)s of abnor- resemble tor, there is, Jlble sijrn of kind hsTe, e4 by the I there wu mining the nre U prob- There are .at Tpmoff vOn whether I f that, to the death, the a'oui of hi 'jm to Limielf id lifted to WTeo. This 2am Ten nan t whole three irently dead ad into a few ) Joy; but his d a blank, t was, be bad When be ar his old lally returned tit I similar the mines? of bis Jlng without ju of it A E l ward B. Usheil in the arknblc one. J died at the son of the D., an emi- lass. seven he was a peculiarly 3lne. For a led as hope Jted bis worst th thought to ?se went home, lant took her t symptoms re cant seemed to Mei him dead 'tinted. For a Ith fixed eyes, ptiblo breath- ( Was conscious 1 mid and done vatigrt the ar ?al were freoly i(f he came to Jli somehow bo "V his former ' that mine, jfTfbnt hud oc rou.scdfrom )am of soruo e uIodo could stcrmiiied to id learn bis iff the facts Bgb she had the judg at he was not f the use of I The means sally regain M his health Upended ani- "very exalted jko Tcnnant, )m the body. Iron was par ttnderful lioli-lll-prevading 1 williiu and oral sancitv, ling my soul land delight ibovo others lation of tlio . lit was wliile - con vers a '"fcOijI interesting r (t tlie impres ' t'r. nurse In her ' flroe that llio "! own mind .through her, 1 Beard at the Salt sure that itbat she had Jnscitation. 'if fAvoId. on going to nf" 2t I haven't A lot of are there this understand Mish it new rer Clare- 1 1, "I notice a magnifi ;land. Can't him lome- 3y," replied t Denial." .land, your Union riment. 3d be a irnod ( Darr if the ,1 him. ttl aim There left to Ha Came Prepared. "'You don't know what love is, Mr. Swackhammer." protested the beauti ful girl with a smile of incredulity on her face; "the sentiment you entertain for me is only a passing fancy. When it has had iu brief day aud you look at it in the cold light of reason you will be surprised that you ever mistook so palpable a delusion for the genuine thing it assumes to represent." - 'JJut hear me. Mis Garfingbouse," exclaimed the young man. calmly, yet earnestly, "am I not old flfougn to Inow aay own" . tr "It Is not a question of age, Mr. Swackhammer," interposed Miss Gar lingboiue, still smiling iucreduously, "bnt of scientific demonstration. As you are probably aware, I have devot ed myself for the last two or three years to a severe course of scientific study, and I have acquired the habit perhaps unconsciously, of accenting nothing as true that is not deruonstra table by the inexorable rules of mathe matics or the soundest process of log ical induction. Science has become with me the touchstone of all things asserted, claimed or proposed, and " jBut how do you apply the rules of science to matters of the heart?" in quired the yotiug man. "How can you subject my love to the test of a mat lie ru alical or scientific demonstra tion? ' "In this way, Mr. Swackhainmmer. The action of the passion or emotion of love upon the very sympathetic ganglia of the human organism causes certain well established and clearly de finod phenomena. When you speak to me of love I look for the appearance of those phenomena. From a scientific point of view they are not satisfactory. The tremor in your voice is not suffici ently pronounced. Your articulation is not thick and husky. The color in your face is hardly a shade paler than its normal hue, and you have no nerv ous movements of the hands. Do you think a mere assertion can disprove the evidence " 'Alvira Garlinghouse," came impet ulously from the lips of the young man as he rose to his feet, "there are facts in mental as well ns physical science that arc not wholly beneath your no lice. Some men are gifted with a mar velous faculty of self -control, so far as external manifestations are concerned. Beneath the apparently unmoved ex terior that you have subjected to a sci entific tost, there rages a volcano of passion. Do you doubt it? I will dem onstrate it to am .lliematical certainty. I foresaw the scepticism with wh'ch you would receive my avowal and came prepared. Listen to the beating of my heart" And with a quick movement ho drew from bonoath ids waistcoat tho flexi ble tube of a stethoscope und placed it against her ear. "Count the pulsations!" be continu ed. "They will run nearly one hun dred to the minute. Normal heart beat, seventy pulsations. Note the revelation of deathless love conveyed by this rcspiro meter!" And he pro duced another flexible tube. '-Respirations per minute, twenty-eight! Twenty-eight Alvira count them twcnty-eighu Normal respirations pot minute, from fourteen to twentv in adults. Observe the mathematical cer tainty of tempestuous passion demons trated by my temperature !" And opening his tightly-closed loft hand, he showed her a small thermometer. Temperature, Alvira, one hundrod and twelve degrees! Normal temperature. about, one hundred degrees Fahren heit! Have I proved my love?" "Alpheus," murmured tho lovely girl, as she placed hor head on his shoulder, with her lips at an accessi ble nngle, "you have!" Chicago Tri bune. Saved by an Impression. In August 1887, I was in Washing ton. Being ready to depart for home I went to the Pennsylvania railroad office for a ticket; and there learned that two trains left about the same time. One was an ordinary passenger train fare 'ill; the other a faster and a, better equipped train as far as Pittsburg fare $14. As by either train I would arrive home (Cleveland, O.) at the same time, I thought $3 was worth saving, and was about to pur chase the 111 ticket, when I was im pressed to wait I then went to the back room and took a seat I beard no voico,but I was so strongly impress ed to take the fast train that I did and paid tU for the ticket I left Wash ington and arrived in Pittsburg on time. I bad a good supper, took the night train and arrived home all right next morning. At breakfast I read in the morning papers: "A terrible acci dent at the Horse Shoe Bead, on the Pennsylvania railroad a large number injured, several fatally." The train that met with the accident waj the alow train I intended to take, but did not because of the impreasions 1 re ceived at the depot I offer no ex planation, but merely state a faet When reading the account of the aooi dent a shudder approximating con vulsion rnn over my body from thinking how I bad escaped possibly injury or Aeli.Seliqio-l'hilo$ophicU Journal. Soap. Would Remove tho Best Herr Host fays there are 2,000,000 Anarchists In this country. A fine combu) gbt lesson tho nutnbor. Buffalc Newi, rake lata fas Wnaf Cum. "I was eroesinjr the A thin tie in a Cnn arder," said he, "several years ago, and poker flourished most abundantly in tho smoking room. It was rather a big game most of the time, bnt my book good and I staid till the finish. On third dav the Stewart of the smoktnr room, a rather superior sort of an Eng lishman, aaked to be allowed to take a band. We told him he'd better star out, bnt he persisted and we let him in. He might have played poker all right hi England with Englishmen, bnt he didn't know enoncrh to stand no with Jour or five Yankees and a couple of Il linois legislators, i suppose no lost two months' pay at the first sitting. Most of it he lost to me. When the earns was over and the stew ard was going off with a long fees I called him back. I gave him the money I had won from him sad told him to avoid Americans at cards. 'Yon think. yon blarsted Britishers, that yon know powerful lot, bnt you 11 nnd zanxee and western poker players a darned sight smarter every time.' T . 1 .1 1 ,1 J ft lie took mo money ana mm aavwe, Pittsburg Dispatch. HiUnMa'i Photographic Traaaares. Rubinstein, the pianist, has many photographs, bnt none that he cher ishes more dearly than one of which he is accustomed to relate the following tale. He was, at the very outset of his professional career, about to give his first concert at a town in Russian Po land. Rubinstein sat at the box office all day, but not a single person came to buy tickets, and the young musician baa a sinking feelins at his heart. At last, however, a Polish Jew entered, and threw down a rouble, asking for six seats. This rouble proved the first of many thousands of coins that the artist was to pocket during his career. Years afterward Rubinstein again passed through this Polish town, met his friendly Jew of old, and had him photo graphed. This counterfeit the pianist would not part with now for many ron h'es. New York Tribune. Siberia's Now Waterway. A new waterway in Siberia will con nect the rivers Obi and Yenissei, and will utilize the river Obi and its branch es, Ket, Osernaja, Lomowotaja and Jasswaja an outlet of the "Great Lake" on one aide, and on the other the Yenissei with its tributaries, the Oreat and Little Koss. A cutting 41 miles long, between the Great Lake ana the Little Koss will complete the con nection between the two rivers. The difference of level between the Great Lake and the river Obi in C5A feet, which will necessitate eight locks bein built, while between the Great Lake and the Yenissei there is a fall of nearly 174 feet which will be got over by twonty-flve locks. The Great Lake is 64 feet deep. The cutting, or canal out of it is 42.6 feet wide and 4.1 feet deep. The total amount of excavation is 719,680 cubio yards, of which 78,000 cubio yards have yet to be dug out. Tho works wero commenced in 1883 and will be finished this ve.ar, the estimated cost being 8,000,000 rubles. London Standard. fortune In Frogo. Any man who has a pond on his farm can try the experiment of raising his own frogs, says tho Boston Journal. First, let him buy six pairs of fine New Jersey brooders, and clump them into the water. With these for a starter, you may select a quantity oi domestio ba trachia, and then you will havo the nu cleus of a fortune. Don't interfere with your water investment for a year, any more than to keep your growing stock well supplied with food. They require an abundance, but as they are not very dainty in their tasto, the account will be light. For a young farm two barrels a day of hotel table scraps will keep the frogs in splendid shape, so that at the end of twelve months you can begin marketing all that you can fish out at the same price as spring chickens. Give me the time and facilities, and I will wager that at the end of two years I will be living on an income of $5,000, and my frogs will pay all my expenses. An Old Indlau Pupil. The Indian school at Carlisle, Pa., has the oldest pupil of any educational insti tution in the United States. He is more than CO years of age. Crazy Head is his name, and he was once chief of the Crow nation. Ho was a bold warrior and an able ruler. He is anxious to learn the ways of the white men, and is now receiving instructions in black smithing. During the -coming winter he will attend school. He is a man in vigorous health, and lias a more refined face than is often found in his race. He is docile and patient, and there is some thing almost pathetic about his longing to learn the customs of civilization be fore he dies. Boston Transcript A Lucky Man. HftTTOdlburg- (E7.) Saying tnd Dotngi. Aufalt 2& Mr. Frank Lawrence Dant held one twentieth of ticket No. 8,804 which drew the firet capital prize of $300 000 in The Louisiana State Lottery on the 7th inst The 915,000 was collected through the Citizens' National Bank of Louisville. Mr. Dant is rather prepossesssing in per sonal appearance, nearly six feet high and weighs 150 pounds. He is an intel ligent and affable gentleman, only twenty-two years old and unmarried. Hs was educated at St Mary's College, and learned book-keeping at the Southern Business College, Louisville. For three J ears he kept nooks for his father, Mr. . W. Dant, proprietor of a large distil lery of an old brand of pnre Kentuoky whisky at Dant's station, fourteen miles from Lebanon, Marion county, Ky. One year ago he accepted the position of time-keeper for the Knoxville divi sion of the Louisville and Nashville rail road, and clerk of assistant master of trains at a salary of $50 per month, and is stationed at the railroad, one mils from Stanford, Ky. Hia good fortune has not turned his head, for he intends to hold his place, hoping by close appli cation to business he will be promoted. For two years he persisted in purchas ing tickets in The Louisiana Stats Lot tery. Four months since he organised a olub, of whioh he was chief, and eon tinned to buy tickets. Last month ha drew $25, and on the 7th came the big prise. He has paid ont what was dne the club, and will inveat hia portion in some sale speculation, and continue to work and court flokle fortune as hereto fore, To make a long story short Sand It to the editor of a newspaper. Half Rata Rxcnrlone. The first of the eerlee of Harvest excur sions via the Miuoiiri Pacific railway and Iron Mountain routs to ArkaBsaa and Texas, will leave September 25th, October 0th and t'M. Ticket will be sold at ana fare for the round trip with a liaslt ot thirty days to return and ample stop-ever privileges. Damascus Is the oldest dtp hi thf waeid. Loo Cabiws are fast going out of style as fashionable residences. Log Cabins will, however, always have a place in American history, as they were tlie most prom- flsWtr fsftSnttl. vf An MAea. f trv's earlv social Ufa. Tha pioneers wars strong, ragged, healthy. Warner's Log Cabin Cough and Coa sumption Remedy is a reproduction of one of tho best of the old time roots and herbs re readies, whioh kept them well. Everybody praises "TiDDaeanoa" aa a slostaeh feonie. , aWtttaw WeH tm t3ergU. Professor Lawaon E. Brown ronorts nits a phenomenon on his plantation in Burke eonnty, Oa. He has a well there 100 feet deep, with about forty feet of water in it About three months ago tha water began to boil np with a roar distinctly heard at some distance. Tho distnrbanee continued for weeks, then esassd for a short time, and began again with equal rigor. Tho tenant on the place has recently cleaned ont tha well to the bottom, discovering no cause to produce the phenomenon. uueago Herald. FITE CHEAP HARTEST EXC0B8I058 Tare Chaaee to Tlaw the Waatertal Crop f tha Waal, Soathweat anal Norllaweet. The most abundant ever known. Come and eee lor yourself. Tha Oreat Rook bl and Route offers you the inducement of lowest rates, and a delightful journey in its unrivaled palace cars. Dates ol excuraions: Leave Chicago September 11 and 25, and October 9 and 28 (1888), lor Kansas. Nebraska, North western Iowa, Minnesota and Dakota. Rate: One fare lor the round trip. Tickets first-class and good 80 days lor return passage. Improve this opportuni ty. You may never have another in a aea son so bountiiul. Be sure your tickets read via the Great Rock Ialand Routs, which has Its own lines to principal points In all these states. For rates and full particulars, address Wo. Rickey, Passenger Agent, Davenport, Iowa, or E. A. Holbrook, O. T. P. A., Chieaso, 111. Never kick unless you find you an getting the worst ol it Row the millionaires and Judges Take It. Our Massachusetts Moxls Is rapidlv creeping into the esteem ol high circles. Col. Bennett the Philadelphia eight tail lioanaire,says it saedhim. and be Intends to build a monument to it in Fairmount Park. Judge Brewster, ol the Supreme Court, talks large on it, too. First-class actresses consider it a part ol their outfit, and rich men put it on their sideboards. On the street, five Moxies are sold by the glass to one ol anything else. Herr Rrupt, ol Germany , has declined a baronetcy. If fnirtfl with Sore Htm, nun Dr. Tae Thomp ' hoe Water. UruggliU aell It. 25c The French are excellent judges oi horse flesh When it's cooked When Baby wai tick, we gave her Castoria, Whes ah wu a Child, (he cried tor Gutoria, Whea aha became atlas, ahe clung to CaatorU, Waea she had ChiUrea, (he gare them Castoria, II this eountry must have a natural flower why not take the shad-roes? Before slates were invented people multi plied on the lace of the earth. (unbound For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged If iv ORBS Nervoue Prostratlea.NervcnsHead- ' ache.Nf uralfia, NervousWeakncat, r Stomach and Liver Dtaeaaea, and all affectiona of the Kidneye. A8 A NERVE TONIC, It Strengthens and Quiets ths Nerves. ' A8 AN ALTERATIVE, It Purines and bitches ths Blood. AS A LAXATIVE, It sets mildly, M Barely, en the Bowela AS A DIURETIC, It Regulates the Xld. asts sad Cans their Diseases. leeeainianded by prorealonsl and budnssj men. Mceti.ee, Said by Cruffiiu. Sead far circulate. WELLS. RICHARDSON 4 CO., Proprittort. BUKLINOTOM. VT. MmEADACIlEi lAilYTTlVol these Ll&le Pllls.1 They also relieve OiafJ Waea from Djiptpala, la -SJ digestion and f oaHaaxtjfl scons. & nerrest renH ledr far Dlrrlneea.llanaaal ICrewelaeaa, Bad Taataf In tae Mouth, Oeats rTonrue.Paln in the Slit J TOJlrlu UTIB. Tseng ran late ue do wall frnrely Veaeteble. nice sa vents: CASTS KZSICIHX CO., KEWTOnX Small Pill; Small Dose. Small Price. 3asaaaaaaasaaaal HELL? FOR THE !m22 YEARS Eltert's Kx tract af SlaaaniaA all anne-ha. ealda. bronchitis, sad Nlleved asthma and consumption for all who have used It Is not this an evidence of Its merit and rellsbultyl It Is a mrs and say SMdleaw for all bronchial trouble! and never falls to glrs sstlif action. Try It under a fall Warrantee. Price 50e sad 11.00 per bottle. Prepared by XiucsnT PaonusTaJtr Co., Chi sago, HI, JONES Ml Uvert, Bti Bfnrlngs, feat Tats mm ami ti m WwW tflilUal). far frsj ttiM flsj MSfUh Ibis pSMf 4drw Would yon know the keen delight Ol a wholesome appetite, Unrestrained by colic's dire, Headache's curse, or lever's fire, Thoughts morose, or icy chille? Then uee Dr. Pierce'a piila. Dr. Pierce'e Purgative Pellets ths origi nal and only Little Liver Pills; 25 cents a visl. A camel will work sevea or sight days without drinking. A aataseo-llhe OaTar. For many years the manufacturers ot Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy have oBersd, in good laith, $500 reward for a ease of Nasal Catarrh which th ay cannot core. Ths Remedy is sold by druggists at only 60 cents. This wonderful remedy baa fair ly attained a world-wide reputation. If yon have dell, heavy headache, obstruc tion el ths aaaal passages, dischargee fall lag from ths bsad into ths throat, some times proluse, watery, and acrid, at oth ers, thick, tenacioua, mucous, puruleat, bloody and putrid; if ths syss are weak, watery and inflamed; il there is rlaging la the ears, deafness, hacking or coughing to clear ths throat, expectoration ol offensive matter, together with scabs from ulcers: the voice being chsnged and has a nasal twang; the breath offensive; small and taste impaired; sensation ot diuinssa, with mental depression, a hacking cough and general debility, you are suffsringlrons nasal catarrh. Ths more complicated your disease, the greater the number aad diversity ol symptoms. Thousands of cases annually, without manifee ting half of the above symptoms, result in consump tion and end in the grave. No disease is ao common, more deceptive and danger ous, or leas understood, or more unsuccess fully treated by physicians. The brain o! an elephant is somewhat larger than that of a man. When a threatening lung disorder, Shows its first proclivity, Do not let it cross the border Quell it with activity. Many a patient, young or olden. Owes a quick recovery All to Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. III. is Illinois, but it doesn't tollow that Illinois is ill. hrrsNEURALGIw! CHRONIO Cases PROMPTLY PERMANENTLY. No Return of Pain. Cures Positively. SOU BY BBUOeiSTS AHD DSALSBS. The Charlea A. Vogeler Co., Baits., aTd. ely's catarrh CREAM BALM 1 suffered from catarrh 12 years Thedroppingsinto the throat wen nauseating. Mj nose bled almosi daily. Since firs days use of ElyV Cream Balm have had no bleedinp, soreness is entireh gone. D. Q. Daviri son, with Boston Budget. A particle II applied Into each nontrtl and la agree able. Price Ml centa at Drut'irHn.; by mall, reen tered, M ceuta. ELY BUOTHERS, M Warrea at., Haw York. WEVEI)yy IJJDU VM3L HAYrFEVER Ths BUTXBS' OUIDB is issusd March and Sept, (each year. It is an enoy elopedia of useful infor mation for all who pur. chase the luxuries or the neeessitiss of life. We can sloths you aad furnish you with all the necessary and unnaesssair applianoea to ride, walk, danoe, sleep, eat, flab, hunt, work, go to shureh, or stay at horns, and in various slsss, stylss and quantities. Just figure out what is required to do all these things COMFORTABLY, and you can make a fair estimate of ths value of the BUTXBB' QUIDS, whioh will be sent upon rsoeipt of 10 cents to pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. Ul-114 Michigan Avenue, Obioago, 111, The Celebrated Red Oak Cart, Belt Cart on eRrth. No horse motion. Breaking and SpeedlDir Carts a apeclaitr. Price ttft.UO aad 24.00. V. oTB. carl Oinai.a. Beud for Cuts. CHAS. F. MJLLIGAN, dealer in all kloda of Carriages and Harness 19th and Harney streets, Omaha, Neb. lira vk Kiit THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OV HEW YORK. The Largest, Cheapoat and heat ta tha World. CASH ASSETS 9190,000.000. iimon eorrs, wu. r. allkh. Special Aiea. Several Asset. KIPPER'S PmiLLES.yfeyi UAHB STOfiT. Book-tee pins, Penmanahia, il V Iws a& Arithmetic, Shorthand, ate., thor oughly tauaht by mall. Lowratea. Circulars free. BHT ANT'B COLLBOK, 431 Main St., Buffalo. N. V. toss per da. Samailai vartk Sl.a'nuu.Uaaa M iaSar the aaree'e faat. Writs Brawater Ssfstr Rata Hois srCo., Holl. laion. taauata ama aar lb. Patlt'a Bra aeiva la worth aLOQO bat laaold at fees has br Sealers $5 C8LD W. N. D., Omaha, 43138. Why Dcrrt Tea SasuasatMiTTtVi 1 1 staaTaaasaJaaTa golifl TrutBt TV Is No BETToiCTniAfrnc thaw THE WORLD-EENOWWED IdiIvYPills. 1W Sal i ws tkaaasaarataauars D10OOVB2V. Amy haafcliara Slat a leaalaay Ml ad waaaaWafasr umM s4L TriilTf?il?Myiltaiifii I'niiais ys but Maw saws vaars Plraev Oreat iadi fTeeectne,wtlB moad. the wortd fi Daniel Uraaaloar Thiaaaanwav the area rarcnolotfat. .J. M. Itatefctar. Ik O.. KdMer of taa Chrlatlaa Advome. Kixkavdl Prowta, tha cientiRt, aad other, aeoc mac free ar rraf. A. LoltKtm fia roth Ave. Bow Tors, aw av ipertna, with enkaSoaiaaS UK. Was. Jk. Waaab d, the vortHmawi giiailalaaf ta Mad sleeaaes, iel Urssaloar naaasa. the areas TsjTOTPnra ata-nr a NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS BBaocjUAH-rmia, Tne Western Ikwauaper PnJsm. Whenever needing acytniag in way of job stock, fvrsEtt taper, 001411 or 1 printing: material of any kind, ink. Toi lers or BtereotTsriajr, ioa't rail to gat our prices. Ton w;,U save moaev by an , doing. Osu WtewUlj Pa-iaafa aura Oka lestv- If yon are cotitssnBieaiag slartingr s new paix-jr yon sboaM aot tail to see ns before elotnng a steal. If yon are not reaxsvtar Trm Pnurr Ba' Auxiliakt, oar B&oaiialj, sand for it Free to every tanater ar pnhlisher, Address: WESTERN KET7S?APEB CXIOHw av Sawatal I I f nrsassfvaa I InMCaaanalSt. t naii ili aaa faOy ea . jiSsadasaia Ol m. naqJtAW AJt; at. By We have aaaa Bt Q few auaay jiasa, aaS II aaa jalvsattaa seat at satta. jxavAvownaco.. cataaaw, ns. Book-keevltmL RborMms4 Ytim Hah eanraa. IjLre.Bt t.'.!rfAii i Inthe-wait. 1'hrce&raC.taDawec Jonrnal and .Deiatenarf D4teaiuhtia Dallsr, M iager. a M. BaelBkiu fieavrletor, Oataaav Nebraika. IllSawliip SsTirSSI 11 M WllasMlM SaM STSrtt to $25Q.SL JJ?2S5s?i: Agasta preferred whecaat aanaataahaiaa aadatva their whole time ta tte fttama. Spare awaaeata -Bar he proOteMr iwaaajuS asm. A taw veeaaelea In tawna aad efllea. a K. jaaTSMOat Ok, Mas Main Street Rlchmaaa. Ta. aispsrwa tatsarma a,,m HIiUIIO IfMNlUr and Kaaaaa A laey erraaa- iaa aa aafac M aeasaat aaawoaaa aaaa aa vtmw ilT. MuisTaart.asi i iiaaaa SaeMtaefaa- . Joaa PEtlSIOSggSe; xt, aad aTfa (set awtat a aai aaaal Skat wtB kaaa nna bbbi bbmbi m w"-aH IHallsnilXJ aaaawawaaaac. ar at ever tha aaaa who haa Invested aa Sva doUara In a Bobber Coat. at als arst half hoar's axparleaee la a atom flads to hia sorrow that It a hardlv a btttar srotaetlon than a bms salts BattJnf , set ealv feels chagrined at betna as sadlj ukan la, bat also sola If Tta daaa not look aiaetly like Ask lor Ike FISH BRAND' doaaaot have the riaaaaairo.aandferaaajilMUsseseaiswss. A. TnwjaaaanaaaaaSa. Baaaaa, Ilsss t WaataaSWal TO MAKE A DELICIOUS BISCUIT ABK YOUR OROtHUK TOR DVIGIIT'S "COW CRAIID" SODA AND TAILS MO OTBXaV i j n 1 rsr .1 li tnV