The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, November 01, 1888, Image 4

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    E. Bkewster,
The Sioux County Journal.
Vic. Pre.
CHAS. C. JAMESON", Cashier.
Commercial Bank.
General Banking Business
Published every Thursday by tin?
Subscription Price, fi.OO
W. E. Patterson Editor and M'gr.
Entered at the nostotiice at Harrison
as second class matter.
Harrison Market.
Butter, 20c.
Eggs, 20c.
Poultry, per doz. 2.40 to ?3.
Oats, per 100 & fl.00 to 1.10.
Corn, per 100 lb f 1.10.
Bran, per 100 R f 1.10.
teed, chopded, per 100 !t f 1.40.
Potatoes, per bu.
Sorghum, per ga, 50c.
Onioas, per bu. $1.00.
Beans, per bu. $2.00.
Jones & Verity,
Harrison, Ik
shut up. I will fchow them herd law
men what is wliat He says if a poor
man can't fence let him leave and go
somew here else. J.
C. H. Andrews t Co.,
Dealers in
Fine Toilet Goods,
H. M. Warneke,
Is always ready, assisted by his genial
elerk, Mr Thomas Reidy, to wait upon
their many customers with a
Erv Goods. Rnn. awxA su
AVm. Ohristensen sjient Sunday in
Thos. Reidy is visiting with friends at
I lay Springs.
Finest calf boots and shoes made to or-
ler bv M. Bruck.
Messrs. Guthrie and Hull have moved
mto their ilainis.
I avid Andcr.vjii, of Mjutrose was ii
Harrison Mniniay.
Mr. Salsbury. of Antelope, visitet.'
this office TiicsJa v.
Any on" wishirg to buy line porker
all on Ntd Andrews.
Miss 'da Hester was one of the man
-allers at 1 his office yesterday.
Mr. W. Barker left Tuesday .eveninp
for Rr.shville on a business visit of u
few da vs.
The Larnell & Nelson saw mill, in
Prairie, dig canyon, commenced sawinc
vesterdav This mill is closer to towt
I y 4 or "i miles than any other and wil,
lie quite an advantage to the people ii
that way.
A. R. f.'ew and Andrew Christensen
accompanied bv locator Thomas, visit--)
the Van Tassel country examining th
unoccupied land belonging to Uuih
.Sam. They succeeded in killinjr a conn
le of antelope, of which honor Bert
laims the larger per cent.
The demented blackguard who sling
ilth for the Herald quotes the statute oi
perjury, regarding the two years stud;
iialification for admission to the bar.
juery. n whose offices did Messrs Sat
erlee and avis burn the midnight oi.
vhile attaining their present proficiency
n legal knowledge.
As the Herald so aptly remarked ii
ts last issue, the present campaign ii
'ioux county does present some remark
J Iy amusing features. Anions' them i-
.lie spectacle oi a man whose recon
hows that he has paid little attentioi
.o the laws of either God or man.
trying to evince great indignation at
June one else's religious opinions. Neigh
ior, would'nt it lie better to remove tin
timber from your own clouded nnti.
I 1 i J -Pa .
iiau lu hum aruunu alter a mote in
,-our neighbor's eye?
Oct, 29, im.
F.n. .TnmiVAi-
A few more items from Quill Drive.
W. F. Shepherd has a large cattle sitl
almost completed.
Wm. Brooks has a large cattle hed
under construction.
There are fanners in the valley goin
around with potatoes in their pocket
Sotneliody had lietter look out.
S. J. Let-ling has moved his family on
to his claim.
'Hell is txiri'inz, that is the wav we
round it up." Republican. We wonder
.vliat will be popping when Walker i
I.-, ted.
We woul.1 say to the people of Sioux
nuntv, look out or vou will vote for
'he devil this fall.
Shall we vote for a man who smokes
igars and trails a crowd into a saloon,
ir shall w e vote for a man w ho is not
ishamed to go into a store arid gH a
needle and thread and a couple of but
tons to sew on his clothes. We would
say; Mr. Gilchrist is a fanner and works
to the farmers interests.
Hold on to the plow, my brother hold
Hold on 'till the work is done.
Hold on to the plow and weary not
For the work is almost done.
We notice an article in the. Herald
tating that Mr. Walker claims that E
. Sattei'lee get-i $923.11 and f 104 Ix'side
unking b total of $1117.11, according ts
:he Herald's figures, but if you will no
'ice in the Jotrnal of Sept. . 13, Mr.
Valker says that the county attorney
hould have lieen paid at the rate of f :!00
K.-r annum nut instead lie was paid at
'he rate of $r00 jier annum for his servi
es. Not satisfied with that amount the
ounty attorney presents a hill on tht
th of July for ?100 and it was ullowed.
nd the next bill was 1134.32 for furn
-hing of supplies and printing; making
i total of $794.32. Just look at the diff
rence. We wonder if there ia unu lu
fter. If there is, we would think Mr.
lerald would shake in his boots. Now
ve think we know what Mr. S. is driving
it. He thinks he will pull the wool
ver the farmers eyes so they can't see
inything and keep Walker out of office.
Ve say to the PEOPLE of S.OUX COU
NTY; beware of false prophets and vote
"or Walker and Robinson.and by so doing
,iut a stop to the damnable rim?.
Ha! ha! ha! more mulching in the Her-
Yours Most Respectfully,
QttLL Liuver.
.-t.iit and hrouf ht before Judce Hunt
er. The case was continued until to-day
and Walker returned into the sheriff's
hand Aftr 1 had taken him over to
his house the county attorney followed
and demanded that the sheriff place the
prisoner in the 2 by 4 bedbug curscry
called a county jail, which he was com
pel led to do. A bond was immediately
p-ot tfn n n and nresen ted to the Judt'e,
n - -I- i -
signed by a haif dozen of the business
men: and, wonder of wonders it was
accepted and Walker released. His con
finement only lasted about 20 minutes.
This makes the fifth doe Mr. Walker
lia rw-eived. directly or indirectly, at
the hands f a mani'o who jxissesses the
monumental cheek and unalloyed
brass iii-s'iflicieiit quantities and of the
necessary quality to dare to ask the in-
t.-lliL'eiit von rs of Sioux nuntv to ele t
urn to ollii e; who. w ith the asistanet
'f his im briate i;il. thus harp.iss-s ln-
pohtica! opH.nci)t and out of the county
treasury the cost is liquidated.
The first charge was for a suposed as-
iiult on Massey of which Mr. ( 'lias. L
Tiibbs, who was with Walker at the
time, says: "There is not a word of
truth in it. He never touched M iwv."
The second was the i luh case in which
his inehr.ate pal did not figure but in hif
stead was a wagon spoke or something
iimilar. A Ilttimr substitute.
The thiid and fourth arc charres of
Malicious libel, one of which only occu
pied alxnit three niinutes of the District
Judire's time in disposinsr of. and he
would have disposed of lioth in the same
time had they Ixith Ix-en presented.
Is it necessary to say that this last
harge is just as groundless as any ol
the former ones, or that there will
likely lie another charge ready as soon
as this one is disposed of? We think not.
Loans Money on Chattel f
ed Rock Prices.
it r.
Fenoeor Herd, WhJcll?
Ed. Journal:
i on were kind enough week before
last to publish my communication on
the above topic. Now I offer a few
wore thoughts and verifications oi
statements made then. It is verv r.l .m
that this is not an exclusive country, but 1U ,B auapiea to more pursuits than
me or two. it is furthermore a fact
mat any exclusive country is not adapt
ed to that general developement calcu-
.iiu io suit me mixed multitudes nf
this country. Then let us foster all the
-nuustnes tjiat our country will sustain.
..enavenoiignttomake against any
.. s.i..,iiuie ousiness, but rather would
protect any and all. for want f i.i
law, Hall, Hamlin; Leeling, Clark, 1 ait
and others have lost not less than f 1.000
onn oi property, within our lin,ii
knowledge, hy straying or being driven
For want of a
To have some one skim the well even
To know if there is another trumnod
up case awaiting Walker's release?
-lo know of a town that has bette.
wtels than Harrison. Tliev are verv few
To have a regular correspondent
rom War Bonnet and several other pre
To know what Tubbs is going to d
vith all the machinery he is preparing foi
he Novelty Works.
To have every one read the Herald,
t produces more argiynent for the peo
ples ticket than any other.
To know where the nominee foi
county attorney on the Republican tick-
ens ana u we men who secured i,:.
nomination are supporting him still.
We have fine weather for this time ol
the year.
Threshing is all done in this r.uht i
u ... .
uk neignoornood.
We would like
dekens' fence and let his gentleman cow the range and lost
."-.6CU,Jf n must 3 Uen nera law, (.kibb, Shiltz, Lout Will
he animal that broke our friend's dogV Thomas, Biehle, Nelson, Rohins0n
leg. Keep your dog off the cattle Mr. others lost in crops, in the same cor-
pay. it is free range yet and it hurt- "er of the county, $1,000 more The
ome of us to see our neighbors catth ""provemente kept back for the sam
run on our prairie or range and we will year is much greater.
m0i0r1Ub,theni f ' bUt UR cattk H 18 nng to see how unanimous
may run where they please and do'n. all the lute immigrants are on
you dare to drive them off faster tJian . j't "Ub"
2 j a yirWiI1 HaVe a trip 10 Brook8' 0erla(h- Wilcox, Tally and
1lJudKeUDte:wi ci' you. Wc otherswithhenlsof40or50 h:rZ;rd.
.mvownouor40 head; we can f. fence or henl ,..,.
mr own r,W nn,i . . , r." """r nave
r vii uur neiKhbon mem uep eted bv th to
erweronrountofhigh wat rvMS
er. This good man lefe his cattle eat all no consistency in the nlea wh?
.re not athoine. Ten acres of millet is few for hay or wite7tZ T y
i-tty good feed. gone a Jo not wanthe couo JyS'no
patcbln.aka then, laugh and a bit of it We haveS i MZ'Zn.
ee. Johnny got home but they did aid in our last Let thll
not comeback but hunted up me other But it will be neceary h,
ifthi.poo'SrrS Vour.RespecUujiy
erd his stock next yew he -v. k! A. Ojusoeb.
mil if U herd law! " , -
my broking pkw TbLk . ' W,ttw n.to4.
row aroma m.pltce L,t7' WalW wM arreted Twadav at
iujgi property, 0rn mi by OotUcih
From Pole to Pole; or, Tours Round
the W odd: Being a Graphic Account ol
Thrilling-Adventures, Marvelous l.iscov
eries, Strange Phenomena, and Famou
Sights in All Parts of the World; Con
taining Wonders of the Tropics, Re
nowned Explorations and Voyages, and
viviu Inscriptions of the Various Conti
nents, Lslands, Seas and People of the
This superbly illustrated work com
prises in one magnificent volume a graph
ic description of all tint is interesting
instructive and curious in the whoh
The voyages and explorations of the
greatest travelers, their thrilling adven
tures, terrible dangers and miraculous
escapes; the strange customs, savin
wars, human K.i-rificu ,.ii r. .r
gove.-nment of wild nics:tho brMi!,....
scenery, beautiful birds, ferocious Ix-asts
ana reptiles or the tropics are all de
scribed in the most fascinatinc manm-i-
The reader is conducted through the
renowneu viuntries of Europe, he sees
toe line om cities, the immense buildings,
the magnificent palaces, the dress, man'
nerand customs of the people, and is
uipmaieu mr myriads of the most en
trancing sights.
Crossing the ocean to the Western
Hemisphere, the reader ml. ...-
through South
vast panorama of the wonderful scenes
m that great continent The work also
describes with graphic power all that is
fascinating and Marvelous in the Five
Great Oceans of the Globe.
We cordially commend tHi. k.i,
our readers. No one could nki,;.
information it contains without spending
ten times its cost and much time and
. .iure ii is g,ven in a single vol
ume at a very low price. It is pule
l'hed by II. E. Orosh & Co. of Rk-h.
mond, Va.
Tlie work is printed on dn
contains 316 lure oet.avn
embellished with 324 ln,.if,,i
ings by the best artists.
Hundreds of books bnv ....
, , . -a.v iotu con-
densed into this one mmmin-. ... i...
fi.-iv , , """ oiume
of thnlling-adventures, startling discov.
eries and miraculous
K"un "as beencullKd and gar
nered, and the chaff reWft ti. - ...
a brilliant array, of all that Is mar-
ZT "tpuis of the sta.
... very valuable work is sold bv
subscnpUononly, and Mr. J. F. Hovev
- tne authorised agent for this
.wu, now canvassing for it
The Republican rnlljatthe hall aBt
evening was wen attended by the people
ofHarr,s,,and vicinity. TIk, ZLr
Used speakers, Messrs Osborn a,Kl Cor
nell were unable to attend and their
PU wa., filled by Mr. L.K. AfcUr, Z
Amsworth who discuseed the Uriff xLZ
"res for an hour. Mr. Gilchrist, rZo
bean nominee for ..:.. ?.
r"!.:lrn,;,yuPoni,'Hiticui z
- "y ior a while.
First-Class in
Ti,;., ir,ii .r chJ ii ... ,
nubvi i-i wen iikLvu up iearuius.n oi pains ana HvT
To the comfort and convenience of the i ('
lie and jrmanent boardw Qj
Best Accommodations in the br
TABLE. f, - '
EQOERT R01IWER, Propri.ton
Special, Attention to
J. F. Pfosf s Liven
And Sale Stable
Rigs Furnished With Drivers Posts:
Ranges of the Countl
Special attention paid to busn' '
i4s '. '
t ,.drcws
alers in-
"N fast cm
fcl I; p .
t-. - ' ' "t. ;'- . ',
v - 4 ... r v.
nan Reidy, t
sWmers witfc
land &h
tvnt, Feed