The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 20, 1888, Image 1
HE Sioux County Journal ' ZHIA-IRIRISOIlSJ", 3STEB., SEPT. 20. 1888. into, a . y-v.: fEY- AT-LAW. NEB. )JCER, "jNEY-AT-LAW. liffore all courts und tlie Ttlui office. Bsted to my care wil! e Attention. , - NEB. THE SIOUX COUNTY BY THE JOURNAL PUBLISHING COMPANY. The Roasted Ring. BRUCK, ) Shoe Maker. J'; f LASS COOL'S t "M NABLE PRICES. Jh of Bank Of Harrison. I THOMAS, - AND ill. LAND AWENT f, tTEAHS EXPERIENCE. Hinted with the U. H. land tirn ill this deiartim nt. Hioux county and eastern TiJ litis dune work from p Laramie plains, and from the Dakota line. He fur ertainnient to visitors and lhis the most wonderful ka. i miles north west ve MO ai res of the best Jo let. ed guilty of perjury, and sliall be im I prisoned in the penitentiary not more j than fourteen years nor less than one year. And here is the bill you presented. Sioux County, Nebraska: To E. D. Katterlee, I i. July 1st, im. To expenses as attorney at Dis trict Court, SIOl'X (0. DISGRACED ABROAD. AMELOPE VALLEY ITEMS. Sept 17, '8S ith a good crop and a promise of plenty for tlie coining winter, the so f ailed Grangers of this end of the coun try are feeling in good -er. J lie latest thing in the way of a good substantial improvement is a new dwell $100,001 i'H,r by E. H. Saiilsbury, also Mr. Zim i nil -liiian has erected a fine dwelling. 1.HI.UI..J T,e ext t,,; , wg wjsh to jie;ir lf u:r..i . . in of a The People Rubbed. )r to the question eBusiness? VI JBOPRIETOK OI the ft' WORKS, r- ,Kji.l F U L L .3D WAY TO KEEP BB. ri. 0VES! 3 SHOVES. IITURE! : f ;;5Ffurnituie. L THE BT STOtlK A' ii f f . .. - the line of HARD 2NITUREcull on me in ii ml tou will be well ! ,TFCLLY, H. Gfiswold. En. Jocrnal: The La wes County Journal ofSept. th comes up from lielow with a very ex pressive article casting reflections on our Republican delegation to the Senatorial and Representative conventions. We are sorry to have such things said alxmt our Republican delegates but such is life. Tlie following is an extract: "The Senatorial convention at Rush ville on Wednesday closed a liook marred by only one black and dirty chapter. Sioux county 'was misrepresented by two iucapables who delilerately deliver ed themselves over, body and breeches to unscrupulous drivers and were voted like brutes to betray not only the inter ests of Dawes, Slieridon and Box Butte counties, but the material interests of Sioux county as well, for the latter county is bound to her sisters by ties of locution and association which cannot lie cast away, and wuat is the serious injury of these counties must lie the ser ious injury of Sioux county as well. These bright delegates, who b' pure ac cident and unthinkingness were given so important a trust, sold and delivered the welfare of the county which they so unhappily misrepresented, and the closely allied friends and neighbors of that coun ty as well. It was the most brazen, openiy traitorous ileal winch lias ever been maneuvered und engineered in northwestern Nebraska and the men who accomplished the dirty work the men who so openly and confessedly betrayed "nd bartered away the interests of the people they were instructed to represent who so brazenly violated their volun tary pledges and obligations deserve tlie indignant censure and condemnation of every honest republican and every hon est citizen. They are devoid of the at tributes of honesty and truth, unfit for uny trust, and unworthy of any" confi dence or belief, It wns a black and dis graceful page of political infamy. It made no dill'erence, however, who the erson put forward was. The trad ers were organized to defeat any west end man, and so Mr. Carley went down with Colors (lying; honored by the solid support of Dawes, Sheridan and Box Butte counties, and defeated by only one majority. He was deliberately noM out by Hunter and Davis of Sioux county, and they were fixed to defeat any man whom the west end might name. That justice Was defeated, that the west end was sold out, was a disgraceful and dirty job, the opprobrium of which must rest on the sliouluers or tile men who were guilty of it and responsible for it. Wednesday night after the close of the Senatorial fight at Rushvillc, and after the delegations had adjourned to Chad ron, me hioux county delegation, repre sented by the "honorable" Mr. Hunter, went into executive caucus over a mon te table. Mr. Hunter had four hundred or five hundred dollars in a big fat roll which he made a greiit show of. He Iropped probably $150.00 into the insati ate tiger's maw before he was through, and didn't have but $350 left of his bood le to go home with this morning. The democratic machine in Harrison which owns utul commands Mr.' Hunter body and breeches, bus reason to be proud that he was valued so high in republican circles, and that he carried out the dirty work he was bought for and set to doj with such dog like fidelity." HOW THE PEOl'LE'S MOSEV OOKS. The Editor of the Herald, E. J). Saiter- lee says in the issue of tlie l"th, that I had accused the county officers with soma "irregularities."' No! no! Satter- lue,' read it again. It means that you in presenting and swearing to ( lain No. 355 for one hundred dollars swore falsely, and that false swearing is perjury, and that a man convicted of perjury shall be oullneil in the penitentiary, according to the Compiled Statutes 1887, pg. MM, Sec. 155. If any person having- taken a lawful oath, or mode lawful affirmation in any judicial proceeding, or in any oth er mutter where, by law, an oath or af firmation Is required, shall upon such with or affirmation wilfully nun corrupts I v den ise, affirm or declare any matter to be fad, knowinir the sniuo to be false, or shall in like manner deny uny matter to be luct. knowing the saino to be true: very -in nn ollerwhhg si ,h 11 be deeiu- Tolal, - I E. D. Sattet lee, do hereby that the aliove account is just and rect and neither the whole nor any parts of tlie same has lieen paid by the count Jk Raglaud lias returned from Run- mug naier, io siay on ins larm. jacK lias a nice place and a good crop, but it i school. or bv anv individual. E. D. Satterl.-e, Subscribed in mv pre .ice and swortl to before me this fifth day HEAL July A. I). 1H8H. -r Clam. C. Jameson. t.'ounty Clerk. Warrant ordered issued. A. McGinlv, j Board Daniel Klein, Don M. Weir. of oinmissioners. STATE OF NEBRASKA, ) j County of Sioux. f J I, Charles C. Jameson, County Cle'y of the county of Sioux, do hereby certifl- that tlie within is a correct copy of tffc original bill nuniber 355 as filed in tuv oflice and entered on liook "A" of Re ister of Claims and t'lerks V.'airaut Itej ister. Jn testimony whereof I have heruir set rny hand and the seal of tat PKAl, county, at Hiirrison this 15t!i day of August, 1M8H. . Chas C. Jameson, J County Clerk.' Is this "irregularities," salary grab, stealing the people's money, robbery pv all. I desire to call the attention of the tiix payers of Sioux county to a few items as they apjiear on record in the ( lerk's office. Mr. E. D. Satterlee comes up smiling and presents the following claims; No. 18, Jun. 20,1887 expenses and salary, $323.11 No. 116, Oct. 4, 188", salary, ' - 125.00 No. 1-48, Jan'y 9, 1888, salary, - 125.00 No. 260, April 13, 1888, salary, - 125.00 No, 354, July 5, 1888, salary, - - 125.00 No. 855, July 5, 1888, salary extra, 100. 0Q Total, - j, $W.U This is the aindiint the County Attor ney has taken out of the county Treas ury up to July 1st, 1888, on a statuary allowance of $300 per annum. Satter lee is good at figures. Hunter falsifies in saying that I told Hans Denker not to pay bis exists in his case against Ring. ';" He falsifies when he says there is a case on his docket; State vs: Walker, ex cept the one appealed to trie district court from Hunter. .' . Hu falsified in sayiqg that I niisqiiotcd the law jn the JOUHKAL. He is a shameless, Oodless, damnabl prevaricator when he does impugn tlie lea that the letters of Mr. CorM'y are not true copies, in wlncli Hunter says ttuit he had done all that is required by land lii-.v, and thereby acted as attorney in sHid contest. Yours Very Respectfully, Georoe Walk. How'h ThisI Ed. Joiunal: - M?: Hunler in the Republican of Sept. 18th. says that Mr. Walker had led me into a lawsuit for the puiiose of lileed ing rue, and that I hsul told Mr. Walker that I owed the money on the note. I will hereby state that the above allega tion of Mr. Hunter is false in every par ticular. Wm. H. Hawk. is a query with some as to whether he is a cow man or a pumpkin roller. Jack explain yourself. Mr, Cliarles Brooks still continues to make hay, notwithstanding the large stai ks he hits recently built, and after riding the mower all day he makes a sleepy gap and says: Oh! hum! hay! Three Uew settlers have recently set tled on Antelojie, and Uncle Sam's Do main is fast lieing converted into good farms and happy homes. There is church services held at the Stoiie house on Anteloie, every three weeks. Sept. 30, is the next appoint ment. Rev. Garjon officiating. Mr. S. R. Ktorie is still at Kendall's mill, while Oscar is still putting up large stacks of hay. The boys are getting anxious for the promise to be fulfilled of a social dance at the new residence of Mr. Salsbury. We are in somewhat of a hurry to-day as we know of a good watermelon patch in the neighborhood, and we love our friends, yes, we are getting quite portly owing to the good melon crop. Before closing we feel like saying a woiil for the Jolknal. We think it a taper worthy the support of every true farmer of Sioux county. We think it a japer from the stand it has taken that will stand by the people and not for a small monopoly. We are invited to ex amine the records of our county. A few are doing so. As to general satisfaction, 1 refrain, but the next thing we expect to hear of is the purchase of the new ourt house from the Harrison precinct, which would lie no fraud, more than the disfranchisement of the rest of the coun ty. We ought to stand it, Montrose did last fall. It appears to us more unfair do disfranchise the precinct of Montrose than to call the neglect of three oi' four; men a fraud. We should lay aside par- ty and take up men that will serve the people. Mr. Turner and Mr. Langclon are the only democrats in this precinct and tliey. are working a few republicans to meet in caucus and send them to the, county convention. Tln'nk the boys will get there. Very Respectfully, . Weed Wrestler. The Journal welcomes the most of the above article With pleasure.- Our columns are always open to everyone for discussion or comment on all subjects of interest to the people of Sioux county But we desire to sily that the idea of Sioux county purchasing the courthouse of this precinct is all visionary, it cannot lie done, and no one here.has any idea of such a thing. Harrison and Sioux coun ty prosper together and there should be iljertv and justice in all parts of the ounty. A new republican paper is to be issued in Sioux county this week, bearing the name of the Sioux Cooty Journal. This was the name of tlie first newspa per published in northwesteiri Nebraska, and volume one bearing that liead is bound and filed away in this office. We wish the 'ioux County JourVal success, and we wish the Republican paHy of Sioux county purifaction from the $500 Judases who sold themselves so cheap and disgraced the party and the Unfortunate county in which they claimed citizen ship. Daw es County Journal. All correct except the Klitical part. The downfall of the political ririg in Sioux county is neur at hand, they have become too bold and their attempt to run the whole of Sioux county means sure defeat. An indejiendent paper is soon to be started at. Harrison for the purpose of exK)sing their schemes and we predict for it a profitable career, Crawford Crescent. Manville voted bonds of $5,000 for a school house, Instead of a court house as it apieared in these columns last week, ""'. Unless unavoidably delayed the JOUR NAL will be miiiled regularly lo ' siibHori ber on ThtifHdj y- inornir.i?.-' Will You Subscribe! This is the last week that sample cop ies of the Journal will be sent out to the people in general, and you are earn estly reu nested to subscribe for "the peoples paer." If you cannot call at nin e and subscribe, send in your sub scriptions by a friend or by mail, bein sure to write the name and address plain ly. No one should miss a single copy. Those interesting articles of Mr. Walker's and others, will continue week ly and be more aiid more interesting to the tax payers of Sioux county each week. Notwithstanding the fact that the P. M. at this place refuses to accept the Journal as "second class matter'.' and may refuse to accept it at all, we assure our subscribers Hint the paper will reach them if we are obliged to carry it there and go all the way "n foot DIED: MrsY Jo'in Garrison, living about five miles sou'h of Monlrose, - died very suddenly last Monday evening. Mrs. Garrison was engaged during the day in doing the family washing and in the evening after eating a hearty supper, laid down to rest. Shortly aftr she asked her husband to bring her a drink of water. He immediately brought the water but 'on presenting it to her she was found to lie dead. Heart disease is ascribed as the probable cause. Mrs. Garrison at the time of her death was about forty-five years old. The sympa thy of the Joi;iivl is extended to the bereaved family. east Hat You The new shiiarle mill on creek is now in full operation. ban now gel first class native shingles und lumber from lsna Kendall at Wed rofV yite. ' ATTENTION! TO MEET THE DEMAND OF HIS -:- INCREASING PATRONAGE Wm. CHRISTENSEfl -Is now putting in a- FIRST CLASS ASSORTMENT OF Cook Stoves and Heating Stoves, -Also a fine lot of- CUTLERY, GRANITE IRON WARE AND TIN WARE -And a full line of- General Hardware AND Builders Material ALWAYS ON HAND. It is a well known fact that as a rule the honest customers have to foot the bills of (lie dishonest ones, where books are kept and lawyers employed to collect bad debts. As we are doing busi ness on a cash basis, those unnecessary expen ses are done away with, consequently we can ofrer to our patrons SUCH PRICES AS WILL RE BOTH PLEASING AND PROFITABLE, Give us a call and see for yourselves. Respectfully, Harrison, Neb. Wm. CHRISTEN. 3, B. FmEY, President, General ofllcd F. C. Sikkxpen, Secretary BUFFALO GAP, DAKOTA BUFFALO GAP LUMBER CO., Dealers in LUMBER, GOAL & GRAIN if Lath and Shingles. Sash, Blinds Doors, Lime, Hain Master, COMPLETE STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND Harrison. Neb.' G. GUTHRIE, Manager. i w i