The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, December 13, 1888, Image 1
r j s County Journal. IOUX V". HZRRISOiT, iDEC. 13, 1888. INTO. 13 Y mi i: Jthe A i-i' f , v In ruJ - jtment. I Jpwtern tj .3 from tH from . V Ul fur J(v'.JJiiond ft J- fWPiXHli rful 'C- t,r went j t best A"- . TCEEP &4 2TT v .!; vy -i' l3 4-4 & tL' & tea 11 IBD. & 4f genial Jt upon ft a sr..1 i oceries, . If:' r ices. . A V f: ' THE 8 OUX COUNTY - JOTJR1TAL BY THE , , JOURNAL PUBL SHOW COMPANY. The Republican Knows Better. The Republican accuses us of having allowed Mr. Hull, or some one else, to cast slurs upon the family of its proprie tor. Wil they kindly note just one in stance of the kind? His family is an es timable one and if ever by word or thought we have beeD guilty of wrong ing them we humbly beg pardon. Our readers know we have not and so does the Judge, but he probably feels t the guilt of having done bo hiigself and wishes to saddle it upon some one else. We have never seen a plainer case of "how truth hurts," than the one display ed by the Judge last week. After read iug Weed Wrestlers article in the JoUR NAI, his frame trembled and with a'look akin to "blood on the moon," he pro Celled to look up the editor of that' no torious sheet, finding him at the Ranch Supplv House, i With a mighty flourish of "big I and little You" the Judge de manded; "Patterson who is Weed Wrestler'" The innocent and youthful editor glanced up, and awed by the Judge's mighty presence failed to immediately answer, 'f: wnnt to know who that correspond ent in vour paper who signs himself Weed Wrestler, is?' he demunded again. "And suppose I refuse to tell?" "B-(J I'll make you telL My record in akota is clear and the son of a who says it is not is a dirty liar and you'll have to tell. I'll know in the morning I'll bet you: It's not the one I thought it was,'' he added. "This last letter was not written by the same person the other one was." "Then you do occasionnJly make a mistake Judge?" the timid editor dared to interpose. : ' . . "Well " and taking another quarter section out of his ten cent plug of J. T. and with promises that the mighty jaws of the law would close around tne Joitr- Nal and its editor, unless, the original name of the correspondent wasfliselosed, the Judge and his wrath departed in company of course, and now that chol era morbus looking, electrotyped smile of the Judge's shines forth as of yore., - The 011 Range Bull. Ranging near Husk is an ancient bull whose horns ore broken, tail half gone, and one hind foot swollen and lame. Years and years ago ; he roamed the boundless prairies in youthful glee. He was the idol of a bevy of bucksome and thoughtless Short Horn heifers. He turned his soulful ortis upon the belle of the herd, and her gentle brisket heaved in fond, strange, response. Now the crunipie-horned Texas cow looks into his bloodshot eye, and sees no love light il luminating their leaden depths. In years gone by his limbs were shape ly, and his step was as light as the pro verbial Indian maiden; but now, like her, he cannot get his olf hind foot into a half bushel measure. ; . Jn the days of his youth his coat was as glossy as the painted wing of the but terfly ; now his scabby hide is an iuch thick, and the hair thereon looks Jike dead hunch grass on ah alkali flat. Once lie led his herd beside the pleas ant waters, and feasted on the green paj-iures: how he lills his ancient anato my on the refuse of Rcdington's livery stable, i r . , - . Poor old bnll! 1( His days are numlier-ed- When the baltiiy zephyrs .of spring kiss the velvety face of the first daisy, Ins toes will lie tinned toward the azure vault of heaven, and his once proud spir it will l! roaming where no cro-eared hull dog will ainputata his caudal ap pendage. Long before the genial spring sun shall have played the resurrectipn act with vegetable nature to crowded Jiousesj the brittle 1 nines of the old nlnge' bull will have been polished by the ye low dog. His mournful yet resonant . bellow will not mingle as a grand diapason' in the shrill anthem of next spring's frog pond choir, for the excellent reason .that the old range bull will be dead. Lusk Her ald. . ' ' i - "" , " Hints About Horn. It costs more to keep a poor horse than it does a good one. , . ' ' , ' ' ..harige the food for your horses often enough to make them relish it. , improper feeding is the ciuso of nine Out of ten cases of sickness among hors es. , v. . v . i Every time ypu worry your horsp you shorten thoir lives ahd days, of useful-1 Hweat and dust cause the' horse's slioulders to gall. So dp poor, ; I Hitting Cll IllCS. , A , ,!.. ' Th tunipamturo of wate for lionet is not so much of an object as the purity of it While it is best to liave tlie water cool, it is more important to have it free from all impurities. Hares in foal should have exercise and moderate work, and undtr no circum stances should they be subjected to harsh treatment, nor should they ever be al lowed to go where tliey wonld be in dan ger of being frightened. The horse which can plow an acre while another horse is plowing half an acre, or that which can carry a load of passengers ten miles while another is go ing five, independent of all considera tions of amusement, taste, or what is called fancy, is absolutely worth twice as much to the owner as the other. Affection cannot be pounded in. Kind j treatment insures the affection of an an imal, while rough treatment is sure to cause its hatred. . It is alike dangerous to the life of horse and man to spare the life of a glandered horse. Glanders is a highly contagious, incurable disease, and, as a rule, fatal in the human subject. When horses are suffering from the bites of flies, or sting of other insects, sponge the parts that cannot lie protect ed by nets, with water, in which insect powder has lieen mixed a table-spoon-full to two gallons of water. Of two colts similar in disposition and sense, one may develop into a steady and valuable family horse, while Hie other may be vicious, treacherous and unsafe all liecuuse of the difference in the men hsndliiig them. Medical Class ics. COMMISSIONER'S PBOCEEDIXfiS. Ilarrison Neb., i ecemlier 1, 1888. Board met pursuant to call of Clerk. Full board present and clerk. , H. T. Zerbe, suerintendent, made es timate of work and lalior performed and material furnished for the court house by Murphy & Whitney of $2,000, Or der ordered drawn on tha county treas urer for 8ii per cent of said estimate, on court house fund, in favor of. Murphy & Whitney, in the sum of $1,700. , Order in favor of H. T. Zerbe, superin tendent, for $i)0 ordered drawn on the treasurer, from court house fund for ser vices. , , 4 Statement of moneys received uml tiitH bursed by the county treasurer from Jan uary 1, 1888, to July 1, 1888, examined and filed. . ' , And now comes John FeBrown and upon his oath states that he was assesed for the year 1888 in the valuation of fl,000; which amount is in excess of the value of his assessable property, and fur ther that it is illegal, and he states on his oath that the value of his assessable property, in this county, at the time the assessment was made for the year 1888, was f 400. Now therefore, it was order ed that the county treasurer reduce and collect the tax on John i eBrown for the year 1S88 at the rate levied for the dif ferent funds, to the valuation of $400 in stead of $1000. ".' , , ' ," , The following claims were examined and allowed on general fuud. ',, -State Journal Co., Lincoln, blanks, 2.88 (libson, Miller & Ricliardson.stat'y, ill. 00 W. II. lluwu, coroner's jury. - ' 1.00 j Robert Oi Parrish, " " - 1.00 Gibson, Miller & Richardson, eleo- , tion nxjtices, - -, 0( Todteniiaupt, road work, - 1.56 ' ,4.00 J. W. Hupter, fees and ollke exp's, 40.1!) Gibson, Miller & Richardson, poll books, - - : - - - 13.75 Kilbourne & Jacobs Maiiufactur- , iug company, scrapers, Eli. J. Wilcox, road overseer, J. u. Ricliards, " work, W. A. Rennett, 'k ' , Gibson, Mjller & Richardson, bl'ks and stationery, - - -John Nixon, road work, , - - 36.00 14.00 6.00 - 4.00 63.38 6.00 C. L. TubbsJ' iron .'work of court, house - - - -115.05 M. 1. Jordon, road commiRsionei', 30.00 j. If. Rigtlon, county surveyor, , 40.00 Pat Fitzgerald, wood for county, 15.00 Gibson, Miller & Richardson, stat'y, 7.50 ,, " " ' " Wants, 4.00 i. If. Griswold, stoves and liard- ' ware, , - ,' - - ,- 63.00 Gibson, Miller & Ricllardsbn, blanks, G.10 ... .. .. , .. , . i.oo J. W. Iicmter, roiwl comtnissionerj , , and (judge's feesj - . - -69.20 ; aniel Klein, county, commission- jtrnndrgad comtiijssioiiur, ' 131.20 J. F.i Pfost, sherilf fees, , ; ' -, , 77.00 v. IL Rigdon, county surveyor, 30.00 S. W. cox, county superintendent, ll;).!i. J. F; Pfost.'sheriil's fees, ' - ' 78.50 W". A. Rigdon, work laying out , : " fcads, - - - 24.00 E. U, riatterlee, county atftorney's ' salary to Oct. 31, 1888, , -, J. F. Plost, sheriffs fetsi i . ; .tt-'' tt 1 ' . to M. J. Carroll, road oyerseer, ' O. W. 8Ury( " wofk, ( , J. u; Ric'liaiMs, judge of election, L. C. Harmon, " '" ' ' ' 125.00 - 78.00 , lOSiOO ! 30.00 4.00 H.00 ' 3.00 A. Procuuier, ind 8.10 3.00 J. B. Paruuette, dark of election, 1M f 1 . , i. RC. Adams, " " " 3.00 John Nolan, judge of election and , , returns, - - , , 6.60 F. M. Smith, judge of election, - &00 A. B. Southwiuk, judge of election, 3.00 Michael Rutting, clerk of election, 3.00 B. B. Smith, ' ;, 3.00 E. A. Andrews, judge " " and returns, - ; ' - - 6.20 R. M. 1 unn, judge of election,' ' 3.00 J. 4- Andrews, " ' " t - '3.00 C. L. Brooks, clerk " ,' " - 3.00 James Slattery, " " ' - 3.00 Fred Stemmer, judge of " , - 2.00 Geo. H. Turner, " " " , - 2.00 S. R, Story, " " - 2.00 John A Pratt, clerk of election nd returns, - -, 5.00 J. W. Langdon, clerk of election, 2.00 C. Li Columbia, judge of election juid returns, - - 5.00 J. B. Burke, judge of election, , - 3.00 W. 0. LafTerty, .., ; - 3.00 Asbbel Orton, clerk of " , - : 3.00 OttoMunson, "' " '" - 3.00 Louts Larson, judge " ' 2.00 JohrMaycock, " " 2.00 Johr Nolan. " " r " - 2.00 W. H. I avis, clerk of election and , ijeturnM, - ; - - 6.50 JohlvFrazier, clerk of election, - 2.00 Gerltart Reinders, judge of election, 3.00 Pet r Boiler, " " " H. J. Peters, " " " laus ( hristinsin, clerk of election, M. i', Jordon, clerk of election and returns, - - -J. W. Earnest, judge of election nd returns, . Aaron Vandecar, judge of election,' '. i yiscoll, clerk of election, Fred.Vandewar " " " -A. t Pratt, judge of election, J. W. Pratt, " " " M., " " " -Ed. Remsburg, clerk of election 4ud returns, -Frank Russell, clerk of election, W. Woodyj judge of election, J. E. Holliigsworth, judge of elec 3.00 3.00 8.00 6.50 7.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 4.50 8.00 tion, - - -F. W Knott, judge of election, A. F, . hristian, clerk " " A. Routhworth, " " ' " -W. 11 Oreen, judge " ' Elmer McFarling, " . " " ; Frank F. Gray, " " " The i avenport, clerk of election SaAlKl M.von,- . ,.r and returns, Theo. Trinibur, judge of election, Robt. O. Parrish, " " John Marsteller . " ' " W. A. Nelson, clerk . " " ' 3.00 a. oo 3.00 6.20 8.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Eecem- I has. E. Verity, " " " Adjourned to meet. Saturday, berl5, 1888. Chas. C. Jameson, Clerk. Hronek, the Chicago anarchist, has been fonnd guilty and his sentence is 12 years in the penitentiary. That "clear record" of which the Judge so' frequently boasts, seems to be occasionally obscured by small clouds. The Town Site company's surveyors were in town last week laying out an addition to the town, just north of . the court house. : i j Attorney S,,L. R. Main has commenc ed the erection of a commodious dwell- : ing on lots just east of the Journal of- Ice, facing east. The first of the series of club dances, at the hall Friday evening, was a small but interesting one. , It was gotten up so quickly that many did not know of it in tine. ' , , , . Mr. A. II. Lamphear received the in telligence last week that his wife, at Calamus, Valley Co., this 'state, was very ill and hardly expected to live. ' He left for there last week. Next Sunday's topic for the Berean Bible School' will lie "The Leath of Sampson." This will be an unusually interesting theme find it is hoped that the usual good attendance w.Il be in- creased. . The steam punip was started Satur day evening, nnd again run most of the day Sunday, pumping the cistern full and the wc)l empty. ,lt is questionable whether or not the supply of water will prove millicient. Contra'rv to iirst intentions Wm. hristensun has opened his stock of hard ware, taken from here, in Crawford. We know that the people of Crawford will find in Mr. ( hristensen an honest conscientious person one whose influ ence is always for good and whose busi ness qualities are liardly ever excelled, Shaking of Mr. Conluy and family, the Atlsley, Custer Co. . hronicle says: Mr. andMrs.'H. T.' Cnley left hero last Thursday morning for . Ne ' awka, . Cass ,.,n.n( v. wlmre thv will visit a short ..... n time with the parents of Mrs. Conlay, afr ter which thciv will leave for their new home Harrison, ,Sioitx county, .this ta.' Mr C.onley is a repiiUt'lo and honorable young lawyer, with a , I tight and promising future before him, and we hone bk will build up a luoiitiye prac tice at -Harrison. Mr- andu Mr ' '.'onley in veiv estimable people, it od Mieir hp ,1 friends here wiah timf very iUas- antlife in tbeirnew hoj-Ji. . . I 1 t HARDWARE, Stoves, BARBED A Stock and Lowest Prices : GO TO ', ' , . V D. H. GRISVVOLD'S. This is the time CHEAP. I have load and it will pay you to buy it now. 1 Yours for buiness, , . D. H. 3. B. FWNBY, President. Oeneral office , F, C. SlKEWflBN, SecreUry. BUFFALO GAP, 1 AKOTA. ! BUFFALO GAP -Dealers in Lumber, Coal, Grain, Lath . And Shingles. , Sash, Blinds, Hair - ' jNJD CEMENT. - 1 COMPLETE STODK . j .. : ALWAYS ON HAND Harrison. Neb. Blacksmith, Wagon, Carriage and "Rfi-nair shot), ; t , i Good .tockalwon hand, j B : Y.::':;;: , .satisfaction GbARANTfiEAi t .- f i i .cf South of PlMt'i Iivry,Bftrn , ; ' ' '."' . "'. 11 1 '. I FURNITURE, Tinware, - WIRE, N D to buy barbed wire just received a Griswold. LUMBER CO., '1 i.( Doors, Plaster, Lime, G. GUTHRIE, Manager, ! ; ' ' - ( ' ." i f ' 1EI kinds 9? . ,-.'. 1 .!(H. 1 "Jiito'y ( iif!'i. ." 1 1 I! . i i S I 1 r