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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1888)
Sioux County JOURNAL. L H.K.EIS03Sr, tTEB:, OCT. 25. 1888. 3STO,. 6 HE IS inking J Chanel IN iatxie 1 U arden I (111 NTS A' ,7 ' To il NEB. ' ytt and the 'Jffua will re- cqraaker, cfDttkOf Harrison. ILASl) AGENT EX PER Ev? E. jtodwWit'i-U. S.' l;iiJ of this ili'pnrlnitnt. Mix count" and eastern ttM jkm work from WBi pJnm, and from ifuWa line. He fur ?Hwi 'T to visitors anil i the nwvt ' wonderful i , 8 miles nrtli west 1 04Q teres of the best J'llJ the question ) business? T30PHETOR JE.TY WORKS, f. TXTBBS, ::rf u l l . "fi W'.Y TO KEEP If,' No. 1. 1 jayhart MBOSE i' to r e . V 1 ' 3t" Aft- r lfbe? 15 Occupy ; 1 pit mpce With ?' of Interest X 'A' , ,J';)uyers in y .V leral iandise TIIE S OUX COUNTY tfOTJIRIsr A.L BY THE JOURNAL PUBL SH NG COMPANY. Nature's Freaks. Freak's of nature are to ha pitied by all persons not entirely devoid of human feeling'. Some of course are located differently from others and dillerent decrees of se verity are manifest. 'There is the de formaties of the hotly that may afflict one person with a weak or misprepor- tioned back, others there are whose arms, legs or hands mid lingers are hor- ril ly c rocked and unsightly. Some poor ui f rtnnatesare 1 1'nd and others deaf hut these are all disutilities of the body and are not to be compared with the nat ural or acqnired defects of the mind. When we see a person with such an unfortunate mental deformity that they are unable to tell the truth even when it would !e to their own best interests to do so ay! cannot even discern the truth when it is plainly presented, we can only gaze in wonder a), natures curious de formity wh'le our synipnhetc feeling,, nr. lio'.vcd imd meekly extended to one so greatly ulllicted. We have in our mind's eye a certain Jiidge(?) who is ro alllicted ar.d from the massiveness of his dist ase we are led to 1 1 l ove thnt, it must lie of h iri J t try or igin such an exalted degree of perfection us he seems to possess could hardly have bejrn acquired in the short space of 40 or 50 years. Poor Judge: our heartfelt sympathy is extended to one upon whom nature has lavished affliction with such unmerciful abundance. What must it be f 3 through life endowed with this malady? To think that when he would ppeak the truth and really tries to do so, only the opposite comes forth and is scattered broadcast to wound the poor sufferers feelings and those of spmpathetic friends who are as powerless as he to prevent thin' mental deformity. I oes that same seemingly unkind na ture endow a disposition to enjoy the fruits of his own unfortunateness? f not, then to what d ptii of despondency must the poor sulfert-r be precip'tited, pro vided their feelings are of the same line quality as others. Of course no one be lieves anything such a person may say, and they do not expect it, but friends sii'mld look with pity and not scorn up on t-ie sulfvrer of natures pecu iar.ty. Compliment of "tt'etsJ Wrastlnr' ou Sioux Comity, Nebraska. Sioux county, Nebraska, seems far away But the people are coming and com ing to stay. Of its fertility we all well know It could beat the world at any show, its offers to the people cannot be surpass ed. In all this world while time does last. And all the free homes it gives the poor. The chances are good to keep the wolf from the door.. Tut ah, of the sin disgrace and shame. Sohieoue lias injured its elegant name, ihe attlul row that was made by the We tlimk they are capable of anything The people are watching and looking for aid, And 'tis sure to come through Judge Kinkaid. Now Republican and Herald say what you , lease, 'Twill only be mulching around little lives. We are glad to announce to tlu) many inu.r.Ud lads tiiat the dance at E. 11. Saulsbury s, will lie Thursday eve, Oct. ilii. Now boys don t all run up Jim creek but give t.u Udy a chance. Another new settler on Antelope and still they come. The euel Bros, and myself have sev eral short kinks in our backs, and Mr. has about 00 bushels of potato es in his cellar. it is expected that the new precinct lately organized in the south east part of the county will poll a large vote this iali. A good many think that is hat it Mas made for. Wo understand a part of Harrison pre cinct is being thrown into War Bonnet, wondi r if that part-v. il! get out of those bondai We have heard from the democrat con vent. on. As a democrat I will say, 1 have no intercut in thes demoeracy of Sioux county if it may lie called by that mime. We should vote for the man un t.l our party represents the people Respecttully, Weed VViutsrLEn. Hunter's Moon. The glorious lull moon which has been lighting such delightful evenings this week is known as the hunter's moon. i wes county Journal. We would warn the Journal that us ing the words ' full" and "hunter" in the sauic ,pai;vgrj(pb is libel in Siou touuty. j WAR BON'SIT. Oct. 22, lfifW. As we have not noticed any items in your valuable paper from this precinct we will write a few. Weather nice crops good. Leeling Bros, threshed 300 bushels of oats from 8 acres and 34 bushels of wheat from one and a half acres. Paul Leeling says he does not see why spme nice young lady does not fall in love with him; he is awful sweet now-a-days.' Leeling Bros, have made about 000 gallons of molasses and are still grinding away. ' We agree with "Moses" of Clare. "Join Barker, Walker & Co., and put down the ring." A road running through this part of the county, (petitioned for last year) was surveyed last Friday. Ned Andrews has as fine a looking bin of oats as you would wish to look at. Then say Sioux county is not loming. Verily she boonieth; with Harrison for the county seat, in which there is busi ness enterprise of every description, even to two rings. One is called the Mud ring while the other comes without call ing, nut we tlnnlf it is ol a scaly nature. PEOPLE'S OOXVEMTOS. Oct. 23rd, Vm. Meeting called to order by John Plun kett, Thos. Eevenport chosen chairman and Thos. Reidy Secretary. Motion made for chair to apjioint a committee on credentials, earned. 'Lewis Gerlach, John I'lunkett and M. Bruck appointed committee on cre- , dent in Is. Committee on delegates reported Jhe following: From War Bonnet, Chas. Biehle and Wm. Brooks. Antelope, Lewis Oer liw h, S. Story and E. Satilsbury. From IIontroKe, Herman Konrath, Wm. Uphoff and Henry Wasserberger. From Bodarc Pi-ecinct IL T. Zerbe, John Plunkett and Wm. Hall. From Five Points Thos. ' Holly, Jacob Marking and n. Beans. Ironi White River A. E. Gates, Thos. i evenport and F. F. Gray. From Harri-i-on Thos. Reidy, M. Bruck and Wm. Schonebaum. Motion made to liave report of com mittee on delegates accepted. Carried. Motion mado that delegates from War bonnet lie allowed to c:st full ballot of precinct. Carried. ; Motion mndo that the candidates nom- 1 mated at this convention receive the -flTTENTIOH!- TO BfEET TOE DEMAND OF HIS coirsT-Arisra?Xj'y -:- INCREASING PATRONAGE 17 in. CHfllSTEtlSEfl -Is now putting in a- FIRST CLASS ASSORTMENT OF Now if vou will take mud in vour hand vou will find it will stick; so" we think ! "rPrt ofa)I Hate present. Carried. the Mud ring will stick to the tax pay ers of Sioux county, while scab s are swept out in the streets. .... i . i aiouon maue an nominations ne ny ballot. Carried. I After a few remarks from the delegates We hear there is a man in town tl, 1 f different precincts the nanm of W. A. does not show up since Mr. Walker came ;Rilu,uof Co,nwoo1 Precinct was pre- baek from O'Niel. Expect he is itemizing accounts. Wonder if Walker has any more slabs'; We would like a load or two. SLABS. Yours Respect! ully, QfllX L JUVF4S. The following letter will show that there is a higher authority tliauth? post master at Harrison, at least on oue sub ject. P. O. Tep., Washington 1). C. Oct. 0, 1888.. W- E. Patterson, Esq., Harrison, Nebr. Sir: Tn reply to vour communication dated September 28, 1988, relative to the acj.ion of the postmaster of your town in requiring third-class postage on your paper "The Sioux County Jour nal' pending the decision of the (r j scnled for commissioner. In response Mr j Gates staled that he could not support j W, A. Rauin from the fact that lie was nominated by men who wefe in no way identified with the interests of the dele gates present. Mr. Gray then presented the name of Thos. 1 avenport as lieing a man reliable, and capable of pcifoiniing the duties of commissioner. Mr. I avenport stated that hp had in every way tried to evade the nomination for commissioner except to publicly refuse to have his name 'ised and would consider it a favor of the con vention to lie released from that position and instead of his name have that of F. F. Gray used, being a man upon whom the people could rely and from whom all parties would receive justice. Mr. Ger lach then presented the name of J. M. ment as to its classification, you are in-4 Robinson of Howen Preeinct as a man of formed that the paper has been decided by this office to be entitled to transmiss ion through the mails as second-class matter, and the postmaster at Harrison will be instructed to refund the e xcess over second-class rates of postage col lected on the same. Very Respectfully, II. R. Harms, Third Assistant P. M. General. this Mrs. P. Why do you look so sad morning Mrs. IJ, Mrs. JJ Oh! it all comes of that mis erable stove John bought. It makes life a burden. It smokes, clogs up and won't burn; the top is out of shape the over, is cracked and the ashes fell through and completely demoralized two lovely pumpkin pies. Mrs. P--T00 bad, John ought to have bought a stove of Wm. Christensen at Harrison, he keeps the far famed Acorn and charter Oak stoves, every one of which he guarantees to give good satis faction or money is cheerfully refunded. MORAL: Never exchange a certainty for an uncertainty. NOTICE. The delegates of the senatorial and representative districts are requested to meet in convention at the office of I. N. Harbough in c hadron Nebr. on the 27th. day of Oct. at 2 P. M. for the purpose of nominating a Senator and Representative for the State legislature of this State. The counties composing the senatorial and representative districts will please send in their chosen delegates or proxies. By Order of Com. The principles of the U. S. party and the issue of the day will be discussed in the rink on the evening of the 27th, of Oct. Come out Services were held in the school house last Sabbath by Rev. Scumahorn at 11 o'clock and at 7 :30. The evening service was well attended and a pleasing and in instructive address listened to with at tention. The morning congregation was small, probably for the reason that it was not generally known that Mr. Scamahorn would be here. One week from naxt 3 jnJiy is set for the next meetings. whose ability and integrity could not be questioned and who would support every cause that would lie of interest and ben efit to the people of Sioux county. .Motion was tnen made to take an in formal ballot for commissioners. Car ried Motion made to have chair appoint three tellers to count ballots. Carried. Report of tellers. J. M. Robinson 18, F. F. Gray 2; chairman not voting. Motion made to have the nomination of J. M. Robinson made unanimous. Car ried. On motion the rules were suspended and Geo. Walker was nominated for County Attorney by acclamation. Motion made to liave the chair appoint a committee to select delegates to attend the voting places on election day, of those precincts not represented at this convention. Carried. Motion made that all delegates here present attend the polls on election day and support the candidates nominated by this convention. Carried. Motion made and carried that the sec retary present a copy of these pro ceedings to the Sioirx County Jour nal for publication, and also send a copy to the Crawford papers for publi cation. Resolved that this convention de nounce the allegation made by the cattle men in stating that the grangers want to drive them out of the county. On the contrary they extend the hand of fellowship to every man; rich or poor, cat tie man or granger. Resolved that this convention consider the persecution of Geo. Walker by coun ty oflicials very distasteful to the people of Sioux county. Motion to adjourn. Carried. Cook stoves? and heating stoves. Also a fine lot of CUTLERY, GRANITE IRON WARE AND TIN WARE And a full line of General Hardware -AND- Builders Material ALWAYS ON HANI). It is 1 well known fact that as a rule the honest customers have to foot tha bills of the dishonest ones, where books are kept and lawyers employed to collect bad debts. As we are doing busi ness on a cash basis, those unnecessary expen ses are done away with, consequently we can offer to our patrons " -SUCH PRICES AS WILL BE BOTH PLEASING AND PROFITABLE. Give us a call and ree for yourselves Harrison, Neb, Respectfuixy, Wm. CHRISTENSEN. Hlilngleil Shingles! Shingles! The fiullulo Gap Lumber iJompany is now selling the best eastern shingle at $4. Circle A shingle, eqtiel to the best native, at 3.25. Common shingles, $2.50. 1 on't be deceived by a good look ing article made of inferior wood but buy the time tested white pine shingle. We wonder how a certain locator in this town will explain how he located a man on certain land and gave him num bers covering other and worthless land. Ed. Journal: I see in the Republican of the 23, inst, a paragraph concerning myself. Let me say that I am attending to my own business and not putting up jobs to swindle old soldiers. The Republican liad better tend his personal alTairs. 1 once accepted ollice of all the people of Sioux county, and was beaten again be cause I would not sell myself out to fraud. 1 would like to hear argument, but have not engaged to run a 2 by 4 newspaper. Yours Respectfully, B. F. Thomas. Mr. G. W. Tool and son George arriv ed in Harrison Monday evening. They bring here 100 head of line sheep besides cattle, horses, hogs and furniture . and implements, amounting to two car loads in all. Mr. Tool has claims on War Bonnet and has taken up his abode there and is preparing winter shelter and feed c Ill's stock. J. B. Flnney, President. General office F. C. SlKENSKN, Secretary, BUFFALO GAP, DAKOTA. BUFFALO GAP LUMBER CO.. llealcrs in- Lumber, Goal, Grain, Lath And Shingles. Sash, Doors, Blinds, Plaster, Hair, Lime, CEMENT. COMPLETE STOCK ALWAYS ON- HAND. Harrison. Neb. G. GUTHRIE, Manager, A.. HART, Blacksmith, Wagon, Carriage and Repair shop. Good stock always on hand. All kindH of work executed promptly and SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. .Sowtb ! Pfort'n livery Bomb ihin. .Vhri-:.