1 9 a. iUL. -J I 1 E. "ft 4 ers alio?, covernnv cle";'1 ' pe foe atii gra thi are ! Jt isn't whiskey so niiu of It HORROR IN DENVER. TWENTY LIVES LOST BY AN EXPLOSION. Jioiler Eploln in the Rear Part of the Ganrcjr House Fire Adds to the Hor rorMany Kescned From the Window Una to an Intoxicated Engineer, Pkxver, Col., Aug. CO. About 12:10 o'clock this morning a terrific explo sion occurred in the renr of the Gumry hotel, 1725 to 1733 Lawrence street, a five story brick and stone structure, in which were between forty and fifty people, most of them asleep. The building was almost completely wrecked and surrounding1 buildings were badly damaged. The fire department and many vol unteers were soon on the scene and in lrllf an hour five persons who had oc- rcupitv upper rooms were, taken out more or less injured. Then the mine caught lire and firemen and others who were trying to rescue, those buried un der the debris were forced to retreat" while c ries and moans were heard is suing from the midst of the ruins. To add to the excitement, a hose team ran away and several persons were trampled upon and injured. Live electric light wires were also a constant source of peril for a time. When the liremen were driven back by the flames they had almost com pleted the rescue of two women and two men, but nothing more could be done and soon all four were beyond ull hope. All night long1, the firemen poured water on the burning debris and as soon as the flames were driven away from one section, the work of rescue was resumed. Uoe Munal of Cairo, 111., was rescued at i:30 o'clock, after an hour's work, 4lJli it is c.. i, lit. that no more of the ' victims ean be r.live. l'olice Surgeon Jarecki took his place where he could keep Munal's head moist and properly attend to him while his lower limbs were being extricated. It was a po rtion of great danger for all, on account of the flames and the over hanging roof, which threatened to come down at any moment. Hut the men worked on hauling at beams with ropes and using every device to clear the space arouud the suffering man, who bore his agony with great bravery and cheered on his helpers. At last about 3:30 o'clock a great cheer arose and word was spread among tho great crowd waiting outside that the work was fiulshed. Soon firemen and citizens appeared at the entrance bear ing Munal cm a stretcher. He was conscious but suffering great agony, and the physicians expressed little hope for his ultimate revival. When he revlve.iV,- btt.said: "I am a cigar maker and have been in the city for a week, having come heie from Cairo, 111 I was upstairs in bed when 1 heard an awful crash. 1 did not know what it was and got out of bed and hurried out, and on going down stairs 1 must have lost my way, for when I got down on what 1 thought was the ground floor, 1 fell down into the basement." THE DEAD AND THE 5IISS1NO. At 10 o'clock the fire in the ruins hud been extinguished, and the search for the dead whs begun, a large force of men and teams being engaged in hauling away the debris. At 1 1 o'clock one body, which was not identified, had been removed and several more were in sight. The dead so far as ascertained are as follows: Peter Gumry, owner of the hotel. R, C. Greiner, manager of the hotel, B)n-in-law of Peter Gumry. Mrs. R. C. Greiner, clerk of the ho tel, daughter of Peter Gumry. General Charles Adams, Manitou, Col. A. L. Elake, Pueblo, Col. Myron E. Hawley, Union Pacific .railroad clerk, Denver. James Murphy, contractor, Denver. Geoi ge Hurt, passenger conductor on fie ltok Island railroad, Colorado Springs. Mrs. Wolf and daughter. Two chambermaids, names un known. Ojc bell boy, name unknown. In addition to the dead, there are the following missing: Urenicr, father of It. C Grenier, manager of the hotel. Bud Burnes, Colorado Springs. W. J. Carson, Pueblo. V. French, Central City. Bert I. Larsh, Central City. E. F. McCToskey, Canon City. Judge Glinn, Leadville. The whole rear half of the hotel was blown to atoms and the front portions are merely shattered and burned frag ments of a house. There is no doubt that the wreck was caused by a boiler explosion. Frank Loescber, the enginer, it is said, was intoxicated, and after turn ing a large quantity of cold water into the hot boiler left the building ten minutes before the explosion occurred. The police are looking for him. K. K. Irwin, the night clerk, says Loescber, who was only 17 years old, was drunk when he went on duty, and that he was in the habit of neglecting his duty. The Gsffiry was 6 five-story building valued at 130,000, and had been used as a hotel since 1888, when it was re built after a fire in which one life was " lout. It was of the better kind of sec ond class European hotels, catering IimtpIii in trt.ni.iont Turn II v natronaire. It was built as the Kden Musee by the widow of General Tom Thumb, and was so occupied. Afterward it was re modled for use as a hotel. Onmry and Grenier had owned it for several vcars. No meals were terved in the hotel. Rrrlous Affair at Arbecs, I. T. CilTiiniK, Ok., Aug. 2 0. Daniel Ii. Brown, a merchant in from the Hem inole reservation, brings information of a dastardly crime committed near Arbeca. A gang of Creek Indians and negroes, with several wJilte outlaws, raided Samuel Norford'a, store and, ifter gutting the place, assaulted and otherwise mistreated five women in the neighborhood, several of whom ire likely to die. At Roekawav Beach, N. Y Ocean View hotel was burned their night cl PITTSBURG STORM-SWEPT. A Fierce tiale Visits the Town I)olnB Grrat Damage. I'ittsrui'.o, Pa., Aug. I'O. A fierce wind and rain storm swept down on this city last night without warning at a time when the parks were filled with people and the rivers with boats crowded with excursionists. As far as known two women and one man were drowned, a score of persons were injured, two, it is thought, fatally, and property damaged to the extent of 8l0o,0()0. So tremendous was th force of the tornado that the steamers Lud Keefer, Little Hill and Arlington were over turned and many barges, coal boats and small craft torn from their moor ings and sent adrift. The passenger barge Dakota was forced against the SmithHeld street bridge and the side crushed in. She sank in several feet of wa ter. When the storm struck the Koefer Captain Keefer, Mate Miller, Millie Lindbaugli, the cook, and two colored chambermaids were on board, but all reached the shore in safety except Millie Lindbaugli, who became ex hausted and was drowned. The steamer Courier, with 400 pas sengers on board, was swept with water and the passengers became panic stricken, bnt Captain Klein succeeded in making a landing at Painter's Mills and nil left the boat in safety. V line the wind was at its highest an unknown woman attempted to cross the Point bridge. She wus caught in a whirlwind and blown into the river and drowned. Archibald Sophie was blown into the river and drowned while trying to tighten the lines of some coal barges in the West end, lie was married and had a large fa.'-iily. On Second avenue a feed wire was broken and in attempting to repair it Conductor Adams was fatally shocked, On the South side the large grain elevator of Henderson it Joiinson, in course of construction, was almost completely demolished. The heavy Iron girders felt on a row of tenements and crushed them, but fortunately the occupants were away iron home. Two freight cars on the Pittsburg and Lake Krie road were lifted from the tracks and blown into the Monon gahela river and portions of the Mo nongahela and Castle Shannon inclines were earned away by the wind and demolished. On the north side of Alleghany City great damage was done to small buildings and trees were uprooted in the parks, but as far as reported no persons were seriously injured. j. " I TWO NOTABLE DEATHS. Kx-,lutlce Klrons and Leonard TV. Yolk 1'iikh Away. Lake Minxewaska, N. Y., Aug. '). Ex-Associate .Justice Strong of the United States supreme court, died here at ten minutes past 2 o"clock this af ternoon. .lustice Strong was born at Somers, Conn., May fl, 1S08, of an old New England family of note. In 1846 he was elected to congress as a Uemocrai. in iois ne was re-elected, but in lS.'.O he declined a third term. In 1S07 he was elected a justice of the Pennsylvania supreme court and served for eleven years, at taining a high reputation as a jurist. At one time he was prominently men tioned for chief justice of the United States supreme court. In 1G8 he re tired from the bench anil returned to the practice of law in Philadelphia, but in 1870 he was appointed by Presi dent Grant as a member of the I nited States supreme court, an honor he es teemed most deeply. His opinions were always held most highly. In 1H77 he was a member of the hlectoral commission and was one of those who opposed congressional canvass of state elections. He retired in 1880 on ac count of age, but since then had de livered many addresses and lectures and been prominent in religious work. LEONARD W. VOLK DEAD. The Kmlnent Chicago Sculptor l'asses Away Suddenly Hid Noted Works. Chicago, Aug. lb. Leonard W. Yolk, the eminent sculptor, died suddenly at his summer home at Osceola, W is., yes terday. He was born in Wells, Ham ilton county, -V 1., .November ., lS-'s. In lHOO he executed a portrait-bust of Abraham Lincoln, which was destroyed in the fire of 1S71. His principal works were the Douglas monument in Chicago, several soldiers' monu ments, the statuary for the Kelp mausoleum in Watcrtown, X. Y., life size statues of Lincoln and Douglas in the Illinois state house, and portrait busts of Henry Clay, Zachariah Chand ler, David Davis. Bishop Fowler, Leonard Swett nnd K. B. Washburne. His son, S. A. Douglas Volk is a noted artist . ARMENIANS IN A RIOT. The Meeting of the Chicago I'nlon llreaks I p In it Fierce Fight. Chicago, Aug. 20. At the meeting last night of the Armenian National union for the election of officers, a riot broke out and people on the street heard the snind of a fierce conflict, of flying chairs and furious voices. Then suddenly the noise was hushed and down the stairs came nearly 100 men. Some of them were blood stained, (hte, with his head bound in a handkerchief, appeared to be nearly insensible, and had to be carried down by his companions. There was scarcely a man without a black eye or some mark of conflict. After the riot had subsided the po lice arrived, but they could not find the leaders and no arrests were made. None of those injured were thought to be fatally hurt. SHORT CAMPAIGN. A Notorious llrhlge Completed. Louisvhxk. Ky., Aug. 'M. The Big Four ran its first passenger train into Louisville over the new Louisville and JefTersonville bridge at H o'clock yes terday morning. This is the bridge on which so many lives were lost during its construction. The bridge with its approaches is alnnit two miles long, beginning to-day regular trains will le run over the new bridge, which is an important matter to the city. National Committeemen of the Two Par ties in Favor of a Mrief Content. Chicaoo, Aug. 20. Concerning the view of national committeemen on the question of a long or short campaign, the Times-Herald says: Thirty-eight national committetnen, twenty Democratic and eighteen Re publican, have responded to questions concerning the policy of holding a short presidential campaign. The Republican national committee will declare in favor of a short presi dential campaign. The Democrat:? national committee will decide in favor of a short presi dential campaign, unless the free silver element predominates in the councils of the committee. The vote is as fol lows: Republican national committee, for a short campaign, 14; against a short campaign, 3; non-committal, 1. Total vote, 18. Democratic national committee, for a short campaign, 10; against a short campaign, 0; non-committal, 4. Total vote. o0. CLEVELAND PROTESTED. Hut It Mmle tittle Difference to I'uh liNlier John it. McLean. New YoiiK, Aug. 20. A Sunday newspaper advertised last week that it would print a description of the home and summer life of the president and his family. Learning of this Mr. Cleveland sent John It. McLean the following telegram: UrxzAiiDS Hat, Muss., Ah?. 17. Your reporter bus neither k'iti mc or Hiiyono oonuwteci with my liomeliold. 'Die lmhlicittinn of any inter view will be uu outrageous f rami. I iUOVKB Cl.KVELAKU. The message is printed as an intro duction to the article, which is pub lished with illustrations. Mr. McLean claims that the article violates none of the proprieties, and has sent a reply to Mr. Cleveland stating that he had not advertised any interview and that the president had evidently been im posed upon by rival newspapers. BIG FORESTS ABLA$. i in THE FIRE PLAYS HAVOC WASHINGTON. Canning horse meat is creating pref -ulire sgainst the canned meats of contrirjijo in foreign countries. ACtjOTT i A Ten-Mtle Furnace Passenger Kear Spokane Strikes n Tree and IH Kcape Being Iaed Over a I'recipice Forest Fire in New Jersey. 11 V"i Anieri. JBaltimo national bont between Stantoi AbT ,i haraTum light-weight of England ;rr.ty nd Owen Zolgler of Dhikdelbhia who can Whips the Knglir a Hot Mill. , Hi-.Md.,Aug. 21.-The inter- ..I..." , ."'u'ure to a draw. nr.. lnb in th.D,,fhtat U,e Eurek Athletic iuo in the nresenno r.t i rln . ui ,oiiu SDnera. Spokane, Wash., Ang. 21. lh westbound Great Northern train had passed through a furnace of burning forests for a distance of ten miles Sun day night, when at Little Spokane river, about twenty miles east of this city, a huge tree fell across the track from the mountain above. The en gine struck it, causing the train to stop so suddenly as to throw the pas sengers violently from their seats. The burning tree was dragged par tially under the cars, and for a mo ment the train topuled to one side, until it almost went into a 150 fooJ chasm on the other side. So intense was the heat from the for est fire that the coaches blistered and almost took fire. The passengers for a time were panic stricken, and but. for the coolness of the train crew .......1,1 li.H,cl,.uli.ln nkin lcnt lnr rlr.l!- 1 . ' . nvmu ,1 j 1 Mtiijvv .uko x.vlu.. ,j -ti,5rc(i anotiier rriiia Knvnitirr enfr tr. t.lir. iriH 1 1 . neplr (I.. v.,v.w .... 1 uo next mompnt o.. lint the flames werp. J.riton n t....; c .... " mc - - . .. i , i in. i i n i a vtirnrniKhl with wntor from the. also ha,l tl, .'.. American ' - ,. "'c UCHfc or Thf. i,rf.,i. - ..... 'i in and last round m. a take, the Amer- the arrived here last night, report thatagainst the ropes. AstholnZ T First rMinrl- , . , - vuna t ir pr lovi,l.l . ace and then on tlVbrea 't The En ishman got in a face M 1DS' ih? WhlIe :Zler danced iroun" he ring and lunged vieiousW v aeavy work this rn,fn,i vmoay- Ivo .Second round Zeitrl'er n-ot Jr. hght face blows and f rib foast The Lnghshman fell to hi u. . ,he rose Zeigler gave hta i S round closed """esaea as the The sixteenth too. i.i , all i,. z.);: , ofc rouna. ana KnrrTu, r' cl0ng with the rjninisn nan oirom. i o.. lowers of WnSr." l" ropes' am'a Abbott n.iir.ft i the eighteenth w ?10w.. i ..u ivTii siiori. z,eifr- on the JRON WORKERS KILLED. .rr.fle K,p.o.Iol, lh. stead Steel Work. !1 A .... ... o'clopt i,; About' 5 " miotic tuis morn in t r.r . t fleers of furnace 70rr,the rthe Steel company's w rk- -t- it f arneie dumped a br 4 Homestead bell of thi material into the of the fI? , 8 cloed the top from e6s Se the g of James wf XteU ,nen' in ch"ge w Cni,,vt! inA nh. All .n were One mun o i,.i , . thefurnnt" 'Y"j"?s Wo om ... . ."' aiuilf 111 " y to me le metal road- he fell ,n, : :. ,'V" ' Mlau' aown which ... . "iiu'j on nrsi. in two. Fi ve other men, was-cut Poles or stunner for ice, ing and bnrn- and baavaere cars. water from the atso had Etrearn. With axes the track was J he twentieth cleared and the train succeeded, iu savage one, give and reacning nere oamy aamageu. , .u getting it on the M.W. McCreary. snperTnten.Ut of ,Kngis,man being stormeTwith 1 bridges of the Northern Pacific who: face and body blows !tn i four bridge carpenters, who had oneUm referee (leehired Zei-ler th out on a long bridge to extingi .di aner. Ue will be matehprl " "V fire, failing to do so, sought to r :urn,'Voung (Jriflo. "'itched against linn . "wua. VVHrn en ... II.. i . v died soon afterwa-d bftr'-naee were of yards .round IT,, !1 Ior '"ndreds a" parts of the v, "5 "'. 'e' lau,n? m mc-about, ton ', ul' behnv, butnon'eseriZrvVei'eWOrki,,r before thev 1....1 ,7' 0 men d:ed elevator sh'ft . . u ". ',OU0ln of the ouieri liv. ri;.i "ullUg me morn no- n. i arem the hn;.i. " i,"vc otnerg only to find their retreat cut off. f'hey leaped from the bridge into the CBism,'... . 136 feet below, and were daslM tg VVALLER,S CLAIM THIRTEEN VICTIMS FOUND. death. UPHELD. New Jersey Forests Alila.e. New Yokk, Aug. '-'9. The entir tion of New Jersey bounded b Ahiuit if,., .-v. London. Aur l4 ford, JENNIE METCALFE AGAIN. antinte Junction and Absecom is dthe The Oklahoma (lrl Outlntv KHrapos From Olticers in Dnrliif; Style. l'EKRV, k.. Aug. UO. The notorious Jennie Metcalfe, nee Stevens, was ar rested yesterday by Sheriff Lake near Pawnee and taken to Pawnee. There she was taken to a restaurant to eat supper. A guard was placed at the door. When Jennie finished her meal she darted through the back door of the restaurant and quickly, tearing oft: her dress, seized a horse, and mount ing it, rode off. Several oflicers went in pursuit, but darkness came on and she escaped. The girl, who is not over 17 years old. was under arrest for stealing a horse from a deputy marshal who had arrested her for selling whisky to Indians. Su T i i. .. . ".-voiTS l onsurs Arrest. g. Etht.nlf.- u'.. ,... . w irooU' towns of Pomona, Port Republic, trio ftml ,B ,7 i , rs- John L- Waller -after . children out nf Mp her h,,.!,.-.! , , . --"ajfascar . nan neen sentenced ?nsonmcnt or t . ndi liva.1I('?ed "leffal threatened bv forest fires or alrad..,, j - . . i - nil ut l.Minnioiif w a devastated. Hundreds of miles 'iavnl, lur twenty years for been burned over, houses ana, fiv , " communication with stock consumed and it is feared jherlne J,ovas. "gainst whom the French has been considerable loss of liflre waging war, has arrived here TT Scattered through the burning coii.itr'vent to Jlitdagascar last Febrn are numerous houses, but it is iiooo msiness with the Itntro ar7 on sible to send them any help. ! aid while there aided thl7rnent' -ne ex-consul ' """'J' i ivoouiora states that OHIO DEMOCRATS, , ,, e .ho,e evidence ao-ainer. i,;. ar- n . ..... .. . . . rty-airisr. him dithering: for the-State Convention-H e;' " tmoouied in letters to his wif0 j tiers on the Ground. RIOT AT A CHURCH. A Faction Opposed to the Triest Attacks Worshippers Several Injured. St. Joskimi, Mo., Aug. "0. At St. Peter and St. Paul Catholic church on Messanie street yesterday a faction opposed to the priest attempted to break up the services. A riot followed in which Charles Weircyorak and Tony Fordyce were badly injured and four others were hurt. Several arrests have been made, but the ringleaders succeeded in getting away. The police, fearing a renewal of the hostilities, guarded the church prop erty last night. The trouble in the church had been brewing for some weeks. CONDENSED DISPATCHES. Out of the 247,000 Indians in the L'nited States statistics show that 1'J, 000 are self-supporting. An old soldier died at the Washing ton soldiers' home the other day who. out of a pension of g'-'O a month, had saved $8,800. Labor unions are preparing to fight the tobacco trust. St. Louis capitalists have leased and propose to reopen the old Wilton lead mines in Iioone county. General Gomez is 6aid to have died on July 31 in Cuba. Keports as to the cause of death are conflicting. Charles Wear, indicted for murder, was released from jail at Poplar Muff, Mo., on a writ of habeas corpus. At Coney Island a burial service over a museum baby was repeated through a phonograph, a deputy coroner's wife grinding it out. A South Dakota company has con tracted to build an J operate a steam ship line for the Mcarogua n govern ment. The Nicaraguan government has completed a telegraph line to Kama, at the head of navigation on the liiue fields river. Charles Zimmer of St Joseph com mitted suicide at Excelsior Springs, Mo. W. K. Risley was sentenced to 40 years in the pen for murder at West Point, Mo. It is reported from the City of Mexico that Cuban revolutionists have secured the services of retired Mexican olliccrs to lead and drill them. The liank of Tacotna, formerly the Taoma Trust and Savings company, has made an assignment to its cred itors. The statement shows cash on hand 8144, and total liabilities y.TH, 000. of which Sr.".t.(i00 is city money. George W. Seymour, a resident of Leivenworth county since 157, and for the past eighteen years postauihlcr at. Poling and justice of the peace for High Prairie township, is dead, aged '2 years. nation of MadaJ . KcVilnocou- SrRirfOFiELD, Ohio, Aug. n.-S2ntvas discusscdand & deri J ator Price arrived here from Ne' alleged outrages upon women gThe York this morning to lead the . .uc use for the French 'action money forces in the state Demo ratfiat Q j."1 "aller vvas the fact convention to-morrow. He is m kilions from l j1'0 valuable conces the fight of his life for a platfi; m eceived his exeouaturf fu he had harmony with the views of Pre detovernment. e Hovs Cleveland, Secretary Carlisle am hit Woodford declares that the F self on the financial Question, jllei Madagascar are mere filibustrfrl. : fl. tfid are inmrn;t:.. . """usierers no''asT?zz rLdedouweT a?, j:f, nominaiiou iui luicmui ... u.... , . o- .... mans ootn irom The Denver Hotel oath List S. . hers Twenty-Five. Denver. Col.. Ann- 01 . iue search for the victims of th n , . explosion has been carried o, the utmost enenrv eonstnnn., , e last nig-ht with th,. n;.i ..r . . hts. Flames broke o lt afresh Tn further impelir e vri- r' RtlU 'i'hn lit-t i , rk of rescue, the list of dead nrt .,vt numbers twenty-five. fe nOW Thirteen taken out of iiu l. r ar tified are: K V i." wea' ODei-a hn.,t t r; , oi me KohPrt?' :"; 01 IJ,e. htsl; Mrs. lsU 'i r; '-eorge Hurt, Kock Island railroad conductor; E. p Mc. child of Mrs. WVilf... vv;,K. . '.a i.iittui uicnarcs. .I.hn, ..." r . V, ,pl"t; L Lorah "y, oi.: r eroniHml is. of Central urerr.f ii;i; 7 " ireas- lev L'nioA i y; lVron E- aw iih Jc rail'-"ad clerk. i Z7 " no assisted V. . eoris In"a the tified his son's corpse. in remov- bodies, iden. fices, but is interested in the orginii. . (.f.'1'"u" alf inspected by tion so as to control the committee L, frnm tT ,?:...Si'ee.,ally letters was .s. opened to His own while he i a ... ... 1. : ..l. i H t ..i r a T. . : 1 , creaeniiuis, n uii-u . utimv -uu, ne says, contests, ana tne committee on resus mere, tions, which will report the platiort He is believed to have a majority . the SOS delegates with him, but I tnKOR DONE FOR. free silver men claim 304 of the d . gates, or enough to make trouble if Jin W. Hardin, Killer of N ine M concession shall be made to them. Shot b . " el Senator Brice will be KWrAmT Tl1 ' chairman of the convention and ' ,A'VT- Slf-The son speech is sure to be for "honest monrtaWe John Sellman, member 1 . ... . .. . . the Timing f........ . . ey without regara to tne ouicomc arrestee a female the fight for the reorganization of ?nd of John W, convention. His speecti win ve vj. me oorocr, Hardin Vthe terror a fe servative. Immediately after iiterday aiternoon IlJrdin threnr.nrJi liverv will come the report from J l"reatened r.r,m.t,itt.ee nn credentials, the maioritv I Atn :.v.i,vrfT ..out of town, MISSOURI CROPS. Carl, Corn Is JlaturhiR lllpidly and . lienerally Out or llanjrr. Coi.UMHIA, JIo.. Aurr ?1 Th ty crop bulletin .ays early corn is ma tur.ng rapidly and is generally out of danger, but in manv emint;e cially in the central and northern sec tions, late corn is now suffering for rain and unless a good rain comes joon the yield will be cut short. In a w mc soutnern early corn is being cut. OUU SlOCIf counties Millet for seatinir contesting Price men and the minority for seating the free silver contestants" In considering these re ports the senator may have some close rulings and the silver men may get mad. It is at this juncture of the pro ceedings that the contest between the free silver and the Brice men is ex pected. At 11 o'clock the city was flooded with dodgers bearing the following resolution adopted at the meeting of the silver delegates: "We favor the immediate restoration of the law pro viding for the free coinage of both gold and silver coins and their use without discrimination, as provided for in th constitution." The silver men met Senator Brice and declared that they had n fight on him aud all they wanted was this plank. The senator and his friends are non-committal and w;it all to wait for the regular report On the arrival of the train bearing ex-Governor Campbell at nom. Camp bell badges were distributed broadcast in anticipation of his nomination. MARRIAGE IN BLOOMERS. Miss F.va Mae Curls1. 'n Bicycle Costume, ! Chicago, Aug. 2 1 noon yesterday Ge.if Miss Eva Mae ChrLt knickerbockers a1 in gray bloomer, wheels in front cf Attirud In Latest nine S llrlde. -Wholly before 1 e W. Uarke and a, tlr: former iu d tie latter truH'.-u their Marriage License A I'rlest Accused of Assault. Sr. Josm-ii, Mo.. Aug. 20, Father linker, a Catholic priest doing mission ary work in Northwest Missouri, was lirrested here to-day charged with criminal assault in Harrison county last Thursday. He denies the charge and is confident he can clear himself of the charges. At Excelsior Springs, Mo.. Charles Zimmer of St Joseph committed sui cide by shooting himself through the head while in a bath room. It is sup posed that his mind was tcmpoiarily unbalanced. Three years ago he' shot and killed a negro in ft. Joseph. Clerk Salmonson's dofk in she county building, where t'lnrk swore that he was 21 and Mist "hristei acknowl edged to 19 years. Tnen tie two went to the oftlce of J:i?ticn Murphy to be married. The bride-;o be wore gray bloomers am! leggiugi, a short, tight-fitting jacket over s shirt waist, a flying necktie ai:d a peated cap. After the brief . eriiun, the couple took their wheels ai;d stajted on their wedding trip down the South Side boulevard to Wmd.'or ark, where they live. Two Female li.nllu trrcsted. Gvthrik, Ok., Au.f 21. -Jennie Met calfe and ADnie M Ucviet, the girls arrested last week for hoe stealing, but who escaped fro-u SHff Lake, have been again C8pturnaud lodged in the Pawnee jaii. He! I were in male attire when capturelth. time, with revolvers in their oelt nd spurs on their boots. Receiver for a .diela Hank. Mexico, Mo., Aug. al-This after noon Ben C. Johnson of JiU city went to Laddonia and toak charge as re ce!Tir of the Frrnrrs'Lsti at that place, which has failed i comply with the banking law. i T 11 f. fUflr i.. . man's father cnterei's P0jjce friend. When Hain Wltn a standing at the bar sV was some friends, saw Seiyc .'t'1 around and thre:vn1lrleiJ to his hip pocket. In a ''antl man's revolver was ? v3 went crashing through I'- . ' While he was falling na-m' him twice more and then ' and surrendered himself. out Ilm-.lin liurl in hie 1!. nine men and served eightr? prison for one of his murd., in prison at lluntsville.. studied law nnd was admiV baron his release from pr tvvo years ago. Several m he held up a faro game in tlf Sellmats is the oiiicrir who noted lias., the outlaw, in two j-ears1 a 70. "' :; sue .'.-tv.lv lljaS Ufa 11 heaw ..rmw Tl,.7 : KfVer"T ni,t -.--- -"'-b i -oiisidera oie com plaint ,n a number of the southeast ern counties that peaches ar rotting, outasarule frn t .,t; . K? condition. In a nnmter rthe5SS and northern and a few of -the sou h ern counties pajtures are getting short and are needing rain badly, and rain also needed to soften the KOT fal1 Threshing is still m nroirress but ' pletion. -L.s com- OBSTIN, CONDENSED DISPATCHES. Mrs. Lorettn.I1n11ncr.1n nt r. 1 Mo, waibuvaed to death by gasoline. inM,-Mhiarles E"el,rcht of Quincy, 111., killed herself by taking carbolic SOU. The tax-rate of New Vork city for j uwu nxeu cent. The total at 1.92 per assessment, nf tm.,: . -v.,.v o,uuu,ouu greater than J-ear. Ex-Banke last er iiiirlinrramn i. , hi .......1, t ..... - men vvi ju ii;i I'cin-a ior iraud. county, Mo., im . 1 y iteiuses ..vfri. . . i V- .. . v 'ne story that Cousul Gmiw,1 , vey . .-ATiWnden maV succeed nnSnom Co.pDui , ,1.1, Aug. ill. has been revived. porte s .. ,Ay to the envoys : The Christian iranr I...M u CI -'4.lillHL- -11 ; powers "'ging refu er, onus in ius jainuy and e,ni.i,,..o ..1.1 . i -1 hem . . "u winy iL-n.'riii! 01 bc(;v.m iivoi liua, i. X. importance and rejects the demaBirney Lantry, one' of the largest the powers for the exercise of fasjructors of the Santa Fe is said to control over the carrying out ijt tying at his home in Kansas. twentv-nine teil f,.i- lxi Uertbersof the mob that dm .v.- OlOrerl ner,nl. v Hum ujcir nomes wfiiug vaueynave been bourn! posed reforms, claiming that it iTwenty-five of the be fatal to the aovereignty .of tprjhg- Valley men arres tan and the independent lurkueubers of the mh ty. pire. in over ;'"'. to await the action of the grand jZy. (- A dispatch from Honi? Komr ,.. Dissolved by Suicide. dllr'AOn Anrr "1 ' --. v.- .A tlisnnteh frr.m ,r .... vardmaster for the n.wr,,, t.' l.l. , V"". -""sT con- i , ., . ' "-" igiiai aispatcli contaln- ton and Wumcy railway, kill, mg the report that thet hineseovern to-day because of an injument has refused to allow American straining him from getting and British consuls to make anv in V..4.,.,l... ,'t TestllTIltinn int.41... I.-.. , J ,u icniciuay a .x'W.ill CiaimilT o " "'C U t neUST ere. ; wne aiKt'ii mail lie lie eni marrying a girl with whou fatuated- '1 he untrue ord by the court snd.s'mabie f disappointment, hi' disso junction by turnin on th room. TheKl'allST Doron massa- Paris, Aug. 2f. The that an important co taken place between States Ambassador E Benoit, in which the 1 however desirous th might be of satisfying made from Washington time to ret thd documeu the case from aladagasci Mr. Waller is reporte' advanced stage kf consuj With the horieless c:-i band it is not to much' Jvent of the dogless eat 'thf'l1 Vicf.S.fro,n Moos y that the lurk-ian officials have driven the Sl'A' the ?o. in al! xi. t. " . "elween Kassoun iwaji nuti nave the members nf and given the houses to I In. 1.'. l :. i. . .. The vir.t;m. ""''" trices. a i p mhtv 1'inrf. Another VanderbMt Scandal. WBBTfim.D, Mass., Aug. 21. Will Jam Fearing Gill, whose wife, Edith C tdl, is a sister of Mrs. Corneliua Van- his child with him, and his attornev has begun proceedings for a divorce alleging "gross and confirmed habS J '"'"tJon by chloral," on the part of Mrs. GilL Mrs. ;iii u j... rarf of Abraham E. Gwvnne of ri":' ' The voters of Great itfer.b xt . petitioned to have th .l '1.".0"6 town changed. Th " 01 lne" have tood it bo long' "T D0W M fa u it 4 I 500 , I I