The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, February 07, 1889, Image 4

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Paper in Sioux County.
Do you want to
see the county set
tled and the val
ue of your proper
ty increased?
Do you favor an
economical admin
istration of county
Do you feel that you have been robbed
by the corruption of county officials?
Do you want the BEST LOCAL PA
PER in the county? If so, then subscribe
Sioux County
boot & shoe maker.
First door north of Bank of Harrison.
0 0
u u
J u
The People's
If you have it now subscribe again
iead a copy to some relative or friei
aad they may be induced to come and
settle here.
Our correspondents are now more nu
merous Una ever and items from all
settled parts of the county will be had
If you do hot
want it a year try
it for three month.
Agate Snmos Ranch.
Brand O on left jaw. Hakes aspecialty
ef breeding Roadsters, Draft and Saddle
onoa; alao red and black Polled cattle.
B. E. Brjewstkr, C. F. tj
CHAS. C, JAMESON, Cashier.
Commercial Bank.
General Banking Business
C. H. Andrews & Co.,
-Dealers Ln-
Fine Toilet Goods,
For Trade
Partly improved land In Iowa for
young stock. Enquire at this office.
Our Clubbing List
Is complete and comprises every news
paper, magazine or periodical of note in
tiie United States. We can save you
from 10 to 25 per cent on a large major
ity of publications. Come and see our
clubbing prices and note how much
cheaper you can get your papers and
magazines by clubbing them with the
Having recieved special prices on nur
,&ry stock grown at Sioux City Iowa,
anawisiung to further introduds the
raising of fruit in our valuable Ctiinty,
I quote the following reduced il-ices.
the same to hold good until March 10th,
1888. I
Apple trees, 3 to 4 ft, per 100 MG.00
Cherry " 3 to 4 ft " " 40.00
Plum " 3 to 4 ft " " fe.j.00
Concord grapes, " " 7.00
Rasperberries, ' " S 8.00
Blackberries, " " 3 nft
Strawberries, " " 2.00
All other kinds of fruit and shrubs
equally ciieap. Forest trees of any des
cription nt prices lower than ever before
in Sioux county. All Btock warranted
to be in good condition when delivered
and true to name. Your patronage is
respectfully solicited.
Tnos, Rudy.
wateft-Wa4r. To Of
rnllj tllortrmu. Bwt el of Wood Kbit.
PWIhl WMklr. Send for iDninMB
mTOk rtf7,'j"u- ron trial, U.
ML WB 4 CO, Fcaunuu. mi Broadway i.t.
H Emtio, ef Sdwrtite Aatricu. O
JSi .If, """". Mamwuu com.lnn
ot HDDir
to Uvttn
1 1 SiESfTLSf1" m nao. Zrm
Jones & Verity,
The Sioux County Journal.
Publiiied every Thursday.
. -o
Subscription Price, f--00
W E. Patterson - Editor and Prop.
Entered at the postoffice at Harrison
as second class matter.
Harrison Market
Butter, 13c.
Eggs, 15c.
Poultry, per doz. f2.40 to $3.
Oak, per 100 lb f 1.00 to 1.10.
Corn, per 100 Jt 90 to f 1.00.
Bran, per 100 B fl.10.
Feed, chopped, per 100 B f 1-35.
Potatoes, per bu. 30c
Sorghum, per gal. 60c.
Onions, per bu. 1.50.
Beans, per bu. 2.00.
Oats for sale at the lumber yard.
Sir. J. u. ixkvk, ,cj..c-.-o
ii . r:nit.i:r briny trie
Dola Junction, tlt a branch road u
to be built from tlre to run near Sugar
Wand out through tl Hat Creek val
v Railroad rumors are flighty a tbe
duUman'i flea and we do not adu
our readers to bet on the strength of
this rumor.
Mr Peter BufTer who was quite se
riously hurt but Saturday hy tl fall
ing ot a iog on liis ld is said to be re
covering .lowly. He lives near Mont
rose but was up in one of the canyons
getting house logs and was loading a
large log on tlie wagon when his foot
slipped and let it back upon him.
W. 1L Zimmerman returned from a
three months trip to Iowa Monday. Mr.
Zimmerman looks as though his trip had
been a pleasant one and he a-ssures us it
surely was.
John Bartell lias the frame of his new
house up. It can 1 plainly seen stand
ing nearly a mile south-east of town.
We can save you money on any pa
per in tlie U. cluMjinS it -with Uw
Jocknal. Come and see.
Thos. Reidy lcll yesterday for a few
days visit at llay S .rings. He went
Don't fail to attend the Oram! Ball in
Harrison on tlie evening of Feb. 14th.
Sioux county school warrants bought
at tlie Bank of Harrison.
Tl. A fl TT. W. held a meeting at
the luill Friday evening.
Ned Andrews returned from his eas
tern visit UiKt Friday.
Oals for sale at the lumlxr yard.
torn and oato for alc at (ho lum
ber yard.
(Jraroerry Items.
Al. Lawler is getting out logs to build
on his pre-emption.
Wm. iJuvis 1ms a large and Ix.-tter
house nearly completed on his lionie
stead. Mr. Thomas lias a new house built on
his pre-emption.
The Leeling Bros, and ('has. Shepherd
are hauling logs and yl from V.'ur
Bonnet canyon and tliey say there is a
nice lot of saw logs gotten out and
awaiting the arrival of tlie saw mill
which will le there in alut a month.
Geo. IL Turner has completed a fence
around a six hundred acre jiasture.
James Davis luut qui driving team for
Mr. Kendall and is again working for
Mr. Turner.
Wm. Brooks and wife are visiting old
acquaintances in Dawes county.
Wilber F. Shepherd will give the lioys
the long looked for dance next week.
Pat and John Dunn may be seen some
of the coldest davs heading for Five
Points where they have some of the
greatest attractions.
Thos Reidy made the rounds of this
vicinity. Object; sale of small fruit,
large fruit and in fact trees of various
kinds. We should judge from the sales
lie made at such reduced rates that
every farmer will liave a ten acre orch
ard in two years.
Johmb Come Lately.
State Journal, was in Harrison Monday.
John Bartell has a few thousand feet
of first class native lumber inch stuff
for sale (heap.
One of the court house chimneys took
a flying leap to the ground Sunday
night during tbe breeze.
Conrath Gasser has closed up in the sa
loon business here and will engage in
the bakery business at Crawford.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Murphy are the
happy parents of a bran new girl that
came" to light on the 24th of last month.
P. II. McVay, assisted y S. R. Storey
and John Ragland as witnssses, proved
up before the Clerk Monday on a preemption.
James Farnam made one of his bi-oc-casional
calls in Harrison Monday. He
is just recovering from a sore foot
caused by a cut from an ax.
T. B. Snyder paid one of his semi-occasional
visits to Harrison last Saturday
and tarrying the night left for his home
ranch on Slieep creek next morning.
n or about Feb. 20, there will t txs a
change of Iirm at me nanrn rauppiy
House, and all those indebted to the
present owner are resectful!y request
ed to call and settle their accounts be
fore that date.
We understand that Mr. C. F. Carle-
ton lias accepted a copartnership with
E. D. Satterlee and the firm will engage
in the real estate business. An appro
priate unovtiw oniwotii wiUi thia
would be:
" 'Will you walk into my parlor?
said the spider to the fly."
Mr. J. C. Emery, of Sioux county, la,,
was here recently looking after his
claim and other business matters. He
returned home Monday and expects to
move to this county permanently in the
spring. This is his second trip to this
country and his former good opinion of
it is increased.
The Harrison Cornet Band will give a
dance on tlie evening of St. Valentine's
day; February 14, 'bit. The success that
lias attained heretofore in this line they
will strive to exceed on the 14tli. A P.
O. department will be kept in the room
and all who desire can bring their valen
tines and deposit them there and at elev
en o'clock the postoffice will be opened
and mail distributed.
For some unaccountable reason there
seems to be an idea afloat tliat the
amendment which is to be submitted to
the people a year from next November
must receive a three-fifths vote to car
ry. This probably arises from a mixing
of ideas on the legislative and popular
vote the one requiring a three-fifths
vote to submit, the other a majority
vote to adopt. State Journal.
The Oelrichs Advocate says: A Bub-
contract has been let for trradinc ten
miles of the B. & M. in this county out
from the Cheyenne river, which will
take the same to Big Plain valley. The
grading butOt arrived on tlie ground
this week and will commence active op
erations ai once. - lie Advocate pre
dicts that the B. & M. will be running
entirely through Fall River county by
the 4tb of July.
"Have you been over to Chas. Klein's
"What is Charlie doing'!"1
"Stands with his head in a large bar
rel hallooing to the top of his voice, 'Pa,
pa. papa-' They have a nice boy over
there of tlie usual weight, tliat caroe on
the 4th of February, and I think Clmilie
will be in his right mind again in a few
aays. Dr. Hiiafer reporta the mother
and child doing well."
H. T. Conley of Harrison, Sioux coun
ty, is in the city and is registered at the
vpuui nouii. Mr. Conley wM a stu- jnn FOK Hil P at tup ...
dent at Mm fu , mi f- . , vwKa run HALE AT THE Ll'M-
i"u KwiiuK Lincoln geuiecr!
m busier county, whence he recently Mother ihmt, EaUrUianent
. , oux county. He In an en- -Assisted bv
ttmsiartic believer in Sioux county and Tlie Kazoo or Egyptian Band and tlie
declares tliat for plenty of rain, warm Peak nhiteni, at the school houae in di
winter, and good crops, hit part of Ne- trict No. 15, War Bonnet, Friday l eb-
m m PiMfc mwota mai roar a. iwa t. .
From White River.
Mr Editor of the Siocx CouKTY Jom-
ral: I notice in your issue of January
24th, No. 19, tliat you start out by uj
pealing to the farmers, merchants,
stockmen, everybody, and asking:
Do you want to see the country set
tled and the value of your property in
creased? Most certainly we do.
Do you favor an economical adminis
tration of county affairs? We do.
Do you favor a fair vote and honest
couut? We would like tliat very mucli.
Do you believe in justice? We do.
Do you feel tliat you liave been robbed
by the corruption of county officials?
We do.
T in . .
uo you want uie nest local paper in
the county? I do, so I take TriE Biocx
Cocxtv Journal.
Boggy Items.
Still hay making is tlie work accom
panied with Uie songs of the birds.
School house is about flnislwd. It
looms up high in Uie valley from Uie
John Christian's new house is finis! ted
on his claim, now lie wants a cook to
suit tlie times.
Tliere was service at Uie school house
in district No. fl. Mr, Jenken was the
leading spirit.
Mr. Buffer was seriously hurt by a log
rolling on his head, near Mr. novey'a on
east Boggy.
Harrison, k
Blacksmith, Wagon, (y
Repair shoj
Good stock always on hand. All kind of I
South of Pfost'a Livery Barn -
The Elestai
When you W
p C B O C C T
I A R O R A o
S E A K C D t
, S D I Kit; ;i
, . E E E c
S R 8 0
8 . .
Or a Square Meal for
TranKacts a general bonkiif m
Loans Money on CM
The Harrison
EGGERT ROHWER, Proprietor,
Special Attention to I
Best Accommodations
Fremont, Elkhon
"The Korihwestern Line" V
Omaha, Sioux CM
And All
East, North, Sou
iv m
... . ...... r K(A
run information on Application to v
H. O. Burt, General Manage
. -....i.iu i.n;, pvr
i. M. tMUU - i UlSllf &