."ft -' It. "v .2 Ota ictif t? if titer. cMOMdfcy rcf Cap- V Cat. dala i Esoeh mar- : ..! ncppoM C-J feft, as! at the it tpSSaf JsS tfi San in.. rii$ e 1.1 look .k.imi ir war isll lf::iip(f$M li ti..s; v a. raliam i ii.t r. bag- stain si. .a T "Vh SSsialter - - . . a -, . a mr u - -1, Un i; H. J JT- -r S-iftV Bptt 5 i. t km i- id - rr on from J 37. .J j1 1 UWfU.i, 1 "- ff o. 2 nii-pWaw.., If- tffJF rti2j -BkatirU i. i.. .. -i.., 'I " W Iff I t lilfd...---1 .19-1 No. . tor C' I - 11 IHottiHe droiulpd him; buds, witl Itrongl.y developed Hocinl iiiHtincts, fled from him. H could hardly evei , it a dance; weedily exuberant wall flowers werehisonly reource. What -was the reason it would be hard to ay. His main fault lay in the tact that he always yelled when he talked, and the more sentimental he grew, the louder he yelled. This, of course, was conspicuous; but some wumei 1 like to be conspicuous in their senti mentalities. 1'inning down one o, his deriders, they would say, vaguely "Oh he's too common!" "Now, just tell me," cried his ex asperated patroness, liwhat' then common about him? Has he evei been rude to you or any one?" "N'o." "Has he ever used common slang, orvulgarexpressions, or horse-iockej language like that man j'ou re al ready to run after all over the conn trv?" "No;" reluctantly. "You never heard him say a big big 1), even on the ballfield when Ik was hit on the head with a foul that nearly killed him, and yet the mer with whom you play tennis ottec wear the most wicked swears whei they miss a ball?" "Yes; to be sure." "And he's much brighter than the usual run isn't he?" "Oh, he's all that," impatiently "but we don't like him; we don'i want him; we can get better ones." "I suppose those are the eighteen year-olds, who always have the topi of their mouths, because it's such e short time since they gave up thi bottle?" and with thin Parthian shaft the defender of Jones withdraws it wrath to her tent. She fought for Jones single handed against all the feminities and most of the masculines of her world. Sh danced with him whenever she could, and created much gossip and som ill-humor. In one or two cases sh suffered sights through her unfortun ate protege. Of these she once told me with rage and fury. She had a lover, an agreeable harmless, and rather vapid young man, who, like Pooh-Iiah, was t!u victiinof anoverpoweringfamily pride. It. rarely obtruded itself, but it waj ingrained in his nature. In the depths of his heart he thought that the dam sel to whom he offered his emptj but aristocratic hand should sint down in a joyous swoon, like Esther before the raised swptre of Aliasuerus. Tho Western reformer enslaved hi fnncy, but it galled him to have to acknowledge the plebeian Jonos as a rival. He plotted to overthrow him. One evening, at a dance, the lady sat in a corner, Jones beside her, and lior foot on the lower rung of an empty chair. To occupy thin throne did her oilier admirer seriously incline. Ho looked upon it longingly and cog itated. Finally, he determined on a bold coup, crossed the room, sat down on the vacant chair with his back to Jones (of whom he took no notice), and cut their talk in twain. His manner showed plainly his inten tion of freezing the other out by ig noring his presence. With commend able coolness he grabbed the conver sation, and before they could rccovct from their mental colapse, had di rected it in a course unknown to Jones. Such was the situation when the lady suid in tones of ice: Mr. So-and-So, don't you know my friend, Mr. Jones? ' The high-born youth blushed to the parting on his brow, nudsaid, with a half-nod: ".Mr. Jones happy to tneet you." Then there was an awful silence. The lady bit her lips in rosy anger, tho man of lineage felt himself at a disadvantage. Jones alone remained imperturbable, but there was that in his concentrated gaze, which said: "Conic one, come nil, 1 li m rork olnill fly From ifs linn bune uh noon as I." It was the aggressor who eventual ly Ued front the firm base of the coveted chair, frozen by the ice re serve of his divinity, who would ha rd ly look at him. She subsequently dragged him ignominiously at her chariot-wheels, which is a poetic way of saying that she "wiped the ground with him." This is an archaic cus tom, which dates from the day when Achilles dragged dead Hocior round the walls of Troy. At another time, also a dance, she sat conversing with nn admirer and an incijMent admirer. In their charm ing circle Jones penetrated; suing for a dance. Ho sat down and the lady introduced him to her com panions. The ndmirer was polite in his acknowledgments, the incipient ndmirer suddenly stiffened ns though frozen. The lady walked off with the cause of stiffness. "Left alone," said tho I. A. to the A. "What induces Miss Brown to en courage thai; man so? He's simply insupportable. That's the third time I've been introduced to him, and I always cut him the next day." "Why?" "Oh I don't know most of the fellows do." "I see; it's tho correct thing I" Here tho A. saw his loved one stnnding, out of breath, by a pillar, ones gone on a quest for a lemon ado, and he flow to join her and im part the above conversation as bomothing particularly choice. And after ull this she married Jones? Alns. nol Thoro conies a time when fluito Iwnevolenee censes to exist. San Francisco Argonaut. Dsgley Johnson seems to have had bad luck with tho paper out West. Bailey Yes, it was a right mart paper, too. Bagley Didn't the people seem to like it? Bailey Why, yea. - It rose higher and highei In public estimation evory duy, un til finally it went up altogether. Timaa. Tk Betra Krrar. Twa Menu tor a new kind of churn etme to the bouse of Dr. L of Pano la county, Miasissippi, in the evening and were invited to spend the night While one iu cariup for the honea the doctor, conversing with the other, fonnd the men were from place where he had practiced medicine in his youth. In quiring about different persons he at length asked: "And the Misaea Brown, where are they? They were without doubt the most ugly women I ever saw." "Yes," said the agent "What became of them?" "One is my wife." There was silence. The doctor presently left the room. Going to the stable he saw the other pent and made a confident of him, winding up with: "Well, they were un commonly ngly women. Did you ever see them?" "Yea." Andhe married the other. Dr. X claims that this is e only break be ever made in entertaining strangers. Detroit Free Press. They Were Evca. ' A simple, good hearted servant girl, who is valued highly by her employers, came to her mistress the other day to ask advice. She said she'd been wont to give another girl in service a present at Christmas time for many years, and always received a present from her. ThiHyear she didn't know what to bny. "How mnch do yon think of spend ing?" her mistreae asked. I can afford about S3 ma'am." "Then yon take your 2 and give it to your friend and ask her to buy a present for herself. She knows what she wants better than you do." This struck the girl as a splendid idea and she carried it into effect Her friend was delighted too; so much so, in fact, that the next day she presented Mary, the fiirl who had inanguratedHhe reform, with $2 in like fashion, asking her to buy a present to suit herself. Thus, not a cent changed hands, and the two younsr women felt they had demonstrated their mutual regard in a highly satutfuctory manner. Pittsburg Dispatch. le llrallated No Longer, They laid been gazing abstractedly into the clow of the coals for nearly two hours. She had been waitins two years tin- him to speak his mind. He was still en.i;ed, its he had ever been, in screw ing up his courage. At last she lifted her t'.reil head and asked: 'ticore, do you know what Prof. Tisvernud of the Paris observatory bays?" "No, what does he say?", inquired (ieortrc, eagerly. "He reports that Neptune has a satel lite which is moving in direct contra diction to the revolution of all other planets and that before many ages it will drive our whole system after it in to space." "Well?" murmured George, dazed by tho immensity of the problem. "Well," she continued, dreamily and sweetly, "it looks now as if I would take my wedding tour about the time the earth begins to chase that satellite." Ho hesituted no longer. St. Paul News. Finally file Got Hie Keg. The ways of the ben are as inscruta ble as th'ta of the woman In a Mok-. iean mining town tho superintendent noticed tho wifo of tho owner making repeated visits to the hen house, after each visit her face wearing a deeper look of despair and anger. "What's the mutter, Mrs. Clumbar?" ho finally asked, when ho saw that she looked almost desperate. '.'Matter?" Blie cried. "I promised the mnjor an omelet for supper, and I've got all the cgj.-s I need but one, and that mean old hen is sitting there, and won't lay it. I daren't touch her, and she knows it, and is just taking her time about it, too. I'm so indignant at her, mean old thing!" Put tho egg was laid in time. New York Suu. In Good Shape McOr"kor (Trx.) olmerrer, Jan. 5. While talking to Mr.. T. S. C. Hatch a few days ago we asked hiin a fow pointers in regard to his luck in the Louisiana State Lottery. Mr. Hatch etatcd that ho had been in the habit of investing for some mouths past a few dollars in the lottery. Ho pur chased ten fortieth tickets about tOth December, 1888, among the ton was No. 09,704, tho same being the number that drew the capital prize, 1000,000. "What did you do when you wore in formed tliiut you had drawn $15,000, Mr. Hatch?" "I went nt once to Waco and depos ited my ticket with the American Na tional bank, and took their receipt for tho name. Four days after I deposited my ticket I was paid by tho American National bank the $15, 000." . - Mr. Hatch hns a wife and six children, lie was comparatively a poor man, working as overseer of the W. P. Gaines big valley farm, three miles south from McGregor, on a salary. He is a man of judgment, and there is no doubt but that ho will properly invest his money. Mr. Hatch will continue as overseer for Colonel Gaines. ke fMU ft ssnutaf. He was the meekest looking old gen tleman, not particularly steady on his pins. Slid with hair as white as snow;bnt there was an jiir of breeding and dignity about him which neither age nor feeble ness em Id conceal. He was making his way r p Winter street, steadying him self with his umbrella, which he nsed aa cane, although light rain was falling. He had almost reached that corner made historic by the late Tom Apple ton's Urn mot, when rapid yonng wo man, who nsed her nmbrella with the virulent destructiveness characteristic of her sex, 'dashed his hat into the gutter. The old gentleman stooped to pick it up, and as he waa directly before her she waa forced to wait while he did so. The old gentleman straightened himself "up, evidently with an effort, his white locks blown about by the wind and sprinkled with the rain. He replaced his hat and regarded the dashing young woman with an evident feeling of sur prise that she offered no apology. As she did not speak, however, he lifted his hat with fine courtesy. "I beg your pardon," he said, "for having my hat in the way of your nmbrella.1' He stood aside to let her pass and the voting woman giggled. Detroit Tri bune. the Karth Really Mevsf Scisnee says that it does, but wt cannot help wondering sometimes if there isn't soma mistake about It, when we see how stubbornly certain eld lofies dim to tbeir mastv and antiquated ideas. It was be lieved once that consumption was in curable, and although it has been dearly demonstrated that it is not, thousands el old-time physicians close their eyes and put their hands to their ears and refuse to abandon the theory. But for all that the world moves on, and Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery continues to rescue euf- I ferers from consumptives' graves. It is a urn cure ior mis oreaaea disease, u lanen in time. All scrofulous diseaeee and con sumption is included In this list yield to it. Adam Forepaugh is said to be worth $1,- 600,000. "Farceti.ry Bullela." An excited Irishman lately rushed into a Boston drug stord, having a "broken-up" appearance genlrally. "Be jabbers I" he yelled, "I'm all wrong entirely. I want some shl u ft to straighten me out. Some 'o thim 'PurgHtory Bullets' will fix me, I'm thinkin'. What d'ye tax for thim?" "What do you mean?" asked the clerk. "'Purgatory Bullets,' sor, er somethin' loike that, they call thim," replied the man. "Shure, I'm in purgatory already, with bexdache, and liver complaint, and bad shtomAch, and the divil knows what all." The clerk passed out a vial ol Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets, and Pat went oil contented. These little Pellets cure all derangements ol liver, stomach and bowels. Sugar-coated, little larger than mustard seeds, and pleasant to take, Druggists. I' nwrringe is a success, divorce is a suc cessor. Puck. hall Women Be Allowed to Vote? The question ol female suffrage has agi tated the tongues and pens of reformers for many years, and good arguments have been adduced for and against it. Many of the softer sex could vote intelligently, and many would vote as their husbands did, and give no thought to the merits of a political iHsne. Tliev would all vote for Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, for they know it is a boon to their sex. Itisun equitled for the cure of leucorrhea, abnor mal discharges, morning mcknero,- oml- the countless i 1 )h to which women are subject. It is the only remedy for woman's peculiar weaknesses snd ailments, sold by drtiR;ists, under a positive guarantee from tho manu facturers, that it will give satisfaction in every case, or money will be refunded. See guarantee on wrapper around bottle. A naval engagement Popping the ques tion at sea. I ime. Consumption Kiirely t'nred. To the Editor: Please inform yourread ers that I have a positive remedy for con sumpt ion. By its timely use thousands ot hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy frkk to any of your read ers who have consumption if they willsend me their express and P. 0. address. Re spectfully, T. A. Sl.OCUM, SI. C., 181 Pearl street. New York. Dr. Thurb'-r hns been appointed pastor of the American church in Rue Borrie. lie Traveled nt Once. He had been won lering for some time how he could escape from the toils that were gently creeping 'round him and bronk the spoil of soft converse and witching eyes. An opportunity came at last. As sno ended a spirited descrip tion of her journey through the Alps she said impulsively i "Oh, Mr. Slopace, I think you ought to travel!" He looked at her rigidly, rose slowly, and grasped his hnt. "No woman shall say that twice to mo," he roniarked in a firm and desper ate voice. "I knew it was after 11 o'clock; but I thought that is I hoped no matter. Farewell, Miss Phineweb 1 will travel!" And he did, with alacrity. Puck. HOW' THIS! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case ot Catarrh that can not be cured by taking Hall's Catarrh Curs. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo. O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney lor the last IB years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and Inancially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West 4 Truss, Wholesale DruffisU, Tole do, Ohio. Waldlng. Kianln A Marvin, Wholeaalt Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. B. H. Van Hoesen, Cashier. Toledo Na tional Bank, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood aad mucus surfaces of the system, Price, 76 tent psf bottle. Sell by ell Druggists. Stop lliat Cough. Many pooplo neglect what they call a simple cold, which, if not checked in time, may lead to Lung trouble. Scott's Emul sion of Pure Cod Liver Oil, with Hypophos phites, will not only stop the cough but hen! the lungs. Endorsed by thousands of Physicians. Palatable as milk. Try it. Sold by all druggists. Large deposits of salt have recently been found in Now South Wales. When Bnby waa sl(-k. we fcavv her Castorla, When she wrw n Child, Klie cried for Castoria, Whps she hecHma MIm, flie clunjr to Crtstoria. When h hful ('liililreo, stiff fiHrc them Caatoria. The debt of Pennsylvania has been re duced $1,118,550 during the year. Ostrich racing is utrWloping as a stand ard sport in southern California. " Hwirt hpeeiflr' cured me of nitiliunsril Htood Pols Bit RUcr I had been Irentei! In;vnhiwltii old sii-callod remedienof Merciirv and Potash. R. H. 8. not only mirert the lllood Poison, hut relieved the- Kheu naUim which wncaucd hr the nniionous minerals. (tKil. IU K 1 .1 ,. mi M A.mun. N. V. Nine rears sko Si-ruiuln attacked two or my chil dren, and they were badly Hdlirtd with that din aaae, which re.Hted the treatmentnf my family tihyKleian. I wan persuaded to ne Swift's Hpocltlo ny Benin an account ot cure.!. In my county paper. lTie improvement waa apparent frrtm the first few doara, and In a Mhon. time my children were cured, snd are ttlll auund mid well. li 111 N WILLIAMS, Islington, Vs. Swift's Bckcihc entirely a vejcwahlo remedy, and la llttf only nr'dlclne which permanently cures rorulit, lllood Humors, Cancer nnd Contagions BIofMl 1'otiMin. Hend lor hoolm on niood and Hkln Dueaaea, luailod fres. TUK SWIM' SPUCIK1C OO. Drawer S, Atlanta, (is. "Art is leaf aad time is eeting." and it is t a o speae a an of a ekert life dis tressed with neuralgia, when 85 cents spent tor one bottle ol Salvation Oil will cure it quickly. George Conklis, the lion-tamer, says he will have nothing to do with croes-eyed animals, nor use any other remedy for his cougns and colds but Dr. Hull s Cough Syrup. He says it is the only reliable cougu meaicine to be had. Ia aacient times everybody played the lyre. Nowaday the liar plays everybody. Oiwetel Ktenreieti set Colorado. On February 26th a grand excursion for land seekers to Alamosa in the sunny San Luis Valley will be run on any regular train over all roads leaving Missouri Biver points. Fare for round trip 1 30. Tickets good to return in twenty days, tipeeial round trip rate of II will be made by the Venver and Kio Uraade Kailroad from Alamosa to Del Norte, Monte Vista, La Jara, Antonito and Fort Garland. Tickets will read through Denver, Colorado Springs or Pueblo. The Ban Luis Val'ey is the great agricultural empire ol Colorado, and offers unequaled inducements to the farmer aad stock grower. For details ia quire of nearest ticket agent. S. K. Hooper, Oeneral Passenger Agent Denver & Kio Grande Railroad. The pope has sent chalices to Cardinal Newman and the archbishops of Glasgow. For Coughs and throat troubles use "Bbown's BsoNcaut. Tbocbes." "They stop an attack of my asthma cough very promptly." C. Falcb) Miami ville, Ohio. A baby born at Harrisburg some days ago had. it ia claimed, two teeth at birth. IfaSleted with Bar Ires, eae Dr. Iieae Theme sob's Kye Water. aVuulsU tell U. Sc. The severe drought in South Australia haabeen broken by copious rains. MakesYouHungry "I have used Palne's Celery Compound aad ft has had a salutary effect. It Invigorated tne system ana i feel like a new man. It Improves the appetite and facilitates diges tion." J. T. Cora- lahd, Primus, B.C. Paine's Celery Compound Is a unique tonic and appeUzer. Pleasant to the taste, quick in Its action, and without any Injurious effect, it gives that rugged health which makes everything taste g'ood. It cures dyspepsia and kindred disorders. Physicians prescribe It, and you will recommend It after you have used it li.oo. Six for S5.oa Druggists. WILLS, RlCHAKDSOX CO., UurlWgtOD, Vt Builds Up the System. " Id tho prior 1W7 1 wu all run down. I would ft up in the momiii with ro tired a feeling, sod wu no weak that I could hardly get around. I bought a bottle of Paine's Celery Compound, and before I had taken it a week I felt very much better. I can cheerfully recommend it to all who need a biiUdinf up and HtrengtheniiifT medicine." Mra B. A. Dow, Burlington, Vt LACTATED FOOD VHHtSSL diamond orasjssi.'ss, 'ever Crorh. laliout. mi trm. GAT ARB Elf's Cream Balm JUACSOIF W TRADE lT I MAMtHI Cold in Head K!.Y B'.IOS., M Warrm St.. X. T THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY CJ K' XVilW YOIIK. Tin Largeit, Chfaicil o.l Hem In the Wuil.l. CASH ASSirj'8 8IMOH OOETZ, Special Area. 9iao.ooo.ooo. Wll. T. A1.I.F.X. General Ajcnt. ( CURE P14S I 1 do not mean merely tostop then loratimo an:t ""9 "SiS,',1" return. I mean a rsriirau euro. I havo made ITS, EPILEPSY or 1AI.LI.SO SICKNESS a lile-ionK tudr. I warrant my remedy to cure tho worm cae. JJwaine others have fm.od ia no reason ir uot now reoelrtnir a rare. Send at once for treatise and roe Bottle of my lufaliible remedy. Give Kiprers sad P. o. U. u. KUOT. M. c. isa IV -ir! ; t. N. V- VASELINE PREPAPJTiQNS. Ill lend free by One Hoi of I-urn Vaieilnr, - - 10 eta. ...v nui ni t aaeune y; .mphor lee, 15 rta. ue htoTofV a rime- Colli Cr."-m, 1 5 ct AO Vffffeltne Is se.'iiiinn tjni.... .,r n., n ,... ... On reeelnt of nn.t'ti.ik atan.n. - , mall ti a foliowlriE apTrdlrt nnirle ii. r,rV i Vff.eune la ste.-iuiiin unteMi our name I, on ttw la eL tHtliBitoLotl Jl'r'a Co.. 21 sulc St ,. Fresh Hollable. Only 2 snfl II eeulj per iRrne paekaye. Nll.OlU Novelty presents t'uidK. Mntn- CT...TT. r '"J" unn acre find (hat FIpo's curia for Consumniion not only UttiVKNTri, but im CUKiCH Uoarse- iieaB. SEEDS QfiflORs; Will Trade IV ANTES). Omatia r-ropurty and land fomtocknf meiTbHnd.no. changed. D. I. Thornion, Vil N, l.Hti Omaha. Neb". An energetic saliismau and ono sales arty In your c;:intr l' pi' It fill r fund o hir Ks-nnln Address "WES'lEUN AGKN'CV (JO., O.nalia, Nel. c OLE'S TESTED SEED Cot'e Illne. tiarden Annual Free. i,atQst.N velttf. oweatpnfj. AlMimiU. haveU. C.lo AJJi'o., boattamcn. lJellu.la. A wire KIDDER'S PAST LLES.i :!. by man ' ".l ' ' !S i : ASTHMA iTOV. KLL A O. Charles to u, Mur Trrartvt Mid fnrid wit unit t tn uniie. poo it on treatment frft. Adrert V. L. POND. M. t., aurortv, simnt t.'o. IU. J' CURES PROMPTLY SPRAINS, 0TRAIN0, BUBTS. He,: CONQUERS PAW, HEALS, CURES. A DBDOGOT Alio DCAUM. WttlAlltM A. V0CCLCI CO-Wtasft. Mat' Diamond Vora-Curo rx dtstpepma. A FOSITIVI CUM FOR INDIGESTION AHD All, Stomas TreaMesArlalat Tnerefreaa, rvr DruftM tr Ontrai .Ussier mu ft Fmw Cura br you V mm mhrtrndy ts alee, er u wtu U tend H aU tn rtctin tftcu. a tomu 11 S9) Itmflt Mni n recti or TBI CHARLES A. VOqLECO, BaltlmTa, M4. We offer sn easy my to mske hnndrads of 1 dolUrs betwscn nm snd July 1st, in. We p besides o Serins UOUU to Ins Bsnoa who sbaU do the best work for us; SHM to the second, sad so on down. These irises art EXTRA eomptaaUlOB to the baa workers. Asood chance to pay oil that maruare, sscusa a home, or start hoaackeepluc. CURTIS PUBLISHING CO. PHILADELPHIA, PA. OnJy $3 for a 240-lb Family Scale Sri f Thlffbla.itStath.easS fLL?il,lJ'. - .saaiat aSOsSa yilllllisa Baailaam.Ba psehefla stasia haaas, at. sjaarauararar I aaa aar. mtnrj. SaaS for fTiilntiasnsinatliffshi American Fan Scale Co., Ciiicaii. IraiTKERLCXSVI PUITS AND SEEDS Art ackBowltdftd the best. btln( hardier, more prodaetWt tad yield better crops. miM II.LU8TIIATKD OATAXOOCa Offalatetaf aaly laa aaat varlffUffa, waaaS aa. as aaalS. him, wans iea it. X. I. aaUVX At OO.. Fioawrt ant Susans, Br. Past, Mias. 30 DAYS' TRIAL. THIS NEW ELASTIC TRUSS Hu a Pad different from all olhtra, t cupsltApe.w.U. Beif adJuiitiasr Ball in ojDtr.sVdaD(a ItMlf to all ixwitMiniof th body whit th bull in tbe cup praaaaa kmc u ntettlns Just aa a par- oos witn tnenntjer. nin. lrepo Arnia ! hfl.l irni U dav and nirht.anJ a radical eursrertain. It I fmnr. dnrableand rhs'ap. Sentnymall. OLrcuiari trtte. BUilLBSTUM TRIM UN. CO.. CUasfa, U on w viraiiari f TO ft DATS.VI aartt4 ot utf mM csom Birtetare. 11 MaTTI ir..alrbjti:) El rajnaiClsalMlCt. p I prescribe and fatly v dorsn Biff U u tbs only specific for tbe certain cura of this disease. O.U.INORAHAM.M. a, Ainstcrduiii, N. V. We have fold Hig O for many TCRrn, and it lift ivpn tba beal ot al!s iac'tinn. D. E. DY0HK & OO.. ChiouE-o. 1 11. 01.09- Bold by DruKfiuts. jdVSTOSIOADAY! HoidPr uiv;i:n AW A X to intro riiicu thcni, Kvcry iorsf! owner hnys 1 ic.fit 1 1) ft. Lines nevor under horttf's Ihh. Snd2centi in tt tumps tn pay postnpo mui packina: 1 or Nir:lili rimed Siimo'e that scils lor tio Brewster Mfg Co., EoIly.Mioh. t'l-lMlKiHt mMfJ-t I'VCI1 f ' M' Vi'V-'-i ' ";."$ i i'i it-Hi mnn 'vcr - r j K-.-v'fC f'i'.llLCMl. TlKMISltl.'N ('I 'f .'t AA t- Kusfi-aviiifTH. UontsKKi) tr'jt ZujLm' -t Pkts 3c. Cheap as dirt by ' x-vii jz. lb. 100000 pkts. new iortB dinded FKKK to Customer . I give annv Tiii.ro liniri nine firms sell. Send for mv CiLl'iLonue. il. 11. Sliumway. Kovkfuid. HI. llaaiaBW.t . M utliu I at&J J :s PAYStfis FREIGHT O Ton UHOn Sralen, Iron l.tprs, S;.tl Kenrinj", itiua Tart Cm kb4 Hnin Knx Tot Jtrrrr li. rr frtt priee MaS manfti D f nPer una fv'Jrfsa- miS 0F CtitftHAMTPM, THE SEED MAN t. tv. tiARDMiH, h'reeixirt, III., (Succps.nr to tiuirtner llros.) will spnd vein his beautiful Sepd Caralogu for 18S9 TREE. The Cheapest SEED HOUSE m Americn. Morn aepds fr thr- mnnef tnan '-an buy Uewhere. PACKETS a'Caata. Tilt IS. IASTH.V1A CUgED ((erwntt Aacbmn.'MrenevorVifjtoriv t-v' mtdiait ralicfu Uie worit cjitw.iiiriiires comfort-! I ame tuecp ; euecia curen wuoro. i omen, tail, A I rial t convener (Aai moiC akitfUteai, Pnctt oirt and . HOH1 FPM AN. St. 1W Minn SALES! w frt a i a -l iuf fwt ammpla t iha wtiolestil iiti ro lail trtute. 1-argeit m-ini-T rs m our liBr. tuclttit i-oentsikmp. Wag;ti S3 Per Day- Pf'"ocTit poMition. Nn nttali KDwrel Uont-T adtancr. fr wktrei, adtfriitinf, ttc. Centennial Manufacturing; Co.. Cincinnati. Ohio fAX flPI'I'lil n. Atrlnlhof- " t f Kfin, 1 1't'f I ujiy out Alllimi. SICjaiEADAGNE IPARTFRSI W is BaS v niTTLE II I iwrn II I FII-LS. U r r I 1 roaltlf rlTrliml bw inrae s.iaiio riiia. i TTj.t alan rellnre Dla- tress from Dyspepsla,Xn tl Ifraatlon and TooHcarty Ratine. A perfect rem kdl for fMsxiness.Naiiaw urowaiuaaa. Bad laatH In tht Month. Oostedl Tnna-o.Paln In tht Bide. TOKrID UVIJI. They rttulatt IM uowtlt. nrtir votMahia, "arthr V( lno6 ss oixm issma oo., vmioa. Small Pill. Small Dote. Small Price. - HAS LKtathmeandmakmrM.n UUaSWI "t fhtnr eUc in lh wnrtrt RIthnr tT. Oafttly ontl raas. Tsrtw riKK. aMto., 'iitiisA Co., AufustUa, Maiaa. find PIpo's Cure for lonRiimnlion TH B Ksr remedy lor ofirKenesa and to ear the throat Sweet potatoes?,? W be sproulffd nn shares. fipri.'iicn required. Directions for fprotitl' e TREK. Afldrpw T. J. I.:i, tjoluiubaa, lAansaa. U s HJI 17 STUDY. llnnk-hncpinp.Pontnaiinritp, SI V IWl K Aril limclio, BliorthutKl, elc, tlldr otiirhly luttuht bjr ntnll. l,(iw i-hlph. t'lrctilHra free. UUV'ANVS CO1.1.10UK.U1 Shun St., Uutlalo, N. Y. W. N. U., Omaha, 451-6. mm ISOS CURE for (Msvfv?W. FOW BALE BY ALL. DRUGGISTS. V theajtatKSjT J u I tadlTtertlfrtoahTaoliia.enr aaeds thn mahe . f "a. II 1 j n..i sri. laiaa imn.itrf S Parkaaaa Karllaai VaMaMa WaraKUali aa.tsalftl.tt, Than an alToiaVaat-auoVlaat k KJf-a lamur rarx bkhp ta for luaa at Day Cahhast and sa-1 iMMlalaln a b.OAj IZn A. tXLUX La Cret m, VHi. ffSatlhafaV