The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 04, 1888, Image 1
ioux County Journal -I HABBISOIT, TsTEIB., OCT. 4. 1888. NO. 4 c X is,. X-AT-LAW. NEB. 'Y-AT-LAW. lte all courls :uiil the VWfkf. to my care w ill relation. Mil!. csuck. I -Shoe Maker. jjliASS GOOLK V -At- iABLG PRICES. r r - i 'Mt Rank Of Harrison. VTHOMAS, - land ao f.n t ok SARS EXPERIENCE. ittUd with the U. S. land -H of this department. 6ux county ami eastern A Ink done work from VMHunie plains, anil from jth Dakota line. J In fur 'Vtainmetit to visitors and i'tilthe most wonderful !. S miles north west Vnt 610 acres of the lies! THE SIOUX COUNTY iTOTTIR, IN" -iL -o- BY THf) JOURNAL PUBLISHING COMPANY'. Hew to the Line, LET THE (IIII'S FALL THEY MAY. WHERE . friends who attended to my wound, and i to them 1 w ish hereby to express my heart felt tlianks. This is the way Satterlee answers the j charges made by me against him in the Jol'HNAL, of having swindled the county by perjury and theft. He could dcic, anything either by oath r otherwise, bat the facts are of recoid and can not be denied as Satterlee will find out later. I am not through with him yet in Sioux county and after I am I will k'ive his record in Sheridan county only mat ters of record, his iersonal private rec ord is unlit to 1 placed before a respect able community. The people of Sioux county will and shall know who and what their county attojiu , is. Knowing now what he will do by would show your readers, the tax payers j what, lie has done, 1 will be on the iook of Sioux county, how Commissioner ! out and prepare for future meetings in Klein tjot -i0 of the peoples money to .'the dark. pay him for a pleasure trip he took to . Virfrinki last spriiii,-, ami here it is. The Sioux County Herald in its last Claim No. :i.V, as filed in the county i issue says that Mr. Walker employs his (Continued from last week) El). JontSAl.: In your last issue 1 promised that I j !' Attempted Assassination. A BRUTAL ASSAULT I'M) Eli ( OYER OF THE DARKNESS. W alker Struck. Wednesday evening of last week at aliout 8:30 o'clock as George Walker ws approaching his ollice from tile Hi trill and when only a few feet from it, a ian spoke to him from behind a tree savin;;-; "In Ibat . you George?" and he ered-'Ycs."At that the man raised u ciub and said"; "I'll kill you you son of a b- h" striking him at the same time. ); Walker had just time to turn away sl'ghlly receiving the blow a little to th- left of the back of his head about three inches above the base of the skull. Mr. Walker called to Tom Reidy in War lake's store, saying that Satterlee had bft him with a club and was trying to kill him. Tliis was said while trying to to the question " Business? S WOPRIETOR -Of the iTZin works, v 11 'S 4w8aid- 1; F U L L . i JjO WAY TO KEEP - ' ?. t SrNa 1. layhart THIv i doss the stnT to Mr. Ueidy, but lie fell at the edge of the side walk and Vas picked up by parties who had arriv- rlTBBSE vaore. V WM Afte 7 15 Occupy JKpace With V of Interest i To all buyers m neral andise erk's ollice reads as follows: time in writing letters and getting otli- To services aK Co. Commissioner. ii0.f0 its to si"n thtm as they would Mgn a f I i- -....I... r-.n a A ! ;i i. 4 .il liim Tf lltu n,..-:,li I l o sei ices huh limeade nn siiit-s, -iv. u v i j. n nwn, ..t i m m nun. ... - j-- . i t li.'ji , . n . r , . . , . , . . i 1 1 1 1 i i i umiv Lll s Limy, ULi,r.ii.n.-i.j uy uic idiiBiiu V ...1.. I...... T . S-.O .. r. II in u.fn u i: tirlw-Ii 111 lilt i'ei'H it I ' J iun ni'ijl I iiil iiri 1 inn ,iiti0-"i""."i"'.".u .n. ... v..- ed for safes is the item. They, (the ring); would employ his time in school where say that I am the only evil spirit that' he ought to be and for which he is drjw has Wn around the clerk's otllco Intel v. ling a salary, it would suit district No. 7 a giiod deal lietter. Here Dot. Respectfully, CKulio'K Waijcek. I am an evil spirit to the gang w ho are appropriating the people's money to their own use no doubt, and while 1 was looking up this item o.'iO the following questions were asked the county clerk by myself. Was Mr. Klein appointed a committee of one. bv the board of commissioners, to to go to Canton Ohio.and purchase those two safes for the county? Answer by the Clerk: No. Qm -tion No. 2. Lid the board ol com missioners ever pass any resolution auth orizing Mr. Klein to go to I anion umo. for the purpose of purchasing the safes? Answer by the Clerk: No. Question No. ;i. Is there anything m the minutes of the commissioners pro ceedings that will show by what right Mr. Klein claims "i0 for that service? Answer by the clerk: No nothing. Quest ion No. -I. Hy what right . did t lie (.ounty commissioners allow Mr. Klein ?-)0 for koiik filing which he was not ant hori.ed to do? Answer: 1 don't know. Now 1 will simply ask the tax payers, do any of you know? Echo answers, No. I asked Mr Klein myself how he ac counted for the SoO, and he told me in my ollice, that it was all right and that it was understood between themselves that he was to have the $o0 and so he got it. Now tax payers do you understand it? confess I don't: although it is very plain. This item is sworn to and . of course must lie all I ight. If I tun alive and able I will give the facts in the next issue of the JontNAI. as to how these safes were bought and from whom. Same claim. Road work on roads No. lit, 20 & 21 flO. road 10. l."i. 8. Hi. 20, " " " ' 2-1, i tt a ti o " " " ' 2"), and Changing road No. IS, four days. lea ving out -same, ... 2". As Ujard of equalization, - - 4'.'. Mileage for same. - - - 3.20 1 will here request that the tax payers of Sioux county sit. as a jury and listen to the charges pivferred and the evidence prodm dl and then decide accordin, law and evidence. Mr. Klein swore to the fort-going bill as being just and cor rect, and unpaid, by either the county or any individual, when he presented it for payment. I have a eeriilied copy of this bill in toy possession. Will Mr. Klein or his adviser; the county attorney, please tell us by what kiw he allows himself four dollars a day. The compiled Statutes, lyS7, pg. 02s, sec. 4, requires a petition signed by at. least ten electors residing within five miles of the proposed road. See. 5 requires a deposit of a sullicieiit sum of money to pay for the surveying and laying out of the proposed road. Sec. fl reads as follows: Commissioners appointment. Upon compliance with the foregoing requisites, the comity clerk shall appoint some suitable and disintur- .Mr, Klein's Explanation. En. .lornNAb. Sir: in your last week's issue 1 read among other articles an item in a com munication from (ieo. Walker saying that he will show in your next "week's issue how f got iS-lO of the county money to pay in" for a pleasure trip which I took last, spring to Virginia. Of course 1 received $."50 Irom the county but not j for a pleasure trip, but for the servii es 1 ! pcrl'iirmoil in the interest of the county, j It was a mutual understanding by the commission' rs that while I was east. I should negotiate with the IMehold Safe and Lock (Jo. at Canton, Ohio, and see what I could do m regard to the burned safe that was destroyed in the lire ami if j I could make a satisfactory bargain awl induce the sale company to allow us for) the bullied safe and give us a ue v , , was to lie recompensed for my expenses and trouble. Of course it was not made an order by the board and so recorded. Well I diil all I could. -I procured two safes for the county, the cost of which was $200 each, a total of .$r:J2 ; for the net sum of $200, thereby saving the county just $200, Or in other words, 1 got one safe free. Now my actual ex penses incurred, serving the county, was H railroad hire from Wheeling, West Virginia, to Canton Ohio; and the expen ses of three da vs living: and for which service the county board allowed tne the sum of if.V) subsequently for my trouble. IUNIKI. Kllin. ix lp. He was taken into the store and kis wound washed and afterward re moved to his ollice where Urs. Andrews ilud Shafer dressed the wound. It was iVuud to have lieen made by some blunt isistrumcnt and something of a slanting (ilow must have been struck according vo Uie showing of the woynd. I Mr. Walker suilered considerable pain faiiscd by the aching sensation in his head for several days, but he is now able to lie around as usual and the wound will probably soon heal. To say that the deed was a cowardly and brutal one, is not adequate. For one person to delilierab ly lie in wait for (mother, anil he a cripple, and after sm-aking to him in a friendly tone strike him a blow in the dark a person who would do that must he as devoid of prin ciple and manhood as a hog is of man ners. His the bight of treachery and cowardice, the depth of villany and de ceit. To say that it was the act of a man would bo an insult to the lowest and meanest of the race. No, it was the work of a thug and its perpetration should win him predominance among his class. ested elector a commissioner to exiimim into the expediency of the proposed road, the alteration or vacation thereof, and report accordingly. Was commissioner McOinly the disin terested elector the statute contem plates, laying out a road from Harrison to or near his ranch? Comment is un necessary, I w ill call again. LITTLE COTTONWOOD. C. J. Lever, one of Cottonwood's most -miniin'iit sloi knien, has return, i from .'ii i "tended trip to Iowa. His brother, wi,-. nl -.0 has a. tine ranch here, started a few d,i v-ago to Ireland on business. School is progressing finely ill district No. : under the el'icienf management of Miss Ada Arner. Mrs. (iliize, wife of one of our most to i energetic fanners, is suM'eriitg wilh a Mini. Several of the seders here contem plate going on a fall hunt: it will be the same old story run out of grub just as they found game. Mr. I. 1'rociinier started a few days ago to his old home in Iowa. He is the lirst settler of this valley who has taken the back track, which speaks volumes for the country. Mr. l'eir .iiL'ton raised some onions this season that measured fourU.e!) ami three-fourth inches in circumference. Farmers are anxious to got the Jot'Ii NAl.. Tin smooth words of the politi cians will fall uiiou ears that are deaf to their appeal for support I his fall. Corn is now out of the way of the frost. Iiot it come. WHAT WE WOULII UKK. To s'.-e B. F. Thomas appointed county super, ,'itemloiit. Io see a county that in its inluney is run on the most economical plan that, is practical. W. M. I'. Last Wednesday evening alioiif. nine o'clock while on my way to my ollice walking in the street E. 1. iSatlerlee, standing hy the third tree from D. 11. Oriswold's store, spoke up and said, "is that you (leo?" 1 uiiswered "Yes." At this he sprang out from the darkness, and raising a stick that looked to me like a pick handle ho said, "I will kill you you j share of the costs in the case. Mr. (.crlach Again. Montrose, Oct. 1, IMA Ed. Jochnal: The Sioux County Herald states in its last issue tliat 1 told J. h 1'1'ost that (Jeo. Walker had told me to sue him. '1 romemlnTof Mr. I'fost coming to me one day in the town of Harrison and ask ing me if it was true that I was going to sue him. 1 told him that I had no such intention. He'said ho knew he made a mistake und was willing to pay his 1 do not ANTELOl'E VALLEY ITEMS. Oct. 1st, lW Everything quiet in the valley. Fine weather and plenty of hay in the valley. Potato digging anil corn husking will soon lie in order. We are in receipt of "feu gallons of molasses from Mr. Leeling's mill, which we must say is of the liesl. quality. Hav ing made over 400 gallons up to the pres ent time, he has fully demonstrated that lie is an old hand at the business. It is expected that his run will reach Kit.O gal lons this, year. One man from Indian creek, whose name we cannot call, haul ed six loads of cane that made !Mi gallons. How is that for Sioux county sweetness? A saw mill is talked of in War llounel canyon this full. Mr. Saulsliury capsized with a load of hay. in Hat. creek, at Montrose. He, with many others, thinks a bridge is needed at. that place. We are informed tiiiit the bloods of Harrison are getting on the war path and that they choose darkness lather than light. Never mind friend George, it. w ill soon be too cold for theiil to stand on the street and wail, for you. Paul Lecling. having one half interest m the cane null, has a good supply of molasses, lie says that if he could lind a girl Unit could live on tally he could keep Imr. We think, some fair danisal would do well to lake a claim next to Paul's and finally take an interest in his claim also. There ore many others too numerous to mention. The new threshing machine of Uplioll' &. at Mr. Shepherd's place over Sunday ready to devour the stacks of grain. Ci.ri.uh's explanation is very interest ing fo us but it contoins no more than we expected. Truth in many times stranger than fiction. We are glad to anuoiino.c that Mr. Kagland is a lirst class pumpkin roller. Wm. Brooks and O ar Garten made a flying trip to While river Monday. it is report al as th" opinion of some that Mr. Walker will either be bought or killed. In our opinion either way would Iw a pretty dear job. As to the comments on our lust items we would only say, -'our interests are neither in Harrison nor Harrison pre cinct." Respectfully, Wkkd son-ofa-b-! li. I, turning to avoid n. know of my lelllng I'fost that Walker blow from the assassin was sli'in k iii the j had told me to suo him nor do I i-etneni-buok ef my head which Minded ini 1 1 her of Walker ever felling we to do ho. fed 111 the st.V-ef ViYiT w'iis (ricked Up hy' Lt'.WIS ( iKftLAClt." Mr. James U. Riggs, editor of The Frontier, published at O'Neil, in the last issue of that paper bids adii u to his fel.MnU und eneniins mid turns over to his brothel , Geo. i. Kiggs. tlw future odilorial cliaw. it is a good newspa per- Finest calf boots and slides made to or- 'der by M. BrUek.' ATTENTIONI TO MEET THE DEMAND OF HIS 'COZLSTSTA-jSTTX" -:- INCREASING PATRONAGE mi a ii n i a t r is n r -M Wm. li H li d i 1 11 a K K -Is now putting in a- FIRST CLASS ASSORTMENT -OF- Cook stoves and heating stoves. Also a flnecfof CUTLERY, GRANITE IRON WARE AND TIN WARE: And a full line of mimm n ardware AND ers Material ALWAYS ON HAND. It is a well known fact that as a rule the honest customers have to foot the bills of the dishonest ones, where books are kept and lawyers employed to collect bad debts. As we are doing busi ness on a en si i basis, those unnecessary expen ses are dope away with, consequently we can olfer to our patrons . SUCH PRICES AS WILL BE BOTH PLEASING AND PROFITABLE. Give us a call and see for yourselves Respectfully, Wm. CHRISTENSEN. Harrison, Neb. J. B. FK.'XEV, President. General ollice F. C, SlKKNSEX, Secretary. BCFFAl.0 GAP, DAKOTA. BUFFALO GAP LUMBER CO., -Dealers in- 1 iiillW fipfll LliillUu! j llbliij MI And Shingles. 1 S a s li , Blinds, Hair, Doors. Plaster, Lime, CuMPLF.TK STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND Harrison. Neb. G. GUTHRIE, Manager;. Blacksmith, Wagon, Carriage anq Repair shop. Good stock aWay on hand. All kinds of xVorlc execu ted promptly VUT.SFACTION GUARANTEEA . . - - . -in....;., r.' I....H1MI South of 1'1'ost V Livery Hn.M' - , nnros",,,- ..