The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, December 13, 1888, Image 4

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    ITeL BjJ STBt,
Vk. Pres.
Commercial Bank.
General Ban king Business
The Soux County Journal.
Published every Thursday by the
Suhscription Price, 2.00
W. E. Pattersoa VAUr u4 Wpt.
Entered at the postomce at Harrison
as second class matter.
C. H. Andrews & Co.,
irresn ureau ii uro iwu'i
. For Sttle-loats at the lumber yard.
fin to the restaurant for your Chrisfc-
mas candies. ''
T -1- i .. n A P oimv of tllia
pure nnme mice ai uk touiuiui
,next week.
S. Biirker made a professional trip to
Soldier creek Sunday.
L Now select vour uresente and have the
-Dealers in-
r Still they come w ine restaurant
ftheir meals, only 25c.
Fine Toilet Goods,
Harrisoa Market
Butter, 20c
Eggs, 20c '
Poultry, per doz. 2. 40 to $3.
Oats, per 100 ft fl.00 to 1.10.
Corn, per 100 t f 1.10.
Bran, per 100 lb f 1.1ft
Feed, chopped, per 100 B f 1.40.
Potatoes, per bu.
Solium, per pal. 60c
Onions, per bu. fl.OO.
Beans, per bu. $2.00.
innfic?, weritv. Harrison,
Gate for sale at the lumber yard,
Oar dabbing- Lint
la complete and comprises every news
paper, magazine or periodical of note in
..he United States. We can save you
from 10 to 25 per cent on a large major
ity of publications. Come and see our
dubbing prices and note how much
cheaper you can get your papers and
magazines by clubbing them with the
Harrison's New Mill.
C L. Tubba has added to the Nov
elty Work a mill capable of grinding
graham Dour, buckwheat flour, meal,
and chop reed or all kinds. He will be
ready for business after the 15th of Ee-
cember. '
All parties knowing themselves to be
indebted to the Buffalo Gap Lumber Co.
will save costs by calling at this office
and settling accounts before January 1st.
G. Guthrie, Manager.
At the hall on New Year's eve, under
the auspices and for the benefit of the
Harrison Cornet Band.
tskYour Neighbors to
50 tons of hav for sale 4 miles north
west of town, by Bigelow Bros.
' Mrs. M Schonebaum returned from a
visit to friends in Iowa Tuesday.
The Christmas tree will be made beau
tiful with tasteful trimmings and spark
ling tapers.
Notice Griswold's new "ad" on first
nacre. He carries a lanre and well se
lected stock and his prices are fair.
The fence we mentioned of as being
built for Seymour & Bigelow by Mr.
Ragland, was for Mr. Seymour only.
H. T. Conley, attorney at law, Harris
rai Nnh. Will nm'tice in all State and
Federal courts, and United States Land
Jones & Verity located Mr. Henry
Martin on the S. W. quarter of Sec. 28
Tp. 31 Rg. 58; about four miles south
west of town, and he is building a resi
dence thereon.
This is the time to buy your nursery
stock and the man to buy from is Thos.
Reidy. He can furnish ynu with the
best northern grown stock at lowest pri
ces. All stock warranted as represent
A HOOK and ladder company turned out
at Cologne, Germany, to rescue a swal
low that had become fastened to a thread
high up in a church steeple and could
not free itself. A great crowd, of people
witnessed the operation.
At the business meeting of the Berean
Bible class last Sunday, John Marsteller
was elected treasurer in place of Mr.
C ave Bartlett, resigned. Arraogments
were also made for the holding of a mu
meal and literary entertainment next
Wednesday evening. All are invited.
My grateful thanks are extended to
the people of Harrison and vicinity, for
their generous patronage in the past,
attsureing you that it is not without re
gret that I leave you. , Again tlianking
you for past favors, I am yours respect
fuMy, , : : Wm. Christensem.
Too bad, too bad! The Judge has fall
en from his good resolutions and gone
back into the same condition from which
he did seem to be trying to lift himself.
His desire to abuse some one has proven
stronger than his will to do right, and
has lead hhn again to the use of "offen
sive personal matters" as of yore. '
Next Saturday evening there will be a
pleasant time at the church. I uring the
week the ladies have been busy making
night-caps, each lady making two just
alike, one of which will be drawn by
some gentleman, who will take to su:
per trie lady having the cap similar to
his. These caps will be nicely mode and
worn by all, and a good supper will be
Some Teg Moines young ladies have
been called upon to contribute "patches"
to an autograph quilt, which is now the
popular thing among the society trirls.
The method of making the quilt is ingen
ious.' A young lady cuts her pieces of
the size she wishes, then sends them to
friends far and near, together with em
broidery silk or cotton, with, the request
that they embroider their names on the
pieces and return them. It k very easy
to comply with the request, as nothing
but ti e skill to embroider and a little
time is required.
A Christmas tree.
-Oate for sale at the lumber yard.
It is reported that the Anarchist have
blown up a portion of Chicago.
' A bright little youngster came to the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Bartellson
last Friday morning the 7th. John says
he is a Harrison man.
SAT! Did you know that yon ou'd
get at the Ranch Supply house Cali
fornia oranges, all kinds of nute, fresh
candies big stock, apples in any quan
tity, camberries, Figs? WELL IT'S SO,
and every thing is Fresh aad CHEAP.
Now Pay Tp.
end. The last account we have of him
W14s that they had promised h.m all of
tlie dusty work.
The cattle men of Hat nek valley
will give a dam one mile south of
Montrose on New Year's night. A fine
supper will be -erved and good music
rendered by the Montrose string hand
oompo of Frank Hitners. Joseph Pow
ell, pred Hitners and Michael O.Tool.
but the i
ather is
Those knowing piernselves indebted to
Wm. Christensen will please call aou
settle their accounts, which may be
found at the Bank of Harrison, on or be
fore the 20th of this month.
What a Baby Can do.
"Mothers will be interested in tle fol
lowing list of tilings a baby can do,
says the author of "How to 1 Happy
Though Married,'' in his new book, "The
Five Talents of Women," just published
by the Scribners. loubtless
mother could add many items to it:
"A baby can beat any alarm dock evj
er invented waking a family up in the
"Give it a chance and it can smash
more dishes than the most industrious
servant girl in the country.
'It can fall down oftener and with less
provocation than the most expert tumb
ler in the circus ring.
"Jt can make more genuine fuss over
a simple brass pin than its mother would
over a broken neck.
'Jt can choke itself black in the face
with greater ease tlian the most accom
plished wretch that was ever executed.
" t can keep a family in constant tur
moil from morning till night, and night
til) morning without once varying its
tune. ,
t can be relied upon to sleep peace
fully all day when its father is away at
business and cry persistently at night
when he is particularly sleepy.
'.t may be the naughtiest, dirtyest,
ugliest, most fretful baby in all the
world, but you can never make its moth
er believe it, and you hud better not try.
'.t can be a charming and model in
fant when no one is around; but when
visiters are present it can exhibit more
bad temper than both of its parents together.
,t can. brighten up a house better i
than all the furniture ever made; make !
sweeter music than the finest orchestra
organized; till a larger place in its par
ents' breast than they knew they had,
and when it goes away it can cause a
greater vacancy and leave a greater!
lank thaq all the rest of the world put
Items are scarce
fine. ' ,
What is the matter with Weed Wrest
ler and the Judge?
We have heard a new name for the
a: Romililican: it is "The
I Sioux County Reprolwte. '
I Tiie young cow boy of Squaw creek
' returned from tlie east a few days ago.
It does not seem as though free range
is of much benefit, as shooting and dog
bg cattle seems to 1 well practiced in
this part of the county.
Mr. Thomas Scliilt purchased a job lot
of yarn recently which lie. intends to
have knit into 'overcoats and jackets, l-
evcry various other articles.
.Ml parties intending to make llnal
prool must get my consent or their proof
will 1 rejected.
War Bonnet H-jad Council.
The WfJ outfit started on Uie round
up aWit the 10th. The boys did well
until it came to third relief. It took
two to stand guard, and the outfit being
a little short of men the foreman liad to
roll out with John Warn w ho was on
third relief. The weather was not very
agreeable so the foreman slipped lack to
his bed and rolled in again. The next
night or two ("has Brooks and Liren Jen
son were put on third relief together and
well the cattle took a stampede and
all hands and the cook rolled out and the
hoys rounded up in Harrison about live
o'clock in the morning.
(ilen Items.
Bogg-y Items.
J. N. Fraizer has bought himself
other horse.
A. E. Gates is hauling wood from
Mr. Cavenport lost a borne a few days
Another case of Herd Law vs: Fence
Law is soon to he tried in oiir justice's
court. Joe. I ecker took up some horses
lielonging to Mr. Wallece and held tliem
for damage and Mr. .Wallww replevied
Obe. Fraizer is getting out a lot of
John Lecker has gone on a hunt
A horse belonging to A. E. Gates
broke his leg recently and had to lie
Ed. Lundy is building a frame house
on his elain, and is intending;?) to get it
done sometime in the near future.
t ave Col vile will winter his slock on
Deep creek.
Mrs. Mary Kreeman started east on a
visit a few days ago.
So our friends of Pine Top and Cotton-
I woou are just beginning to get mad,
What makes Brown have such a grin
on his face? Oh yes, he has a bran new
baby, a girl.
Greger has a plug hat. , .
Bingy has a barn. He is a granger
Mr. 8. will have an entertainment as .They must be pretty badly mixed or
soon as his school is out. j they would'nt have misstated fac ts as
1. W. Arensburg is moving his saw j they did. That caucus was called bv
logs to the new site. f parties on Cottonwood and not hv 'fh
R. L'orcran and wift, took diuuer at! Mule Party, as they call it; and not for
Greger the 9th. the purpose of indorsing an v on
W. Corcoran has his logs on his claim, i to try and concentrate on one man let
it be who it would. As for the White
river Rats, they liave decency enough to
Subscribe For
How lie Kept Her at Hone.
She w.-ib a dear little woman, and huh.
by witnted her to stay at home all sum
mer. She had her eye on a fashional le
watering place hotel, and he knew that
meant a clean thousand out of nocket
I id he storm, and rave, and anrue. and
talk of rankruptey'r Not at all. He
urged her to go; he wM eager; he poo
bood evwy objection, and then he got
hie wiulwd cousin Charley to write him
a mysterious note about bores and lit-
Meo.nntrt, and Wt it where wife? could
"fcorweek aha declared
bt itlgculd tempt bar to leave
and is putting up a house.
Banen goes to the B & M. R. R. Wed
nesday, hauling timber to build sheds.
U Verran is cutting Jogs for Bowser.
E. Canible was a culler at Greger's on
the 8th. ' 1
B. Colfee has a new way to cook pota
toes, by frying them in water. Try this
way, it saves lard. Mr. Coffee is haul
ing lumber for his new house.
Larry Gibson is at the Old Lady's on a
visit. :
Montrose Items.
Corn picking is over but none' is for
sale as they all hold for 72c. perhushel.
Stock looks fine in the valley as free
range is just the stuff.
School meeting will be held at the
store of Montrose. We want everybody
to come. . ' ' ' '
; ehurch al Montrose the 16th.
The principal talk is about "railroad
here as there is about 300 men working
at Long Branch. We think it will be a
speak respectfully of men they know
nothing aliout. As for a third party, it
is time for one when county conven
tions are run by a few men at Harrison,
as they have been since Sioux county
was organized, and the ring will exist as
long as one or two precini ts want to fill
the county olfices and are willing to
stand in with the ring, or be their tools,
in order to et a cliance to do it, and the
sooner you llnd out that you are not the
county's guide the better it will be for
all concerned.
-No. 2.
Elmcr McFarling is working for J. T.
John Shay is busy at work on his new
In nine.
The new mill is at work at M. IL
Green's place. -There
is some talk of putting in a et-
ting of logs at Mr. Krenian place. ,
j The free range men have ot n chip
i on their shoulder these days and they
say: "..out you touch it or we will
great benefit to the country
One of the leadmg men of tlie valley cinch von "
wa. .at Harrison recently, and fie my The dan, at Mr. Kreman's the other
they havnt as much business as Mont- evening was well attcnJed, ami
i w it w. .i ' . lone passed a pleasant evening.
Miss Webber left tlie valley for her Tlw replevin wise of Wallace vs-1 k
honie in MinnesoU on Mondav last L i , . w K
M !i, "nuay last. er, before Justice Mason on tlie Uh, was
More folk nr Hue., (.,..
aW 7 ' V" "
. WadK. think tht al, the men at o lnu TTZ
jotted Um the otiier day a tend that . iu are doimr tlr b..-4
" If Wt
farming mtereote in Una county, but we
am Iter to stay, and will win after a
a ctiaagu of pturrt I at ten tJ Th,
appointed him asMeMior . Lit 'ya and
gave him a joi of Uyjmt out. road at ia
Harrison, - .-
Traneacte a general hub J
Loans Money on Cfc
-AND ,
First-Class in
This Hotel haa been fitted up regardle of pusuj
To the comfort and convenience til aj
lie and permanent biarir
Best Accommodations n
f "--At
' ' . " -
EGOERT ROHWER, proprietor,
J. F. Pfost's
And Sale Stf
Rigs Furnished With Drivers
Ranges of tbeX
Special attention pai) w
9-. 'K i
a-dajfj , The ring uu ipta for: the ute ,
mum. ,
its , , . .
... Mwacn...
F&nncro,, Immitpfani