Farmers, Merchants! Stockmen! EVERYBODY! Do you want to see the county set tled and the val ue of your proper ty increased? Do you favor an economical admin istration of county affairs? Do you favor a "FAIR vote and HONEST count?" Do you believe in justice? j M. BRVCK. boot & shoe maker. FIRST CLASS 13O01S At REASONABLE PRirES. First Wr north of Bank of Harrison. OUST XilBERz-AXj TERMS. B. E. BlUTWSTKR, President. C. F. CofFEE. Vice. IVes. CHA& C JAMESON. Casliier, Commercial Bank D.CORIVRATED. .A. General Banking Business Jones & Vejity, The Sioux County Journal Published every Thursday. J2.00 vni vou do it: TRANSACTED.- Subscription Pric-, Entered at tlie postoffi' as seconu cuiss man" pleased with Alt -an ' t- letter for Harrison Market. Butter, 20c. E"gs, ' 20'. Poultry, perdoz.f2.40 to f-3. Torn, jr 100 9 bln. Bran, ir lMRtl.HX Feed. per ICO 3- Potatoes, jjer I'll. Sorghum. I r g.d. 'A". Onions, i'r bu. $1.00. Beans r bu. -.I'. We want a hundred letter, testimo- main, from irtie livw i .".' telling Ik"' iIm.v are .. ..,! 1 l.v ... i Uas COUliiri . Editor and i rop. , Wriit. a at lf;irrlsln ! Uie j,x-RNLaodat tlie same time send uh toe names oi irn-ims u - nth whom vim think might be persiia- Ided to migrate to this country of free ' home and Ijeahhy climate: awl we will I mi them a copy of the paper ftve. Now ' in't thin fair? We want to send out sev ! eral quire-i each week of tliee sample so M-iHl us names anyone w no il we will semi tliem a copy of Be careful to write tlie names and address plainly. write arm u-u your .vumuis ior uu- this is a lietter country tlian ! copies. i wish and the jper. r. r vanl de- : in Har- IIarrison, Nebraska. lish C. H. Andrews & Co., Drugs, Paints, Brushes, Oils, Do you feel that you have been robbed by the corruption of county ofiStkkLJ Do you want the BEST LOCAL PA PER in the county'' If ,tfraubcriie for -AND- THE Sioux County J J 0 0 II II R II A A Fine Toilet Goods, STATIONERY & PEPJXMES. BEST CIGARS in the an. jOat fur sal &t the lumber j v house is raimllv w.1. ainjr mkrttjrtiJfsl dwel lin 0. t ri.-o. Far sab f hfp. a good grade Eng ,ir Ullioo bv J. IL Iiartell, Harrison, I j Nehru-ia. ' j j Geo. Wiitiney and Ed. Galpin returnwl from a several day's sojourn at Crawford Bjrn. to Jos. F. Pfost and wife on M,hv. Jan. 21, a girl. Sir. Pfost says ' m kid no idea there were so many smok er in Harrison. Lut evening's literary sliowed an in crease in both attetukince and enthisi-a-rn. The next one will 1 held on Feb ruary 8th. All are invited. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Williams, on Jan. 1, a young well difp.-r. He is nither small vet but T. O. savs it's onlv a matter of time 'till lie w:Ii twist a rojie and ste-r a drill rod as well as his daddy. Tlje ladies of Harrison will dve anoth er of tlieir unique eiitertainments at the C1iurb on Jie nit-iii of Saturday. Janu ary 25tii. There will music, also riiU-ii xj& ;.ik proviiieil for all who wiA. Prweeds era to tlie Church fund. The caw vi C. S. Columbia et al vn M. E. .Sc&ieid (ime up for hearing vester- dar aJid was submitted to the Jurj-; TV Jury after 6 hours of deliberation fuuid that they could not agnss and were distiiarged. Tlie cuse will be tried again. By a letter rceived recently from Dave Bartlett, at Burlington, la., we Rsarn inat ins Bister aiett tlie day onS which he left Harrison and was buried the next day after his arrival at home. He writes tliat he will be back in Har rison this week. ! Fw Tra4f. Partly uuvd had la Iowa for young KtAlc Etwjiaj at this office. I CHBplet tod comprises every news paper, nsajpaiim or periodical of note in m umts maws. e oin save you from l'l to 25 per cent on a large major ity of publications. Come and see our clubbing prices and note how much c-iieaper yoa can get your papers ami magazines by clubbing tliem with the Jocitx al, L The L People's PAPER. If you hav it now lubacribe again and end a copy to toote relative or friend aad tlxy may be-unlaced to come and rttJe ben. Our correipoaJgaii are now more nti- HMioaft than vr aad iUm from all HM puts of thouaty will to had JI you do not lit it a year try t thrco montli. I T5pr,tfy, ' . , . . ivuig recievea spetruil prices tan nur serf stock BTOwn at ani wishiTiir to further m4tvw1nA imng of fioiit in our valuable county quote tlie foUowinir reduced nrii lie same to hold good until March 10th 1 oae Apple trees, 3 to 4 ft, per 100 10 Cherry " 3 to 4 ft " " 49.00 Plum " 3 to 4 ft ' an nn Concord cranes. " no Kasperbemes, " n g qo Blackberries. " ' (irt otrawbemes. " noJ All other kinds of fruit and shrulm equally cheap. Forest trees of ahv des cription at prices lower than ever before in woux county. All stock Warranted to be in good condition when delivered and true to name. Your Datroniure is respectfully solicited. Thos, Rudy. Boggy Items. Things flourish on this creek. Tlie supper and dance went off fine Everpbody enjoyed themselves and e pecially at supjier for the pies and cakesj Sts head, of cattle was driven out of tlie valley for the rail road at Crawford. i District No. 9 will lutve a new house to teach school in. It is to lie built by volenleer Work, ' There is a dairy started on the Botrev. Butter and cheese will lie cheap soon."i 1. Holly has built a cattle shed ;a ;nod one and is going to start a piger- Hum. i War Bonnet Warbling'. .Ton 01 'an Y This weatlier is iust too tor nny use. entirely too hot to wear boots and just a little too cool, nights aim mornings, to go bare-footed. j Lyceum every Wednesday evening at me scriooi noiise Nn. in. .f 1L. . . . . i e most social awl enjoyable event of the season was the dan. in the school liouse last Fridav U . v o"; t tvery one had a good time and said Vlet's liave anothor " I Cliarley Brooks has struck a new trail. Bob Keel is following tlie old one fronJ where C. abandoned it. Dr. Parrish intemls to start home tomorrow. If ayounRladv wishes to dance she should not say, "Well, if Mr, vy. ooes not com for me I will go with you. And tlie yourisr man in should not wait for the said Mr. W. im-! til said young lady had,l f,.. n.J j. "jKbt before going after lier. ( y The Harrison papers are very modest ii muu a woru about parties nM-iwir mating hay for Uie past two week for fear a presume) 1W mm.. . Dilirht discredit it. Y Darnell & Nelson are mnvin ki. iw mill into War Bonnet Canyon. (partly In form of human beiw) Baiii windowi and ilnnr i 7 . 'a the door had to b. brofor; roruu in in ham ami ui i inir tlwt where you came from and why you ad vi; friends to come here. Tell of the rojw you have raised or seen raised, of tlie climate, tiie jx-ople, how U-althy it is, how cliesip vou ran live, the diea!- nessof lumU-r. wool, liay, vegeUibles, and all alxuit it. If you don't write send us a few names atnl if we liave the iij-rs to siwre will s'iid them cojites containing letters of your friends and neighliors. A nimor lias len curnnt in this Phil's during tlie week, tliat one of the men engaged in turning the i luinncl of Ox-yenne river, near tlie T O T ranch, was -Jiot and instantly killed by the foreman of the gang, with w hom he had ln quarreling over the work. The fatal event is said to have occurred last Sat unify. The murderer is .si id to have j mounted a hor immediately after Iiav-1 ing committed the and rode away, thus esi-aping arrest. The names of tlie trtii-s connected with the tmgedy we failed to learn. Custer Chronicle. Guess the rumor must 1 without foundation, or else they are keeping the matter very quiet, as (X-lrichs jmrties who were over at the jKiint named last week heard nothing of the tragedy. - Later The killing occurrwl at tln tunnel' south of Crawford, and the iiarty who ilone the act, a man named White, wioi immediately taken in cliarge by the railroaders and lynched. Oelriehs Advocate. Tlie above must liave oriirinated from the Sunday aJf n.y at Crawfoixl sixiken of in another place.. Y We were introdud to a school house recently about eight miles from here, that but for the introduction we should not liave known, as its appearance did not indicate it, Tlie condition of the house is such as to lie a disgrace to tle inhabitant of Hint district, and surely indicates a very great lack of enterprise on tlie iKirt of the parents who send children there. The cracks are Wire jukI numerous that might be chinked or bat tened in a very few hours and at little or no expense. If the people there lain do no lietter we invite them to come to the Journal office and we will gladly lend them a few old ijrs ami our paste pot that tliey may paste a strip of pajwr over the cracks which would lie a very great improvment indeed, and if tliey will show that their individual business is such U to deprive them of the time we will send our "devil' to do the work free of charge. The little hamlet of Hot Springs, said to be lie located in this county, is all torn up over tlie problem as to tlie diff erence between a foot square and a square foot. Over the fuss arising therefrom the teacher has been bounced from tlie public school and citizens are taking sides in a manner tliat is said to forbade actual war. OelriclnrfAdvocate. Messrs Chan. Brooks, John and Nels Anderson and Thos. Schuls treated the young folks of War Bonnet to a splendid dance and supier at tlie seliool house on last Iriday evening. About X, twrsons were present and enjoyed themselves "hugely" for several short hours and all felt grateful to tlie donors for the very pleasant evenine sts nt. VWhile Mr. Jas. Cook was leadin V,i. line stallion Mendonian a few the animal grabbed him by the riirhi arm above the elbow and bit and tore it quit severely and some of the , rn,3rt are supposed to be torn looi from tl bone. Iti.a painful wound but will probably heal without leaving any ma terial defect. neveral parties from . souu, ol Crawfnrd funie lnto thn ving city last Sumlav . and after "bowling upgot into ""f "w B H V bpss of tlie from the hotel wlie Zy ate arrested and lined 1H rMik,.BkhM quite Mcb . P WW the ahM wiie re hii funiii.. --.I .. , f and for Harrison, f Blacksmith, Wagon, Repair sf Good stock always on liand. All SATISFACTION GC (south of Pfost's I j very Barn - . . (lota The H e st; When you p I E c A K K S B It E A D C O O K I E S c R A v K E R x Or a Square Meal K M, THE OF HARKSS Harrison, TrniisacU a general lert -ASD S Loans Honey on Oc The Harrison! FiGERT ROHVVEIt, Pnipncfor, Special Attention tc Trade. -FFXD STABLE IN CUSF ' Best Accommodations in! Fremont Eikhon and- . i Miss Eailro" c CitJi "The Rorthwesiem Line" Omaha, Sioux Ohica East, North, SotttH r i - mm mm vviw iiwrn "ff SAO "sS Oay part is vacant unH i i . 1- 11 I u-WnUnd hi. fcni. r," . , that fc. in iIIIT" wid m toformatloii on AdhMmMmi to . ft O. Dm, OtMtftl MaiwigNr, ttuh.rt.kllfcHwitorW.