The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 20, 1888, Image 3

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    f LIKE HIM,
Be Youth Who
1 well-ilressed
) years of ge,
at Main street
las broke and
.'ays the Butte
be. The genial
!y truek with
jk with the ep
tnan. and said:
9qt fooling and
"Be poUtoaa you
Why. what'i
J" returned the
Hm boy that'a
;See past year?"
-Ml then, for if
of John Poner
,,intt my hat"
yP" asked the
to get a little
'-j That' s my name,
f trother that I've
ast six years."
' ib was busy now,
iA would send him
. Was peeling pota
"jfwith n large pan
j stw his brother,
rja, and the twins
har's embrace,
'jrtully alike in ap
"ir who has just
ie They are both
. ip says he has
" jrnia, Texas, Ari
l3 in search of nil
back home, and
him accident
, tnther says be will
ZM Is good enough
"ZZ Butter.
V ABaso who is much
lth the red cow's
i the fodder worm's
3i be is with the
:Zt into a restaurant
i- after nearly an
.niter, and said:
! w powerful slow
tltil" the waiter ex-
"l folks out thnr in
21 be dinged ef I
J al)b:io nn' coolc
n.e " Wush you'd go
f, hvr tuuk my name
""'"""i pnn" when your
? 1tel about fiftoen
ailing the waiter,
id for er doctor?''
-f I wimin folks out
down with chills
Explain This, Bostonlans.
Tbe paper read by Mr. Edward S.
Niles before the Christian Endeavor
convention at Chicago, showing tbe
proportion of church-going people to
tbe total population in three of tbe
large cities, is interesting. It reveals
a surprisingly favorable condition of
affairs for Chicago, in comparison with
ber two eastern rivilt, and will probab
ly modify a very general opinion
that Chicago is a wicked oity. Tbe fig
ures given by Mr. Niles show that in
Boston, with a population of 600.000.
tbe church membership is 35,000 or
one person in every twenty-four; in
New York. 90.000 out of 2,000,000 be
long to church, or one in twenty-one, I
while in Chicago 100,000 out of 800,- ,
000 are religious, or one in eight !
Something of this disparity may be
accounted for on the theory that the
young, fresh and vigorous west has not
yet become infected with the vice of
the older and more complicated civili
sation of the East Tbe people In tbe
former section still retain more of the
simplicity in taste and manners which
belong to the farm than those of the
latter. Tbe corruption and degenera
tion which follow in tbe wako of
wealth, accumulated and held for a
long time hare not yet made their iiu- i
pressions on the industrious and frugal
inhabitants of the cities in tbe great
agricultural statoa. Yet, there is some
thing startling in tbe statement that
the ratio of church nvemburs to non
coramunicants is three times as large
in Chicago as in Boston. Mr. Niles is
a resident of the latter city and would
hardly discriminate against his own
Is there some ether more positive
and calculable explanation for the dif
ference? Has Culture taken the place
ef religion in the Hubcitv? Has educa
tion supplanted the desire or necessity
for spiritual pursuits, at least inside
tbe church walls? It can not be that
the crimes and overt acts of wickedness
are three times as numerous in Boston
as Chicago. What have our esteemed
contemporaries of the Hub city to say
about it? Uenry Wattersonin Courier''
Are We Snob3?
William D. Howells, who whatever
may be his rank as a novelist, is one of
the closest and most intelligent ob
servers of human kind among ua, crea
ted something of a sonsalion a few
months ago by intimating that we
Americans are a race of snobs. The
American press and llio American poo
plo almost to a journal and a man, rose
indignantly to dony this slander. Tho
same American press turned itself
loose to give tlio American poople all
the information it could obtain about
tho career of the titled person who
itfaUng at the same
IMtisli of ice cream,
"m wan placed on
1 around to speak
Jfcad addressed him.
"y Us kn fe, reached
i-sizod lump of the
(si on a piece of
winced us though
lied him, shoved
calling the waiter,
Sd er good deal in
'ick (Inner at Sul
, v,i'oack one tirao at
Jffl a ed 1I night at
e .iot, an1 lived fur a
ttWr faod camp-iniietin',
Vt Ion) coldest butter I
'op the worms may eat
M Map an' the spotted
t btaff and kill herse'f.
f Jy, a r.
1 the tittering waiter,
. Jfc ' be in presently.
.It's ice cream."
if en' I 'low tbe cow
3t froae ter death by
r erbleeged ter you,
.lMger. Don't kere,
it they have ter put
Vfeouse ter keep V em
'riansaw Traveler,
Man f Heaves.
"Now, my dear little men," said Mki
Daisy Dimity, who had volunteered to
teach a elaas of small boys in a Boston
Sunday school, "you must ait real still
and I'll tell you about what a perfectly
lovely place heaven is, and what a per
fectly beautiful time you'll have if tow
are dear, good little boys real little
gentlemen, and go there. Yon can't
imagine how perfectly charming it will
be. O, there'll be the mot. delightful
manic As Rood, I have no donbt, aa
our own symphony concerts, and there'll
be each lovely singing all tbe time. O,
life will be a poem a reel Browning
poem forever and ever and ever. XI
will be just too beautiful for anything.
Everybody will be so cultured and re
ined you can't think how lovely it will
"Whet if we go to the bad place?"
naked n wonder-stricken little fellow.
"O-o-o!" cried the teacher with a lit
tle gasping shriek, "O, the dreadful!
horrid place! It will be fall of all kinda
of dreadfnllv coarse, common people,
and they'll be doing and saying all aorta
of vulgar things. Society will be to
dreadfully, dreadfully mixed thertvit
will be too perfectly horrid to think
about. Ugh! No, no, dear little boys,
yon must mind yonr papas and mammae
and never do anything naughty and
then you will go right to that dear de
lightful pi ace which will be filled with
the first families in all Boston, and it
will be too perfectly lovely for any
thing." Time.
The Quern's Cale.
The big hoiiftes in London have lots of
cats about, which grow fat while folks
are in town and starve when they go out
to the country. This has attuned much
distress to members of the animals' in
stitute, particularly as even the aueen's
cats were subjected to the same difficul
ty. But this year it was 'Umbly and
loyally pointed out to the queen that her
Windsor cute would starve while she was
away, whereupon her majesty was graci
ously pleased to order them all put in
baskets and taken along to Osborne with
the rest ef the court, which was done.
This has become fashionable. Society
papers solemnly inform ns that prettily
decorated oat bankets are in great de
mand, and tho happy pnssies may be
seen by dozens at the railway stations
going to mountain or seashore just like
anybody else. London Letter.
The might of Deliberation.
"What thon doest. that do with all
thy might." But not with the might of
anger, haste or impatience. Not the
"might" that grabs the door knob and
tries to wrench it off if the door doesn't
open readily. Not the might that is al
ways breathless, in a hurry, "rushing
things" and trying to do a dozen things
in a minute. That is not "might" at
all. It is a wasteful expenditure of
miht of your force, your vitality, to
store up which you have slept and
The "xnizlit" that accomplishes the
greatest and most profitable result is the
might of coolness and deliberation; the
nubt that will do and think of but one
thing at a time; the mi'ht that will not
allow itBelf to be occupied by other
things, thoughts or efforts till the one
thing IK done; the might that, having
forty things to do, immediately stops
and thinks, Bits clown and does nothing
for a time bnt think or let the thought
come of wlmt is the best thing to do to
brinr about the rnoRt nroMTiorons roanls.
married the Americau heiress, with , Prentice Mulford in New York Star.
the minutest detail of the ceremony,
and these same republican newspapers
could not get ''His Grace" and tbe
ducat title in their bead lines often
Four Lucky IHen.
Byraeiue Of, .) Herald. Jmr 51.
The United Stales Express company
yesterday brought just 910,000 in cur-
- i- -it- i i s n.
enough. Thackeray, who made a Lon&fM1I, suu Lotte'T and who Me a
denned ' f.B. fcjoper A Co. 'a store in North Sa
special study of the genus.
snob as one who meanly admires mean
things." Most of New fork was lost
in admiration of mean things about
the time of that ceremony. Mayor
Hewitt, of whom we admit having ex
pected belter things, was perhaps the
most ardent - admirer among all the
line street The book-keeper, Charles
H. Geffey, receives S3, 7.10; Albert T.
Tsn Antwerp, one of the firm, $2,500;
Alexander larrison. salesman, $2,500,
and Caleb Morgan, the former butcher
for the firm but now with Mahar k
Huntly, Sl.m The ticket that won
this sum, which was one-tenth of the
second canital prize of $100,000. was No.
83,460, and it cost these four men just
rest of the plain republicans. He
never hesitated a moment about tying ; two dollars, although they had more in
the nuptial knot that religion, as rep- 1 pooL mJS
resented by the leading clergymen
st's Offlca
eoing tooth?"
the sufferer, as
I Bicuspid."
)fC doctor, if you'll
i out, though it looks
ke advantage of a
Tfhul are your cus
iigo Tribune.
Jits Course,
julf between youth
.hew tbe proverb,
old bead on young
'proverb was written
ih bad nothing to
don't believe tbe
lytliing, and the old
rally that tbe young
saying, "I didn't
felml." But young
jant in bo told that it
r i to nnd it out him-
k and pays the piper
the city, refused to sanction, and he
has boon publicly congratulating him
self ever since upon the fortunate
chance that brought about the oportu
nity for him to, as he puts it, "create a
duchess." New Yo k Life.
The Cradle of Liberty. t
The Buffalo Courier sa st A
Buffalon an of Massachusetts birth has
been in some distress of miud over the
proper pronunciation of tbe name of
the Boston hall,' which served as the
Cradle of Liberty. In her nativo State
she bad never heard it called any thing
but Fan-u-ll Hall, but in Buffalo a few
persons who prided themselves on
doing tbe correct thing when they know
it called it in her presence Funnel Hall.
Under tbe impression that Dr. Holmes
employs tbe latter pronunciation in
one of hit poems, she wrote a little
note to the beloved autocrat, begging
for information. Promptly came the
following reply, penned, unfortunate
ly, in the band of a secretaryi
,. Swim folks FaosttU,
O.d folks Funnel
Los OABiaa oan hardly
be eonaidered handawo
or elegant, but they were
fit habitations for the rag
ged pioneers of America.
Our ancestors were ragged
specimens of noble asau
hood. complete in health.
strength and endurance. Their whole
some remedies are reproduced to this
later age, in Warner's Log Cabin Herse
parilla and Waraer'a 'Tippecanoe."
Petroleum in ebaadaaee aae been la sad
ear delate, Boeiaaia.
Nollj Great's haebead aae batesae riea
through the death ef ale brother.
Tas erieateJo do aet kaow much, by
what they do knew they knew by heart.
For cemetipotten, "liver Mmalaiat," or
bUionsasse. aiak headache, aad nil iisissas
arising fress a diaordond condition of the
Hvar and stoat ack, take Dr. Plane's Pleas
ant Pargativo Pallete a gentle laxative or
active cathartic, according to eiae ef deae.
a new military law will Increase
ear army bj 00,000 man. UaH to
Chronic naaal catarrh peeitivsly cured
by Dr. Bage's Remedy.
Sunday marriages are Bull and void in
Waa Aaaarlca Ever DIseoTeredl
At the time when Cohimbus started in
search of the New World, nearly every man,
woman and child in Europe insisted that
there was bo New World to discover.
When be cams back, crowned with success,
a large proportion ol these good people
adhered to their theory; and it they were
alive to-day many of them would doubt
less insist that American had never been
diecovered at all. A man will give up any
thing in the world more readily than a pet
theory. For example, look at the individ
uals who still maintain that consumption
is incurable. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery has cured thousands upon thou
sands ef cases, and will cure thousands
more, but these people can't give up their
point. Nevertbefees the "Discovery" will
cure any ease ol consumption, if taken in
Lightning can he see by rejection a dis
tance ef 204 miles.
When Baey was sick, we gave her Caitoria,
When aae wea a Child, ihe cried for Caitoria,
When aae iam Kim, the ehing to Cutorit.,
Waea she had Chik!rea,jhe gave them Caetoria,
hed mosquito.
He Despised the Zttlos.
A military officer once engaged a
oar in Cork, and at the end of the trip
paid the driver a sixpence. Now, six
pence was the ezaot amount due, but
more gracious customers were in the
habit of paying a shilling for the same
distance. "Bd lurk to the Zulus!"
muttered Pat ruefully, looking at the
same com In bis palm. The Zulu war
was In progress, or bad just ended,
and tbe officer turned around sternly!
What Is that you say "Bad look to
tbe Zulus, aorrl'' "Why do you say it?"
"Faith, yor boner, because they've
killed all tho shilling offlours, and left
none but the sixpence ones."
ing fifteen dollars a month. Mr. Gaffey
seemed very jubilant ana justly so,
when called upon by a reporter of the
Herald to-day. He thought that the
Louisiana State Lottery was one of the
squarest WBUtutious he liau ever seen,
and was earnest in his praise of the
promptness and exactitude of all its
I dealings. He and his three compan
ions have frequently been winners of
smaller amounts which have been
promptly paid. The hwt drawing took
place on the 10th instant and the mo
ment the prize was drawn the result was
telegraphed to this city. The winning
ticket was then sent on, and in about
two weeks the solid cash came. Mr.
Gaffey said that there was not the least
trouble or inconvenience in getting the
money. His club will continue invest
ing in the lottery. This is the seoond
time that one-tenth of the capital prise
has been captured by investors in this
oity. Clubs have been organized in all
parts of the city, but especially is the
rage the strongest in the Seoond ward.
Ignorance Kept Hint Honest.
A story is told of a postmaster whoaa
lack ef knowledge of working his own
"nest" lest him an increase of $100 on
hia aalarv next veer. When he eent his
returns in he lacked 81 cents of the
amount called for by the law to permit
an adjustment of his salary. His report
enowed the yearly receipts of his offioe
to be $,099.20. Aa the department al
lows a fraction over a halt dollar to bo
eoanted as a dollar, the postmaster
wonld have been $100 more in his pocket
if he bad had shrewdness enuugh to buy
81 eente' worth of stamps out of hia own
pocket Since he sent his report he has
learned his mistake, and everybody in
the county now can kick him. His waa
the only case of the kind in the 2,500.
It caused much merriment among the
clerks at the postoffice depa. .ment.
For The Nervous
The Debilitated
The Aged.
usnelsae idealist tkOl has at lart tolled ttn
eiilil at ane leas seeded meHdae ter the ate.
Tea. SiaUMteH. and tte ased. by eemblalns Ike
neH nerve teell, Peltry tad Cone, with other otoc.
re I idltt, which, eetins rtntly bat caMentli'
an the hteaeya, liver end bowels, rmove dleteee,
motue ansae ad iters TinlttT Talsmedtelaasi
?Tf BUt a SUee heretofore nnoeenpled, and marts
S aew ere la tbe trattment of nervon wonblte.
Overwork, anxiety, ditotaa, Uy the foundtuon of
BMTont pmttneon ud wttkniat, and txperlenot
hee taown tbtt the neotl mntdlet de not mend the
skrtia ead naralytii of the aerrotu tyttera.
dad by profeeaouU and bariaen stem.
Prtoe SI.OO. Mold by dretvMo.
WELLS, RICHARDSON k CO., Proprietors
Bweealag the Merkiu Like aa Ava
lanche. The moat remarkable thing in bnaineee
lines is the Moiie Company, in Lowell. It
ia eaid the aalea in little more than two
yeara are over 7.000.000 bottlea. This li
quid food ia remarkable, if we may believe
what is aaid about it. Lately, the ata
letea, actore and nctreaaas, and heavy
business men have taken to it like mad.
Yesterday word came from Maiden that It
raised an old caaeot helpless paralysia,and
another ia Lowell. If this ia ao, hioiie
ia all right, with but little advertising.
lira. Leland Stanford's jewels are rained
at a round million.
Half Hale Bxenrslone.
The first of the aeries of Harvest excur
sions via, tbe Missouri Pacific railway and
Iron Mountain route to Arkansas and
Texas, will leave September 11th and
25th. October 9th and 23d. Tickets will
be sold at one tare for the round trip
with a limit of thirty daya to return and
ample stop-ever privileges.
In order te look spruce it is not ai
ry that you remain evergreen.
The Liver
The kldaeri sre erstat which H Is kaeertea eh sold
be kept la seed eeadlUon, sod yet Sbey ate over
worked sad sseied by nesry everybody. aaW laer
httoato wora-ont, cloned so. er diseased, eod't
SsrwpsrlUs cnrt til dinenlUet with these erssas,
renste them te heslihy sctloa, tad tenet the waste
df costive erssaltm.
"1 hsve beet attDC Rood's seritetrtilt for Indices
Ion end liter troskle. It hat greatly benefited -aw,
and t think It It tally tisoeds mi siclse st claimed.
B. S. Caaaanto, chief engineer Sre dept. 8tonlask
Iss. Ck
K. B. If yon decide to take Hooit'i Strisptruls,
is sst be Induced to bar tsy other.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
eld by til drucE tte. tl' for ts. Prepared seJy
by C. L HOOD & CO., Apothecaries Lewell
IOO Doses One Dollar
"There fe nothing yon require of year
agents but what is fust and reasonable,
and strictly in accordance with business
principles." That's the sort ef testimony
any house can be proud of, and it is the
testimony of hundreds of men who are
profitably employed by B. F. Johnson A
Co., Richmond, Va. Write tor full partic
ulars. Connecticut promisee a alias apple crop
this year.
Ml WtSM I eeuM tod something that
wend eare falls and prevent the hair coming
In white, " IS an axerenlon h-eenently heard.
Veterinary Oajrkells-lvs will always do It
Beht hi Prescsisti st 60 aents and 91.06.
Tan colored beote for men axe becoming
very faahieaable ia London.
Ieta as ass I
II mrn
Poaliivrlyeured IH
meat i.uue rills.
They aim relieve DIM
trees from, In
Katlns. A perfect rem
edy for Dizziiiesa.Naueea
Urowtinest, Bad Tube
in ths Month. Ooatedl
Tongiie.Pain in the Bide.
regulate the nowels.
Pursljr Vcaviabls.
rnee zn fjenia;
castes lancnrs co hew yox
Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price.
Ely's Cream Balm
la taV bMt remedy for chllttrH
lullerliic frvm
Apply Balm Into each nottrll.
ELY BKOS., M Wtrren St., N. T-
The Best
Tar Salt by al! Drogirliti. Price S5 ea per b;
S HoxM for 06 eUjor iat by mail, poftt&ge free, oa
receipt of prict. Sr. J. Il.acheaok a Son, Philad'a.
The Celebrated Red Oak Cart.
B'tt Cart on earth. No hone motion. Breaking
anil Speeding Oris a peolltr. l'rlce and
tU.tXl. F. O. B. carl OmtUa. Send for Cull.
dealer in all klndt of
Carriages and Harness.
lath and Harney etreete. Omaha, Nefc.
KTC. Send for
larae Illustrated Catalocue rwaa.
U. If. FOB I KK, W., aiiuiui.iiici
171 Uetlmsn Street, UliiusKO, llllnela.
W lame Illustrated Cati
Tfestern Kewsnnper Union.
asShtB llflHCC Ittheratstheykarebssnaa.
FREE HObES tstjsstst
L mmmm.. m at. uaTZt."". e
Whenever needinr anvthiog in way
f job atoek, print paper, outfits or
prtsUnB material oi any una. ma, roc r vrfD Tr"4
(an or stereotyping, don't fail to fat LAHLLKrffro.
aa. lea will save money by to
toSB rer dav. amn wortssi. -fj Ran. -j
setiaair ue'henea feet. Write Bra water
aafety aein Hole erCo., Holl. auon.
Oil I It ) wortk turn ser IS. retlt't Bye ttive it
EOLOwortk ILIMibnt latold at ifcea hsi Or dstiers
A Gross Error.
Castomen "Grooer, I have a bona
to pick with you." Abseot-iiiimled
grocer: ''Very well, sir." -The last
sujrar I boiiirlit of ym bad a lot of
yellow sand In It." "Toa are certainly
mlslakitn. We use only the finest of
Tbe New Rlyle of WU lea.
The school of emtio fiction, of whioh
Miss Rives is regarded as the head and
inspiration, is (rrowinp; fast, according
to the "Lounger" of the Critic and that
contributor adds: "I have in my mind
now three young girls, none of them
out of their teens, who have this sum
mer riven birth to imaginative ro
mances the motive and treatment of
which would have staggered Oeorge
Bands in her moxt 'emancipated' mo
ments. Of conre, the reviewers pounce
npon them, and tlion the unhappyyoiuig
women burst into tears, and declare
that they are the most miserable and
misunderstood of human beings. One
of WiesM overwrought misses with a re
inembranee, iierluii, of bfr predeCKs
aor's eiporit'iioe is tlirowq by the crit
ics stricture into a state el neivous
ear prioee.
our MrmMj Primte avre the Best.
liven are contemplating starting a
new paper yon should not fail to asa '
before elosiag a deal.
If you are not reoeiving Tn Piuwr
ns' vxiuaBT, our monthly, send for
a Frew to every printer or publisher.
Ad drees:
tmut ssd tares witeest " "2;
roMD. n. B., aarees, Kaae Os Sa.
For Se3itie3&.
hwasAeSntsaS Si Sat aatr rata leeaaey eaaS
i tee stoat caeraetsttae aslas, allaaSv
ad estee Ceesnstlnaa waetaer ot teat
latuaSy ttes'
Jsfamaulles i
Lanes. Siomaca, Bewola er etaer sieade or eraaaa.
a e Bsatier new TtO'eai sr . sncnnii pais .as
cnseiea. erTooa
Vkeamat a BeSrlades,
nearaJda e aresuslsd
Tklityte efi
ww ia a
te efTty iaena St HST a sastMar at setea
art. raistaesa. weankara. Stek geteatea Wa
rtee. Veeatet. Saae, wtai StSke neweea Sad
Islttael solas
intent and etaer terera aMr Batwaye rttla afaV
1 11HA.E.1I1
ik ttasuuia Brsry Sox turned nutt
Issued March and Bept,.
I each year. It is an enoy-
lolopedia of naefnl lnlor
Imttioa for 'A who par
ebaae the lniuriee or the
neeeaaitias of life. Wt
Oan elothe yon and farniah row wlthw
all the neoesaary and naiisesasesf
appliances to ride, walk, daaeo, sleep,
eat, fish, hunt, work, go to aharaa.
or stay at home, sad in minus im rasp
styles and Quantities, sat navre eenV 1
what is required to do all these thlnaw
C0F0IITLT. and row earn aaaSsir
eatiroats of the vatee ef the V ZBsVe
OUIDS. wbieh will be sssrt ttsoat.
reeeipt of 10 cents to paw poetesnv
Itl-ua Kiohiann A 1 sees.
or iwnive ycswusu
Tte Larsett, Caeasest sad Seat la ISjs Worla.
am Wat s. A 1X1
staton eorrt.
eaersi .
TsW " -' Sa
I setetrtae and tally ea
done nil 6 at the onry
eaedSe for Ueoerials ffaes)
ofthla dlteaee,
O.H.LNoaAHAla,aV B
tmeliri H. T.
We have
aaid Bit Ota
ra. ssd It has
rnaay years, aaa 1
sivea tae pen w
tl.OO. Bold hy Drnsf itav
S. I. tuaatld ttaiea
teat as trad. IVsleSS
fui. roily WsmaojA
S TON $S5.
Other alssa erepertiea
alary law. Afcett well sale. Bliiirtied Catsleiwa
tee. Meanea tha Payer.
ISOOOS TnOKPSOM. liiinaatoa, X. X
S1E CO . COCn en A MONTH csa he
Si IrS TO SaOU aisse working for aa.
Asenu sreferred whs can farniah a horse and ylrf
their whole time te the kastaets. Spare moateaie
fiala Street Richmond. Va.
w. .MII.U, amalAvas I
in iowat sad dtlea B. T. JOHHSOH Co, ISaV
I aloe. A few recencies
1 ijLnz Asm -
I eatalons oa yataatahlHty 1
BV. hW dk A. r. 1.ACBV.
reksad AMaTaara, Waehlat
B.O. laauaetlaaj
W. H. U.. Omaha, B0 87t iZTrlZL. as-. tawaa os.a.
: Rryant & Stratton Chicago Duslnns Colic no!
iinnrimaa and tsa liAROShST B1W ' aw as woiuu
e readlag.
Spoaklei without Betas,
elly unlike artlllelal ty-tesna.
r eoadeaaned hy hapreate Ceart,
latdaeeaaeata te eerreepoadeaee
great Indaeei
I Bavat BBBse.
a -v a
IXt II all lilt m .
The rits satire susana tt wemewd vvr1. set wej j-e rsjSif Jyl
ksaasn atawrwn. Tthdl WWW rWmmm WaUVShSiSi sw at r - 1 7 aTram.JV
InM" tiwrm.
rat. A. Hsaa-
Ml.lnni nf fir. 1
aaeadVlke worM fsn,sd Ki eclalitt le Mlet dleeseee.
Ssalel "raeoleaf Themptoa. the treat
Ft'cnolesltV 37m. Buckley, ll. l.,S-ilteref the
ChrUiiaa Adroeaie. Illohard Praetor, tbe,
SeleBtliu tad nthrrt. tnt tott free hy u .
Fref. T tblhfcTTS, fa Fifth Ate- New Ter a.
! A
fiber and Fabric
white a.od."-Z,.e(i (A.ft.) Journal. (
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