The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 27, 1888, Image 2

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The cash receipt of the state board
of agriculture from the state fair of
1888, were something over $32, 800 only
S3.444 leas then hut year. Aa the ex
reuses are much less the board ought to
be pretty veil fixed, especially as their
aet receipt from bat year were over
A fatal wrestling match occurred in
Doniphan laat week. David Yoorhees
and John Stewart, two farm hands, en
caged in a friendly scuffle, the former
Minn thrown, receiving internal inju
ries from which he died.
Fred Schneider, a farmer living south
of Nebraska City, received injnries by
a runaway team of mules that will result
fatally. His skull was fractured by a
kick, and he sustained serious internal
D. C. Patterson s in jail in Omaha
for horse stealing. He hired a team at
Bionz City and drove to the metropolis
of Nebraska, where he offered them at a
very low figure. He was arrested and
confessed that the horses were not liis.
The residence of S. R. Moss, at Fair
lrary was burglarized last week. Sixty
five dollars and two gold watches is the
amount of the loss. No clue to the bur
Dundy county took the second pre
mium on its agricultural product ex
hibit at the state fair. Southwestern
Nebraska has soil as well as sand, and
the latter article grows great vegetables,
Dundy is to be congratulated.
The residence of a widow lady, named
Mrs. Sanders, four miles southwest oi
Nebraska City, burned to the ground
last week together with almost the en
tire contents. The fire was caused by a
defective flue. The loss is about $700
with no insurance.
A decidedly novel election bet, says a
.Nebraska City dispatch, was made to
day in this city between two Swede
farmers living about nine miles west of
. the city, named Ole Johnson and Hans
Erickson. Hie former wagers his "wife,
Johanna, aged 85, against a Jersey cow
owned by Erickson, aged 4, that Harri
son will be the next president, while
Erickson is confident Cleveland will
win and also bring to his home his
neighbor's wife. The woman seems to
be a willing party to the transaction,
and appeai-s rather hopeful for a demo
cratic victory.
A man giving the name of Edward
Trontmann was arrested at Lincoln for
passing counterfeit money. He suc
ceeded in passing n $5 gold piece and
attempted to shove a $20 piece of the
same kind, but was unsuccessful. The
counterfeit was Clumsily done.
The Nebraska City Press thinks the
Eock Island wants to build a bridge at
that point, if it cannot make a satisfao
"ry. dicker with the "Q," for the use of
w inner s new Midge.
Between forty and fifty thousand peo
plo attended the state fair on Thursday,
toe bigamy of the week.
John Spilnick, a Bohemian tailor, of
Omaha, fatally shot his wife a few days
ago and then took his own life. The
man had exhibited signs of insanity for
some time past
Conductor Nichols, of the Missouri
Paciflo road, while walking around the
streets in Omaha the other night, was
assaulted by some person unknown. He
was struck on the head with a blunt in
strument and seriously injured. He
was carried into the depot and physi
cians called. The wound is an ugly one,
and Mr. Nichols' condition is a precari
ous one.
'lite Salvation anr.y has commenced
operations in Lincoln, but it is said
tliey hud it np hill business to excitei
piety in the Capitol city.
Tuesday morning, September 25, at
10 o'clock, the Wesleyan university
will open wide its doors to students.
While the builders are behind with
their work and the university building
is still iu an unfinished state, arrange
ments have been made that will not ne
cessitate delay, and, as has long been
anticipated, the university will be
opened to student life on the date
At South Omaha a fellow named J. P.
Brady held np a Oermnn for a dummy
ticket He was brought before Police
Judge Beuther, who fined him 100 and
eoate, and said he wonld do everything
in his power to stop this promiscuous
highway robbery.
Bobert Summer and wife, quite an old
couple who live about seven miles south
west oi Commons, met with a serious
accident the other day iu Columbus.
While driving np Eleventh street, their
team became unmanageable, throwing
them both to the ground, breaking his
collar bone and her wrist Fears are en
tertained that they will not recover, as
: both sustained bodily injuries in addi
tion to broken bones. -
lixon county will have a peculiar ex
hibit at the Sioux City corn palace. It
jl m pumpkin vine to which is attached
ya even one hundred pumpkins. Of
twenty of these which were actually
measured me smallest nati a circumier-
: ffnee of M feet and the largest 7 feet
This productive vegetable is growing
aw the bank of the river and next
week it will be loaded on a flat boat and
taken to, the corn palace by its owners.
Otto Waack, of Omaha, was brought
back to that city last week on the charge
tf seduction preferred by Miss Julia
Daemon. Otto, when the strong arm of
,tt law got hold of him, concluded to
marry Julia as the best reparation he
cotuq mace.
The editor of the Ainsworth News has
teen nominated for county attorney on
t warn aemocraao ucxet.
The Methodists of South Omaha have
M the contract for a new church to cost
( Gretna expects to be the best town on
Burlington Jc Missouri between Lin
and Omaha in the near future.
1 vffitffe of Salem has 700 inhabi
"ts, All lines of business wept the
mi ret (resented.
: . et Joago, Kansas A Nebraska rail
V l eosnmence running trains
fro Si Joseph and Kaon
k-ut October 10th.
George Gtinz, a Nebraska City saloon
keeper, was arrested for violating the
Blocuuib Sunday law. He was fined
150 and costs.
At the fourth annual fair of the Boone
county agricultural society the exhibits
were larger and finer than on any prev
ious occasion.
The state fair has propitious weather
and accordingly great crowds.
Thomas Lynch, who was gored by a
savage steer at South Omaha some time
ago, died on the 17th from the effects of
the injuries.
A street railway company nas neen or
ganized at Nebraska City. Work on the
enterprise is to begin at once.
A Kearney dispatch says: The naval
engagement on Lake Kearney this even
ing wan one of the grandest exhibitions
ever displayed in the west The hillside
overlooking the lake from the west was
covered with spectators. Three bat
teries located on points on the opposite
aide of the lake were mounted with
howitzers. The steamer Nepture ap
proached them quietly with lights sup
pressed, and when within range of the
guns the battle began to rage. Ominous
clouds ovorhung the scene. Sharp light
ning added to the illumination.
It is thought the government building
at Nebraska City will be ready for occu
pancy the 1st of the year.
Charles Deitrich, whose mysterious
disappearance from his home at Ne
braska City has heretofore been men
tioned. has returned to his home. He
was unable to give any account of where
he had been farther than that he had
been wandering through the woods sev
eral cays looking for something to eat
and a place to sleep. He was very weak
and almost starved.
The boiler of 51. C. Hamilton's saw
mill, two miles east of Blair, burst last
week, instantly killing Alexander, the
engineer, andMorrell, the sawyer, and
seriously injuring five others.
A fire at Hastings a few days ago
burned a stable and four horses.
The village of Shelton is without any
government, the old ordinances having
been declared illegal and no new ones
having yet been adopted.
The 13-year-old daughter of Frank
Sistie, living five miles from Odell, in
the southern part of Gage county, was
struck by lightning and instantly killed.
J. D. Calhoun, formerly of the Lin
coln Democrat, is now editor-in-chief of
the Omaha Herald.
Congressman John McShane returned
home last week. He will remain in Ne
braska till close of the campaign.
A Council Eluffite, whose name was
not learned, started for Omaha the oth
er night to see the town. On the dum
my train he met a young man, and
during the brief conversation which en
sued they became very friendly. The
Council Bluffs young man was invited
by his new found friend to partake of
the evening meal then in tu-oirress at
the house of the other's brother. They
walked together down to the bottoms.
and when a secluded spot was reached
the new fonnd friend shoved a revolver
under the Bin (Tile's nose and demanded
his shekels.
He yielded ui) his entire
.ni t i ..-ill....
, . , . j ias wltn h'ni wns not a mere occuin
I he democratic float convention for to gratify personal ambition, lmt h
yjioe ana oass counties is called to be
held in Nebraska City, on Thursday,
September 27, the day upon which also
meets the First congressional district
convention in that city. -
Mrs. A. M. Lane, residing near New
port, had her foot severed from her
ankle by a mowing machine. She was
team started up and caught Sier foot in
two of the sickle guards. She is in a
critical condition from loss of blood.
The Omaha Republican suggests that
the citizens of that city try other roads
oesiaes tne union facinc lor a union
depot, believing that by so doing the
FKUac Tribute Paid o HI Meeaorr
bjr Cica. Alger.
At the nineteenth annual reunion of
the society of the Army of the Cumber
land in Chicago an address of welcome
was delivered by Major A. F. Stephen
son of Chicago. Colonel Stone submit
ted the names of members who died dur
ing the year, and General Fullerton
made a motion that a member of the
society from each state be appointed to
consider the question of erecting an
equestrian monument in Washington in
honor of General Sheridan. General B.
A. Alger of Michigan delivered the fol
lowing eulogy on the late General Sher
idan: General Alger began his address with
a brief sketch of General Sheridan's life,
touching upon the circumstances of his
birth, his graduation at West Point,. his
service as lieutenant of infantry against
the Indians in Oregon and Washington
territories, his recall from the Pacific
coast iu the fall of 1861 and assignment
to duty as chief quartermaster at St
Louis, and noted that this great military
genius was not given independent com
mand till May 25, 1862, when Governor
Blair, of Michigan, appointed him colo
iel of the Second Michigan cavalry.
General Alger continued:
"He was a resolute man, and his com
mand soon learned the fact that unless
in camp two parties were in constant
danger the enemy and themselves, lie
was always genial and easily approached
except iu battle, when his whole nature
seemed to clinnge, and woe to the man
who crossed him while thi) fiht was ou.
Speakimj of the fact not a year since,
when told that he was always ugly iu
battle, lie leplied: 'I guess that was so;
it was the way I always felt.' "
Summing up the sketch of Sheridan's
methods iu preparation and in battle,
Alger said: "Such was the combina
tiona knowledge of the toxgraphy of
the country, the position and strength
of the enemy, quick perception and de
cision, heavy and rapid blows, which
gave him the snccess that crowned him
among the foremost generals of modern
history. Sheridan never lost a battle.
He seldom made an attack that was not
successful, and, like a mighty rock
standing in the sea, whose waves strike
it only to lie divided and shattered, so
the enemy's host was ever hurled upon
his command but to he broken. Those
who saw a handful of men defeat ten
times their number at Uooneville; those
who stood in the cedar brakes at Stone
river and witnessed the repulse of the
proudest army ever sent by the rebels
to the west; those who were with him in
the seven miles of fire at Mission liidge;
those who were with him in that hill of
fire in the Wilderness, or served under
him in the great cavalry fights of the
Yellow Tavern and Trevilliau station;
those who passed with him through the
terrible battle of Winchester; those who
helped to demolish Early's victorious
army at Cedar Creek, and those who
followed him ut Five Forks, all joined
in acclaim as each victory in turn in
creased his bewildering fame, crowning
him with the plaudit of the world.
"One of the strong characteristics of
uenerai onermau was his intense devo
tion to the cause of the north. Soldier-
e be
lieved intensely that the rebellion was a
crime, ana that it ought to be punished.
It was this intense earnestness that made
his success. Fii appearance upon the
field at any ''.ae during the battle al
ways created the wildest enthusiasm.
He handled a regiment as though it was
an army, and an army was managed by
him as though it were a regiment."
After quoting Grant's and Sherman's
opinions of Sheridan, the speaker said:
"Sheridan's part in the war was so
prominent that it attracted attention at
once, and became a theme for poets, art
ists, and historians to dwell upon. Oth
er men had served their country well,
and died hoping that future generations
I would do them justice. Sheridan was
The Corn Crop.
..wmiI: The Trice
n . -J estimate of the corn
crop iV The bulk of the crop u -urefrLinjuryfromhardfrosUaud
little damage has Mfr"
cause, outside of unimportant distncts,
ma nly in the New England .Ute. and
In Michigan, where the injury has been
more severe than in other western to-
calities. The drouiu
drawback in Michigan.
The result is
,-n i. i x j, " u ui u u tuem jiiblicu. oiieritiiu was
:SJ" 1 f.PPy in Jiving inJ. the glory of his own
The Antelope county fair held last
week had a fine showing in live stock.
The receipts were not as large as had
been expected.
At Omaha a man named Edwards wat
knocked down by a highwayman and
robbed of 21.
Karl Krispel, a York hodcarrier, fell
a distance of about eighteen feet with a
hod of mortar, striking on his head and
shoulders and sustaining injuries which
will in all probability prove fatal. No
bones are broken but physicians think
he sustained concussion of the spine
and brain. He was at work on the new
school house.
A lecherous brute named MoGuigan
was arrested in Omaha last week for as
saulting a ten-year-old girl. It is prob
able that the law will now so deal with
him that his reckless career will be
cuecKea tor a time.
Secretary Mason has instructed Mr,
Waring, clerk of the board of transpor
tation, to notify the authorities of the
Chicago, Kansas & Nebraska railroad
company that the order of the board for
the laying of crossings facing their prop
erty at Pawnee City, and other stipu
lated work on described sections at that
place, must be honored st once or a writ
of mandamus would be issued from the
supreme court lor the purpose of deter
mining the reason why.
Work on the Nebraska City stock ex
change has commenced. The contract
calls for its completion by November 1,
with $25 forfeit for each day's delay
weruaiKT. j.o encourage rapid work a
bonus of $10 per day is offered should
the building be finished before that date.
A Ponce dispatch says: Arrangements
are being made for a musical contest to
take place between the Wayne and Ponca
bands. It is to be for 81,000 a side and
the amateur championship. Competent
judges from the east will be secured and
the contest will be either at Omaha or
Sioux City. The Wayne band has
already put np a forfeit
Charles Wong, a Chinaman, has ap
plied to Clerk Moores of the Douglas
county district court, for his second
naturalization papers. His first papers
were taken out about two years ago.
Mr. Moores has referred the case to
Judge Oroff, who will consult with the
other memliers of the bench on the sub
ject of issuing the papers to the heathen.
The democrats of Omaha gave Con
gressman McShane a grand reception
the other night The newspapers esti
mate that 8.000 men with torchrs were in
line. Mr. McShane spoke briefly to the
assembled boats.
The Lincoln Democrat is about to be
gin the publication of a daily.
simply an increase oi sw,."
eU n the seyen surplus states, a gam of
-i .'"'. ti, indicated gain over
last year in the six other western states
is 33,000,000 bushels, a gain of 15 per
cent The twelve southern states ( I en
nessee and Kentucky being otherwise
classed) indicate a total production
somewhat greater than last year which
exceeded any previous year The seven
surplus states show the fo"o' Pf'ng
over last year: Ohio, 41,000.000 bushels
or 55 percent; Indiana, 69,000,000 bush
els or nearly 100 per cent; Illinois, li,
000,000 bushels, or 91 per cent; Iowa,
86,000,000 bushels, or 47 per cent; Mis
souri, 69,000,000 bushels, or 49 per cent:
Kansas, 71,000,000 bushels, or 92 per
cer ; Nebraska, 54,000,000 bushels, or
58 per cent The area in corn this see
son apiears to be about 75,420.000 acres,
by applying the department of agricul
ture est imates to the area harvested last
year. Our returns and estimates iu de
tail for thirteen western states, repre
senting about 77 per cent of the crops,
and approximations for other portions
of the comitrr by application of official
data, indicate a total production of
2,015,000,000 bushels of com this season
or about 559,000,000 more than the 1(87
Harding Helps Himself.
New York dispatch: Henry F. Hard
ing, alias It. F. Seymore, who says he
recently came here from Chicago, jump
ed on the wire coping of the Fifth Na
tional bank about noou to-day and
snatching three packages of money,
each containing t,000, while the pay
ing teller's back was turned, started to
run away. The cashier had noticed the
theft and gave the alarm and Harding
was pursued, but escaped. In his (light
he dropped one of the packages. A
couple of hours later, Harding walked
into the Commercial National bank on
Wall street and pursuing tiie same tac
tics, while the tellers' attention was
called elsewhere, ho abstracted two
packages containing SW.700, which he
dropped into a flannel bag. The theft
was noticed by a bookkeeper, who gave
the alarm and started in pursuit. The
bag caught iu the cornicing outside tho
door and was wrenched from Harding's
hand. Without waiting to recover the
bag Harding started on a run down
Pearl street, followed by a huge crowd.
He drew a revolver and fired two shots
at his pursuers without injuring any
one. He ran as f;ir as to Maiden Lano
before being caught and fired two more
shots at Policeman Nesbit before ho was
arrested. Ho was identilled at the ioliee
station later by the clerk and porter of
the Fifth National bank as the same
person who had robbed that institution
earlier iu tuo day.
of tho
A Bishop in Trouble.
Baltimore dispatch: When
BailTiolph first assumed charge
Virginia episcopacy ho was, perhaps,
the most popular of all the Protestant
Episcopal heads in this country. Of
late, however, his people do not speak
of him as affectionately as heretofore;
indeed, they condemn what they term
his snobbishness. The change of feel
ing came about in this way:
A short time ago Amelia Hives-Chan-ler
made known her desiro to be bo con
firmed. All the members of her family
have always been devout members oi
the Episcopal church, and assisted ma
terially in tho building of the pretty
church near Castle Hill, Albemarle
county, the seat of the Hives family. It
was naturally supposed that tho author
ess would avail herself of the opportu
nity when Bishop Randolph in his vis
itations should reach tho district In
stead of this, however, she sent a re
quest to the bishop that the services be
performed at her residence. The rites
had never been conferred in this man
ner before, and the good bishop hesi
tated. Finally, however, ho consented,
and ono fine day proceeded to Castle
Hill and performed the rite of confir
mation. When this became known to
the members throughout the diocese it
created much talk and adverse criticism,
and the bishop is roundly censured foi
yielding to the whim of the fair author
ess. 1'his exclusive confirmation is said
to be the first in the history of the
1 rotcstant Episcopal church.
fame, and his fondest friends can hope
for no more than that the future may
concur with his own time in doing him
The speaker then touched upon the
pension question, and said that there
were about eight hundred thousand vet
erans in the connlrv who were dvino- at.
! the rate of ten thousand per year, and
1 l,l,l. "Tl, ?.t .1 ',,
miu,. Mm-. wjuiimiuB ui tue gallant
Sheridan ought to be the nation's wards,
and not the nation's paupers. A grate
ful country should rise up to give them
their just reward and place them beyond
the possibility of suffering during the
few remaining years allotted to them."
The speaker closed with an eloquent
apostrophe to the dead general
Killed by a Sheriff.
JNorden special : A shooting affray
took place near McLean postoffice last
Wednesday evening between Deputy
Suenff Koby and Steven Lcetch. in
which Leetch received wounds resulting
in nis ueatu tne loiiowing afternoon.
T-1 LL 1 , . .
jjuuy Ktwuipieu j arrest mm on a
warrant charging him with horse steal
ing. He took T. G. Everett with him
to assist in the arrest as Leetcli was in
the hubit of going armed and had the
reputation of being a desperado. He
was found driving along the road in
company with his wife. Robv read tha
warrant and asked him to lay down his
revolver, ne reiusea to do so, and
drawing it from the scabbard was about
to shoot when Roby fired three times
in quick succession. Leetch dropped
back in his wagon and Roby started for
the coroner, leaving Everett to watch
the direction of Leetch's team. Leetch
then raised up in the wagon and fired
several shots at both of them, but the
darkness was gathering and noue of the
hots took effect When Roby returned
Leech was out of sight It was subse
quently learned that his wife drove the
team to the house of a farmer named
John Colvin, where he died the follow
ing afternoon.
A Biff Suit Ended.
The 8,000,000 suit of the Hocking
Valley Railroad company against Stev
enson Burke and his associate ex-direo-tors
of the company has been decided in
favor of defendants. Judge Burke sr.ys
that he will now bring suit against the
company for heavy damages.
Washington special: Senator ManiW
on to-day visited the war department to
consult with the officials relative to the
selection of one of the many sites offered
. .u , ror umniia. At the re
'inest of the nfflnial nf 41, J ....- i
Uie S0I1ATY11 tl.nm . a n .1 . ... . 1 , .
county and to turn them over to the de! DurinVAu;. rtiUJVLfSX:
psnmoni, same discoso. UUU1UW
A Colorado Tragedy.
Ouray (Col.) special: Word reached
here this afternoon of a tragedy on Mt
Snefflesroad in which Charles Croths
waite was the assassin and George John
son bis victim. Crothswaito and John
son recently located a claim four miles
above here and as they could not agree
Johnson left and went to work on some
mining property near by and Croths
waite went to work in Smuggler mine.
Johnson a few days ago, gave some men
permission to camp in the cabin he and
Crothswaito built When the latter
heard this he came over and declared his
intention to kill Johnson. He went to
the cabin last night where Johnson and
Dodge Oonkhn sleep and called Johnson
np. He began to quarrel over matters
and wanted to fight itoiitatonce. John
son wanted to wait until morning, but as
Crotliswaite insisted got up, when the
latter, who was crouched at the foot of
the bed told him if he moved he would
Kill him. Johnson sprang upon Croths
waite, a short scuffle followed, and John
son was shot through the heart The
murderer escaped and has not yet bocn
captured. Crothswaite was at one time
on the editorial staff of the Denver Tri
bune and has been connected with Kan
City and St Louis papers.
The Southern 8oounrc
Washington dispatch: The HAnralan
of the treasury has received a telegram
from Surgeon General Hamilton dated
at 'Camp Ferry, Fla., which says Dr.
Posey has yellow fever, contracted at
McClenny. Three cases are reported at
Gainesville, and them
cases at Wellborne and Ferninda. The
whole seaboard is alarmed on account of
refugees breaking their patrol at Hen-dersouvillo.
Aiie number of death, in
. . . ..! i ommImIm Mas !
TheTntcrtate commerce commission,
through Chairman Cooley, filed opin
ion iu the matter of the Chicago, St
Paul 4 Kansas City railroad pany
This company, in June ism,
commission uua, o.iu ,
cornicing lines lowering rates letween
So and St Paul and Minn. .,k1
it had been obliged to reduM if. own
rates between those poinw
rates which it could afford to ace r to
intermediate ioinU; so that upon its
line there would be greater charg.w
made upon a shorter haul than upon
lon-er in the same direction, and it sU
ted "that if complaint should be made of
this it would undertake to justify its ac
tion under the interstate commerce law.
The commission thereupon made order
for a hearing at Dubuque, at which this
eon.ny would be called upon to j"ti
fv its action and for public notification,
so that other conianies interested, and
also any commercial organisations, oi
any other party desiring to be heard,
might have an opportunity. I he hear
ing was accordingly had, and on the
hearing npondcnt company gave evi
a to hbow that the action it
had taken w.'js forced Um it by the
Hurlington Northern railroad compa
ny which made a rate between i uicau'o,
i lm,l rnwl Minneapolis below that
n I,,..), n-ol hi be comiM'iiHiitory and be
low what it was possible for any com
peting lines to make without actual loss,
,,,,,1 it uroduced evidence tending
strongly to show that the liurlingiou &
Northern, on the rates it wo making
was not paving operating exiwnses. The
Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul road also
apK'ured and offered similar evidence,
taking a similar position to that of the
r.'uiuimleltt romoanv.
The Burlington Northern, on the
other hand, was represented by Its gen
eral officers, and insisted that its rates
nern remunerative, ami showed that it
was accepting them without making at
any iioint a greater charge upon the
shorter haul. 'I he evidence that its re
ceipts were sufficient to cover operating
exiieuses was not very strong, and it
clearly apwred that for the current
vear it was falling behind. Respondent
company insisted that the commission
should either sanction tho rate it wa
making to intermediate stations between
its termini, which were rates fair tn
themselves, or that it should order the
lliirlington k Northern to increase iU
rates between Chicago and Kt, Paul and
Minneapolis so as to make them just and
reasonable to the carriers themselves at
well as to the public. Jn other word,
to make them fairly remunerative; and
it was insisted that the provision of the
niter-state commerce law, that nil
charges shall be reasonable and just, was
not complied with unless they were r. a
somiblc and just, considered from the
standpoint of the railroad company as
well as from that of tho general public,
Tho iiiulington k Northwestern, it was
therefore contended, was in constant vio
lanon oi lueinier-siaic commerce law in
making rates so low that neither itself
nor its rivals could accept them without
a sternly and destructive drain upon its
The principal question, therefore,
raised before the commission at the
hearing was whether it bad tho power to
com)tl tho Burlington A: Northern to
increase its rates to a remunerative
point if they are found to bo below that
point. This question is discussed in
the opinion. The commission disclaims
possessing any such power. It holds
that congress, in tho provision requir
ing all rates to be reasonable and lust
was legislating for the protection of the
general public, aud not for the protec
tion of the railroad companies against
the action of their own managers, or
against the unreasonable competition of
rivals, and that it was never in contem
plation of congress that it should be
within the power of the commission to
order an increase in rates which, in its
opinion, ought to huvo Wu made
higher than they were. Jn this respect
it was supposed that the railroad com
panies had ample remedy in their own
hands, iu the authority which they pos
sessed to innke rates, and that tho pro
tection needed from tho government
was the protection of those who would
be compelled to pay tho rates that
should thus bo made.
1 e aoorV
is U lir..i.K
Memphis dispatch-
sou, HeercUry of th, J
board of health, at J
Dr. O. B. Tho,.-51
Memphis board of
.. f .i.. -J
cut, v. .ui rc cases of
T.k.r, I'. "
lniormauon .netnp
in a nn,rtnn,in 1
"met d
:..- . .
and of September 12
Ala., and now agtuut
baggage nor freight,,!?
enter Memphis Iron J
Columbus, Miss.. lj 2
that state have qTlwJJ
Jacksonville (Flai 1 1
ie preai,
lav. mil
hundred and
reKjrted to the prei,lcl
.,f l,oltl t .l,... :
of 1.4'H
. , i . ,
uuinnereu i-, making ttj
Jackson (Miss.) (Wl
mistakable cases of tt!
-I.,, i....... i "H
foT months. A careful t
sultation of the physi
in connection will, li
l'uriiell, of Yieksliarjr, .J
Iiiregoing lacts iM-vofcdj
tion. The panic of ih
i.i ... .i . . .
I -ii i .., - n nun no- pp.!
loo eiii.eii. jin! nnj
eious ease of fever tu
8 o'clock this nfteni.jcn
o'clock hundreds hail u
rail and other road, sci;
preparing to leave. T.''
town mid out over
nniiKiiig Honrs thia!w.
depositors who are Imi
Lowry will remain totetrJ
rif health. A eiiriuitlt..,.. 1
had over the cases of LiJ
Calhoun, and the decixM J
oue of the Mild coses B,,;
yond ft question or dosti
. f i.lii. . .1 . ,
oi mm i n in it'iegrapuijijti.
everywhere and is cow
ew Orleans disjxitrk
health to dny establish
against Jiieksoti, MjsL.
rail, to take effect at ow.
(lulvcston dispatch: hk.
ficer Rutherford thus ttw.
ry from Dr. ltuurh, pre!.
linois stale board of hcJt
nt Washington: 1 Inert
case of yellow fever Hi I
Lod to Eloodshod.
Denver special: Tor several days
there has been trouble brewing at As
pen between tho Midland and Denver 4
Iiio Grande roads about the right of
way out of camp and onto the Utah line.
To-day tho quarrel caused the shedding
of blood and further trouble isexpected.
The ltio Grande train to-day was drown
out of the street in accordance with the
city council's order, but it was replaced
later this afternoon. The Midland being
ready to complete its track, sent a force
of men to clear the way. Tho men
boarded the Rio Grande train olistruct
ing the track and commenced to unload
the. cars preparatory to getting them out
of the way. Mr. Waters, of the Kio
Grande, soon appeared with his men
and ordered them to beat off the Mid
land forces. A conflict immediately en
sued, in w itch shovels and picks were
freely nscd and several men were liadlv
cut Prcssdent Scott, of tho Midland,
was himself struck in the breast,
knocked down and badly injured. The
city marshal ami a number of deputies
few- i """jA ,men Wter arrest
Ihe Mid and applied for an injunction
against the Kio Grando and one wu
issued but the latter road refused to
recognize it. The sheriff and posse
then took possession of the ground aud
is holding both tracks and the train of
cars against both parties. The men
who were arrested yesterday for holding
their ground with Winchesters hadtbeE
fines paid this morn ng by Mr. Waters
lO T4. r eellnir la mnnUn i - .
between the two companies" and it will
.Y"T,Jr w exercise great care to
avoid serious trouble.
Failure of an Inaurn.nn
JJes Moines special : The state andit-
. JU omciaiiy announced the fail-
u, wutota ttre insurance com
o. oioiix rails, Dak. IU failure
" - Br surprise, as ha had examin-
ft,n,1dl&n8S,,tc,nber- 'W- snd
In 1 4i m in fino condition. Last
ui'6. !6 co,ml"ny filed a statement with
lion ( .1... i ' i? - "i"" " v-rral,v oi ma
Wn entertained as to the ins olv" 'cy ?
tho comiiimv li ... . , . ' 11
li,,i . i V t "r-"M-n noi only in
i S K ,.-lL,:l1Bv0,,"'T,Jf in nl.wesV
L i : d u .om ox-
The Maine EkJ
I ho olliciul returns of &
(ion have been receirt.1 1,
the. secretary of state Un
ing places save a few r&
portant plantations. Tin .4
llutli-igli Crop.) for gur.
I'lituani filem.) (ll.'JiS. t -.,
mlity on tho gubi rnitiri i
The pluralities for ccb.-h
First district, l;p.l, n
Diugley, 5,473. T-ltir l. JL
lAmrth, Uoutcllo, 4 Mi
I he republicans h.iv I,
none for the democrats,
scntHtive to 2'i for tue'ted
Of tho ninety-nino ok
. . . , .j
henna, probate jun.-c i
neys, etc. the republimuml
ty-six aud tho democrat lb
Ex-Prisoners' Conw
Indianapolis dispatch: fa
delegates attended tiie em
union of tho National An-i
ex-Prisoners of AVar. GtaJ
Howell, of UclIeville.liL.J
and Major L. P. William
Hend, Ind., secretary ui
Committee! wero iiirxiuted
eral John Coburn deliwU
The secrelary has enrolls a
year twenty-four assocaua
individual memberi.
In tho afternoon the ito!
on General Harrison
camp-fire was held.
An Iiieuranca COM
Sioux Palls special: Tii
Company of Duliot i, bicli
a bad way for several snafc
pletely knocked out J'H'H'
Carland, who on complain
creditors, appointed A. M.
ceiver. The liabilities of k
are about 82),(W0 cxcluo"
bililies incurred by tk &
(ho Western ih-a an I man'
some tinio since. 'Ibes M
about Sao.OOO.
Wiikt No. 2
CoiimNo. 2 mixed
OaTsNo. i .-
! ...........
IiOTTKit ('reaiiuiry -
UuTTKii Choice country
if..... if ,.
" J rrai
Bl'KlNQCmrKENS per dot-
I.kmoks Choice, pel-hoi.- '
Ohhoks Per box
Onions Per bu
Potatoes New
Ti-nif 1'.,. ,,.
IPKJl'. I'.. 1.1.1 t
Tom atom per lu
WooisKine, per lb...-.
Chopped Feki i'erton....lJ
14. v It-u I . 6'
FI.AI Br-EO-Perlm t
Moas-Miied packing -
Hoos Heavy weight...- J
Bkbvbs Choice etr...
Shkkp TVir t.. milium... 8
Wheat No. 2 red -
Wheat Ungraded red...
CoiiN No. 2. ........-.-
fllaUI 1
Poillf .U
UBD ""'
Wheat Perbuehel
Cobn Per biMhel.,
Oats Per bushel
Hous-Packlug Alilpplns. J.
DHEKI1 Kali wm
Wheat-No. t red eali...-CoRN-Perbuehel
Oats Per bushel ,
Hous Mixed pHcklug..
Cattle Feeder
fj u kep Western
Wheat Pep bushel t
UHK Perliiieliol..,
" -a rr uiiBimi .."- - aa
t , . . . n f
1ATYI.H Krffl IM -
HMI flt..,l .k..! ...