The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, December 06, 1888, Image 2

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THimiNU rfjsu.isHi.'vu o.
Tho Electoral Vet. la NskfMka.
The special board of state officers ap
pointed by law to canvas, the electoral
wete of Nebraaka met on the 36th at the
Capitol and opened and tabulated the
sainrna. The pluralities of the republi-
mm electors ranee from 27.5M to 27,
M8, and there ia a majority over all of
boot 14,000. The Tote aa footed up is
as follow:
m.c ruimii
0. H. Hasting
M. M. Butler
C. P. Main
JeaM. McNear
W. e. Sloan
Otof Hadrtrosn
8. Tfbbett
1. C. Kesterson .
O. W. Allen
O. C. Crowell...
K. A. Hawlejr..
. D. Fltchle....
. 8. Abbott...
I B.Carr.
Allen Root
J. F. Black
O. W. Wheeler...
t. B. Cahoo
(Ma Colby
108, M
Graders at Sonth Omaha are work-
kkg night and day to finish up contracts
awore oold weather sets in.
A fine stone quarry has been dis-
overed on a farm south of Wyniore.
The stone is of a very light color, fine
Baine d and susceptible of a very smooth
polish. It becomes hard after a few
Weeks exposure to air.
The board of public lands and build
tars met last week to settle with W. T.
Beott, contractor of the building for the
soldiers' and sailors' home at Grand Is
land, and it was found that $5,34;! is still
sue him on the contract and for extras.
It was also found that $1,090.81 is due on
the heating contract. A deficiency ap
propriation will be asked of the legisla
ture to cover these bills.
Johnnie Harmon, a twelve-year-old
Plaltsmouth boy, climbed into a tree
that his brother was cutting down nnd
fell with it to the ground, receiving fatal
A little less than a year and one-hall
two fourteen trains a day comprised ao-
braska City's railway service. Nob
thirty-eiidit trains, passenger and
freight, arrive and depart each day.
It is said that Alliance is to have t
(95,000 roller mill erected, work to be
gin in the near future. Of this amount
the citizens are asked to take stock to
the amount of $6,000.
A colored porter on the Union Pa
cific was stabed by a jealous courtesan
last week. Fortunately the knife did
mot enter far enough to propce a fatal
A workman on the ttandpipe of the
fltromsburz waterworks had a narrow
Oawape from instant death the other day.
He was standing at the foot of the stand-
Btne when a piece of iron, weighing sev-
aity-fiv. pounds fell from the top of the
Owruetare, a distance of sixty feet, and
Jtjat aliased nun by a few inches.
The Beatrice Express is informed
i ever $30,000 was paid out for flax
I in Oage county this fall. The aver-
price being 1 per bnsbel. The
reached 11.28 before the season
John Oold attempted to drown him
self by jumping from the new Council
Bluffs and Omaha bridge' the other daj.
Jfc. watchman of the structure frns
taated his denigns. John was deeply
mitten on a French courtesan and she
shssk him for a better looking man.
Bene his dearie to shuffle oft
The Reporter says there never was
a town made as much improvement
without any help from its citizens in
two years as Madison has in the last
The Odd Fellows of Jnniata con
ferred the degree of Rebecca on a num
ber of ladies last week, and are making
arrangements to institute a Rebecca de-
See lodge there soon after the birth of
New Tear.
. A Wahoo special says that recent de
velopments in the Valparaiso failure
how an appalling condition of affairs.
It was thought at first that Scoville A
Crafts were honest, and that the amount
of funds appropriated by them was
nail. It seems that this sweet scented
pair have been for the past year sys
tematically forging mortises upon the
. farms of Lancaster, Heward, Butler and
Bounders county farmers. In many
eases the mortgagors are mythical per
sons. Abstracts and everything neces
sary to consummate mortgages upon
property have been boldly forged. In
early every instance the mortgagors
were fictitious persons, or Scoville A
Crafts executed mortgages on property,
the title of whioh was never in them.
The opening up of the Crete btanch
f the Missouri Pacific railroad has given
wonderful impetus to hnninnui
Om day last week nearly 18,000 bushels
f (torn Were bronsrht in bv (irmsH in
that section of the country, mostly going
uouua vi amppers ana ieeaers.
Mild as the weather hat been then
is complaint of scarcity of eoal in somt
of the towns. The first oold spell will
vawwwe a uauno.
A Fremont dispatch says: Congress1
aw Dorssy ia very mneu sought after
auee election by aspirants for offli
whs anooat to bo verr haaexr and very
BVfWiMMH mmnj aan vwwm
way frost the poblie oris but font
U Third
aioritv of the Dostoffiee. ia
district an botef songht after
Two of Broken Bow's otUbrititt
I ytJk the KteTsa, attempted to twtUe too
" "ipionthtp Ttth bsrs hrnnaio Tbo
ssHns toak olaea fat a (Issawtad bwdd-
tat lieraa. Tho parti, won Elmer
.Lb and Toon Smith. Bern ronadt
jo fought, whoa Webb wao declared
winoor and pocketed tho flOOaat
A Beatrice Beeinl says: Senator
Paddock to-day completd two imior
taut buwuens transactions. One was
leasing his new four-story hotel to Sam
uel B. Cressmnn, of Ilazelton, Penu.,
an experienced hotel man, who will oen
the same about April 1. The other was
selling to George F. Uaker, trustee and
president of tue first National uu oi
Kew York city, 1J lots in his Fairview
and Paddock additions, for ftiO.OOO, and
five lots in the north part of the city,
near Alemma Place, the senator s home.
Mr. Doubledee, of Raymond, who
was severely injured by being thrown
from a buggy in a runaway a few weeks
since, died laxt week. He was terribly
bruised alout the head and death was
caused by concussion of the brain. His
wife, whose shoulder blade was broken
by the same accident, is recovering.
P. C. Miner, of the B. A M. supply
department, drew $15,000 in the Novem
ber drawing of the Louisiana lottery.
Sonth Sioux City ia in nsed of more
The new M. E. church st Peters
burg was dedicated hist Sunday. The
presiding elder preached an impressive
and powerful sermon from John 17:21.
He then called for X), the amount
needed to cover the indebtedness. The
congregation responded w ith a subscrip
tion of $44."), $40 of which istobea
plied to the purchase of au organ. The
church is thought to lie the finest in
Boone county, and is 2ix4i, with side
towers. Petersburg is situated in the
celebrated lied Valley, on the Fremont,
Elkhorn i Missouri Valley railroad,
thirteen miles north from Albion; U a
little more than a year old: has twenty
business houses, a hotel, two lumber
yards, a grain elevator, a bank and a
weekly newspaper.
The city council of Lincoln gave
Mayor Sawyer authority to borrow $22,
000 to be used in developing the Ante
lope well plant. It is said that it will
take that snm and probably more to per
fect tlie new wat-r system.
In his last general order, ( lnef
Seavey, of the Omaha police force, noti
fies the members of the police force that
any officer who is found drinking any
kind of intoxicating liquor, in a saloon
or elsewhere, while on duty, shall be
immediately suspended and a recom
mendation sent to tlie hoard ot lire anu
police commissioners that they dishon
orably discharge each and every offender.
Hog cholera is still devastating
many herds in York county.
Mr. Charles McCarnless, a well dig
ger from Albright station, met his death
while repairing a well for J, V. Thomp
son, four miles and a half west of Papil-
lion.' He went into the well, which was
104 feet deep, and when Hearing the
bottom came into contact with foul air,
which resulted in his death. He could
be heard breathing for some time, but
as there was not sufficient help present,
before assistance could be had the un
fortunate man was dead.
Albert E. Hannstine, the man who
murdered Jiiram liotcu ana William
Ashley on the 8th of this month, in
Custer county, was taken to York by
Sheriff Penu for safe keeping, as the
neighborhood of Broken Bow was get
ting a little too warm for him.
While Mrs. W. A, Heimberger, of
Grand Island, was out riding her horse
became frightened and ran away, throw
ing her out and injuring her quite seri
ously. For a time her recovery was
A Wood River urchin attempted to
imitate his mother's method of tinging
a chicken by building a fire in the mid
dle of the floor and throwing the bird
in the flames. The family discovered
the fire before much damage was done.
A gang of shop lifters worked
Grand Island for over two hundred dol
lars' worth of goods. They first en
tered John D. Cowie's dry goods store,
where they stole about twenty dollars'
worth of kid gloves. From there tbev
went to George A. Dexter's clothine
store. One of them engaged the atten
tion of the clerk while tho other slinneri
out with about twenty pairs of pants.
The police were pnt upon their track
wittun naif an hour, and soon hail can-
tured the whole gang and recovered the
nev. A. Wright, retired post chaa
ain, United States army, died at hit
home nt Pluttsmouth List week. Kid
ney trouble, with complications, wa
the cause of his death. Deceased was
aged seventy-five years, seven months
and fourteen days.
-The Union Pacific is now unloading
the material for a round house at Val-'
paraiso. It will contain throe stalls,
and be built with the intentiou of add
ing others in the future, as they ajr
Denny Fadry was arrested at Ne
braska City for drunkenness and claimed
have killed a man in Texas. His
ome is at Waterloo, and it Is said be
answers the description of a man who is
wanted in 1 exas, for whom a large re
ward is offered. The police have tele-
raphed for a description.
A Ulysses lumberman tried to swal
low the "wish bone" of a chicken, but
it stuck in his crop, and a doctor with a
long rubber tube and a swab had to bo
called into action. The bone was re- j
moved, and now reata in the lumber
man s pocket, for inch.
(jnite a little sensation was caused
here, aays a Linwood dispatch, when it
was discovered that C. R. Peedav. a
quack physician, had packed up his few
personal effects during tho night and
departed for parte unknown.
Thieves entered the Star clothing
house at Crete and carried away several
nne overcoats, several smts of worsted
and caasimere, several fur cap and muf
flers. Tho back windows and doors were
protected by iron shutters, so tho thieves
niuea an eniranoe try prying open the
front door. J. A. Doah, tbo manager,
offers a reward of B0 for tbo arrest of
tho thieves and return of tbo good.
Tho nvlna bank doDartmsot of the
Lineoln rmbUe sehoohi now has l.tss JU.
powwra, ana maeposiM oggrognto over
The following li-t of member of tue
next legislatuiw is fr.m the record made
pin the secretary of state's office, and is
complete as far as the returns have been
handed in:
n -j i
I I e g
1 LLlnn
Church Howe.
y T Kanaom...
M O Polk
TJ Pickptt. Jrl
Wm A Pmton
J T HauUoB.
Wm H liam"
J B Sutherland
J C Rol)incM)n
J 1 Horn
John I'ern
il SlBhw
L, T shaUDPr
C H "oriill...
L H Jewett...
A H Connor..
S N Woltim-k.
J J Cnllairlj..
R S Virval
1 Btfhardion Hi mboWt ...
2 Nemaha ... '
5 (.Hoe
4 Cu
a S unlera...
t Downs.
Pouirla ....
6 PoUKia..
7 Burt
ft Cedar
9 Antelop
10 Dodire ....
1 Wayne
Nelrraaka Clt.i
Aahland .
" Neliirn
5 Platte. ."....Jl'I'Xw Ctaua.
13 Holt
14 cherry..
11 Cutter
1 Ituflalo
17 Hall.
in Mfrirk
jy swaru
1 U Havmond '.tl J-anraawr.
8 W Bt-ardxlejr 20 atr.
I w Kun. k 21 Ban
J I) Pojie 22 Saline
F V Wei herald 23 1 ua.ver...
C B KecVle.v... 24 York
L G Kurd 2r, ( lav
J S Hoover.... 2 Webster..
F I) Tnt-trart . 27 Adam....
0 ' Burton... 2 Hurlun ..
J P l.mdiiy... Jfi.Kornaa ..
J J Kmbitt SU''-oin ..
Valentine. .
Broken Bo'
'Grand 1"
.. Friend
. Hebron
. Harvard
.. Blu- Hill
. Hatn
I Beaver "tty...
. North Platte
an extra ses-
He makes no secret
that there should do
Republicans 27, Pemoerat .
I 3 3
i '
1 R. hardon FalliOlty
i Itiehar'leon Pawaon ..
1 Hi. hardao .Stella..
2 Pawnee.
Pawnee City...
MiXfloo Creek..
prlnir Creek. .. Itep
Tecumeeh ;ltep
M-ra. uae. 'Bep
Nebraaka Clt.v;lea
Plattemfinth ..;Pea
Weepfu ttater'Hep
Nebraaka Clty l'.ep
iilniore IPea
Omaha Kep
Omaha Ien
Omaha. H
Koui h Omaha
Houth Omaha!
1 C Tuny
Wm Fenfon....
H It Weller ....
Juliiia Bhodee.
K SI Herrv , 2 Pannee. ..
T J Major...... J Nemaha...
Kinorl.a-h 3 Nemaha ..
M'aeh Bobli ... 4 Johnson..
0 A Corbl 5 Jo n.on ..
0 H.irne 6 "toe
J Mut e, jr.... Otoe
F K hite 7 '
N M Sntehell... 7 '""e
J (.' W at on.... o
Amoa liate.... San
R S Berlin 10 Puutflas...
R C uab'ns-.... 10 l)ou?la...
' A Gardner.. I') Iiuinrla.--J
H Huncate.. 10 lourlaa...
F li llorriiiey..,io liooiria...
m Neve 10 I'oiiBla
Adam Snrder. ID lloufrlaa...
JohnlleMlllon It' 1'ouiflaa ...
H R Fenno 10 IfolllHaa. .,
M Cameron 11 'ah Kln; Blair
W A Hardlns. 12 Hurt -Oakland
F Kverett 3 Burt-ttaahtI.yona
I. P l.araoii.'..' 14 Iod(re Fremont
Hal Christy.... 4 Dodire ,. rlbner
Wm Colllna l.' ''umiux Ilanerolt
PFOullivan 16 roinlig Weat Point..
Henrv U J7, '. Wayne
A liWbit(ord..Ji Wsob Wakefleld
0 F KHner 1 Pierce Pierre .
A L T.)le i Knor.,
J U Cnleman C Antelope. ... N'eliurh.
A P Brink Y.'.BooDe (Vdar Kaplda.
J W Ktlrk. ...... 23 Madlaon.... Battle Creek..
J c Knartiiy... 1M P'tt Columbu
OK Green .j5,See Genoa
H G Brnniht.. 2 Collax ClarkBon
B B 11 Weber... 27 faunder... Valparaiso....
0 W shepherd 2V"antuer" Wahoo
J 8 Hill 2 Hutler Beilwood
M C Uelonev... 2 duller David City
Adum (Seed ! Serd ....; Beaver Croim'g
Hllertm.i .. ,2Kewara (iernmntown ..
CI, Hall 'S Laneaater.. M.euln ..,
J I. Caldwell...,1!)" Lsetr..iUBeolB -
F C Reverln t3 Lncater..:princetOB ,....
J W tllel tnar.n i IslUKUatXt.
J C McBride....'aO I.ancatr..
Wm Boiiatek.Jal Sailne
W J Dunn St Saline
W rrtlll j3J Gatre.
F E Wrnm...Jjl GaKe....i
J W Wililain.i:
A H Mc Niekle.
W II Plller
8 A Trnesdell..
B S Baker
J R Ballard
J A Dempster.
E A Gilbert
C W Hays
A Coleman
D A HcovlU.,
J J Farley..,
S W Christ v.
C W BorUs.,
Jns Hnnthom
I B Hampton
F D Olmsteod
L Hahn
F.d Hooper....
H C Den man...!
E A cadv
J R Hanna
J M Hunter
u lllabee
T Winter..
A 3 Buniham..
'a G'aKe
;t4 Jenersoa.,..
35 lhayer
3 Jefferson...
37 Fillmor....
127 rlllinor..
m York
&s York ,
3 Polk
Pen :
Niobrara Kep
Bio .Spring...
Cort land
FaJrbary.. ....
M Coiil Job..
40 Merrick irjiar.
41 HamiltoB.. Uuror
41 ii amnion.. MrqnU
42 Clay Edgar
43 Clay IGlevlll.
45 .Nnekoll ....'sniierior
44 W ebster jttnide Rock....
46 Adam.....iiaatln(rs
4S Aam.....;jiMtln)r
47 Hall I(irnd Island.
47 Had 'Doniphan
41) Howard st Pan
49 Greeley iGreeley CenterR'-!1
5 "Ol :.MInneola :Kep
50 Holt.....!charaber IP.ep
51 Brown lMBK Pine P.eP
52 KeyaPahHKnriiie- View .... liep
L W Gdi rlt...:.'iJ l'"..;Alllan.;e.. Kep
H St Rnor..l54 Lincoln ,Rldney. l;eP
H W'e-tover....'fi5 Valley 0rc! Kep
Jas Whitehead 6 Custer Broken Bow.JlteP
J E Karffent....j5 Custer Broken Bow...,KeP
F W Fuller 67 Kherman....,I,oup City ReP
n ri rotter m uuuaio Klra Creek
H H ldKrove.. W Bunaio Khelton
Tmrr ,,;..fial- The Indianapo-
.iucl'i...tina." he haa not dtiJed any
definite yarding his cabinet or
hi. Ticr. and will not do so until he
eans.ndha.had time to ivflort nin
ths inf.iruiat.on aud 1,
him. He keHUb in. notebook o
nation, that are mle not .11 of
cour, but thof that come from inon
whose opiiiio... are of raluo, and HmU
that .triko hin imi'"""''- -" "
the attitude of attention and question.
.11 hi visitor, on topics th.t are ill his
mind. One of the point npon which
,i.e. the virus of his visitors
.r.mri.'tr of eallinsr
ion of omi.'r'''-
,.f ,.un otiillioll
. revision of the Uriff " P
bio. and does not en-eo- V,"
iiartiM will H"ree upon a lull at tlie ap
Whether it i. borf
to wait for the new congress to s
sembld at the constitutional time
in l)ec. nil-r, "r oil it . to-
eether at once aft. r the inauguration,
is to him the i"ft iiuKrt.ut 'ines
tioii to ib-ride. If an extra ew,iun is
called in March the organization of the
hoiivcu be perfected, ami the com
mittee on contested seats andthecom
i..ltieei,i: uuvi and mean can be ap-
pointed and le summer luvestl-
"Htuc the rttiiins of contestants and in
prei.aiiu a tarilT bill. So that the
house. hen it meets a.-ain in Decem
ber, be ready to -jo to work at once,
lint if there is no extra session it will be
March or April, lttli), before either of
tin se committees will be ready to reiiort,
and several months later before any
Unfif legislation can be effected. In the
opinion of most of those whose advice
(.ieiieral Harrison has asked, the busi
ness interests of the country require
that the tariff question should lo settled
as sunn as possible, and ho isreirted to
s-ree itli tlinn. .snomer lmiMiruinv
point disclosed by visitors to Inilialia
IH.lis, is that (ieiieral Harrison will not
take part, directly or indirectly, with
any party quarrel. If h republicans
of New York, for instance, want a place
in the cabinet, they must not pet into a
squa'ible over it, for if they do the pres
ent elect will decline to slmwa prefer
ence for eitlier nu'iion, out win leave
thnt state out of his calculations alto-
llier This be has made verv clear to
several gentlemen who have called upon
Thanks''ivinir day was strictly ob
served as a holiday at Harrison's resi-
leiiCB. Private Secretary Hal ford wss
at his desk in the freneral's library for .
couple of hours during the morninsr,
ftssottins and rending the morning mail,
but beyond this all work and politics
were for the duv e-ehewed. Hon. K. Li,
Kerins, of St 1 otiis. was the only
CiieHt, other than Mrs. Iirown, that pal-
took of the I hanuaivinv dinner with
Oi neral Harrifn'ui uiid his family. They
sat down to dinner at half psst. two, and
discussed a bid fat turkey presented to
the general yesterday by one of his old
comrades. Captain Anderson, of Com
pany K, Seventieth Indiana reuiment.
The dinner was much like their usual
Sunday mid-day meal, cooked and
served in the good old-fashioned style
handed down to Mrs. Harrison by her
Pennsylvania ancestors.
During the afternoon a few ont-of
town callers dropped in to see the gen
eral, among them Senator William M.
Stewart, of Nevada, who is on his way
to Washington, and General J.mes It.
Chalmers, of Mississippi, who is also
en route to Washington. General Chal
mers has employed Hon. W. H. Calk
ins to conduct the election contest he
proposes to make before congress for a
seat from the shoestring district of Mis
sissippi. General Chalmers stated that
if the son Hi was to bo represented in the
new cabinet his personal preference was
General Mabone, whom he declared had
dune more for the party in the south
than any other man. He proposes to
have a talk with the president elect to
morrow on southern matters.
Joseph Wella..
O G Billey
Allen Klllott...
Krlc Johnson..
9 Dawson ....
CO Kearney ....
ill r rankiin.
i2 Harlan ...
! 63, Phelps.. ..
64 r urn as
J A Wllcoi IWRed Wllloi
A li i rtisen ir,: Frontier ..
C W Meeker.. ..7Chase
Plnm Creek.-.
Oxford ..
Mr-Cook .....
I mperlal
! K"-P
1 11(1
T Republican, 22 DwnocraU, 1 United Labor
1 independent.
At the Bottom of tks Ociin.
(jonassett (Mass.; aispatcn: It is
the opinion of Captain M. II.
Keamcr, keeper of Minot's light, that
I the Philadelphia collier, Alleutonn, is
at the bottom of the ocean, and lies
about one mile northeast of the li''ht
bouse, directly in the track of naviga
tion, and that she struck on Jasen's
ledge. The sea had subsided this morn-
inir. and Captain Ueamer, whose tarn it
was to take a t wo weeks' furlough, came
ashore and was relieved by his assistant
Mr. Reamer knew nothing of the Allen
town's loas until he reached home, but
he pave the following information,
which settles any uncertainty that may
have existed in regard to her fate:
At about 8:80 o'clock Tuesday morn
ing an immense amount of wreckage
was seen passing tho lighthouse. It
seemed to come from the exact direc
tion of Jaaen'a ledge, and all of it
seemed to come from no greater dis
tance than the location of that ledge.
This wreckage consisted of life
ers, boxes, cask., cabin steps, tho panel
work of a steamer's cabin, and a steam
er' topmast. Which wa. tmintetrl t.lalr
from itjpoak about aix feet toward, it.
took This wreckage continued to float
along during tho greater rut of the
morning, rdnee whioh timo nono has
been seen. Mo bodies won seen, and
i iii TOn,BT aoove wo water in tin
Hnauw Banuotioa.
Greneral Earrlton. aooordlns? to a m
hfion. wookljr, rornao. to open hi. mail
on BOBMr, AokU from tho
'rm. ofLalayotte, 5.T.,
hoo an old-tafhlonod olook awdobi Oor
many mora than M0 roan am ahuk
"Don't Ask Ms; I Dsn'! Know "
Buffalo (N. Y.) dispatch: Wilson Bis-
sell, former law partner of President
Cleveland, returned yesterday from
Washington. When asked about Mr.
Cleveland's future plans Mr. Bwscll said
he was heartily sick o( the way news
paper men nt Washington were, making ;
arrangements for the president's move- I
ments after March 4lh. j
"The president has given no thought
to his future, aiiid Mr. 1'issell. "beyond
a sense of feeling that he on-jit to'have
a rest when his term of olliee expires.
Hts has triven no thought to the nature
of the rest, and gueses arn equally wild
as to whether it will bo a trip to Kurope
or a summer in tha Adirondack.. "
"Will Mr.-Clevelaud return to Buffalo
to live?"
"1 am quite sure lie will not. His oc
cupancy of tho presidential office has
opened to linn a wider held of usefulness
than ho could liavo in Buffalo. But
don't quote i,ie; I do not ant to be in
terviewed, and all I really know is that
Mr. Cleveland is very busy on his mes
sage to congress."
"What will it be about."
"Don't ask me. I don't know."
In another interview Mr lii
that there was no truth in the report
that the old law firm of Cleveland Bja.
ell would be re-established. Tho opin
ion prevails here that Mr. Cleveland will
mass his uome in ew York.
Four Torritorim tut. Ik. Oklahoma Bill.
Washinttou dispatch: Mr. William M
Springer, of Illinois, was on Pennsyl
vania avenue yesterday afternoon. "We
re going to try very hard to pass a bill
admitting to the anion tho territories of
Washington, Montena, Dakota and New
ly pas tho Oklahoma bill at one The
noxthouaa will undoubtedly be repub
can by a .mall majority, ana I snpnoi.
he republicans of W tho imZnd
trenghoning that majority, b.terri
torie. could bo atetes ia Umo to elect
"Pr-JtnUUvo. to tho THj-,"T'nm-
Montana, Washintrton
nd Dakota are republican. TlTs aanau
W . MU?Son of BBS
d onch action mM -.i-i.tLi .'
NWaeut lr.
Chicago disrtch: Tho trial of Johi
Hronek, charged with conspiracy t
blow up the home, of Judges Gary an.
Griunell sod Police In.pector ItoufleW
with dynamite, was resumed this morn
ing, the jury hsving been aecnred yos
terday. Tho siate'o attorney, Long
necker, opened tha proceeding, with 0
pr-fatory statement of tho case for tbo
After Attorney Ooldxier, for tho pris
oner, had outlined hi. defense, which
was the dynamite foond in hi. iwaae.
sion was given him by a man named
Karariat, Hronek not knowing iU nature,
the taking of testimony l-guu.
The tirst witness was Frank Clilebonn.
on of the conspirators, ho has turned
Mate', evidence. He is unable to speak
Knglish, and hi. testimony ia Uken
through u interpreter, the witness
testified as to the circumstance, under
which he first met the prisoners. It was
at "Anarehint Turk's" house, afterward.
be met Coiwc, and he became intimate
with both of them. He was a frequent
visitor at Hronek's bouse. The last Sun
day in May Hronek told the witness how
lie bad a great scneme u ourn up a
lumber yard, but it had been discov
ered. He hsd also mised a chance to
kill Bonfield, and was afrsn! he would
never hsve another. He testified at
length couceruinir their experiments
with dynamite, and then said that on
several occasions Hronek had said that
he must have revenge for the death of
the anarchists. He showed pictures of
Grinned, Gary and Bonfield. A Ger
man named Schneider told where flrin
nell lived and showed a plat of Aldine
square, and on July 4 Hronek, Capee
and the witness went iu search of the
house. They finally foiiud the house
sud took a good look at it. On the way
home Hronek said President Cleveland
had a narrow escape when on bis visit
here. At that time he (Hronek) hsd
a Ixmib reaily to throw at the presiden
tial carriage, tint was dissuaded liy
Schneider and Nieknlunda. Hronek.
plans were to kill I'oiilield first, but on
talking it over with Capcc he decided to
put an end to Judge iriunell first. He
said that if no better opportunity offered
he would go into the court room and
throw a bomb at the judge. Then if
the police tried to capture him he -wmld
use a bomb on them, and if this failed
ho had a revolver and would shoot tbo
officers sud then himself, if he got a
chance at Grinncll or Gary on the street
he would use a knife.
The witness ssid Hronek's wife did
not hare enough to eat, and w anted her
husband to abandon his murderous plan
and go to work, but that Hronek said be
hail a mission to ierform, and would
perform it if she starved and lie was
hung. After further unimportant testi
mony was given by Chlebouii the conrt
took a recesH till 8 o'clock to-night.
Chleboun admitted reluct inlly that b.
was n-i anarchist and Im l dnllitd witli
the l.ehrnnl nebr verein in the old day.
before the liaymarket cpi"odo. He also
said lie hud gone to Copt k s house to re
ceive instructions in the art of nisking
dynamite. He paid 2 for the lesson
but didn't learn anything. He said
Hronek had told him on the trip to Kiv
erside that he was the man who throw
the bomb at the liaymarket At first
Chleboun did not believe this, but when
he saw the bomb, iu Hronek's (tosses
sion he thought that it was the truth.
.nd few weeks later he told Attorney
Fischer .bout it He had told no one
else prior to this.
At this point a recess was taken.
At the evening session Chleboun was
further cross-examined but nothing of
material importance was brought out
J. T. Aarrow, an employe of the Aetna
powdercorapany. testified to having sold
one of the defendants, Sevic, twenty-five
pounds of dynamite in July, 1HS7, and
may, lBeo.
The Official Retursi fr.m Indiana.
The official canvass of vote, cast in this
state, says an Indianapolis dispatch, for
presidential flex-tors, which began Mon
day, was completed to-day. The high
est vote for the republican candide.Um
was received by tho two electors at large,
while those electors on tho democratic
ticket received the lowest. The figures
given by congressional districts are those
of tha highest vote cast for the four
First district Republican 20,014, dem
oeratic 2'i,04l, prohibition 6oo, united
laoor l.oui
Second district-Ri-iiiihlienti irt rem
democratic 18,(100, prohibitum MSJ.unituii
moor mi.
inir.l district -Kcpuhlican l.i,107.
u.-iii.n-inuo it,, prohibition 243,
united labor 141.
i .'tirtn district--Kcpubln-an 1(1,142,
democratic HS,y?4, prohibition 281,
united labor 1K0.
Fifth district-Republican 17,620, dem
ocratic 18,ioo, prohibition 7W, united
labor 244.
nuiu district Itpiiii i can 9J ejw
14,417, prohibition 1,027.
united labor 154.
Seventh district
il..iii,u.f.,tt, or 'Mj . I :i ..- .....
" '"'. i,n, proiUDUlOIl tit.i, UU1-
ted labor ID".
Eighth district -Republican 22 999
democratic 2;!, 142, prohibition 5(10, 'uui.
ted hiUir Oil.
Ninth district-Republican 24.731.
! ":.)v, proiuuiiion 1,187,
uiiitmi tuoor ooj.
Tenth district-Republican 19,tV)4.
democratic. 18,350, prohibition 776, nni
ted lalior 155. '
Eleventh distri.-t Tf......i.t: ,
deinoi r.lin iV) .iiu i -i-..
.,.rjir. oroiiiim ion
-Republican 25,438,
united labor 189.
I8e. re..i
operation at a. 1
UKl8 (J,, jjj
7ontK. O
a yr- .
General 8on-i?)
tho life aavjn.V
port for the UatTj
tho falls of th, (if
outubef tV
A 1
8,853 I-rs.,Ml0
1 he n ti n. 1 u. .,
w ho received
anttioii w 74
of the venae!, J
these disasters ...
tins amount 7,77t J
hlff.A.. T
"""'-'i enaeu ...
. I - . . .
mo year IMeam.,
uch as sailUti7j
which were 2f, J
Thirty -seveDrti,
.".. ...Mil lUe lJaJ
1st) saved hjr (b..J
vesw-is w nen Mribj
were pi!ote, out d
229 vewM-la is (Jm.
wai ueti on by
partial or total U
Vie work oftWt,
the fore-om nj
Kimball rcwiU a
s.ncc the geiifrJuJ
vice to thu mi j
the increased utmJ
has bron-ht ,
casualties withm tt,
vice, the numljerd
turn to the nnmbet,
the verjieU ioTulr
fore, being ouj&
The lowest preii,
cal year ending In,
was ontt out o et
Stipt. Kimball t-
au increase in Ui eJ
sun men, hseb,
declares are; WurtLt.
lion than tiny n-er.i
cates the pa-sa-'etf
the house) by tiietid
at the last si-uiut c
ix-nsions to theolfH
of the service, ,)J
inilieiit peril, uj V
minor children. T,-
hist year was fi'.'t-
some th'iu.vtu U r.
year previous, u1
proHrty the eib
For the rnme
Jnne ), l."0,Siijt
921,100 rill he tM
Twelfth dialric.t-
Thirteenth distrint-R,.pl,j(, 3i.
united labor 120.
Total Itermblioan 283,881. demo,
ratio 281.013, prohibition Mi, united
1 g,gi. lUpubhcan plurality 'fig
"Tk. Jonot Carjefi ctt CaaB."
Waterloo (la. ) dispatch : Tho defend.
f. V. Millar, better known a. tho
Jn. county ealf caa.," h.v porf
od an appeal to tho supra., court fro
tho dom ion of tho rWrttobS tern. 5
dinf onrt in thUVoit muUf
-TJ HuonM oompromiie, i M j ZSEZ " W "7t
"ws, in lavor oi too Mmsttaioa of i bawnn ri , ' eaao
An Offer for StusSw
Pittsburg icii
incut labor Mtt
Jarrett, Chsrlei k
Robinson, are
pantio labor aipcJ
with isilitical
mi. (ers claim tint
sail. I.itchmio
constitution and ;
Mr. .Tarrett ssid t-i
nient was in ilmui'
'However, let tit
nuderstooil. Tki tl
be iu opiKwuhn k
bor or any other d
The new order ill A
to perform. It ti!ij
tcliij;crit wurkmjw.l
of ciMuiomio qaestws
stendiHiint. Oar oi-
the iKilitical q4
take such actioDM
interests of Ametwi
workiiiL'inen of to
orc.niintion at the pi
discussion of tbMt
as a body in ntu-R
camiiaica the desff
make the w.irkiiiiM!
b-ction does sot ffi
of tho laUnn: b
discuss aad 'lo
tions for llitni!
etitly and iiitelli;''-':
step will ! taken
dm Irsk, of U1
is 12 years old. sod :
fall has plonedfun"
a sulkv plow. orb
and loin.lii'u- tliete-.'
fortrtb'v met yi-n
dlo n SI. ..t!.. nil WJt'l
Wiitii N". Z -
Cobk-N--.'. 'i utn--
I , V .. V . -
I.1K ,...--
ItUlTBH ('reamer;---ll;TTlll-nl'tl,ll,l
ir.,-n" -
I'..... wu u t reeiiej
1 ....( Iinire. V"
Olili.s-l'er g
(iwinKM-IVrha -f3
Tl-HMics-lVr Im.
Al'fi.KS-l'ir W -
I'. .....ije bil...-
' inii.iin - - .
CUBiies-r lw-TouiToa-s.
Wooi-Fin. v
UOJIKI...... .J
( HorpER I" a-KB-r "
Kli HKKo-rtor
Hoo-.Mil sw
HosH'r BtBV-t'll',' ,
Wmkat No. 2 f
Coiix-No. 2
0T-JIixl nl,t
Coa.-rtr lo--0Tfe-lr
Poaa .." "
Hooi-ra,ni i-i
ft. A
a j A
WBBt j
Booo-Mlio. VA
wr -V.r but
I rsto NowipH. now mm won
ho-wT s boTbi piTr ' So ut .w .
tho oonTaUk, ' wi kao" th.
CoBB-rr b.j-Oatw-Fsr
hs" ;
psjaJohoO. Jit
'.,'' t, , " .
If i 5 "
.-. W" 'i - . . -
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