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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1889)
it ioux CountyJournal 1 j HRRISOUST, TsTEB., MAR,, 7, 1889. 3STO. 25 R'. 1 1 1 :-i.T;ziaaBig FURNITURE, ,f;iE, BARBED-WIRE li lowest Prices iEO TO SWOLD'S. nnn I 'J Sill Win CHEAP. Iliave just received a CAR J f J fwy I Bow. xours jor ousinesc, rfl i. ft? I), II. GRISWOLD, . . stt "d1 1sj- YEAR. START. GOODS, IX".'-' ' -, f 'Oft' ci'' B.u 'the wanNEss at the 3. :! SUPPLY HOUSE, t'-i IIUMOUII, I1CU., I ' 1 . 4 rfwltiM pMtjTMT, and the Management return Thanks to i ' JIm IilMKtl FttSnage liestowed, ami, ly Square Dealing r y !' ' 1 i -1 wJUtdmt of Everything in the line of Gcner- kZlte merit a continuance of the same. prim ArfrftZ H Usual. s f V ' )lldl if ryW" d a Large Stock or Oats, corn, chop Feed Ac, ,! ,H 1 " p 5 - 1 , .r) ' s r- . Iv" SN IS I'UICES DEFIED. if ' iff11' ' " lUMi 'r 'Vynil office ' i K--r, GAP' DAKOTA. CUrFCiC - LUMBER CO., F. C. SiKENSEN, Secretary. IS"" ,' v t ler3 in ' il. Grain. Lath I r f ft, ..i ... , . J i ' v It 1 1 ' i n Doors Plaster, Lime, ir f 'IV II 1 1 " T.FTK STfIC : J x a. J IV u . G. GUTHRIE, Manager, THE SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL W. E. I'aUersou, Proprietor. Harrison Market. Butter, 15c. Eggs, l(c. Poultry, fier doz. 2.40 to f3. Oats, per 100 lb f 1.00 to 1.10. Corn, per 100 8) 90 to tl.00. Bran, per 100 1.10. Feed, ohoped, per 100 lb f 1.35. Potatoes, per bu. 2 ic. Sorghum, )er gal. 60c. Onions, per bu. $1.50. Beans, per bu. $2.00. Time Table. F. E. & M. V. Ry., Passenger. Going west leave Harrison at 10:35 A. M. Going east leave Harrison at 2:51 P. M. "The wroiijf jew." Oiits for sals at the lumber yard. Mr. Asa Davis is preparing to build a house on his honiesteiid. Sioux county school warrants bought at the Bank of Harrison. Mike Bruck h;us taken a claim two miles north-east of town. Some of our readers wonder "how are the two broncho riders in AVar Bonnet." Mr. Barker proved up on his pre-emption and received his final receipt bust week. Con. Lindeman has taken ii claim in the valley close to the mouth of Sow belly canyon. Geo. Whitney is going to Ft. Robinson Monday to bid on the building of some new Ijarracks. It is rumored that Mr. II. M. Warneke has sold his general merchandise store to W. R. Smith & Son. Miss Shattuck, who is visiting with MiHs Emma Weir, sjient Sunday and Monday in Crawford. J We are informed that Walter Wood ufr lost two saddles, a hat and other' periodicals last Friday night. Mr. A. H. Shafer, of Rushville, son of our worthy Dr. Shafer, was here several days recently and planted five acres of trees on his claim south of town. The Lusk Herald has assumed the pro portions of a five column quarto and con tains in the lirst issue of that size a nice write-up of the country. It is a good paper. Mr. Richard Corcoran exjiects to start for Bitston, Minnesota, next Monday. Ho called yesterday and ordered that the Journal should seek him weekly and and left the necessary lucre. We have this week added to the Jour nal outfit $150 worth of type and ma terial, among which is a power job press the only one in the county and are now prepared to do all kinds of job printing. Anything from a fine visiting card to a'half sheet poster is now within the capabilities or this ollice. Thos. iteidy started out to locale a gentleman yesterday morning and the buggy upset tt short distance south of town quite suddenly. The broncho re turned shortly with a part of the har ness and Tom and his companion soon followed. The buggy was coniderably broken but otherwise no injury was done. i Read the "ad" of "the wrong pew," Mr. Winfred T. Moore, from Ansley, Nebraska, arrived here lust week and has located two miles south-east of town. He returned to Ansley Monday and will return here noon accompanied by four other families and several car loads of stock and implements. Thos. Reidy did the locating and Mr. Moore is well pleased with the land shown him. Four cars of stock and emigrant stuir arrived liere last Friday from Cummings county, this state. Three belonged to Mr. Henry Guhlke and his four sons and one to Mr. Wm. Schultz. Mr. Schultz has been here before but his family and goods arrived Friday. Mr: Ghulke has several head of cattle arid horses that are fine, well graded animals. The JotRNAL extends to the new comers a hearty welcome, Have you seen "the wrong )ew?" At the literary entertainment last ev ening was witnessed a larger crowd than on any previous occasion, The ex ercises were somewhat curtailed by the absence of a part of the participants but the vacancies were partly filled by vol untaries. One of the most interesting items in the program was the questions and answers by Mrs. C, C. Jameson. The dialogue by foui of the gentlemen was well rendered and created much merri ment. The song, "Old Grimes is dead" ly Dotha and Georgie Bartell and Kear ny Post took the house by storm at! did also the recitation by Elmer Smith. Af ter several otlier meritorius selections the evenings entertainment concluded by a short address from Mrs. Bassett in hr usual earnest and forcible manner. , Alwayi dpo "th wrong; pw'l, Ol'R RAMBLER. f A Few Things lie Sees Hears and Com- ii nil uu. In talking recently with a patr a of 0 the town who lives about 20 miles frorfl iM're, he informed Rambler tliat the worst piece of road he had to travel was tlie main street of Harrison w here the rocks and stones lie in such profusion,""' First impressions are not ,4ftways lasting ones but are frequently acted iq on. If a )erson is well and favorably impressed with a town at first sight, it may go a long way toward determining their actions for many future years, so wt advise the citizens to be awake and alert at all times in trying to improve the, looks of the town by improving the looks of each particular part thereof. If each one will only do a little the ag gregate will amount to considerable. -!-Rambler is sorry to be forced to ad mit that the much talked of improve ments for the roads through the canyons lias only been a useless lot of wind ex penditure so far, with no apparent prospect of anything more substantial being done. During the coming wet weather this spring many places will be very dangerous if not entirely impassable. Is the Board of Tmde or the town go ing to do anything on this subject? "The wrong pew" is here now. : nar Kouiiet narbiiiigs. Charlie Brooks wants to see you about herding your cattle the coming slimmer. Little Jimmy Farnam is building a little house on his little claim. Phil. McVay proved up on his claim lately and shaking the gumbo from his feet he hit the trail for Iowa where he thinks he has a more lucrative Job than holding down a claim, at tilling the soil on his father-in-law's farm. Wilber Shepherd is a rustler, the only tiling lie doesn't seem to be successful in rustling is a house keeper. A couple of couple wound up the dance on the 22nd by an "all walk around" in the snow on their way home. We could scarcely tell from our remote poiit of observation, whether the girls wee taking advantage of the soft Mercy snow for a carpet to give a gym nastic performance, or whether the boys were scaring the horses for a little race, or toe horses were playing circus with Hie wlit-le out.'it. We are informed that the entertainment was instigated by a broken hame string. The young ladies furnished the music "viva voce", on a high key, while the boys played heavy part they fell heavily over the dash board into the snow. Bob. gathered up the fragments while Ned. exercised his pedal extremities in a spin around the hill, down by the creek and up by the garden after his team. Luckily no one was hurt. Warbler, war bonnet no. 2. School closed ill district No. 15 last Thursday. Miss Robinson will be great ly missed by the people in the valley. Warbler made a mistake; it was not John Thornton that chopped the wood for the school house. It was Johnny Anderson. Miss Mabel Robinson was the guest of Miss Stanard the latter part of last week. Every one remarked on the excellent lyceum Wednesday evening. The miss ing of the two preceding meetings seemed to give them new life and energy for their work. Several new members were added to the society. The dance at Mr. Slattery's last Friday evening was well attended, there being alxmt thirty-five persons present. Tliey all passed a very enjoyable evening, John Thornton being present. Pat Dunn thinks he will try to find some consolation in New Mexico. Miss Ida Stanard sj)ent Sunday with Miss Robinson on the divide. Don't you think it is about time for Sour Disposition and Ex-County Official to lay down the battle ax? Some of the young people had quite an accident on the way home from the dance on the 22nd. We would advise the young men to see to their hame straps and whiflletrees before starting in the future. Firefly, Corn and oaN for hale at the lum ber yard. Were you ever in "the wrong pew?" yt'OKN" FOR SALE AT THE LIM BER YARD. Do you know where "the wrong ,ew" is? All persons knowing themselves in debted to me will please get to the front and settle up as I need the money. D. IL Griswoi.d. A car load of emign.nt stuir arrived from Washburn, Illinois, last Saturday. It was the property of a family by the name of Hurceler consisting of the mother and three sons. Sioux county is surely going to boom. Notice in another column the advertis ment of the new lirm of Conley, Reidy & Pollard. Mr. Conley has only been here a few months but has alreaxly proven to be of the "right stuff". He is an able attorney and a friend and cham pion of the people and their rights. Mr. Reidy is well known in the county and his friends with one accord testify to his integrity and that implicit confidence may be placed in him. He will attend to locating new comers and soliciting farm loans. Mr. Pollard will probably not be here for some months yet but the firm will put In a full set of abstract books upon his arrival. Call and see "the wrong jiew." Monroe ( reek Ac. Who can beat this? March weather. "Let us have peace" and Canada. Mr. Sherrel raised a big, new log house yesterday. He came to stay. E. A. Andrews received a run of sur prise dancers last Monday night. Tho people of Squaw creek are build ing a new school-house and will start school as soon as the house is completed. Geo. W. Tool has been teaching his sheep the use of tobacco. Oh, for a hundred more such Tools with each a hundred sheep! Immigrants still keep dropping into the valley. Whose house burned dow n last Mon day night? Noliody's, but a huge pile of pitch pine burned up upon a high bluff just north of B. F. Thomas' house. Hurrah for the first hundred years of the United States! Hurrah for the next thousand to come. Farmeis are begi ining to bow wheat and the ground is in splendid condition. Junior. B. E. Brewstkr, President. F. Coffee, Vice. Pres. Grand Ball on the 18th. rOats for sale at the lumber yard. V We acknowledge our indebtedncs to Mr. Siingerland for a copy (No. 21) of the Bodarc Record. Mr. John A. Pratt, of Antelope, res pectfully announces that a dance will be given at his place on tho 10th of March The Commissioners and County Sur veyor were engaged in laying out a new road from the valley to the ridge the lirst part of this week. Remember the lecture entitled Prison Life and Escaiie, by Major Seaniahorn. This lecture is not visionary by any means', as the Major relates actual exjier iencesof horrible prison life 'and hair breadth escapes. Try "th wrtmg pew" once in a whito CIIAS. C. JAMESON, Cashier. Commercial Bank. INCORPORATED. General Banking Business -TRANSACTED. - IlARRISO, Nebraska. C. H. Andrews & Co., -Dealers in- Drugs, Paints, Brushes, Oils -AND- Fine Toilet Goods, 'STATIONERY A. PERFUMES. BESTOIGARS IN THE CITY, L. O. HULL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. HARRISON, - NEB. GEORGE WALKER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Will nractice before all courts and the United States land office. Business entrusted to my care will re ceive prompt attention. HARRISON, NEB. M. BRUCK, boot & shoe maker, ' FIRST CLASS GOODS At REASONABLE PRICES. First door north of Bank of Harrison. - B. F. THOMAS, - SURVEYOR, A-VD GENERAL LAND AGENT OF FIFTEEN YEARS EXPERIENCE. Is well acquainted with the U. S. land aws and rulings of this department. Keeps plats of Sioux county and eastern Wyoming, and has done work from Chadron to the Laramie plains, and from North Platte to the Dakota line. He fur nishes good entertainment to visitors and immigrants in this the most wonderful corner of Nebraska, 8 miles north west of Harrison. Have 640 acres of the best winter pasture to let. THE HARRISON NOVELTY W'KS. All kinds of Wood & Iron Work SATISFACTORILY DONE. New and Improved Machinery is Con stantly being added. I RESPECTFULLY Solicit Your Patronage. - - Cs L. -TUBUS, Pieif. H. M. Warneke, -the- PIONEER MERCHANT OF BZ-RRISOtSr, Is always ready, assisted by his gonial clerk, Mr Thomas Reidy, to wait upon their many customers with a COMPLETE STOCK -of FAMILY SUPPLIES, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoos, Groceries, Queensware, Flour, Feed &c. &c. , at lowest Bed Rock Prices. GIVE THEM A CALL AND BE CONVINCED. J. II- COOK. Agate Sriusas Ranch. Brand c on left jaw. Makes apecialty of breeding Roadsters, Draft and Saddle Horses; also red and black Polled tattle. Range on Running Water. Post Of fice ; HARH180N, - - NEWA8K4 f V k. X t r. V f' -V ? f - -V. "