The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, February 14, 1889, Image 3

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f Bobsbcc of a Klr.
f A few months ago a traveling tralee
jan named Woods, who was a gueet
if the Boody house in thin city, was
2tting upon the sofa in his room,
iborbel in reflection. While care
wy running his hand behind the
upholstery in the sofa he felt a small
2ager ring which he drew
3orth and discovered to be a gold
&iger ring with a diamond setting.
He naturally began wondering how
the little treasure found its way into
o remote a place, and after considera
ble thinking came to the conclusion
that it had been hidden intentionally
or that it had slipped from a finger
of the owner evidently a lady, for
It was a lady's ring while she had
thoughtlessly been toying with the
He found nothing that would lead
to the indentity of the owner, and
upon inquiry no one was iound who
knew anything of it.
The next morning Mr Woods was
preparing his toilet, when he noticed
the letters "M. C. F.," and the date
"Sept. 17," delicately cut in the mir
ror. He thought nothing of it at the
time, but shortly afterward the idea
entered his mind that the initials
might possibly be those of the owner
of the ring he had found. He de
termined to investigate the romance.
From the clerk he obtained the
register for Inst September, and
looked, through the lint of names for
one the initials of which M. C. F.
Nothing satisfactory was found. He
asked for the register of the Septem
ber previous, and under the date of
Sept. 16, he saw the name, in a lady's
handwriting, "Miss May C. Fowler,
Madison, Wis.," and she was as
signed to room 45, the very one he
had occupied.
Then he was certain that this
young lady was the same who had
engraved her initials on the mirror.
The doubt still remained if she was
the owner of the ring he had found.
His first intention was to address a
letter to the Jndy named, but as he
was going to Chicago and Milwaukee
he concluded to run over to Madison
nnd investigate in person.
He did so. From the city directory
he scl(x!ted the address of Russell M.
Fowler, attorney-at-lnw.
He presented himself at the resi
dence and asked if Miss May Fowler
was at home. He received an af
firmative reply, and was ushered in
to a room where the young lady was
sitting with her father.
Woods introduced himself and
asked Miss Fowler if she ever lost a
diamond ring. After hesitating a
moment she said:
"Yes, sir. I lost one two years ago
on a visit east. I don't know where,
" ere you ever in Toledo, 0?"
"Yes. I stopped there over night
while on my trip, and waited for the
next evening for papa. You remem
ber, don't you, father?"
"Quite well," the lawyer replied.
"Where did you stop?" asked
"I don't remember the name of the
hotel, but it was in the center of the
Mr. Fowler, then eyed him suspi
ciously, and asked why he was so in
quisitive. The drummer replied by handing
the young lady the ring, and asking
if it was hers.
"Oh, the very same," was the reply.
"Where did you get it, Mr. Woods?"
Woods related the circumstances as
recorded above, and concluded with
the remark that he hoped Miss Fowler
found as much pleasure in obtaining
the ring as he had derived in follow
ing the little mystery.
Mr. Fowler gave himself up to a
hearty laugh, at the same time
thanking Woods for his kindness.
Woods was invited to remain for
dinner, and he did so. He made him
self very agreeable and was cordially
invited to call again.
About three weeks later he found
himself in Madison again on his re
turn trip from the west. He was wall
received by the Fowlers, und intro
duced by them to some of the best
people in Madison. It was nearly
three months before his next trip in
that vicinity, and he was surprised
at the anxiety he seemed to feel to
accept the invitation he had received
to present himself at the Fowler
But what, io the necessity of saying
anything more? It was the most
aatural thing in the world for the
young people to fall in love with so
romantic an introduction. A nd they
And to-day Miss Fowler's name is
changed to Mrs. Greene Woods,
-Toledo Blade.
ftlng-ular Fatalities,
It was some years ago that four
trusted and popular employes of a
certain well known firm here pulled
out and started in business for them
selves in the same line. For a time
everything wentalong smoothly,and
the ordors rolled in from their old
customers. Then the head of the
firm went east on business, and a
week or so later the startling news
came that he had fallen into the ma
chinery of a mill and had been
crushed to death. It was not many
months later that the junior member
of the firm went awny, und while
traveling he was killed in u railroad
accident. Then the third member of
the firm went away, and while travel
ing he was killed in a, railroad acci
dent. Then the third member of the
quartet was ' myteriously murdered,
and now the surviving member is
wondering If nn untimely death is to
be his lot. It was a singular succes-
jiion of fatalities. Chicago Herald
Bratfcar Jaaatlsaa.
The origin of this term, as applied to
th United States, is as follows:
When General Washington, after
beinr appointed commander of the army
of the revolutionary war, went to Mas
saebnsets to organize it, he found a
great want of ammunition and other
means of defense; and on one occasion
it seemed that no means could be de
vised for the necessary safety. Jona
than Trnmbull, ibe elder, was then gov
ernor of the state of Connecticut; and
the general, placing the greatest reli
ance on his excellency's judgement, re
marked: "We must consult Brother
Jonathan on the subject" The general
did so and the governor was moat suc
cessful in supplying many of the wants
of the army; and thenceforward, when
diflicnlties arose and the army was
spread over the country, it became a
by-phrase, "We must consult Brother
Jonathan;" and the name has now be
come a designation for the whole conn
try, as John Bull has for England, Ex
change. A Little Boy's Prayer.
A bright, happy -faced little boy of 5
years, living in a pleasant village in
Connecticut, being at his wit's end for
amusement one dull, rainy Sunday,
spent many hours with Bridget in the
kitchen, watching the work done there
with peculiar interest and thonghtful
ness. At bedtime, after the usual "Now
1 lay me" and "Our Father," he asked
permission of mamma to say a little
prayer of his own, which being granted,
lie murmered: "O Lord! I've got
something awful to tell you about Brid
get. She's been sewing to-day and it's
Sunday." After this he composed him
self for sleep, but in a few minutes
mamma was recalled to find the little
fellow sitting up in bed, his face puck
ered into a wrinkle, with something like
a twinkle, however, in his eyes as he re
marked: "Mamma, I've got some more
to say." "Very well, dear, go on," said
mamma. "O Lord! I was fooling about
Bridget; she only sewed the turkey."
New York World.
During a conversation on a railway
train a well dressed old fellow became
interested in a young man.
"You ore just starting out in life I
suppose?" said the old fellow.
"Have you any idea as to what yon
intend to do?"
"None whatever."
"What would yon like to do?"
"1 don't know. 1 don't think that I
linvo any enieeial fitness for anything."
"Got no leaning toward any calling,
"Why, then, hnve you left home?"
"Weil, the truth is, I was bored. My
brothers and sisters are musicians, and
their playing annoyed me."
"You don't like music, then?"
"I despise it."
"Can you sing?"
"Not a note."
"Young man," said the old fellow,
speaking with emotion, "yon need' feel
no further anxiety concerning yonr fu
ture. I will give you a grand opportu
nity. I am the manager of an opera
company and I want you." Arkansaw
A For lime Tor Flick.
Indianapolis (Ind.) Sentinel, Jan. 13.
Happiness reigns in the family of Pe
ter Flick, living at 2,jO E. Morris street.
A reporter hearing that Mr. Flick had
struck it rich in the Louisiana State
Lottery, called upon him and found tho
report to be true.
"How much was the amount of your
prize?" the reporter asked.
"It was 5,000," Mr. Flick replied.
"I have been buying lottery tickets
for a year past, but did not have much
luck until I struck it. A couple of
weeks ago, I purchased a fortieth part
of ticket No. 68,744, which drew the sec
ond prize, $200,000. This, of course,
gave me $5,000."
"Have you received your money, Mr.
"Yesj indeed," Mr. Flick replied.
"As soon as I read the list of prizes, I
sent in my ticket and I received a check
for the amount within a week. Yes, I
have tho money in my own name now,
and am going to take a trip to mv old
home in Switzerland in the spring.''
Mr. Flick is a wood-carver in the em
ploy of Sander & Becker, on E. Wash
ington street, and has been living in
this country for eight years.
Class In Composition.
Teacher: "Now, children, I will give
three words boys, bees and bears and
I want you to oompose a sentence which
will include all three words."
Small boy: "I have it."
Teacher: "John McCarthy, you may
give us your sentence."
John McCarthy: "Boys bees bare
whin they goes in swimmin'."
The doublt-breasted vest, out ol the field
of fashion tor a long time, has come back
to it. .
There are several Swedish colonies on the
coast of Lower California.
H'hen ftabv tni tick, we pare her Caetorla,
When she ana A Child, she cried for Castoria,
Whfn she became M Iss, she clung to Castor!,
When the bad Children. she rare them Castorla,
' Hadn't Calicut on Vet,
Old lady (to grocer's boy) I see
you're solhn' off some of your goods be
low cot.
Bov Yes'm.
Old lady Well, how can you make
money on goods that you sell less'neost?
Boy I dun know, marin; I've only
bin in the grocery business a week. The
boss is in the back room; p'r'aps he can
tell you. Harper's Bazar.
A man who has practiced medicine for 40
years, ought to Know salt from SUfar;
read what he says:
Tolicdo, 0., .fan. 10, 1887.
Messrs. F. J. Cheney A Co Gentlemen:
1 have been in the general practice ot medi
cine for most 40 years, and would say that
in all my practice and experience, have
never seen a preparation that I could pre
scribe with as much confidence ot success
as I can Hull's Catarrh Cure, manufac
tured by you. Have prescribed it a great
many time and its effect is wonderful, and
would say in conclusion that I havs yet to
And a rass of Catarrh that I would not
curs, if they would talcs it according to di
rections. Yours Truly,
L. L. flORSUCH, M. ..
Office, 215 Summit St.
We will fe 1100 tor any case of Catarrh
that cannnot lie c ured with Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Taken Menially.
F. .1. OHKNKY CO., Props., Toledo, 0.
at-Sold by UrUfgi.U, 76.
The native-born Elephant bids fair to
rival the great imported Jumbo ia site and
weight; but it is pretty generally known
that nothing rivals the great remedy, Dr.
Bull's Cough Syrnp.
"What shall I do," the maiden cried.
"He will be here to-night and my hands
are chapped, and he will hold them."
"Calm yourself, dear," her mamma replied,
"we're a bottle of Salvation Oil."
Miss Amelia B. Edwards is finishings
tour of twenty lectures in Northern Eng
land and Scotland.
Southern KxmrslaaM at Half Fare.
On January 15th, 29th, February 12th,
and 26th, 1889, the Monon Route will sell
Land Kxcureion tickets at one fare for the
round trip to designated points in Ala
bama, Florida, Georgia, Louiaana, Missis
sippi and Tennessee. Limit ot tickits 60
days from date of stamp. Stop-overs can
be Hraanged. For full particulars, address
L. E. Sessions, T. P. A., box 581 Minneap
olis, Minn., or E. 0. McCormick, G. P. A.,
Adams Express building, Chicago.
Prof. Bell, of telephone fame, has a
school for deaf mutes in Washington.
Gustav Dore left sonis 200 illustrations
to Shakespeare which will shortly be re
produced in a splendid edition.
The Thhoat. "Brown's Bronchial
Troches" act directly on the organs of the
voice. They have an extraordinary effect
in all disorders of the throat.
A new volcano is reported from Tobaaco,
PILES, Itching or Bleeding, relieved and
permanently cured by Cole's arboll
ealre. Get the Genuine. 25 and 50 cents
at druggists or by mail. J. W. COLE k CO.,
Proprietors, Black lliver Falls, Wit.
The United States has 700 railroads.
They employ 500,000 persons.
Trnljr but On Medicine.
Allen's Lung Balaam, a name familiar
and dear to thousands who have been
cured of their Coughs and Colds by its heal
ing and restorative virtues has in our
house been a standard curative tor Coughs
and colds during the past ten years and
with uniform success. The safety of every
family would be consulted by keeping a
bottle of Allen's Lung Balsam in the house
for immediate use, when Coughs, Colds, or
Croup make their unwelcome lntrueion
(Geo. W. Rice, Ed. American Christian Re
view, Lin., U.)
A Hindoo god has just been sold for
Jin, 000.
Cancer Cured-
Dr. F. L. Pond iB having wonderful suc
cess in the treatment and cure of cancer at
the cancer hospital at Aurora, III. There
are numbers of ci,res recently mads by him
which are truly wonderful. Those afflicted
phould not hesitate, but should go there
for treatment at once. For information,
address Dr. r. L. Pond, Aurora, 111.
A manual training school for colored
boys is being agitated at Baltimore.
For JVeuralgia.
Tor Tears. Paleetlae, Okie. Jaw ST, 1SSS.
asaras aaaaieatrf far awtrat peer, with aea
relgla: all romedlee failed; tries It. Oil;
wm mrat. V rasara la awatat.
I s nraxaoLr, I. M.
Merer A gal a. St. eMsary, HI., Mar It. IMS.
Mr wOe was trwe.led wtik nearefilaaad altar
faaag mm kettle at St. Jeashs Oil wm am
Altar All.
statlaad, BY, star U, ISSt.
mm at sinieU mvea awf
awn ta ta eared ar St. Jtalt 0U.
1. at. MAT. DratfUS.
at BinaeuTt ahd diauouj.
Tat CHARLES a. V00ELER CO., BaRktera, M4.
Diamond Vera-Cura
Indlffett on, fcour-Sion.ael.. He art narn, Nauaea. G'.l
dine.., Contlpatlon. Fuilneai after eating. Food
Ruin In the Mouth and Din agree able taata after
eat Inf. Xervouaneat and Low-Spirit.
A I Druggist and Dealers or sent by mail on receipt
of Z cis. S boxes 91.00) in stamps. SampU sent on
receipt tf 2-ni Swvip.
The mother of a member of our firm tiaa ben
eurad of ranceroni tort en her fare of twenty- yeara
ttandinr by taklneS. 8, 8, Pindletojh, Ykabt to
KitLT, BrupBlitt, FarmersvDle, Tex.
Bwlrv. Specific cured our biba of an angry erup
tion called Eczema after the doctor a pretcrlptloa
had failed, aud the la sow hal and hrarty.
M. T. 8HOBK, Klcn Hill. Mo.
tSend for eur booke oa Blood and Hit I a DijeaMt
und Advice to Hafferen. mailed free.
TBE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 8, Atlanta, tie.
Cold in Head
Ely's Cream Ba
ELY BROS., fit Warren St.. N. T.
I do not mean merely to stop them lore lime and
then have them return. 1 mean a radical cure. I hare
Ufa-ion itudr. I warrant my remedy to care the
wont caaea. Becauto others have fallal Is no reanon
for not now merit ing a cura Send at onee for treaUat
and Km Bottle of my Infallible remedy. Oive Kipreia
and P.O. it. a. BOUT. M. C. 183 Pearl St. M V
aaa a I f T7S3D THB BUST.
MM ft I V Matiooert keep ' hen. ttandara quality
MM W" I H Wall Krm. Rarople doa In cenu by maU.
m, estErbrook,
Crasial Bxearslaaj tm ralarasla.
On February 26th a grand excursion lor
land seekers to Alamosa in the sunny Ban
Lais Valley will be run on any reeular
train over all roads tearing Missouri River
points. Fare for round trip $30. Tickets
good to return in twenty days. Special
round trip rate ol $1 will be mads by the
Denver and Kio Urande ttaiiroaa irom
Alamosa to Del Norte. Monte Vista, La
Jar a, Antonito and Fort Garland. Ticket
will read through Denver, Colorado bpnngs
or Pueblo. The San Luis Valley is the
great agricultural empire of Colorado, and
offers unequaled inducements to tne
farmer and stock erower. For details in
quire ol nearest ticket agent. S. K.
Hooper, General Passenger Agent Denver oc
Rio Grands Railroad, Denver.
John Connerton, of Louisville, Ky., has
a mule which chews tobacco.
Caasaaaptloa Barely Caresl.
To the Editor: Please inform your read
ers that I have a positive remedy for con
sumption. By its timely use thousands of
boneless cases have been permanently
cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles
of my remedy fbee to any of your read
ers who hare consumption if tbey will send
me their express and 1 . V. address, re
spectfully, T. A. SLOCUM, M. C, 1S1 Pearl
street, iew xork.
Thirteen cotton mills in ani around Au
gusta,, Ga,, employ 4,300 persons.
"Mike" Kelly, the bass ball star, is to
receive $1,000 lor two weeks' work as an
" I am now sixty-nine
years old, and have tried
several remedies, but
none had any effect un
til I used Paine's Celery
Compound. I feel en
tirely different for the
thort time I have used it.
I can walk nearly
straight, sleep sound and
well, and feel as though
there was new life and
energy coming into my
whole system." H. My-
I.IUS, Cleveland, Tenn.
Paine's Celery Compound
Strengthens and builds up the old, and
cures their inlirmities. Rheumatism, indi
gestion and nervousness yield quickly to
the curative power of Paine's Celery Com
pound. $ I per bottle. Six for $5. At druggists.
Wells, Richardson & Co., Burlington.Vt.
race onitU "I direction! for uring Diamond
rtlCC OvUH fyyu, jl,k your druggist for it,
LACTAItU tUUtl partial nurrino. S riza
"Ladies' Home J od real
U to be made BETTEB and LARGER. It
can be had now for only 50 Cents per year (
aaother year It will cost ai.OO. We
shall double the price became we cannot afford
to furnish so good a paper ss Hie Journal is to
be for less tban one Dollar, but we shall doable
Its valne, and (rive you more of it for your
money. AGENTS can make hundreds of
to liars securing subscriptions at
Half Price up to July 1st. 1889.
We offer them good pay for every subscriber se
cured, and an fCCtattotne Per0" wn0
extra Prise of tiTOrJw sh"ll send ns the
largest number ; $400 for the i econd largest
list, and (O on. Sample copies and posters will
be ftirnished, so that a great demand can be
created in any neighborhood.
ceenccvEN away, ray?
QBC V 0 Mired l lower !Swjs
klndn. flnroE. and 10c. Certificate for
IHeetls, your ehniee, all for 9 stamp (4 cent.!
Every flower lover noliybteil. 1H all yom
rienda o. w. rA&a. raxaaTTBSUaa, fa.
T Be prompt. This olTcv will nppcar hut twice.
W wit ftw mm it
Mllar ftodc hy Msnpl
to m aewl ad rm
Ui trad. lrgaat mmmw
ft- ta ottr 11m. Ebc1m
l-miiitmp. Wl(Tt 3 Ptr Day. Nrmiuit Miltlen.
Mmli Miwered Manty svr)Ta.BJ tar fcf, ftdvartialtic, tt.
Ctnttnnial Manufacturinc Co., Cincinnati, Ohio
SEND YOUR MMEi'.":,-.:.
mt, to mtc Hklf rcMr on any mielaX Article 100 pny
Catalogue, alftone map of theOmt Rtmbll mart
Arfca. rwachlBff from th tf k fsl to I he KaaaUr wtth
eUCIirno M'lTtXtilTltATlON.t ar l tha 0OUMTIUt. added (b)
. S, Kll IsriMMtiM H.-M" To' "tTTMM. Hf.-MM TolsTTi,
tVtflwM.kx. AUnm TUB tlKSTfRI WORLD, L'HIC4U, 1U
D4sK K.larlu .aaU. . m . .
a... saw .u-.., iu, bU UU IIJrnrU. ITUM
all v want to knme, ftecurely BMled. 10
OCUU. AUdi en , Box 282, C'iilcBO, III
i.U IAa..aJ fr otir f.nt wllfnfr books nnd
AffCntS Wanted hiMm. m-tance no h.nrtran.
Big Profits, Empyreal I'uU HoU. .St Paul. Minn.
Strictlf PURE. II oilm: 10 OPIUM li u fan.
AMD. the beat remedies All Tsl wslalaaas
Stands preoilDent. Tbe drussi.ta speak of It la
aictaeat taraii, as glvlac enure satisfaction waerevsr
Price 26cts.,50cts., and $1 perBottte.
The 35-TBNT BOTTT.KS are put up for the aeeost
asodation of all who aeMra slmoly a
Ttum oWirmo a rtmedy for COXH VMPTI0S
or any LUXQ DISEASE tlwuld tecurt
Vu Ltrft $1 Bottta.
Mothers. Read!
Oakland Sta.. Kt., April 14, 1M.
GtHtlemen.-TihB demand for Allen's Lung HiU
sah Is lncreasinc constantly. Ttae ladles ihlok there
Is do medicine equal to it for croup and W hooping
Couch. C. 9. MARTIN. Drwin.
a n !f a vr
H U m U I
N. U.; Omaha,
The Great Liver and Stomach Remedy
For the cure of all disorders of the
the BOWELS, PILES and all derange
ments of the Internal Viscera, Purely
Vegetable, containing no mercury,
complished by taking RADWAY'S
PILLS. By so doing
avoided, and the food contribute its
nourishing properties to the body.
Price 25c. a box. SOLD BY DRUG
GISTS. If Storekeeper is out of them
remit to RADWAY&CO., NEW YORK.
300 STALLIONSofserrMa.
abls ase: l&O COLTS with
choice pedigrees. Miperlor indl
Fffdiials; 00 mPORTKU
RRllOll TT A 1C (tfiinr,!
bf BrUlIant, the most famous living sire).
Beat quality. Prices Rraaonahla.
Teraas Kmj. Don't Buy without lmpsct
lnt this Greatest and Host Snecraaral
BreeMnr Katabllahmrnt or Amrrlrs.
blraslaf psrths..ra, sSsnu, rortte-Nnlsl,
li alas wmtCUMs aae. a S.W. S'j aaav
. IttBUHK 'V
T'ic Lurftitt, Clirapitit nti Jtent tn tlie World.
GTh oldett mdiciD6 in th world li probably B
Dr. Isaac Thompson's fff
This article is a carefully prepared Phyiclan'H pre'
cription, and haa been in conntautn nearly a century.
(CAUTION The only Renuine ThompMa'i Cy
"Water han upon the white wrapper or each bottle an
engraved portrait of the iriTentoi'. lin. Isaao Thompson.
with a facsimile, of hit signature; also a note of hand
attrneri John h. Thompson. AtohI all others. Thegan
uine Eye Water can be obtained from all DruKgiiU.
CA" RFCI RKD. A trial bot
tle sent fret? to any one a(Tlk'tl. ,
um. l Ar i iitvj, Kocneswr, tn. x.
. 1. Farm Bars ass.
aJ 1
Bvaiy BngtT wld hf agaat. ha. amral
aiaia uqm so tne manaraoniivr s
Wa an maaafactaraTa, and bar.
Aareats. For 14 rrs. hara dealt
with the aoasamer. Vf shlo anrah
with ftriwiUm oftxamimtmg bqf ort Sal
wa par i
FsU Nickel Bars eat
rmtcM a
satisfactory. Warrant everything for
a years, jur oaa wm can wrna can or-l
oar a Buggrar Baraaa. from a. as wall a
lor tbam. wa si's as sradit
Platfaras. Cassklaatlaa, and
s-nprmg waasas, muv l suaee. aa
araoa.aa.iU fort 140. faaetaaa. rnlaa i
awaraDHsia. kbss tini, ail.
box and deliver oa oars la Elkhart, fret .caarga,
autt a a ja nriirrin
fallllaaoc nMITIataUU
Oar Baraess are au Urn. 1 Oak
Utiw, wiagie.pis tasim
IJaht Daable. BiS Is 40.
84 Basra lihu. Cuttft. Free.
AddM r. pratt. sie'i.
m av
Ml aa.aaJa Ml aAUaMil III ' 1
4 tP'iS
sv-xiva v .ty jy & m.
DM rn ever K. snr adTcrtlannrat b.frrr W.n lr aat, altaflnfa w. Sa mr bn.lnau an tha aalet, wa vaald Ilka to Mr I. jn rlfht sera, sefbr. rao arder
oar elaKaut .alaloKiM, that waaaabj all adds aaa af tha larraatand b.t.ippMl Haed Slara. la Amcrlaa, with aw twa aeraa Saw nam, with Patata aallars
of over wl.U00liu.aal. ear-aolty aad ..arTthlni flllad fr.m thaaallar a. lb. garret with lira North. rw Orawn Saedat Mat wc aperat., otatrol and awn
avar 6.000 acre, devoted aielo.lrel. la prluola, nlHf Salaar 8d. : that wa ara knaud on the Ml.dulppl Blear, laa thrleln city. with it D.S. all. aola,
with aver 70 dally freight train., with M dally aipreaa ear. roAhlac In every dlreotlea ; with express offlee. in oar own balldlnfs ta faellltau qalck .hlpment,
so wa are la .hape ta Oil all Tow arder. awa a ma a UIUITC Df)WIN7l I '0 IN PRIZES! Oraadeu Osu aver town, thl.
Sromntly. yea, in.lde of twestyfeM liaar.l UAIO 11111111 DUlllllls.N I ""t jo. .ay-hu (iva It oas trial and yo. II iy net
lALr StMMl KROtilH. In s White Oat. itrom straw, mat proof, F.itroraely Karly, wondrrrully proltSe-teaSna oa s DUou farm, ado hash, par
aero. No pratee I. Un atronf , and If all the farmer, af Amerlea would H. thi.eeed. they would d.ahlfl, jrea. attea treble thalr preasatyleid.. Ta Induce a
trial everywhere, we oSer for l.rte.t ylalda In IM. , In alltaea Prlaeal aeo taa uataiofoa aaantiti loos at ua yieias oar law euateeaer. had
Jaa. Slolt. Kort Wayne, lad..., to ha. par
Wnrrw Amt'nnr I ).K . BA 1 '
Pred. Blum, Roierllle. Mleh .... St
R. C. Allen, Tavlor Centre, Wy. SO
J. A. Mauea, Mlnden, la St
1. W. Young. SIM Mound, 111.. .10
Prank llartmaa. PonUac, III. ...100
Che.. Prettier, raatout, 111....
Carl New, Lee. Ill ..lm
n H. Slnkty. Taran City, Mleh. lit
0. Strafaaa, Willi. m.oan, Kaa.lll
H. W. Sou. Sank Centre, Mlna..lM
U. Uhlaann let
Gahl. Kitten. Minn 1M
Grant R. Baxter, Homer. Mieh...iatb..
Theo. Sledeeel. Wheatland, Is. ..1ST
An. Brauhaner, DcnBleen, la,. ITS
Joba Velt, Sleepy Kye, Mia.. ...SOS
Hermaa Daerte. Jr., JopHa, Mo.211
B. Harrlnil.a, Mladera Ill
ftX?" aoad So. far a
(thl. alna laoladaa
Wheal, Barley, aad
Bl m aft. 7 0-I.AHetT.aT STOCK la ANRMIOA. Cn.tomer. will Hal Imy nakatav,
rw I n I Waa grown Noes mvarlaMv ahead ar aar wthor. eewnaenwi iwsm,
Tlaaraa. sad tne. Oar aoeda (Ire tbe farmer on SPKIN8 WIIKAT In IlllneU, Iowa, Wl.eai,l., Nehraaka,
MI.oa.otn and n,kota. nnsaa t SaSLET, ar la7dhah.; JfKvf twtf n erappes in uiia ii..wa,
peraerai KNSII.AtlE COMN, nn.lo..d. par aerei MILLET II AT, ttaail LUCFKNE. t Ion. I
aaijtr.K'a ei i ka vki'S alia i ukpliixub.. sew a.s riotds
on vro'C crene
I par Teaeaanaveiaeniurpiuniins ustahll w w7a.a.aee
I aKW MOTKLTIEa-Psatnalt,
l.asa I. oai Si eald In Petooaon PtaeTHiaahlsa.
paa la mrraaty. aomt I ea.M kr Baaaasattataad
l arala aaatpa ssd iwatvrwmfiiaaiovaepn.iiaaaa.
Lfc-frijei awtalnlag a newiwenas oaueeiion aanaraweaoAn
QT7Hi af riowar, Traelabl. aad Para Waa.B, aaTtaf
rTV Z JOHN A. SAIJUSR, 8ttOrowxr,
LA onoatE. WM.