees-
ai4stlun ut sll wSo elrs ilmslr a
(Xlt l.ll or CROUP RKMKUr.
Thorn inirmg m,4y for COXS U.VPTICH
rany LVSQ DISK ASK hoM ttcun
th Lrtp $ 1 BotOt.
Mothers. Read!
Oiiuxs St., K v.. April It. Man.
CtfMtrmea.-Ttae Seaiaad fur's l.t'NO Baa-
Sam Is IncresllDg ooostjtatlr. Th ladies thiak thers
t no wedicis ttl to it fwr rroup so Wmoopt
i. ;. . m Asris. urasaw.
Are ackaowlsdred th best, being hariler,
ore productive sad yield better crop.
Cntalala Ml; m, kMt mkM, WWtHW appU-
msm. wain toa it.
Iu Iu XAsV-Z- aa OO..
kFuMisTS as Stiwais, St. Paul, Miss.
Only $3 for a 240 lb Family Scale
W mAufvture bj mm$
xhcrooBocfm. All actaisa
vro HHflf flBtnhfd wttk
Brttrinri, Vrui tVui utsl
P sXexj II ritafflc boiMl.ft
o 1000 lb. flatorot tomlm
on rollrfl fur gift. A Mt
lb. M:k -! AM. A Al
Tit on fUml i4, bm4 tv
M f r $.11. Kyj th ht
vnd lw mnfwy. Send tm
American Farm Scale Co., Ctncaga.
L'turlcrituw ii. MtkBB
Do vou WHot the BIIV aUABTItsPIIM ItBAVfll
eitu.t'vutmmr w. Dill 111111 1 flLLIM! QnUllvl
t'lAlllfiSKHU iuin joui iiisiari,oiiii niaae i
m Kgtrlj Cabbajfe-, 1'otatoft, rtxw. lev:., inn gtx Twmng
fannrropiif lr ), iilaut tAI..r.H'i mr.r.vm, rwK-
vm viit .imt vetreita.ti a ov iuj. txmimio.
i Trvnif-,tidou I IIOCDMC (H AWCP'tonP,,rm ' Wi Whmt. Potato, ..
Stotrkof irM LUWtBllllE VWU f til Wurehuum mrtaa men. Send c stjn p for
WHITE WONDER OATzi3 nu. prr.) ana my urmin MjnpiManagtM nneti iwi-
itBgmuUUked i Anerk. JOIUI AV AtaXKM. Ni rr, Lm On
111 EM
Tbe Best
1ltrinBsirDIUriBkttniMinHniit, will tp rj la
amntkntlrMla. Siwarsaflniutln, ll"MUra
r lb Jf1' ' 5 $&W iff ASK VOUS QSOCCS fOU
I fl Mt 'V1""iis wml V A OOW "HAUD
Look at mv face and my handsnot a pim
ple. Such as you saw thero some time
8eo my fresh cheeks, and I'm getting a dim
ple, I don't look at all Ilk I used to, I
My face was all blotchet-oompUzhm Ms
No wonder they thought me and called me
a fright;
Mo one need have pimples and skin gray and
If she'll tako what I took, ev'ry morn,
noon, and night.
I asked the delighted yonng woman what she referred to, and ihe answered,
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It i. the best beautlfler In the world,,
because It purifies and enriches the blood, aud pure rich blood gives good health,
and good health beauty.
Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery h guaranteed to cure all Blood,
Skin and Scalp Diseases as Blotches, Eruptions, Salt-rheum, Tetter, Eczema,.
Erysipelas, Scrofulous Sores and Swellings, in short, all dicsasea caused by bad
blood, or money paid for It will be promptly refanded.
Copyrighted, IMB, by World's DisnemAitr Midical Associattow, Proprietors.
no matter how bad or of how long staodlaT,
U permatAOtly cured by OR. tAMt CATARRH REMEDY. N cents, by druggist.