The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 27, 1888, Image 1

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ZEIRiKISCnsr, NEB., SBET, 27. 1888.
1TCX 3
. .
)d courts aiij jhe
ft riiy taw will re-
B Maimer.
jlk Of Hamuli.
MS. -
kh the U. H, liwil
his deinrtiu.elit.
linty and eastern
(one work from
I plains, n nil from
JoUv in- He fur
jHt to V'tOi and
j most wonderful
Wiles nortli west
) acres of the best
fu L
L .
f xniture.
ae. of HARD.
I call on me in
will be well
Hew to the Line,
(Cpntinueij from lust week)
III claim No. iwH, presented to the
board of commissioners by E. D. Satter
lee, for the sum of $104.33, tliece aresev
eitil items that for outright robbery
ai((l false swearing, exceed anything yet
examined. In looking over the records
I iipc.1 thin item.
To furnisjuii and printing 100i district
curt dockets, - - - f."0.00
I was desiupus nf olitaining one o,f the
said dockets, and asked our county Clerk
to let ii)6 hny one, and, in reply. tg said
that lie fiid not Ijave one. To uiy. ques
tion a to what had lieoome of thpm as
tlie county liad jiaid for 100 c-opieaf Mr.
Jameson said that he hsul never received
t hem, and that be did not liave a single
copy. Tlie price of $-50 made me. wish
for a copy fo use as evidence to convince
the tax'payers tliat they lire lienor swin
dled by E. D. Satterlee, with the con
sent ai(d help of the county bourd. I fl
nlally obtained a copy of the docket and
presented it to W. E. Patters;n asking
biii wiat would lie a fair price per, 100
copies for furnishing and piinting the
same, and in reply he said that fT.flO
would lie good pay. Mr. L. O. Hull, al
so a pi-.ictical printer, says that 1 or $8
would lie good ay foF tlie job. Mr. Con
Liiidcrman, also a practical printer, said
$25 would lie big pay. Bui Mr, tfcitter
lee presents a bill for f."i0 and the same is
paid without a word without even ask
ing bill) to dejiver the goods. For fur
ther information I asked Mr. 0. F. Slin
gerlalid, then foreman of the Herald of
fice, how many copi- of the docket be
luid printed and he sid fifty copies. Mr.
Slingerland is the man vt'lio did the work
and ought to know. What did the coun
ty waiit with 100 copies anyway or
even SO? They are only to be furnished
to tins attorneys in attendance and the
officers of the court. Has the court
hertr an arflry 'oT"on5Tiuiulred lawyers
and officers? The ide is preposterous.
Facts show tliat less than one dozen
attorneys were present.
Now one or two small items ffom the
record of our honorable county board.
Claim No. 531 for $100 is nol itemized.
Mr. McOinly who presented the bill may
know what service he has rendered the
county fur (his 100 but some of the rest
of us would like to know tlso. Claim
No. 209 reads as follows,
II days work on road at $2 jierday
Please liave the county attorney show
vou or the tix navem w lie re you are al
lowed $2 per day?
Claim No. 270,
14 days work on iixids, - - $42.00
By what law do you allow yourself f3
ler day and as what?
Same claim,
14 days use of team, $1.50 fier day, $21
Tax pavers of Sioux county look at
this for a moment and think.
14 days at $2 per day - - $28.00
" $3 " " , . 42.00
" " use of team at $1.50 per day 21.00
ToUil, - - - - $91.00
In 14 days to one man, and he one of
your commissioners, laying out a road
(as I am informed not being able to tell
from tlie records) from Harrison to or
near his own ranch, a distance of about
25 miles. Was McOinly the disinterest
ed elector the Statute calls for?
Mr. S. V. Grout, the man who survey
ed this same road from Harrison south,
for which Mr. McGinly brings in his bill
of $01 and orders hiiuwlf iaid; comes up
with a bill for $75. Did Mr. Grout work
more tlian 14 day surveying? 14 times
5 is only 70 and tlie bill is $75. Better
itemize your accounts, the people want
to know what you liave done for them
and where you did it. - Next week I will
si iow to the tax txiyers how commiss
ioner Klein got $50 of the county money
to pay him for his pleasure trip he took
to Virginia last spring. ,
I believe Mr. McGinly to lie honest in
what he does for tlie county, but he, like
many others in this county, is under
the influence of E. D. Satterlee, charmed
like a bird by a rattle snake.
You say in the Herald Mr. Satterlee Uiat
you have wasted too much time on Walk
er. L'on't you winli now tliat you hadn't
wanted any? You ay all allegations
made by me are false. Look again; they
are not allegations but facts certified to
by 'the county Clerk. You're accusing
me of selling a scraper to tlie county
that I had borrowed of J. F. Pfost is
false. Mr Pfost promises me to publish
a denial of the uliarge over his own sig-
tKlUEV Tb.wuty Clk. q)o. author
izes me to say tliat your a usation of
liiy laving tiiken any bil poMi his office
)H untrue and untoiinUeu.
Gfcik(B Waijckp.
Monday, $ept. 18, 1888.
Board met pursuant Jo adjoi-nmunt.
Flll Ixnuxl iuid clerk. .
H. T. Zerbe, superint?ndent construct
ion of court house, reported estimate $f
$600 on niuteria and labor performed by
M uqiby & Whitney. Clerk ordered to
dfaw warrant on court Iinuse fund foj
75 per 'ent of said estimate, in favor of
Vurphy and Whitnpy, viz. $450. i
The olflcial bond of 0r W. StoryS
road overseer of Antelope road diKtrictl
and Eli J. Wilcox, road ove-seer of Waf
Bopnet road districf approved.
T):e bids and proiMsals fop inatevial for
tlie Montrose bridge were luid over untit
next meeting.
The following accent were alloweq
on tiecial bridge fund and wurrants prl
deid drawn.
Inuic Kenilall, lurojier for road dist
rict, Five Points, - - $15.0ftj
C. II. Andrews & Ci)., tar for bridges, ;
Isjuic Kendall, lumjipr, road No. 27, (
S. H. Jones was aljowed $10 for mak
ing copy of plans and siecilicatio!ts of
court house for the use of the contract
ors, warrant pr)tj?red dnwn on the
court house fund.
The following claims were allowed on
general fund.
Isaac Kendall, abor on road No. 27,
C. C. Jameson, making tax list and of
fice expenses, - - - - i?22.84
Gibspn, Miller. St, Richaitison, sliition
ery r . - - '- 2.01
Gibson, Miller & Richardson, slution
ury, - - - - - -. if .09
S. y. Cox, Co. sujierintendant, T0.50
E. A. Andiws, coroners jury fees, 1,00
C. II. Andrews & Co. stationery, 8.25
C. II. Rigdon, surveyor. - 50.()0
Trimbur, coroners jury fees, 3,35
C. If. Andrews, coroners inquest on
liotly of John Mosher - r $15.20
Adjourned to meet October 1, 18HH, at
ten o'cliick A. M. ,
O. C. JAMifiOJn, Clvrk.
e are in re-eipt of a cony of The
Jourim!, puljulied ni Ilai-ison Neb. by
W. li Pattejsiio, Editor and manager.
We say success to our old friend, lie lias
the ability pm a jMper and his friends
lu-e pleased ti see liim at the liead of a
good jKijier. jUreenliekl (la.) Transcrijjt.
We have jisi received tlie first num
ber of Tlie J.wirnaj edited and published
by W. E. Paerson, lately foreman of
the ReK)rter. It is a neat, well arrang
ed, and well edited six column folio, amj
does credit to its editor. We wish the
Jounial abundant success, and doubt not
it will achieve it; as running a paier on
the frontier is or a while at least pj-of-itiible.
AdiiLi' Qaunty (la.) Reporter.
The first number of Sioux county's new
paper The Journal has been received
at these heiujlcua;lers. Typographically j
it is)od, but K)litically it is doing the;
"sUaddling act," .wliict fact wijj not as-i
sistin giving it much prominence in
new,spaper circles outside its own iriime-
diate neighborhood. However pie Jour
nal may iave conje fo .''fill a long felt
want," iufd we wish the editor lots of
glory and jthe usua) amount of financial
suci ess. T-Chadroti
DIED On Wednesday Keptemlier 19,
at her r-.sidence on Hat creek, Mrs. Tlieo
dire Reiiu, after a short illness. Mrs.
Renin at the time of her death was
alxjut 28 years old and leaves a husband
and three children to mourn their loss.
The Journal extends its syni)atliy io
tlie family in their bereavinent.
A Dakota paper sjiys the shipment of
l)eef cattle from the Hiljs this season
will be a source of considerable income
to stockmen. It is estimated tlat 13,000
head will bo loaded at Whitewood, 5,000
at Tijford, 25,000 at Bi-ennan, and per
luips 20,000 at Oelrichs, or a grand total
of 611,000 head, representing a cash value
f $2,520,000. This, if anything, is un
Does this suit you!
Ed. Journal: " '
In the issue of the Republican of Sept
18, Mr. John Hunter says, that George
Walker luid advised me not to nay the
cost in the case of myself against Ring
me truth is mat instead ot telling nie
not to pay the costs, Mr, Walker told
me to ymy all Mr Hunter asked and lie
sure and take his receipt for the amount
paid. Mr. Hunter, one evening while
was in Harrison, asiceu me to pay linn
$6.40; at another time he wanted $4,60
and he wanted me to sign a note for that
amount, He further said that he would
issue an execution against me if I would
not do so. I will iay Mr. Hunt' all he
can lawfully claim for his services and
no more. These are the facts in the case
and Mr. Hunter's assertions are false in
every pai'ticylar. Yours Respectfully,
Hass Df.xker.
Vol. 1 No, 1 of tlie JoLKNAL, published
at Harrison, is on our tatie lor inspec
tion. It is independent in politics, but
promises, to work for its town and
county. Gordon Republican,
tlie Sioux County Journal is a new
independent paper recently started at
Harrison. The "long felt want." which
it came to fill is not visible to tlie na
ked eye at this distance, although the
Journal is quite an interesting and ener
getic sheet Sheridan Co. Sun.
The Sioux County Journal, a newspa
per starting out with full-fledged anti-
ring proclivities, as it were, made its
first visit to our sanctum last week. It
is a lively little slieet, anu win nave a
lively time before it succeeds in accom
plishing what it starts out to do. The
Clipper wishes it success. Crawford
The Sioux County Journal made its
first apjieamnce last week. It is a six
column folio, independent in politics, and
publislied at Harrison, making the third
laer for that town. We should judge
that the picking would be quite short
when it comes to grazing three paiers on
what would only bo fair pasture for one.
Gordon Herald.
Hie Journal is a new republican pnjier
tliat lias recently been put in motion at
Harrison, a copy of the first issue is up
on our table. It is the third paper in
Harrison, and all. liave about the same
amount of advertising patronage. No
doubt one of tlie three papers will have
to pull, up stakes.and seek new pastures
soon, as picking is short at that place
hlremly.Valenlino Republican,
Yiu are wrong on the political, version
Mr, Wurneke took a trip to Running
Water on business Friday, and on stoji
ing ji,t flie gate to his pasture, his pony
sape(l. Mr. Warneke and "the pony
pluyed at' hide-anil-go-seek and pussy-
wants-a-coiner in a 700 acre pasture for
several hours, until finally the pony
mid the oen gate and got out. Here
tlie futile chase was continued for some
iime. The jsny returned to near Harri
son that night anil Mr. Warneke the
next morning arrived just as his folks
werrt preparing to go after him.
Grant Guthrie has taken a claim
couple oi nines north oi town anu js an
imated by a desire to practice all needful
economy in the improvement thereof,
and for a week or more he was telling
bis numerous friends of bis intentions to
excavate a cistern. He borrowed u picl
and bought a siaile and sent llieni nut
by j, passing team and the other morning
"rose with the lark," spunged bis mus
cles and "hit the road" with a jug of
water and a determination of spirit. Ar
riving at the claim, after many putting.'
of one foot liefore the other and chaug
ings of the afore aid jug from one hand
to the oilier, for the next four hours he
proceeded to "hump himself mid tlie
pick and sjxide, Result: a round hole five
feet across and two feet deep with tlie
hardest kind of bard stone in the bottom
and a cadaverous looking individua
clothed in a subdued expression, fleein"
across the country, disregarding all road:
and animated only by a longing desire to
get away from that pick and that spade
and. that rock forever. Tliat night
Guthrie spanked the baby with blistered
hands and the next morning took $2 and
hired a man to dig his cistern.
John Shay has built a hay tarn 14 by
30 feet and has It full of hay, oats and
John Shay has put up over 40 tons of
hav with his new mower and rake. He
says the MeCoriniek is the best mower
made aud the Keystone rake can't be
Thomas Davenport has built a new
house on his claim on White River and
expects to build a kirn soon.
The saw mill is going to be moved
from White River to Deep creek.
Mr. Nelson has the lumber on the
ground for a nice house, Let us have
more of such settlors come in and set
tle up the country.
W. H. Johnson lias rented the Klein
farm and stock for five years. Hope
you will do well W. II.
Justice Mason has lots of lumber saw
ed to build him a very large house, and
also a barn 30 by 120 to cost about
J. S.
All jiai ties indebted to the firm of C.
Tubbs of the Novelty works, are no-
tilled to come and settle by the first
of October, as I am needing money bad
ly, and must havp it,. ,
-Is now putting in a-
Cook stoves and heating stoves.
-Also a fine lot of-
And a full line of j
General Hardware
If is a well known fact that us a rule the honest customers Jmve to foot
t)ie bills of the dishonest ones, where books are kept and lawyers
employed to collect Ixul debts. As we are doing busi
ness on a ensli lutsis, those unnecessary expen
ses are done away with, consequently
we can oiler to our patrons
Give us a call and see for yourselves
Harrison, Neb,
J. B, Fixxey, President. General ollice V, C, SiKfiXsij;, Secretary;.
-Dealers in-
Lumber, Coal, Grain, Lath
And Shingles. -
Sash, Doors,,
Blinds, Plaster,
Hair, Lime,
Harrison. Neb.
G. GUTHRIE, Manager;.
Blacksmith, Wagon, Carriage and.
Repair shop,
Oood stock always on hand. All kinds oT work'-executwl promptly and'
South. of .Pfost'sT.ivcry Bum. - - - - Hrv'lm..Vr-inJfh