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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1889)
Sioux Gounty Journal V fcfi', . i Ill iND- ,1 F ouft 'An j: :4 '.S.-t TZA-ttEUISOIX , IsTBB., FEB. 28 1889. IsTO. 24 j THE SIOUX COUNTY LI. J FURNITURE, r::;.r.E barbed-wire Acd a Big - J lowest Prices GO TO ODISWOLD'S. W. E. Patterson, Proprietor. 1 1 taf kttM win CHEAP. I have just received a CAR ' JVtt to buy tt Vo urs for business, ' , D. II. GRLSWOLD. 1' r jtvt" leal vf thoh imp.. i ; t5DB 8USE&ESS AT THE 3lL r-J .U YEAR. START. O-OOIDS. Harrison Market. Butter, 15c. Eggs, 15c. Poultry, per dox. f2.40 to 3. Oats, per 100 It $1.00 to 1.10. Corn, per 100 ft 90 to f 1.00. Bran, ier 100 It fl. 10. Feed, chopped, per 100 It $1.35, Potatoes, per hu. 30c. Sorghum, per gal. 80c. Onions, per bu. $1.50. Beans, per bu. $2.00, Time Table. F. E. & M. V. Ry., Passenger. Going west leave Harrison at 10.35 A. M. Going east leave Harrison at 2:51 P. M. :PPLY HOUSE, Ib7!:on, Neb,, 1 1t IMQdtt and the Management return Thanks to lS)f5l fc'paage liestowed, and, by Square Dealing l, htfj? if "mmnt of Everything in the line of Gener- iCtS mt' n t u continuance of the nume. 1 "0 M Usual. i ! ' 0" Mut f Rgjur iada Large Stock of Oats, corn, chop Feed &c. iEtttl i Hi t f l 4 'a''. ' t-iltk -o "JS IN PRICES DEFIED. 1 t r ,SV i ' i ... v A 3 GAP, DAKOTA. SKRWKM, Secretary, 'Oats for sale at the lumber yard. Look out for a big "ad" and new firm next week. Sioux county school warrants bought the Bank of Harrison. Snow plows were attached to the en gines on this road Saturday but were of little use. Mrs. Weir expects to leave for a short visit to her former home at Rushville next Monday. We understand that Mr. McGinly is contemplating the building of a large barn on his ranch. Thos. Reidy returned yesterday from a several week's trip to Hay Springs, Al liance and other parts of the country Born, Sunday evening, to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Leelinir of Smiaw creek, a son. All parties doing well at last accounts. One year ago yesterday the lire fiend swept from the business portion of Har rison several hundred dollars worth of property. A protracted meeting will be held at the church to commence with the servi ces on Snndav of March the 10th, and continue indefinitely. Don M. Weir and Miss Minnie Thomas were married at the residence of the bride's parents yesterday. Justice Jones performed the clinching act, We have heard of a great many differ ent kind of (lies but "that the warm wind and sunshine of Monday and' Tuesday made the snow-fly we can testify. Ed. Weir has purcliased the Sell rant timber claim lying Just east of town and will nre-emnl it. Negotiations for the building of a house are now pending. Mrs. Robinson left for her home at Netawaka, Kas., on last Monday. Mrs, Robinson had been here for several months visitinsr with her daughter, Mrs. Grant Guthrie. The bi-weekly meetings of the literary society are growing in numbers anil in terest at every session. An uhusually interesting program is being prepared for next Wednesday. Everybody is invited Remember the lecture entitled Prison Life and Escape, by Major Scamahorn. This lecture is not visionary ly any means) as the Major relates actual exper iences of horrible priwn life and hair breadth escapes. Rev. J. A. Scamahorn will deliver his A Few Things lie Sees Hears and Com- preliends. While the Rambler was making his rounds this week his attention was culled to a certain individual who, from lis age and general apjiearance of dig nity, his oily manner, his conciliatory tone and bearing, from his venerable and flowing gray beard and feminine tender ness for dogs, was set down by your scrilie as a person in every respect equal to and in all probability the acknowl edged successor of the sage of Monticel- lo, and acting on said opinion we pro ceeded to congratulate the people ot Harrison on the possession of such wis dom and virtue. Whereupon the individ ual on our right proceeded to knock our idealistic opinions and theories into a 'cocked hat" bv boldly asserting that the paragon of virtue above described, wal a "whited sepulchre and a spleen sac' in which was stored all the venom of a self-asserted righteous clique, with headquarters at Harrison, but whose actual business was the laying of a 'pois onous incubus on the growth and prosper ity of Harrison and Sioux county. " The LUMBER CO., OUR RAMBLER. Monroe Creek. Zizl whixz! 20 below was the coldest last week but tliat is past and some jack rabbits still enjoy free range. AVarbler is still sour and away ofr. How much he knows that is not so';1 He was born in the wrong time of the moon, hence he gets out of bed backwards each morning. ' Several couples from the valley at tended the dance at Harrison on the 22, in sleighs. School in No. 15 will close this week. W. A. Rich expects to herd on his homestead next summer. Jolin Scott worked up some furniture for his young bachelor friend. Scott is an old hand at the trade. Wlien the moon-shiners get' to operat ing we shall have brisk news. Junior, L. O. HULL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. HARRISON, - NEB, gentleman on our left likened him to "a large boil, through which was exuded all the corruption of an eifete set of po litical bosses," remarking in parenthesis, that after each exudation there was . , . , i 'i a . enough poison retained in me uou w ma terially weaken the carcass from which it emanated." Quite a skittering of our pre-arranged ideal, but we can only sigh with the poet Moore: Twas ever thus, from childhoods hour I've seen my fondest hopes decay. Rambler, in his journey of observa tion, noticed several windows and store fronts with the glass broken out of them and ugly looking sheets of tin or iron or boards filling the places. While he was contemplating these ruins, being there by forcibly reminded of the condition of those noliticians who have builded their hopes on the sucees of'free range, he overheard the town kicker say some thing about the need of connecting side walks in one or two places before spring dampness sets in, tiie aforesaid town kicker then took the Rambler by the ear and led him up to the town well, and in the confusion of ow spirits at being thus roughly led about, we caught something of his excited ejaculations about the well be ing unsafe, and of the danger that child ren might fall therein and spoil the wa ter or Borne "free range" horse or cow perform the same foolish act and be drowned. Antelope Wliilts. Range cattle were eyeing farmers' hay stacks during the snow and cold weath er. Joe Sherer is hauling logs for a bi. house for himself. Wonder if Joe has a partner in his eye. Farmers' Alliance meeting at J. U. Hunt's next Tuesday. Monopoly take heed, for we are coming. Win. Zimmerman and Fred Stennner have become one: one heart and one soul and are now spending their honey-moon E. II. Salisbury and Jack Ragland came home from the new railroad where Uwv h:l lieen woikintr. Too much cold t, weather did it. Your White river correspondent in favor of free range, we could knock into a cocked hat but hate to waste so much space in your paper on such silly trash, poor county this would lie indeed if it was settled only by such men as him; but will tell him that it is said that Pe ter Cooper made his money by buying up old mules and manufacturing them into glue, and we down here, can hear tily congratulate your White Kiver cor respondent for having escaped Peter's eye. Ltxuo. GEORGE WALKER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Will practice before all courts and the United States land office. Business entrusted to my care will re ceive prompt attention. HARRISON, - NEB. H, T. CONLEY, Attorney-at-Law. Will practice in all State and Federal courts, and United States Land office. Pre-emption and timber culture filings made. Contests initiated, prosecuted or de fended. Office on Main street, Harrison, Nebraska. - B. F. THOMAS, - STJBVBYOR, AND GENERAL LAND AGENT FIFTEEN YEARS EXPERIENCE. Is well acquainted with the U. S. land laws and rulings of this department. Keeps plats of Sioux county and eastern Wyoming, and has done work from Chadron to the Laramie plains, and from North Platte to the Dakota line. He fur nishes good entertainment to visitors anil immigrants in this the most wonderful corner of Nebraska. 8 miles north west of Harrison. Have 640 acres of the best winter pasture to let. THE (J Ion Items. ! ?ats for sale at the lumber yard. "I jf'skni anil nfl ia fur sale at the lniil her yard. Wheat sowing will begin in earnest next week. We are led to believe that spring is here by the present warm and beautiful weather. the force of plasterers on the court house has been largely increased and the work is therefore progressing rapidly. If the farmers had as little use for their crops as the Herald outfit has for water, there would be less feeling on the herd law subject. lecture entitled "Prison Life and Escape" L"a n nersons knowing themselves in- . .. ' Dealers in- t Grain, Lath 1 A . j,V V' " 3S 6 O O 1 S , Plaster, Lime, IVJ lit I.I iN -1. .' LETE STOCK- ON HAND t ' ' (si i on Saturday evening March 9th, at the" M. E. Church, proceeds to be applied' to the organ fund. Fine music will b in terspersed and a general good time will be had. If A. J, Babcock wishes a few facts in regard to the 130 legal voters Who signed the protest against H. R. 95, we would respectfully ask him to make his wishes known through the Herald and we will endeavor to throw some light on the subject. Judge Hunter now wears his chin bird shaved clean. Wliat a blessing it would be if the Judge could only do likewise with his past record, yet we fear that the severing knife would necessarily go so deep as to prove fatal to the Judge; The record is indestructible. The ball given in honor of Washing ton's birtiiday was a success genially and well attended. The music by Messrs John and Edward Blunt and P. L. Mc Crea, wais all that could be desired and gave good satisfaction. About twenty five or thirty couples, were present. The ladies of Harrison met Wednesday and decided to organize a Woman s Christian Temperance Union. Consti tution and by-laws were adopted and then, for lack of time, the meeting ad journed to meet on Wedneeday, .Mrch 13th, when the officers will be elected and the organization perfected, ' Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Marking were pay-' ing business visits to our merchants Monday, Mr. Marking callodon the Journal and in answer to our inquiry informed' ns tliat the German Ball advertised tw take place at his residence on the evening of the 4th of March is dobted to me will please get to the .front and settle up as I need the money. D. H. Griswold. Dave Bartlett has concluded tliat a little more outdoor and gymnastic ex ercise is essential to his health and is wrestling with the green and festive logs at Darnell and Nelson's saw mill. Wp hv the Thedford Tribune, of Thomas county, Neb. , that our former genial fellow townsman, Mr. John JJe Brown, has invested in real estate in that town and is erecting a building wttkih he will occupy when completed and engage m the banking business. John is a square dealing, honest, gentle manly fellow, as they will surely find him. P. H. McVay & family, of Antelope, left last Monday for Iowa Falls, their former home, where they expect to "re main this summer. We are sorry that Mr. McVay and his estimable family have seen fit to absent themselves from Sioux county for even one summer. Mr. McVay is a good neighbor a good citizen, and one of the kind of men whose ab sence is a loss to any community. ' We are in receipt of so many commn- Minntiniis rnir.irdiutr the herd law tliat We are unable to publish them for 'want ofaiit.-fi. We trust that our C0rWon- jdents Will desist from the herd hwV con ttoversy as it is only a waste ot valuable ind at this time and only results in bad foiling generally. We believe house roll 95 will have -passed the senate before this retlches our readers, but If not ap ply your forcible arguments to the sen ate ami you will probably accomplish in'ore beneilcial results. CORN toil SAL At TIIE LL'M- John Shay is busy cutting saw logs, T Dawrmort lost a valuable dog a short time ago. It was supposed to have taktui a midden attack nf cliarging range cattle and got too far away from home. Mr. Kremen is still hauling logs for H. L. Buckley. Don't it make us poor fellows feel bad? Just to think, tliat because we didn't support the candidates of the Republi can!?) Convention last fall, we are kicked out of the ring; but go careful broth east?) or that kick may prove to be a backaekwards affair. We see that the Glen Taxpayer w using the same old argument, viz; if you don't believe and do as I do you are a fool and an idiot, but we will bet money nm!nut nmrldes that the man at whom he is directing his imbecile attack don't herd or lorn his stock loose to eat up !! neiiAlmir's crops because he hasn't got any fence. S. W. Kemp and Joe Decker are haul ing saw-logs for a setting at Mr. Kemp's place. ' James Fruizer, son of J. N. Fruizer, arrived a few days ago from Iowa, Damiel Klein is getting out another lot of logs and says he is going to have a new house this time. We wonder when we are going to have school again? So the Free rangers don't like House roU 95? The old saying is, "give the Devil rope enough and lie will hang. him self" and it has .proved true with our Free Rangers. Last, fall they hud it that there was alnl ndred thousand dol lare worth (assessed valuation) ot stock owned by ranchmen in the county and according to their way of figuring it the ranchnten .paid nine-tenths of all the tax es in the count yy and a herd law would drive them out and impoverish the couni v. Now they say there is only five thousand cattle and nwses-aitogem- . , U t Cn ltM1. er. 'iNOW HOW mucu o: and is owned by the farmers? Suppose the cattle men owned tfour of that five thousand we can'-t see where they get their hundred thousand valuation, and according toiieir own showing the far mer is jiMJas much entitled to protec tion us-the stockmen, awl the farmers have twice declared for the herd law but Were counted out each time. MelunCvk. i L L-. HARRISON NOVELTY W'KS. All kinds of Wood & Iron Work SATISFACTORILY DONE. ' New and Improved Machinery is Con stantly being added. I RESPECTFULLY Solicit Your Patronage. C. L. TUBUS, Prop. H. M. Warneke. -THE- PIONEER MERCHANT -OF If Borer has any ipersonal grievances toward the ex-county official lot him call and settle 4 The public will think better of him. Other folks can manage their own business without his'aid. Ex-Co. Official. Boggy ltcuis. Is always ready, assisted by his genial clerk, Mr Thomas Reidy, to wait, upon their many customers with a COMPLETE STOCK -of- FAMILY SUPPLIES, Dry Goods, Cools -nnd 'Shoes, Groceries. Queensware, Flour, Feed &c. &('., at lowest Bed 'Rock Prices. fltVE TllSTJf A CALL, AND 'to Harrison Richard Corcoran was up on a contest the other (lay. W. Corcoran left for wok on the rat sure to be give AH wlk fft-n behw BE CONVINCED.. Vi' BIB YARD. . ; . , rOtttlthcHrtherdtty. i4w(jM. v -