The journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1888, September 13, 1888, Image 2

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    I(ltll. HOl
wammujkMmom hatbitbmb.
Hmmm Axeismw, on of the
of Wahoo's Dablie schools, died
last weak, of typhoid fever, alter an ill-
mm of three wash.
Ckasxes Dtru, of Omaha, encased in
in a quarrel on the streets with Michael
Connelly, and palling a knife from hit
pocket cat the latter badly in the abdo
domeu. The wound will probably
prove fatal.
A Bboeex Bow man named Waters,
who had been an inmate of the insane
asylum and returned home cured, went
to a camp meeting recently and again
became a raring maniac on religion. He
has been returned to the asylum at Lin-
Thi "Murray" is a new hotel of nine
ty rooms, just opened in Omaha.
The fall term of the state university
will open on the 13th.. From inquiries
it is clear that the fall roster will show
the usual increase of numbers. Of the
new building. Grant memorial ball is
. nearly ready for occujiancy, and Ne
braska hall is promised for the opening
of the winter term. Even with these
added accommodations the old building
will still bo inadequate to the increas'ng
need for instructors' rooms and oCices.
Aw effort is being made , at Greeley
Center to secure Junds for building a
church in Greelfe One thousand dol
lars js the sr-- needed.
jiuiiiA Howe, of Lincoln, says he has
j never known a time in that city when
there were so few men out of employ
ment as now.
Tkh Central Labor union at Omaha
voted to boycott Barn urn's circus. They
allege that the Barnum management
has been patronizing the "Q" road.
Is response to the request of At
torney General Leese, the Missouri Pa
cific railroad filed articles o'f incorpora
tion with the secretary of state. By
this action it becomes amenable to the j
state law and liable to action in the
' state' courts. The Chicago, Burlington
k Qnincy and the Elkliorn roads have
thus far refused to comply with the law,
and the attorney general announces that
he will bring suits to compel them to
Cabbie SHrprox, of Omaha, has filed
information charging Ed. C. Thompson
with being the father of her child which
is now a year old and was born out of
wedlock. The defendant is a traveling
, Timothy McDonald, an Omnlu
watchmaker, tried to end his life with
laudanum last week, but was rescued
with the stomach pump. Domestit
Ttfe state university authorities aftei
the large accumulation of valuable doc
uments last July have found it necessa
ry to construct a place for their safe,
keening. A substantial vau'JfKSi
tion in thi
J. D. SwsabmAv of Springfield cm
eighteen acres of millet last week anc
has estimated the yield at sixty-five
tons. A. L. Spearman cut thirty acres
the week before which will yield hinc
25 tons.
A tovsa Si Louis merchant has beer
looking over Minneapolis, Sioux City,
Omaha, Lincoln and Denver with an
eye to an opening for a wholesale groce
ry house. Lincoln expects to capture
the house.
Thursday of last week was the "big
day" at the Omaha fair. Fifty thous
and people were on the grounds.
Lincoln iB wrestling with the prob
lem how to get good water and plenty
of it.
Dbumkebs' Day at the Omaha fail
was a great success. Over four hundred
knights of the grip were in line whei
the trade procession moved.
Company D of Fairbury was awarded
the governor's cup in the competitive
drill at Wahoo last week.
Zenas Show, a Lincoln street car
driver, fell dead while on duty last
The Platte county fair will be held in
Columbus September 26 to 28, and
promises to be one of the best in the
The Nebraska City Electric Ligh
company is making arrangements to pai
in an incandescent system.
The residence of a Mr. Odcll, of Lin
coln, was burglarized last week and
robbed of cash, jewelry and other valu
ables to the amount of about 8150. .
C. D. Maonxtbon, a well-to-do farmer
near Oakland, filed a complaint agains.
Dr. P. J. Clark of that place for steal
ing his watermelons, laying his damages
The citirens of Kearney are making
great preparations for the forthcoming
district reunion of the Grand Army of
the Bepblie to be held during the third
Keek of September. The two steamers
on Lake Kearney are to be fitted to rep-
& .i ii f , , i ..
roHDi ine flieninac ana me Monitor,
and the engagement of these two noted
vessels will be an attraction to the in
habitants of these prairies.
The body of an unknown man was
found last week on the B. k M. transfer
track at the foot of Jones street in Oma
ha. The car wheels panned over the ab
domen, nearly cutting the bodv in two.
The right leg was also broken in two
places. As far as could be learned no
one saw the accident, although the body
was within a few feet of a house. The
dMsased was a stranger in the city.
The business men of Minden filed t
Jrotest with the state board of transpor
' ' tkra against the enforcement of the
reducing freight tariffs.
Tie farmers of Dodge county are not
lzing the Farmers' Elevator com
as they ought to, and a warniug
been sent ont that unless they uno-
t the concern it will fall into the
ads of the greedy elevator trust inside
j sis months.
Tj dwelling honse of Thomas Mar-
H, lour miles cast oi roiutniiii, was
Ihk O.A.R. reunion at Norfolk
a complete success, both in the matter
of entertainment and attendance.
Mb. Wickhobse, a farmer living five
miles northeast of North Bend, had no
ticed for several days that his two dogs
were acting strangely. His neighbors
advised him to kill them. Finally he
killed one and tied the other to a tree,
where it was kept for a day or two. On
the 3d instant it became raring mad,
getting loose and running around the
yard, springing onto Mrs Wickhorse,
tearing her shoulder and arm and one of
her lower limbs in a horrible manner.
A physician was called, who attended to
her wounds and pronounced her in a se
rious condition.
John H. Bafeb, a wealthy and re
spected farmer living ten miles west of
Plattsmouth, was the object of a mur
derous assault the other day by a num
ber of men who work in the stone quar
ries near Louisville. His injuries may
prove fatal. All the assailants were ar
rested. Plattsmocth and Omaha will organ
ize Francis Folsom Cleveland clubs.
Lincoln's street can now run out as
far as the insane asylum.
The Lutherans of Franklin have laid
the foundation of i-i. new cmircn,
which is to cost
At the annual mieting of the Ijli:ois
Association of Soldiers and Sailors in
Nebraska held e.c Norfolk, the following
officers were ,iected: David MeCuig of
Wabash, Nfbl, commander; Henry Bice
of Wilson villi', vice commander; G. E.
Wh'.tniaa of Oxford, adjutant and treas
n;er; J. K. Johnson of Dorchester, color
bearer, and J. A. Ehrhart. W. J. Tabor,
J. Malony, J. 8. Fairchilds. W. H. Mer
ger, J. M. Belknop and J. Howells, exe
cutive committee.
C. C. Gaw, a proof reader on the
Omaha World, mysteriously disappeared
some time ago, leaving a wife and fopr
children behind. Fears are expressed
that he has been foully dealt with. JSo
reason is known for his abrupt departure.
One year's work at .Nebraska City if
summarized as follows by the Press:
The Chicago, Burlington k Qnincy steel
railroad bridge, costing nearly a million
dollars; the pontoon wagon bridge, the
largest in the world; the Missouri Paci
fic railroad, on the main line; of which
she is the union stock yards, in the
hands of a S200.000 company, as com
plete as any in the west. They will he
in active operation within thirty days;
Beyschlag's mammoth cereal mills; thir
teen new and fine business blocks; COO
new residences and tenement houses; a
fine system of sewers, now well toward
completion; a splendid electric light sys
tem; the commencement of paving, to
extend from First to Sixteenth streets
on Central avenue.
C. L. Melvin, an insane man, was
given into the custody of Sheriff Bay at
Falls City the other day to be taken to
the asylum at Lincoln. While the
sheriff and the father of the craz.y-.inm
were transacting 601118 bufji'psiu hi
rfflA TOW
II tron
prisoner made an excuse to j'o around
the house to get a drink- but instead ho
mounted a horse tha stooa near and
made a break for,Yi)erty. The sheriff
VToe" Te3je tn? and gave chase but was
SPIllfc to overtake him. He followed
tne crazy man into the corn field north
of town and found the horse tied to a
fenoe with Melvin's boots sitting beside
it, but no Melvin in sight.
Beatrice has got her electric light
system in full operation.
The new national holiday called "La
bor Day" was quite generally observed
by workingmen of Lincoln.
Angtst MoK&r fell from the Council
Bluffs and Omaha bridge last Meek into
the river thirty feet below. He was not
hurt, and swarm ashore after the fall.
The corn crop in the vicinity of
Ponca, if Jack Frost lets it alone, prom
ises well.
Bob MceGr, of Lincoln, somewhat oil
with liquor, was thrown onto the pave
ment by a runaway horse, receiving in
juries that may prove fatal.
A disastrous fire visited Hartington
last week. Eight or ten buildings were
destroyed .
The farmers living within ten miles of
Cozad are nearly all of American birth.
They are not cowboys, but western
farmers, mostly from Illinois, Iowa and
adjoining states.
Fban'K Relseb, of Douglas county,
has been jailed for horse stealing. He
stole a horse and buggy at Omaha, and
drove it to his farm a few miles in the
The Seige of Hebastopol, now run
ning in Omahtf, is drawing large audi
ences. Fkom returns given the chief of police
there are now 830 inmates of houses of
prostitution in Omaha.
The dwelling house of E. M. Lord, of
Fremont, was destroyed by fire last
week. The family had scarcely time to
save anything, so rapid was the spread
of the flames. Loss about $700.
The annual report of the commission
er af pensions just issued by counties
howa that in Dodge county there are
108 persona, who got from the govern
ment for the quarter ending June 81st,
At St Libery, Hall county, Peter
Berk, aged 7 years, fell from a load of
hay and immediately expired. Heart
desease is is alleged was the cause of his
sudden death.
Chicago dispatch: A bomb was found
this afternoon by men working at Geo.
F. Kimball's glass establishment at the
corner of Wabash avenue and Congress
street The man were engaged in mov
ing soma empty packing cases which for
a week have been lying against the
building on the Con great, street side. A
they cleared away the botes next to the
wall, what appeared to be a piece of sag
pipe rolled oat and was picked np by one
of the men. It was found to be a gaa
pipe bomb absat seven inohes long and
an inch in diameter. One end was plug
ged with brass, in which was fitted a per
suasion cap, the object of which was to
explode the content cf the bomb when
falling against the gronnd or wall of a
bouse. The end ef the missile was
losed with metal. The bomb was taken
to polios headquarters and turned over
to Inspector Bonfleld. The greatest
"T""J wee maiBUUueu in regard to it
Irored hjr: fire last, week, with con-' The And May prove an important one,
M. Litmr, WU; nisiiiiHiee, 400. i ou'J w ft revolver wan found
trf defective flue. uung Um basa in the same pleca.
isf imo sr.vr.
There was a big crowd of people
around the Fifth Avenue hotel, Jew
v,t rlr in lha evening of the 6th
waiting to see Judge Thurman start for
the meeting at Madison Square,
judge stayed in his room so long
, wonder what
the matter. When he finally appeared
he seemed quite weak. He leaned
heavily upon Chairman Barnum and his
son Allen W., and trembled visibly. His
body seemed to lean to the right and his
right leg dragged a little, as if afflicted
with rheumatism He seemed too weak
or sick to make an effort to acknowledge
the vociferous cheering of the multi
tude. He was quickly helped into a
carriage with Messrs. Brioe, Barnum
and Allen W. Thurman and the start for
the garden was made. Carriages con
taining distinguished democrats fol
fowed. The sjiort trip to the gar.len
was a triumphal tour, the streets being
lined with applauding crowds.
MoiliKon Snnare '-Tardea held a mighty
swarm of people, aud when its holding
wmiieitr ubs exhausted it served as a
vnter to nmnv thousands who were ad
dressed by seakers upon stands at each
corner of the building. The interior of
i.e garden was profusely decorated with
Amtriean colors.
At 8 o'clock Calvin S. Price, chairman
of the national campaign committee,
called the lneetiiiL' to order and pre
sented Hon. KoscoeP. Flower who made
a short speech touching u.aiuly upon the
treasury surplus. While Flower was
still speaking the crowd near the Madi
son Square entrance begun to cheer,
drowning the voices of the speakers as
they announced the coining of Thurman.
As be made Iu'b way to the platform the
cheers were redoubled, bandanas were
waived and the band struck up "Hail to
the Chief Flower, who had not at
tempted to finish his speech, at once in
troduced Thurman, saying: "Fellow cit
izens, I have the honor to introduce
the old Iioman, Allen G. Thurman."
As Thurman stepped forward to the
speaker's stand and stood erect wiping
the perspi'dtiou from his face with his
famed bandana, the wildest enthnsiasm
Everyone having a seat stooa
Mill Pt nam m
.. -J'-
The presidents message on thaU.1-
I.:. i i.f,. he senate uu
" :v" ,.f twodis-
7th. He merely seui iv
matter wa
r i
-.I... from the Amencan nii-. -
-- . , . , c ,,,mi.r 5. ana
One is aaKJu pi-- --- -
""Thieve that the treaty ha been
I have demanded from ti e for-
' ;f..rnlHtil)n.
eign omce posii.c ".
formation has been received.
The other is dated September ft.
"The treaty has been postponed for
vehemently on the Chine. b. Uhen th
So in-
1 t .11 .1 lU lir-PHltlU)
travel icii uu iu r : .,,
ffponestion. "Shall the biUnays.'
Mr. Gorman rose to si .ess. out
..-.i. ... l,an the words,
when he was stopped hy the an
nouncement on the part of the pres..! ng
officer that debate was not w . or.U r.
Unanimous consent had len given yes
terday that at 1 o'clock the vote should
be taken on the question, ' Shall the
bill pass?" There being some questions
as to the terms of the agreement, the
reiH.rt in the Itecord was read. Mr.
Gorman excused himself pn the ground
that he was not present when the agree
ment was made, and was not ajvare of it
He now moved that the bill and the
r,.;,l,. .it's message le referred to the
coniiniiiittee.on foreign relations.
Mr. Teller-"!hat is contrary to the
arrangement." ,
The Presiding Officer-" The chair
holds that the motion is in order under
the rule, notwithstanding the agree
ment." ,
Tl.a miMiHon was taken on air. uor-
mau's motion, and resulted, yeas 7, nays
19 no quorum.
The question was then telten on tlie
passage of the bill, and the result was
yeas 37, nays 3.
Mr. Blair asked the presiding officer
whether a motion to reconsider the vote
was in order, and on being informed
that it was, he submitted that motion.
He said that if it were reconsidered he
would move an amendment to tire bill,
providing that the act shall not take ef
fect until the expiration of sixty days
after ite passage unless tlie penum;
The gen
npou it, bandanas and flags were waved r(1i shall rejected by China within
i .i . i i i i j -- r . 1-.,.
that time, bnt to take ettect immediately
and ther crowd cheered and cheered
again, drowning into mnffled sounds the
strcins of the band. The cheering con
tinued for fully five minutes and then in
a voice so feeble that only those within
a few feet of him could tell except by
the motion of his liw that he was speak
ing, he said:
"Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentle
men: It has been said by the republi
can papers since 1 was nominated for
the vice presidency that Allen O. Thur
man is an old, frail, decrepit and broken
down man. l do not know that i should
reply to this, although I well know that
on siieh reiertion.
Mr. Gorman referred to his motion to
comjnit the bill, and said that he had
made that motion in consideration that
the bill had come before the senate,
without doubt, under misapprehension.
Mr. Stewart opjiosed the motion to re
consider, anil said the more he read
Denby's dispatches the more he felt that
the bill was proper.
Mr. Blair advocated his motion. He
argued that the treaty would, if ratified
by China, afford all the remedy which
the bill was designed to give. Unless
I am in no condition to-night to speak i tne rfa ,mr,)08e of the lull was to des-
toanAnmensa nndVnCe such as this,
fiowever, I want to spX'k and in spite of
illness I am almost indnVed to make the
attempt. I beg leave, hoVfiver, to with
draw, and thank you for yoVl'r kind re
ception." xv
A hush fell upon the assemblage as
all saw that the hero of the evening was !4(Jj re8ulted veiis 24, nays 11; no quo
trying to speak to them but was ites.uo I nln?. A call of the senate having shown
troy the treaty, a delay of sixty days
ought to be satisfactory to everybody.
So far as was known the Chinese gov
ernment was acting in good faith.
At the close of the discussion Mr. Tel
ler moved to lay on the table Mr. Blair's
motion to reconsider. A vote was taken
to do so. Colonel Brice ami Flower
stepped forward and each taking an arm
assisted him back from the speakers'
stand. Ho was almost fainting and for
a few minutes was too sick to be re
moved from the bnilding. When ho
had recovered sufficiently Judge Thur
man was taken in a carriage direct to
the ladies' entrance of the Fifth Avenue
hotel, accompanied by Messrs. Brice
and Barnum and his son Allen W. Thnr
man. The judge was conducted to his
room and was attended by Dr. Goldth
waite, the hotel physician. The latter
applied remedies and later it was said
that the distinguished patient would be
all right in an hour or two.
Dr. Goldthwaite said that the judge
had been attacked with cholera morbus
at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and he had
advised his patient to not exert himself
by attending the meeting. But Judge
Thurman insisted upon going to Madi
son Square garden notwithstanding the
advice of his physician. Burnum came
out of Thnrman's apartments in a little
while and though hf? was seriously wor
ried announced that Thurman would be
all right in a couple of hours. In the
sick room remained Mr. Brice, Allen G.
Thurman, jr., and the physician.
The first meeting of the cabinet since
President Cleveland laid hiB retaliatory
message before congress was held on the
The British government cabled to Sir
John McDonald requesting him to fur
nish a full text of the extent and charac
ter of the commercial relations which
had existed between the United States
and Canada since the confederation ol
the British North American provinces
also a clear statement of the remon
strances which had been made by the
united States against Canada for alleged
Irregularities in regard to United States
citizens, their rights conceded by the
treaty as well as full explanation as to
the probable effect on the dominion of
the proposed retaliatory measures if
carried out This information was laid
before the cabinet yesterday.
On most reliable authority it is
learned that in reqneRting this informa
tion Salisbury enjoined the dominion
Rovernment to exerciso the utmost cau
tion in every movement just now when
an irregular step might strengthen the
feeling of hostility which lias lieon
raised toward the dominion. Salisbnry
has spoken pretty plainly to Sir John
and tho attitude he has assumed has not
been very cordially received by the
members of the government Tlie
members of the cabinet were by no
means a unit in endorsing the remedies
which Sir John proposed, it is stated
a serious rupture in the cabinet is not
improbable over the interference of
the home government
tlie presence of forty-four senators, Mr.
Joiuif .Arkunsas moved to adjourn.
Mr. Blair As" the vote just taken is
clearly indicative of the will of the sen
ate, I do not want fo delay action, und I
therefore beg to withdraw my motion to
Mr. Sherman I object
A vote was taken on a motion to ad
journ, and it was defeated yeas 19,
nays 22.
A vote was taken the second and third
times on the motion to lay on the table
the motion to reconsider, but each time
there was a lock of a quorum, several
senators taking advantage of their Wing,
paired to refrain from voting. Finally
the friends of the bill realized the use
lessness of further attempts to end the
matter, and the senate adjourned till
Monday, leaving the bill passed, but a
motion to reconsider its passage pending-
1 fir destroyed the Burlington,
lows- Los.
The comer .ton. of the
4,ffisStS.N' order
with tne usual c i-u
The structure will cost - ).WJ-
Mis. Von Ploch, daughter of a frm
living near Laporte. Black
rnTteidheVlTenU that .he was tired
of Ufa
Fong Wing, a Chine anjlrrntftn "
Waterloo, Iowa, was before the dutncl
court in .up1x,rtofhis .PPl.c.t.onto be-
-;.,. nd Judge IJnehan bal
., .. tilrifiemfDt
IMP mail " 1 . i ,
end opinion among at terney . and co
il, niilication will "
South'; "ground ill ineligihty to cit
izenship. The Utes and Navajoes m the San
Juan country are growing very insolent
and antlers re daily f-anug an out
break. Many of the ranchers Lavt
moved their families into the settle
menta. and if the Indians continue theii
pranks will api-al to (...vernor
protection. These Indians have latelv
gone to tho homes of ranches and bold
ly hcli-ed themselves to whatever they
Captain H. F. Shavcnwn, of the Ham
burg-American packet company, died in
Hamburg on Sun lay last. He was one
of the oldest of Atlantic steamer cap
tains. He was born August 121, in
Flensburg Slerwig. In 175 he mode
his one hundredth round trip as captain
of the Hamburg-American packet com
pany. This event was celebrated iu
New York, and Captain Shaveuson re
ceived the freedom of the city. He was
pensioned last year after twenty-nine
years' service.
Washington social: Patents wore
granted tho following Nebranka and
Iowa inventors to-day: Vf. V. Cecil,
Omaha, brick getting; C. J. Clark. Keo
kuk, la.; fire escaix-; John A. Hooten
and G. L. Wiard, Clifton. Neb., wire
fence building apparatus; K. H. Lynch,
DavnK)rt, la., wheel cultivator; Bryan
O'Donnell, Vail, la., checkrow attach
ment for corn planter: II. L. 1'harrin,
Hii'rior, Neb., corn cultivator; Charles
Boselius, Nebraska City, Neb., door
eateh; J. W. Trew. Dubuque, In., plow
on harrow attachment
During the past week, says an Ottawa
(Ontario) dispatch, 5S4 Cliiimmou ar
rived at Vancouver, U. C., from China,
It is evident that their ultimate destina
tion is the United States. An officer of
the Dominion government, just re
turned from British Coltimlria, say
there is a constant stream of Chinamen
floating around thai province into Wash
ington Territory. In this way during
the present year, it is estimated that tho
Chinese population of I'ritish Columbia
has bpen depleted to the extent of 5,000.
The minister of customs, who is now on
the PaeilW coast investigating the Chi
nese question, lias promised to look into
tha matter for the United (States authorities.
Toledo (O.) dispatch: General Har
rison said this evening, in answer to aa
inquiry as to the troth of the statement
"""" vvw,iuur m: unwr unci UMOI. ft ar coIoiipI- Mi l m m v
. . i. " .i r ! i it" . . ---- ": KOMiuinary general with
A Tribal Trouble II hlrh Fromlia to Caust
St. Paul special: The Sionx, Gros
Ventres, Piegan and Crow Indians are
on tlie verge of a bloody war. A party
of Sioux have left the Poplar river
agency, and General Rugcr to-day or
dered troop D. First cavalry, under
command of First Lieutenant Oscar J.
Brown, from Fort Custer to Bull Moun
tain station, M. T., for the purpose of
watching the crossings on the Yellow
stone between Custer station and Hunt
ley, and covering the point specially
where a party of Sionx on tho Yellow
stone were killed by Indians. Tho full
strength of the troop is embraced in the
detail for this duty, and Lieutenant
Brown will bike 100 rounds of carbine
and twenty-four rounds of pistol ammu
nition per man. The troops will take
ten days' rations and move in the light
est possible marching order.
Interpreter Charles Caooly, ".Tobacco
Jake" and two Indian scouts are ordered
to report to Lieutenant Brown to accom
pany the column.
Second Lieutenant Geo. L. O'Byrom,
First cavalry, with four non-commis-sioned
officers and twenty-one men from
troop K, First cavalry, has been sent to
Custer station, from which point they
will proceed down the Yellow stone to a
point near and opiosite the month of
Big I'orcnpine river, watching all cross
ings that a raiding rty of Sionx would
bo likely to cro(tg. The commanding
officer of Ft Keegh has ahto been re
quested to send a detachment to watch
the crossings east of that post.
The president sent the following nom
inations to the senate: Charles E.
Boyle of Pennsylvania, to be chief jus
tice of the supreme court of the terri
tory of Washington; Win. E. Bond of
North Carolina, to be collector of cus
toms for Uie district of Albemarle. K.
C; Lieut. Col. Amos Beckwith, assist
ant commissary general, to be assistant
"uumrv general witu the rank ot
Tha Anfyuul It'port of the tfommUtlHor
General of the Land Office
CommuisioDer Stockslager's annual re
port of the general land office has been
made public. It contains the following
statement of the public land business
transacted ra -Nebraska during the past
year: ' ".
Entries under the homestead law
5,439, acres 839,675, commissions 25,145,
fees 8.r'3,0!X).
Final homestead entries 2,184, nnm
ber of acres 831,400, commissions 9.T7
Original entries of land under the tinv
ber culture laws 4,277, acres 666,915, reg'
isters and receivers' fees 817,104, gov'
ernmetit's fees 841,770.
final timber culture entries 344,
acres 4. "!, lees 81,30.
Lands entered with military bounty
land warrants (l, acres 1,03'J, fees 5 54,
Seven Suiitee Sioux Indian homestead
entries were made embracing 1,042 acres.
Total number of entries during the
year in Nebraska 12,202, aggregating
1. 002.72'! acres, upon which was received
uuiiii'' me year there were seven
sales of lands subject to private entry
aggregating ,;.r)0 acres, and the amount
received w as SO'JO.
There were 4.101 sales of lands sub
ject td pre-emption entry embracing
U33,-ri41 acres and the amount received
was ?MW,:i0n.
I Here were 2,H!0 homestead entries
commuted to cash under section 2,301
oi ine revised statutes, aggregating
439,827 acres and the amount received
was .)Gt),l78.
Kxcess oil homestebd. timber milt
and other entries 600, tnibracing 1,703
acres, and the amount received was
loiai number of cash sales was 7,69,
total acres by cash sr.lo 6i'j,000, total
amount received $1,380,830.
Following shows the business done in
unginal entries under homestead
laws m, acres 20, 750, commissions 563,
fees 81.37.1.
Filial homestead entries 18, number
of acres, 1,422, commissions 71.
Original entries of land under timber
culture laws 80, acres 4,945, register and
fees $395 ' Kovernment l
Terrene Imui A IrnAt . 1
SMk ef BUnmore S
Baltimore disit h: ajJ
this morning a fir kJ'V
warehouse oi I'noe Hii
No. 107 South HI,.-
-' "pavtd V
firemen could get to wot, JS
of fire works wrecked UkwJ
caused the fire to m,.ii
hooae of J. H. WinkeuL'S
win uoi hi, iu uie fiat l
firemen entered th
the drug store, when tLesJ
building seemed to kUj.
A terrific explrKiron follo
immense building eollt
tire fire department hid l
reachetl the seen n,l u .
, up jj.
hrtnn I lin flumM l
ful rapidity. In a short tin,
block runtiing from Loni
streets was a seething nam J
--- - 1,1 illrr
liravp V. 111! 14 kar. '
J .. cs)
rifivritiierit anil 1
i - . . J
reach the imprisoned
were buried under the rr,
brick and iron, and fierce 1 1
from the pile, which w'
tho working firemen put
man effort, and after
hour's work it Ix-came etiiln.
of the men were alive tn,
were being roasted tojttttk .
or truck .No. 2, mn.(J
out from tho rubbi.h.
ho entered the buildm.,
only one to ok-apn ii;,j,t
was cut and bruised, but hu-
not serious. Tho naineanfe.
to liavo been buried in tl r
tleorge liowers, i liomaWt
, i oiiiiis ami i erry Kvi
i l. i 1...1.1...
IMllllV llll llllt,: t;iiiiMiHi,r tl
Walker, eorge rieenninMt
Afee. of No 1 engine cubs
certain that these men Ut ,
lives, and it may be tha cu
lt Ii them when the eriuli nt
The intense heat i!verl t.
tho firemen from the baia
the iMxlies of their nnfuhJ
rades were lying under tiw
iron, but they imtsisUiI it &
and shortly after noon fosi
that of aimer whs hrmx
Near tho siKit was tha t
Walker, Htending erect s j;
Near hire was found wlui n
Georgo Bowers, but no (
wfro found unin nearly 6 oV,
thatof Goo. Kerrins nannoAs
bodies were terribly diri.n;
being burned i(T in maun j
is being pursued to-tiL-ln i
lit. In the hardware a
Bros. A Dimmock there v
large nimntities of curtrU
they expliwled si'veral mrs e
ly injured by flying btilerU.
M"ho firms that wen
burned out are: Wylt-s, B.
wholesale choo dealer"; J I
man k V,o.. dmgs: Tabbiira
mock, hardware; Price AO;
H. Ivv A Sons, lials: H.
Hons, hardware; Dobhir, Mi-
pier, and Ilischbcrg, Holjfc
paints anil glass.
i lie row of liniidings vis?.
finest in tho city, noun
houses being less than fiv:
and nearly all ot tliem turn
centlv erected. Amoiii V
iiartly burntxl was the s-
Ijomlwrd ftrcot, and lU bsi
removed with creat difficr
till loss will probably rti I.
and it is pretty well covers
ance, most of which was b
ciee in out-of-town coraiJ
nor roster lias denied the statement in
an interview in the Toledo Blade. Ion
i.. t
of lieutenant colonel; Capt Samnel F.
bushing, commissary of sulmistence. to
'ith the
cation." r I V. "'""'.sncrai wuu tu rank of Uen-
can say for me that his stetement is , hLuoelZl
rect. Ihavenot sdviM with him or ' rank of mLm!, CJol KP H
. ina! tim,,'' culture entries 15,
1,207. feesftOO. '
Bailroad selecUons 5, acres 720, fees
Total nnmW of entriea VA, total
742 "', moun received, ya,
HaIam r. J i 111.
w. iwiu o pnoiic auction l, acres
2, amount received $5.
Hales of land subject to pre em prion
entries 15 acres l.jSl, amount 12.189.
Homestead entries commuted to cash
.cvnun ,aui oi tne revised stat
ues 5, acres 891, amount t71M.
nomestead entriea nimmi.U
Heotionof a:tof June 15. imho i um Siii-NnUios..,
so, amount $100. , 8T. LOUIA
,a iT n "?me"d, timlier culture
ioM uvm'" ros44, unonnt
Hle ot town loU 13, amount 17,510.
AoKictnnnut, nhrbita fmM .
y oonnties in Nebraska may be seen at
the coining state fair.
BiMOR has it tliki !.. n.i..n
Ti While f'ap IMne
Attorney General Miclwial
ana, lias reported to Goww i
result of his recent iiivftti.
Whit Cap outrages in (.'rut1
He says that while the f1
ccrs aro huxious to do an tef
punish the offenders, itU
posHiblu to secnro juries tin:
vict the defendant!), lie
jiersciiis lmvo been cfmr;S !
crime but no conviction '
biH-aiiso the juries went rr-'
the evidence. A clmngi' in I1-
mciit would nialcially wl u
the ofTi ndeis and ilentroviiu:
ixution. Ho thiniis if tli
wonld visit Crawford rom.!f
ftl presence would coiitribuU
iug about this change.
WHB4T No. 2 r
Cohn No. 2 mixed f
Uvr "
Ilr'nbii.1rMit ...
tlin-ri. r.,ll !
Vtiite . l-'rMdlt 1
HpHiNaCmcKBNS wr !
I .HllriKi 'l.tli. liftf-llOX., 4
(InANOh-JI Vet box I.
STiiiNa Dkans 1'ur !iii..f
Onions I'tr b - 1 r
l'OT4TOKNew.,.., .
AiM'i.Ks lVr blil.. :.
i i inn its i-ir mi .
Tomatok. perliii ' ii
Wool Hue, mr m...
(.'HOtTEl) Fkku 1 vr ton....l
Hav-HhHwI HKRii-IVrbu
II iios Mixed park lug..
ll...,. n. . ... .... ..i.i-
Hekves t'liolce slir
llivvn I.'.... t.. ....liiifll...
Wheat No, 2 rod -
hkat Dnvntileil red -
Conn No. X -
. m, .
i - u
Wmsat-Per bushel -
Cons Vr bushel -
ft . ti i i. i
Von Jjfl
.ABO ........ .
B "
Wmst No. 2 il fftli. J,
Sohn Per bunliel -
Oat Per linelivl .ii
II h. . t.. - . S i'
VATT1.B remier . uf
4uW.-. e
or aii
n riat t er llieni.
ORKl'sr bushel J
tenant colonel
will agr. Lincoln during the week of
Uivu r..A . .. ....... t
itoas Oood to ebolee."