The journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1888, September 13, 1888, Image 1

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IX. a land
anil eastern
r work from
ns.und from
line. He tui'-
l vim torn ami
I wonderful
i north west
of the best
jl I .
'All KinUs
J and
Json, Neb.
7! "
trtisment n
;r display
We take pleasure in presentiutf to you
vol. I No. 1 of "Tlie fyoujj Cvupty Jour
nal.' Altliough two newspaper are al
iv,uy hei we feel sure the people will
award 1 iih tUa$ stare of patronage
which in tlieir judgment we will deserve.
Knowing that at times local mattei-s nre
of far more iiiirtance to the people
Uihu politics, and belieyeing thin to lje
one of t lie ''times," we will strive to lie
a "servant of the jieople" always fight
ing for the right anil against wrong.
Oui columns will lie open for the free
discussion of any and all subject er-
taining -o the present and future y,efare
of ihe ople and county iu genera), l,ro
vided however, it lie free from vile or
abusive language.
Tlie Journal is owned and controlled
by tlKwe who wve at heart the same
funeral welfare of the county as your
selves, h,l'. insuring it to be always on
the right udu and you are assured that it
will never b run in the interest of nny
ring, or dick.
An an independent uewsaper we will
not take any part in political strife but
only give the news as it occni concern
ing all parties. The e.ouny Commiss
ioner's proceedings and all court and
County news will be published, thereby
nijiking it the ''official county pajier" in
fact if not in name.
Soliciting our merited share of your
latronage, we sign,
The Journal Publishing Co,
W. E. Pattkhhon, Editor and Manager.
Sioux county is ia longitude 103 to 104
degrees west and in latitude 42 to 43.
It is 30 miles wide east and west and 70
miles long north and south. It is, ele
vated above sea level from 3,500 to 5.000
feet. The geological formation is of the
same general diameter and classifica
tion as, tliat of the Iowa, Minnesota and
Illinois prairies. The southern two
thirds of the county is undulating or
bMy.-'aml 4i:t wui iw-cHsionully
broken by stone and clay or for
mations rising above the surrounding
country. This portion of the county is
drained by the Niobrara river and it
tributaries and by tributaries of the
Platte river. The north one-third of the
county or thereabout, -isinore level
though somewhat undulating, and is
lower as to altitude. This portion of
the county is drained by Hat creek and
tributaries of the Cheyenne and White
The (irt settlers in Sioux county,
aside from cuttle and horse ranchmen,
came about the year 1885. Since that
time there lias lieen a steady stream of
granger immigration to the county.
There wart never any thing in the char
acter of a boom; but every season a
largo numtier of farmers, have come to
make homes in Sioux county, and the
close of every season shows a large por
portionate increase in our population.
The first settlers, having the first choice
of government lands, located along
White river in the east part of the coun
ty, and along Hat creek in the north
part thereof. Their choice was as much
determined, probably, by the fact of
nearness to' timber and convenience of
water as by any other considerations.
These sections are now quite thickly set
tled by as enterprising a class of citizens
as any county can boast of. There are
also many enterprising and prosperous
fanners in other portions of this great
county. Hundreds of fine farms have
been ojiened out, by cultivation and im
provement, and thousands of acres plant
ed to crops the present season are yield
ing abundant harvests of com, wheat,
oat, millet and vegetables.
The crops raised this season on Sioux
county farms are lieyond any question
first class. WHieat is grown going from
15 to 40 bnsliels per acre; oats 30 to 80;
potatoes 200 to 400, and corn appeal ing
lieavy enough to yield from 80 to 60.
Add to this a bountiful harvest of all
kinds of garden vegetables and wild hay
ami the reader will understand why the
Sioux county farmer is prosjsjrons and
linppy and well satisfied with the coun
try. ' The corn crop, or at least that por
tion of it which was seasonably planted,
is practically "out of the way of frost"
and is as abundant as all other crojis.
The prices of farm products
range much higher liere than they
do further east. This Is accounted for
by the fact of so iriiiiiy people immigra
ting who need supplies, by tlie presence
of a number of large stock randies not
far away ami by the great developing
mineral resources of Wyoming and the
Black Hills, These afford u quick and
ready market for the product of the
farm, The unlimited and unqi!?stioned
iinrrttinw mineral rwources of tin: sec.
tions above referred to wiii bfford a coii-
tinuopti market tlutt will glow in pro-
fxirtion ith the farming interests.
A yeiy large portion v ,tln cjiiity is
yet goveiiuaent 'and and subject to en
try tiiider the homestead, pre-emption
and, linilr-cultiire laws. The lands yet
unoccupied are often as good as any in
uu) county so lar as sou auu surface are
concerned the only reason others were
first cli.?Meu being the fad 'of. their fiting
nearer to timW and i-unniui; water
There are hundreds of beautiful claims,
with as good soil as any cite can ask for,
waiting to lie liled on, and ceiain yet l
be develojs-d into splendid fuj ius, produi
nig in abundance nij kind of crops nat
ural to this latituile.
Our local government is oiganized and
officered mid the law ure, with a few
exceptions, justly administered. Public
schools have lieen oihmhh in different
parts of the county. There is a Catholic
Church building iu the north art of the
county and an M. E. Church building at
Harrison, and religious services are lield
in different school houses in other (or
tions of tlie county. Our inhabitants
are a people who isiect law and believe
in progress.
Harrison is the only town, and Ue
county seat, of Sioux county. It is an
incorporated village of about 250 Spu
lat.ion and contains SJ general stores, 2
banks, 1 drug store, 1 restaurant, 2 hard
ware stores, 1 harness shop, 1 livery sta
ble, 2 hotels, anil other business enter
prises. The tovyu draws trule from a
very large area of territory and our bus
iness firms linyps prosjiered. Harrison
lias a good school house, a handsome
commodious church and parsonage and
a $10,000.00 brick court house is now in
prqeess of erection.
Hundreds of people Iiuve bettered
their condition by coming to Sioux coun
ty, Nebraska. Are there any of pur dis
tant readers who desire likewise to bet
ter their condition? If so the Journal
will lie glad to welcome you to a home
and prosierity in Sioux county.
Editor Jovusai.:
Dear Sir. The Editor of the Sioux
County Herald, Post master and County
Attorney, the 1 hm.fjr). E. D Sattevlee; also
the Editor of the Sioux County Republi
can, ex Hsttiiaster and County Judge,
liid Hon. (!) John W. Hunter, liave de
nounced me in heir papers as a '-cur, a
brute, .a rjurer apd a slanderer
MiA caftMl me by narues 'only used by
'men of tlieir stripe. When I first saw
the article in tlie Republican I must con
fess tlait I was a little surprised and
thought that the Judge must ha ve seen
his reflection in a glass, anil that as soon
as the effects of the "spirit" would leave
him he would make amends for his lmd
liehavior. It now apiears that my cal
culations wefe wrong, I know of ho
reason why this uncalled for, malicious
attack was - made ami there must lie
something wrong in the comer building.
I am accused of slandering the county of
ficials and in the Herald of August 25th,
that "pink of honesty," E. D. Satterlee
says; "Tliat the county officers invite
the broadest investigation of their offi
cial conduct." If you will kindly allow
me space in the Journal I will as far as
I am able endeavor to show to the peo
ple of Sioux 'county matters as they aj)-
fiear of record in Sioux county.
Here are a few instances:
Tlie Statutes Inf the SUto of Nebraska,
pg. 83, See. 18, provides:
"The County Attorneys of the several
counties of this slate, shall be allowed
by the Isiard of -County Commissioners
for their services a salary ier year as fol
lows: In counties of not more than
twenty-five hundred inhabitants, a sal
ary of three hundred dollars."
At the last general election there were
cast in Sioux County four hundred and
twelve votes. Allowing five, or even
six inhabitants for each voter this coun
ty did not have the twenty- five hundred
inhabitants and the County Attorney
should have been paid at the rate of
three hundred dollars per annum, but in
stead the County Roan I have lieen pay
ing at the rate at five hundred dollars per
annum for his services. Not satisfied
with that amount, the County Attorney,
Mr. E. D. Satterlee, Postmaster und Edi
tor of the Herald, on the 5th day of July
'I888,presented a bill and the same wasal-
low'ed by the County Board, for one hun
dred dollars as attorney's fees at District
Court) and a warrant was ordered drawn
on the Treasurer for that amount-, con
trary io the Compiled Statute 1887 pg. 83,
Sec. 20. A certilled copy of the above bill
and order of the County tkminiissioncrs
is in my possession. The next bill pre
sented by the Hon. E. D. Satterlee, atid
allowed and ordered aid by the Hoard, is
one for the sum of $1 14.82 for furnishing
of supplies and printing, of which I have
a certified copy. Tlie said printing und
furnishing of supplies by county officers
is unlawful according (o the Compiled
Statutes 1887, pg. 204, See. 51 yi which
reads us follows:
Sec. 51. i
"N'0 oiimjr o nicer skill in anViUianner
either dimsily y indirectly, be" jiecuni-
any inure! iu, or recieve tlie .ls-nefit
of any yontrarts "executed by tlie uountv,
for tls? j'uniisliiir of any supplies, jr any
other p.trpOKe; iieitlier shall any count y
officer furnish any supplies for the ii-miii-ty
on otiero tJauuty Board wittiuut a
contract." J '
Sec. 52. -t -.
" "Any Cniinty oHicer violating tlie pro
visions of Hie fireceeding section. kIuiII
1 diienied ruilty of a felony iuid Uk)ii
conviction iliereof, shall be inmrisoiuJ
in tlie penitentiary for a riod not H
i-eeoiiig nvi years or fined in a sum tmt
exceeding jh o thousanil dolUrs or bolh
iiiiprMonec.tnu nneu as aloresuid. '
Is Mr. ImUeriee a county oltkw?
I leave ii ff i the )x-ople of Sioux coun
ty to din wjt heir own cotK-lusions. So
much thisiine for Mr. E. D. Satterfcee.
I will call ruaiu.
Now a few facts of record as t) the
. i
l)itO MrJ John W. Hunter, County
Judge and, iwner of tlie Republican. I
would calf the attention of the people to
cjaim No. k(V) as filed in Uw Clerk's office
vid allowed liy the Couuf y Boaitl. It
reads as lulliavs;
For staitips since I took the ofljce $5.00
Express,' blanks .50
Fml Zeywt 3.25
State vif: Gijlispie aul Harding 5,(J.5
This bill is not iteinixed and the Coin-
llin uil I lit IIUL lie
missioned could no;
correct orjiiol, but ;
not Jell whether it was
a warrant is ordered
drawn on-llie Tieusurer for its payment.
Claim No. 275 jiresented by His Hon.
ind ul lowed by the Board of Commiss
ioners a n a warrant ordered drawn on
the Treatijv' for the same, reads as fol
State .:Freil Zerbst $3.25;
Your Ruler's attention is called to
claim No 265 which has in it this same
item, t'liofged, allowed, and iaid. But
His Hon.iis nil right.
State w. llughson, $7.05. This party
gave sectii if y for fine and costs and only
a few daf -igo tlie Hon. Judge threat
ened the timlsmen with an execution for
Is iinyTiiiit, although the county paid
him long ajjMir ' :' . -
The Jilffe must be writing j& good
many fetters for tlie counjty if you
judge from tlie amount of stamps tjie
county wxs for. jjpt' the above ao
oiifjt isiiot itemizeit and tlie County
Board c"id not Vn.o.y whetlier it was
corre't not , but it was ordered paid
ill"tAfc-'n'. . iTainj No, 323 of His
Hon. refids like this:
State vs: Murphey
' " ', Storie
" , " SfiLaughlin
Neither of the above cases are itemized
and in the case of State vs: Storie, $7.7;
was obtained ot which no account ap-
tiears, but it was allowed and ordered
Mi id.
The alwve may be slandering the Hon-
embje Gent lei nen(?) but I have a differ
ent name for it. I just present
a few bills so that the peo
ple may see where the taxes they jiay
go to and who gets the money.
In answer to the Herald and Republi
can's remarks as to myself 1 will simply
say that I consider the source from
whence they come.
Yours Very Respectfully,
(lnomiE WaijvKr.
Mr. Alexander Clark gave us a pleas
ant call Tuesday.
Manville has voted lionds in the sum
of $5,000.00 to build a court house.
Dawes county fair will lie held on the
25, 2(1, 27 and 28th of the present month.
Ueo. Whitney brought a line mellon
from Crawford Tuesday morning for
the hoys.
It is the intention of Ihe Court House
contractors to have the building enclos
ed this fall. .
A dance Tuesday evening at the
residence of Mr. and Mrs. Price in Hat
creek valley. ,
Mr. Ed Gallop has rented a room of
Mr. Tuhbs for his barter shop and moved
iu Wednesday.
Mrs. Skinner and the Ikij-s went down
to Whitney Monday to visit the family
of a son and brother.
Messi-s Andrews, Northup and Trim
bur, the orphans, are laying in a supply'
of hay for the winter.
Tlie Lusk Herald is talking up an ag
ricultural show for the country around
that town in Wyoming.
There is a report abroad in the land to
the effect that Justice Jones would be
fixed if he could get his Price. This is
not a campaign slander.
Tlie Dawes county Sunday School Con
vention is advertised to meet at Chndron
in the Baptist church, October 9th, 10th
..-.I mi.
t.,I. J IV... I .
Mr. Wassenburgef came to the cityq
last Tuesday. Mr. W. resirts the yield
of his wheat at 23 bushels ier acre, oats
40, and rye 15. ' Who can lieat it?
Divine Services were held at tho Cath
olic church in Montrose last Sunday.
There were some two hundred persons
present, a purt of wltoln were unable to
g-tin admittance.
";y" . i'f
FIDST ' I fl GfJv
General Hardware
' -
IJ is a kjiown fact that as a rule the honest customers have to foot
, ' jthc bills of the dishonest ones.where books are kept and lawyers
. eniployed to collect Wl debts. As we are doing busi
t jiess on a cash basis, those unnecessary expeo-
" sen are done away with, consequently
wecan offer to our patrons
Give f.a c;dl and sie for yourselves "s
Harrison, Neb.
J. B. FlNNlCY, President. General office F. SlKKNrEN, Sfcrotiu ;
-Dealers in
Lath and Shingles.
- JlHTID cement. -
Harrison. Neb,
fitting i
B S S 0 R T H E fl J
flai k6f-
--!: '- '"- -tr jet ...rri.
Anaaiuiijuneoj '
Builders Material
7 - ,' -1.. - ' -
on Hand.
G. GUTHRIE, Manager,
i "f
. 1
' ' '
I 1