The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, November 08, 1888, Image 3

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net i,
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1 1;.
t! to,
: mif
, lust
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Ut'l ,
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tf3e it wonder
- WdtotheloDS
, M richest fab
. JU of the cen
isjUythe prog
YVfcen once un
J, highway?
t two and brain
f for titles of
V Mr elevation by
.tJtmd pluck tho
! tI impaired, ft
1 in the mad
y the marked
f-JMBt ?e.
jaatost intriaata
i Tii Mxbt to be kept
t will work har
, "Xt then it in eapa
'. ' of work.
. a. If expected to
(l fcft wound daily.
(J tame unlet it
ajaa break down
4 "fen ngular" than
I siaUs'sii that few
tiro work. It is to
let Modern social life
1 late is due. Men
Jt at both ends, then
I M ao quickly.
ta keeping the human
f working order is to
tar' ftU'ripbt. "Tlie
Mid nound hoalth is
at the Mood flows
. J limpid stream of
tot" ' " :
"jalaiotwitU Warner's
(illa, the old-fash-jm,
prepared after the
-TO by our ancestors in
ia day, and with tlie
4 brain which miiNt
J"i lexicon you will
mt lafcaveau.
awntigf; that Alonzo 0.
tacky lthacnn who
J. W ticket No. 31,809
rvm& prize of 8100,000
ct tie Iouisiiina State
vna 7th inst., our re-
jk residence to learn
I tea lired in Ithaca
1 rente the south end
7. mnpmintod houso,
f 1 linn street. Mr. Ed
jrahlg from his work
jibed the honse and
was the lucky holder
'naed ticket, and he
Jibe was.
'. paired the money?"
Umng, you can look
received this morn-
1 ftrde took from his
, tfewYork which was
v.i r: : sj ( the face vuluo being
I, ., B.J dMOoted for cost ol
V ' tT yout luck again?"
' "Said Mr. r,, "I
. " took occasionally, but shall
mi fortune run uwny with
Arrtof it is I e:tn now
' '"' Of my 0Wp,"nd Mr. Kd-
! orer the draft to his wife
ho should have cashed at
' ional bank, and tho uouey
- tt would be safe. .
(X. T
of s:
i. tii)ettllll cat do across
1 , " i OBd.) WeU Mails yellow gas
' tnow. ,
co:-:. , thlrt"fTtt Revolutionary
f t!, ilewi ."
f UtAB5f Tkwe is one rem
itry k y wit danger o! hum
mif t ft ft, Oslemnn, Chemist,
isjn -1". f i( tot trial pack ago ol his
i nn--. - node ol adver-
;na fr "!M"--f'r' 111'.tae 2c
at I- ' -Wtfc fcWio tliia paper.
" !'- taeosjft wkjr Beott'sKmulsion
lf "ii seeatfls, beeauso it is tin
lid li'i-H. CtokMSV Halilax, N. 8.,
v f, v;r. pssei"Sssf? Bcott's Emul-
Jttt tJ With Kypophos-
, w past Tar, and found
M- e-WetWSCS!ach and have
n !rairthan any other
, .....
fkftve ever used.
Ik I
ilcr. n
1 nrv
nias'sCelcry Com
'Wm Owed my nerv
es aWlkd-chc."
MwH bit wifl
f r -hUnion.Vt.
ig tlx bot-
ll m cured
g Cn.ih.N.H.i ,
"HM done me more
IfcuK ln mi mrM I
ff" 11 luwsawUdoey diKK ri
:-t 1 MM WTf other medi- I I
ZM qty,lo.a.n
4aMafttDeen ul freai
nit Sm n i ni it liver.
re itW
fled "
liel... '
S A"'1,1'
,rn E'1'
p -"
E'f. I
l.rl -
I, i.
!.1 -
inirru f!- I 1
1- ' m. ssjs'crcc, u
t doctors hop9-
Tllllf'.iili v of
av, hut uho
jtH. iH conW.
t frM. nMrpil
n.., ''(. ("i
The Famous Author of Cocle Tom's
Cabin" Fontued of 6lDg;ular
Harriet Beecher Stowe's health has
become alarmingly bad, and this de
cline is accompanied by mental eccen
tricity. Always original and charac
teristic, she has now become so pecul
iar that her relatives deem it best to
keep ber in retirement for a while.
That she will recover from her physical
illness is not deemed likely, but an
immediate denrse is not looked for,
and her physician says that her malady
is not necessarily fatal The decrepi
tude of old age has come upon her.
She is almost 76 years old. Until a few
years ago she retained her mental
power to a surprising degree, but lat
terly it has declined, and now she is
little like ber former self.
An overestimate of her famous book,
"Uncle Tom's Cabin." has grown upon
her until it is a hallucination. Her
story was so great a success, and it
was so potent politically, that it would
have been affectation in her to conceal
her prido in it. Tho constant and
quite extensive sale that the book still
enjoys could not but convinco her that
its hold upon tho regard of her coun
trymen was not much relaxed. Besides,
although she never witnessed a per
formance of a dramatic version of
"Uncle Tom's Cabin" bIio was mada
aware by tho newspapers that she fre
quently saw as she went about, that tho
characters of her creation still had
moving qualities with tho people. It
is only latterly that her ideas on tho
subject have become irrational.
At present she is undoubtedly poss
essed by delusions. She thinks that
"Undo Tom's Cabin" was as much
a divinely inspired work as tho Bible
that sho was merely a medium
through which God expressed his con
demnation of human slavery. There
is modesty and not solf-glorification in
the old lady's theory on that point.
Sho argues that, unaidod, sho would
have been quite incapable of writing
tho story. Jn support of this asser
tion sho cites the fact that, although
sho turned out other books, they mado
nothing liko tho same success. Indeed,
sho will often challongo a visitor to re
call even by namo any other work
of hers than "Undo Tom's Cabin."
So strenuous did slio at length hocotuo
in this matter that strangers and even
acquaintances took umbrage at it, and
at length tho family strovo to protect
her from all intrusions. Tourists who
went through Hartford were in tho
habit of stopping over for tho express
purpose of seeing her. That had to bo
stopped as early as last fall, and siuco
then sho has been all but inaccessible
except to her intimates.
Mrs. Stowo has estato enough to
support her comfortably. Had sho
foreseen the onorraous popularity of
hor book she might havo boon tho
richest of American authors; but sho
sold tho copyright for a prlco that
yielded to her only a very small por
centago of tho profits. Nor did she
havo tho forethought to rcsorvo tho
right of dramatization, as is done now
with all novols, and therefore tho pro
tracted use of hor story on tho stago
has never brought her a cent. Two
years ago tho projoct of a biography
by Mrs. Stowo was conceived by Mark
Twain, who has made a groat fortune
out of books sold through subscription
agoucics. Ho believed that a S2 vol
ume of Mrs. Stowo' s recolloctions
would find an extensive sale. Tho en
terprise progressed so far as tho con
tract under which Mrs. Stowe began
to work, but her pen had lost its cun
ning, and the littlo sho wrote proved
unsuitable for tho purpose A recent
modification of tho plan contemplated
tho composition of tho book by somo
body else, undor Mrs. Stowe's supervi
sion, and to bo issued as authenticated
by her. But she has failed so rapidly
and compleloly that she can do nothing
whatever in tho matter, arid it was not
in a shape to proceed without acortain
amount of her attention. Therefore
tbo proposed book cannot be made.
Aew 0leans rtcayune.
Lo.loc ll Harlal aiarfca.
The colored race is ehsngins in ap
prarance and losing some of the birth
marks peculiar to it The new genera
tion is showing the effects of a higher
fultnre. Especially is this noticeable in
the towns, where contact with tlie whites
shows its effect. The flat nosed, kinky
headed negro is passing away and be
coming an unknown race. All the col
ored children, no matter how dusky in
hue, show the change. Longer hair,
squeline noses and smaller mouth, with
thinner hps, are the ruW.
Wabnek's Lea Cast
BKmsrsg. flaiwaparil-
la," "Cough and Con
sumption Remedy,'
Hops and Buchu,"
"Extract," "Hair Ton
ic." "Liver Pills, "Plas
ters," (Porous Electrical), "Bone
Cream," for Catarrh. They are, like
Warner's "Tippecanoe," the aimple,
effective remedies of the old Log Cabin
A great friendship has uprung up between
ex-Queen Isabella ol Spain and Mrs. Mac
kay. Foa Bronchial, Asthmatic and Pulmo
nary Complaints, "lirown's Bronchial
Troches" have remarkable curative prop
erties. Bold onlv in boxes.
Fish are reported very scares of the
Grcenlund coast and In North liay.
"That Miss Jones is a nice-looking girl,
isn't she?"
"Yen, and she'd be the belle o! the town
it it viann't lor one thing."
"What's that?"
"Hie has catarrh so bad it is unpleasant
to be near her. She has tried a dozou
thln.s and nothing helps her. 1 am sorry,
for J like her, but that doesn't make it any
less liisagrieuble lor one to be around her.
Now it she hud used llr. Rage's Catarrh
Remedy, there would have been nothing ol
the kind said, lor it will euro catarrh every
Thurman brings lorth the bandana in
all public speeches.
A nh In It Jt II ,111 A
Is the source of much sunshine and joy,
Hurk cloud and lieht-
,-,,W l,iaH Tintinvsi nntin-
ual abide only In a heallhy body. The
... i . i A ImA
Creator witn great wmuom u uihiiuuu
over the eartn vegetable remedies lomv.ijr
ill of human kind. This marvelous Lab-
I Wc .A.. in mar. nrtlv t)T
long and searching labor. Few men have
... . ii T I) v
Bitumen greater success umu
T n. nn- rlavlaa.! f..r ailfflll-inff humanitV
a greater production than his "Golden
iUUUICai AIBCOVery , liiw uiiiui"h j
f.. nnn..n.njnn In tin ao rlinr B.t.fLVM. as
well as for chronic nasal catarrh, scrolula,
tumors ana an dioou uisoruem.
There are tailors in England who nsrer
send a bill to a customer.
An Extraordinary Phenomenon.
No other term than the above would an- to the woman who could see heryouth-
tul beauty lading away without a pang ol
n crct. Many a woman becomes prema
turely old and haggard because ol func
tional derangement. What n, pity that all
such do not know that Dr. l'ierce's Favor
ite Prescription will restore their organsto
a normal stale, and make them youthful
and beautilul once morn! For the ills to
which the daughters of Eve are peculiarly
liable the ".Prescription" is a sovereign
remedy. ltiH the only medicine sold by
rlnrgists under a positive guarantee from
the manufacturers, that it will give satis
Ijction in every case, or money will be re
turned. See guarantee on bottle wrapper.
Tho present tariff on potatoes Is fifteen
rents per bushe!.
irmirte1 with Pore f.y; me Dr. Tto Ttomp
ti n'. Eye Water. bruKElitu sell It. 2Sc
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castor!,
When b)io was a Child, she cried for Castorla,
"When sbe became Miss, she clung to Castorla,
When she had Children, she pave them Castorla
A Roland for an Oliver.
A cook In a cheap boarding-house
in New York played a littlo game on a
grumbling boarder, a nowspaper hu
morist, by serving him with a piece of
sole . leather instead of boofsteak.
You've chanced vour butcher, Mrs.
HascbeP" said the boarder, looking up
at the landlady after sawing two or
three minutes on tho leather. "Same
butcher as usual," .replied tho board-
ine mistress, with a pationizing smile.
Whv?" "Ob. nothinor much." said
tho humorist, trying to mako an Im-
prossion on tho steak with his knifo
and fork; "oaj this pieco of moat is
tho londcrcst I havo struck iu this
houso for somo wooks."
f n ekrnnlfl MJM AT HMnlM. ,liaii.
tisio, or gout, where the disturbing cause
is a wrtain acid which poisons the blood.
caivauoa uii suouiu oe used. J his power
ful pain-destroyer will in time dissolve tbe
DOlson rimiltttinff in Ilia Itlnnri an4 Kmh
relief when all others fail. Price 25 cents.
The latest Dews from Zululand comes by
cable. The warriors hare all married.
They desire in the future peace and happi
ness and enoufh Dr. Bull's i"Vmch Kw
for tbe next season.
RmHh In. .LI.. I- i .
in Manchuria and Mongolia.
1 -.TTT
. - fV,
An ODDOrtunitv fnr Avar T .. .1 - 1
tleman to secure an independent fortune
by the investment of only $5. Address,
with stamp, The Montana Investment Com
pany, Helena, Mont.
No lad T lands mn tniih '..-!- rt i
- ...... . Mti0 viui ucu
as Emi Grant.
For Dmil sob, 13 urns.
' Strong Evidence. New Proofs.
Crashed, leiui AikiAn4 0a..wii..iUrie'M.
Mr. JOBS J0VU wu na m r !
Sir 4ctarl ear nki; two boulu f ft,
JirA OU ari Ala Mmna tul; mo ralvm sf
r1- WALKIA A 00., DrocilitA,
Tamllj Use. lUlopalt,. Ill . K.y !, lltl.
rr Bnnbrr of vn St Jtcebi 011 qa bm
..l la mj Ibmilf. I It U the bast rmtf
far biixi. awalllaffl. eau, and cpralni .Tar
rapuaA. IKAIEa.
Bl(bt Away, i i.i!hi.i,w;i1,,h, 'li,
Z rumad nf laA Alba, fcl-llr aftd It waA cmroa"
rlAAt Av&jr b St. J&ceua 011.
Catarrh In the Head
Or finite, la tcrof oloni u at ta the WaeJ. aleaee
His prrper method y which to ears eaurrk, le t
ewrl9 Ac Hot. Iu many AliagreeaMe STBrtsass,
aaa the duir ef developing late SreeslittSe er tbe
Urrflilr f aia! else am eottiampJoa. are eatlrelr ra
Moved bf Boee'i SarupArUlA, wateta cares catarrh
ey surlfriai tke blood: It alio teact tae systeai
aad frcAUr lmarovss ths ceneral kealta.
Fer as fan I have keea trooalef wllk sstasra ta
tae held, tadltestloa. sad csaefal Sekuttr. lees
aladsd te try Hood s-SarsApArina. It aid ate as SI oak
ased thai I aave takca era betileA. My fccalka ass
Saatll lsvAd, and I feel uke a al tTcreat weessa
atatv i. . AsaKS, S Klcbmuad SL, Hawark, at J.
Hood's Sarsaparllla
MAi t All driest, dsniferea. rnpArsl eatr
ay a L HOOD CO, ApeUeearlet, LewaO. laaes.
too Doses One Dollar
EUert'a Extract f
Has cured all coughs, colds, bronchitis, sad
relieved asthma and consumption for all who
have used It Is not this an evidence ot Its
merits and reliability I It Is a tun and tai
medicine (or all bronchial troubles and never
falls to give satisfaction. Try It under a full
warrantee. Price 50c and $1.00 per bottle.
Prepared by Emmbut PaopaiKTABr Co., Chi
cago, 111.
THF rHM c$ A. VOf.Ftrn. cO..Bal!imoro. &.
Diaaiond Vera-Cura
StonaaA Troiblea Arlalug tAarabvin.
reir DntQgiit or Umtral Vtatrr uill gH Vera.
Oura Jor you i not alrtady tn twk, or U mil be
ml by mail on rfrnpl ol 26 clt. (6 Ijoiei $1 .00) Ul
Alumpi. Samplt mU on receipt qf I ccrd uamp.
Swla Frapnatan aad Mauulivharara.
1 1 mm l
li i t tn
I'osllivrlycitrrtl b)
inrac i.iiaie a"iiin.
They also reliero Dii'
treaa from Dywpepia,lii -itlRMtionindToolleart:
EAtlne. A perfect rem-
edy for DizziueHS.NAnsea
Drowilneaa, Had TaatrfJ
In tbe Mouth. Coated
ToDgiio.Pain in the Side
TOKI'ID LrvEIt. They
reeulato the Bowels
Purely Viwtable.
Price 15 Cents;
CASTES lfES!CH7S CO., net: Y WE.
Small Pill: Small Dose, Small Price,
I TnstAiitJ rAlinma th most violent attack nA I
insorw cnraionn.;io sifp. nw, ror in
'itl;rs.lleini? ustwl by inhnUtion. Its action in im-
3irartiit, direct sndrerliUfj, snd a euro is tho I
wait in til ctirattla csttoa, A sinslotnal con- f
rlncMi the most HkpptiraJ, - Prion boo. and fclOOf
t oi uiy ur'ia'3i, or ny n.!ii. rnrnpis r reo for
O Toa VVanuu Hralns,
! Lirtrri, ftt-fl faearlPRS, Brui
iu wtta ton n-im k .i far
wrrstichealc. ror fren jHm
MnUiin this pincr and aJrtra)
10t! OF BlgSHAWTttN.
BIN fc liaJlTUM. Nfcj
Brvvr Ooms, Never Frcexai la Wlater or BTetta la
Baium.r. avarr bat Guaranteed. Sampla ordan
aalielbd. Wr te for Prtoes. Wa make tha bat
Avle-Oreaaa knowa aad nell cheaper than otbera da
ttwlr aooda. ' I. A U K A WIHK GO.
OHk a Klvar Ctraat, Dhleatca. Illlnela.
a-tM 0 mm.
i ab
Hai ti;-. irtar"tl IitTfi. rim?
)'i'kfl l-vr.vt-r- Sfd ik. in stamri
'r tllitraid l(IO-pajr Lnlaiuxua n" Onn:,
i;-.tlr. KtJV..iV.TS, I'Oll (lO ".a., Itr. JOHN V,
LOVa'LL IKBS (O., Jt.Durrs, Boituit, Miu,
di scnraro
Htmlnht Kk sw as al
to Isjcrjta, llalaaaalycauiltirtOf -(
b tTMiglMttf ! W ikss-;
m kaaa (s MS is4
T. aV -"- anlaalllasa fnr )Vt
aUafcrow saiacral. MMCVKT. and wlale
Its actie as a coiatiTt i felt equal, it J
rMswssts aUa of tl faaQoaa cSects. j
la Csttstipstto.. Kaavdrak acts npos-j
U)S) bawds witlMwt diiposiat them to sa5i-
faqiist Costtaaess.
No remedy acts so directly on the liver,
nothing so speedily cores Sick Headache,. ;
Soot Stomach and Ql I I A
Biliouineu as these Lolmdo
tar tali by all Drarrteta. IMoe tS cts. per txnrr
t boxal far 66 cts.; er aent ky atail, eosuge frKs os
receipt of price. Dr. 1. H. Bchefick Bon, Plund'A.
Upright and Horizontal,
PorUblt) aad Bcml-Portibls.
S te IS Bans Power.
Illiitritea ranipBlet Free. AeereM
or 110 Ubertj St. Maw lark,
W 0,000 sores in any uif irsoU. Just ths plso
Cor ft colour. Special Inducements to ssttlsrs.
rMTR Wsarttfati. Il an nonr: 50 new articles. Cat
lojfue andaiuupie free. C. C. adrtiiKa.Loslcport.N.t
n "n.-i t 3 n. t j:
ifuoi" cdgis Luaiieii in untJ itbciiMi
A Tear's Work Done in Ten Days.
From th Chaplain of Exeter Coll fee, and Eooflttaa
By rise Priemiii, Oxford.
:oll. Exon. Oion., Bei-tertihpr, Vl.
Dpst Sir: In April, lfws. whflo thli.kfr.3 of iacIx.; In Septcmijer. 1 m-idenly received noilts 'iiaa
my ordination exarolnailon would be htiA t a 1vn
nlntit. I iiad oniy ten (10) dayt In which to v?ri.ri
lor (he Exam. I should recommends ye..r's prc)t
rut Ion In the cane of anyone o utterly naprfpa'-fft
I win; but your By-item had o -trrnirH'Tjed uvp
natural memory, that 1 was able to raiutiiuoti
give the gist of any book after read. or; it oc. &
therefore read Lightfoot, Proctor, Hr.rolrt, Itrtjirm,.
Moubclm, etc., etc., onoe, and was auccssfal to
every one of tbe nine paperi. The present BUkv b
Edlaburg knowi the fac. Faithfully Toors,
Hit. J a mm Middlbton MAODO.Ht-ii, IM-ai-X
To Prof. A. LolBette. 237 Fifth Avesue, N. 1.
A snrs
eaaaBaBaBaaBaBaaaaaaflBaaBrB OaarlaatB, aia
Hf BJI a STt'Sr. Book-keeplna,Fenmalbl-ev
ef Iwl Am, Arithmetic, Sfaortband, etc, tacvw
otiKhlr taiiRbt by mall. IowrAtea. Ctrcors freeh.
UUYANT'S COI.I.E(,B. tlMalofct.. BuBnltst. K,
W. H. U Omaha. 43044.
J Jaj a-T, a,J tJt 4 J Jw lJw ww J1 -J Ji
Thf mail who has inveiiuti irem three
to five dollars In a Rubber Coat, and
at his first half hour's experience in
a storm finds to hii lorrow that It is
hardly a better protection than a moi
qmto netting, not only feels chagrined
at befnjf so badly taken In, but also
leels It he does notloot exactly like
Ask ior"the""r'ISII IiKANi " Slicker
docs not have the fish brand, fiend for descriptive catalogue,
i 5 T Y Y Y V T V
A Jl t$4 ssi sj sj tJ. fr Kt ay
We offer tlie man woo wauts brit
VsB 11 the only perfect Wind and Waterproof
BUJ k fill Coat Is "Tower s Fish Brand tsliCeU-r."
I wk and take no other. Ifyonr storeac-per
wiMlirr.,ttlr.ini A J. TnwiR. 20 Simmrmi Ht.. Roaton. Mim.
(not style; a garment that will feet;
Urn dry In ths hardest storm. It 1
called TOWER'S FISH liRANl
BLICKJEU," a name familiar to every
Cow-boy all OTsr ths laud, witn tiiem
- Ii TJ I T. U li.' X l S tJT .
Gorliss mi Single Mm Info
Complete Slcam IInnlx from 1 to SOO II. P. I'm-nisIieiS. '
tV Vril for Circular II. Slnthia BiuhiMS. SIOVX CITY lOTTtf,,
to $8 por day- Raniple worth 1.M FREE. Lines
not under the hnref feet. Write Brewster
Safety Rein Holder Co., Holly, Mich.
PlUf-CDO M TUMORft removd without Imlfe
VftRwCft) MundreHa rnrrd. Writ for refer
swees. lilt. F. JB. GOllKV, Milwaukee, Wis.
ffSjf st rjvt at horn and inaki more nosey working for u tfaas
HHI at rniTttifriff els In th world. Kither Ceatlr outfit
rasa. Tarsus) Addraas, 'i auafc Co., Aug-iut. Aiaina.
nviGHT's "enw brandsooi
mmm Six Serial Stories 150 Short Stories
i, ' sss
j? X lJb Trofusely Illustrated by Eminent Artists.
tCj' TaleV'of Adventuro; Illustrated Articles of Travel; 1,000 Anecdotes; Historical
and Scientific Articles; Sketches of Eminent Men; Humor; Poatry.
$5,000 in Prizes for Short Stories.
Thm Priass Of 91,000 aaob, thrsa ef $780, and thras of S2S0, are offered by the Publishers of Tot CourAHlON for tha bait
flhart Stories. Bend stamp for full particulars in regard to tbe conditions of the offer. , .......
The Senator's Sand-Glass.
Senatorial five-mionte spoechos are
tiraod by an old-fashioned time-glass.
When tho Sonalor boirlim his roinarlt9
the glass is turned so that tho sands
begin to run. When tho last grain
drops through tho tiny opening tho
Speaker' 8 gavel doconds, and tho
si roam of eloquence is cut olT short.
This lod Senator IngnlU to say: "It
takes sand to run tho Sonato."
Old lndy (to druggist's bov)t "I
want to git a loollo paint, boy." Byj
"Ycs'w, faco or fouccP". Life.
Four Holiday Numbers
An te trrparAtioa, sat wffl bt Axos41nfl7 ettreaute, Uled with th spsclal
- work ef ear tarorita wrttara, aad profuujj tltitrated.
Thanksgiving Christmas New Year's Easter.
Tlies (ruDTenir tinmbars will k Mai te Imd 8"bserlber.
& The , Illustrated Supplements
Which were arlren with nearly (Terr biu during th ltt year, aTS I
sa lmportAiit part ofllia paper, aba wui o eonunusa. r - ,
Mo other paper attempts to fir sash a Urje lusrtsi e( BUttej 1
Dluitrstlons wtthout Increase ol price. v,'tT'.. '" ,
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