The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 25, 1888, Image 3
I i TIME." ' KoTlTal 9M stale. hanes is given f Roberta' cele u "Doctoring ta a typical old blowing the duat jHh ita eorda and L Una of theaa jm ia appreciated 0)oetoriBK01d d aaother ret Jmt another pot Ming." r liable mm, 'Mag proprietary aatr, haa been formulas and wd in tbe begin ' W area before, ling why people an' time enjoyed (vigor ao seldom aeration. They wared theaecret i that the prevail- Misted, that "N'e- ravery existing dis Jaetin? under thia 9ta nsed the com V Continual trea 4 slomaiii, has made aetaml has driven , tirilization, until ft, j?'5&A, as remedial Cf t difficulty of ob- VfHetorof Warner's lar of the Warner ob- Hm. N. y.. haa tatirntiiii n in this t aBanJi of old family J BM secured some from which hi Jttat Medicines, to be mm: be known UDder I Vraruer's Los Cabin Of, . these medicines ' a." for the blood v IBops and Buchu VI Jacli, etc., "Log r.JOK Cabin extract, X " jnal use, and an old 'for catarrh, called I WWIll " Anions the f OkUn plaster," and a fnliL" "t of remedies, it will f do not propose to cure tM preparation. It is T that with these rom- 1 4a dawn noon guffor 1 that the close of tho 7wifla'e these roots jtoamded under the ti Jt Cabin remedies, aa mi M us Uegiuinu,'. "Mia the form of pro- V at tlicv will be vjsoma, for suffering 3GM tired of modern S pnbtio bus tcrent eon-dir-e put ui by tlie . iL Warner is the head. t baoorae suspicious of VmniT with poisonous JM tM injurious effect iMaorintioiiH of many ateM. These effects of already prominent, prooonnccd in coining JtPtiot we cuu cordially new remedies MY FRIEND SPARLING. .'-4 1 tie province of Bue- iJnly 19, 1810. ' WWork with a ill. HE "i Jt TIMS OH 3 els, tIDNEYS HE5S, PUIS, C1DNET COK IT DISEASES, AND ALL AXES, Sgthening the taction of the tys.and restor fw off disease. sad Assail aCoastipstion f ares Kidneys! - k hsadasaasl Ml CowmirD and .atirely vegcta- MM MTrnM OKI. ""4tfS. .tCProprlstor, usssw , rr .nut. 1AGIIED s- v V 0k. m.. dTrlyeured b' Little riUa. aUo rsllsi DIsJI L. v mm enksailTooHesrt; S A atrrect ni 'IMssiBaM.Xaueea aw Bad Tub a Mouth, Ceatadt Will ia u maJ ! J LITER. Th.l 4a th Bewail vTcwUbla. i.e CeaU; TH Small Price! ;0 YEARS i 'Wt Eitrmct or 'HviLD CHEHRT "Jt" t.. bronchitis, and jtlon for all wbe if 1 -BB evidence of It J tl a ur and i twblei and never Ji ttj It under a full fl. 00 V )tl:BUtABT Co., cu HOT GUN In etawpWor Hfsjalvat! I'' 'P. A A Troubled nnarlenca and a llauut lutf I'rewura. I am a manufacturer arid dealer in I gravestones and tnouurueuta. There are three men who habitually associate death with business tbe doctor, the undertaker and tbe lombstoue maker. have the finer feelings and senti ments of the average man. yet my oc cupation haa lad me to regard the the great and solemn change chiefly from business point of view. That men should die has seemed to ma as a matter of course, and as a necessary means for the support of myself and family. Still, death may produce a great shock In me, as was tbe case w th that of my friend Sparling. We had been friends from boyhood. He lived near me; mr way to and from business led past bis house. I met him almost daily. Mutual assistance over some of the hard places in life, a simi larity of tastes, and frequent inter change of thought and opinion bad endeared each of us to the other. For a week I had been busy with preparations for a long business tour. It was to last three months. The duy bi foro ray departure I had met Spar ling and had said to him: "I am go ing on another tour. Lest we should not meet to-morrow, let us say good bye now." Wo separated with a hear ty hand-shake and tho friendliest, of farewells. I was to take the evening train of tho next day. My ticket for New Orleans was in my pocket, my trunk packed, the parting those at home was over, and tlie haak was tak ing me to tho station. The afternoon paper was in my band; I opened it and the following paragraph caught my eye: "SumtKM DsATn As we go to press tbe painful news reicliex u of the death of our esteemed cltlz-n, Ezra Sparllne, wblcb oc curred at bis residence i bout three o'clock this afternoon. The occurrence will be os startling aa painful to hla host of friends sod acquaintances, as tbe deceased has apparent It been In the best of health. The cuuse was probably heart disease. 1'artlculara are necessarily deferred till our next issue." The paper dropped from my hand; the shock tuado mo faint for a momont. Snarling deadl I could not coinpro hend it Tlie hack had just turned into tho street on which was his liousu. I looked at mv watch; tliore was not one moment to spare. Shall I tell tho truth, tlmt this certainly gave mo great relief, just then? I. of till men, should bo with the afflicted family in that dark hour; and here was an excellent excuse for the non-performance of the sad duty. I shrank, as nil do, from the disagree nblo task. The hack went swiftly to tho bouse; the driver knew he had no time to lose. I saw In the twilight that the blinds were closed; two or three neigh bors were on the front steps. I had a glimpse of a woman doing something at the door. "Putting crape on the knob," I said to myself and the see no disappeared like some fleeting picture conjured up by the memory. So my journey was commenced with a benvtr heart. 1 looked about anxiously for somobodv at the station who could tell me mora about my friend's death. Nobody could. The two or three with whom I was able to exchange a few words about it before the express came and went knew what I did and no more. They had aeon the brief newspaper announcement. and that was all. I lay awake two hours that night after my .berth in the sleeper was made up, thinking of poor Sparling, of bis bereaved fain ly, and what I ought to do in the premises. It was an un usual occasion with me; nobody, left the tap in my life that this man would leave. Naturally, I began to condemn myself for hastening away as I had done, after learning of Ezra's death. To be sure my plans were all previously made, and tbe three days' delay that would be necessary in offering my con solations to the family and attending ths funeral would be Inconvenient. That was all, merely a little derange mont of my plans, not even Involving my business loss. I became angry and dissatisfied with myself as tbeso reduc tions proceeded, and tried to excuso by conduct by the plea that ths news bad come upon me so suddenly that I had no time tor calm reflootion neces sary to a change of plan. My con science was a stern monitor, and would not excuse nie so easily, "lie would never have acted thus toward you," was its content upon my apol ogies. I tossed about unnasly; proposed lu my mind that I would get off at Cleve land and return home; resolved tho next moment thut I would do nothing of tbe kind, but would sond a long tel egram to the willow, explaining tho necessity of my absence and tendering my sympathy; decided next that this would be an absurd thing to do and at lat fell to sleep with nothing settled. When I awoko I was three hundred m his from homo, ami Chjvo land was an hour behind me. I triod to put away my thoughts of Sparling, and lix my mind on business. It would not da The man who at tempts to light a bntllo with his con science Is iwnys In tho wrong, always sure of defeat. Moreover, that kind of a con to wiil uxeltidn every thing els from Ills mind nil It h setllod. When tho train readied Cincinnati' I was conquered. Lulling my bugtgo go on I left the car. and in a fever of impatience walked the station until 1 could take a return train. From tbe probabilities of such oc casions J baa setnea it in my mum that Sparling would be buried on tbe afternoon of tbe third day from that of his death. Time-tables were stud led, conductors interrogated, and it was made certain that I ought in due course to reach borne at three o'clock in the afternoon of that day. That would be a very close thing, I reflected There would be, probably, only time for me to take a carriage and join the procession to tbe ceme tery. Much distressed in mind, I re solved to do this, if circumstances ad mitted of nothing more. But even this poor privilege was denied me. There were maddening delays and detentions; it was not nntil midnight of the third day that I left the train at the home station. My state of mind admits of no de scription. I feared to learn the truth; I would not inquire if the funeral had taken place. There were no carriages there at that hour and I walked alone through that doserted streets. There was a full moon aud the gas lamps were not lighted. But the time was July, and the foliage often vailed the moonbeams. The force of habit , led me through the street where Sparling had lived. I would not think of calling at that un timely hour. I must learn the particu lars of the funeral nt home, but in my remorseful condition of mind it seemed to mo the correct thing to do to walk slowly past tho hoiiio of the mourning, and abase my soul before it. As I ucared the gate I saw a tall figure leaning on it. The form and the attitude were so familiar to me as to strike me through with terror. 1 baited abruptly. The face was slowly turned toward me. It looked white in tho vague moonlight; pale and very sorrowful. It was Sparling's. I grew cold from head to foot With what little strength was left me I tried to cross tho street A timorous glance back over my shoulder showed mo that it was follow ing. Swiftly, straight it came after me. 1 could have prayed for wings to fly with nie away from the terrors of that pi ace. It what name could I give that (hingP overtook rue. The pale coun tenance still looked reproachful, re-bukeful. 'For God's sake, Ezra." cried. "Don't coino buck and haunt me! I was wrong, but you know I havo tried sScsaaral Arrral Boaaaarc Of General B. B. Ayrea, of the artil lery, it is related that he was in com mand of a detachment of Union troops who during the civil war burned the house of a Virjriuian Confederate. The wife of the Virginian fled from the house with her baby in her arms, and, seeking refuge in the negro quarters, was forced to fly again when the torch was applied to them in turn. Seventeen years afterward the Union officer, Oen. Ayrea, married tbe baby, who had grown into a charming young woman hood. A Black Friday. That day, when a pr eoa ia flrat srrioualy attacked witbrbeunaa tiam, aay well be tanned a black o; but it be uses BaWation Oil ia time, b will boob be to apeak ol a "Good Friday." It is the grcaUat cure on oartb fer paia. The butcher does bare soma funny ax praaaions; be told his aasiatant th other day to break th booea ia Mr. Williams' chops, and pat Mr. Smith's ribs in the basket for him, and tell Mrs. Black to take Dr. Bull's Couf b fyrup for her cold. Russell 8f whan be dice. will leeva $60,000,000 THE MYSTERY BOLTED. A smile broke ovor the sad face; so like his (3 tn i 1 o. In the suddec. revulsion of my feelings I fainted. Somebody fanned me with a nat. I opened my eyes; it was leaning over me. "Now what's the matter, JoeP" familiar voice cheerfully inquired. thought you were olf for the South threo days ago. And what d'ye mean by dodging away from mo in this fash ion P" I sat up. "Ezra," I said, grasping his hands in solemn joy, "you have come back to no as one from tlie grave." "Ho! You heard the false alarm, did you? Nothing but a ridiculous newspaper mistake, founded on the death of poor old Bunting, nuxt door, who's beon dying for two or there years. I couldn't sleep this hot night, so I canio out hero to get some air. Now your back and find me alive, hadn't you belter put off your trip till the weather cools?" James Franklin Fill, m Inter Ocean. I,o Cabixs, lacking ele gance, were j-etcoiufortable homes. Health and happi ness lvere found in them, 'llie best of the simple tem edies used are given to the world in Warner's Log Cabin Remedies made by Warner of Safe Cure fame. Begnlaie the regulator with Warner's Log Caim Saraapanlla. ' Thefrwih Iruit crop ol California tMa aeaaon haa aa estimatel value of ie.OOO,- 000. alter JaaasM HI. Jenklata HalaW the Larky Ticket and tirtm HU6,000. Rom (Oa.) Tribune of Rom. Julr 24. Mr. James M. Jenkins is the popular jailer of r loyd county, Georgia. He was SO. 000 better oil last Saturday than the day previous. H sarin;; that Mr. Jenkins held one- tenth of ticket No. 47,843 which drew the third capital prize of ST0,000 iu the Louisiana State Lottery, a Tribune re porter called at the county jail yester day to ascertain if the report was true. Mr. Jenkins was found sick in bed, but nevertheless a happy man. Mr. Jenkins preferred that the Tri bune say nothing of it, but as a matter of news the public must have it. He presented his ticket at the South ern Express office on the 16th inst for collection, and on Saturday lost he got $5,000 in New York exchange, which was deposited to his credit in one of the city banks. When Mr. JenkinB presented his tick et at the express office he looked as if he could hardly realize that it was ticket No. 47,843, and when the $T,000 was banded him by Manager Lowry on Sat urday last, his heart leaped for joy. He was the happiest man in Ueorgia. Mr. Jenkins is an honest, hard-working man, who enjoys the confidence of the people, and this little fortune could not have fallen into more deserving hands than into his. Two years ago $15,000 was drawn by Borne parties at one drawing. Rome is not only plucky, but lucky. j Tb first ad vertining atjency was estab lished by Orlando Bourne, in 1828. Th IjODKeat Word In the Dictionary ia incompetent to communicate th inex pressible satisfaction and incomprehensi ble consequences reaultinK from a judicious administration of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, a preparation designed espec ially for the speedy relief anil permanent cure of all Female Weaknesses, Nervous ness, and diseases peculiar to the female sex. Tie only remedy for woman's pecu liar ills, sold by drugjixts, under a positive guarantee, to give satisfaction. See guar antee on wrapper ol bottle. This guarantee has been faithfully carried out for many years by the proprietors. Th tropical fruit dealers organized a trust at New Orleans last week. MoBopalr Broke 1 1 Wstorn Improved Singer Sawing Va ehinea just out of th Factory for $16. K III an ! il v in thia couatrv to Writ) for larsa Illustrated Circulars to UiaMaaa- facturera, M. K. Kcuinn ax oo., wssa Lake St., Chicago, III. St. Louia is to have a new railroad dope a . m r Ann N CHI fvw,wv. If afjlctfd wltb Sore gTea, oae Dr. Ia aoa'a K;a Water. llruiTleU Bell It. Mme. Fatti-Nicolioi is aaid to be writiaf ber autobiograpny W. L. Douglas, th . best knowa shoe mm niili,rlnrrr in tlie woria. was uum Dl .,,!. U,. Aiirnat 22. 1845. Wbm be was aev'eo yearB old be was bound out to learn tbe shoemaumg iraue. nacan; i;t r,-H nna Vint he did- not com plain. He had an ambition to t miiwr of his trade. He worked bard and learned all he coul1. Having saved a little money by hard work at the bench he began to ,o,,r,.ot,,r ihnfa nt Brockton. Mam- July 6, 1&70. His knowledge of th busi ness gave him a great advantage over bia competitors. He worked hard and saved his money. Hin business began to increase and in May, lh8:S. his advertisement finit nppeareil in the pupers. aavernsing rw. i-. iin.,.i...i t iliiVmn nince &ddd sev eral other kinds, which he descrilie in his advertisement that appears in this paper from time to time. It is a fact known by v,n -ur hu hnen that be rive more value for the money than any other shoe manufacturer in this country, tv. u. Douglas' fnctorv is 426 feet long, 30 feet wide, and .i stories high, lie employ, ora workmen with a pay roll of $4,000 per week. His sales are 1,800 pairs per day. u: u..u;nuu ia inoronairxr vprf raoidlv and -in i, n,n 000 OuO this vear. He i.;Kat. wnuea r.irl in the city. i k;..i,! paL.t-iinrl Kv those who work f . 1, ; 1, WAII ara in want of SL DAlt Ol shoes it'will pay you to go to your daler i .,;., u r.nii- Kefnre vou buy any , .i .....t,a rrv,a..a im nn thine certain. ulnae, - 1 1 " - " you will find his shoes the best value tor the price, and tree Irom snouuj. Douglas built up bis reputation by making honest shoes. Catechisms are said to have been com piled in tbe eighth or niuth century. ctjacobs Oil For Strains, Injuries. ft PP. E N T. P E R F EC T C U R ES. A Two-ton Gem. An interesting soction of petrified wood, which stands a short distance behind tho main entrance door of Tiff any's will not fail to attract tbe atten tion of scientists as well as those fond of looking al curious things. The block ts an immense one, weighing 4,200 pounds and measuring 40 by 33 iuolies and 34 inches high. It is of agatized wood and came from the pet rified forests at Chalcodonia Park, Ari zona, near Corriza, and 20 miles from the nearest railroad station. It was brought on to this city through tbe efforts of Mr. George F. Kunz. of Tiff any's and is the largost block of the kind ever brought east and polished. Mr. Kunz had no Idea that ho could secure so largo a section for the In spection of New York people. Other piocos of the petrified wood have hoen brought on from these forests, but none which approach this specimen In size. The wood is used to make up into table tops and uandsomo wood orna- montion. The po! shod surface shows a beautiful blooding of yellow and black, and in soino respecls resembles the rod wood of tho big California trees. Some idea of the hardness of the wood can bo gained when it is known that 200 pieces of marble can be sawed up while one pioce of the agatizud wood is being cut. The pioce of wood Is very valuable, and for a timo was placed outsido tho door on tho street. It is the biggest gom I hat has evr boon placed outside of Tillnny's Jt is needless to say that no one H ied to walk off with the great block. A''0 York Timas. A Large Estate, A broad land, is this in which we live, dotted bo thickly with thrilty cities, towns and villages! Amid them all, with ever increasing popularity and helpfulness, ia Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, giving hope and cheer where there ia disease and despair. Wherever there is humanity there is suffering; wherever there is suffer ing there is the best held for this greatest American remedy. Consumption (which is lung-scrofula), yields to it, if employed in the early stages of the diseiise; Chronio Nasal Catarrh, yields to it; Kidney and Liver diseases, yield to itl If you want the beat known remedy for nil disesses of the blood, ask for Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery, and take no other. The economical girl-waist. -The one with small Popular Preparation! Pure, Potent, Powerful! Pallid People Praise, Progressive People Purchase! Pos itively Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets, Properly Partaken. Preserve Physical Powers, Produce Peririiinent Physical Per fection, Purchase, Prove! At 260 yarrls the Lebel rifle would go through two men. When Be by waa alck, w gave her Caatotia, Whn ahe was a Child, she cried tor Caetorla, When aha beenme Miss, she clnnit to Caatorla, Whin abe had Children, ahe gave them Caatorla. Men may be th lords of creation, but some women beat all creation. The BUYERS' GUIDE is issued March and dept., (each year. It ia an ncy lopsdia of ussful infor mation for all who pur obaae the luxuriea or the necessities of life. We Can olothe you and furniah you with all ths necessary and unnacaaaary appliaaeBB to ride, walk, danoo, eUep, at, fish, hunt, work, bo to church, or stay at home, and in various ansa, stylos and quantities. Just figure out what la required to do all those things COiFBRTIItT. and you oan make a fair aatimatB of the value of the BUYSBB' QUIDS, whioa will be nt upon rsceipt of 10 cents to pay poatag, MONTGOMERY WARD CO. U1-I14 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, I1L JONES PAVStheFREICHT Tb Waion Hcalwt. Im Latert, AirT HferUt, Bttm imi pbb tan nim bk m $00. Vvtrr ttit A- priw Hm mtmam Wil. paper t4 MCrnt jnstl OF tlltHTa BIX.HA.IITO.N. N. V. Wholesale Goods to Consumer. T" fcii all vonr trnn1i from ft nerd 'o to a thrhtngnirir)ini AT WMOI-EHAI.F. Ymicati v the ni!.1d!e rtirn. profit. HOW Ji:t win, n 13 iu .tsmin irpftv tiottri rtn'i in'I rrreiYi- tv I---' nt n ml' r.AltUiC ,'ATAl.oai.E. 0O FMI.-M. llO' If riiatrtlH. Kvrrihf'iir vnii u. Sviyrnnn I'ttiTamtltit; Av A.-lMlrOtl, ltt.4rl4 WllhH-h Al .CilkrlK'O.llI ur rei'oruiift. wt i-Wfr lu .-aliyiial 1 H of Illlitol- -T - 1m. Crrataa Amwinii iiriMii"rr.i.o:,U'lrivpii- A cornet player who cannot sttend the band nicctliiKS sluu'.d e:id a euhs-to toot lift. I rHioi, rrli III III TV. i; . 1 nl.ln til wit : I'Tii'tit t III e-. tr"t fiuiBini. ttc I7i.i , . f l.IO,inir:i!l"o ri sz luff-irj. - fori. I 'hernfaiL 4 '!-e,'Oi:r'. rril t llKllB Pure Blood U awear I Bare r eHftaS- a to ta grat biooal pmm iMnt tLmmtw Ball SIH1 aa eaklv aeaaaaHatf aaifala. aatt rbeoav aaaV aaaToBMaaaM 'ia kaalsa. IS saw kails a Skav SSaaSSa M?aBwlBsriawflft Has '" On Dollarr ax. J. BT. aCHaOrCK haa pnbrisW A IXW AMD EIiABOBJa.TB BOOK ai Has TrsatiBatnt and rnrs consuuPTiou, LIVER COUPLAIIIT orsPEPsm wUok wfll hm auUsd FREE te altTi who want It. If yon ara, or kaanr ; -f any ana who is, aJDicted witk, car . liafcas to amy of thee disease . aondl' bsbm aasi addNsafvlainly writUB)ta Sr. 3. JL 8CEXHCK ft BON, .) Fhiladelrhia, P Cripple"! Stnater, IU..IU7 M, IMS. ..'.,r .f...inn&) stilt la Jaa- Lr two moitln o cmUh..: a. uiei tw. b.ttl at at. Jacota 0U and vrmn,ntlj cur. Crnahnd. CaaalliirVlTla, III , Kay J. IMS. V About Hi rioiitoi ao I w" junai .d b. cart' la baa 23 4f a: .aff.rl four Bontbi: ctj"cb,0";g" tzxjz? atralnr." Mt. Oara.l. 111.. U, 26, l.S. stra ned mv back la rebm.rj lant; e-l aaj gffo wow..k. wlttjat a 'r L tires dyi br 8t. Jacobt0U. ) WAI. AT DEUOOISTO" AND DEALISS. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO.. Baltltnws.lM. Diamond Vera-Cura FOR DYSPEPSIA. A bositivb cup.s roa ihdiobsiiow unana gtomach Troobl.iritln Iliaralroat. Ciira for mii i not HirracUl m tlork, or 'J;" Sumps, sample imrerrqfi-etnt tump. THE CHM1LE5 A. VOGELER CO.. Baltlmors. W. Sua fiopnaura a Majiaiaciarara. ELYS CatarrH CREAM BALM I was surpriHoi! after using Ely'i Cream Halm tw months to lind th right nostril, whirl was closed for 2(' jears was opci and free as tin other. I feel ver.v thanslul.-R. H Cresengham, 275-18th St., !rnokljn. DISCOVERY. Am beafc laaraed la nne rexdlug. Mied waaiderinir curi-d. Mweafcliae wlthaiut neten. Wliollj nalike artificial ayatemB. fftvawBV cuadeaaaed by Buoreine CJourt. Great iadaeeaaenta to correapoadeatas claWM. rroaeerfoa. wlthopialoaa 'if Dr. wm. A. naaa moati, Uie warM-laaieS 8j'clallt lu Minil dlaeaaast, Daaiel (araealear Thonipaoii, tli treaifc harolialaclat. J. M. Baeklev, Editor ef laav Cbrtailaa Adveeaic. Klvharit I'roctur, lav DCleailat, aad Mhrrt. a po"" " I"' rret A. UH8BTTC B! rtflh Are.. Kew Tar-. FREE TRADE PRICES raoTtcrtoM : no iiioruumri SEWING NOW Ar machines I oivLY We art now MlUn? oht WEf" ERN IKrKOVKUSlNOKRSEWIlW. A Cti 1 N K same a v a t ciprt with all attachment and tuv ' ruUd for 5 years for otoly 91av and for circular aid se fuU dffr rHotlon of thli and oilier bItIm. UH. It. Htl LI.I.N wteCO Tit Woat Lak hU, Cmcv.iAL OlCJaJXA, Z l: a Jk. aj Book-heentns. 8hort-haJid Teleffraplifne:, and Hah hum l.mrwrwl af.f HiidftBM. and larennt r In tbe went. Thrw Srat-laM penmen enip'.nTed. wmyi .Tournal an apectaanaof arnmailahlp addreaa: J. T. Daller. Maaaccr. u It. baikbuu. Proprietor, UnnJUv Nebnuka. ' I pmcrlb and fatly aa oe Bl( O aa th ealr' peelSc forthacartalacaaaa ( thiaalsaaae. O. H.IMUKAHAW .M, BV. Amsterdam, If. We hT aold Bl( G aw naaay yean, ana it Even to Mat at ctlon. D. K. DYCHK Cblcato, S1.M. Bold by f .aaalafl M XLmatad'Ta1 I ' I VrSaaarbfto 1 JriaiCatBhia baa3B"artl HAY-FEVER A nartlc I ll appllcl Inm Pch nnslrll and la acrfe able Prlco l cenm at DniinrUta: by mall, r.-gla-trre.l. l ceuts. KLV BltOTHKliS, o VarreaBt, terei New Yorlt- BADTDAITC enlarMi. AOFNTS ONLY. Wa forn, PUn I HAI I O lull tlia best portraits, flnlahad Ir Cravon Inilla Ink, Wal(r Colors mid PastW at such ftlrV yi d ni'il nut finr ronip'ituin anywhere. A INK Fhlt I'KAIT FOR ONK DOI.l.A It. Think what roar vrorlts wmilil be. SimhI at w fnr full rwnoripti tatnloinie Iron. A. E. WALTER, 871 WabMhAm Chicago. 111. air oo i- qen on A MONTH rai bo S75 - TO J2&U made working fur u. Aceiita prffprri-il who can f urnlali a horae and give their whole lime lo i lie Im.sinexa. Spare inoinenia Bav be prolllalily employed alvn. A lew vaoanclea " towns and cl'lea. If. K.JOHNSON A Co.. 10U lialn Street IMchmorM. Va. cji CAT- auMaARiuia Tir if f n t.1 Poitielv hiui no equal lor curing Bme Kpavlns. Bo Bpains. ltlnir Bone, Siillnm, Curl.s Sralrlj. t''J. Ctc Suld lij Urug-Ktata. fut up by DR. E. F. ROOT, Kxatr, Neb. SALESMEN W Kuraerlesln tba Weat. P. r ANTED hyUaoldaal irirnat and belt knows .rmanent nolltleni: raod STaaa Mcaaaaiss. Louisiana. Me. i OENT8 Wanted. 1 an honr new rtlrl2. A Calaloa-ue and aampla free. U. B. Marshall. Loak- port, N. Y. ij. Outfit fns. Un at kawa aad alt, aera aaaney watklaf he as tkaa l al aajtktnralaa ia ta world Illhm sea. Catt;el Xataasraaa. aiuaa, . Trratra and enred wltaoot ' Book oa treatment sent free. AMraas r. 1.. l"OND. M.D.. Aurora, aaaa Cm km. W. M. U Onwha. 43i-42. 60, CANCER WISE AXLE CREASE lUrrtr dm, Hsrvr Freeaaa ia Winter or VrlM 0um4V. Imf box GuraatesKl. Saaip ui aWn orieltetl. Writ for PrkM. W tniko th 1m0o Ale Ore taowa aad twll d-Aaper than otKotra taolr twmmon ooK CLAIK U'I"I COw OAWs JKlvcr lrC CkJ-Bo, lUlatla The Celebrated Red Oak Cart, Best Cart oa earth. No borae Slot Ion. lireakJatw and Speedlsc Carta s apeclaltr. l'rlce tUM asav w. v. a. ears uasaas. aana ior uuts. CHA8. . MILLIOAN, -dealer la all kinds of- Carriagea and Harness Hth and Haraev streets, Omaha. IfesW mntmi THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE C0HPAJCI TM Lartaat, Ckssssst aad Best la tb WwlsV CASH ASOETa SlafOKaoCTK, wis . Ai.t.a saeral AaaaaV- 4 mPOER'S PaTlULES.,yi fBJBJBBJHBJBJBJJBJBaBaBJBJBJBJBJBjT,, ChaTleMU WJI, Tlie uitiii who .ia invfsteti irotn thrca to flv dollar! In ft Kubtwr Coat, and at hli flrst half hour exprrlmcc In a storm flnda lo hit orrow that It is hrtlly a belter protection tlian ft mos quito netting, nut only foels clitiKTined ftt being to badly taken tn, but also feeli If he doti not look exactly Ask tor the FISH niiANI)' HurME Hi oir Lac aiatn wbo waiiu ncrrtce A WET HEN doe. not hare the rt.n snasn, end fordoarrlptlcstslrn. A. J. Towjs.10 SlmswnsSt., Boaton. sjaaa. (not style) s ferment that will keen Bias dry in tne napaesi siorm. it ailed TOW KkS Hull BRAND " SUCUa," name fainilisr lo ery Caw-key all ever the land. With them ate ealy nertect Wind and Waterproof ' Oat taM Tower's risk Brand Slicker. and lake ae other. If your storekeeper TO MAKE ASK YOUR GROCER FOR DWIGHT'S "COW BRAND" SODA AND TAKE NO OTHER. leoav aaaB - , steta. I 1 8 1 1 i ; Ml i k( M "