1 A I1' i't -6 A TERKIFIC SEILMOlrrd-teSlI ON HICH-TONED CLERG OF DENVER. COLO. V.f Kev. F. F. Fawmore of the M. K. Churi h Wari'hmi-n Hml She jilirds "jprtaching Christ and Flirting with Gamblers and Harlots at liallot Hoi." Rev. F. F. Passinore of the Methodist Episcopal church and member of the Colorado conference, recently preached a sermon which is attracting a wide spread attention, owing to the pro nounced views, fearlessly expressed, re parding evils of the present time and the apathy of the church in dealing with wrong. We can only present a few quotations from the sermon, which was preached from the text: "I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel." Ezekiel 33:7. "Feed my sheep." John 21:15-17. Mr. Passmore said: "Watchmen are men who are appointed to look out for danger, and when they see it to give the alarm and warn the people. "Shepherds are men who are to look after sheep all the sheep and all the interests of the sheep. "Studying the ministry of our church from the standpoint of the above scrip t'TtVl am impressed with the fact that the greatest failure of the age is the ministry. I find the ministry in our church, as a class, the most worldly, unfaithful and cowardly that it has ever been. The church is worldly, formal and unspiritual, and has lost her power for good; yet the church is on as high a plane as her leaders. "When I look over the age I see crime of every description and violence on the increase, murder, lynching, suicide, adultery, drunkenness, gam bling, defalcation, the oppression of the poor, political corruption, the outrag ing of womanhood and girlhood; in a word, the passions of men the worst, the most infernal and devilish are running riot. I am constrained to stop and ask what our ministers, who are supposed to be the opposers of all sin, are doing? I am sorry to say that I find them, even to our bishops, throw ing their influence in favor of all these sins and crimes. It is a sad state for the church, and a gloomy condition for the country, when the ministry and the corrupt and criminal classes are working hand in hand, and walking side by side, as the preachers, saloon men and other corrupt and vile classes are doing. "Just as the preachers stood for the divine right of kings in the days of Cromwell, and for the king and the nobility in the days preceding the French revolution, and upheld the slave-holder in the anti-slavery strug gle; so our bishops, elders, editors, college professors and the pastors of our great churches are standing by the rich and supporting them in outraging the poor. "For men to pretend to preach Christ and then go to the ballot box and sup port the worst men, and the most devil ish and infernal sins and crimes of this age, is about the baldest and loud est hypocrisy that has been made open to the world for ages. How much more staunch supporters of sin can our bish ops become than to favc; licensing saloons, and support a party that now favors licensing the prostitution of womanhood? This is worshiping at the shrine Of the rich and the vile with a vengeance. I am no longer surprised at the inefficiency of the ministry; the corruption in politics; the deadness of the church; the development of trusts; the growth of monopolies; the wealth e the few; the poverty of the many: the brutality of crime; the desecration of the Sabbath; the increase of infi delity; the rapid growth of im morality. "I am no longer surprised at the con dition of the church, the country and the age, when I think that our bishops and great preachers, with few excep tions, have joined with corrupt poli ticians, gamblers, saloon men, Sabbath breakers, prostitutes, money-changers and ' the opponents of the poor and weak. Instead of driving the money-changers from the temple, they are invited in and made welcome. Dare anyone think for a moment that such preachers are preaching Christ, living his spirit, and representing his doctrines to the world? Christ's doctrines, principles and spirit would change all these things and would bring about an era of well-being to mankind. The trouble with our age is that Christ is not being preached in our great churches by our great preachers. "Great churches in whose pulplta stand men sending forth peels of im passioned oratory for the pleasure of a few rich and favored, and never a word for the thousands of poor, hungry and cold of humanity, who have lpen brought to this distress by the very men who are sitting enraptured by such eloquence, Is about as far from being the true spirit of Christ as heaven Is from hell. Some women and children j irking up coal In the great rich city of Denver to keep from freezing, while ether women and children in the sa ne city are worshiping (?) Co in a two-nuniireu-and-hfty-tln'.. sand-dollar Methodist church jn.1? a few blocks away, with tie edded luxury of sotil-enrfivixV ins - music from a thirty - thousand dollar organ. Does nny sane man. rt ut cr sinner, believe for a moment t m tither of these pictures the one on tl.e river, or the other on'Capitol H.I - i-.v the products of Christianity? 1'ithu people in the bottoms were net sofour, the people on the hill woulc not'c o rich. If the people on the h 11 w.is not ri rich, the people on tl.j 1 .. totn vuld not be so poor. Yet e t ftve .0. V and schools of theolf. t tit tre baching thnt both these c'jndliy.Df are Ue results of Christianity Laog on the words of our bishops and i popular preachers, are the men who are I ! corrupting our politics, oppressing the poor debauching womanhood are the' men! who do not listen to great prearn-f ers but pay them high salaries, and,' build the fine churches. Our bishop and great preachers are. living in such, style of opulence and affluence, and j moving in circles of such magnificent I splendor, that the poor cannot pay tn bills, and cannot, therefore, hope fo their svmnathv. The ministry shoul live such a plain, simple life as to 1 able to breathe the air of full freedom and perfect independence, which would enable them as ambassadors of God to be faithful and true to all classes of men. "Our great ministers in this state with Chancellor McDowell, last fall and also last April, joined hands with the corrupt politicians, gamblers, saloon men and fallen wom en of Market street to 'redeem,' the state and city. They succeeded, and as one of the results of the 'redeeming.' Denver was never so nearly turned over to the criminal elements, and gambling and prostitution were never so flourishing as now. A fine lot of 'redeemers!' Preachers, chancellors, university professors, saloon men and gamblers and scarlet women. A fine lot of 'redeemers' such a lot as re deemed Babylon, Tyre, and Rome just before those great powers fell. A fiie set of reforming preachers, preaching a little about Christ in the pulpit and flirting with gamblers and scarlet women at the ballot box. "The fact is that bishops and leading ministers have gone away from the true work of watchmen and shepherds. It is to-day as Dr. Hamilton said in an address before the Colorado confer ence at Boulder last summer, that a "hireling ministry perpetuated slav ery.' "See what the bishops, editors, elders and old preachers now on deck have bequeathed to us. They have left to us a desecrated Sabbath, about three millions of drunkards, an annual death harvest for predition of about one hun dred and fifty thousand drunkards, two hundred and fifty thousand sa loons, patriotism almost dead, expiring, four million tramps, the rich are grow ing richer, and the poor growing poor er; the rich in power, controlling the navy, army and government; the gen eral government the most corrupt the world ever saw; two saloons running full blast in the capitol of the world's republic. These are only a few of the conditions that a compliant, complac ent, obsequious time-serving and man pleasing ministry have left to this age for solution. And amid all this de generacy and moral disintegration, these old brothers of ours are not turn ing over a hand to save or -reform the age. They are so busy with the saloon men, gamblers and scarlet women 're deeming' the state, that of course they have no time (?) and less disposition to spend their time on trifles. It would never do to neglect such weighty mat ters as 'redeeming' the state and city, if the church and Sabbath, and manhood and justice and right go to. perdition. "Such a minif try p.s this never blazed out new highway tax c progressive and "arching r.v.pti-.-.'.r- ' a ministry uu-r wiil'rptect rich tt the cb.tr -t and supprt "t w.Up-v i& office,;!. ;! ways he deiV.4ci or, tfce near! -4 women as 't,?.''iCa' ' --.- "We have"' ?y a bishop nor great preacher that is thunlering against shiners and corruptions thac are overturn;; our homes, the church aud-j.rt.ioH itself. Our great preachers uf 1 7 are preaching fir U( salaries, fine , uanMons and sumptuous living; ant , hey are getting them." 1 It Nf-viT Forty-five jears ago the slave owo of the sout! wen; arrayed in oppc-.it lot to Mrs. StoweV book "Uncle l'CV1 Cabin" ju;U as the money power is day aeains t "Coin's Financial School At that t-'me it was charged thit h-n book was i tissue of falsehood an! fic tion. ""Affb-ivits were published to rrov. that there were no such characters a; too slave driver Legree or Topsy or Un ite Tty- It was a fiction. No'.'v ".: sound money league send, out aO avits that the dialogues re ported ii the "School" never took place; as Mr. Horr says, it "never wuz. " Mrs Stowe wrote a "key to i"nde Tom's Cabin." Thi Harvey-Horr debate will 1 e the Key til CUIII r main. mi .niiuvi. Fi iion is a favorite plan of reaehln vl idle mind. th Fat and figures will now V t in I whee lthey would only pa -ted I tin not iced, iie ey to Uncle for th t ii:ve' Tom's CuUn" ' n y i f tacts wnicn nna oe d puu t,i id L. t ere not read by tl. mil- f t- r (, "jtilng the story whiih had I t ci - v.itiously attacked by t. rul 1 jg i, iv of)'" e time, the facts exited ! i U. "Vr,,-" proved a clincher. Uncle j ("on ts C'bf n" Awakened the peop e dur- j ir- l In- vie fttn and the 1 ' Vem to-day. "School ' h n 1'n -'ebP, s. is oniy nringing out wtt.u 1, .a !, en loSd a thousand times o n It'.iui ng e; !v t will now b rad by I,,. ,iin..B. Un leTr f'sbin" freed the i !av-s (arty y"aiu, ' m. "Coin's F hw 10 School" will lend to freed m f Vm tt'c money power. ! U wll. do tliis. fven though ..K a I ' School -' It "lever' wuz." leelin'T democratic The lee iin democratic papeiit of MisslFsipiil tA tba. there will & unity of the! n "paper men In sup porting th' ii"moiratic ticket, no matter whal t i-ilcn lb party may 'ake on financlAl n, ,tte;r. Of course- p-riy lfore prl it il'. t the policy ,f pafli' paper throupUout tit all old I i nation. l v is CXt'I.U SAM "CucKi I'd Better Drstroy Thone Smkfrd Crowing I'p from the Root? nl Tn,,n the rani:he W1U Bear Giiod Fruit.' British Conservator, London, July 3, 1895. At no distant day we will have. to deal vc' a New American party, made up of the anti-English (anti-single gold standard, rather) elements of the RepubUcVs Democratic parties. By throwing their support to the New People's Party next year they may succeed in oveieely JS bot,n Democratic and Republican parties. -MjSk.' FEEE SILVER IS SURE. COLD STANDARD ADVOCATES ABANDON HOPE. Tlielr Crowd Now Knterlnj; the Specnla tive Market and Buying Silver Bui ilon by the Million Why the Price of Silver Is ItUlng. Ciiftantlc Combine." Under the above heading, the so- called "metropolitan press" of the coun try, that is, the press that has been hired or bought to make the fight of the English money-lenders and buyers of American bonds, stocks and mortgages, !su8 been showing up the alleged com bination of "western mine-owners and speculators in silver bullion." The ob ject of this alleged combination Is said to be to make a profit of the rather neat sum of $75,000,000. It is claimed that the combine has already acquired con trol of silver bullion worth at present nmrjket rates about $75,000,000. This bullion is stored, and the daily output of the mines is being bought and added to the stock on hand. The plan of the combine is said to be to enter politics and secure the adoption of the free coinage policy. "The moment the Utiite I States government determines to coin all silver brought to its mints as it now coins gold, that moment sil ver bullion will double in value, com manding as high a price as it ever com manded in the history of the world." Thus It is that the silver speculators expect to suddenly convert $75,000,000 of silver bullion into $150,000,000 of law ful, debt-paying, 100-cent dollars, near ly half of which will be net profit. The following quotation from the ar ticle alluded to will speak for itself: "The combination is playing desper ately and courageously tor a splendid rti ke. If it can force this government Into free coinage it stands to make any- where from $50,000,000 to $75,000,000, ; depending on the time, the amount of bullion it will have on hand, and other Circumstances and conditions now largely speculative. "People have wondered at the extent, tie dash, the persistence, and force if the free silver campaign. They have marveled at the energy displayed by the apostles of silver, their ability to cover territory, and the unfailing regu larity with which the leaders turn up in the thick of the fight, whether ac tivity is centered in Memphis, New Or leans, Denver, Springfield. Chicago or Kentucky. Most of the talkers of note are poor men statesmen out of jobs jet they travel In palace cars, put up at ! e best hotels, take long jumps, and iif here, there and everywhere, mar- t baling forces, Infminx enthusiasm In I i the masses and Urping up Interest ! i' jvery known artifice. 'How can they ih: it? "The answer Is r-lmple. The silver ombine Is paying the bill. The silver ampaign now raging with such an ap wsrance of violet u in half the states f the Union Is inspired by the silver nrsplrators. an I Is purely ns business 4 t enterprise a hf:t. a pork, or a 1 1 "k "corner' mr ,. it 1 sordid (nn the jrrc s..l up. . ; :a cleverly have the conspirators kept themselves in the background that the truth is only beginning to appear. Even now many of the details are lacking, but the main fact is known, and the particulars will be filled in as they come to light. The great mass of silver bullion has been acquired by the combination un der 70 cents per ounce. If the cam paign now on foot can be carried to a successful issue, the holders hope to be able to unload at $1.20 and above. By keeping up the agitation they imag ine that within two years they will se cure such legislation as they need. "The campaign will be directed for the remainder of the summer, as it has been thus far, from the Plaza Hotel, in Xew York City. It is there that the wires of the silver bullion combination center. It is from there that the finan cial and political operations of the con spiracy originate and are given form. The contributing members living in San Francisco, Helena, Salt Lake City, Denver, Cheyenne, Omaha, St. Louis, Baltimore, Washington, Philadelphia, New York and London, keep in touch with their representatives and trustees in New York, though the details of the management of the campaign are mat ters for star chamber deliberation. The, magnitude and working power of the silver combination is only dimly real ized as yet, but It will not be long be fore its full extent and significance are laid bare before the world." The foregoing is suggestive cf at least three things: First, that throw ing ppen our mints to the free coinage cf silver will enhance Its bullion value to the full limit of its face value as money, just as the most rabid eilvcrites have always claimed. Second, that the speculators of the large cities care only for their pockets and use politics, poli ticians and people solely for purposes of private gain. Hitherto, the specula tors have stood for gold monometallism, because of the profits they have seen for themselves in such a course. Now some of them, for exactly the 6ame rea son, favor free coinage of silver. Third, that the gold speculators from this time on are to be met and fought by the sil ver speculators by the same means and methods which the gold speculators, since 1S73, have so suc cessfully employed to enrich themselves and plunder the people. Let the fight go on, but let the peo ple remember thnt good as free coin age of silver will be, and sure to come as it is,, that their interests demand, among other things: 1. Gold, silver and paper legal ten der money. 2. The abolition of national tanks. 3. Government ownership of rail roads and telegraph lines. 4. The preservation of the land for the people. Vox I'opull. NOTES AND C 1MENTS. The Kentucky Populists are prepar ing for a grand light In that state. The chairman of the state central commit tee has Issued a circular letter calling for the co-operation of Populists In otLrr states, and asking for donations t of money atd littrature from ctates g tse ro lectio ts this men year. This is a good idea. Every nch of ground we gain in Kentucky and otuer states holding elections this year will help us in the fight next year. The Popnlists in Kentucky have a good plat form, and they have the pluck to make a good fight. They ought to have all the assistance from outside the state that is possible to give. Contributions for this purpose sent to J. A. Parker, Paducah, Ky., chairman of the state central committee, will be sacredly de voted to the cause. Let all Popiilista help some. The Harvey-Horr debate is over. It Is significant for several things, not the least of which is that Mr. Horr was so effectually whipped that the pluto cratic papers would not publish the dis cussion. Notwithstanding the fact that the gold bugs arranged for the debate, and challenged Mr. Harvey, it is now very plain that for their side It was a great mistake. But what were they to do? Harvey's book was crushing the life out of their cherished theories and bid fair to accomplishing the over throw of their system. How was all this effect to be counteracted? -They could prohibit the sale of the book on some of the railroads, but that only added to Its sales elsewhere. They be thought themselves to crush the author and the book at once by over-matching Harvey in debate. They sent east and imported one of the best-posted gold bugs they could find, and also one of the most invincible debaters. That Horr's own papers and friends will not publish the discussion is a plain and undoubted admission of his overwhelming defeat. Bring out an other hoss. One of the facts that should not be lost sight of In this financial discussion is that the men who are clamoring loudest for "honest money," as they call it, are themselves dishonest. They have never yet made a bargain with the people's representatives that did not savor of fraud, and in some caws fraud was so apparent that if the mat ter had been appealed to an honest court (If we had one) it would have been set aside. In proof of this asser tion we need only to refer to the so called credit strengthening act of 18C9, by which $1,500,000,000 in bonds were declared payable in a currency worth from 30 to 40 cents on the dollar more than that for which they were sold; to the demonetization of silver in 1S73, and again In 1S93; to the exception clause which they had tacked on to the greenback, thus making a better money for themselves than they did for the soldiers who were risking their lives on the battlefield; entering into a con spiracy to produce the panic of 1893 for (he purpose of Influencing Congress to demonetize silver to the end that more interest-bearing bonds be Issued; the deal made by Cleveland, Carlisle and Company, by which they trans ferred the keeping of the credit of the t'nl'ed Stiles ovrr to a syndicate, pay ing the syndicate $9,000,000 coma'.is- mn in ite transaction. This is the class of men who are clnmering for an Lcnect dollar, which, with tLem meaEJ a Col'. r. HE COKNTRKl) J0M. UNCLE SHERMAN MUST RISE AND EXPLAIN. How Illd the Nllvcr Drop Out of the law of IHIsr Ou the Track of the CrluiiimW After Twenty Vears Who Dot torxl the B1IIT The Chicago Inkr-Oeean of July 22 rontaJned a striking editorial on. the result of the Horr-llarvey debate up to that time. In fact it is so pointed , that we can't resist the temptation to ' reproduce a large part of it in a con spicuous way. It will be observed that it calls on John Sherman to rise and explain his part in the demonetiza tion of silver in 1873. It correctly says ' that the time has come for Sherman, to speak. Mr. Harvey has tracked him so closely and so accurately that be is , treed, and no one but himself can ex plain how he got in the hole or how . be can get out. This is highly interest ing, considering that the Inter-Ocean is a very loyal and prominent republic an paper and Sherman an extra- prominent republican leader. Here t what the Inter-Ocean says: "Both disputants give considerably prominence to a silver dollar that never?" existed nor was ever authorized, bu'lt deserves even more prominence than it has ever had. We refer to tha' pro posed dollar of 384 grains, character ized by Mr. Sherman at the time as a dollar that will float around the world. It was in the bill, as was also the trade dollar of 420 grains, when Senator Sherman, as chairman of the committee on finance, explained it to the senate. How did it get out of there? Mr. Horr read a letter from an ex-congressman, Mr. Packard, of New Albany, Ind., la which he says that the trade dollar was substituted for it, but the explanation given by Mr. Sherman at the .time speaks of both being In, so Mr. Pack ard's memory is at fault. Such a mis take would be easy. Twenty-two yearB . is a long time In the life of one man. The ctatemcnt of Mr. Sherman was si ' ' follows: " 'Again, Mr. Sherman in speaking ol the silver dollar on that day, "said! "We are providing that it shall float all over the world." Again he said (Forty-second congress, vol. 1, p. 972): "This bill proposes a silver coinage ex actly the same as the French and what are called the associated nations of Europe (meaning the Latin Union), who have adopted the international stand ard of silver coinage; that is, the dol lar provided for by this bill is the pre cise equivalent of the five-franc piece. , It contains the same number of grains of silver; and we have adopted the in ternational gram instead of the grain ft,sa standard of our silver coinage. The 'trau?i?ollar' nas een at1oPl, mainly for th?aP1,? o California and others engaged in t wittl 9hina That is the only coin na2ed th0 ?rain instead of by the B-tV intrinsic value of each is to be si-Ai"" upon the coin." ' "This Is a perfectly plain statement, its candor and explicitness testifying to its sincerity. It is well known that the trade dollar stayed in the bill and proved a failure. It did no harm, at least none of consequence, but it failed flatly of its purpose. But the French dollar, as it might be called, did no' materialize. It was lost somewhere c the road to enactment. Mr. Horr see ' quite unable to account for its rtf terious fate, except by introducing Packard letter, which the Shi1 statement Just quoted disproves. . , Sherman still lives, and if he cao-l light upon the subject now Is the 'ac-" ceptable time' to do it. Senator Alii- ; son referred specially to that dollar of 384 grains in his speech in the senate on Feb. 15, 1878. when he said: " 'But when the se.net history of this bill of 1873 comes to be told it will dis close the fact that the house of repre sentatives intended to coin both gold and silver, and intended to place both metals upon the French relation in stead of on our own, which was the' true scientific position in reference to this subject in 1873, but tiftt bill after ward was doctored.' " 'Doctored' was the right word to i use. Who was the physician who mada the prescription? Who was the phar macist who compounded It? Who the nurse who administered it? Mr. Hort' utterly and totally refused to discuss at all the testimony of senators and congressmen, PresideD Grant, and Speaker Blaine, to the effect that they had no idea at the time that the act of 1S73 demonetized silver, or had in it any radical change In our money. Mr. Harvey could get from his nothing on that vital point of the debate." nt r Ownership. A writer in The Century for Vine ti says that "the average English flty spends aoout nair as mucn on us . v ernment as an American city of same size, at-d gets about twice as rj' for it." But then it must be explained "England has boldly undertake municipalization of monopolies. writer continues by way of expla:: In many towns the gas works, rj railways, and electric plants art lie property. Even baths, Ian lodging houtes and tenement B sometimes belong to the city, the England. ( From these sources large r are derived, which lighten the , of the city tax-payers by much. Of course we can't hav system tn America; it would ' ternallsni." So we turn all the lies r-f light, railways, etc., ov control of corporations whlc m h t xcrmttnt prices nn they j Miiile will ;r.nd. a And we thin'., v e lll:e it V Dircctcr. -t. i S-. 1 V 1 -s ' v I 4 ft i f 1 JLLL. ,t f 0