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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1888)
& E. Brewfte, r .- Pres-dvnt. . F. ' V'FFII. Vice. Frs. CHASL C. JAMESON', Cashier. Commercial Bank. " CJCOEPOEATEP Gsneral Banking Business TRAM'S A CTE '). the Sioux County Journal. Publish.! every Thursday by liie JOrBNAL PrBLIHIG COMPANY. Subscription Price, 2.00 W. E. Patterson Editor nd X pr. Entered at the postoffice 8t Harrison as second class matter. Nebraska. C. H. Andrews & Co., dealers in Drugs, Paints, Brushes, Oils, -AND- Yim Toilet Goods, STATIONERY & PERFUMES. BEST CIGARS IN THE CITY. H. M. Warneke, tTIIE- PIONEER MERCHANT OF . Is always ready, assisted by his genial clerk, Mr Thomas Reidy, to wait upon their many customers with a COMPLETE STOJK -of- FAMLY SUPPLIES, Try Goods, Boots and Shoes, Grocerief, Queensware, Flower, Feed Ac. &c., at lowest Bed Rock Prices. G.VE THEM A CALL AN J SE CONVINCED. Harrison Market. Butter, 20c. Eggs. 20c. Poultry, per doz. 12.40. Oats per 10(1 B, 1 00 U 1.10. Corn, per 100 tb U 10. Bmn. per 100 Ml 10. Feed, chopdcxl, per 100 & f 1.40. Potatoes, per lui." 1";. Sorghum, per jjnL 50c. Onions, per bu. $ 1.00. Beans, per 1m. $2.00. Billy Patterson is st 11 hire. Win. Brooks called in Monday. Mr. Z. S utl was in town Monday and Tuesday. M. Brink visit ,-d the valley one day this week. Finest calf lioots and shoes maUe lo or uer nv Ji. ia it. The trade in Ivd clothes has been good for a,week back. For a good si ove of any kind go ti Win. rhristHnv.n's. G. V,T. Hester moved into his new hvclling this wc-ek Evaporated fru:ts are (heap-quality 1:4 das i at Gayhart's. . Tims. Reidy visited the uortliern coun try one day this week. Joseph Ilihtelia and son, of Indian reck were in Harrison Tuesday. B'jrtlow Bros, received a part of theii household furniture last montlav. Wm. '"unimings, engineer at Kendall's saw mill, spent Sunday in Harrison. Miss MeMann, sister of AV. A. McManr of Five Points, arrived here Tuesday. Special prices on canned goods, oni week. Gayhurt's Montrose Store. W. R. Smith has so nearly com) letei' his hew house as to make it tenantal L Mr. E. E. L'vermore is luilding am improving on his claim 4 miles s nth o! town. Mr. Penington should lie proud. Abuse from fools is second only to the com Herniation of the wise. Why does the Herald and Repul licai keep harping about the Ji:rus Mortlirj .a.? Is it a guilty conscience? Mew Hats, Gloves and buck Clothing Everything for the Working-men-Price, tre Right. Gayhart's Thos. Reidy received a call Wednesday irom two of his eld friends, J. J. Rior lan and W. J. Smith, who are going 01. 1 hunt in Wyoming. Born To Win. Hawn and wife, or Jet. 1, an eight pound boy. The real corners of Bill.e's smile just touch. It. the lirst one of course. The window frames fcr the coun iiouse have arrived and the brick work i. ceing pushed toward rapidly w.tii a vie. Lo getting the buiUmg enclosed this fall Mr. Mohr, of Sac county Iowa, U iere visiting his son on Hat creek. Th. looks and prospetts of S.oux count pleases him and he will probably deeidi to locate in Sioux county. Miss May Tool arrived in Harrisoi. from Greenfield to-day and w.ll prob;: i 1 .jo out to her fathers sheep ian li 01. Var Bonnet soon. Tool w.ll be a valuable addition to the young ladies oi tliis county. Rev. J. A. Scamahorn came dowx irom Crawford Tuesday. He is making arrangements to move to that place ivhere he will preach during the ensuinu year. We heartily commend Rev.Scam uhorn to the people of Crawford as ;i gentleman and a sincere christian work tr, although we hate to see him leave Jiordon. Gordon Republican. Rev. Scamahorn will probably preach n Harrison every alternate Sabbatta. A. R lew, A. R. Kennedy and An drew Lhristensen arrived in Harrison to Jay from Greenfield, Iowa. Mr. i ev. and Kennedy liave claims north-west o; liere and Mr. t hnblenstn wdl probably locate. These men are valuable addi tions to Sioux county, lieing men pos sessed of more than average ability. Mr, . ew will bu Id immediately on he homestead 011 War Bonnet. And compel you to come before an impartial tribunal and answer for youi crime whether you want to or not'. Republican. e oes the Republican mean lo say that the last tribunal we were before was n partial one or the former an impartial ane? One plank in the platform of tht Union Labor party in this state deserve; more attention than it has received. It reads. "We favor an amendment of the to: stitut.ou ot liie State ot so a. to admit of the investment of tlie per mucin, niatc ncuoui mnu in nrt mort gaged registered district bonds und iia 'here is a good deal of sound hu'itineat ense in this. Let the r.00.000 und .... ' 1 aras wiucn is now farmed out to the leading hanks in the state, for the use 01 wnich tiie state gets nothing, be invest ed at home in safe school district bonds Jibeo perhaps there will not ha 111 K oik DKrrt over tt.e kUt liiiui and the temptation to visit anada, wit KM OUST LIBERAL TERMS Jones & Verity, ' THAT (ONVEMIOV. The People's Convention met ut t'K' r-sideiK of Jacob Marking, in Five Points precinct, on Tu uay '.M l. i, place in nomination e-andidatri for the office of commissioner i""1 f'l'",y attor ney, and trans;.! t such otlw buine as come liefore them. The convention was a creditable one to all parties pres. lit and the jiecple whom they represented. H as a hMn Tl" "f ,B,i u-lise s ncer.ty is uniiueM lonen. t..,ih rii'htsof the IKHii le of Sioux county who h i e lx-en -on.K lletl for so louse t ) submit t ) the tyranny of a clique and ring whose sole aim lias bu n personal gain and privat" inlere-ts. That the n-ople are ill earnest isxhuwn hv the l uge attendance of delegates and the manifest determination to win. Walker, the nominee for ttniii- v attorney, is too wtll known by eoi.k' to need any introdm lien. .vusso utifoituuate as to loose the tirst iiigtrand thumb from tlie right hand in 1 saw mill some years ago thus making iim a cr ipple for life. By hard study ie has fitted hiiusel for Cie prac tice of iuw. He dared to air the roUcnues and a ulliliiggery of some of tlie county ofli .i.ds. thereby incurring their anger and 'laired. But none of the many charges brought against hint has he failed to ut terly refute. That his persecution and jjrospcution has 1 tsn the direct result of malice and jealousy is douhtc-d by none nlio are acquainted with the circum tances. He is sure to be elected. J. M. Robinson, candidate for commiss oiier, has been in S.oux county about ilt 'en months, is located in township ! range 3'1 and has made vast improve nents for the time be has been here. Sverything indicates that he came hire to make his home, and in rease biv vcalth by tilling the land on which be las likd. His reputation is beyond re roa h. his ability to pii form the duties f coinmission':r is without question and lis record for just dealing in his business transactions insure Hint in biro tlie i-o-le have a man in whom they may coll ide and lie assured of justice in the im xirtial performance of his dut ies. the He (LAKE ITEMS. W. A. Rauiu was a pleasant caller Vinday. Mr. Henry Zimmerman has relatives ,'isiting him from Kansas. Tlie peoples convention Was well n-p-estnted Irom all parts of the valley. Thos. Reidy, Wm. Shonebanni, J. F. 1'fost and M. Bruck were representatives roin ILirrison at the convention. The ticket placed in the Held will re eive a hearty support from t lure. The Republican seems to think that iro. "Moses does not know w hat Hal reek people want Jome and see us and earn our sentiments. Geo. O Kane is requested to drop tilt oad petitions for the present and luiul lis post on the roads already established At the convention yesterday Mr. Ger- ach made a motion that the proceedings e published in the Sioux County Jotirn- tl as it was probable the other county journals would not publish them. Mr. Woody and lady and Mr. Knott ind lady attended the Bodarc meeting Sunday night. All is over. Some ;.i the bachelors ait Jetermined to commjnee a new suit. .evi r mind there are plenty of girls yet, ioy. Mr. I arnell has moved his saw mill to Prairiedog creek. W. E. Saw You. From another tore.1 rede nt We want a grist mill, another saw nill, more fruit trees set out next vear. i, valley locator and loan agent, a rail road and round house at clare, winter to 10IJ olf untill January 1st, 1M89, t.. mow how many votes in Snake precinct, aid an economical administration 01 :ounty oliicers and fair elections. J. F. Pfost attended the peonies con tention Tuesday. Wm. Hawn says "."ts a bov." Ah right Mr. 1L pass around tlie cigars. Mr. Hall is geltjig out timber for a mrge aiui coimnodious dwelling. Mr. ittio. tuut la taking an invoice o! nis slabs this week and wants people t. iaiow that he is the propiicUrol 8tai. olle. "Sic um Lot." Herald. Rats!!! ring the chetnut boll. Yours Etc Moses, FROM FOLK TO 10 I F. j From Pole to or. Tii Round tlw World: iteiiiga;'i'- Ac. ( of I Tlirilling-Adventuivs Marvelous I is.-ov- nru Ktraiiw Phenomena, and Famous 1 S ghts in All Part, of I ! World: t ou tahiiug W.nulel-s of the Tropics. Re nowned Explorations Voyages, and Vivid liscriptioiis cl the Various Conti nents. Islands. Seas and People of the (ilolie. This n'i-rbly illustrate! work com nrises in i.ue iiiagmlieeiit volume a graph ic u.- ri l on of all thai is interesting, instructive and curious in the whole world. The voyaces and explorations of the greatest travelers, their thrilling adven tures, terrible dangers and miraculous esnis; the strange (U'tims. savage wars, human s-u rifices. rude forms of gove.niueiit of wild races; the brilliant scenery, lauiful birds, ferocious U:tst and reptiles of the tropics are all de m riled in the most fascinating manner. The reader is conducted thiough the renowned Countries of Eurt pe, he the line old cities, the immense buildings, the magnificent paliu-es, tlie diess. man ners nd customs of the people, and is taplivatid by myriads of the most en s;gbt.s. Crossing the ocenu to the Western Hemisphere, the reader makes a tour through South Aun'iiia, and loholdsn vad panorama of I'.e wonderful wen." in that gn at emit lu-nt. The work alsr desi rilies w ith graphi'- p jwer all that i fascinating and Miuvelous in the Five Great Oceans of the Glolie. We cordially commend this hook t. iur readers. No one could obtain tin formation it contains without spending tdi tunes its cost and much time anc labor. Here it is given in a. single vol nine, at a very low price. H is pub bshed by H. E. Groh & Co. of Rich mond, Va. The work is printed on fine paier, an' ontains 310 large octavo pages. It i- embellislii d with 334 lieautif til engrav iiigs by the lmst artist 4. Hundi-eds of Ixioks have Uhu con ,len'd into this one magnificent volumi of thrilling adventures, startling discov tries and niiraculousachievements. Th xdden grain has lietnt ulled and gar uered, and the chalf rejected. The rt'sult :i brilliant array of all tliat is mar velous and wonderful in ewry laud and in the mysterious depths of the sea. This very valuable work is sold by subscription only, und Mr. J. F. llovey, who is the agent for this section, is now canvassing for it. See bargains in remnant and somt slightly damaged dry goods. Gayhart's. For durability, fine cooking and e-as. of op. ration the 1 barter Oak stove lead? the van. For sale by Win. Christ ensen. STOVES, Stoves! Stoves! FURNITURE! Furniture, Furniture. THE BIGGEST STOCK AMD WE WOULD LIKE A little loss wind and dust. To have Mr. Slingerland remain ii. Harrison. -To know if the people of Sioux Co. vill elect to olllce a nam -arhr, ha jured himself for H00 of county money 1 Mr. Williams has a 'Dew eight iocL ir.U bit and is busv umuIiw ii 1. Lowest Prices. For anything in the line of HARD WARE and FURNITURE call on me it. the P. O. Block and you will be wel, treated. YOURS RESPECTFULLY, D. H. Gfiswolt Harrison, N e br THE IBS OF HARRSION Harrison, Transacts a general tanking buiiaen Loans Honey on Chattel Seal -amd- NEGOTIATES FARM Li NORTHWESTERN E First-Class in Every Det FRANK SIMONS K This Hotel has l-en fitted up regardless of pains and iti To the comfort and convenience of tu trv,i lit and itrnianent boarders Best Accommodations in the Noi I UNSURPASSE ) IN HOME LIKE APPOINTMENTS AN. TABLE. -TTTE HARRISON HOI EtiGERT ROHWER, Prr.prittor. Special Attention to Cot; Trade. K i h FEE 'J STABLE LV CONME mON. v " J. F. Pfost's Liven, And Sale Stable.; , HARRISON Rigs Furnished With Drivers Posl ; Ranges of the Counrf Bpecial atUotion rid to lu!' f I A- If ii '3 1 1 K r i I X l. ("v m to nrgot -Advocata, 1..,, w" '"T mmtw m. UWfMUJkl Farmers, Iminigraataaiid