y K. Bkswstkr, C. . Own. I'pwiiitjuu Vi. Pre. CUAS. C. JAMESON, Caaiiier. Commercial Bank. BHX'KTfBATltD.J General Banking Business The Sioux County Journal. Pulu.sliwl Bvery Thursday by tiie JOlllVtL POLISHING COMPACT - -o Subscription Price, fJ.OO W. E. PatUrMMi - Fditor and M'gr Entered at tlie post-office at Harrison as second class matter. TRANSACTED. - C. H. Andrews & Co., -LiBalers ia- Drugs, Paints, Brushes, Oils -AN'D- Fine Toilet Goods, STATIONERY & PERFUMES. BEST CIGARS IN THE CITY. Harrison Market. Butter, 20c Egg. 20c. Poultry, per doz. 12.40 to $3. ftits, per 100 !bf 1.00 to 1.10. Corn, per 100 B f 1.10. Bran, per 10015. $1.10. Feed, chopped, per 100 It 1 1.40. Potatoes, per bu. Sorghum, per gal. 50c. Onions, per bu. f 1.00. Beans, per bu. f '3.00. OaU for mUe at the lumber yard. tsi Your Neighbors to Subacrito For SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL Fresh bread at the restaurant For Sale oats at the- lumber yard. D. P. I avis went to Fremont Monday Kobraka. One of tlie few wind v days visited us Sunday. Look out for the G. A. R. cigar at the restaurant. Pure apple juice at the restaurant next week. Go to the restaurant for your Christ mas (audit's. The tin roof of the Harrison House has been recoated. Mr. Wilber Shepherd returned from a visit to Iowa Friday. Still they come to the restaurant for their meals, only 25c, Wm. Uphoff and P. H. McVay were two of Monday s callers. Carpenter i avis is just completing a neat little barn for Ed. Weir. A nearly new 45-75 Winchester rifle for sale at Wm, Christensen's. Attorney Westover, of Rushvillc, was in Harrison the first of the week. Look out for the prize package chew ing gum at the restaurant next week. Miss Beans spent Thursday in Hani son, returning to Ft. Robinson Friday. Mrs. Chas. Coffee's father and sister re turned to their home in Arkansas Mon day. The youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rohwer has been christened Edna Har rison. WAXTE ) A bov between lh of ton and fifteen to learn the printers trade. Little Cot is dead: the smallest. nhH most innocent of all the canine race of Harrison. C. L. Tuhbs spent Thanksgiving with relati ves at Hay Springs and returned yestefday. Jack Ragland recently completed a four mile, three wire fence for Seymour & Bigelow. M. Aslienfelter. of Montrose: and IT R Storey of Bodarc, were two of our last t naay s visitors. We can save you money on anv na- iier in me U. t. hv rlnhhim? i iu J v ...ill UIC julkjiaTj. Uome and Miss Minme Thomas ing day at home, returniDc In hor ir, -, " on nue river Saturday. Surprise mrties "v ia viUCJi Another of those plesantries occurred at the M. W. hotel on Thursday evening A cleasartt litt.lo Srici'i. .r ...... : auigea in at the residence of Mr. J. St Rnhiner.nV In 4t ' -oiuureeenine 01 Thanks'-ir- ing Lay. The organization of a dancing c)ub has been completed and their first enter tainment will be held in the hall to-roor row evening. Rev. Scamahorn preached an .mc any interesting sermon, in the church, to a small but appreciative audience on Thursday at 11 o'clock. Several men passed thronirh hro ii first of the week troimr wri.. they were unable to iret work n! railroad grade below Crawford. Mrs S. W. Hal and sons William Jessie, and Mrs. Crane and (lr,,.ii,- Minnie, of district No. 22, all of Spring creek, spent Sunday last visiting with B. r. i nomas g. Mrs. fuel, two daughters and i,h- sons, arrived here from Iowa lt ti,.. day and went out to Mr. i r. 'u about twenty miles north-west of here wie same day. We received a can! frm wJ r " s. Paxton Monday stating that fie was called fo the bedside of his sick fatter at Centre, Ralls -0., Missouri, and ,.,i,i not, return before spring. This is the time to buy your nursery " " ""an M 1 uy from ig Keidy. He can furnish you wifj, tin nest northern grown stock at lniU ,.: ces. All stock warranted as represent- PA Jones & Verity, Harrison, 1 Oats for sale at the lumber yard. Miss Clara Redd is in Harrison ro-day. Tlie graders are said to be at work on the railroad grade near Hat creek, on me lakota line. Mr. Green, Mr. finwey and others from the toutb east part of Hie county were in town yesterday. A lanre m.rtv of frienls spent a pleas- o 1 . ant day and evening at Jlr. M(Klinly's on Inst Thursdav. Plenty to eat and an enjoyable daoce was the order of tilings. Articles of incorporation of the Grand Tuland A F.ostrn Wvomiuir railroad Co. were filed with the county clerk Monday. This is supposed to be the much talked of Alliance branch. The brick work on the court is so re ir ly completed that the roof can le put on and the frame work for the same is now about finished. Mr. Whitney expects to have the building inclosed by the first of the new year if this fine weather contin ues until then. Mr. A. J. Babcock announces in the last Herald that he is the present and probable future, pencil manipulator of that sheet. Then to him perhaps should credit be given for the "noticeable change" which we referred to last week. It is a creditable one. Tlie first load of copper ore to be ship ped from Lusk arrived from Muskrat canon Tuesday, and several more strings of freight wagons have arrived each day since. This is the commencement of a great business which will be 01 wonder ful benefit to Lusk. The on; will be shipped to Pittsbnrgh. Lusk Herald. The social, under the management of the Berean Bible Class, at the school nouse last evening was a grand succes and Mrs. Bassett is entitled to much praise and credit for her generous ef forts in inaugurating these pleasantries. Aftei- many and laughable games a kin supper was partaken of, after which the many well pleased participants retired to their homes. the attention of parents is called to the very noticeable fact of late that some of the boys, instead of going to school as they are sent, lonf around town and are occasionally in mischief. The teacher is caused a great inconvenience thereby in either holding the scholars who are regular attendants back, or cre ating new classes for those who only come occasionally In putting down the pumn last week. and just as the last part of the pump proper was being placed; the sucker and rod became fastened and could be neither pushed down nor pulled up. The work was delayed several days but it is now prospering again. It IS neessarv to take out all that is in the well in or der to properly adjust it and several days win probably elapse before it ia in run ning order. mow mean to light a match when heads and chairs are close Wither and a young lady entertaining her best fellow ivHI,. I,., , ., . . "..,,cc in n.;iiiinir lor lie train or spending a leisure hour. The person perpetrated this Use acton ed Mrs. r. Graham ...M.jx 4 , - ui ner norms in Cheyenne last week, hv A gram anooiincingWieriouaill'neiwof a r Mrs- ra,m.bad, w- ng her daughter, Mr. Jan. H. Cool, : . 1 wine mite past. Among our numerous viritotn who kindly threw, witifin k,. what gloomy Wall, of ot,r aanctum, the ,1Bing countenance- on t Saturduv. a o . J ttWMOw.Tool Jr., Ho merPrAly,w.IUwnid Will fr. V W iobaUtuto of Ua yalWj'. who Thanksgiving night should apologize to ine young lady and the vouner man if he can be found. When last seen )m wa making all possible haste to reach the sidewalk to save lieing identified and left his fair companion to entertain the last arrival. P. K. Murphy has commenced suit against the F. E & M. V. R R f f- CK AAA 3 -,wu damages, and a criminal action was also commenced against -r,n,i..,.. maioney. Liust Thuivdav Murphy was returning from ( hadroni connucior Maloney stonned th tr,; and put Mr. Murphv off for.a b& ,.ii. disorderly conduct .'and the above lit- igauon is the result. Sheriff PfW rested Mr. Malonay and presented him to mo court on Tuesday. wl.n bonds for his appearahce on Monday the urn, wnen an examination will be had We shipped, per express, List week a ...au sample or Nehraaka weather us curely tied up and enclosed in a reliable collar box, to a friend in f aiif; wliere the same was released and allowed w mingle ror a while with other sam ples, which had bee,, sent thero f,m various states. This morning Tl, v ', , ra "jiii iei received tlie following telegram : Pacific I oast, Nov. 2, 1888 rearFrontier.-Heml me twelve car loads like sample. It beats the world. A new moon there is. IL T. Couley has rented Mr. Walker s building for an office. C. L. TuM is building a 20 by 26 ad dition to tlie rear of his shop- T. J. CUirk, of Indian creek, Mt for California yesterday afternoon. Henry Liester wa-s in town from Ins home on Indian creek yesterday. 50 tons of hay for sale 4 miles north west of town, by Bigelow Bros. iit.,h. tr;,iu xLnt tn Cliadron the t filial I' IU1..-VI - j first of tlie week and returned yesterday, j B. E. Brewster arrived here from j iiut-unru luut week and went on east "'V yesterday. Henrv Martin, of Cass county, Neb., is here looking over tlie country with a view to locating. J (RAM) MASQUERADE BALL. J At the hall on New Year's eve, under 1 the auspices and for the benefit of the j Harrison Cornet Band. I H. T. Conley, attorney at law, Harris-j on Neb. Will practice in all Suite and j Federal courts, and United States Laud OHice. For Sale-The yard and stock of the Buffalo Gap Lumber Company, at Har rison, Neb. Address, Buffalo Gap Lumber Co. Buir.ilo Gap, Lakota. P. K. Murphy's have moved to their home in the valley. Mr. Murphy and his ftstimalile family, especially the young hulies, will be sorely missed by j the Harrison people. J. B. Finney and W. H. Williams, of the Lxct-lsior Lumber t o. of Ainsworth, came up yesterday and took an inven tory of tlie lumber yard here, returning home on tlie afternoon train. Sow Pay I'p, Those knowing themselves indebted to Wm. I hristensen will please call and settle their accounts, which may 1 found at the Bank of Harrison, on or be fore tlie 20Lh of this month. SPECIAL NOTICE. All parties knowing themselves to I indebted to the Buffalo Gap Lumber Co. will save costs by tailing at this office and settling accounts before January 1st G. Gcthkib, Manager. Wm. Christensen lias closed liis hard ware store here and shipped the stock to Cliadron w here he will be in business with his brother who is already located there in the hardware business. Mr Christensen will lie missed by his many customers and friends. 3t is probable that, during th winter at least, two 1 1 . ..... n.wunara stores would Hardly pay in narrison. We wonld Like have moonlight nights come OF HArJ Harrison, TrtmcU a general hiu Loans Money on Cic AND . NEGOTIATES FAE NORTHWESTERN First-Class in Every FRANK SIMONS - This Hotel ban been fitted up rrgnrtUem of ptteu To the comfort aod convenient of a lie and permanent tawf Best Accommodations ini UNSURPASSED IN HOME-LIKE AITOINTkTO TABLE, THE I . HARRISON O'Neil Frohlier. The guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. F Thomas on Thanksirivinif da v . 11.' and Mrs. Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs, Priddy , 7 Mrs. Hester , and faoi'ly, Mr; George Olinger, Mr. a Bar ker and tlie editor. Th uou ! ior(i apeak especially for Mr. Barker and myself when I say it W1UI an effort- vneo to eat it all) of the many hun gry onw was waroeiy sufficient to even "uc ve nounfful supfily ,A eatabW AH were suDnlied and mu,,.. . for as nmny more. Some f the guU vea found tlwir coat pocketa fUM with -To again. Another month of this weather, run! then another. To remind every one of the lul. dance at the hall to-morrow night. To see tlie vounir lieonle nf llrno,n form an amateur dramalic society. lo know if there will be a Christ, mas tree in Harrison Christmas eve. To Iiave everyone see the fine assort ment 01 uiristtnas presents at l.r A. drews. Mr. A. Beemer, an officer of tlw. inu- from Beemer Neb., was here thn Hrf t the week and arrested Walter Marsteller on the charge of forgery. Mr. Mars teller was a resident of Beemer ami li only len here a few days, on a hunting cApeuiuon. While Mr. fiecmer was at dinner Tueslay the prisoner askel r missiori to step into Mr. Warneke's store where he had left a coat, but instead of getting the coat he Went, nn nn tli U...L v vt. rv door and flew for the nearest hoi low west 01 town. Several parties oh horse back noon overtook him and the oflicor ,i. secured him and left on the afternoon train, The Republican thinks that a -litOeolT last week for printing one ur columns of matter on toth fiuges. Jt was this wise: We (ok.1 tationtoeat a Tlianksgiving dinner at . ; .nomas s, and that was press day, and being a l.ttle behind with our work v wasuoaswetfidor tni M .1: LiU you ever nartake nf ti.,. cooking Mr. Repubublican If n,.i .,.. are not competent to iud t ... i- ation. TUanks, Mr. Repubi,-an, for call- g our attention to the matter as it might have been a mintnlr. !... 1. wasn't, it w as the thoughts of 'a dinner lreinreu ny Mrs Thomas. One irnnA Inn .1 . . call your atuntipn to U fai tlwt usu- " ot,Kr matter, will do for noth Uie Herald and Rt.i.ui,ii.. .. 1 wi iv " ont mi "P. y are wont to do but that it i, o-xusionally neoeawry to' makeaalightduingeofpertiapaa word w two, as, for inston., i U article JW i -A Louhle Wedding" in U last Republican, taken from tha Herald, in the part olleriiur congratulation., it ""ght have been well U bay. chang! the word UiA' . . .. .. EGOERT ROHWER, Proprietor, f Trade. I -FEED STABLE IN CUiWl I F. Pfost's Live 1 r HARRISON iligs Furnished With Driveis Ranges of the Ok vwcial attantioo pail w t"j , o c, on ptvparti to kW Fcrxacj3i Iininijrants h