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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1889)
Sioux County JBTO. 22 Mb)' r 4 V r. .' FURNITURE, X BARBED-HIRE a Big - lowest Prices ) TO SIVOLDS; J ' CHEAP. I hve just relayed ft (JAB Jm. Yours fur Ixikiness, ti 11 H. GBBiWOLQ, , YEAR STAIVT. OOOIDS. 2NESS AT THE ?PLV HOUSE, ;on, Neb., t- ' V and the Management return Thanks to )age liestowed, and, by Square Dealing lv Jt of Everything in tlie line of Gener tnorit a continuance of the same. u... ..... -. ...... .. ,,, ......... .... f,: j( Usual, I Large Stock of Oats, corn, chop Feed Sua. J IX PRICES DEFIED. nil oilice MiAP, DAKO1: F. C. SkENKES, Secretary. 'A. 1 LUMBER CO., il, Grain, Lath Shingles, Doors, Plaster, Lime, E STOCK OH HAND. nor: J THE SIOU. COUNTY I , h r W. E. Patter, Prariotor. j We wonder why the Herald iirew out tne rf'puimn coiojrs so suauen.yr The chances for a 140,000 soldiers' home at Hot Springs, Dak., aetufi' to be very good at present. Isn't it strange that a ttepirblicao pa per would so unmercifully pitch into the republican representative from their owo district just because rhat? For dor tog to rise above fUe selfish, narrow minded ideas of (lie Slingerland,, Bab cock, Cavis, et al ense(?) propounders for the demo-republican Herald. . , Tlie Fremont Tribune wishes up a bowl full of tjie right kind of material when it says: "The Tekamah Burtonian sec onds the Tribune's motion to compel county supervisors t.o require bids for everything furnished tlie county. In this way the burden of competition with the whole world imposed upon local newspapers and publishers will be ex tended to all classes of business, and the taxes jxiid by newspapers will not go for goods furnislied the county a the sell ers own price. What is sauce for the fe male goose ought to be dessert for tte male bird of the same brand." Sioux county lias suffered losses to the amount of several hundred dollars tlutt would have lieen saved had tlie board of super visors followed the only true business rule in such cases, that of letting work by contract to the lowest responsible bidder. Js our present Board doin any better? No, apjiarenUy not. Oelrichs Advocate: Tlie bill abolishing the herd law by local option was killed in the council last Friday. Many farm ers in this part of tlie territory were fondly in hopes this bill would become a law. Had such a law been enacted it is safe to say Fall River county would have done away with free range. The Black Hills counties are the only coun ties, we believe, in the territory, where free range prevails, the law being a special act covering the counties of Butte, Lawrence, Penington, Custer and Fall River. Tlie Advocate has heard doubt expressed as to the constitutional ity of the law, but whether it is consti tutional or not, certain it is a menace to the settlement of this county. We would much rather see Fall River coun ty peopled wholly witli farmers than to see its fine prairies occupied by cattle be longing to a corporation that has to be sued before it pays its taxes. That is where the Advocate stands on the ques tion of free range. Ruxhville Standard: The Standard no tices that a crowd of fellows up at Har rison have met and resolved to make war on Representative Gilchrist, alleg ing that he is misrepresenting his con stituents by working for an amendment to our herd law, which will prevent any and all counties from suspending the heiil law and adopting the fence law. This opposition to Mr. Gilchrist's actions comes from what is known as the Satter lee crowd, and it is generally believed that this crowd would prefer not to have any law at all. Mr. Gilchrist's head is level on this matter, and he is making friends by the course he is taking. Ev ery sensible roan in Sioux county knows that the fence law now in force in that county is retarding the prosperity of the county. The few ranchmen up there are far better able to take care of their stock than tlie farmers are to fence their crops.- - We understand that Mr. Satterlee for merly resided in Sheridan county. The correspondent to the Crawford Clipper from Glen says: "No law suit before Judge Mason for over two weeks, but when we get in a small crop and have about forty head of cattle get in and eat it all up and the owners of them see them do it and tell us it is free range, that they have a perfect right to eat up our crop, what are we to do? Our hope is that the legislature will defend us. We have men in the county that claiming to do a great deal to get county settled and these very men doing more to discourage settlement are the are by fighting the herd law, and now are even Who trying to kill the night herd law. wants to settle in such a county? I am anxious for the settlement of the county but cannot advise my friends to settle in Sioux county with no law to protect them. In behalf of the poor people in Sioux county we auk our representative the honorable Mr. Gilchrist, to help us if possible. We cannot live in Sioux county if it continues to be run by a free range ring. My neighbor had a thousand nice cabbages and the rest of his garden truck eaten up by hi neigh bor's stock, in fact it was his main de pendence for a living for his family. What satisfaction did he get? tlie own- i-aTJjsn hiock laugneaju jun tana imuu Wilfnl or Wanton Ignorance. Tlie usual habit followed by the Her ald iij tlie past.iy hae. warped and cal loused -their senses to such an extent tliat it is i mere force of liabit which compels tbeni to uphold stuffed caucuses, secret nie.uigs, official thieving, illegal vot ing, ibogus resolutions etc., now jjt the sonui as in tlie past. Tlie Heralji surely did uot believe the statements ;K made .(we would iiavifto acknowlede.siich ig norance eveuon the part to tlie "Herald's .editors), and ,we know of no qneelse who 4jes; regarding the '"meeting ,of ulig ouit citijjfmsf:1) and meatingfi') of 4ke ex scjitive committee of ibtieiboard gf trade. Dqu'i you know jar, Jf(?ald that there -were only about forty jen witiiiu the corporate limits of -the 'town that ev ening a;nd can you not think of at least tiajf that number who were not tliere? Don't you know tlutt in order to hold a special meeting of iie board of trade or H executive commrt,ttie a. call must be uade by the president and all members within reasonable distance iust be noti fied, unless the nieeting jbe called at ome regular meetiag? Don't you kuow that .ait -the last regu lar meeting of the board of trade the re cording secretary, in answer to the query by the president as to whether or not any busings ha4 been transacted or special meetings held since the last reg ular meeting, aasWeied pot any, and the records of tlie board show no such meet ing? Don't yo know that the president of the board of trade was here in town all the time and knew wotbing of any so calied meeting until the proceedings were published in the Omaha Bee? Dont you know that several parties were in the room af different times when and w here the meeting of citizens was supposed to have been held and did not know that any such resolutions had been passed until seeing them in the newspa pers? If you don't then your ignorance is-only exceeded by your wanton stupid- The Herd Law. Dawes County Journal: A bill is be fore the legislature making the herd law operative throughout the state, and amending tlie present act by striking out the provisions for its suspension in any county. Itepresentative Gilchrist haTtieen ardently tot work in favor of the bill. Last week live or six cattle men of Harrison met in conclave and calling themselves a great public meet ing of the indignant citizens of Sioux county, and also the Harrison "Board of Trade" they drafted a double set of res olutions condemning Mr. Gilchrist's act- a, lauding the cattle interests, and claiming that the cowmen and grangers lived in the closest friendship and that the farmers were not only able to fence their lands but anxious to do so if tlie legislature would only compel them to. These double barreled resolutions were sent to the Omaha and Lincoln papers, where from their high sounding charac ter they were given publication. Out side of the range cattle minority of Sioux county Mr. Gilchrist lias the support of tlie farmers of Sioux county who are in the majority, if fair election prevailed, who havn't a show of justice in election or courts, and are compelled to put up with whatever damage or indignity the cowmen may choose to put upon them, are thoroughly aroused, and the fight between the two factions up there has broken out in renewed vigor. The" fol lowing dispatch from Lincoln in the Om aha Republican of Wednesday morning, shows in what light the matter is view ed at the state capital; : Lincoln, Neb., Feb. It will be re membered that Representative Gilchrist, of Box Butte, fought hard for the pas sage of House Roll 95. This bill repeals the provision of tlie present law which permits counties to suspend the herd law. The object of Roll 05 is to stop the short horn cattle barens from hav- ng a free swing to the western counties, where they have allowed their big herds to trample down tlie crops of small far mers at will. It is proposed that they cannot let their stock run at large, but must herd the animals. When this bill had gone through the house, the barons got together in the northwest and had messages sent to the daily papers, de nouncing Mr. Gilchrist's course in the name of the people. Rut Mr. Gilchrist is now receiving a flood of letters from the people of his district, approving his course, and saying he did just wliat the masses of the northwest desire, without regard to party. : House Roll 95 will probably pass tlie senate all right. So It tteems. Under the head of "A Favor returned" the Dawes County Journal says: "The Harrison Herald lias been trans feredby Mr. Satterlee to Mr. V. P. Davis, Judge Hunter has Jiiergud his Republican with It, and tlie Her.Ud is now .announced to he straight fepubli- Jit. 1mm m Jihoimuui uf tuat the Mf'""" County central committee, and president of the-town club. "Thus does time bring itn recompenses. Last fall 'Mr. Davis was-tbe nominee of the republican con vention of Sioux county for county at torney, slid he withdrew afew dacs be fore ti.e election in favor of Mr. Satter lee, -Mm Democratic nominee. In an nouncing his withdrawal Mr. Davis said it would "be or tlie best interests of the Republican party to support tlie demo cratic nominee.1' Mr Satterlee lias now withdrawn from newspajjer campaign, no.doubt believing it to be for the best interests of the democratic pary fs .ha,ve a republican organ. Glen ItenK. ,3ohn'$hu.y is putting -io a setting .of logs atUis place. Government teams -are hauling 'logs from the upper part of the river. SliuJT and Reeder are cutting logs on tlie south side of the .river. S. W. Kemp has .finished hauling wood for .M. H. Green. The frame of Mr. Kreeman's barn is still in sight and that is all. C- H. Rigdon has up the frame for a new honse. They must be getting bad over on Deadman when they carry off the win dows from the school houses. A setting of logs is lieing put in at S. ' W. Kemp's place. We wonder who needs a deputy tfce worst, the County Clerk, bank cashier or County Treasurer. 'We believe it proper to make the necessary allowance for a deputy for the County treasurer as he lives so far away and is able to be at Harrison only once a week. There is some talk of getting a shingle miAl on the river. We would be glad to see it (tome tor we are tired of a dirt roof. W. J. Milor has put a homestead fil ing on the Ed Sandy claim. Daniel Klein is tlie proud and happy father of a bran pew boy. Miss Jennie Hunt is visiting at A, E. Gates'- Meluncye. COMMISSIONER'S FROCEDINtiS. Harrison, Neb., Feb. 1. '89. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present Commissioners Wier and Mc Ginley and clerk. , Leonard Dout appeared before the board and made the following state ment upon his oath, that the firm of Dout Bros, and Ricedorff are assessed in the sum of $1,218 valuation of per sonal property for the year 1888, and that said property is on the tax list as in school district No. 15 mid taxed at the rate of seventeen mills on the dol lar valuation, amounting to $20.73, and that the property is owned by himself and John Dout and J. W. Iticedorff, he (Leonard Dout) owning a one-quarter interest and residing within the limits of said school distrbt, but tb-it the property is not in the limits of said school district, nor does John Dout or J. AV. Ricedorff reside In said -school distrrct; therefore he, for himself and his partners, states that the amount of tax assessed to the firm for school tax is not correct and just. . Upon consid eration the board is of the opinion that .the above facts as stated, are correct; therefore it is ordered that the county treasurer strike from tlie tax list of 1888 three-fourths of the aYnount as sessed against Dout Bros. & Ricedorff for school district tax for1 the year 1888. ' On motion George II. O'Kune was appointed road overseer of Hat 1 creek road district. On motion George Engelbrecht was appointed, assessor of Rtiniijwater, Sheep Creek, Lower liuiiiiingwater and Snake Creek precincts. The following statement was ordered filed: . Statement of public school funds ap poitioned during the year ending Dec. 31. 1888: ... State funds as certified to by state superintendent: , ; June apportionment, - - -. 1375 07 December apportionment, - 379 52 Received from Cheyenne county, 12 00 Total apportionment, - - $ 766 59 Amount arising from certifi cates issued for institute fuut', 26 00 Amount expended, - - - .Nothing S. W. Cox, County Superintendent. Official bond of Gerhard Uei riders, road overseer Montrose road district, hied and approved. The following claims were audited ami ullowed: E. A. Lawler, witness fees, - $6 00 YVni. Christensen, hardware, - It 75 John W. Hunter, county judge's fees, - 72 40 J. 11. l'equette, road overseer and road work, - - - 85 00 Omaha Republican Company, nine numerical indices, - 170 15 Thos. iiolly, road work, - 7 75 T. J. Edwards, wood, - la 00 John W. Hunter, county judge's tees. - - - - - 18 60 Ed. C. Lockwood, office expenses, 11 80 S. W. Cox, county , superintend ent, - . . . . 88 50 Adjourned to meet February 18, 1889. C1IA8. C. jAMgSOH, County .Cleik. ly&ioiu iuity school wajnunto taught L. O.JIIJ3X, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. HARRISON, - NEB. GEORGE WALKER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. AVill practice before all courts and the United States land office. Business entrusted 'to my. care will re ceive prompt attention. HARRISON,, .NEB. H. T. CONLEY, AtlortM-y-a-t-Lsw. Will practice in all State and Federal courts, and United State Land office. Preemption and timber.oulture filings made. Contests initiated, proseuuted or de fended. Office on Main sti'eet, Harrison, Nebraska. - B. F. THOMAS, - SUZRArETTOE, AND GENERAL LAND AGENT OF FIFTEEN YEARS EXPERIENCE. Is well acquainted with the U. S. land laws and rulings of this -department. Keeps plats of Sioux county and eastern Wyoming, and has done work from Ohadron to the Laramie plains, and from North Platte to the Dakota line. He fur nishes good entei-tainment to visitors and immigrants in this the most wonderful corner of Nebraska. 8 miles north west of Harrison. Have 640 acres of the best winter pasture to let. . THE HARRISON NOVELTY W KS. All kinds of Wood & Iron Work SATISFACTORILY DONE. New and Improved Machinery is Con stantly oeing added. I RESPECTFULLY Solicit Your Patronage. . , C. L. TI BBS, Prop. H. H. Warneke, ' THE- PIONEER MERCHANT OF- Is always ready, assisted by his gt-nlal clerk, Mr Thomas Reidy, 'to wait upon their many customers with a tX)MPLETE STOCK of- FAMILY SUPPLIES, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Queensware, Flour, Feed Sue. Ac, at lowest I v " Bed Bock Prices. arm them a call and BE COITVINCED. "(Mess--