The weekly independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1893-1895, August 22, 1895, Image 4

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    i rri - rv-' rr . - . - y i k
Senator Allt'ii t-peaks at O'Neil
the 2th.
One and one-third fare is the rate on
all railroads to the populist state con
vention on the 28th.
The remains of Mrs. (J. It. Wolfe and
child, who were killed in the Denver
Jiotel horror, arrived here today and the
funeral occurs Friday at 2 p. m.
The letter carriers are arranging for a
picnic Labor Day at Lincoln park. As
the boys are a household necessity in
nearly every home, all will join in wish
ing them a happy time on this occasion.
Seventh warders are a little warm at
the mayor for his treatment of Council
man Myers. They are ready to stand
by their councilman for his work in the
interest of his ward.
Officer Kinney who was on a "toot"
not lone since is reported to have re
marked that the city administration
could not get along without his services
and it seems he called the turn since he
is 6till on the, force.
I'rof. (J. II. Walters, people's indepen
dent candidate for county clerk will
speak before the "Farmers' Economic
Club" of Mill precinct, on Saturday
evening August 24ih, at the Hock Creek
school house. Subject, "Money."
The "knights of Ak-sar-ben," which if
spelled backward will show who is
meant, promise to have a grand time at
Omaha during State Fair week. From
the class of buildings already completed
and the interest awakened Nebraska
will have the greatest fair in the history
of the state this year.
At a meeting of the populist county
central committee Saturday J. M.
Thompson was elected secretary.
J. C. McXerney and II. F. Rose were
placed upon the ticket as candidates
for district judges along with A. S.
The defaulting city clerk of Beatrice,
J. T. Phillips, has been captured and
now awaits trial in the Gage county
jail. Bogus warrants are showing up
in various quarters and several books
have been mutilated beyond all use. It
is likely he will get a good term at the
Ilayden Bros., the wide awake mer
chants of Omaha seem to have incurred
the everlasting displeasure of the poor
old Journal since they do not advertise
with that concern. The Journal is
jacking up that wide awake firm be--'
cause they are able to supply the public
with anything they desire in their line,
from a toothpick to a railroad train.
Alexander Buckner, a prominent
colored man, held on charge of bigamy
for some time, has been released by one
of the judges of the district court on
the ground that he had been tried once
on the alleged crime and acquitted. It's
getting close on to a campaign and the
colored vote must be looked after. Now
if the Rock Island would cause the re
lease of another colored man the coun
try would doubtless be saved.
llulda and Bertha Eck, mother and
daughter, were convicted pn the charge
of vagrancy Saturday afternopi. and
something over .3S each was taxed up
against them. Being unable to pay,
they were sent to the county jail to
board it out. Tha taxpayers are get
ting a liberal dose of this liberal republi
can administration. But they will re
pudiate it at the polls this fall.
The appraisers report on the Dorgan
contract proves interesting reading.
For instance: One second hand, worn
out 12-inch stiring plow 12; one two
wheel dump cart !?:50; one three-fourth
acre potato patch, just planted (prospect
for drouth good) .2o.o0; brood sows
Berkshire and Poland China, $:W; 50
hewing machine needles, $5; live water
buckets, $2; two span mules (hard times
prices) SiiOCi; one second hand farm
wagon, (wheels bandaged with wire)
912. send for a copy of the report. It
is interesting reading matter.
Fire at midnight last night destroyed
two barns and a corn crib on the big
farm of Dr. W. II. II. Dunn, a half
mile belyond Ilavelock. Seven horses,
harness, valuable machinery and con
siderable grain were also burned. . Dr.
Dunn places his loss at upwards oi
97,000. The property was insured for
about one-fifth of its value. It is sai.J i
that the three buildings caught about
the same time, and it is beleived that
the destruction was the work of an in-v
Go to Heribau'd lor yourdni.
405 south 11th st.
There is a swarm of republican pa ,
f ickers hanging about the state !oitr... .
in the hopes to secure a state ir;""ti
contract which the last republican ! !
Mature annulled. Gov. II "I ''
should take a stand against this r u, j
e Vetera which will rob the tai- !
uuu in tne next eignieen inoiu;ij.
M. Coldsberrv. janitor at t! t
university, gave his 17-year ul ! dm
The Great Commonwealer 'Vm j
This City and Adcresses tf.
i j
i:ti .1 S. Coxev. the crreat c( iuit.O!
H0n( Cf Rounnn . I
;) o,
to I
io rohcy of State Boad m the
the Penitetiary Management.
T. White, the guard at the peniten-
oo some time ago struck an un
negro convict, and K.l r.i.......
wic was compelled to use his Winches
ter to eiuo-ce his orders, have been re
moved from their positions ,t uv
v K-
ly bred but the board of iuh!i h..i...
and btiil.lirgs refused to allow t i,.,n
'yinmg tor their services. White wn
wealer and friend to humanityj -inner
in Lincoln Monday night over tit- Vnloi
Pacilic at a very late hour, acot.spamv
by his wife. It had been arranged t.
hold an iuformal reception at the Lit'
dell at 8 o'clock but owing to a vm
out on this road near Maryville, Kat
the train bearing Mr. and M
did not arrive here until about
The general was anveu iu nic i,hui iu um not stop their nav
and Tuesday morning received a great ; of ineilicieney or because their services
many callers and friends, lie let!, at were not required. They were two of
o rv-r.i, nn tho PYiMirsion train over ths most cllii'ierif- man in ....
o j viuvjv ..... i ...i ., ,1, UiC institution
Union Pacific for Shelby where he adt'Of course, White has no more sense'
dressed the people of Polk and adjoin than the law allows and is not altogether
lllg cou lilies ai a '
MrlCJxey has been traveling tnrongl
J.IVot.v Xi.i, .... ....
k-.ii. ,.i -mi,, .u, i-v.i,.
k.i "'";...;NT.i.,,irsirill,(II!ri;(r:
Herewith please tin,! r.,..,i
n,t, ,l,.i.. . ' ".uiuilS Ot
Jreve.Mvk, which were adonted by Lo
1 Assembly X,, of JllC0,J
Afgurt 3, 1S1.5, and ordered printed
J)Ie written copies were fr,,ii....-i
principal papers .f
at the time, but for. Z ' I
., .. . " ,,inu11 1''"'-
v. vmni) sh. i nut
H ehehevethataman who has spent
many years of his noble hfe in the
cause of human 1. . . " ttw
n,n., , . bnouia ne re-
aryville, Kad night yard man and Coleman night turn T , '" death- Hence, now the TThl 1
id Mrs. Coxej key for the past two months, two very 2 "d f,,rther to the at ten- JtrJl OmO "Vx!
ibout 1 o'clvi ( essential and important positions. The 1 ' ' ' f -aska, who1:J V CLTj ilS
to the Llrduil board did not stop their pay because T1 S wel, io th noble deeds X'
Fresh and Sail Meats.
Game and Poultry.
Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas and otnu
narta of t.hfi south and west rtueakiu
daily to immense throngs of people q
the industrial and nnanciai quiM.or.
and advocating the Coxey god mat
and non-interest bearing nonas scinrns
r.reat. interest is manifest, he nays; i
these questions wherever he has bee
and the people are read." for a chang
He makes but one speech in tne siai
at Shelby and after four speeches
Iowa Council Blurts, i;iesio:u, uiuu
wa and DesMoiiies, he goes t Chicaj
nnit tliMifft to his own state, Obj
what his name would indicats i
ie an efficient oiiicer and rendered g,))d
service tothesUte. Hut
Miripm Mutton in effigy once and the
a-ujoreps cannot get over it. As to
Ooljnian, the only complaint agaimt
u.u, ne went over into Iowa during the
lti campaign and dug up Attorney T 11(1 P'ss've peoples, the .
v, , , ,i, cum s record, win-rein he is 'K"su, wnich tie displayed in the
an fl off,,,, , ,
-....w or a true Knight of Labo
HEi;t:ASThe Suprerte Workman
has called brother Richard F. Trevcv
"l" l a Keitl 111 tho mi,i,al " ,.,
e just, we feel bound, on account of
r1' 1('ntS of th parted, to
take elaborate coirnian f Ki
cease, which occurred at. not.-,,; '
o" -Sunday, the 15th day of
A. D. lv.t.,, , tht tilth year of his age-
VV II Kit KAS, III I5rothr'IV.i,-,.ii..
tound the best attributes ,,f t,. ,
J Progressive peoples, the American
i-epdrted to have once been indicted for
vv vi, 4.
l larceny or something of thu tin,i
fce said before, both men were care-
i"d efficient employes and stopping
pay is simply a little t f
- t -.vv ri
!irtiest kind, such as onlv
i. 11 .... . V-.i
luimrcniii are capable of dabbling in
I" ' ""-" no displayed i
nost faithful and remarkable wi
ay, by
where he will make a vigorous canv4i Hit there is no law wherrty the board
for the governship under tne. popu ciijdSMimeany such authority. The law
banner. Mr. Coxev says he has iii sa the number of mianls an, I t-...,..
been forbidden freedom of the gr?! adtheir compensation shall be such as
anywhere in this great free (?) nat a muooard and the warden deem neces-
save at the capitalthe head centre j saif and proper. Refusing to sign
plutocracy, monarchy ani ehk-auofy i voiehers, for political ends, of any man
About thirty people left Lincoln (
the U. P. at y a. m. Tuesday b spei
train to attend the great, pic uic
meeting was held at Debet s ftTi
about live miles from Shelby and
attended by 15,000 to 20,000 peoi
to the pleasuresof the day and itset)
as if the whole country had turned
for a day of recreation.
- - 1 - . i . , ii
W:ii nau r...i,l,..,.i i .
-j "ucicu ine state a service
"of not cancel the state's liability ae l
soi e republican stinkers may find out
oiii f these days,
'here is another
,. I till nils
duft' work. The new mar.areumt
the .penitentiary is better than it ever
otiv,iiMvu uj v,vw . j- j "j tici man it evtr
Osceola band was in attendance to was. The populists are makinir a pond
. .. . . ...... .1 n fl ... "d
base ball between Shelby and (.
added to the amusement featurt
suiting in a score of 3 to I in fai
On the road to the park from ;
a distance of about five miles tv
men indulged m a race. A Day ,
hack driven by Oscar Ulevins wa
in the race and Mrs. Walters au
Mr. Doaw and J. H. Uorman of
Uity, wt-re seriously nijuieu.
reco-d there which the
do lot want. They cannot get in any
mon steals: there is
v j i ' . uam;c LU U 1 V V
jion v . r , j oricr oi jiii rtuui s hpuus, anu it hurts them
the people in the forenoon and di' And there is a chance to show up some
of tieir dirt.v ruiimin n .. . ,
uic aiiiiii.iui, ..v... v... , j j a.iiuo iu me past, and
hours to the discussion of his nou-;j tins Uiother thing they do not want. It
est bearing bonds theory. A. gaiii tht purpose of Commissioner i?cii
w cajse ail the annoyance he can to
the jbpulists, no matter how much the
mterttits of tho utot .
. oiaic ouuer. lie is en-
Shelby. It was a great meeting aeav, ring to so impair the discipline
showed that populism and free inere as to create an insurrection ami
r -. i:. iu.,.,;;;i it iw.-14 . i . . - '
were iar irom ueau m i " .m uo gionous tun for him Up
, i aIs" endeavoring to farm out
" iimiiLMon acain to a miv0(,. :..
rlH... ... . -"" 111
vclla,.e or law ill order thut tl
be. s,.,no.,., ........ "iceuiay
- nance 10r a 8lea, anfj &
- .u Jertra mere was always a few
,U'7UHS appropriated for improve
n'nts and repairs, which was always
S(.f leil ff a .... J
... - .. . , 4 , ...u, una aiways
other otfe-upants 0f the hack w Je, or a greater portion of it as tt,o
. :. . ....! i. U'ar,l,...-.. . ..... . .
bruised out none so seriousiy f
parties Lertioned. This was f
accident reported and is sai
chargeable to i drunken driver
Lou Haskell.Vhe bauke.t'ins
burg was in attiliK'-'W Coxey
and the sueaker ff him treed. It
is susnected U about to es
nonse , the cau-iU,i8m anil the
,,jXf,K Fl'XKK
oViesday afternoon
eJe received a tele-
arrivl :
was ' j f
Cox'-y .) y
and be, ,UU!
he tit
At .1
Denutv She
gram iron announcing that
Coxey W0,k in Lincoln at 8:30
that everj0?!din8y the Flir)ke
opera Aas t''irel, the
meeting nastily advertised
and byuie ,10Use was
well till(,a(J,es a-1 gentle
men of iiQ see ar,(1 hear the
creat cleri fIie trai" '"t
:"- audience
.atediil Mr.
o all arrived
iter s)() hours
.ne'er?-- W-
m f i ne cause
iK mioney. and
e ( r the ills in his
f" public improve
t rv nt issue of legal
. ' . H. ; It was the best
;f:' uncial and indus .
:' .'ave ever heard and
' in. ' a vast amount of
f 1 The meetiiiir ad-
' i and all were
! and his plan.
Mpn.ted Coxey in its
f -.-h in this city, when
i wanted the govem-
Sey on mdividval prop
v ii the dollar of valua
I rstauji any such thing.
i t-tv.'s, counties and
mliis n OMey and exjiend
,,,,., . , . 1 an me
wardens biennial re..Hc ...:n .......
loereisnosuch appropriation this year
and they must have a chance to line
the-r pockets. Churchill's imst.
finows that heis ,,
r.i.l.Ii..... ,.. . 'W"1MUUU
jauo. privately as
devil. If there ever .....
about him his Jong association with the
m- .u0,ican ii ig, this corrupt state :,as
iu' ii- mi irom nim
somebody is likely to take him i,v ..
nana i-l .. ..... . . "
.pi ic Iiei'K ailfl tf.P cant ..f ti...
u. eecnes and let hi m out of a third story
window one of these davs. tw i. ....
tirely too much skunk there tv.r t..
society of decent people.
ue oungtorty years of his noble life
"...eeauseot the Voor, the ignorant,
the oppressed of the race;
VV JIEKKAs. ISrothur Tr.,.,n;,.i
, . ,' .Dim-iv. was a
luuent and practical worker, he taught
" peopie that the wrongs of a free
country are the crimes of its voters
had laws are the deeds of the criminals
hired by the people tn mi. n.i
tliem; bribed lea-islatoi-s ...
, ., .. " imc tliO
V"C",B 01 J''rbam, taken from tho
dregs of the masses to keep the people
tor base and selfish
temple ol justice and truth;
Whekkas, He saw that ignorance,
thoughtlessness and corruption in the
use ol the ballot, arfl sit. thu fnin j.ih
otmany of the ills of the masses, he
earnestly taught the lesson of a pure
and intelligent use of the suffrage;
Vi IUCKEAS, He saw that nil iho t
ff . ' nil, IIJIITS
u- me wronged were needed to over
Lome the oppressor; he showed the
net-essay oi a brotherly love that should
not stop at race or creed lines; therefore
he md not turn from the black man on
account of the colorof his skin- h- v
t swayed by the vulgar and inhuman
disregard or the Jew, presumably, be
cause his ancestors were annncn,! ,.e
something that happened two thous
and years ago; nor could . nhri. .
virus that, because a brother a t?'
man catholic, the ancient penal stat
utes of his native land. Knria.i Ch.,u
be reinacted on American soil;
Whkiikas, He considered organized
irreligious hatred the creAtt f
CI v V'V- VIA. Vi"
ganized labor, he fought the former
iiekeas. He knew that r....L.,
land, liberty and a free and protected
ballot are the base and lireservnf inn r.f
t .-.
nee insiHutioiis.he unceasingly worked
ui me retention of the bmd ... tu
nanus or the people: for a .,nw.t
sound and elastic money medium, con
trolled by the people: he ormnse.l n
personal restraints on personal liberty
Negatives from studio here
or your fine PIIOTOHRAPIIS
Stve ,IS a trial and be convinced.
Satisfaction cnaranteej. Re.
member the pfaco, 1214 O street
-n IV'
The fall race meeting at Lincoln park
is bono 1 to be a go now, sl2.(HJ0 having
j . u.uiwu torinat tmr
pose anl more to hear from.
Mayo- Graham has removed Detec
tive j.t.ngdoii trom-the city force
Doubtless the officer was ton m,.i, ; '
clined to show up some of the crooked'
ness going o-i in the city under the new
"Tip"!lYeseott. furmerlv
the lienttentiarv rt hvj .,
i.,i.r . " "cunrawy ior
,,ulMU,t' 1U- 10 visit relatives and ac
cept a )f sit.on there if everything suits
''" "l'n' was employed at the ,,en
o, jcaisinu was ail right.
Up and at them bnv I-.,,
T ... J ' "V "If
x-uw i romp-on them.
We want a number of solicitors
in tins city and
nelp to spread the doctrine of humanity.
J- V. Wolfe has been on an
spection tour through Kansas and
Nebraska and reports general
ouuu crops.
The Hub, Drowning, King &
m. Wagner & Co., Miller &
1 a,"e' are nt'W advertisers this
ween, bee them.
iiy-cignt names tn
our Jist tins week. nr t;,t .-
steadilv rrrmi,: i. .
-j t,.iMfc uut we want
more. Send in your neighbor.
Our advertisers are our friends
ana tne friends of our cause.
Look over our advertising col-
unmns and see whers to buy goods.
M. Wagner & Co.. tlieentP.-;..
ng butchers at i4g South Tenrh
are g,v,Dg their customers an ex
cellent quality of meats at
possible figures. All choice meats;
uun beet crold cows. See
their price list in another column !
Electric Baths and
Lmly and irentlem an nt'.,... 1....
f, lu ' ""CllUilll
I'rof. 15. UOND.l
itooi.i8 7 and 8, 1116 Oat. j
A. L. EMHEliSfiv
Attorney at T
eral Courts. Kooms 11 and 12
Montgomery block, Lincoln, Neb
R. H,
AttorneyHat Law 1127 O street.
lhone 755. Lincoln, Neb.
Ex-Attv Gen'l. Af
All business promptly attended u
with care.
When you 'want a
Call at
SJ.ave 10c., Hair Cut 25c Satis,
faction guaranteed.
Cor. Ninth and I streets.
Dick Bihtnnej.l, Prop
the not required by the public good; he ad-
man e Australian ballot system.
WiiKiiKAs, He saw the deplorable
effect of drunkenness on tho bodies,
souls, pockets and families of the wage
earner, he advocated, honestly no man
iu ue.iy. me. severest measures fnr the ! Un
. . . . " ' '"' I IIV
Mwrpauon of a branch of trade which
is, aus, only too frequently abused;
Blessed is he that worketh with NEBSASKA PANT jiNfl CHIT Pfl
...... M wwil WUU
in the
liC'veriii. s.
ioi . . v i. 1 j ennett. was in
, (Mv-HVv Ne says the free
u: ' falac r iVnm decased in
ter a severe chastlSllur 1 ll' Sii V n
, hK-aiity.
for persistently keeping com) a.i y 1 The e v.-nd
one Charles Trotter, a married m-jteil Co-i
about 3o, against the pa'enUl ifuiu'iii jt
Goldsberry was arrested but j'- nivijual. Xi
Biiptired to prosecute h'' w;is not Vard Tii'-AMi
.. ' T.tmia k'iPiwki . 1?,S
Tenth street. ImDorur and i)CoinmennauK,..i snnnn .M
in Wines and Liou,.rb. ' Kvidet.l!yh ihange his
Milwaukee Ueer. lin;i)
Bpcialty. Write f .rpn
t hibitionistswho
ilwan are still
misguided nidi
' eeting in that
, US L'AM' t'Uilll 1
Nialir.Rotue rJ pi :ed resolutions
ndatoCn eilnnn Mver
j hick
in his receicie with the coon
Buy Your Meats Chean
it . i , . r
uuiui uie nam tunes tak
vantage ot hard times
lb-re is tie cheapt plaefl
city to ixij-. Look:
ll boil or stew. .
4 " Shoilder St-nL-
3 " lfouid .Steak. " Z-
" I'lat. Eoil T-
H" Salt 0rk .7-
4 " Eolojna :
I ' Wein?r-Wurst. . . o-.
4 " Lard T,.
1 " K. K.Lard
Sugar Curd lhm '
Eoneless lam
CaliforniVHa,,, . "
Hani Snnniro.
EreakfastUacin., , "" ' ...
et i.oas rer pound f; to 5)
oirloiu Stek " ' . ' 101
Porter Hofie Sfenk. .' .77' 12?
eal Stew
All other leafs not oii 'iLV aV iJw
est possibb prices.
US South Tenth.
WiiEitKAs, He knew that knowlwlo-
is power, he was a devoted stnri.,t ,.r
""'"4v.ui; ji
an economic uuestions ami i n
learned, devoted and eloquent advocate
or me toiling masses, being their tire
less and inciirruptible friend, therefore
be it
Kksomkd, Jhat in the death of
J.rotner Iravellick the oppressed have
l'st a friend of the purest and sincer
est character, the Knights of Labor a
wise and virtuous leader. Mil O'A ItU . .f
brotherly love a shininar nattern. im-ii.
. . " ' n
cus mureu an unpurchasable fee, econ
omy a learned and eloquent exponent,
money, jami and liberty a mire n.t r,..
tected ballot, a strong defender; Amer
ica one of the bravest and best r.f ,.,h.
zens tliat she ever received from Eng.
land. And that we always cherish th
memory and imitate the example of our
noble brother, liichard F. 'I ravellick.
Lai ukxci.; Siikkihan Cili.isk
Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 20, lS'.Ci.
L. t;
- .vim
,us .Inouth I a friend at the pri-
ior ii ne does nor n,;.
reward in advance he is laying up
OI wisdom that will be
useful in after life. IIe
" ij
viiat io to i means for it is 16 to i
e nas worked for nothing and
oarded himself.
TL ...
lue Publicans of Lancaster
county can get up a little emb.-c;.
asm when they hold a raffle to raf
fle off the chances for a few good
Paying offices, but when the raffl.,
is over the enthusiasm is all gone
Verily I say Junto vo .b
did all eat and
and were filled and full, but the
day of free meal tickets, and free
drinks is past for awhile an -1
men that knew all the boys a few
uays ago will know them no more,
umu mey need their votes.
Make yourself a committee of
one to increase the circulation of
flite r
ri'er. i ou owe it to your
v.tu!,e ana to humanity,
1217 O STREET.
( W est half of Trunk Factory.)
All Wool Pants Made to Order.
Fi 5CiM sa"d guaranteed to fit,
- " auu up war ua.
Business Suits
I5, $18, l?20and up.
Popular PriVpa ..i. .
FevonalIed for rantaand Suits at
indpSensPr,Ce- Se"d f0f 6amPJe
O. K. HOLCUM, (Jutter. h
The Next Big Day
Send in our subscrpitions
the I.SUf l'KSit ,
"Jodd, or Union. Cass nmniv
one of the pioneer nomilmt ..f .J
- I " IIJV
state, at one time candiihiff. f,.r
or on the greenback ticket, gave us a! Tn T innAl.. mi ,
I'N-a.sant call today. Mr. Todd all! COlll Will be
Vint A If.. ; it . .
'.-V- j tit.
toryville Hour.
ii ...
Ji.-J. i nase. a r r.r i...,. i
came to Lincoln Tuesday ti . i
his wife registered at the Windsor with
. I . .Aslileigh.a fnion I'ai-ifi....,,!,,...
. 1 "V.
m-ii anu wne. J bey changed lodg
"iff to th city bastile
and Wednesday Cnase and his wife
Kissed and made
paid all the costs. j
;oodrich,SRroveiiearCi.fiif.r.M,,.... 1 frnnrt Or,nni, ,
c I uesday, ne of the old fashioned i , Ce and
Kind. It was i....r . ifleiD f!filPhrnto
Last Lincoln Christian chun-b ,t..
newpaMor, l!ev. Hilton embraced the' .
J Monday, . Sepr. 2,
ri nn o
oruiortuni'v tn
" ri"ieu wr. i tiiK
Your subscription is due in ad
vance. I'ay up.
'M'rtiit;op in bn,!,Z ..1'. ...
........ - " U tliur
'. Mlh'
- w w . ,
And All Points East. 't?
Choice of Two Routes fJ. '
' From KANSA8 CITY to
Vud All Points m ;
tween KANSA8 CiTY and St. LOOM
ificett p..,, Equipment, ?
Mejrant D.y Coacbee,
ivri i.ningutiairCars. Seats ir.i
ro..wan Bullet Sleeping Cars.
,. O. Torrlisvn.
Ceu.!'hei!ger Ticket Aft.
SI-. T
I '1M fi f Thi.