The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, January 31, 1889, Image 3

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Hifl fM
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Tak tb bull by ta born" b aa old,
ae, but you take Dr. BuU'aCoufk Syrup'
til tapoonful. A lew drona for a
ji. On bottl will tb live of u
Uy. For roughs cold, bronchitis, etc.,
at xeelleot and cafe. 25 cents.
B the treatment of rbeuanatiam, neural -,
aeiatira, tie douloureux. eniierania.
a., the value of Palvatioa Oil cannot If
Njr-entimaUd. It kill paia. Fricc
jMty-fiv rent a bottle.
( Look not a gift hone in the mouth, but
jap your eye on hi hind hoof.
' Wo Safes Remedy can be had forcoubs
d cold, or any trouble of the throat,
tea "Brown' Bronchial Troche." Price
Jk eta. Bold only in boxes.
' Pear fraft on a quince atock produce
jb most abundant and luacioua fruit.
A Trraaaas IbmUm
rould bar been created onehunded years
Mo by the sight of one of our modern ex
press trains w billing along at the rat of
i sixty mile an hour. Just think how our
grandfathers would hare stared at such a
tapeetacle! It takes a good dtalto astonish
paopls now-a-days, butaomeot the tnarvel-
I ana cure of (-onaumotion. wroufht bv Dr.
Piarc' Golden Medical Discovery, have
treated wida-epread amazement. Con
sumption isat Inst acknowledged curable.
Tk "Golden Medical Discovery" is the
only known remedy for it. If taken at the
right time which, bear in mind, is not
when the lungs are nearly gone it will go
right to th seat of the disease and accom
plish it work as nothing else in the world
Nerer cry over spilt milk
only a nickel a glass.
when beer is
"Had Bn Worried ElsMeea Years "
It should have read " married " but the
proof-reader observed that it amounted to
about the same thing, and so did not draw
bis blue pencil through the error. Unfor
tunately there was considerable truth in
his observation. Thousands of husbands
are constantly worried al-nogt to despair
by the ill health that alMicts their wives,
and often robs life of comfort and happi
ness. There is but one sate and sure way
to change all this for the better. The ladies
should use Dr. Pierce's Favorite prescrip
tion. There never was a man so ornery that
h could not get married.
"Gilve film VI and Let Him Cue."
We once heard a man complain of feeling
badly, and woDdered what ailed mm. A
humoron friend said, " Give a doctor $2
and let him cues." It was a cutting satire
on some doctors, who don t always guess
rieht. You need not guess what ails you
when your food don't digest, when your
bowels and stomach are inactive, and wnen
vour head aches every day, and you are
languid and easily fatigued. You arc
bilioim, and Dr. Piorcs' Pleasant Purga
tive Pellets will bring you out all right.
Small, sugar-coated, eusy to take. Of
II has the least to answer for who lives
the ihorUst life.
The new catalogue of the Iowa Seed Co.,
of Des Moines, is th handflorni'st of the
kind ever issued in the Went. Its cover is
lithographed in six colors, and the book
contain many line illimtrntion. . This
lirm na eatablislied in 1S71, and their
businesM h now the largest of the kind in
Iown. Their seeds are produced on farms
nesr Des Moines, and great earn is taken
that they shall be pure and true to name.
They are introducing many new varieties
of great merit. See thi-ir advertisement,
and send for catalogue.
The hardest man to convince in an argu
ment is the man who says the lcat.
Twigs of lnyrtlo laid under a bed will
keep tiff (Ions and moths.
HwlIfN SjKvlflf hit mr'fl tin f a nialit:
:iant hn'nkiny oul n tuy Wiz, whtrh iitie-l
inU'iir;ifit iiin. It wiif ciiinl Ki'Zfnta ly
Llif u 'tttn J'Mirnl wtnnn trt'Htrxl inwllli
Hi) relief, I ( itinildly i -nilss timi 1 orvp niy
prcf-'-m p(xl in iiltii to A. H. S., wiil .1 In m
sr-A Miss.III.JA l)t;V i'lT,
'EG ': s; lfimr vi 1 vi
W'ri Ct1T lilhr wh,'n ' wfinunllVsnitl w;is tUtm-V
W Mm. f"t Hh Sl T'llllifi. VFlllCll )"P n l.tllei Hfll'MU'.
ff a jrttt'iyrrt h'T pviaht e ntirely, mid cai:M'il u
Move tier, ami we tzxvo Stviit a Spirit ,
inch sitn rurp.l her ontfrctr, anil lt'j is
uow halo and hearty . K. V. Ddk,
in rumi, 1 Tfxas.
Prrofuln (Jrv'IonM nn my Mauifl'irrnwoll-
lnautnl luiniis un h'-r hpfk. vi hnr
wlft'i SrKcU'n'. and the result as wuii'ltir
ful and tlio iMi re nroin-it.
S. A. U; AKMO.M). riovclftnfl.Tf'nn.
T- I)iscacBund luivleo u uifMcr'. nmiU'd tie..
.Drawer -i, Ailunta, (jia.
TlT Hi
T73 Ely's Cream Da!m
?ArW$-&M (ilves ri'llcf at onro for
I iti:i-
Hot a Liquid or Snuff.
Kf,y Ititlin Inro mh nosnil.
KI,V KI.'OS., Wtirrrn M., N. V.
fl a.i:mk n iMi;i:
Ki llrpwicrHf-ty P.i'ln
UohlT- GIVKN AWAY t" tntrr..
(iui-fl iliem, Kvery hot-he "wnrrhuys
from ltiti. never mulrr hino
fppt. Send cntH In sLuuipa to pay
noftt.uffo nd parkins; lor Mrkte
PlftU;(l Siimn'o thut Bells fur ttt
wul. AoOren.
Brewster Mf g Go,, Holly.Micb.
larcrtaui. II you wnnl ltt ues
israenv? ;fr iwa,.. j ...,. .,.,, ri
of our Now CoLper Klni Oalan, t lrp
i wo will n.l Ijr trial IJ PaakaU aala
-rlshl aecila. Influilina aoum uoetle. or li
iT.i tr-i'. Chora K "war f '"lt f"r V cania or
lift nioii HIIVn'R I'l.AM'H f.r I.OO.
IOWA NKKD OJIlA.M, Ies Molnea, la.
D ttJohaBt,
" h.w i urk,
T78W THE Tiir.BT
StatlonprakeoD'hcm. Standard qui
olltfl-B. Sample doa. Iicdi-m
mihirn. Nn eioerirniti rfuuireo.
THraotlons foraproutliiy .FREE. Achlre
roltrf far
PrlraU iidvlM forth nnmnrrin, IV U
afl yon mM t knme. Pvureir
CCDU. AUai cm , box. lit;, Chtcuu, ill.
nth property nnd I find
for itpr.kaof m5rchfidtP'
I.kiiiIh liojiflit and i'i-
I. 1. Thornton, VH N. iTith tit., Omaha. Svb.
Will Trado
An enrgetlo Mlrtmao and
one le ady In your county
tnaII onrc"da by Sample.
AddrtM WKSTKKH AGKNCY CO., Omaha, Kob.
Rlsta fur tks Haaaa
A salt ham should be soaked orer
niglit in plenty of soft waterprevious
to boiling.
After washing n wooden bowl place
it where it will dry equally on all
sides, away from the stove.
When watering potted plants in
winter do not pour the water in the
crown of the plants, but siniply
moisten the earth in the pot. Too
much moisture will do more injury
than benefit.
For a cough boil one ounce of flax
seed in a pint of water, strain and
add a little honey, one ounce of rock
candy, and the juice of three lemons;
mix and boil well. Dritfk as hot as
To remove stains from marble, mix
a quantity of the strongest soap lees
with quicklime to the consistency of
milk; lay it on the marble, and let
it be lor twenty-four hours, then
clean with soap and water.
If butter is kept covered tight when
put in the ice-chest, it will not absorb
the odor of any food lying near.
There is nothing so sensitive as but
ter, and yet you may see it at any
time" placed near to meat or veget
To keep lainpchimneysfrom break
ing put a cloth in the bottom of a
large pan, fill the latter with cold
water, and place the new chimney in
it; cover the pan and let its conteus
boil one hour, then take from tire and
let the chimney remain in the water
until it is cold.
An inexjiensive and good desert is
mode of one quartof sweet milk, two
thirds of a cup of uncooked rice, ond
a littlo Rait. Tut this in tea orcollec
cupn, set them in the steanipr over a
kettle of boiling water, Let it cook
until the rice is almost like jelly;
When cold turn it out of the cup.
Serve with sugar nnd cream, or with
pudding sauce.
The secret of making good tea is
that the water should be poured on
the inatnnt it boils, nnd that every
thing should be well heated. If you
have a little water boiled in a kettle,
nnd pour this upon the tea in a cold
tenpot, the' water is chilled, the
strength of the tea not properly ex
tracted, and, after standing the
necessary time, it is, when poured
out, but little more than lukewarm.
Agents Wanted biwM.'iV'ii'
hit ProSla. Kmpjrraal Pub. Halt. St f
for mtr frst at Ilia bonk and
a nu nia iraavc.
rani. Hlun.
lUUil at aarlklar .to. " l Ella an CMIrMltl
. imh r.t. '
traalaaaal aaal Ire.
. SV. A
a Mi
W. M. 0.. Ossaaa,
llow To Sate (lie Kjplulit,
Neither colored goods nor flnmiela
should be boiled.
All goods in barrels apples, beef,
potatoes, etc. keep better when hi id
down on their side.
Taint the kitchen floor with boiled
'inseed oil, and you won't have much
trouble thereafter cleaning it.
For cleaning brass use a t hin pnsto
Df plate powder, two tablespoon Puis
of vinegar, four tublenpoonfiit4
of alcohol. Kub with a piece of ilan
uel; polish with chamois.
Next to the sunlight the incandes
cent light gives the best illumina
tion for reading, nnd all notions of
ihe injurious effect on the eyes of the
electric light, are erroneous.
The vast majority of people who
year glasses can eoc well without
:hem. They' use them to avoid a con
stant strain on the eyes. The act of
localization is a musclar one and uses
'ip nervous energy.
The overnighted eye, in which tlio
ocus come behin 1 the retina, has to
nerform the musclar net continually.'
Die results are headaches, irritability
n nausea. The only remedy in such
I case is to wear glasses.
The nearsighted child should wear
spectacles, because they are the best
oreventive against increase of near
sightedness, and also because he
oses a great part of his education in
lot being able tosee more than a few
eet away.
For the iyes in a healthy state
".here is but one safe wash pure cold
rvnter. When tlio eyelids are in
lamed the best lotion is a weak sol
ltion of salt water. Never apply
ooultices to the eyes or uso "eye wa
Ws" without the advice of a physi-:ian.
Btcalatlaj Baalsli Ballwar
Every onfl who hsa traveled in Den
nark has noticed the enormous number
f guard houses along the railroads, an!
'he fact that aoiuen usually signal the
Iraius. As a measure of economy man
and wife are employed by the state, the
former as track walker and the latter a
,'iiurj. 'i'lie rules h-eify the relation
ship to exist between these two classes
uf employes, and rules are made to Lu
obeyed. When it hap)ens that either
dies the survivor has just tix weeks iu
which to find another partner. Neg
lect to do so is disobedience, punished
with dismissal. The employment of
brother, sister or servant to fill the va
cancy is not allowed. The guard or
track walker must marry in six weeks or
leave. A ease of the kind occurred re
cently near the old town of liibe, ou
the Uerman frontier. The stricken
widower petitioned the government to
allow him an eitra week or two, alleging
that his work of walking all day along
the railroad track did not give him a
chance to look for a wifp, but his re
quest was refused as in itself an infrac
tion of discipline. The hapless widow
er had only tix days of jrrace left, bnt
he did not want to lose his job and went
Kkirmisliuiff with so much energy ilia"
before the end of the fifth he had a new
wife flaceinjr the trains. Itehoboth
Sunday Herald.
An Arlintlc Itsi; Tin:.
The prettiest rugs which are made
n this countrv are the home-mntlo
ag rugs woven of different colored
voolen rags. These rugs are usually
voven in stripes at either end. and
n a medley of varied colors in the
ientre. The weaver nlso introduces
i lengthwise striped effect by using
lifferent-colored warp. Very pretty
iffects are produced by stripes of dull
fellow and dull nd warp in alternat
ng bands about two inches wide.
The warp is knotted, nnd forms a
ringo at either end of the rug.
Small rugs, 34x70 inches and 81x48
nches, are suitable to strew about a
imall room over matting. Hugs of
ngs woven in this manner, but largo
mough to cover the center of the
oom, are often seen in artistically
"urnished rooms, where the paintings
ind bric-a-brac luggest the cultured
taste of the twner. These rugs when
ell selected in color approach neur
it in beauty to the blending tones of
'Jm costly Eastern carpet than any of
ibe virions imitations of them made
n tshta winntrv. Ohuviro Idswr.
To Fretcel Musicians' Flna-rrs.
A simple and inexpensive device for
the protection of the fingers of must
ciaus while playing on stringed intni
menis, such as the guitar and harp, has
been patented. It consists of curved
strip of metal adapted to receive the end
of the finger or thumb, and provided
with a covering of leather or analogous
material. To the outer surface of this
covering is applied a mixture of Venice
turpentine and nine pitch, preferably
mixed in about the proportions of three
parts ol turpentine and one of pitch,
the design being to thus render the
playing more comfortable and innnre a
more positive action of the finger upon
the string. .New York Home Journal
and Petnanen(Iy.
ChaiaVoceler Co. Baud. Mo.
Diamond Vera-Cura
as ALL aiUIllM TBOtSLM Kit U all
India;! on. bauralouiaeh. Heartijiira. Kautca.
nlBraa, CuDtilDaTioo. ruliaeaa after eatlac Food
Hialng Jn the Mouth and ll.irrrealle taaia alter
caUsf. Xrrvoutoea an Low Splrita.
jlf Druggiu and Tttalfrt or tetit 6y mail tin receipt
'J T rtn. 5 el.OO) t itamp. bangle sent an
t rcetpt tif 2xia mntp.
THE CUARLES a. VCKiELEBCO. Ballimore. Hi. Sr. hTS,
maid a Haul.
Dubuque (Iowa) Irala. Jan. 3.
It was rumored on the streets yester
day that one of the capital prizes of The
Louisiana State Lottery had been drawn
by parties in this city and a reporter for
the Herald was detailed to run down the
rumor. We found the report to be gen
nine. The lucky ticket was held by
Mr. Ihonias Allen, of Kopsa ic Allen,
the merchant tailors of KCiO Clay street,
and a brother of the junior member of
the firm. The ticket m ux numbered No.
43,083 and was a twentieth of n whole
ticket, the whole ticket winning the
third capital prize, 8100,000, in the Ue
conibor drawing, milking the young
men richer to the extent of $H,00o or, if
divided, $2,.ri00 each. The money was
collected through the German Trust and
Saviiics bank of this city and was re
ceived here in due season, arriving as a
welcome New Yenr's gift to two deserv
ing young men.
When our reporter dropped in at
Kopsrt & Allen's store yesterday Mr.
Allen was averse to divulging any of
the particulars of his remarkable luck,
but after a littlo persuasion he readily
gave ns the above, as stated, which can
be verified by the bank named.
In two plnces at once: when u woman
lea. Ik the style, alio also follows it.
'anaimiillii Niirelv tiroil.
To tlio Kditor: Plenxo inform yourread
era that I have a positive remedy for con
sumption. Vj its timely uho thousand ol
hopeless enftes have been permanently
cured. I shall be elnd to send two bottles
of my remedy f itiiK to any of your read
ers who have consumption if they will send
me their express Hud P. 0. address. Jle
spectfully, T. A. Hl.OCUM, M. C, 181 Pearl
street, New York.
The great oak of Paintes iu Franca, is
about 2,000 years old.
MANCE, Oalls, Scratches, Cracked Heel,
Thrush, and all diseases of the feet and Irrita
tions of the sktn of hnrseu and cattle quickly
and permanently cured by the uso of Veteri
nary t'arbolisalve. 50c. and 1 at Druggists.
Papyrus was made from tho birch and
lime trees.
Southern Itxruraloiio at Half Fnre.
On .Innuary loll), 2!llh, February 12th,
and 20th, 1889, the Minion Route will Bull
Land Ex -ursion tickets at one fare tor the
round trip to designated points in Ala
bama, Florida, Georgia. I.onisana, Missis
sippi anil Tennessee. Limit of ticltits 00
days from date of stamp. Stop-overs can
bear n a used. For full particulars, address
L. ;. Hesiions, T. 1'. A., box 581 Minneap
olis, Minn., or K. 0. McCorrnick, O. P. A.,
Adams Express building, Chit-ago.
Hopes are like empty buckets that you
pick up, thinking they ore fill).
W hen Baby ws ah. ) her Castorla,
IV hen alio wn n C'liild. flu cried for CRMtorla.
When she hernmi JIIm, Rlw clunB to Castoria,
When she had flilltlren. ah' t' llinm Caaiorla.
3,000 PtKCZilaUV
Utr-eitTM. - .
00 TAIAIOMWafiaiit
ktna as; M COLTS wuai
kritdra dlgiea, aupariar uati
fvltfiiala: 200 IMPOatTBa
uoob ! n aaiiai
kf ftilllaat, th miM lamaua llrta aire).
t )aialll7. Price miasMa.
Tarau atmar. IXia't Mmj wttboat la.
lat thl 0relat mm Maa ari iJ
BrewaUaa; KalmhlUliaBrait mt Aaaartea.
laialBpaianiia, llli'l fcartli milin.
a1n irlni aBCXW.,aii Taaaar In atala.
I at
I do not mean merelj to atop tbem iora tua and
hii-ii thrtn Mtiirn I bmui a radial enra. latl
Ufa-Ion; atudw. I warrant mf Rmcdr to oar th
wontcaaaa. Mean otoet hav tailed i B nMI
for iu an Mmltlna a Mia. Send at anca for t
nd Frae BotUa of my inf alabte remedy, air Kxpr
MUMJT. M. t.. rrxrl M. is.-
There are no hopes in last year's calen
dar. Nine tailors malto a man and one tailor
can make nine dudes.
Jfe is truly a nood!o who is always in Uio
faitllwitya v. t'Hllala.
French railways are reported to bo
Rufforing from competition with canals.
Ho octito has tlio situation become that
the railways tiro deninndiiig tho reimpo
sition of the tolls taken off the canal
t radio iu 1H80. Jn that year tho French
government abolished all taxation upon
canal and river trnnsjiort wit li tho result
that the total carriage increased from
1,875,000,000 tons carried a .kilometer in
1880 to 8,073,000,000 tons carried a simi
lar distance iu 1887. Jn the same period
transport by tho main lines of the
Frenoh railway system fell off from 10,
004.000.000 tons carried a kilometer in
1880 to 8,007,000,000 tone in 1887. J'ub
lio Opinion.
Catarrh Can'l He nred
With LOCAL APPLICATION, as they can
not reach th seat of the disease. Catarrh
ia a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cur it you havo to take inter
sal ieinodl. Hail' Catarrh Cure is taken
internally, and acts directly on the blod
and mucu aurlac. Hall' Catarrh Cur
I no quack madlcln. It a prescribed
by on of th beat physicians In the conu
try for yean, and ia a regular prescription.
It la eompotad of th beat tonic known,
combined with th bt blood purifier,
acting directly on th mueo aurlac. Th
Mrlcct omWnalon of tb two iDgrdtnU
li waat produce such wonderful re ult la
turing catarrh. Bend lor toatlaionlaMrM.
F?J. CHCMXY . CO., Prom Toledo, 0.
M by wranUt, pric 7Sc
THURD8AY, MARCH 2 1st. 1889.
One KigUty-acre Improved Farm in Saline county, Nebraska $ 2,000 00
Fort? Acres Land iu Pulaski county, Missouri 400 OO
Lot 29 in Block 2, Talapoosa, Florida 300 00
Lot 11 in Block 5, Talapoosa, Florida 30 00
One D2 in. J. I. Case Threshina Machine, with 12-horee steam Traction en-
gin complete with all attachments l,f00 00
One No. 1 Aultraan & Taylor Threshing .Machine, with 10-hors power
complete ,;fi5 00
One Iieering All Steel Harvester and Hinder 175 OO
One Van Brunt Top Bursy l-r0 00
One Mitchell l!j Combination Spring Wagon complete 140 OO
One A. J. Simpson Business Busy .. 125 00
One W. T. Seaman 4 Passenger Spring Wagon 120 00
One l'lato Hav Press 100 Of)
One Ideal Corn Harvester or Cutter 1 "0 00
One Pitts Black Hawk Road Grader 05 00
One No. 5 Phaeton Cart 03 00
Two Aspiuwall Potato Planters, complete, $88 each 176 00
One 3tf-iiich Mitchell Farm Wauon OO
One Columbus Bugjy Company s Buggy '
Ofie W. T. Seaman Farm Wagon 00
One Mills Garland Range 75 00
One 10-foot Halliday Wind Mill ; 75 00
One 12-foot F.nterprise Pumping Wind Mill 'r 0
Two 12-foot Winger Royal Wind Mills, each $75 Lr0 00
Two 10-toot Winger Royal Wind Mills, each $C5 130 00
Four 10-toot Perkins Wind Mills, each $70 280 00
Ooe 1 0-foot Solid Wheel Leach Wind Mill 00
Oue No. 1 Empire Disc Harrow ajid Seeder 05 00
1 hree Combined Listers, front wheel attachment, each $70 210 OO
Five Bulord Sulky Listers and Drills, each $60 300 00
Five Durham Feed Mills and Horse-power, each $65 325 00
One .Tav Eye See Sulky Plow 00
Five Solid Comfort, Full Steel Riding Plows, each $58 200 00
Ono Weir 3-whetl Tongueloss Sulky Plow , 53 00
Two Single Now Model wheeled Walking Plows, each $50 100 00
One Little Giant Single Walking, Wheeled Plow 45 00
One Double Farm Harness 5(1 00
Two Combined Riding and Walking Cultivators, each $45 00 00
One W. T. Seaman Breast Collar Single Harness 40 00
One Stock Machere Saddle 35 00
Two Walking Iron lioam Cultivators, each $33.50 , 07 OO
Five Pease Farm Fanning Mills, each $32 1 00 00
One Single Harness i , 30 00
Two Young Giant No. 7 Fanning Mills, each $30 0 00
Two 14 -inch Steel Mould Prairie Breakers, each $30 00 0O
One Porter Champion Hay Carrier nnd Field Derrick 30 00
Six Centennial Funning Mills, each $30 1N0 00
Eight Strowbridi.'e Hroadcasb Seeders, each $25 200 00
Two 1-1-iiieh Steel Beam Clipper Plows, each $25 f0 00
One Climax Hi'iin.' Cultivator , 2ti 00
Five N. til " A " Pious, each $22.25 HI 25
Two I I iu( li Wood IViun Clipp:-!' Plows, each $22 , -1-1 01)
Six Wim;.'i inneris! Feed Mills, each $20 120 0(1
Otis Eiiltrpi'ixe Wnllclng Cultivator 2(100
One D-an Ear Corn Sih-er 18 0
Four It-Inch Rotl Bruisers, each $15 00 0(1
Two PorH-r Reversible Hay Carriers, each $10 20 00
Two Handv Carts, with box and barrel grippers, each $10 20 00
Six Ideal Garden Hoes, each $3.50 21 00
One Stvle 2, Upright Weber Piano 050 00
One Style 200 Western Cottage Organ 140 00
One Style 3 00 Western Cottngo Organ 135 00
One Stvle I 7 Estey Organ 135 00
One Stylo 50 Western Cottage Organ 1 25 00
One Stvle 15 Western Cottage Organ 1 10 00
One Style 00 Western Cottage Orsan 1 00 00
Two Cabinet Autophoncs, each $50 , 1"0 00
One Concert Style Atitophone, with stand....; 10 (JO
Thirteen Concert Style Autophoncs, without stand, each $12 150 00
One 5-year old Ilolstoin Bull, registered 500 00
One Hereford Dull, registered 350 00
One 2-year old Jersey Bull, subject togister 175 00
One Jet-Bey Bull Calf, registered 150 00
Firty Silver Hunting Case Watches, Elgin, Waltham, or Springfield Move
ment, each $25 3,250 00
Fitty Doubled Uurrelled Shot Guns, each $25 1,250 00
Fifty Dozen Roger's best Silver Plated Tea Spoons, each $5 250 00
Eilty Sets Roger's best Silver Table Spoons, each $5 250 00
Five Thousand Sets heavy German Silver Tea Spoons, each $1.25 6,250 00
Vivo Thousand good Pocket Knives, each $1 5,000 00
An Elegnnt Parlor Set 125 00
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