I it a V Y J aw-I- art i!!Z So Mr. .It. . aetre ova 'CO. and " fall i5t area. ir rf It ffl wr.T a Nek aa I. i kat in dim that eaakle .danad ! . K. uro. delora .C rm. ?Umm : A rfcrtMawa Talk. p If I were to ask you to sbnt yonr eyes ' tad try to futiry that Christmas stood tfcefore you, what would you see? Ah! Sot one, but many. Home of you would ee, in your miud'a eye. an old man With lon, white, frosty beard and kindly face, his brave form draped in a parkling robe of snow decked with latcles old Father Christmas from top to toe. Borne would see another sort of Ba re, a round, roly-poly, jolly per sonage, dressed in furs from crown to aole, laughing in every lsature of his eump, ruddy face, all aglow after driv er his Dnnder and Blixen, and half bidden by his great sleigh-load of toys. Some of yon, again, would see nothing but the toys, and your only thought, I shudder to say, would be, "Which of them are fdr we?" Some of yon would see no fancied personage at all; but Slorious winter without, and within oors a bright home, a glowing hearth, and all the family eager to welcome you from school for the happy .holiday week. And a great msny of you would scarcely close your eyes before the beautiful Clirint-cii ild would come and fill your soul with love and joy and gratitude; and your one next thought would be to give happiness to many, to make other heiirts as glad as your own on the Perfect Day. St. Nicholas. Everybody familiar with Ayer's Alma nac knows tlint it is much more than a mere vehicle fur advertising the medi cinal preparations of Dr. J. C. Ayer A Co., of Lowell, Mans. Jt is really one of the most welcome and valued of an nuals. And now we have to acknowl edge the receipt of a neatly-bound pre sentation volume of the Almanac for 1889, containing copies in English and nine other languages, also specimen pages of pamphlets iu eleven additional tongues in all twenty-one languages. From the preface to this interesting book, we learn that between thirteen, and fourteen million almanacs are issued by this company annually, consuming aliont twenty-live miles of paper day. Surely, with all this and other adver tising it should be inexcusable in any one not to know the superior merits of A3-er's HursHpaiilla and other standard remedies. Ayer's Almanac for 1889, in its usual attractive form,' "is now ready at the drug stores. Utilizing Rawduat. According to the Canadian Manufac turer, a new scheme of utilizing the sawdust of the Ottawa river for the pur pose of fuel is proposed. It is claimed that by a system of grinding the refuse into a uniform lineness, mixing it with the refuse gas tar ' from the gas-house, and compressing tho substance into cakes, a fuel cau be made in every way superior to soft coal for open fires. Saw dust rolls were common forty years ago iu England and Scotland, and were con sidered far ahead of peat and grate fires. The cost of manufacturing this kind of fuel is merely nominal, and it is ex pected that it can be sold at ft very much lower price than soft coal. Tho forma tion of n company to give the scheme practical effect is mooted. Have You 'ulari'h? There is one remedy you ciin try without danger of li u in bug. Bend to II. 0. Coleman, Chemist, Kalamaion, Mich., for trial package of his catarrh cure. Hi only mode of advertis ing Is by giving it away. Postage 2c. Judge for yourself. Mention this paper. Harrinhnrg, Pa., is to be furnished with natural gas. The ommol. Lot There is a place no love can rearh, There is a time no voire can teach, There is a chain no power can break. There is a sleep no sound can wnke. Sooner or later that time will arrive, that place will wait tor your coming, that chain must hind you in helpless death, that sleep must full on your nensei. Hut thousands eyry year go untimely to their fate, and thousands more lengthen out their doys by heedful, timely care.. For the failing atrenth. the weakening organs, the wasting blood, Dr. Pierre's Golden Medical Discov ery is a wonderful restorative and a pro-" longer of strength and life. It purifies the blood and invigorates the eyetem, thereby fortifying it against disease. Of druggists. A patent has been obtained in Italy to make building blocks out of corn cribs. Famous Women. It is a significant fact that most of the women who have achieved fame in art, literature, or "affairs," have enjoyed vigor ous health. This shows that the mind is never capable of the severe and continued application necessary to creative work, un less the body is at its best. The woman who aspires to fill an exalted place among her associates, must be free from nervous debility and female weaknesses. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription will banish these, and It is warranted to restore thoss functional harmonies which are indispen sable to health." As a specific for all those chronic weaknesses and ailments peculiar to women, it is unequale I. Printing in raised or embossed letters was begun at Paris by Hauy in 1786. Great Little meat. Some of the greatest mea that ever lived were o! small stature and insignificant ap pearance. The reader will readily recall many instances. Very small are Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets, but they are tar more effective then the huge, old-fashioned pills which are so difficult te swallow and so hareh in their actios. The "Pellets" are gentle and never cause con stipation. For liver, stomach and bowel derangements they have no equal. The Prussian blue dye was discovered by Diesbach at Berlin, in 1710. A Cocoa. Cold, or Robe Thhot should not be neglected. Brown's Bronchial Troches are a simple remedy, and give prompt relief. 2S cts. a box. Chinese boys are studying law at Ban Francisco. Decreasing the Daalli Rata. The mortality among consumptives has been materially decreases! of late years by the use of Scott's Emulsion ot Cod Liver Oil, with Hypophorphites of Lima and Bo da. Phthisis, ltroui liitis, Abscess ot tha I.ungs, Pneumonia and Throat Affections are completely subjugated by a timely use of this excellent pulmonic. Palatable as milk. Bold by all druggists. A wnmem aged 103 years died at Need ford, N. J., last week. If entries with iore Erea. 'uie Dr. Itase Tomb ros e are Wales, Iriwltt tell It, the. A statue of Shakespeare baa been veiled la Paris. Wkea a7 was stek. ws ker Cewtene. Wses ske was a Calld. ese erleJ lor Caetorla, When she eecaeti Mum, ske clusc to Caetorla. Was ske see Oaliares. ske gave tkeai Custorta TOILET INFORMATION. Car oftUe skin lb Simple Method f Improvlue; tlte Complexion. Perfect cleanliness of the skin of the ntire body promotes excellent circu lation and much improves the com plexion. All applications of greasy substances, powders, etc., to the face to prevent wrinkles and soften the skin will only prove injurious and atop uo the pores. Keep the face clean by using castils soap and tepid water be fore retiring; and by washing when ever soiled in tha daytime. Water in which oatmeal or bran has stood is good to use for a rough skin, but do not tamper with this delicate texture and get the pores distended by filling them with foreign matter. Men dislike cosmetics and all of them discountenance the use of any thing that whitens or colors tho face. For a greasy skin rub it with a soft flannel, and for a skin that perspires, rub the face gently with fine linen. A polished complexion is beautiful; one made up of powder and rouge is quite the reverse. After exposure to the sun or wind, if the face is tanned or burned, the application of butter milk or sour cream will whiten it, but it will require careful protection after ward, for it will tun very readily again. The general health of a person has all to do with a handsome skin. Those who eat improperly and irregularly, who neglect the daily bath, and who keep late hours and sleep in ill-ventilated apartments on an inadequately aired bed, need never hope for a fine complexion. The clean growing skin that bespeaks daily grooming and right living is worth more to one's geueral appearance than costly clothes. Women from the outset seem deter mined to spoil the complexion of their offspring; The infant, after bathing, has its pores tilled with violet powder, which settles like paste in the tender crevices of the skin, interfering with its activity. Tho toilet table is slocked with pow dor boxes and puffs, nnd the young, arc taught to rub off the "shine" on their nose with powder and a chamois. Banish powders nnd cold creams, lip salves, and greasy unguents that ru n the skin pores and destroy tiie fresh ness of the complexion. Pure water and gentle friction when tho condi tions of the body are right aro nil that are necessary to make the skin hand some. ' Let every one understand his own peculiar style. Those who are florid nnd ruddy should mako the most of that attractive complexion. Those who are pulu have always a delicacy and beauty. To tone down color with chalks, and to produce it with rouge or by any artificial means, is a mis take. Faces may be fresh when old if the skin has not been contaminated. The Terrible Tank Urania. The dangers of the tank species of play wcro illustrated in tho ca.su of Duncan B. Harrison. He is one of thr most popular and daring of tank ncLors. Iu every city which his play visits, a huge iron tank or cistern about 16 feet long, 3 feet wide nnd 8 feet deep is constructed and sunk into the stage. It is tilled with water, and represents a river. In tho course of the play the heroine tumbles or is thrown into the tank, and then Mr. llaiTison makes a thrilling dive from a dangerous elevation into the water and rescues her. Both of them get soaked to the skin every night of course, aud they are duly rubbed down in alcohol to prevent taking cold when they leave the theater. Mr. Harrison's first experience was unfortunate, for in diving, he twisted his neck iu such a fashion that he was ill for many weeks, and finally rose to lind that his head was twisted immovably toward his right shoulder, and that ho was threat ened with paralysis of the right side. He has rcccnll had a portion of the spinal bone removed in the neck, and this has restored flexibility to his neck. The operation was both dangerous and painful, but the results are happy, and Mr. Harrison will continue to dive into his tank amid thunders of ap plause, and with a total disregard for audi puny nnd insignificant things as backbones aud twisted necks. Sew York Huit. In a Boston Railway Depot It may surprise some Western rail road men to know that the Boston . & Maine Railroad runs 209 passenger trains out of Boston every day on its three divisions. As many again return, making a total of 418. This road runs 129 passenger trains a day out on its eastern and western divisions nlone, without the Lowell. This number is nine more trains than are run each day out of the Grand Conlral Station at New York, where tho New York Cen tral, tho New York. New Ilnven & Hartford und the New York & Harlem combined run but 12U passenger tru ns a day out. They are all considered passenger carrying roads. When the new union passenger station now plan ned, is finished, it will include the Fitch burg and no less than 5W pas longer trains a day will thou tlupiirt from and arrive iu it. What other railway station in ' America can show anything like 'the tigiirosP Uaitwutf llevicw. The Rise and Fall of the r-frrm. "Faix." said a brawny, broad-shouldered, brass-bntloned slick wlehler tli i: morning, "th' airly nioruinV was as oa'ani as a slnpin' baby whin th' blag pard iv a slhorm kmn sailin' over Stat sn Island like a big balloon full iv wsther. Muilia, but it squunched tli' stars, so it did, bad luck to it. nu' a weeny bit o' rain began fsllln'. Tbeio wasn t that much wuther as 'ud wet n duck's buck, But shure the slhorm had no show, for the sun kem up Just thin and began mskln' a red, whito an' blue rainbow, so he did, an' dry in' up th wet; an' afore ya'd be llihtiii your polpn th' slhorm was gone an' a treats as soft ns a child s kits was blowin' thru' m. ."Km fork Kvtning Suit. Heaaory'e Queer taper. I heard a story the other day abont prominent church member who had been called on to lead a prayer meeting. He selected the subject of some prelim inary remarks, read an appropriate chap ter from the Bible, and started upon hit coarse. For five minutes be spoke smoothly, fluently, and aptly, and then, all of a sudden, by some queer eaper ol the mind, h forgot not only the thread of his discorse, but the subject itself. He paused to collect his thoughts, bat they would not be collected. Then ha beckoned to a worthy brother in tha front pew. When the brother came the speaker whispered this inquiry in Lis ear: "Do you remember what I have been talking about?" "Hay!" exclaimed the worthy broth er. He evidently thought the speaker was accusing him of a lack of attention. "Do you know tha subject I was peaking on?" "No, I do not," said the worthy brother, scratching his head in a per plexed way. Here was a pickle, sure enough. Then the leader of the meeting called another member up and made the same inquiries. But this member was as ig norant of the matter as the first one, and the speaker, in desperation, re newed his remarks, touching on an en tirely different line of thought, as he afterwards remembered. His audience never knew the difference, as he took pains to inquire. Atlanta Constitution. He Changed It. "When I got to the depot in Chicago to take the traiu for home," said a De troiter the other day, "I had four $5 bills in my vest. I was going to the ticket window, when a little woman stopped me and said: "Be? pardon, but they can't change this bill at the office. lVrhaps rou will be kind enough." "Oh. certainly." "I shall be so glad." "I took her twenty and gave her my fives and walked up to the window and called for a ticket to Detroit. The ticket seller threw the twenty bock with the statement : "That bill was offered here five min utes aro. It's no good" "It was a counterfeit and I was clean busted. I looked around for the wo man, but of course she had skipped. I had to telegraph home for money and that is why I was a day late. Talk about bunko men nnd pickpockets, but the women are twice as dangerous." Detroit Free Press. Two LiK ky Men. Vancouver (Waflh. Ter.) Independent, Nor. 7. On the 17th of October this paper an nounced that lightning had struck in Vancouver, or the same thing, a streak of lnck tlpU made some excitement. In September M. C. Harcll, a laborer on J. C. Proebstcl's farm, bought one-twentieth of ticket No. 4(1,755 in the Louisiana State Lottery, and thiitnuniberdrew the big $300,000 prize on October 9th. .1. C. Proehstel owns half of this Harell ticket, which entitles the holders to $15,000. The ticket was deposited for collection with Wells, Fargo i, Co, 'h Express Com pany, at Portland, Oregon. The collec tion was promptly honored by the Louisiana State Lottery at New Orleans, and the money, gold coin, is now in Portland ready to lie paid over npon proper receipt for it. Both tho lucky men are honest grangers, and, ns their heads are level, will know just whero to put their unexpected wealth to do them the moet good. llorare Nerd Strain No ir. A simple and efficient device litis been in use for several years in I'nuieo which relieves a horse from the severe strain that accompanies the starting ot a heavy load. In cities especially such contriv ances are needed, and most of all by the usually overdriven street-cur horse. The device consists in a spiral spring of power in proportion to the average load carried, aud which in attached to the end of the trace. The horses at the Eastern liaihvay Depot iu Paris, where the springs hove been used lor six years in shifting ears, show an improvementsince that time in general f ouiuluess of condi tion, while the number of sore ond strained necks hare greatly diminished. There has also been a large saving in the way of broken harness.' The same idea has been applied to plowing Harness. A Radical Cur a for Epileptic Fits. Tfc IJU EdUor Please inform your readers that I have a poeitive remedy tor tha above named eiieeee wmen 1 warrant to enre we worn eaaes. fio atrtm ia mv faith ia the virtneaof thie mad'. cine that I will aend free a sample bottle and valuable treatise to any nnfferer who will fire me kia V. O. and r.ipreaa eddreae. Mj remedy kaa oared tbnnsaade ot hnneleae eases. H. O. BOOT, M. C. IBS Pearl BC, New fork. The rumor of disaster at sea is a salt rumor. Attention, Judge Lynch I ' A man living near Santa Cruz bos been catching quail in a peculiar way. For three weeks he has been spreading grain in the road near his place, where quail abound. On the day the law was out he pat wheat in the place as usual, bnt had previously eoaked the wheat iu whisky. Watching the place, he saw the quail come out, cat, get drunk and in a short time lie down stupefied. He then went to them and gathered abont one hundred into a sack that be carried with him. A few that were not fully drunk were caught by his dog. He has practiced the same' method since quite successfully. Charleston (S. C.) World. Th Troy, N. Y., collar and cuffs mills employ 15,000 persons. The strike of the Chicago city railway men has ended in a compromise. Taeoma, W. T., has th only 6-maeted schooner afloat. Tb way a beaver stops a river's flow is damable. Th Sultan of Turkey will s jn theBuet Canal treaty. During the present year 19,4KB r rsons have been Baturalid in New York city. A paper leather to Imitate calf skin is made in France. HOW" THIS! We offer One Hundred Hollar Rewar 1 for smv rate ol Catarrh that can aot bi ura by takln Hall Catarrh Cur. r. 3. CHENEY & CO., Prea.. Toldn, O. We, th uadereigund, have kaowa F. J. Cfceaey tor the last 15 years, and belieVt Mm perfectly honorable In all biila transactions, and flnaaeially able to carry ant aay obllgatl mad by their aria. West 4 Truss, Wholesale PrugfisU, Tel do, Ohio. "' WaUla Klaaln A Marvin, Wholssali Druggist, Toledo, Ohio. E H. Van Hoeeen, Cashier, Tated Na . tlinal Bask, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cur is Ukea tatoraalty. Mtlf tllrtrt'r rn tb Mm and atneus nriaM- of th yWw, Prisw, ft pm bat. 4WM by all Droto Aa (JalMckr Shot. "I won a bet from Borrows the other day in ) very curious manner," re marked Mr. Hoskins, as he sat down by the club window. "I bet him a tenner that he couldn't hit a barn door with a revolver, at ten paces. He bet he could, and would you believe it, when he fired the bullet went through a big knot hole ia the middle of the door without touch ing?" Harper's Bazar. "Show us bow divine a thing a woman eaa b made" by smoothing out th wrin kle caueeel by neuralgia er toothache. This can be den only in on way. Invest 25 end ia Salvation Oil. "I apeak within bound, sir," laid th firiaaner in th deck when addressing tb ry. W apeak knowingly when we de clare with enthusiasm the great benefit of Dr. Bull's famous Cough Syrup. American toys ar being (hipped to Ger many. A high-handed proceeding Setting a town clock. A factory chimney at Kearney, N. JM is 335 feet hi.h. mm Druggists. AoDEAtEPS.ERYwHEP.Ej The Chas-AVo6eler Eq-Balto-Mo Diamond Vera-Cura FOR DYSPEPSIA. resmvi ecu ron isdhwtios abb U lUaMfc VreablM Arivlag Tharttraa. row Dmagitt or Qaural 1taXtt wilt yet Fr Cura far you i net alrtady hi tiuck, or a) vU IX ml by mad en rretipt m Jieu. i twact tl.OOi ta ttampi. Sample tent o rcmpt tf i-tent (lamp. THE CHARLES A. V0CELIR CO.. Eiltlmert. HI Sol, rrprt,to lUaaJacHinrf. Only Sl.00 for this "Little Beauty." Weighs from l-4az to 41bs Tela Btl Saarlnr, Brana-Bram Mttla fteale with Braaa Scoop la nlealjr Japannad and ia Juxt tha thing for llouae, Storw or Snap. W will ani1 ana only, ay Expreaa, to aar pe'raon pendlnf in St.OO (aot Ita value). Catalogue of I lloo article' tent free. Addru. CHICAGO alALE CO..Oalcaso, III. THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OS H TJB -W YORK. T'i I.arieet. Ckaapea: aad Ueit la ilio World. VAHll ASSETS tltlO.OOO.O00. tlMOK GORTX, Special Affeia WM. F. ALLKN. Aeaaral Aseai. m Uvm t hom and make more oay workiapforst tlma l nt nth(npU' in th world. Kit tiff ("Mtl-otitrU TwrBu VstlvK. Atl'.reM, J Rt: a a to., auruiti, Uaiua. W. N. U., Omaha, 413-50. McohsOil kJ'CQ H rr i nr'"'T M m SIOUX CITY ENGINE WORKS! IX7XIaXXIXt.S OP - Corliss and Single Complete Steam Plants from f- rr tl for Circular B. Stating Btulnr$ HRISTMAS PRESENTS TOUR CHOICE OF THESE WATCHES Our Balling Prloaof Cenulna ailvarlneorCold antlno Watchaa raduead to 93.80. a TUB " keeeaeeil a auallr H w " E tat raaa OUR mchH, ataara. j -will naft aaatt a win arna Yfalanat ta an feara this Oaa Iiamaaaflia4iwaaf iwa waaaaawaa.fi aala aaaaU SOLtl i. and thr ara aoia at tata 4DOI.D aad .IL.TEtt W1TCIII wateaaa will aa t.aia aavu Waha aala. I t.i if if ri ci il for WW.vm ubimi twiMNi traarlnt ill aaneaiir fraa aar NIVT MAHIOTI lLIXHTJtATEU CAT ALt. wklaa waa la-tun aai afMlMwa aaaa Irs wit mb waaaa. m artiar ta raanaf i a aiwaaia, wa raqaira lots -mm. ana avrna ia ta aa with yaur ardar, that w a ay knew yaa ara aatitlid ta tha an aft cf tkaat afara. NOT OH MF Via, ft TOl'U CHANCE U (it tka kaat and kandaomatt Watch arar aflarad. tat a a alak antl at Iva ol j aar (riaada ta mb4 ttk yaa. In aa AltLTft (tka ariaa 4 tva watokai) aad aim tha ana aad addrrma f Iva athaf imwii hkaly ta tar wateaaa and Iswal-r ana aa c aa raaaiat af tka wTatftkai at ana ' j- -a mmm at lat ' ) Rheumatism According to recent irt1uiciM Lt jt y N- ceu of lactic acid ia the biood. Ttii m:A t be fibrous .utaea, particultbrly la tthe joiats. tmi 4 the local miiferttienft of the disease, j ache. In ttte back and he ciders, and la ia the kueea, auk let. hipa-acd wriau. people hare found im Hood' a 6pvri4ia aad rveraiaaeBt cure for rbeusAiiNO. Tbia bf iu purifrlaff and tJ tail tog acidity of it hloed, aad alto-irs t tody. I waa laid ap for atz. ratofctha w it rite aad ased buij ktsda of aiadifttaea wit bos V alt till oee of my aeitrhbor. culd jl ie tafca ftaraaparilla. Wbe I fcdr seed baU a boaate Hk better, aad after taklac two- touiea I thik mm entirely cared, aa I have oet bad aa attack aT -BattaB lace,' Kjia IL xpjty Roi& m 4tdHaK lalaod, M. T. Hood's 8crsaparSlai: Sol by all estate. t; tteforck Frca(aaai by C. I. HOOD GCk, awil. Mas. lOO Doeee One Dolforv- wasm SnMrnrsellE-UMMIMIJ """.T'l Chleaea. Ills. iCUrfcafc waaagvt aii. i waisab' PHYSICIAN AND SOKEC h rill Trtatlng ' "il j SKILL aDd SUCCEET- (Mc, Ferrous: ami Prirats Diss. 49-NERVOUS DEBILITY, JLoat lfJ Failing Memory,. Exhausting Drama, Xaa Dreama, Head aad Back Acta aad sJltbee tedir to early decay and Derhaa. Cona loaaolty, treated acieaAiocally : by new jjuuhatbsmmt-- never-fail ide succeaa. 1 9 nvr.m n mi miianm i m ru nmj eaaea permanently cured. M" KIDNEY and UR1NAR YcowplairiCfcd-Jv Gonorrhoea, Strictu re. Varicocele and all iJn j of the Oenito-Urinary Organs cured promptx uttf injury to Stomach. Kwaeyav er other C3aacw-. - af No experiment, flu in i 1 n in fii 1 -bij portent. Cor.auiUtwn free and aacrcd- ' 09' Send 4 rut poataf e for Celebrated Warksafe Chronic, Nervous and Delicate .Diseases . d-Those contemplating Mairiae ed for fife, . Clarke's celebrated guide Male ami Female eaavaY -i, cents, both a cexts (stamps). Coaujia tries mid ,1 Doctor. A friendly tetter or c!l .-nay svewr-r mrm - ink anu sname, ana aaa goiaen years ce me. "Life'a (Secret) Errors," socents(tamp).' M and writings sent everywhere: secure irtui cap Hours, 8 to 8. Sun0aya9.lt 13. Actress F. D. CLARKE. M. O- ISO go. C'larkcC'IIIOAiaU.JIJb... AMSrsHOTGUi, Ins. upon fftllnr tha Ctitita Wfwr-1 dr ha an I it, acini to ia. Stud Kc.tn.Uaiia far III 100-raf Calalamirr Gun. Rtrtis, 7 a. Jam r. lovill aebhco.. i'trra, r-mm mwm I Oil 30 PAYS' TRIALS tfaaaaa viia mbm a niu nc. 1 ' LASTIC TR! Haa a. VmA diWrnrrmk fS otaera, taeira atkape, wKka adluadaaF ita.ll In ItMtrtnaU nlaiatat taalaaatT, belllataw a.oaese h'svrssss-wSAwi. aecarefr di and1iliit, rara oartala. Utaaaar, duntnloMid nif c.aetaa rheap. Beati aanwaratn. " , uu tnioann iuuiai tsj. and alsearea of hrrvdFthre(BS tmmgm with OZONIZED AIR. direr 1 eentlnu'jua UflditmUMi of rt-; atmt. f. organs producing -t (Vr. raa-a arable cbanrri or limit rffCC fmm.y objaetionabre rr.in.KY. T .lCC AlS.., lou can e30iayi' TRIA-.fal eost. lllttatrafd I a 1 1 in rn'f in Hi 1 T 1 11 mill ttlFTal nil II 111 m ftfia. y . COmQi. SENSE. CATARBrt CU8t.; . vw a-tsi m w fa v Mjm I CENTS Wanted $1 an noiir; M nevr i-ttCwA Ca- .. t-aJoji'ti and aiuupie Ire. C. K. MjibAJl,lopijrtJ!tSS Valve Automatics. 1 to SOO II. P. t'tirnUlied. 1 stovx. ftTT raw . ROW 18 THE TIMS: CAN HAVE Olfltr FRE I I aa lur. aaaa V 9 latbtoa IatW N a-aataLi-mrra- b nat . JS . aaSa Aaaaai at aaea aa. aeaaiaca Saw CaaMaam that wiHaaaa - . H- "pi MP8WaX- aacsK in mmSucZ tllVeSIMB .witalMt ee Wia.aa.nina. ta.Iall Baaauaa wa, atr aaaA aj-ri. wa, ww. m. wa aaiiav aa aauai. I la karaar, eltaraad aaaaiar. It U-Dwataad Wea. i - iait aa .a atker wataa ia tka wackl. . 11 la la.it .ur.ma ua wiimui aoutn ta. laeeaen walca ra aaa an ..w mm uwj m Mr taa aar nn asa.au av. ' w.w an r aee trar tna aaat lixt-ara) a aiariaiaJi law ariaa at S.a. ar taa Sa.es. Bteaa Wlaaaa al.Ou wi THE 80LIOTIIEa; aad aaaatirall XaarraTCal PatUraj taat ki.b . ' SSfHHlfSXit ara-adaf taarvc f.M tm fut0ol-lOt DENTINE on. aalid matal, ia aapaaraaw w .. all .ld, aad aan eHra. told kr an iiaera -Hk aaid taaa, laaaa... aaaM aaa tha eaaia Sprint ar.d Ilaatieitr aa tVa akeat Said. ITM.k; ar. la aapaataua equal ta aar 0O Salid ald Watch, lea will knaa aradHof ear ia( a aaacaikaatSoM Witch, and whiak faiaaaai Mm. ttS&.?9 W !' St.O axtra. MEAB. mjtlt MTV 1F.KTS SAT. "laaa wall plaawdwiU tha w.trii; Ikiatatta. vaaa.-. ttii the aaa) aat "Taa taat maiaaiaata fae tha aianaa 1 aiaraaaarw " Thlakrlniaawatak and raad tlaia within the, reach at all." Kaa tharaathlr eiaailaed rear watck aad think it Urn. aaavwala I tare M m aaaa for the wane.' miK.QVEKEI.Tt ! '-- (oamk.. . . Saalalaaai lever BOTe-.nt, eattanar ralaa,') ; atpaaiioa bKlanea, quick train ItUUco.to to the hoar aaa,oaek Walatka aeaurfialratljuatadtoheatandeald.andat-orphorleahwMrafwi aaaaa, ) tha facterr, and ia tharaafhlr evcrhaulod hj our exaart Tfll I Ware laatin ear nlace. We faaranteo each wetch ta keep arueHcna na. aad te aire aertoot aatieftelion er aroaav .rteerfallr rifuadad Watck warrant. (ar a rla r tlyti Xaawe.' BRAND OFFEXi asaw rn a - Oa net.TitcflI.ii adYartiarawtand 3.5 B as asm : TS ' annar vmm mi um acaa:nui ackad, ta any atMrna; bat kara that, am af Ikaaa Omm sanas aa tail ariaa. If auli ii rdartl, saad va tha ttl. tiMrchiMrfaraach wttca. Rlila1alT Lr Prle fraia aur Latalatua: tLtfk aratrel ounlT mm you ia cut ut ardat far r tlaia, wa wilt ma wauaaa; IB ly Jtt Jar irtakla. ar aa. la.f are taa aert aalilat wauk aa tM aaataa aerlr. ROTICKniat ail war aaa aad aOTaeaV ikati u kalaaa aerial tar aaaae. wa will aaad them h tanilai .. wKh neliil i at tejt aiaraiaallaa at We bacaaaiaaaa, kt KjS eWeaak wart areata laaaMaa ta adtaaaa vaawaaaaaaw-kc aaa any tka aalanaa fl aarfaaaatae ta aaaa. hh weaan, awarwioe re. de feaewtaa. WWtaMaaaaaltral u rt-ttaa caaiit AXb 1 wrllatMar. Sea aU mmn a Seat Mm feaat erdar, Smut tlalaf a war M aa i um p,, , k.i, ' Wateaaa eaart kt Rattarmd BaS a eaadtaanail M, rear aadnaaMaat ear mf m4 raaaMMIL kL: WiiiitiawVarraaTaaawk, J.,-,, "" mirjiinCw.1M V " aaiin aaaaaa Irene-rfea- hi a r ear ra . iaaa "my. aaadiea. " - - aa dlf irent knoe, wiU.atte neuaitr darvwaaaai aa'aav aa tna. Oaa wat.k aald in um 3 aan la aaU a III i w Mlaillqtaikaan, da.et taaae. Meaaeaajaa. if