B. E. Bkewstkr, C F. ( C4TKK, President. Vit. Pl-s. CHAS. C. JAMESON. Cashier. Commercial Bank. 1KCOBTORATEP. A. General Banking Business -TRANSACTED.- Harrison, Nebraska. C. H. Andrews & C -Dealers in- Drugs, Paints, Brushes, ' Oils, -AND- Fine Toilet Goods, STATIONERY & PERFUMES. BEST CIGARS IN THE CITY. H. M. Warneke, -THE PIONEER MERCHANT -6F- KAJE&R,IS02sT, Is always' ready, assisted by his genial ijferk Mr "Thomas Refcry,' to wait upon iheir many customers with a -of- FAMILY SUPPLIES,' try Goods, Boots and Shoes; Groceries, iieenswaVe, Flower, Feed Ac7 Ae:; at owewt feed Rdfcfc rieea. tV;vi: the a nu& im The Sioux County Journal Published every Thursday by the JfjriiSlf. PTOLISHISW (OJIPASY. Subscription Price, !.00 W. E. Patterson Editor and M'gr. Com for sale at the Lumber Yard. J. W. Earnest vaine up fr.mi his ranch Tuesday. Will. Cliristensen returned from Cliad- ron Monday. Carl Todenharpt gave us a pleasant call Tuesday. Lewis Gerlach gave this office a pleas ant call Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Biehle came to Harrison Monday. James H. Cook registered at the North-western Tuesday. R. E. Mossy went to Chadron Monday to file on a homestead. John C. L. Rutland of Antelope creek, was in this bur; Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Marking, of Mont rose, were in town Tuesday. Mr. Henry Brumlidge and brother Hir am were in this city Tuesday. W. J. Potts was through here the lirst of this week buying two year old cattle. Mr. Warneke lias his cistern completed and the spouts all up on his store build ing. Mr. A. Hart is building a house just west of his Blacksmith shop for a dwell ing. Ed. Weir returned Monday from a sev eral days visit with his parents at Gor don. Mr. Isaac Kendall is making lirst class shingles with his new mill on east Hat creek. Mr. Tubbs is just completing a new cistern iu the rear of his blacksmith sliop. Mrs. Henry Brundige returned from a short trip to Iowa and Wisconsin on Monday. F. J. Hippach, a prominent stockman from fc'ieridan county, was in town Tuesday. X. 1). Hamilton, residing on Squaw creek, was a business visitor to this place Saturday. The Misses Minnie and Lillie Thomas were callers at the Journal office last Saturday. D. II. Griswpld is in Omaha negotia ting for machinery for the Harrison water works. W. A. Bigelow of the firm of Bigelow & Seymour, horse ranchmen, was in this city Saturday. B. F. Johnson, of Running Water, was in Harrison Saturday an took out a fine road cart he had just received. Among the valley visitors here Satur day wereW. D. Latterly, Isaac Kendall, Justice Arnsburger and Joseph Benway. The Gordon Republican comes to us this week enclosing a five column sup plement that is a credit to its publishers. The county commissioners have order ed an election to be held at the next gen eral election, on the question of fence or herd law. Over one hundred subscriliers to the Journal at the end of the first three weeks. Does this indicate that the peo ple like it? 1 For durability, fine cookirig and ease of operation fle Charter Oak stove lends the van. For sale by Wm, Christensen. G. W. Hester filed a pre-emption right on a piece of land about three miles north west of here Saturday. Mr. Thomas did the locating. Mr. B. B. Smith was in town last week and gave us a call. Mr. Smith is one of the best of Sioux cortnty's teachers and will teach the Bodarc school the next term. ' Clwdrou is to have a flouring miff and elevator' in the near future. A company composed of Chadron business men and others has been formed for that purpose, so says the Democrat. Mrs.-J. M. Robinson was oca-Herat this office one day last week and left $2 to assist in furthering the good cause ad vanced by the JockxaL arid received therefore a year' subscription to the same. A my of intelligence has it last pene trated the benighted brain of the lobster who edits the Herald nnd he begins to re alize that he has Sioux county to fight, which fai.t is proven by his frequent ref erence last issue, to "Barker, Walker & Co." Barker, Walker & Comity is a good combirtation. Mr. Ci Y. Akes, of Law ex county, was brought to Harrison Saturday oh the charge of stealing a saw mill but was immediately released as he seemed not to be tlie right man. Mr. Akes thinks someone must have been a. little off, Uiat he has served tfs justice of the peace and deputy sherijf for several years and eomewhat acquainted with law him self. Peter Northens, of Soldier creek, was before the county judge Thursday, char-, god with stealing an "interest in a uw mill." lie wm bound over in the sum of 100 for appearance at district court Before lie left the court room the prose cuting attorney told him' he knew he waeiaaocentof the crime. The alfcve it, at. of the' maty 6f 8oux county OTST LlBBBAJj x-cw. inn n. WfiHtv Harrison, Jc J U II U O MJ v v r.mJciiiv,nf nnv kind go to I rui . fo" - J - Wm. Christensen's. Mr. Warneke has moved to town and is living over the store For sale Desirable house and lot in i i : .Tnnex A Vt l it V. J UU I 1SLM1. " Mr. and Mrs. John Luders were in Har rison yesterday visiting our merchants. Mrs. A. Southworth. returned yester day from a visit to her parents at Sioux City la. On account of time and space the Commissioner's Proceedings are laid over until next week. Mrs. C. E. Verity returned yesterday from a month's visit with her parents at Winner, this state. Two families and five teams, from Montana, passed through here Monday enroute for Hay Springs. Mr. J. G. Armstrong, of Rushville. president of the Bank of Harrison, was in this place on Wednesday. Mr. John Morrison, of Adair county, Iowa, arrived here last Friday and is looking the country over with a view to taking a claim. The Berean class at t'te hall every Sunday morning. Mrs. Bassett would 1 pleased to see a larger attendance than usual next Sunday morning. Mr. Henry Zimmerman, Joseph Par sons, John Holan, Wm. Brooks, J. W. Arnslwrgcr and J. E. Hovey were among the many callers at this office yesterday. W. R. Smith lias purchased tlie Satter lee timlier claim a mile north-west of town. He is now engaged in putting up a large barn and will erect a dwelling house soon. The third Annual Convention of the Dawes County Sunday School Associa tion will be held in the Baptist Church at Chadron, Oct 9, 10, & 11, 1888., All are invited to attend. The first number of tlie Sioux County Journal, published at Harrison came to liand last week and bears every indica tion of prosperity. Outwardly it claims to hn independent but behind scenes can be seen strong indications of republican ism. We wish it snccess. crawiora Crescent. I Mr. Zebulon Duel, a Nimrod living 25 1 miles north-west of Harrison, killed on last Monday evening, a large mountain lion which measured six feet six from nose to tip of tail and weighed about 150 pounds. The beast was devourin a deer lie had killed. When shot through, within two inches of the heart he ran 75 yards, when a second ball from a needle gun pierced his heart and after running another 50 yards he expired. WE M OULD LIKE To liave more lady callers. To know if the band isn't "getting tliere." To know when the new pump will rive. To be appointed canine extermina tor for the city. Mr. Galpin is building a hoiwe on his claim in the valley. To know how many dill'eivut breeds if dogs there are in town. To know why Pat Dunn visits Harri son on sunday so frequently. To know if Ed. Weir really went to Gordon just to see his parents. To know of a more genial person to trade with than Mr. DeBrown. To know who are the parents of that scare crow at tlie Harrison House Sun day. To see a person that can take a ioke with better grace tlian justice Jones, or a person that can enjoy one more tlian Tlios. Reidv. To know how John Thornton and Thos. Reidy were impressed by the actions of the bird dog tbev' recent! v tried hirnting with. CLARE ITEMS. Eh. Journal: We have concluded tliat it is" danger ous to be safe in Harrison and therefore we will have to write to you instead of having a conversation. If seems that ftie Herafd and Republican can not find argument enough without using foul means, if all reports are true w hich we 'j not d'ubt in the least, anil it may be that the "ring" will liave to hunt for greener pasture if the honest voter of Sioux county will view the matter with out regard to politics. Wliat we want to know is tlie truth and we are willing to fead both sides of the Question. Join BARKER, WALKER & CO. and imt down tlie rinc. This comnaiiv in , rf eludes ftll the grangers and mercliants of Sioux county. Slight frost Saturday. Potato digging in order. School commenced at No. 6, Monday. Prepare for winter. Joe Johnson expects to build on his claim. Ja. DunieU U making hay for C. Coffee Several parlie aw expected to wfcve on to locate a ibeep hiicb in the val- 000 i j What Next! THE PEOPLE'S PAPER MOST1 BE ALLOWED TO PRIST THE rOOTT REC ORDS. Mr. Waller and the Editor Arret-d for LilK'L PRESENT STANDING OF THE CASE Yesterday about 4 o'clock Geo. Walk er and the editor of this paer were ar rested on the cliargo of criminal libel, the charge being sworn out by E. U Sal-, terlee, county attorney, and the defen-' ants were taken before Judge Hunter. The first case called was W. E Patter son's and in answer to the Court's query, J "Are you guilty or not guilty" he ans wered "Not guilty." Mr. Satterlee then requested that ("has. Jameson, S. Bar ker and .las. Famum be sumoned to ap pear as witnesses and the Court adjourn ed until 9 o'clock Thursday morning, when the case will be tried. We feel iKjrfectly safe in saying that the next issue of tlie "rat sheet" will be on Thursday of next week and also that Mr. Walker will continue to enlighten the over-burdened tax payers of Sioux county as to where their money goes. Subscription price as usual f2 per year. No extra cliarge for reserved seats. "Largely a Private Affair." The coal trust tliat's "putting up prices" Is "largely a private atrair!" But the public who buy when the prices are high, Are giving the matter some care. Yet the fact that tlie trusts are absorb ing The people's light, water and air; Must still be all right, since some people of might Says 'tis "largelv a private affair!" Tlie poor man who buys by the scuttle Ana the rich man who buys by the ton Will have to keep warm when the win ter winds storm And the work of the coal trust is done. But will they agree with the doctrine, When tlie snow flakes are thick in the air, That the trust that lias "put nj" tho pri ces Is "largely a private affair?"- Ex. Subscribe For THE SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL The people's paper. STOVES, Stoves! Stoves! FURNITURE! Furniture, Furniture. TUB BIGGEST STOCK AND Lowest Prices. ror anything in the line of HARD- WARB and FURNITURE call on me ln the P. O. Block and yoU will be well treated. YOUttg REWBOTFtJliT, ,p OF HARRISO Harrison, Transacts a general banking buW Loans Money on Chanel i NEGOTIATES FARM NORTHWESTERN First-Class in Every R FRANK SIMONS - This Hotel has been fitted up regardless of pains and ti To the comfort and convenience of the lie and permanent boarderi Best Accommodations in the UNSURPASSEJ IN HOME-LIKE APPOINTMENTS TABLE. -THE HARRISON IK! EGGERT ROHWER, Proprietor, Special Attention to Cc Trade. -FEEii STABLE IN CONNE TIOh' H J. F. Pfost's Liven And Sale Stable. HARRISON Rigs Furnished With Drivers Po, Ranges of the CountK , 'Special attention paW to a II. Grbvvc!! MCX J k A. i-'i i.V - ' ' . ' ' . 4 t 3 69IF7KTGI3;