"f T THB5 lT No. i -No. 2 " I !BIl:rMiiii? 1 -fresh- 1 bti "-'J id I'er Iw-Lf 're-i''l , I? 8 Sri V ifcer, fefceek at, list. ; iedral ap 1 The zithe or 'i'J, and . cpuld be V'-ao, one . vf-'t the 8ox it. law a man, jjLaidsonie ravon'8 .V Ohad not Vtyjan, but ' ' SMaic as ! 'aent no The na- rjJlthat the 'TBWB human ziud clam .trsejl heart H. T?hon the exton ' ;lb4 aiiid: WrT 1, 'iaVk replied. "J WB .re in "iluiTe come )t V P'ace," " hy you y J gone, . He," re jd smile; f convcr anH,aiul .How tlie Sorrowful t hnd the V' -- Ifuot un artraved swell It his far nt 8ky, .through was a y and a lug in. ;aecn a th of Vt hue, This f all eyes led lior- , ie inyn ' J on her L. f sooner " rfl, than , VcroHHed iom her ;d her $ At last Janist in ..then the tB, and ied and "lie King 'at hi is a thild. ho barted, ie was a pain I'man at melody ) Ay, lull tad why "iing out t y and the thedral, Jy as he a by the .nd then VI corn lay ed, a molt, at Jtnaincd "speared, f on the Sone but iom the V nhady Sill' kept V ace the ie rose t to the rausi- vganiat he light arch )od the I royal m of velvet, with it Boft ermine trimminga the tiara, the necklace, the bracelets,' had all been exchanged for a simple' grey serge robe and a long thick veil, which was now pushed back from her girlish face. "Oh! Elizabeth, Elizabeth!" ex claimed the organist, and he sank at her feet and gazed wistfully into her troubled eyes. "Why are you here, Bertram?" asked the princess. I came to bid you farewell, and M I dared not venture into the palace,: I gained access to the cathedral, and having taken the vacant seat of the dead organist, let my musia breathe out the adieu I could not trust my lips to utter." A low moan was the only answer, and he continued: "You are married on the morrow?" "Yes," sobbed the girl. "Oh, Ber tram, what a trial it will be to stand at yonder altar, and take upon me the vows that will doom me to a liv ing death." "Think of me," rejoined the organ ist. "Your royal father requests me to play at your wedding, and I have promised to be here. If I were your equal I could be the bridegroom in stead of the organist; but a poor mu sician must give you up." "It is rending body and soulasunder to part with you," said the girl. "To-night I may tell you this tell how much I loved you, but in a few hours it will be always a Bin. Go, go, and (ioil bless you. She waved him from her as if she would banish him while she had the power to do so, and he how was it with him. He rose to leave her, then cuiuo back, held her to his heart in a lonj embrace, and with a half smothered farewell left her. The next morning dawned in cloud loss splendor, and at an earlier hour, the cuthedral was thrown open, and the sexton In'gan to prepare for tho brilliant wedding. Flame colored flowers nodded by tho wayside, from tho trees, and lay in light heaps upon the ground, and therij)ewhea waved like a golden sea, and berries dropped in red an purple clusters over rocks along tho Hliine. At length the palace gates were opened, and the royal party ap peared, escorting the Princess Eliza beth to the cathedral where the mar riage was solemnized. Itwas a brave pageant; far brighter than the un twined blossoms and foilage were tho tufts of plumes which lloated from stately heads, and festal robes that streamed over the housings of superb steeds. But the Princess, mounted on a snow white palfrey and clad in snow white velvet, looked pale and sad; and when on Hearing the church, sho heard a gush of organ music, which, though jubilant in sound, struck on her ear like a funeral knell, she trembled and would have fallen to the ground had not a pago supported her. A few more moments afterward, she entered tho cathedrnl. There, with his retinue, stood t lie royal bridegroom, whom she had never before seen. But her eyes roved from him to the organ loft, where she expected to see the mysterious organist. He was gone, and she was obliged to return tho graceful bow of the king to whom she was letrothed from motives of policy. Mechanically she knelt at the altar mechanically listened to the services and made the responses. Then her husband drew her to him in a con vulsive embrace, and whispered: "Elizabeth! my queen! look up!" Trembling in every limb, sho obey ed. Why did those dark eyes thrill her so? Why did that smile bring a glow to her cheek? Ah, though tho king woro tho royal purple, and many a jeweled order guttered on nm breast, he seemed tho same humble person who had been employed to teach her organ music, and hud taught her the lore of love. "Elizabeth," murmured the mon arch, "Bertram Hoffman the organ ist, and King Oscar are' one. For give my stratagem. I wished to marry you, but 1 would not drug you to the altar an unwilling bride. Your father was in the secret." While tears of joy rained from her eyes, tho new made queen returned her husband's fond kiss, and for once two hearts were made happy by a royal marriage. Emperor William's Income. Epoch: William II. has no fixed salary as emperor of Germany, but there is about a million dollars that ho can use if necessary. As king of Prussia, however, he has a civil list amounting to f 3,550,000; but the taste for travel and other expenses incurred in the interest of the empire necessitates, it appears, an increase of revenue. So when tho reichstag reassembles a proposal will be made to add several millions of marks to the imperial civil list. The emperor's re cent journey to Vienna and Home cost about f 200,000. Among the presents that lie distributed along his route were .eighty diamond rings, thirtydiamond and emerald nock laces, fifty scarf pins, thirty gold watchos and chains,six sabers studded with diamonds and emeralds and a hundred boxes of cigars. Finding a "Lost Dog-." Every day you aee one or more "lost dog" advertisements in the newspapers. If owners didn't love their dogs they wouldn't go to , the expense of advertising for them. Moat of these doga have been stolen. The thief sells them to somebody else. Then hia "pal" goes to the rightful wner aaa obtains a handsome re ward for recovering the animal. Chicago Times. II MUfct When Jones waa at the theater the other evening be sat down by m intake on Lis neighbor' silk hat, and reduced it to hoelea8 mass of silk and paste board. The owner waa atadder than half a dozen March bares. "Well, calmly observed the culprit, "I waa awkward, and bo mistake; bat," he added, with aelf -complacent pity, "when I think that it alight have been mine it makea me fairly ahudder." Judge. Frsarra mt CMaMlM. Siaee the cremation movement was in augurated, according to statistics up to August 1, collected in Berlin, N8 bodies have been burned ia Italy, 554 ia Ootha, 287 in America, 89 ia Sweden, 18 ia England, 7 ia France and 1 in Denmark. Cremation societies have 8,018 members ia Sweden, 1,328 in Denmark, 1,336 in DollanJ, fli2 in Germany, 580 ia Italy, 488 in Hamburg and 390 ia Switzerland. There are 30 cremation furnaces in Italy, 1 in Germany, 1 jn England, 1 in Switz erland, 1 in France and 24 (?) ia the United States. The EaprofltafcU Ketort. "The republican have gained the election, Elisha," said Mrs. Greening this morning, "and I think yon ought to get an office. You have been in nearly every parade, and have worked hard for the party." "What could I do?" growled Mr. Greening. "Why, Elisha, does a man have to know much to be a a consul, for instance?" "No; the leas the better," responded the enable Elisha. "Well," remarked the faithful wife, "I should think you could fill Btich an office to perfection," and she smiled in a knowing way, but she lost a seal skin sacque in that smile. Detroit Journal. A Remarkable Experiment. Mr. Friesa Greene, a British pho toKnipher, 1ms actually produced a pio ture with only the lif;lit ismiiug from his eye. Having stared for lifteeu seconds t a 3,000 candle electric arc only three feet away, he closed his eye and quickly brought it over a sensitive plate at a distance of one inch. The result was a very faint hut distinct image of the arc and the carbons, due, probably, to the momentary phosphorescence of the ret ina. A second attempt failed, and gus lights proved too weak to produce ef fect. A Want of Tart. Nonine and Alphonse were chatting merrily about the coming nuptials. "How -entertaining that cottage at Dijon! my dear, she exclaimed, "and il io sweet liltlu carriage, ami the silver of your mother to go on tho mahogany cabinet and " "My life's own does not mention me," broke in Alphoso. "Ah, wait till I get through," and she patted him under the chin as she ram bled on "nnd the good donkey to take me to the village, and "but Alphonse had left tho room. Time. i blldUll Logic. A noted Sunday school worker living in Kansas uns once asked to talk to the children of a Sunday school on the sub ject of temperance. He is very earnest in the cause, and wears a bit of blue rib bon ns a badge of his principles, llis ing before the school ho pointed to his bit of blun ribbon, and said: "Now, eon any of you children givo me the reason why J am not a drunkard?" There wns no reply for a moment, then a childish voice in the rear of the room piped out: "Cause this is a prohibition town!" Youth's Companion. !I r. l;nfr' Lucky lrntv, Murray (Jowi) News, Xov. )5. Having interviewed Mr. John T. dri ver in regard to his reported lucky draw in the Louisiana State Lottery, we tind that ho held one-twentieth of ticket No. 40,755, which drew tho first capital prizo of ?:i00,000 in the company's drawing on the Uth of October last, and that he has received his money 815,000 on the same. Mr. Clavcr's ticket cost him oue dollar, and was tho first and only money ho had ever invested iu that way. By on agreement with Mr. William Foster of this place, who also held a ticket in the institution, that if either of their tickets drew a prize they would divide equally, Mr. Foster receives ono lml f tho amount. Mr. Clavcr and Mr. Foster are both well respected citizens of this vicinity, and whatever may be said pro or con of the Lottery itself, this amount of money will elevate them from moderate to vell-to-do circumstances, and it is to bo hoped that it will bo invested in a way that will givo it circulation in this city and community. A new double-pointed nail ia the inven tion of an ingeniua woman. Nearly 20.000 men have been natural ized in New York city tbia year. The oldest and largest tree in the world is a chestnut near the foot of Mt. Etna. The London Telegraph cot 2,200 letters on "Is Marriage a Success." There is a charming elasticity about a girl of eighteen springs. Irishmen of Minneapolis will erect n hank and call it the "Irish-American Bank." A nettle thread sixty miles long only weighed 2 pounds. Lncy Parsons aays that she will not marry. Two Wejr or Putting It- Dr. Abernethy was once called in to attend a man who had n somewhat stormy altercation with his better half, and found the poor man with his faco all bleeding and marked with the points of her finger-nails. Tho worthy doctor could not help remonstrating with the woman upon her conduct. "Madame," he said, "are yon not ashamed of your self, treating your husband like this your husband, who is the head of the house tho head of all in fact, your head, madarae?" "Well, doctor, ,r re turned the virago, "and am I not at lib erty to scratch my own head?" Cham bers' Journal. Deafneaa Can't He t ared By local application, as they can not reach the diaeaaed portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure Deafneaa, and that la by constitutional remediea. Deafness ia caused by an inflamed condi tion of the mucus lining of the Eustachian Tubs. When this tub gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear ing, and when it is entirely closed De&tntaa is the result, and unless the inflammation can b taken out and this tubs restored to 1U normal condition, bearing will be de stroyed forever; Bins ea'sse out of tea are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but as iaflamed condition of the mucus sur faces. We will five One Handled Dollarefor any case of Deafness (ceased by CaUrrh) that we caa not tare by taking Hall's Catarrh Cat. Bead ler eirenlara, tree. i T. 0. CHKNBY 00,, ToMe, X taToM by drufftsts, 76c. ' The GroaBlawsl Bre4itlB. Dr. Kansen, the Danish explorer, and five companions, have succeeded in their attempt to cross Greenland, but the scientific results of the trip cannot yet be told. The party left their vessel ia latitude (5 degrees on July 17, with the east coast ia sight, but were twelve days reaching; land over the pack ice. They crossed the narrow part of Green land, far south of Kordenskjold's at tempted route, and reached Godthaab October 4, where, being too late for the but ship, they will remain until spring. A Crave Mistake. aome Dranrist (playfully aauirtinar ieekey club on Brown's coat) "There, Brown, you're a whole flower garden all you know what you've .i. nv.iL: T by yourself." Brawn (ia alarm) Great ocetti II an, aa you know what you ve done?" Druggist "Nothing senous, I hope." Brown "Serious 1 Why you've wife never uses anything but helio trope. "New York Sun. lo aa a Wood- Worker. Carpentry waa the trade of the Ameri can aborigines Indians and mound builders. Mr. H. F. McLeod, of the Smithsonian institution, states that the tent poles of the Sioux Indians even now show pretty specimens of work, and the Moqui Indians, since long be fore the landing of Columbus, have known how to mortise timber, to make ladders, and to swing doors on hinges from the top. The chisel they push rather than hammer, and they work the board up and down on a fixed saw, but the results are creditable. Tho Aztecs made a good glass, which they used for their best cutting blades, swords, dag gers, spears, saws, chisels and axes. They sharpened these by cleaving off the dull edge. Offensive breath vanishes with the use of Dr. fcSage'a Catarrh Remedy. A Rochester paper speaks of a tramp looking aa ecedy us a watermelon. Iiiavo hope behind, All ye who enter herel So ran the dire warning which Danteread on the portals of the Inferno. So rune the cruel verdict of your friends if you are overtaken by the first symptoms of that terrible disease, consumption. "Leave hope behind! Your daje are numbered" !! And the struggle against death ia given up in despair. But while there ie life, there is hope I Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery baa cured hundreds of caaes worse than voura; and it will cure you, if taken in time. Hut delay ie dangerous. No power eanre store a wasted lung; the "Golden Medical Discovery," however, can and will arrest the diseaae. A grandmether only twenty-fire years of age ia the chief curio in Hancock, Ind. A Dream of Fair Womep. Tennjaon in his exquisite poem, dreams of a long proceaeion of lovely women of agee past. This ia all very well, but the laureate would have done the world a greater service if he bad only told the wo men of the present how they could im prove their health and enhance their cbnrma. This he might easily have done by recommending the use of Dr. I'ierce'a Favorito Prescription. Health is the best friend of beauty, and the innumerable ills to which women are peculiarly subject, Ms worst enemies. Long experience baa proven that the health of womankind and the "Favorite Prescription" walk hand in hand, and aro inseparable. It is the only medicine for women, sold by drugaiats, un der a positive guarantee from the manu facturerti, that it will give satisfaction in every case, or money will be refunded. This guarantoo has been printed on the botllo-wrappnr, and faithfully carried out lor many yearn. A Gorman oflicercannot marry an Ameri can woman without Bismarck's consent. Foil Coughs and Throat Diseases use Brown's I'.roiii'bml Troches. "Havenever chanped my mind respecting them, except l tniiiK lienor ol that winch i began think ing well of." Rev. Henry Ward Ileecher. hold only in boxes. George Francis Train has shaved his beard off for the first time in thirty years. 'When Deliy was slfk. we gave her Castorla. When ehe was ft Child, she cried for Castorla, When ftfce became Miss, she clung to CuHtorlo, When Bho bad Children, he gravo them distorts, It is estimated that crows have cost the fanners of Maine $100,000 the past year. SCRATCHES. J. If. ShalTer, Madison. Wla., says: "I cured a horse of the worst cane or scratches that I ever saw wittt Veterinary Carbollimlvo. Of all the remedies I ever saw toil la the "boss." 25c and 25., at Drussists. Oue of the leading anarchists in St. Louis ia named Griefgrabber. A Radical Cura for Epileptic Fits. nthtMititor Please inform your reader that I hnvft a positive remedy for the shove named diwiM which l warrant to core to worst esses, f atrone ia mv faith in the virtues of tki aiedi- eine that I will send frea u armtple bottle and valuable treatise to any tnfferur who will five aae hia P. O. and Ki press uriririws. My remedjr baa eared thonsaDds of hopeless cases. II. U. BOOT, at. C. 183 1'ssrl St., Mew York. At Hong Kong thieves steal the tele phone wires. Careful of Ilia Hnpiitnllon. "Yes, Uncle Cicero, I've got a job for yon, but it consists in sawing that pilo of wood out there; Iv'e nothing for you indoors. Well, sail, I so berry sorry, but I'll have to dccliue, sab; I can't af ford to have tho passinf; public think I bet on 'elections; it would hurt my repu tation, sah; cood day, sah." Chicago Tribune. JACOBS Qll For Bruises and Burns. Freeh, Strong, Convincing Facte, Beet Keealta. list rnvMrnes, .!...'. wslla la tks sasplsTst tas Barstsw Mm Os.. aaalM rssr It. Jsssts Oil Is stssy SsS swaa af s awaMsrs aa4 slwsys wllk bast nssltt. an. W. 1MB. LaaliST roll. elstaa. faaae, faaa tt, lilt. . tsU ersa k44sr; tnfi ut swralasa ay awt a4 wrist; aaasrsa In says; was smn sk jowv Sims. Meeker's Lack. Dsn. KM ,. MM. Mtsasat sail sarsUaa aaa anlss wy arm, tea aeeBilllisi a A Jmsss oil mnm Ma arts. at Biieeura an iuibi. tUl MaRllS A. V00U.U CO., Me.ere, HA Diamond Vera-Cura FOR DYSPIPSIA. An asa ftcitAfB tmevMA feel ai: aavtaVaflltta, atoVMMlBBM&h aBtMtfcWaft aBaMMtaV ftttV fsss, ssaaalsatlaa. tidaaaa aftar' seats, fast issaaa a eat aasaak east aaameMe testa ansa sa laaBt YayaffVaiBtaB SjSjB jsS)SsiBjJSSj, Mktf twawiKJa) a laaaaae. Aw "But John F. Robinson, be eez, they didn't kaow every thin' down in Jade. They certainly knew little, if they did not knew that the safest, quickest and most pleasant cure for croup, bronchitis, cough, cold in the chest, etc., is Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Aa a remedy tor accidental common to every day Ufa, such aa rata, bruises, sprains, burns, aealda, and frostbites, salvation Oil aaa no equal in the market. It literally anaibilaUa pain. Price 25c. James Ruaeell Lowell ia Urine with hia aiaUr at Boa toe. D It'o Easy to Dye Superior . IN Strength, Fastness, Deauty, AND Simplicity. warranted to color more goods than any sHher d yea ever made, and to give more bril liant and durable colors. Ask for the Dio wumd , and take no other; 36 colore, 10 eta. each. WELLS. RICHARDSON I CO., Burlington, ft. tat Gilding or Bronzing Fancy Articles USB DIAMOND PAINTS. Cold, Silver, Bronze, Copper. Only 10 eta. Baby Portraits. A Portfolioof beautiful baby pic tures from life, printed on fine piate paper by patent pnoto process, sent free to Mother of any liaby born within a year. Kvery Mother wants these pictures ; send at once. Give Baby's nume and ap WILLS, RICHARDSON (i CO., BUftUNGTON, VT. If Vou ESauo CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, SCROFULA, COUCH or COLD, THROAT AFFECTION. WASTING of FLESH, Or any Tlitrmt irltere the Throat and liungi) are Inflamed, Lack of Strength or tterv'e Power, you can be relieved and Cured by SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PURE COD LIVER OIL With Hypophosphltes. Palatable aa Milk. Auk for Scott' EmultUm, and let ISO explanation or solicitation induce you to accept a nihstilute. Sold by nil Druggists. SCOTT & BOWSE, Chemists, If. T. SICIII1EADACIIEI ORTFR'Sl 1 a a awfi iWITTLE" rft nffD l in v i-iri I I nai a I 1 1 B"ag.e.2. I'lialtlvelyeured by ineae Mine rum. Tbev also relieve Dis tress from Dyspep-is.In ft ideation and TnoHearty Kaune. A perfect rem edy for Dizziness, NsilBea Drowsiness, Bad Tastr In the Mouth. Coated I ongue.Pain in the Side. TOIU'JD LIVER. The resulate tho Howels Purely Vegetable. Price 23 Cents; CASTES UZBICIN2 CO., HEWYtUZ. Small Pill; Small Dose. Small I Pnce.l Tim mother t n member ot nnr Arm han beort curt tl of 11 tfMicPrfJiH (sore on licr faco of twrnry ycnrn siandliiK liy inking S. fc. a. riexiJi.xjux, Yka'ky & liti.KV, lint Trims, Kflrinervtllo. Tux. hwift's SpeulOn ;ur;M u'jr but e of an nnrv frnp tfon called Kczeina after tit ft doctor's prcacilptious hud fulled, and aitc 1b U'w little mid b( arty. II. T. SlIOiiK. Klch Hill. Mo. fF'Send for tvir boks on Blood and fcskiu Diseases and Arlvic to HtttT'TPPP, niail.'d free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, Drawers, Atlanta, Ga. Co" - -Ail rmm 1 i i.ixi rni.Ufr SOM ftewlnff-Mfielilitf'1 Id mt met tebliatni inin ia all fru, by D)cittr our marbinril ud foudt where tht peotiia van eraon in MCk lriliIy,Un Ttiry btit ewlu-tBachin. mailt m , th world, with all tht ttare.mrntt. nm wilJ aii tua rrrc a eamlrta Its of Mr coiiIt an4 valuablt art ltmpl- la return wa aak tbat tpu tuaw wMi wa atiTfj, 10 matt who tny Mil at year home, tad Atr 9 Imonint ail tnau dttorii jovj- own property. 'J hia rrand maobina is mtdtafttr tht tHingcr paunti, . mien nara run ui : itrwrw pnirnii run aut It aeld for Vat, wt tb the laltachnenta, and now aclla far 'SAO. Bttt. tircnrtit. moat tu- 'tm nut hina In Hit world. All ta No raDilal reouirad. Plain. ferltf InaintctioM firm, thoaa who writ to at at onca can -rura (Vee tha boat Mwinf-Machlna la the world, and l ha ftntM llnaofwarfcsaf hla-h arttvrr ebovra tofthfirln AmrrirA. I XGE afe CO., ax 1&4 Biuita Mulse. Ely's Cream Balm la the bent remedy for children u fieri rig from COLD in HEAD, SNUFFLES OB CATARRH. Apply Balm into each nostril. ELY PROS., M Warron Bt., N. T J CATARRH CURED FOR $1.00. Sir the Novelty Process, INHALANT. Conphs; I'olUs, Catarrh, ny ever, Asthma, etc., yield M It by marie to the new pro cess or Vapnroiie Inhalation, hunertor to the manr expen- ahe $looutllta. A perfect cure GUARANTEED S In 1 caft., Treatmrnt both tiOeal r ftnd Conat.tui.nal. Sent by null on ajf receiptor price, II. fartlcuiars an ; -nol trn.fi on. A( UK CHEMI CAL CO.f BL Luia, Wo. mm c.,.rirpfiTAjauiii ii a. v., chleaao, Ills. 1 Clark a)c a asswssvssws swsar wssi baWTradaf wttataeSri 'nirtTW ATTN . Qroaie, lerro ssi Frirate Dtet ! Mf NERVOUS DEBILITY, Loet liaaee, Paillac airmory, Exhaaatiac Oraina, TcrriU Dreams. Head aaal Back Acba ana all the effecta leadiaa to early decay and perhaps Cooaumptiea mm Inaaolry, maud sfirarinrally by arw nvlhods wis aVPHILIS aad all bad Blood and Bkin Dim pcrmaoeotly cured. KIDNEY and URINARY eeimlairits.(laaaV Oonarrhoca, Btrictu re. Varicocele and all d'fc rttta eruw uenito-uruiary urgans cured prompuy wttnata injury to Stomach, Kidneys or other Organs. OV No eaperimenta. Age and expericocc laa. portant. Cooaultation free and aatred. MoT Send 4 ceiiu poatage for Celebrated Works am Chronic, Nervous and Delicate Diseases. tar Those contempisting &larriage send for Dr. Ctarke'a cekbrated guide Hale and Female, eaca) 15 cents, both as cents (stamps). Consult the ole) Doctor. A friendly letter or call may save future suffer ins and shame, and add golden years to life. fsvBooli "Life'a (Secret) Errora," so cents (stamps). Medietas and writings sent everywhere, secure from exposure Hours, a to I. Sundays 9 to 13. Address F. D. CLARKE. M. D.. 18a mo. IiarUe-. ciiicaco, 11. t OA n VI A VJi l"J H II W H I PILLS The Great Lirer and Stomacli BemcAj 3 For the cure of all disorders or the Stomach, Liver,' Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Diseases, Loss of Appetite, Headache, Constipation, Costtveness, In. digestion. Biliousness, Fever, Inflammation of the Bowels, Piles and all derangements of th. Internal Viscera. Purily vegetable, containing no mercury. minerals, or ueiecenous drugs. plifhed br talclna auout teal PERFECT DIGESTION J one of had war's Pills ev.ry rr.ornius, a e'olock, aa a dinner pill. By so doing SICK HEADACHE, Dyspepsia. Foul Stomach, Biliousness, will be avoided as the food that ia eaten contributes Its nomishtna gronertlea for toe support of the natural waste of the symptoms resulting. rirans : Constipation Blood in the Head. , Heartburn, Dleg oat W Observe the following symptoms result! na from Diffe&S. Of the MmMv. nrrn. - Pnn.Hn..tJ" .uw.ru runs, ruuness or tna i AnlAl.v A. , k.a .. k V .... V, ii- nausea neariuurn Ulttgaas of rood, Fullness or Weljht In tha Bcomach. Boaf Choking or Sutloeallng Sensations when In a bind posture. Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs liefore the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in th. Head. D.flclency jT Persplratloa. Yellowness of the Skin and Evea. Pain In tha Hide, Chest. Limbs, and Sudden Fluahes of Heat, Burning In tha Flesh. A few doses of R iDWAY'S PILLS will free the system of all tha above named disorders. Price 95 eta per box. Sold by all drugglata. No. 3! Warren street, New York. I"-Informal tlon worth thousands will be sent to you. TO THE PUBLIC. Be sure and ask for RAD WAY'S' and aee that the name " RAD WAY " Is on what yon hny. HI. W. DUNHAZTS OAKLAWN FARM. 3.000 PERGHEItOH rRENCH COACH HORSESs iaraKitu, - gTOC" ON HAND. SOO STALLlONSnf sixties. abia ace; lit COLTS wlt& choice pedierees, superior Indi Urinal-; 200 1.11 PORTED D7 Brilliant, tha nn.al famous living tire). Beet Qnallty. Prices Reasonable. Terms Kasy. Don't Buy without Inspect. Ing this Greatest and Bloat Successful llreedinar ICatahllslinient. r An.rlrs. Isl.nslar pDreh...rs, sddr.s, hr SSOpsr estslora., M. W. DUNKAM, WAYKE, ILLINOIS. U w.rt usu.i. c. a s.rr. a; b.t.iur sass. a asiUs. FREE TRADE PRICES! NO i-KuTECTsON! SO ItuSOI'Oi.lBil SEWINft I NOV i MACHINES ONLY We ar now spllinf; our WEST KRNIMrROVEDSISGKKSEWJNO MACBIMi tame a cut complete with aM attach men ta and war r an ted for 5 years for only SlW EScnil for circular and ae fulldf fcriptlon of ihii and other otvlesV laM K. NIA I.J.IX fc Ow. Went Lakt St.. Chicago, Hi. A r $45 r$15 41 snB ir? sraraTw MMrA tr ft r-,.,.i Ef.slat LSSSjr7 paid. KuHyWarrantad, mMSmrm 3 TON $35. -a III 11 Other sires proportion telylow. Agenw well paid. Illustrated Catalogue free. Mention this Piper. OSGOOD St TZCL2S0H. 2i&hv&tea, H. I JXSUHKJ.V THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Tlia Larsest, Cheapest and Uesi In tho WorlA. CASH ASSETS ai3O.OOO.O0O. SIMOKOOETZ. Special Aiest, IfM. P. ALLES. flaacral Acent liUHU rYhtKt ALL tLbt MILS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes good. Use in time. Hnlrl ttrdrmnriAts. j arasssiniTiai sis SAVE MONEY on Dry tioods, Clothing, Uoots.Shoes. Cutlery, Hardware, liamesv Saddles, Jewelry, Hooka, (inns, Hportlng (;oods. Musical Instruments, Groceries, ete. We sell direct to consumer at wnoiesaie prices. ena at. unco iw .rge Hlusrraten t.st-iiociie am rrice i,i- TUK riiri,KS at; s-a-i.s -, 48 Ac 62 K Lake St. CHICAaO, IL j 8tationerskeenhem. Standard quality. 1 all st Ties, ftample dns. Id cents hy isaii 1 rknV FQiPRRRnns u New York; U bllUIIUUIll llfcafcs IIWWW ..f J,- n- i t ... S0W W ueas M sswi.M u Ras Ua. atelM ssaai Mr Hrr Yb f on in I rears. Now It Waal totter tssalal W Ufs fsr ChSMraar What thaw ImsVi m hav tapa) lasas, aa mm fjr ttfaratMlaa mt all BUlat at! TrtrMlM, mm lfift aai rsaaita tha aiii(lful Inerwiaj, a lmraMiaa Paaarwaa af ia BnUai ! 11E WWIXMII WUKJU. VbloR all 8E0RETS FOR LOVERS rn.H .aTice rortne nnmarned. Trim all you wont to Aritoto. Seenreir seeled. 10 oanfa. Aodies,Boxa,Chlc.io7l(ir fx KIPPER'S PASTILLES.S I Charlentown, Km corisuMPTion t its. . aesitisa raras4r f.r the abme etaeae. : by its aaa thousands of .saa of the went triad and of loae standi as kae. bsa eurad. Ho atrnns Is aar (aitk la its .flcacj that larill aasMS tw. bnttlsa mt locstlrsr with a saleable treatise M this diatssa. to anreuffsrsr. Oit. kijwss. sna PS.Sd T. A. HtvaooiL M.O.. ill Pearl sU.. M. ST Wa wtab a fr an la all Mr r Sy asaasas u ias wa.iM.1. s.s .a. I. I I id UJllr. I srffMlaiMS' III bl 1 rral. ar Use. SMIasa la.1 sua... Wane er 0u, Psnaaasat ""Use. Mala ui.mslmf MiTaMsi'at jr". rtmSSu, .Ms. Centeenial ManefMlairlAg Cs4 Ciaainestt.Ohte. KM at f Jts at how. a.d nska saara aasaay worklasfseasi tfcaa UtHairl at anvthlnr .1.. tn th. worM Flthr a.s. rmtlrnntal rasa. lars.. t'USK. Atlrau, '1 Kl:a CO., Ausuabs, Maina. a ITPfri Trealed and ran wlthcHn ta. irnira. I .Alii V K mook on tr.atm.nt sent Ire.. Aadreee Villi tlillr.L 1MKU. M. D.. Aurara, Kaa. Ca. D. If 8 par day- Samalr worth l at FRF.K. LltsM w,ennt undt-r the hr.e'. feet. Write arewstar ytfasfaty Wain Holder Co.. Hqltr. Mlon. CiZSEXS IS ''waw'rjwlthetrtlraln. Haadrerla Oared. Write for refet s. a. at. ajawa.ava awwaakae, Was. W: N. U Omaha, 444-Bt. rycsl & Strcltcn 0:230 Cztkzzz 0:ll:rrol NQRT-rlAlla IHwTITWTB IM raWB TKAItinSSJ WVMWmjL, Ittaa STAaaAM INSTTTCTlaS 4 tk. XaA.st.CJBaVt ZIS7 aTasUS WOM. I rlllatwrsa aia Palalnai. asrasa, m. km rasa. Assraae m .,! a t m 1