The weekly independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1893-1895, September 12, 1895, Image 1

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HI ill
NO. 20
Questions and Answers.
Mr. Ellis E. Wolf of Table
Rock, after quoting and item from
the iNDEPENDcnx asks the follow
ing questions:
First, Does not the Omaha plat
form demand the abolition of pri
vate monopolies in the four great
lines, viz: railroad, telegraph and
itS$:-S.i money and land monop
olies? Answer! It certainly does.
Second, Does not the plank
which demands an increase of the
circulatiyg medium to $50 per cap
ita provide, that . it shall be issued
by -tW general government only,
cAAat without the use of bank-
corporations, or monopolies?
nswer: Most certainly.
Third, Do not all leading repre-
ntative populists hold that even
, Se iQcrease m the circulating
' ffium. if unaccompanied bv
would result in little
oi no
benefit to the people at
large? ,
Answer: The editor of this pa
per has a pretty large acquaint
ance with populists, having a per
sonal acquaintance with most of
the leaders in every state in the
union, and he never saw or heard
of a man calling himself a populist
with the exception of a few who
were really socialists, who did not
hold to that as the most vital prin
ciple in this contention. It was
because the principles contained in
the above questions were engraven
into the very fibre of his being that
he asked if a man saying "not
ttte?- v---iXV" 'rrrim tt-Mj-tiiir urnea ins stake
Enthusiastic Fops.
The Thirteenth judicial populist
convention met at Sidney, Sept.
io. Every county in the district
was represented. Hon. William
Neville was unanimously renomi
nated. The delegates rose en
rnasse when the nomination was
made, and for fully five minutes
the cheering was continued.
Keep Those Pledges.
Several new advertisements of
Lincoln merchants appear in the
Independent this week. Now if
populists will keep the pledge so
solemnly made to trade with those
who patronize the papers of the
populist party, the Lincoln mer
chants whose advertisements are
in this edition will receive an in
crease of trade and a populist pa
per will be aided in making a more
vigorous fight for good government
and a return of prosperity.
Lincoln merchants are realizing
the fact that the readers of this pa
per do not subscribe for or read
the three or four gold bug pape.s
published in this city, and if they
attract their attention it must be
through the columns of the Indk:
pendent. 1 here are 4,000 popu
lists in this county.
The Federation of Labor
hold a meeting Friday night, Sept.
' 13th, at Federation hall, to discuss
;f , ,. .!
( the opening a reading room and 1
employment bureau.
We acknowledge with
fulness the words of populist edi
tors who have either called in per
son or written, saving that they
fare relying on the Independent for
, , . , . ...
the facts on Which to make the fight
against the men trying to rob this
0 . t
state. It is the only paper cover-
. t f 1 r .
!:. the w no e field ot news at tho
capitol,and furnishing the populist
papers in the different parts of the
state facts on which to make the
campaign. It is the only paper
that without fault finding and
without unjust critictsm, is
upholding the hands of the whole
band of men that the populists of
this state have chosen by their
ballots in convention and at the
polls to take charge of public!
1 j
al,airs- I
... .
cents till January
1. 1895.
Dan raven Rofuicw to His Koat Be-
. eause of tha IhterWrinf, anil I he !-
fnd.r Goo Over if l'onn Alone
Valkyrfe's Owaf frplalii.
Nw York, Septic X3. To-Jay was
set for the third of tie great races for
the American cupfjand despite the
awarding of the sfeond race to the
Defender, aud thdtgh everyone be
lieved the Americana yacht greatly
outclassed its Brltijjl rival and the re
sult of the contest tfas held to be a
foregone conclusion; and the further
fact that, at Lord Hftnraveu's demand,
the regatta commit lee had decided to
call the races for ft -day off if there
was any crowding of excursion boats,
the excursion fleet 5I0 day was fully
twice as large as otf Tuesday. From
Scotland lightship r! up; through the
Narrows there waif one continuous
line of boat!. ThJ patrol fleet was
already on the grcffndi and back of
them were the big stfcamers of the Old
Dominion line. f
At 11:02 the first preparatory gun
was fired, and at 8,1:10 the second.
Ten minutes later came the signal for
the start. The Defender crossed the
line first at U:sO:3Q$imd the Valkyrie
followed half a minute later.
C. At 11:33 o'clock the Valkyrie luffed
up and then returned to the lightship,
hoisting a protest $ig ; and the Mew
York Yacht club eftsigu, in token of
surrender of the rae. cK
The Dunraven tepder ran along-side
of her and threw htSi a line. As she
started for New York her sails were
I nnrl oa gVia ituatiA.l flu, Mo..!-,.
Bennett .vessel sjie J was heartily
cheered by the latter's crew. The men
of the Valkyrie returned the cheers,
but all on board refused to answer
questions. y -S
When the crowd op excursion boats,
bearing probably t!M00 people, saw
that the race was a $nke. there were
howls of derision. A sorts of jibes
were hurled at' Dunpiven sympathis
ers and feeling seeied to run 'very
high. .': . t- '-
The Defender continued to go over
the course alone, ecWmpanied by part
ooai in iair time. V-.VTI
The action ot Lord Dunravra was
based on the following letter to the
America's cup committee, made public
last night:
"Gentlemen: It is with great re
luctance that I write to inform you
that I decline to sail Valkyrie any
more under the circumstances that
have prevailed in the last two races,
and for the following reasons: r
"First, to attempt to -yart such
large vessels in such' continad space
and among moving steamers and tugs
is, in my opinion, exceedingly danger
ous,, and 1 will not further risk the
lives of my men or the ship.
"Second, at the start of the first
race the crowding was so great that
we could not see the mark boat and
could not tell when we were near the
line; and we were much hampered by
j steamers, especially on the race home.
lo-day, on the reach home, eight or
nine steamers were to the windward
of me, and, what was worse, a block
of steamers were steaming level with
me and close under my lee. I sailed
nearly the whole distance in tumbling.
j broken water in the heavy wash of
these steamers. To race under these
I conditions is, in my opinion, absurd,
'and I decline to submit myself to them
I n o n
"I would remind your committee
that, foreseeing the trouble that
might occur, I urged upon them the
desirability of sailing off Marblehead,
or some locality other than New York
bay, and that they refused to do so.
At the same time I would testify to
my full belief that vour committee
have done everything in their power
J, "
"The fact Is that when a test be
tween tne representatives oi iwo
vacht clubs excites so much popular
interest and attracts tuch crowds of
people, ff the races are sailed in the
j immediate neighborhood of a great
city and the dates of the races and
1 the of starting are knowu and
j advertised, it is impossible to keep a
I course f rfee from causes of exceptional
I dan ire r and clear enough to assure the
probability that the result of the
match will be decided accord in sr to
the relative msrits of the competing
vessels. I have the honor to remain
four obedient servant,
Oliver C. Iselin visited the club and
snbeared before the committee. He
j had learned of the decision of the re
gatta committee awarding the race to
Defender, and his mind was quickly
; mde "P B! to w,'at
Itake. lie formally
course he would
null. 1 u
committee whether thev would obieet
"hould he propose to Lord Dunraven
Ho resail the race. They reolied that
no objection would emanate from
'tlm anA ha Urn.
"rat vc"
Soon after Valkyrie was safe at her
moorings, Commodore Arthur (ilennic,
Lord Dunraven's representative, went
to the press tug and announced tha't
the reason the Valkyrie did not sail in
the raoe to-day was because of non
compliance with the contents of Lord
Dunraven's letter to the America's cup
Committee. He continued: "Had we
been assured that the course would
have been kept clear for even five
minutes before the starting time we
would have sailed. We went down to
the line and acted honorably. We
went across so as to make it a race,
; and then, as yon know, we returned.
It was cecssary for us 10 cross the
line in orde. to make it a race. His
lordship, at 'he time of the challenge,
j as you must know, gave the commit-
;teo' t unier,tand that be preferred a
course pit Mirblehead
Veteran (let Down lo Ilolii at I.oal.
villeRxratite Work.
LocisviLi.n, Ky., Sept. 13. Tha
twenty-ninth national encampment, of
the U. A. It., the Woman's Kelief corps
and the Ladies' Circle of the . A. It.,
began their conventions this morning.
Those meetings were attended only by
delegates, (ieuerul Lawler, the coin-mander-iu-chicf
was loudly cheered as
ho formally cHlled the meeting to
order and introduced Henry Watter
son, who made a flowery address of
welcome. In response, Cast t'om-mauder-in-l'hief
William' Warner of
Kansas City, spoke briefly. He said
the boys in blue would never forget
, the generous ami great hospitality of
the good people of Louisville.
hen he had done talking, Com
mander Lawler said he took great
pleasure in introducing .lames Whit-
comb Kuey, the lloosier poet. Mr.
Itiley tnea read an original poem.
Commander Lawler said that the
comrade, had decided to honor fast
Commander .lohn I'almcr of Albany by
presenting him with a token of their
regard for the faithful performance of
his duty while he was Commander,
.ludge Cochrane then presented him a
solid silver tea set, and General Palmer
res-ponded briefly.
A gavel made of gold, silver and
copper, and studded with diamonds,
ruoies and sapphires, was presented to
Commander Lawler by Senior Vice
Commander O'Leary of .Montana in be
half of the Montana division. It was
given because General Lawler was the
tirst comiuander-iu-chicf who ever vis
ited the Montana posts.
Commander Lawler then delivered
his annual address, in opening he re
ferred to Kentucky as the birthplace
of Lincoln. Then he complimented
the various oflieers in due turn. He
said that the order had lost M.STiti
members in the year, :ind now had
iir7, '."! active members, with 4!i,ti0
suspended. He called for a pension
law by congress which could not be
misconstrued or misapplied aud advo
cated a suit to test the present law.
He spoke for a national appropriation
for Memorial day and against making
that day one of recreation. Compli
ments were paid to the women's or
ders, the isou-i of Veterans and thanks
returned for past kindnesses.
The Woman's Kelief corps met at
Library hall. Mrs. Wallace presided.
The exercises were opeued with sa
lute, flag drills and tableaux in the
curriculum of patriotic teaching. The
opening session was devoted to wel
come addresses and responses and the
hearing of the annual reports, of the
national officers. The Jletal member
ship at the present ti$ue," according to
the reports is'-fit), 774, or a gain of Jf,-
ti9. members over last year. The total
number of corps is 3, 14 1 , or a net gain
ofi7duriug the year. The amount
expended in relief was f$ii4,!Hij.
The total amount expended dur
ing the year including relief and
current expenses was $'sfO20, while
the total amount of relief furnished
since its organization was $1,210,81)0.
Regarding the National Women's Re
lief Corps home at Madison, Ohio, the
report says: "Since the opening of the
home ninety-four applicants have been
approved, have died before coming to
the home, and 7-,' have arrived and
been cared for, 53 present during the
past year and 4s inmates are now in
the home."
The Ladies circle of the . A. R,
met at the board of trade with Mrs.
President Gunlock presiding. Its
opening session was also devoted to
hearing annual reports which shotted
increased membership and good condi
tions generally. The ladies of the
circle, however, showed no general
disposition to unite with the Women's
Relief corps.
A Kal Ilattle Fought and the Cuhani
Kky Wkst, Via., Sept. 11. Advices
received from Cuba by the steamship
Mascotte are that a great battle has
been fought near Camague between
insurgents under Maximo Gomez, and
the Spaniards under General Malio.
The battle lasted for forty-eight
hours, and 'the Spauiards were re
pulsed with heavy loss. It is reported
over 700 Spaniards were killed and
wounded. When the news reached
Havana it caused great excitement at
the palace.
Roloff and his band have been busy
during the past week, having blown
up a trooo train near Santiago de Cuba
and a bridge near Sagua. Spaniards
admit that the train was blown up,
but claim that only five men were
hilled. Advices received, however,
state that nearly loo soldiers were
The harbor of Havana is almost de
serted. Not a ship, save Spanish, wa?
there when the Maeotte left.
Wreck n the llurllngton i'ltunet a
Conllairratlon One Man Killed.
Gai.ehbi ro. 111., Sept. 13. A Chi
cago. Rurlington and (Juincy west
bound freight train broke in two east
of Alton at 1 o'clock this morning,
and as the front pnrt slowed up at the
water tank the rear cars ran into
it, causing a cur of naphtha
to ignite. There were twelve
cars of naphtha and petroleum
in the train, and all were soon
abla.e, the flames shooting hundreds
of feet high. Thiee cars exploded
with tremendous force, and the
of Thomas Carver, near by, was set on
fire and destroyed, and Mr. and Mrs.
Carver barely escaped wi)h their lives.
Samuel Welch, a village fireman, was
covered with burning oil and burned
to death. Other firemfp were badly,
but not fatally, burned.
Ihe Kitnna lrmnneiit Fuml Hliort
Large Amount.
Toi'EKs, Kan., Sept. 13. The sub
committee of the permanent school
at.uv. tiiT,,viga,ivH VI'IIIIIUIIVC Uf
aloit concluded its examination of
the securities in the state fund, and
I will report to the full committee to
morrow that $15,1100 of the bond are
'absolutely worthies, viz: Rice county,
$10,000; Norton county, 82,.H)0; Howard
county, Sl,4i0; Comanche county,
&:.()00. These are school district
I bonds, issued back in the early 70s.
' All are fraudulent aud some are for
geries. The Rice county bomls are
knowu ss the "Sam Wood lot."
In addition to the Sl.l.Uoo, the sub
committee will list a lot of other
bonds as doubtful aud some as prac
tically worthless because the com
munities responsible for them are too
poor to pay them. This list is as fol
lows: Scott county, 8l4J,OoO; Hamil
ton county, $10,000; Kearney county,
$i,200; City of Saratoga, SI, 000; City of
Cimarron, $15,000; total. $1 ?4,,.'()0.
The total amount of bonds therefore
that thesubmittee will list as fraudu
lent or non-productive will be nearly
Entranced factions In the (.'olurnrt I.odjfe
Mar Keunltfi.
St. IiOi.18, Mo., Sept. IX The su
preme lodge. Colored Knights of
Pythias, continued its session yester
day, and elected the following officers:
Supreme chancellor, James C. Ross,
Savannah, Ga.; supreme vice chancel
lor, S. V. Starts, West Virginia; su
preme master of exchequor, Dr. J. If.
Young, Arkansas; supreme keeper of
records and seals, C. K. Robbinson of
Missouri; supreme lecturer, H. VV.
Smith, Washington, 1). C; supremo
master at arms, J. L. Tuggie of Ala
bama; supreme inner guard, VV. VV.
l'luinb of Kansas; supreme outer
guard, G. 1$. Golden of Ohio.
Reunion with tha Mitchell faction,
which withdrew two years ago, elect
ing supreme officers of its own, was
taken up at the afternoon session.
The reports of the joint committees
were received and action favoring re
union taken. This will increase the
membership to about 7,000.
A Docreit In All Items Kicept Mineral
iiAfiiiMflioj, ept. i. i ne exports
of mineral oils during August were
$.'.,036,815, as against $1,005,011 in Au
gust, 1894. During the last eight
T.' . I . ... .... .
months the exports of mineral oils
agregated $34,404,413, agaiust $2.,618,
520 for the same time last year.
The exports of bread stuffs during
August amounted to $9,9."6,130, against
$10,884,210 during August, 1894. Cur
bing the last eight months the exports
of breadstulfs were $73,184,853, againsl
$H5,3ii4,588 covering the same period
last year.
The August cotton exports amounted
to $l;:.'t)'i,7H5, as compared with $3,039,
655 in August, 18B4. For eight months
the exports were $:J0l. 527, 1)01, against
$:.'08, 11 7,000 in the same period last
The provisions exported last month
amounted to $11,281, S9, against $15,
930,141 In August last year. For the
eight months the exports were $101,
J28,603, against $12'.', 747,315 last year.
The total exports of these four com
modities during August was $i!7,207,
019, and for the eight months $410,
254,990, against $43,408,000 in August,
1894, and $441,830,000 in eight months
last year.
Secretary Morton has issued his ag
ricultural year book.
Secretary Herbert is considering in
vitations to go upon the stump in Ala
bama. Secretary Lamont and President
Cleveland conferred as to a successoi
to General Schofleld.
Secretary Carlisle has decided to
pass upon the sugar bounty decssion
of Comptroller Bowler.
The state department has received
tx-Consul Waller's affidavit of his
court martial by the French.
It is said that talk of a third term
for Cleveland tiad its origin in a letter
suggesting such would not be a bad
thing for the country.
The Jackson polar expedition has ar
rived a Franz dose! Land.
A troop of cavalry is being recruited
in Chicago to go to Cuba.
A man, woman and child were mur
dered near Las Flores, Cal., presuma
bly by Indians.
H. H. Holmes was indicted at In
dianapolis on a charge ot murdering
Howard I'eitzel.
There are 1,000 regulars at Camp
Lamont, Chickamauga l'ark, Tenn.,
and 500 more are expected.
Southwest Missouri is said to be
flooded with counterfeit money. Two
arrests were made in 1'ulaskl county.
Tha board of trade at Jacksonville,
l'l a., passed resolutions that the
Cubans should be recognized as bel
ligerents, There is no cholera in Honolulu.
The deaths were caused by poisonous
food eaten at a native feast.
Manager Itrady denies reports of
Corbett's poor condition.
Vico President Warner of the Mis
souri Pacific makes an encouraging
statement as to crop prospects In tho
Western capitalists have Incorpor
ated the Iluluth and Northwestern
road, the avowed object being to tight
the Rockefellers.
Dont' Fail to Visit the Old Reliable,
Great 10 cent Store
118 S12th.
Where you will find the Most Complete line of Toys an I Nov
elties, of the Latest and Cheapest in the City.
J. W. SMITH & CO.,
Canned Goods, Flour, Butter, Eggs, Etc
The Weekly Independent.
Published at Lincoln, Neb., in the Interests
of Financial and Labor Relorm.
The Independent stands by the men whom the party has hon
ored, so long as they stand by the jecple. It has no feiscnal fight
and no sore spots. It is a populist paper.
Price, alia
25 Cents
Populist News.
For the Omaha Platform and Free Silver or a
Free Fight.
We want Agents
We want News
Office Corner
346 S 11TH STREtl".
Per Year.
for Three Months.
Capital City News.
in Every County.
of The Work in
1 1th and M