LINCOLN AND VICINITY. Business looming. Merchants are happy. Prosperity has returned. All of which is a gold bug lie. The kids, who are running the republican party in this county, do not create much enthusiasm since they turned the old wheel horses down. Their boom died a bornin.' C. W. Hoxte and Frank D. Eager are in Omaha attending an xecutive meeting of the populist state central committee. Head quarters will probably open in this city early next week. Gov. Holcomb, Acljt. Gen, Bar ry, with some other members ot the governor's staff, left Lincoln for Chattanooga, Tenn., on Tues day to attend the dedication of the Chickamauga battle field as a na tional park. The largest wholesale drug firm west of Chicago, the II. T. Clarke Co., of this city, failed Wednes day. Liabilities 500,000. The gold standard is sending the mer chants one by one into bankruptcy. They don't like it as well as they thought they would. At present writing the oniy county office! the republicans hope to elect is their candidate for county treasurer, and should the pops conclude to support Mr. Kudge, the free silver democratic nominee, they are not so 6iire of success in that particular. It is the boast of the "young re publicans," who manipulated the late county convention, that the old liners can go to. "We can run this machine without their aid and influence," and inconsequence of this attitude on the part of the smart young men the old "patriots" will not vote with the party ot ap propriations this year. The republicans are to open their county campaign on the 25th at Hildebrand's grove. Mr. Hilde-j brand is the rump candidate for clerk of the district court. In addi tion to giving the republicans free use of the grove, he has agreed to furnish them with 1,000 water melons. If "Milde" thinks he can capture any republican votes with the use of cool shade and water melons he does not know the na ture of their appetites. The attempted penitentiary steal on the part of Russell & Co., is a fair sample of republican ring rule in this state for years. No wonder the tax burdens are more than the people can bear. The masses of the republican party are honest and for honest government, and that is what is building up the populisi party. When they come to think of how our state, county and city treasurers have been robbed by dis honest republican officials, and to reflect that a gang of republican ringsters is still determined to loot the state treasury they are about ready to bolt. The republican party in Lancaster, at least, is not in it ii'.h year. Mr. IX K. Thompson has a con tract with the city for lihtin its streets, with a good snug profit, lie is a gentleman who does not manipulate city officials just for health .The present contract will soon expire, ami it may be with little effort the city could gt t truer terms. It is about time that Khier tvcnoti iui liH tionastut n pay ...... . '-. . , i npinai uue we 1 u 1 i,.re V , 1 ti.-u. , -r . M M vo!,- in it i too late. One bmuNnun , UI kn0 ''jtl,, tountv 1 CI,.r,to,, in li.V dead, one in the penitentiary. oi.' j c'0 lUl'nt a,,,j whetiCM r it 1 an-1 ,., .,.; j ,.r,. )it.U ,.1 arc insolvent and owe ar.- lul n0mut'J l,Mt M"' W " r' World. Kood. AmoNK tUlaU.r i !, i:.,ruw,! m M.iwolT TTiu -M 1 Thompson, reputed to U uvtth M other! o.ue, ami the) he ; MsKi,u j,,, fully Ml milium iIoIUm. 11icv1 au,ch '' !t : .jf: tho t,Trt thai .luU M.m.) ttty rannut aitoij m U i,u.m ,!'-" ' H not i!no n h 41 j wt), h,, M u. ti! U ; anj it Utiiix tl..i(t uMuoUtvl,Jay ,me rl' Ti.ryw.ll kn l! l j - to., nil t,. rit U. h city attorney t Uv.a o , I ' Wht 1 ,tMu9!ly ..p,-,..- ., j,.,!,,,., to yratian.l li4!l tia pi. J! " tM w 1 j k.ivl Umhh f,V ,N..'...y tin. iuiko I he I011 afp..tte.l "IT 1 nu P,,"''- Tht y km.w th j I j h , .'en th Jl l ..n hu muU Tm t,un.liiiM nCi l,dt f it at. A all Oat ih i.ti-i Uh )l.iui( .. IU ..?.-,! ' - uirr It I'. I'ihr tul' ;.. I t hriJk;t' ia tin nt iirn K t.t tttv he n vmcA llie ), limply lci4j Tlttiipin 1 tit tho Nn.f litllit .OV l o i -Vtrt ii, lrtnin 1 1 I" . ifi i( ., i ! if lit; r 1 t , All good populists will support their party papers. One very ef fective way to do it is to patronize its advertisers. Look over our ad columns. At this writing no official an nouncement has been made that ex-State Treasurer Hill is not to be deputy district clerk in the event of Sam Low's election. Judge Holmes gave us a pleas ant call a few days since. The judge is an old school mate and boyhood friend of the writer and but for his politics is an excellent gentleman. For Cornish's friends to accuse Judge Holmes of making a dirty campaign and consorting with the slums is like kettle calling pot black. As regarding Mr. Holmes in that respect,, however, we're from Missouri; as regards Cornish, we don't have to be shown. Col. Fred Miller is reported to be attracting wide attention at Chattanooga, in uniform, as a member of Gov. Holcomb's staff. The Col's, fine form and affable manners makes him a prominent figure everywhere. That accounts in a great measure for his popular ity as a candidate for sheriff. "Long" John Trcmpen, the would-be republican sheriff, was in town one day this wsek, look ing desperately disconsolate. The "kids" who are running the repub lican machine this year, got around him to cheer up his drooping spir its, patted him on the brck, told him how they were tearing their linen for him, and after he was gone they went in and took a drink on the way they had "worked the jasper." as they call him. At the state fair it required seventy-five men to guard the peace of the grounds this week,' but at the Lancaster county exhibit it re quired 139 men to perform this duty. The secretary of our county fair, who is a candidate for county clerk on the republican ticket, evi dently had an eye to getting votes when he worked that scheme. The republicans for years have urged the voters, in county cam paigns to vote for men rather than party, Now, since they have with one accord, announced on sundry occasions that Baker is the best clerk the courts of this county eve r had, to be consistent they will all support Baker. The Journal lays the foundation for ballot box stuffing in an item in last Saturday's issue by claiming that the school population has in creased 600 hundred in the last year. The scores of houses plac arded for rent does not confirm that statement. If thechil jren are here they must roost in the trees. They are not to be foud in the empty houses. The colonization scheme which was worked so suc cessfully in '94 can't be played sgain yj. "God Hates a Coward." That G. W. Berge, the populist candidate for county judge rtad sent a challenge to his opponent, Mr. S. T. Cochran, to discuss the political issues of the day, was an nounced in the last issue of the lnt rcNUKXT. Mr. Cochran re fuses to enter into a joint debate, ! giving as his excuse that he dm s not wish to furnish uudienct-s for populist speaker j. The egotism of the replv would mak sulan blush. It ih as much as to sav,"l, Mr S T. Cut liran .lru a i,r ire it ' . . lit Iftl ll.riu Hllil v iM. II,') know I lii.e , I .i i!ilhl.!c " H 4t l th ih.t 'n v i'l ll.r IV ; . lli.l II in t) ' ( 1 . v - ' n words are to be taken as the eter nal truth of God. They think that if he should by chance say any thing that was true, it would be unharmed by criticism. Most of the citizens think Mr. Cochran has very slight knowledge of the eco nomic questions that will be dis cussed in this campaign and that he is afraid to meet Mr. Berge in debate, who as a student of po litical economy has well prepared himself to discuss the living issues of the day, and they generally wind up with the old quotation, "God hates a coward." One thing is certain, whether God hates a coward or not, the cit izens of Lancaster county have no respect for a man who runs away as soon as the gage of battle is thrown down. If he cannot de fend his principles, or has no prin ciples to defend, running as he is without a platform, he would get more votes by making a truthful answer. What are we todo. What is thepop'il'st press to do? Not a populiut paper iu the state ia to-day receiving a fair living support. What will heepme of the party if it does not tupport this pres? Populist publishers know the masses of the people are poor, and sympathize with then iu, their pov. erty aa do no other class of men in tins country, They understand the measures by which intriguers and traitors and robbers have brought about this noverty. They have com; to the defense of the people with their menus, brains and labor. Their eclf-eacrificing devotion to principle and tho up-lifting of op. pressed humanity has never been excelled iu history. Why do the people whom they defend, or for whoso right of self-government they fight, starve them to death and force them to quit th field. The members of the party must get out of this must makeup their minds to support their cause with their means, or get out of the field. This is nlain, but it is true. The Current voice. 'J lie Gold Stainlan'. There were 2'0 men wanted in Minneapolis to work on the Missis sippi dam and promptly 13,000 men applied for the job. Dakota Itualist. Cleveland's Money. Cleveland believes in the kind of sound money which requires a mil lion pounds of cotton or eighty three thousand bushels of wheat to pay his annul salary of fifty thous and dollars, while the fifty thousand dollars which Grant received would buy only three hundred thousand pounds of cotton or thirty-three thousand bushels of wheat. - Silver Knight. A Sound Dollar. 'A dollar and it is a good dollar, good for the farmer, the mechanic, the merchant; everybody helps make it a good dollar? Because every dollars worth of property in the t'nited States is behind it, and the life blood of every true and lovai American citizen is behind it, ad that makes it a good dollar." Jas. (1. Blaine. Shows ii the Kruuds. "Populist Hand Book for Ne braska," by J. A. Edgt-rtou, is about the fwst thing we have seen. It shows up the political fraud of that state is Mich a concise form that no one who reiid.s it could con scientiously vote the republican ticket. Can't some one do a lik amice for the ptspli of Iowa? Thrre- is no doubt lots of material ou whit h to base it.--Farmers Tri bune. Haw IMe. The attendance nt a recent ouu , lit ui'liiii, nf two iI.hh' tinrntion, ) iu thin ftate. Miiitoiiri, wita from ' 'hr' t eVMl tllotlMttld. lit IV.I'J i 1 1. .1 ... 1. - .... 1 1 .... tin f 4 t i "It tl.tlV ft . I. I 1 lt t!n p4p r It l, !'! I"' ! t i tv p- p'.'. 1 1 i 1, HI3 MALADY FEIGNED. California Court liar No Sympathy for Reporter W ho Sham InianltT. A sad blow at "journalistic enter prise" has been dealt by aa unfeeling Judge in California. An ambitious young reporter oa the Los Angeles i Herald, who had wearied of ordinary ' assignments, conceived the idea of win ning fame by getting up a sensation. So he feigned insanity, was brought be fore the court for examination, was pronounced a eubject for the asylum, and was sent to the state institution at Highlands. After staying long enough to get material for a good "story," he wanted to get out, but in order to se cure his release, was obliged to tell tho whole story of his deceit. The judge who had committed him cited him to appear to answer the charge of con tempt of court, and sentenced him to pay a fine of $200 or eerve 100 days in jail. The Judge accepted the plea that no disrespect for him personally had been intended, but explained that con tempt of court was not an offense against the peison of the judge, but against the government, because it is an unlawful Interference with the or derly administration of Justice by the tribunals created for that purpose. In this case the reporter, by deceit, had caused the machinery of Justice to be set la motion. Involving considerable public expense, aad when brought be fore the court acted In a disorderly and insolent manner to induce the court to make an Improper and Illegal order. The Judge proceeded to express these views upon the plea that a Journalistic criminal ought to be treated more leniently than one not In "the profes sion." "Possibly from the standpoint f a reporter, such conduct may seem right and proper. It is possible even that in some quarters an attempt to deceive a court of Justice, and by de ceit to procure an improper and illegal order an order Involving the expendi ture of considerable public money, and resulting in the sending of a sane man to an insane asylum may be looked upon as legitimate Journalistic enter prise. I hardly think, however, that, upon sober second thought, any citizen would so regard it. One who embarks upon such an enterprise an enterprise which Involves a violation of law, an enterprise which involves the commis sion of a public offense must abide the consequence." QUEER MONEY. The Circulating Htdium That a Tra eler Found in Mexico. '..:" i Here is an amusing account of a traveler who went many years ago to Mexico, and found the natives using a strange kind of currency. Says he: "In one of the small towns I bought some limes, and gave the girl one dollar In payment. By way of change, she re turned to me forty-nine pieces of soap the size of a small biscuit. I looked at her in astonishment, and she re turned my look with equal surprise, when a police officer, who had wit nessed the incident, hastened to inform me that for small sums soap was legal tender in many parts of the country. "I examined my change, and found that each cake was stamped with the name of a town and of a manufacture authorized by the government. The cakes of soap were worth three farth ings each. Afterwards, in my travel, I frequently received similar change. Many of the cakea showed signs of hav ing been in the wash-tub; but that I discovered was not at all uncommon. Provided the stamp were not obliterat ed, the soap did not lose any value as currency. Occasionally a man would borrow a cake of a friend, wash his hands, and return P with thanks. I made use ot my pieces more than once in my bath, and sucsequently spent them." Harper's Roun I Table. He Stood Higher. Mrs. Bellefleld (to her daughter) Mr. Dukane is over head and heels ia lov with you, dVar. Miss Bellefleld So is Mi. Caswell, mamma. Mrs. Bellefleld But you must remem ber that Mr. Dukane is six feet UU, while Mr. Caswell is only about Qv feet seven in height. HELP! ! 1 i ! t The Cause of Popu-j lism by circulating this; paper. j 25 1 From Now to Jatmnry 1 Coots J. W. SMITH & CO., DEALERS IN - STilPLE G-EOCEBIES Canned Goods, Flour, Butter, Eggs, Etc PHONE 448. Dont' Fail to Visit the Great 10 118 S 12th. Where you will find the Most Complete line of Toys and Nov elties, of the Latest and Cheapest in the City. 1,000 Pairs of On The Dollar At Baker GlITIIM 1039 O Street. Wo Do IJOB 1 ! Populist Committees netdlni; anything l:i this lino on sUort notice. 346 R 11TH STREET. Old Reliable, cent Store S. POLWOSKtf. Pants at J D SE Oertts tlou WORK .,,,,''' tk-' li , Y i f t!.. 4 . '. n?,iv 1 1 ') I') lit itu Mir - n " 11 U " h U i O it Mr K i gtHn!. AtC fi t th. pt J I Mi i t. l s I. IV