-THE-OLDES T AND ONLY ttEPUBLICfltl Paper in Sioux County. Farmers, Merchants! Stockmen! EVERYBODY! Do you want to see the county set tled and the val ue of your proper ty increased? Do you favor an economical admin istration of county affairs? Do you feel that fob have been robbed by the corruption of county officials) Do you want the BEST LOCAL PA PER in the county? If so, then subscribe or THE Sioux County J J 0 U U f a a L L The People' PAPER. S K you have it now subscribe again and send a copy to some relative or friend and they may In induced to come and settle here. . ( wu iivti I l r v Ulf merous Una ever and items from arffT - - hbltled parte f the county will be hadToeT yard. constantly. ' ii you do not want it a year try it for three month. JfespectAilly, W, E. PATTERSON, Prop. i. H- COOK. Agate Stokos Batch. Brand c on left jaw. Make aspec-falty nf breeding Roadsters, Draft and Saddle Horses; also red and black Polled cattle, M. BBUCK, boot & shoe maker, FIRST CLASS At REASONABLE PRICES. First door north of Bank Harrison. E. BlinvsTHt. Piviil.'nt- C. F. Cwfee. Vice. 11. ( HAH. C. JAMESON, C asiut-r. commercial Bank INCORPORATED. .A. General Banking Business TRANSACTED. HaKRHOX, Nebraska, C. H. Andrews & Co., Dealers in- Drugs, Paints, Brushes, Oils, -AND- Fine Toilet Goods, STATIONERY A PERFUMES, BEST CIGARS lit THE CITY. ll? ?f5J5? "J. P0Pl" Kicnttte ue I mm MDHakaa' ad ku ,ka rail Ulutrata. Kit dia of WmdiLm. nrcalatkm Ins. Pnbll.h 1 tr- Sane for aaicl an. Prtol MUKH SCO AtCKITECTt & IUILCEIC ft ClHiM tf fteJsttlto Aatriou. tj u,!?mS'Tm- Fto eoetaloa aolorad maocmpkle sutw of eosstrr ax cMt raattaa r jpoblie DaiMlnn. Nsmroaa Mranai. and raft alaiw and paelSeaUoai for thi aaa of toed m contain ptata boildlBf . Prlca tUC a mi. I w .v vsimji iwiua uwi mmv M0.IH application i for American uit for. Men aaiants. Send for Uaadkook. Coma. TRADE MARKS. lauaadlat protactloa. Saod lor llandboot COITllfftllTM for book, charts, aaaa. U qnleklr prorared. Addreaa HCNX 4c CO., Paint Rallritara. finiBAi. ornca : M Bmahvat. . T Oats for sale at the lumber yard. e teraaMoauror sale at the lai atl - Henry Wertx returned from Wianer Tuesday. Tuesday, Med At the residence of John Hem near Montrose, on Monday evening at 10:80 o clock, Peter Buffer, from injur les received a few days ago by a log fall ing upon his head. The deceased waa twenty-five year of age at the time Of his death and unmarried. Burial wrvi. ces will be held at Montrose trwlnv Having recieved special prices onrrtr- perysvocu grown at fchoux City, Iowa. nna wishing to furtlier introduce tM p quote Uie following reduced nriceaj the same to hold good until March lOtb 1889. Apple trees, 3 to 4 ft, per 100 Uharrjr 8 to 4 ft " ' 40.00 M.00 7.00 8.00 8.00 Plum 8 to 4 ft " " Concord grapes, Rasyerbarrtea, Blackberrtea. . Strawberries, 8.00 All other kind of fruit and ehmha qaally cheap. Forest tenia nf anv aW. crrption at phow lower than ever Mom m eaonx eonnty. All utock warrawted te ha In food enndiUon traan Mivarad iiiii Jones OlILlli The Sioux County Journal Published every Xliurw; Subcriition Prke. fi.00 w f P.llewon Editor and ITN Euleivd at tlie jiooHU at as secoml dus matter. llui'i'ivifl HarrUoii MarkH. Butter, IV. Ew,-s. V. Poultry. r don. f2 to 3. Oats per 100B.1.00to 1.10. Corn. r 100 90 to 11.00. Bmn, per 100 ft f 1.10. Feed, clioped, per 100 ll.M, Potatoaa, per bu. 30 Sorglmm, perpil. 60c. Onions, per hu. fl.50. Omma, r bu. 12 00. Ou cc Outs for sale at the lumher yard. OR FOR HALE AT THE Ll'M- HER YARD. Sir. & Mrs. Jas. Cook were in Harriwni last week. Mrs. Cook is enjoying imu-h better health tlum formerly, we are glad to chronicle. Cliiulron is making a united effort to secure the State Normal scliool. We hooe thev may be successful and thmk the location a desirable one. If Mr. Carleton's experienc doesn't teath him tliat lie lias been a meek little fly then liis exjierience will be widt-ly different from ours and many crthers. Dr. Shafer was i-alied to attend Mr. Eli J. Wilcox Sunday night. His troub le was some swelling of the throat, hut after the Dr's skillful treatment ) im proved rapidly, We understand that Mr. Egan, of tle Du was County Journal, has diMiwaed of his interest in the Lusk Herald to Mr. Myers the former efficient local editor of that newsy sheet DM At his residence near the head of Whistle creek on Feb. 6, of pneunxmia, Mr. Joseph Bartow aged Ijetween SO and 60 years- He leaves two children, boys here, and a wife and child at Kansas On or about Feb. 20, tliere will be a change qf firm at the Ranch Supply House, and all those indebted to the present owner are respectfully request ed to call and settle their accounts be fore that date. Died A two year old child of Leo- pold DeBock's on last Monday. The child was taken alck Sunday morning but not Berionsly ao until sometime in the following night when Dr. Sliafer was sent for only to arrive about ten min utes after the child's death. Mr. W. Munson and G. W. Davis made this office a very friendly call last week. Mr. Davis lives on Antelope and Mr. Munson is at present stopping at Geo. Turner's and is one of tlie line riders for the O W cattle outfit. He and Mr. Da vis were chums in former years at tlie "cow puncher" business and are old reg ulars at that business. D. H. Griswold has taken a partner in the furniture and hardware business and now the firm is Griswold k Marsteller. Mr. J. Marsteller in well and favora bly known by a majority of the people in Sioux county, as ha was one of the Hint settlers on this ridge. With the ac cumulated proOte of bis honest toil he now embarks in business with the vet eran Griswold and the many friends will be glad to greet John s smiling counte nance from behind tlie counter at Gris wold and Marsteller' s. The stock has been moved to Mr. Griswold'g more ca pacious quarters on the corner. . Mr. Jas. R. Kidd, of the wholesale house of Farrell & Co., Omaha, was stopping at the Harrison House Mondav night and having retired early proceeded w coax to mmseu ine sweet blissful slumber by reading a few pages of an in- by ""J'"8 f'T f " teret" novel, wherein, during the course or tus reading, a ship had gone down in mid ocean and manv nannl haA perished. He soon after fell asleep and dreamed that he waa on board a vessel during a mighty gala and she lad drifted upon the rocks and waa sinking. Rnafe n. o , ifiuil a bnun- der like voice roared out the orders. All was confusion amid the neltimr of the rain, the lightning's flash and the mighty uianaer ot Uie sea aa the waves chased each other to and fro. He bad been as sisting others women and children to tne boate and now lie was tha only one left on board. )uick! the boate are all gone but one and it is ready; sen! they have cast off from tha vassal's side. He waite no longer but springing upon the a- T"e'aj uwu uia 1 bulwark be leap head foremost into the I aea lighting on his head in one corner of I the bedroom with bis feet trviiur tn I O I niaae lianas wiui a portrait of Geom Washington six feet above the floor. 1 Hie dream ended then and there and . curiae an old bandkarcfaaef la wicaat ik. rif?inf hiooa from liis forehead and ty- mmfwrn wpm a heat be ooukt in the I F . Weir &'C. s amiounced a the nun. at Mouse. Mr. Weijxiti. m the urm oulv tlie natural enuh tf tl iioneMj . BiteritV, good juagniem. anu w mention to bUMne tlwrt clwnu ier- izedhuuin tbe a( rty f clerk and manager for Mrs. lkisaetta extensive bua iness in tle put. Ed s iuny frills are j;lad to see him goto tlie front feeling sure tluit he will stay tbare. ien Itmaa. To tlie Jm-RJfALs The niaem. of Wiite fiver met last Saturday evening to organine tieMeves inta mutual protective association to devise means or jrotec3ijt ajjuini Slaving our crops des Vovea by fray range stock. Several of otirpeojj.eUtedat tliat meeting thai for three ucesnive yem 1heir crops have keen destroyed in jthat way. Thenieeting jntlorsed Representative Oil Iwiiits actions regarding the bill in the House to do away with tlie free ngJaw. incecelyl!oi)ing the sane u-ni tbe fwrule (and I voice tire aeo- tiraent of-the reot4e by tliat remark), I xsquin your resjiectfully, Mtmn ( reek. Quite a ru4t of wirtlor tins fiU-x k has done wB a Us and iicst butlitlle troulle. The MMlwr entertainment at Sa. 15 last Friday wgla w as a muiceHS for Um actors nnd liimnc iali y. Tlie irreat borer is out again boring lKle in tlie ground, and tltc panile with his sour dimiosrtion. Geo. W. Tool Sr., came near being hurt liLSt Sunday ty tlie liuje rilgple of his staMe liretiking. The lycMun UU is a imm kS ure and pro. Why do not the wWi yrrrcrs punish tlie evil doers? What are they good for? "Let no guilty person go unpunislicd." Now Warbler sing vour little song. E. A. Amlrews, "Ned" guve the young folks a dance lust Monday night and "they wont go home till morning." Jcmob, War Bonaet rTarnllnf. A social hop at A. E. Andrews' on but Monday niirut n-aa well enjoyed by those in attendants. War Bonnet's bad boy has reformed, apologized to tlie school ma'am for his misconduct and promises to do better, We sincerely hope tlie reformation may prove permanent. Two young men . with more whiskey than brains and sense, created some dis turbance and broke down the stove door at the Mother Goose entertainment last Friday evening. Buch wretclteo slioukl be made to pay for their fun to Uie full extent of the law. A brood of young chickens make mu sic in T. O. William' hennery. The well driller fiaislied a well for Mr. Beihle last week 42 feet deep and is now engaged on one for Mr. Shepherd. Two young ladies of Jim creek tasted tlie cooking and made glad Uie hearts of the bachelors at the AT ranch by tW presence on last Saturday evening. Rep nblleaa's Attention. Tlie republican league of Nebraska and each republican club in tlie state is entitled to send four delegates, besides the president of each organization, who shall be ex-officio a delegate, to the re publican league convention to be held at Baltimore beginning February 28. The many active clubs in Nebraska should give their state a strong representation in that convention, and delegates should be chosen now and reported soon, in or- der that the executive committee of the convention nu.7 make the necessary arrangmente. Ample accommodations can be secured for all delegates and others who wish in n . . 1 .1 1 . .row um inaugural ceremonies, ir no tice is given in time. Hotel rate for the four leading hotels, American plan, from 83.50 to 84.00 per the day. Railroad rate are one fare for round trip, and on tickets to Waahinn a stop over at Baltimore will In nli.aj Jvaat and west of the Ohio river tickets good from February 80 to March 7. The names of delegates should be for warded as early as possible to Mr. D. L. Brinton, Secretary, 28 west Saratoga treet, Baltimore, Md. Mr. 'Brinton will also engage hotel accommodations hould do o. tor sucn as signify their wish that It should be remembered that TWlti more is a much better .U,. .1 !,(. - - " V P. wnen Waahinirton is as nnaM-i 11 wil' be during tb inaugutU, than tha Capital city. Any further informatinti ran k. i either of Mr. Brinton at the above or of the nnrterilgxicd at OmasW Harrison, Blacksmith, Repair itioufl stock aiways on ImtxL AH .J SATOFACT10S cr feootliof rfosl Cilery Barn Tbe R est; When you l V o b c r, I A R W R E K E O A 8 E A K (! S U I K E E a r , 8 Or a Square Meal gaPppPppPj,,, aamMaMBBBaaa W OF Harrison, Trams:te a generJ taa?; 4 if t The tlarriso EOOIBT BOHWClt, Pfoprietorr Special Attention Trade Frcmoni, Elk in ::rc:;zm una t Omaha, Sioux &i Chic Er:t, north, Soi 2 1 tJoi, I v ... 1 "t- , II W A DP". . 5. it ; 1 i 1 - . ' ? '-"Vi. S ' fill -0 -If. 4 V 1 $ AS- vis v-r 11 . - - f 7,, -AHp a. 41 iMsva$Mhja warm omoh afaia R. W. BsWatMfnaSL & I T7- Yor latmaja it full Iaf nrmatlw m Ayytleatlen te i - (ovKebnasm Canttml Manage- I teeR,U V.B, a (a, Caw, Ratai i a