The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 20, 1888, Image 4

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    B. E. Brkwstkk,
C. F. 1 1 a vm, j
V" c I res. j
The Sioux County Journal.
j Publislied every Thursday by tlie
'jOlRXAL riBLIHl(i 0V.VMV,
-t.11 AH. C. JAMESON, Ca4iier.
Commercial Bank.
General Banking Business
Subscription Irice. spM-'
E. I'ntlerM.n - Editor and M'jrr,
' Fresh fruit at tlie tvsiauraiit.
t Corn for hale at tlie Lumber Yard.
Dave Bartlett us suffering with a felon.
J. W. Earnest gave us a tall Saturday,
Tom Bhr-rav is back from tlie roiind-
C. H. Andrews & Co.,
-Dealers in-
Fine Toilet Goods,
JolJi LV.Bi no called .'it Harrison Mon-
E. D. Price came up from Bodarc Monday.
1 1 Jlea 13 ai an uours ai uie nsuiuiauii
J. E Burke was in from the valley
Ed. Remsburg came up from tlie ranch
Con Lindeman paid a visit to Ids fami
ly Sunday.
y The best ruckle cigars are sold at the
Mr. Bernard Uphoff came to Harrison
Mr. P. Banuan was in the city the first
of this week.
Wm. Norrish the plasterer was
town Monday.
There is from 16 to 20 feet of water
the town well.
Henry Wertz is assisting Mr Post witli
his new house.
Mr. B. F. Thomas came up from the
valley Monday.
T. O. Williams is looking for a sister
from Iowa soon.
The County Commissioners were
session Monday.
Finest calf boots and shoes made to or
der by M. Bruck.
C. H. Riedon. county surveyor, came
to town Monday.
Theodore Waener came up from
Montrose Monday.
kind go to
innoo Hi iffiHtv Harrison,
JUIIUO w w v j y
He be
W For a good stove of any
f Wm. Christensen's.
H. M, Warneke,
Is alwayt ready; assisted by his genial
clerk,' Mr Thome Reidy, to wait upon
fheii many e'ustonjers with it
DrOoodsiBooaad Shoes, Groceries,
&iuftiare, Flower; Fet? Aci Ac.' at
Bed &o& Price3.
Mr. John Nolan came back from the
Black Hills Monday.
Jas. H. Cook came up from his
spring ranch Monday.
The commissioner's proceedings
crowed out this week.
R. L Keel from the lower 33 ranch
was in town yesterday.
The Harrison school children are hav
ing a week's vacation.
A. C. Pratt from White River came
out to Harbison Tuesday.
Oscar Garton passed through town the
17th, southward bound.
Wm. H. Hawn has just finished mak
ing hay for the orphans.
Geo. Whitney cut his thumb with a
saw quite badly last week.
James H. Cook left on the afternoon
train Monday for the east;
Mr. Chas. Biehle came to town Mon
day visiting our merchants.
Mr. Henry Hunter of the Circle Bar
ranch, was in town the 17th.
Nickolas Kirst from Montrose came to
the county seat on Monday.
M. Bruck was visiting friends oh Ante
lope creek the first of the week.
1 Go to Bartell's restaurant and bakery
for fresh bread, pies and cakes.
Subscribe for The Sioux County Joub
Nal. It wil save you money.
Isaac Kendall took his new shingle
mill out to east Hat creek Friday.
The foundation for the court house is
completed and some brick work done. '
J. W. Langdon called Saturday and
left his subscription for the Journal.
Wm. A. McMami made final proof to
his claim Monday before Judge Hunter.
Mr. Jacob Marking gave us a pleasant
call luesday and subscribed for the
Mr. B. F. Thomas is busy locating new
settlers every day. Thomas knows the
Mr. Wm. Brooks and John Herman
were in and subscribed for the Journal
' A Walter A. Wood mover on three
years time at Wm. Christensen's. Lid
you ever?
we are informed that some thirty
families are on the road from Indiana to
this place
Mr. aad Mrs. Woody came to Harrison
Monday purchasing supplies from our
Mr. anil Mrs. L. O. Hull report beinir
unary entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Wal
Iter Sunday.
Mr. Bartlett fiichards, President of the
Krst National Bank of Chadron, was in
town Monday.
O. Guthrie and L. O. Hull have taken
claims two miles north of town and are
brukung thereon,
Jack Frost gave us a call Sunda
night and in unmistakable words savs:
"cut your com."
Mrs. Jean Bigelow and the two child.
re arrived here from Jasper county', la.,
Ut Friday. Jean and Pace will nrobm.
bty urrmder ttie cookin in i ...
Miss Christena Marking is very sick at
the home of her parents Jacob Harking
in tlie valley.
HernwJi Kroening and isUr. Mrs
Frank Simons kft town for tin- valley
Monday afternoon.
Mr. James Wilson, one of the employ
ees of Mr. Murphey's brick yard, started
Monday for eastern Dakota.
The Venerable John Tucker, of White
River, one of Sioux county's earliest set
tlers, came to Harrison Monday.
The unborn child without a neau
now born and has a head well balanced.
How do you lik? tb" "rat sheet.
Every body turn out to tlie jerw;es at
m.-, UoCeorv rnmiis Wednesday eien-
!. ' t .
iiig also at the liall Sunday morning
Born, on the evening of Sunday Si-pt-
oOThorifith in Mr. and Mrs. John r.
Shultz a son. Mother and child doin,
The demand for the Journal last week
was ereater than tlie supply, ami many
u-in micrkt in have recieved a sample
copy did noL
Mr. Tutzenheiser lias moved into
iier new house and store room, just
north of the bank, and is prewiring a line
display of millinery goods.
The petition circulating in tlie county
rullinc for an election to revive tlie
heard law in Sioux county is being gen
erally signed by the people.
Mr. C. A. Paxton came to the city
Wednesday and gave us a pleasant call.
Mr. Paxton naid a subscription for the
Journal and wishes us well.
Mr. L. E. Beldon is moving his carpen
ter shon from its present location to
Mr. Hart's blacksmith shop and wi
open a wago'n shop in connection.
Mr. John Marsteller, our own John,
came back from a two months visit with
friends in Pennsylvania. John brings
his brother with him. Welcome both.
Miss Ida Stannard of Nora Springs la.,
arrived in Harrison Thursday. She is a
sister to Mrs. T. O. Williams, and will
remain some time, perhaps take a claim.
Mrs. L. M. Riley has taken a claim
about a mile and a half northwest of
town, which was secured on a contest
and she began living thereon last Saturday.
Mr. Andrew Jackson Babcoek and
Theo. Trimbur left Tuesday for the Bad
Lands of Dakota. We hope that the
gentleroeil may not be lost and safely
Mrs. Bassett wis kindly remembered
recently by Mrs. T. Bay, F. M. . Smith
and F. Simons by being presented with
a ooiiquet of real flowers cultivated, by
each of the ladies, who have the appre
ciation and thanks of the former.
Mh Herman Konrath of Montrose, had
the bad misfortune to loose three valu
able head of cows by getting into the
cornfield and eating green corn. Three
more head are dangerously ill and liable
to die from the same cause,
The bucket in the town wei ' got fat
Monday morning and the combined
strength of fifteen men with a long lev
er was unable to pull it loose. Vote
bonds gentlemen and get an apparatus
tliat will do the work and give satisfac
Mr. H. T. Conley, of CreSton county,
a graduate of the State University, and
an attorney ol consiuet-iLiIe ability, was
in the county several days this week and
maue a critical examination o) its re
sources. He is well satisfied with the
future prospects of our county; and has
decided to locate at Harrison. He will
be back about the first of November.
The arrival of Mr. Smith's bri Monday-
evening and Mr. Hester's ori Tuesday was
something of a surprise to their friends
here for they were not expected for sev
eral weeks, as noted in our last issue.
Tho cause is explained by the fact that
they shipped by rail from the Missouri
river to Chadron and drove from there
here. The outfit consists of Mr. and
Mrs. Smith and four sons, Frank, Char
lie, Fred and Elmer; and two daughters,
Ida and Ada. Mr. Hester and wife and
three daughters, Ida, Louie and Claudie,
and two sons, Virgil and Noran. Mr.
George Olinger also accompartys them.
The older ones will all probably take
claims near here. They have ten head of
horses, among which is two' line stall
ions belonging io Mr. Smith. The Jour
nal exlends a hearty welcome to the
new cottiers,
ind in
I ITTLE (wrm "'
Tl-e sample iopv of t' J"l""s-U'
i,..,l :.ih1 Iain .-ll pl.-ascd with it-
.ink a k-unul that is Ind. pendar.1 is
more reliable " Par.v F"I-'r;
il resources of S.oux
r... Zmu,t "ive it greater pr.ii Uw.
deserves us never in the history of Ne
braska has a section of '"l"',r.v
from obscurity to the rank of a rich and
productive country iu so short a time as
has Sioux county. Three ..ears ago
there was not a busliel of wheat sown in
1 J.iltllillLf
I lie country, io-u;iv -wheat
to tiii' ago, while our corn crop
is excellent, It is not prolable that any
of it will go east as we are on tlie wel
em i.f1he corn 111 country, and
Wyoming and the Black Hill- will "
our market for corn.
Stock is in the be-t of condition and
from tin- amount of liay and millet put
in slack, will in all probablily, 1 kepi
fat for (lie January market.
There is two saw nulls running in thfe
valley anil lumlier is plentiful and cheap,
and the farmers are taking advantage of
the situation and are putting up 'good
buildings, the greater portion ot which
is for grain and stock.
There is a petition being circulated in
this preunct for the renewal of the
heard law to be submitted at the next
annual election.
We heard Mr. Walker now we
should like to hear the other side of the
question anil then we could draw our
own conclusions.
Our road mijiervisor hits been unable
to put the roads in good condition on ac
count of lack of material for bridges,
but such work as could be done lias
greatly shortened the route to Crawford.
School commenced in district No. 3, on
the 17th inst. There is some Ho or -10
schol ar in this district.
Threshing has all been done in the val
ley. The new-wheat makes an excellent
grade of (lour.
Content and happiness prevails in
each new homes W. M. P,
r kl a'criunta rtf thx Rnffaln Hat. 1
ber Company, made prior to August 15,
will be put in an attorney's hands for
collection if not settled by cash or note
by October 1st.
G. lGCTHKa, Manager.
. Hot 8eeof4 Clasi Matter.
Tito Postmaster at Harrison refuses to
admit tbe JocmAL as rtcond class mat
t and aUo refugee to give Jhis reasons
fnot doing so', tan ourVS'rs gtm
To have frost delayed until the corn
la ripe.
To see local news more plenty.
A larger attendance at Mrs. Bas-
sstt's class on Sunday and on Wednes
day evenings.
To know why the P. M. refused the
Journal as second class matter.
To know where all the cattle come
from and go to that are shipjed over
this road each week.
To see tliat road worked that Mr.
Barker has surveyed down the canyon.
-To know of a lietter alto singer than
the young lady who attends the singings
To hear of a more gentlemanly dei-
uty P. M. than Mr. Cox.
To have immigrant settlers arrive
faster, though it couid hardly lie possi
ble. To know of a better town to trade
in t han itarrison. j
To see a builning pushed more rap
idly to completion than our court house.
To know why Thos. Reidy some
times starts out south and sometimes
east but always conies in rrom the north,
A few more cot-respondent h Us good
as the ones we have.
To know w hat abrtut Henry's arm.
To know whose fault it is that so
many of our good looking population
are lrtchelots.
Joking Justice Jones.
Who is that accomplished reporter he
Republican has captured? Is must be
the young man who lost all points of tlie
compass, covered himself with the shad
ow of a cloud and waited seven hours for
daylight to pilot him out of the canyon.
the price or his rose must be high when
he will tread on so many thorns to capt
ure it. Jones dont worn-: the christian
opinion is, tliat when you get your new
survey finished by stalling home at an
early hour you will prevent a relierctl of
your past misfortune. S.
All parties Indebted to the (Irin of C
L. Tubbs of .he Novelty wcrks v.tre re
quested to come and settle by tti.. first
of October as I am troubled with the
C. L. Tcbbk.
1L T. Conley bought thetree claim t.r
Albert Offingur joining the town sit
flepair shops.
Wood stock always oh hand. All kuvJi
or work oxecuted promptly and
Traii-uct'" a general UiiiLing u :,ut
Loans Money on Chattel M
First-Class in Every De
This Hotel lias been fitted up regardless of pcins and pxiim.:
To t!,e comfort and convenience of tlie tra.ris
lie and fiemianent boarder
Best Accommodations in the M
EGf;ERT ROHWEll, Proprieti-. - - tlAt
Special Attention to Con
J. f. Pfosfs Livery,
And Sale Stable
ffigs Furnished With Drivers JPosted
ftanges of the Conner!
'Hji. inj iiflei'ttloi) pi,id to lnisjil"s fi
Farmero, Enigranto and 6