The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, December 20, 1888, Image 1
3 County Journal. IOUX h if HARBISON, aSTEB., DEO. 20, 1888. IsTO. 14 i ,1 the f 4 - it- 1 i , itaon ?4 t.T. ' ?tr3. land ' k a Anient. ; -4stern 1'rai.froni r-d from . vlSe fur- 'ws and . J- ) Wlerful 1 .It' Jl west "7 HI oft .' 'If M - - f a.JCi.Th Con- i"V ' '' f-1 1 m Vnt is genial "Jut upon i- Stai; Min'-iiiniik ' m a' hi J ' y "1 p. 'if. Uroceriea, y Ac., at T' ices. AND ft; feu V f IB " rersl ) THE SIOUX CUNTY BY THE JOURNAL PUBL!SIIINi COMPANY. COOK'S "AGATE SPRINGS'' RASCH. A Model Ranch. Its Location, Sur ntundiup, Improvements and Advan tages. Eighteen miles ftouth and three miles east of HurriHon is situated Mr. Ja. II. Cook's stmk rancli. Durinir a' recent visit there we were pleased to note the many improvement that have, been pku-ed there since Mr. Cook purchased what was formerly known as the O 4 ranch. In point of situation, a better one could hardly lie found in northwestern Neliraska; having the advantage of an unlimited supply of both hay land and pasture, pure running water that never freezes, and the natural shelter of the hills that almost surround it; three ' of the of the most necessary requisites for successful cattle raising. Over fifteen . hundred acres of pasture land bordering on the stream is fenced and divjdud into convenient enclosures of from a few acres to several hundred. Mr. Cook has utilized here his exper ience of several years at the cattle busi ness in New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Wyoming and Nebraska. The rule of a place for everything and everything in its place" is here followed and an a of neatness and order prevails. The large barn is used only for the several teams of working animals and has suitable bins for feed and rooms for harness, saddles, &c, besides a jarge hay room above. Attached to this on either side is the store rooms for buggies, wag ons, sulkies and a few farming imple ments. Near the barn is the largest of the several springs, so arranged that the water is carried into a trough and used for watering horses. Just south of the barn is a Jong, well arranged building, divided into lox stalls for the stallions1 and other compartments for young stock poultry and etc., but the principal stock sheds are several rods farther east, open ing to the south, and will 'comfortably; shelter about 200 head. Substantial corrals in built adjacent to tu ahedit, for holding the cattle while being sorted, branded or dehorned. A board-tight cor ral near is circular in form and is used for breaking, branding and breeding of horses, being especially adapted to the catching and breaking of horses as it is constructed with a (hiring top and smootlie inside, so that it is almost im possible for animals to hurt themselves r the rider. The plan is original with Mr. C-ook and approaches perfection for its purpose. The herd of graded and thorough bred horses is headed by the Hambletonian stallion, MIJ.NDONIAN. A standard bred trotting stallion. A beautiful bay with black mane and tail, and a white star in forehead. He was foaled on the 27th, day of May, 18H4; is 17 hands high and weighs over l.ilOO. His jiedigree is second to none of any yoilng trotting stallion, his ancestors be ing from noted, trotting families on all sides for generations. Next comes the promising two year old stallion, GOPHER. S re, '"has. Hays, by Governor Hayes, he by (Masterlode) Fisk's Hambletonian Star. am, Topsy, by Lexington chief, Jr., (2100; 2nd dam by Blanchard a Mor gan: 3rd dam by . utr Green, by Bacchus, (thoroughbred) he by Lexington, four mile race horse. There are a fine lot of mares in the herd lirst among which is WAZE LIOHTON. Bay filly, foaled May 20th, 1887; bred by W. V. Marantette, Mendon, Michi gan. Sire, Pilot Medium (1597).' First dam, Vermont Hero (141); 2nd dam, Sherman's Black Hawk (U2); 3rd, dam, Hambletonian (10). Next comes PATSY. Bay . filly, foaled June 22nd, 1886. Sire, Lexington t hief, Jr. (2103). lam same as Blaze Lighton. Also i. u. Bay filly, foaled April 20th 1885. Sire, Paragon Maml rino. 1 am same as Blaze Lighton. And , , .1 ESSIE BEbL. Bay filly, foaled June 3rd, 1886. Sire, Lexington thief, Jr., (2103). See Wal-liu-o Stud liook, also American Stud Book. First dam, Field's Royal George, full sister to Lotta B. (record 2:34, pri vate 2 82 at live year old form.) These, with the others of tlie comprise nearly 100 head. Tlieits awal- so 14 young mules in the herd, a part of which are broke to work. Well informed tx k growers will ap preciate the fact that unusunl care has been ever. is d by Mr. ook in establish ing and stocking his ranch, in view of the fact that go"! blooded htock is more valuitl In under any and all circumstan ces. ... .Th cnW Iwrd of lr0 InmJ are .ll hentfE high grades or thorough bred from the Short Horn and Polled Angus families. The dehorning plan is carried out and tlie beneficial result iB so apparent as to be convincing. The animals aie all un usually large and thrifty, ranging as high as 1,800 and 2,000. Mr. Cook will breed nothing hereafter but the hornless varieties, liaving exerienced confidence in their superiority over the horned ani mals. The new bull for his lierd, which will be secured from' the east next spring, is a Red Polled. A half mile race track is being com pleted for the better training 'and seed ing of his horses. A great many other improvements are either planned or un der execution. A fish pond, encircling a high grassy spot of about half an acre, is nearly completed and several hundred German carp liave already been placed therein. The island js to be the site of a new and. commodious dwelling to be erected next summer. Several thousand fruit and forest trees liave been planted and as a rule are thrifty and doing well. Mr. Cook served several years in the employ of the Government ' during the sarly days of western Nebraska and Wy oming, and is bettor known to the Army oflicers and cattle men as the noted scout, Jas. Cook. Fighting the Inevitable. The argument of many railroad or gans is that investments must not be im paired. The argument virtually is that interest on railroad bonds and returns on all railroad securities must be guaran teed and in no way interfered with. And upon the same assumption the same au thorities complain greviously when these returns dwindle, and they are glib in de claring that everything is going to the demnition bowwows. This is the sub stance of no end of stuff which is' given out from sources of railroad authority, and it even passes current in many cir cles which are reckoned of account in fi nances and business. Yet when it is an alyzed and reduced to its nuked meaning it is based on a fundamental absurdity, t al) amounts simply to this, that the railroad property alone, among all- spe cies of property ought to lie taken out of the law's of trade and competition and guaranteed the supernatural privelege of profit in spite of all progress" and . cir cumstances. Now what special sacred dess inheres in railroad investments, anv more than iu other investments, that they should bring perennial profit at all hazards? Leave cut of the account the frauds and robberies which taint so ma ny railroad securities, leave out the question of balooned bonds and watered stock, and admit that all railroad obli gations represent actual values, which is not true at all still the fundamental absurdity of the positions of the railroad organs remain exactly the same. The fact is that the man who puis bis money into railroad investments must take his chances just the same as the man who puts his money into peal estate, into trade, into manufacturing. Sioux City Journal. Communicated. Mr. Pine Top, over on Cottonwood had the mumps and they get well very slow. A Friend of mine was over there the oth er day and found one man trying to kick himself to death. Poor man! he voted wrong and has at last awakened to the fact. Stop short and not make a fool of yourself. You say, "that .ink on Sol dier creek," it don't make any difference who you talk ahout if he did not vote for the Ring. You ask who is a bigger story teller than George Walker? 1 know of men who can beat him nnd I wont have to go to lyceum to rake up all the back lies of my neighbors. Please look to some of your own family Mr. Pine Top. )f I hear of you kicking your self again you will hear from me if I am in the country, and if it comes to shoot ing, I will load my gun with whiskey and shoot vou right in the mouth where you got it on election day. Y. Don't Forget That we want several more correspondents. Some may think they are not competent that a person must lie able to write and spell every thing correctly. Not so. . Send us the news as best you can and we will correct it and make it readable if not already so Try it once or twice. ' Harrison's New Mill. C. L Tubbs Iuih added to the Nov- Ity Works a mill capable of grinding graham flour, buckwheat flour, meal, and chop feed of all kinds. He will be ready for business after the 10th of L e- oemlier. Scluwl Entertainment. The Hillside school, district No. 2, will give an evening entertainment Friday iw, 21. All are invited. Curtain will rise at 8 o'clock, MmiMB Thomas, Teacher 50 tons of hay for sale 4 miles north west of town, by Bigelow Bros. We can save you money on any pa fer in the U. S. by clubbing it with the Joursai.. Come and seel J. W. Seoor informs us tliat he has discovered a sure method of keeping horses from running into barbed wire fences, whenever its adoption is practica ble. It is simply to plow a furrow along die line of fence, from eight feet to a rod away. .The horse will invaria bly halt at this furrow in time to discov er the fence beyond. It is worth trying. -Sheridan Co., Sun. i AJiui Hope Robinson, of Foxc.roft, Maine, is only eleven years old, but this year she has been "field overseer" of the picking of over twenty-five bushels of strawberries, liaving had some days as many as twenty little girls and boys un der her charge picking the fruit. She kept good order, knew just how much each one had picked, saw that the work was properly done, and understands all the line points of strawlerry raising as well as anybody. 1 emorest's Monthly. Mothers pay too little attention to the headgear of their infants and children. Who has not seen an impatient and testy nurse hastily tying on a bonnet or a cap ljor a child, while she pefhups crumpled fjhe ear on itself or pushed it out so that it stood at right angles to the head? Whenever this is done the ultimate posi tion of the ear in adult life is affected, t is not to be wondered at that so many ears stand at right angles from the head or hang in so lackadaisical manner by their attachments. The prevention of these errors will lie in a careful personal supervision of the headgear. ; If a tendency on the part of the ears to stand off at top bold an angle lie no ted in infancy, it may lie corrected by so wminging the bonnets and caps that the oar lies lUt against the head. It would uot lie amiss even for a cloth to be bound around the forehead at night, when the child sleeps, so that the upper portion of the pinna be taken in by the bandage; if these procedures be pereever ed in fop some time the malposition of the ears piay be greatly remedied. When a woman has a new pair of shoes sent home she performs altogether different from a man. She never shoves her toes into them and hauls until she is red m the face and all ont of breath, and then goes stamping and kicking around, but pulls them on part way carefully, twitches them off again to take a last look, and see if she has the right one, pulls them on again, looks at them dreamily, says they are just right, then takes another look, stops suddenly to smoothe out a wrinkle, twists around and surveys them sideways, exclaims: "Mercy, how loose they are," looks at them again square in front, works her foot around so they wont hurt her quite so much, takes thoni off, looks at the heel, the bottom and the inside, puts them on again, walks up and down the room once or twice, remarks to her bet ter half that she won't have them at any price, tilts down tne mirror so she con see how they look from that way, backs off, steps up again, bikes thirty or forty farewell looks, says they make her feet awful big and never will do in the world put them on and oil' three or four times more, asks her husband what he thinks about it, and then pays no attention to wliat he says, goes through it all again, and finally says she will take them. It's very simple. Kansas City Times. The legislature of Nebraska will soon lie called upon to revise our election laws. The ballot system in force in this state, as well as in the other states of the country, is faulty. Efforts are being made in various commonwealths to purge elections of their bad elements. In Massachusetts and in New York meas ures liave brought liefore their respective legislatures to correct elective methhds. The reforms are modelled upon what is termed the "Australian ballot system. Under this method ballots are printed by the state, and all candidates, nominated a certain fixed time liefore the election appear on these ballots,, and no other can lie used. Instead of having a separ ate ballot for each candidate, all the can didatis for one ollice are printed on the same ballot and each voter marks his choice in a room by himself. This is a guaranty of secrecy. No one can know how the elector votes, and under some e- lection laws under this svstem the voter is prohibited from telling how he voted under penalty. The Australian method commends itself in discouraging the use of money for election purposes. A candi date, in order to run under this system is 1m not, put to the expense of paying for the printing of tickets or tlte peddling of of theui at the polls. It moreover breaks up the evil trade of buying votes, so scandalous in our elections, as no one can I' ll whether, the votes thus bought Iu-.. been delivered. Omaha Bee. HARDWARE, Stoves, BARBED Stock and Lowest Prices GO TO D. H. 60IS170LD S. This is the time to buy barbed wire CHEAP. I have just received a load and it will pay you to buy it now. Yours for buiness, D. H. J. B. Finney, President. General office F. C. Sikensen, Secretary. BUFFALO GAP, DAKOTA. BUFFALO GAP Lumber, Coal; Grain, Lath And Shingles, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Plaster, Hair, Lime, - .AJSTD OBME1TT. - ( COMPLETE STOK ALWAYS ON HAND. Harrison. Neb. A.. HART, Blacksmith, Wagon, Carriage and Repair shop. ' . ' . , Good stock always on hand. All kinds of WorV executed promptly and SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Boutta of Pfoit's LlvOTy Bar - ' IWriwm, Nlrfi FURNITURE, Tinware WIDE, Griswold. LUMBER CO., issues Dealers in- G. GUTHRIE, Manager.