EXCUIiSIOXS W Wossderlnl , MttUtllWOt Wenl. werr known. Come w-Ureat Hock Lsl itt inducements of jhtfu! journev io iUi V Leave Chicago Sari October '. and V Nebraska, North sa and Dakota. tli round trip. i good 30 dsjs for live tliis opportuni v nnotherin a seat- aura your tickets Jock Island Route, I to principal point ? particulars, address I Agent, Davenport, k, G. T. 4l F. A., Jsversa! Uuguaje to t asked svsry day. I H was discovered in L looking like sugar jij near tbe equator SV The plant grows at high. The juice is I taken in large quan JsM as of light electric Jt two hours giro place as, during feeling that I JM9d weal on a faint. .Jsaaco, is tbe fisher- 1 VERVES!! aUs little word briep f the nervous. t'ejapleseness, suryoui Proatrstios, 'SB, Yet all these nervous IVtd by using Raines abound .trvous Ptbilitated sd. 'Verve tonic MR. AND MRS. BOWSER , t for diseased con- , I la 1 I l. : i. . troubles. a. Alterative, a Laxative, (v OTHERS FAIL. "Hs fol full particulars. t CO . Proprietors, ,NM, VT. nnnnc Itlvrlycurrtl by ltw l.luiePillH. ' ' twsy also relieve DIs- I "en from Iynepela,In s I -Uon and TooHeart; V I A perfect rem- V7 ewrf)4cziueaa,Kariseo '"' arstneaa. bad TantiJ ' V'Mss Mouth. OoatadJ op.Patninth8ide. m LIVER. Thai : -lata the Bowels. 4 Veeetable. Jet 3ft Cents; JX,HEWYOitS. Small Price. Ancle's Pills 1TABLE I RELIABLE. land PROMPT- ld Stomach, bated organs f, and are a ,ly safe cure ' Liver Com--Pthc, Bilious jBt diseases ari- feLn!ed condi- MJmiOA Stomach. UJr reliable vege 4mU. harmless. "f VEOETABLE. ' V trtee ets. ear bex) VSSSlt, postage free, on Sob. Philad'e. TBB8' QUIDI Is A i snb asd Bapt, w. It is an sner jsHf useful infor i sW aU who par. f lBxuri or tbo .. of life. W , Israish you with ' td, nnnwosasarv k, danoo, elosp. go so onurcn, 1 various eisea. Jmt flmM nut JU1 the things H an maka a fair ftfth BTJTKBB' t bo aant upon par poataga, .AR0 A CO. . Chloaco, LLL wv aawslfaw' jCwra Balm tf btXTOOTJBE In HEAD nlato ach nostra. m arraal,K.T. -a- aetkar kas wsea fw. trSiblla Dmtalaswlli aelatvaars. Sow ts i as war ear. :SaU.nto.K taiMMaaS l(aaa WM M Ik. lb. tnisssvr. ill. r f railrf tor vPrlrf Wi-bt. by maiL Imimn.i, A t o. CaarliwUi w a, tiaa I SStay warslae far si tha tlthf ft rnnljTwttSi (.0 SaffiMia, Mm, arm II lKlit.K.l.ins . Krtt. strs.vsttsr V. hOtty. twlthitiil saa rntfa. pcitl tit: Aolr.e n ut a, baa. Va IU. BT MRS. BOW3P.B. suppose Mr. IJowsor isjtist like ao otber man around tbe bouse, and I suppose it la a wife's duty to put up with a husband's iaooaaistencies. The other day be came rushing in trotn the barn and asked. 'Hare you seen tbe cork-screw any where wilbio a day or two?" "I don't remember." "Well its funny. I left it in here two or three days a;o, and it ought to be here now. It's curious that I can't lay a tool down without some body eating it up!" I'erhajia it's in tbe la-story." lie weut rushing sround for fire minutes, and then canie back to say: '-If thoro's another bouse in Detroit, run like this I'd like to see it?" ' Why, what's the matter?" "Malior! DiJn't I leave the cork screw on tbo stair steps duy before yeslorday, and haven't you flung it out doori, (;liooped it up or g.ven it away to some beggar! It's singular how good care you take of your own things iiud how little you caro for ruino. I'll never bring another tool home!'' "Just sit right still and I'll find it.' It's gone forever!" , ' No.it isn't. I rohicmber now whore I saw iL" 1 wout out to tlio drawer of the kitiihcn table und found it, "What's that?" ho asked, as I return ed "Tito corkscrew. 'Is a corkscrew a screw-driver?" "15ut you asked for, the corkscrew." "Mrs. Bowser, are jou going crazy? Don't I know whether I want the cork screw or tbo scrow-drivur? "But you said corkscrew." Never!" Well, the scrow-drivor is right there ou the lablo within two feet of you." "Olt! It is! And why could' t yoo havo said so in the first place?" One morning be wanted to use the spado, and not finding it in tbo barn came rushing in to inquire: ' How much did that junk dealor pay you for the spado?" "What do you moan?'' 'Why, tlio spado is nowhere to bo found and I prostimo you sold it." "Havo you looked in the barnP" "Of course" "And in tho yard?" "Certainly." And down stairs?" "Yes. I had thnl spado ycstoiday. and now it's gone! Xhoro are somo rery queer hnppenings around this houso, Mrs. Bowser!" "But you don't oxpect mo to watch tba barn tools, do you?" "All'right! I've got my ideas about this matter. You uiar have got fifteen cents for a spado which cost ran $1, but I wouldn't havo your consci ence for f 1,000!" At that moment a boy canto to the back door with a spado and said: "You loft it in tho' alloy last night, Mr. Bowser." "There!" said I, after the boy had gone. "Yes, there!" echoed Mr. Bowser, "Don't lot this thing happen againl I see through it and I givo you warn ing!" Mr. Bows or has a rusty, old hand saw which has boon tho causo of seV' end girls leaving tho houso. If ho is tinkering about be is suro to li'itTO it under foot; and tho lit xt lime ho wants it there's a great row. . He charged ono girl with selling it, and s i i quit just as ho found it iu the gin re. He hinted to auotbor that her beau bud tukoti it away, and she had only gono when tho saw was found in the yard. A girl iinitlly came who, whon she found the saw on hoi kitchen labio, removed it to tho sotteo in the parlor, and as Mr. Bowser found it there ho soratohod his hoad and went about for tbe noxt half hour in a doep tudy. Once when ho wanted the gimlet' be came in and rummaged around and observed: "Mrs. Bowser if this houso needs a dozen sorow drivers, why dont you say so and let mo order thorn?" "Why we don't need 'em." Oh, yes, we dof There must be distressing need of 'em. When I ean't keep one at the barn tea minutes, there must be distressing use for 'em here. I'll order a dozen for you right off." Do you mean scow-drivers Mr. Bowser? ' Am I a. bat? Don't I know what I'm talking about?" He went to tho tolephone, called up a hardware storo, and ordered a dozen screw-drivers sent up at onoe. He was walling for them to arrive when I found the glmlot on a bracket in the library and told him he had best tako It to the barn. Wbon I come in here and asked you for this gimlet why did you deny knowing its wbearabouts?" he sternly demanded. "You asked for the screw-drivor." "Don't I know what I asked fori"' "WelL here it s. I wrote It down. Is that screw-drivor' or 'gimlet?' " Ho saw that he was ought, though .ho wouldn't give up. but I had my re vengo when a dozen sen w-dri vers cnnie up C. O. D. and he had to fork over fur Ilium. And yet I don't want the police to get an idea that Mr. Bowser and I j quarrel or that our lit me is not a bap- PV one, he U one of the best men, ana just like the average husband. He fuels it the duty of a husband to know it all, and any coming down to apologizing is beneath bis dignity. After a call the other day he remarked on the beauty of Mrs. blank's eyes. "Her eves are bine, my dear,' I re- pliod. Blue? Is your sight failing as bad as that?" "Bnt they are blue." "They are coal black." 'Kverybody save blue?" Weil, everybody might say yellow. but thev are black." A day or two subsequently we hap pened to meet Mrs. Blank while out walking, and 1 jokingly told her that Mr. Bowser had blacked her eyes. "1 wish they were black," she re plied. "I prefer black to blue." "And your eyes are blue? "Why, of course." "Well? ' I queried, as Mr. Bowser end I wal ked along. I see how it is," ho replied, "and I am sorry for her,, sho seems such a nice person. She is color blind, and sees blue for black?" DclrUt Free I'lW. She Was a Daisy, a Pulimaii sleeper the other night I watched tin affecting parting botwoou a youuz woman and ' her swecthoart Slio was a bouncing maiden of tho Daisy Miller typo be an insignificant-looking young dudo with caltorptllur colored fuzz on his upper lip and a hat two or three sizes too small for Irs small head. Bat what matter? They were Two souls with but a single thought. The agony of parting almost over came thorn. Their swcot sorrow was long drawn out Their lips clung to gether in many long kisses, whilo he whispered airy nothings in her ear and embraced her repeatedly, and slio wept and sobbed into her freshly iron ed handkorchict The eyes of every ono in the car wcro upon them and cynical and soolHng remarks were plenty. At last they toro themselves apart and he wont outside, under the glare of tbe clectrio light; which displayed his bounty to tlio utmost advantage, and callod all sorts of tondor last instruc t ons to, her through tlio window, whilo she in the shrill American voice, dirocted "Cliolly" to go and see "Mu" often whilo she was away. Mitrcuitonio, the cynic, who had come to see mo off, suoercd audibly. "Don't scoff at youth and beauty in dislross uontsnoer-at loves young dream." I said. "Distress! Lovo's young dream!" he gibed. "Mark my words, before you've been out a half tin hoursho will be flirting witli some other man." The eastern-bound express rolled out; of the depot, tbe passengers settled (hemsolves for the journey and the young Pullman conductor made his first appearance with great brilliancy and eclat. How it happened I cannot toll, for my thoughts woro busy else where, but after a little I raised my eyes and lo! "Cholly" was forgotten. Daisv's tears were dried and she was conducting, according to the host knowledge and in out aiillientio rules of tbo game, a successful flirtation with tlio young conductor. She giggled, she made otes, slio frowned prett ly, slio was so charmingly helpless about tlio window she must have water und oranges, and the dickens knows what, and tlio railway fletlgl ng was at her buck and cull. Next morning tbo flir tation roado percept, bio progress. Daisy went to breakfast with gilt buttons and bluo clothes, and what there was ins de of them. Slio donned her ulstor and tho big flaring Gains borough and wont out and r ode upon tho platform "to look at tbo scenery." which consisted mainlf of flat mead ows freshly plowed, and was according ly of surpassing beauty. She talked at tbe lop of her lungs, and informed the other passongers that now she guessed she'd better wash her hands, and anon she guessed she'd better have a pillow. This being brought, she made further subjugation of the nnhappy conductor, for, taking it, she posed upou it in such effect ivo attitndos as to win glances of approval and speeches of admiration from the infatuated, hope lessly besotted youth. In fact, for soveral hundred miles Daisy formed the staple amusement for a car full of trav elers. Ex. Fasti's Castls for ! Mme. Patti's castle at Craig-y Nos Wales, is advertised for sale. The rea son given by the diva for this course is the fact that she is being robbed by her neighbors. They overwhelm her with appeals for alms, and while she is search ing in her puree for the wherewithal to satisfy these demands the applicant pocket ber choicest bits of bric-a-brac or books. The park about the castle is overrun with poachers, and even the crops about the place are being cnt and carried off at night Frank Leslie's. WsBXXB'a Loo Cabin Reut.diks. "Saras peril Is," "Cough and Con sumption Remedy," "Hops and Buchu," "Extract," "Hair Ton ic." "Liver Pill-." "Plasters." (Porous-Electrical). "Rose Cream," for Catarrh. They are, like Warner's "Tippecanoe," the simple, ef fective remedies of the old Log Cabin days. Ancient Pains la Hew Uleileo. The remains of another extensive an cient city have been discovered in New Mexico. It is about a mile north of Ban Mateo. The action of the windsbade covered the larger portion of the ruir s with sand and other detrious, and con verted the whole into an extensive mound, and it was only a severe rain storm and cloudburst sweeping away one angle of this mound and disclosing some heavy stone walls that made the discovery possible. Jiiiman skeletons have been exhumed, and what appears to nave been a citidel. Chicago Herald. BABE ATTEMPT TO ROB. An Indulgent Husband. 'Td like to make a report that, my wife has run away," said a citizen of Cheno street at police headquarters yesterday. "When did she go?'.' Two weeks ago." "Haven't you been a little slow In .getting around?" queried the sergeant, "Well, you see. I was digging a cellar, and 1 hatod to lose any tiuie. And another thing, I didn't know nl she'd get sick of the fellow and come back. ,T "But she hasn't?" "Not yoU You can take tho report, bnt give ber another week to get around in. This is the fourth time she's gone, and she's always come back inside of three weeks." "You must bo used to it?" "Oh, yes. You've got to take the world as you find it Give her another wouk, sorgeant, and then if you find her advise bur to conn) homo. Toll li. r slio oati'l tin I many husbands dike mo. " Detroit Free I'rcu. I A Fortunate African. New York Press, Angust 28th. Amos Marsh, the Oranjrn (N. J.) Afri can who won $15,000 in The Louisiana Btate Lottery tho other day, dotli not behave himself at all unseemly. When he got the cash in his hands it came to him by the Adams Express Company, and the freight was $60 -he found the man who sold him the half of the win ning ticket and gave him $50. Having relieved himself of this gift, the most fortnnte darkey of his time proceeded to give his son, a rather happy-go-lucky youth, who does odd jobs about, some thing like $1,200 or 81,500, merely as a nest egg, as it were, to a future brood of as many thousands. Then the delighted A mos the next day he had probably not slept a wink in the night, with all the money in the house hired a hack, though the distance to the savings banks was only two blocks away, and rode, with Mrs. Marsh on the scat by his side, to mnke a deposit. It had been the orig inal idea of Amos to buy two houses; not that he was not satisfied with his present accommodations, but because he thought that would bo a good invest ment to begin with; but his dusky mis tress promptly vetoed that bill, and in sisted that ono of tho bank officers, whom all the people of the place knew as a kind and wise man, should decide for them at their leisure what should be done with the money. Minneapalis has decided to build an art school. A Woman's Couleaalou. "Do you know, Mary, I onoe actually contemplated suicide?" "You horrify me, Mrs. B. Tell ma about it." "I wae suffer ing from chronic weakness. I believed my self the most unhappy woman in the world. I looked ten years older than I really was, and I felt twenty. Life seemed to have nothing in it worth living for." "I have experienced all those symptoms my aelf. Well?" "Well, I was saved at the eleventh hour from th commission of a deed which I shudder to think of. A n iend advised m to take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. I did so. Ia an incredibly short time I felt like a new being. The 'Prescription' cured me, and I owe Dr. Pierce a debt of gratitude which I oan nev er repay." Good advice, unasked tor, has an ac eient and fish-like smell. A Pill In Time, Saves Nine! Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgativ Pellets are preventive as well as curative. A few of theee "Little Giants," taken at the right time, with little expense and no in convenience, will accomplish what many dollars and much sacrifice of time "ill fail to do after Disease once gets hold of you with hia iron grasp. Constipation relieved, the Liver regulated, the blond purified, will fortify against fevers end all conta eious diseases. Persons intending travel, changing diet, water and climate, will find Invaluable, Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purga tive Pellets. In vials convenient to carry. A straw-board factory at Iieloit, Wis., was wrecked by explosion of the boiler. If all so-rallod remedies have failed, Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures. The Duke of Oporto has been taking les sons in photography Half Hats Kxruralona. The first of the series of Harvest excur sions via the Missouri Pacific railway and Iron Mountain route to Arkansas and Texas, will leave September 25th, October 9th and 23d. Tickets will be sold at ons far for ths round trip with a limit of thirty days to return and ample stop-over privileges. Edna Prortor is visiting the poet Whit tier at his Maine residence. Now that the rush of ths summer work Is somewhat over, we desire to call atten tion to soma matters looking forward to profitable work for th fall months, and through the winter. Writ to B. F. John son A Co., lOOt) Main St., Richmond, Va., asd they will show yon how to do a grand work, which oan b made a permanent thing. Th orientals do not know much, by what they do know they know by heart. Th Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul Rail way sleeping'ar leaves Omaha, Union Pa cific railway depot, at 6:46 p. m. daily, tor Chicago and all points enet, reaching Chi cago at 1.00 p. tn., and Milwaukee at 2:81 p. m. th lollowlng day. Passenger via this lins are saved the annoyance and de lay of transfer at Council liluffs. Pullman Palace deeping cars and elegant day coaches and dining cars on all trains. Passengers taking this line can reach Mil walks. Madison, Dubuque, Freepnrt, Rockford, and all interior points In Wis consin several hours in advancert all other line. For tickets and further Information apply at ticket office, I COl Karnaiu street, Barker Block, 1802 Fartiatn treet,aod D. P. Ry. depot. K. A. Nssa. General Agent. The last thing a man wants in this world Is his ier. Wbcs Bsby was sick, ws gave her Caatotia, Wbaa aba was a Child, she cried lor Castorla. Wees aba baeam. Mlaa, sba clung to Cantoris. Wkea abe bad Children, she tttv Urn Castorla. Dr. J a Dies .!. Hurkley and Professor Lularltf. Editorial Rooms of "Christian Advocate,"f James M. Buckley, D. D., Editor. New Yoau. August 20, 1888. Pref. A. Loisette My Dear 6ir: Yon may remember thut, after I took your lec tures upon ths "Improvement and Proper Use ol the Memory," personally, at your office, 237 Fifth Ave., I declined to allow you to publish a certificate over my own name, in harmony with a rule formed many years ago; but, having seen the base attempt to rob you, 1 depart from tbe rule, and send you, unsolicited, the statement that, in my opinion, if your exercises are practiced sufficiently to master tbe system, Ft is of great advantage to eveo a strong memory, and furnishes incalculable aid to weak one. I will also say that, having various sys tem, and not being unacquainted with that taught by Dr. Pick, I believe that, with the exception of such parts of your system as you frankly avow to have been taken from the common treasury of litera ture upon such subjects, the stamp of orig inality is upon your work; and that the parts that are plainly original are worth far more than all the rest. J. M. BUCKLEY. A sin of commission More than ten per cent. BURNS and Scai'ls are instantly rendered painless and Invariably cured without a scar, by the use of CarbolUalve, the great skin remedy. 23 and 50 conts, at DrutrK'ists ort)j mail. Cole k Co., Black River Falls, Wis. Houkusai, a Japanese author, has pub lished a new novel in ninety volumes. The Australians are going to start a newspaper in London for themselves. 3?JACOBS QXJ, For Lumbago. FRESH, STRONG EVIDENCE. Prompt. fort Byron, III ., Mar 11, IMS. Last Iprlr-f was uk.a with lass, back and snf aS masts, was earsd by St. Jacob. Oil aad have kae aa ntara at pais. Ja.CE SlLUSriE. Sure. Dum, iu., star n, iss. I safarae with pala la bach aboat 10 awatha afs which laataa two month. 1 was cara by SB. Jaaoba Oil, aaS tasrs a. b..o so retain of vala. WILLIAM STXXJUXtZ. Permanent. Vsatta, Mich., Kay II, list. Aboat ths aortas ol 'SI was talus with acbas aaa aalas la hips aad bach; was carod by oa. bot tl. of St. Jacobs 0U and has remained psmaaoaS aver since. O. CHXI6. VUHHXLL. AT DXroOIBTS AHODEALXBS. THE CHARLES A. V0CELER CO.. Baltimore. True Economy Diamond Vera-Cura FOR dyspepsia: ASD ALL ST0KA0H TROUBLES SSCB AS: tadlgostloa, Soor-Btoaiach, Heartburn, Houses, old Slnsas, Constipation, rallaota after oatlag, FeoA aialag la tho Moath and disagreeable taste after aas lag. aorrooaaeas aad Low-spirlta. Jit Tfruqgitlt and ika'ers or ami by mail on re cript ol 2.'i cU. (.r bote 81 .00) in stamps. Sample tent en tweipt oj 2-rent Stamp. THE CHARLES A. VOCELER CO.. Baltimore. MS. lSliltK fY THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 3 IP WJfl-W" YOHK. The Largest, Chuaimst aad llest Iu the World. cash Asss-m 120,000.000. 81MOSGOKTZ. Speciui Agesl VS. T. ALU?, Oenernl Agent The Celebrated Red Oak Cart. Urirf Cart on artlL Ko hore motion. Tlreakititf And Spwiliiig Cans a fpi'C-nlir. Price r.(JU im U4.UU. V. O.Ii. cars Omaha. Send for Juta. CHAS. F. MILL.IGAN, - dealer In all klmls of Carriages and Harness. 13th and IIrney fltrotn, Omaha, Neb r ,rCnrMUl t -T-.--?ATI,l 1.1 Mrmir-ytht BsSawaBBaral 1 presort oe and folly en dorse Ills it as tba only specific for the certain cure of trjia dlnense. U.H.LNUKAHAM.M. D., Amsterdam, N. Y. We have sold Big G lor many yearsL and it has ?;iven me dch wi aanw action. D. R. DTCHK k CO., Chicago, ill. l.OO. Sold by Druggists. tie 00 1- sxten on a ilvi IU eyaslll made working fur us. Agnnls preferred who can 1 nmthb a horse andffive llietr wliolo time to Hie bnnlness. Spare moments any be tirolimbly employed nlco. A tew vacancies In towns and clllea. 11. K.JOHNSON 4 Co., HKU nlaln street lllciiinonJ. Va. rnnonoAU'c nn j-t ! oat- tUnilUrlHll O i'l.J-; 1,1 KSIMEJIhTT PoM!le.y has no equil lor euriuir il'nie spavin. B g Spavin. Hinr lttne, Nplini, tutli, Siains. Sweeney, Kir. 8 .1 1 l.y Di-jgtfi.ts. l'ut ap by DR. E. F. ROOT, fcxelor. Neb. CAMPAIGN UNIFORMS, ESTn large Illustrated Catalogue FREE. U.i. FosTHH. I-OV N., Miinuracturers, r.3 llajL-on Siivi't, Ciilinso. Illinois. PENS J Sft John St , V John St , JNfcW 1 I TJSB5 THE EFST. SftionprflfcPfphcm. Standard quality allt'irrPR. trample doz. lOcentsi by fii. ESTERBRQOK. PATENTS II opi nlons on pa ten tab! It. r. A. 1'. l.At r. , Patent Attorneys, Washing ton. 1). C. Instruction anil patentability rn.EE. 20 jt'8.eitixjrienco. It Is tree si uejia t hoar Haas's Saraaparllla, Iaa -an Ooaro Owe sM-w Is arbxt wKli and tn.s eas this sarnies-in II las U turn wish to proee tfcia. Swy ahgag MwasTa Sasispsrllas a4 naeusra Us -sass els. Taw was Saw. If sa has MS teaipou.if-av aw oamStsta Sltsctlsaa a d ywa will Sad that r II si a esSercat ages Is leas Taws at i art sis ly ee-clu.lve eW - is economy sj' avsiiaaa awao saw as stem wf ska swawssar s1iisbIS BawaTs Soneopaifwa rjapisata. aawl sm3 Li tar loss f appetiUw sr. It SIS me a van awawaatsf gap, aaj I Bsraw sw hesftaaiey Id recvaav rssHpa - t. W. Wn i swan. Qalncy, IIL Hood's Sarsvaparilla i SaM k aB a naa lots sts SartV Prepared oal : h C L BOOH aoa. ApaShi carina, Lowell. It j IOO Dosos On Dollar 1 lass ths bpsjisp taS asy aw varU d sbtosl i sissa law fsilnH.waweb pvvteet tbewoaaw boat has silna aaaS hnjertov woods, if at m W. I. si aaawba shoes at a rettuewst pries, sr pays h haw sjnswa without soy name asidl S0aw asfwd aw OW hoaaaaa, a I kw oewu u . li nnS W. L DOUGLAS $3 SHOE GINTLEMCST The only calf S3 8RJSf.K88 Shoe mooth ln slde. NO TAlltS or AX THHKAI) 10 Via Ibe toet.easy .a b.awl-srwwsastd WI LI. NOT It I P. W. L. UODULAH V 8MOK, the original anal only hand-tewed welt SI phoe. Kauai custuiu-mado shoes eonHns Tn ss s taSS w. i.. ioi;iiis im poi.u k siioir, RaUroad Man aad letter Carriers all wear llieuvi Sroootb laslds aa a Hand Sewed Show. No Tacks or Wei Thread 10 Hart th. leet. I W. I.. DUUGLAH SS JW SHOE la ni'.-icelledt for tteavv wear. Beat Catf Shoe for tn pr'ee W.L. DOtJGLA2-tS WORKI SOMAN'S SHOE la the beat la tbe wecld lor rough wear; oast -pair "tight to wear a man a y...r. W. L. DOlKil.AH SS SHOE FOB BOYS I the best school shoe Is the wwrld. W. L. DOUtil.AS S1.7S VOBTH'S School Shoe gives the assail Boya s chance to usar IBS) best shoes is tbe world. All made ia Corae, Baikal and Lace. If aaS so d by yonr dealer, write W.L- lOt3s5L.A.M, Hrockton,Mtaft n.A n A VI PILLS Tlie Great LiTBr ana Stomacli EeuiGtly 1 For the case of all disorders of tbo Stomach, IJ er. '-. Bowels, Kidneys, Bljtdiler, nervous Diseases, LosaeS " Appetite, Headache, Constipation, Coitlvcncss, . dlawstlon. BlllouanMi. t'-v 1......... n. .1 ' Bowels, Plies and all derangements of the Internal) Viscera. Pu-ily vegetabie, oonUlninx no mercurjvj. minerals, or deleterious drugs. ! riPrsPPfl't ntnrriTinii win . . renrcu i uidco i iuh piiheo bv one of Railway Pills every morning, about tawh o'clock, oa a dlnar pUl. By po doinc j SICKI1EADACIIE, Dyspepsia, Foul Stnsnac. mrb neaa, wni be svotdedr aa the food that la eatea contributes its nourishing; sroperUws for tike support of the natural waste of ths lr Observe ths rjaaowtas; symptoms rrmltlngc from Dlaeueor tlHi Mgeptsro Oriana : OonstlpatkiB. Inward Piles, Fullness or the Blood In the Heajd. Actattj ' orthe BU-iach. Sawaem. Heartburn, IXsguaA of Food. FoUneaa or Wearftt lathe Stomacb. Sone EruMatloBs, Rluklnt cw-Flnuerln of tbe Heart,. Choking or SiiSnntslnp; fa nsallona when In a lyln -posture. Dimness of Viatoa, Dots or Webs before th Sight, Fever and lull Palo la tbe Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Vellownewi of the Skin and Kven, Pain la the Rids. Cbext, IJmus, and Sudden r'luibea of Heat, Burning la the Flesh. Afew doses ot ItAO WAY'S PII,I,Sivlll frew. tbe system of all toe above named disorders. Price 25 cts per box. Sold by all (lrtifflrlsf 8. Send a letter stamp to !.. BADYVAYit f 'O., No. i-t wnrreu reef. New York. taT"Iulorirr ttou worth tbouhiuiaa win be scut to you. TO THE PUBLIC. Be sure and ask for HAD WAT'S and see that tue name " UADWAY on what yoa bay. 1FtW?m "OSGOOD' haL PswTswQiF3wwt t7. 3. Sundtrd Sc&Iu. Sent on trial. Freight iaid. FuUvWarrantctL 3 TON $35. Other sizrs proportio- tely low. Agmtt well paid, lllustraied C-talcrKu free. Mention this Paper. OSGOOD ft TB01tTSON.Bishamton, K. V .worth mm per lb. Petlt's hye naive I . worui SLUSJ but tMMild at 'fica noi uy nealepr COLD W. K. li Omaha, 432 ;;y. B ryant & Sf raff on Chicago Business College! SHORT-HAND INSTITUTE and ENGLISH TRAINING SCHOOL. Is the STAN liAttsa INSTITUTION and the LARCBST XIV THH WORIOJI Fall informs tion. Oatalogua. taruia, ate., aoat t'lUJL Addx BL U. BLtVaJiT A aOh, 1-r.pwieuwa, Caicac., LO. SLLCKE WaterproolGoatt uu Erer Mane. Urm tfJla.O WlltM aUaVpSa Will IN nin nn Viothnvthwrin.i im", fnd for d6Wf.rii!.vcUtogn to A. J. TOWBft.aammoi.'.fiL. Bowton. Hnts Don't wrto yonrirtfTOT afTOornihber coat. TW riKn T.RAND fiUPIlli ibv)lutely trniraiKl WN.iUMr,ftDtl will ltp ym Air in th hunlest BtormI Alt.orth "KlSH BKAND" aiBKttvdUkenotMb-. If ymr irtorekrf par dorJ SPECIAL BAR6AINS ! Sw FOR REPEATING RIFLE snn fivsmvD CTiPsnrD n cnnn dpdd ivran mm ve . uuv ucnuina orLntcin i-ouui nDrDAimu iui jldo ,h,:" laiKini, ou eniinre, meuMoc nn.iwn .i. eMweaci jwom nusain iu mi naps livprsifr, uoimcni uie pest ever bnasl. nrhwnnlfM.il. Ia9Mliat 1 nld In foreign errantries as well its In America. A nrnalne wnrramcal KISe far Mporilns or lw- fence, MHiiten for HV to nsj yaraa tmmnany wiatf-weacn, nno oniy onerwa as aoove low price Irowa having been sold at a large sale at a (treat aiicrlttra; baa patent eot-n lo rnaawtne. making It a win ghat, lander orn repealer, asdealred. CartrtdKcsaOcenisalioi. Bristle 8wwh-Brwah and Thong, 2f oeirtjp.' ltoannlsobe used ant (that f.nn.aeHliot flartrtdsea can be furnished for them making It s Itw periling Hhot lian 1 Price fur shot cartridges 74c. per bog. Send P.O. order for money, and order apt sure, Klttns forwarded to any part of tho country Price gparanleed only for present int. Todrulenst oroeitnsacaae of 10 rifles or more allbernl discount will be made. ntthlaowt aait will not appear agatjt i WILLIAM HEAD eb BONM, 10T Waahlagtaa ttb, Bwwloa. UCstuUsaed IhSF ' TO MAKE A DELICIOUS BISCUIT Ask. your qrocbr bxjr DVIGHT'S "COW BRAND" SODA AND TAKE NO OTilER.