VI I THE AMERICAN, j , , a . , . . , I h a I , i, t, . I l Popular Medical SOCIAL & Till: AMIiKU'AN .. . s - " ' "i Science t) . . ' - , i ' ' i i .' . V -i -i ' - ' 't ! I - - ' " I I I ! e.oi l iw i i.l-K-rt It t !!,,: l I . .1 i,n I1 I l. i h., In I I i . . ! (I ' 'r ' .i : t , t I , ' i f I ; t) I. . i . i . Ii .i'H t I ' M . I I t . -I I I I ! t 1 ' , ,.. . I IB J .ti II It I jl.,,,,! I.. It I I t'l !.( ,! l,i I ttnrtn tif t"id II ,! f, j n,,. n ltiifiitt ie! "IHM! tfc " I Sensible M for Curious IV rlc I mIqI M U hmttj, If tHMil It l I'V- I. ; i 1 1 1 1 e II t ! (!HtlH len II Ut M HUM', H, I I I I i ! I f 1,1 I- " t i i, , , i ,', .( if , fif . ). , 1 lr t, I . t t Or O't e V f W lw c I 0 1 IM- 1 ! i . j i -.i f i l,i I . It. m n i t O ' l ( it .1,. i ,..., W .-.1 ... t lNf t . - t" " !- (rsw rrt n l ' '' HlMI ,". .f" t ' .i t im - IMrORlANI. w-at t. ' ' u waaat 4 ' iw JOHN C. THOMPSON, link a4 tml t- The lMn.U of Mon timing li mit ,h mlil .) hf n-'l he Amnl. Ki. Tir " ,"','n tier Ihe rtlltottal maiiaarmi id of Joint II. ltinr lll HrH lit rcllnmeut from the iriwniilli" imwIHoii lie Iia tni long ami al'ly ami o featleMlv fllleit on thai apcr. wl.Utt iwcuiretl lth the lue of Annuo! 15, 't will ihry may, for I ho vrry w m if U( T) li-r I'liiHuliu'tl a vmy rom-llla-Uiy nnl a hlKhly cnmmi'tulniory HI tmlnl of JcauHlfHl Uonir'a alUtiltlf" In ward FiiM'maNonry-anmHhlHg thul aa iirvir pormlltt'tl wlill Ih'iiwiictl aa at t ho hilmnml Ihul, loo, hll mu h illHialt h a na Ihla ro tn li foinul In i dully i'm of Ihla rouniiy: Niw York, Hrpl. I. A HiH-h to lhn Jouimtl ami AiIvimIIhit from liMinca aaya; Th anil lxi-yfiw rt'a of I'iu Ih ai't'in tt 1'ilnU lliry airmk a vital lilow nl 41m ilift'iiHo tli In montltiK nvIkii tlii'y jirlnlfd pioofa (hut lri-fiiH In a Kri't' itMHOti. Thla (luit'K luia fivuiiill.v Ikci niailo hy lhn falliolli' pnaa, wlilt h la I'quiilly hit (ft MKiilunt Drryfim Hint tha MiiaoiiM, Iml up to now proof hit 1mu lurking. Yrwlenlity, however, tMinuMHio furnlNlii'tl Mllli'voya of l-ti J'alrln lih a copy of Uik ofTli liil report of lhn auprenifl Mnaonle connill of Franca for 1H!!I, wherein Iheyfna nj- -tM'ara a hnln lakrnlht thlrty-arn'onil -"Tli'Riw , The Idea la Hint Ihla will liiDieucr the Catholic JihIcm, (wu lit leaat of whom are very active piirllmma of (heir faith, There la no doubt Hint Ihla la more or Icaa trim, Win n one renda Hint and tlnn rend the editorial apokeu of nliove which appeared In th" Tyler he nnliirally wondera if llrownell luia heen aucceed ed ly a .lemult. If not, how can we Hccoiint for thla editorial ? The London Chronicle of London, lCiiRlnnd, Iiiih, for aoine time paat, Klven over Ma colitinna to Itoinan Culh olc cnrretiponilenla who dlacima Krce maaniiry and tlie bun phiced uhui it 1y I he Tloinhdi church, While a few of I ha l llr have heen written In the Intolerant aplrll, we liava heen accnatonied to expect ntnoiiR Itomlali wrltera when dcalliiK with the milijet t of FreeniMaonry.yet (he greater majority of them moat certainly dla lday a more rational aentlment, and would acem to call for a friendly and 4'ourlcmia conalderatlon at the hand of ineinheri of the craft, who, for the flrat time In I ha hlalory of the oppo sition of Home to our iIhIiikm, appear tn Im regarded mora :m fellow-men and lirolhera, rather than Inmlcla Intent on the overthrow of religion -or n Mich'ty aiihly ngKreaalva to It t itn ;t it Inm, The Tyler In ninth gratified nl the apparent awakening of thewe progrea hive ItoiiuinlHta, The uhl riiwlilonnl Higiinienta of Homan Cutholle wrltera that riciiiiiisoiiry la Imd, hecauae It la hud, and that It U tenlhly wli kid 1ecauae the head of their church hnv atild an - have, for Hie flrat time In our iperlence, been challenged by Cntho llia who appear to have an opinion of their own, and do not haltafa to en ures It; and we can hut acknowledge a feeling of aatlnfacllon that It la tu tor we are firmly convinced that once Jtoman Cathollia have the pluck, or aeeura the neceaaary permlNidon, to examine Fteernaaonry for themaelvea, they will aoon And It la by no nieana the "bogey" they havo alwaya been taught to conalder It, and a better tinderatandlng all round muat tiecea aarlly result, Thla corrcapondenca luia brought to the front member of the Itomleh church who boldly aak why they are Itrohlblted from Joining an luatltutlon which ha the aupport and patronage of the lilgheet In thn land, and which r(;fcaae and practlcea the beat prln rlleg of their religion; and more than una of the writer ha evinced a deter mutation to overrlda prleatly Inlerfer we In thla particular, and go atralght lo thn head of their church for an explanation of the prohibition, and, it , , t I . n .i t M . It" l -lt. ( lt- ItHl I , t 4 ' 1 , , , . tt hr C tM l l t ttf I. , ,i : . Ui I'n tui.n nt br lil (M M , i( tt. h hkii a ! t '" m An' tti- ,.f a m ., !!i,!t tf tmifiiH toiiw , but It U 1i Hft vi )! tl tnH,t t (.'' ,. ,. iitt. m , Ih ait f it "o t,li )tntiM irpm. t ii) gtftttt.tieg :P In It"" nth dii- Don We okIv ak fr a fulr and !' i,,iihlriHin of our polllin a op d to the fiitfl plduie oiijHH'd up III tltP luind" of our llld npniun litu in the HotiiMt i bur h A T CIUHITY. .I.miiI Ittiwllng ha aaaln appared In a elgned article In the Wot Id Herald and thla lime he Jeaultlcally aaeall the iharlty of the late Colonel Holier! II, tngrraoll. He diM-a not ay that Ingerwdl waa not charltahle, but he want to know wherein hi charity cxleted or of whet It coiihlated - a- miming thai where there waa ao great a pretenne there ahould be aome out ward, vlalble evidence. Without nenmlng the role of n de fender of the dead aguoatlc, but aaautii lug the ground taken by Ihla Jeault, whit know neither law. loyalty or morality from the code which lie wa taught, and which he, In obedience and under coinpulMlon, ngulnat reiiaon and In tho face of facia, tenchea to othera, we nek, aa doea the Urea! Teacher In the New Teatumetit. "Why beholdeat thou the mote that la In thy brother' eye, but conalderral not the beam Hint la In thine own eye?" We have heard In the day a. that are gone of the great harlty of Hie Hotlety of Joan (how blaapheimiua! . and we know that their rnrdlnnl vow are poverty and obedi ence, amuimod no doubt that they may the more conveniently practice charily. Yet mi one of any repute ha ever yet recorded Hie fact Hint that preaumptu- nu aoclety, collectively or aa Individ ual, had ever auccored an Individual or a community In the hour of lla dla- treaa, yet tha aoclety of the Jeault I probably the rlcheat of the many fabu uloualy wealthy order which permeate the t nurch of Home; and all It wealth haa been filched from the people under vnrluua, aye manifold falae pretenac -the chief of which pretetiaea being that the order wa a charitable and n ben evolent I ii nt II nl Ion . We are glad that thl Jeault, who pine for public notoriety, who, with out provocation, vault Into the very nler of the editorial page of n con temporary, ha choaen thl aubject of charity for hi theme, a It afford u an opportunity to, unveil hi aoclety' game-that of wheedling money from the feeble-minded and the devout rich for n piirpoao lhntauuilng the ground Inkrn by the Jeault- ha aa yet been unfulfilled. If It la neceaaary for Colonel JngeiaoH' friend to produce u caae, alnguliir and noteworthy, of charity, to prove that he wa entitled to tun credit that attache to great chin It) ami unfeigned liberality, will not Jehiiit Howling feel It Incumbent lipuii rim, elnce lie, for bla aoclety iniiet receive many donation and he ,pn i fur the apecltle cauae of charily, die ii (tingle noteworthy Inatance of the ihiirity of hi order? If not, why? We me ao lined to the tumid ot iih ii who, l:Un aiiiikea, uiiiiiate Hiemnelvea, aim crawl Into every posalblit poaltlon wii' ie they think to advance and en Inline Jetiiiltlkiu, and then, when i lialli tiged for lhn proof of their pre liin luim, which muet be almllar lo Ciom dicy lmva an vocifcroualy tl" maimed of another, glide nolaeealtv haik Int'i (heir den iint'l another iiiintdclou moment, then aa alletitly and a adroitly worm (hemelvea back Into o position to command public at tention, that we ahull expect thl par lUular member of thla band of peat (o aneuk to hi retirement without mi nulling tha ilenlred proof and then, when the Incident I forgotten, brazen ly reappear to advlaa and nettle quo. Hon of both national and Interna tional importance. Km h 1 Jeaultlam, Such will b the attitude of Howling, j tn e.j ,..t , leoi't' . n t -' ' i ' ht. l e,i It-tr tl miu and t ti . hi l ptt (i(tl i ti V -t , l . m t. t,fd d.dir it II l Im bi and , mien I iii-,hr a t--l iitili ileilill idiuiIxi f,irt i '"t I ititn ioi Klvm IM fxl ittde, Ixtl rhiM, ht alien we . we wie no null tn mil' rbti ,t Ibe WMoii alainUiil wedilii ' mlnid to tum tompleielv anniiid and do onlv lhie Iblua whhh We found kmiii tinned In the tm, lilna of CIkIkI There we found Hie ibMiitno of bnuh illy love permeated ever) eniteme, end thai w antiielhlng we had never piaitl.ed, alrnply doing unto nthcr a we would that they ahould do unto u. Hut we got hold of the dotlrlne wrung and while we woibed bard lo do a we liellevoil i nrini lauani. we ihiuh llnd no atom of love for I hone whom we had perelHtcntly and coiiaclentlona y npiiiieed for more (ban acven year. We aaw In Ihla a falling abort of the bloat, and ateadfiiHlly atudlod the word of Hod for light on Hie nuentlon. Tin ally It came, We took up (he fl.uentlon, Who waa Chrlid brother?" and when we had allowed Him to nnawer, we found no dltllculty In practicing broth erly love, Chrlai waa teaching and Ilia mother and Ilia brut her came necking Him and the word waa carried lo Jean and lloanawercd I Malt, xll., IN, 4!) and Mi); Who U my mother and who are my brethren?" And he alretclied forth III bund toward HI dlaclplc and aald, 'Heboid my mother and my brethren! I'or whoaoever ahall do the will of my Knl her which la In Heaven, the aame la my brother, and alater, and mother," cleiirly ludlcallug Hint only thoae who did the will of Ilia Father who I in lleaVen wa a member of the family. If that would not aottla who wa en titled to a brother' love thl luatanca would; "I pray for them; f pray not for the world, but for litem which thou haat given me, Neither pray I for Iheae.itloue,. but tfor thepi alao which ahall believe on me through I heir word" (John xvll., It ami 20.) Hut, you any, If they are not our brother, then are they not our neigh bor and ahould we not love our neigh bor a ouraelvea? That I ChrUF doctrine, Hut who I a neighbor, ac cording to JcNiia' definition? (In to 1. like x, and read the parable found in thn to the Itttfh verae; "And behold a certain lawyer atood up and templed film, aeying, 'Mimter, wh'tt ahall I do to Inherit eternal Ufa?' He aald unto him, 'What I written in Ilia law? How readent thou?' And he auawerlng, aald: 'Thou ahait lova tha Lord thy (lod with all I by heart, and with alt thy aoul, and with all thy alreiigth, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbor aa ihyaelt,' And He aald unto him, 'Thou Itnai anawered right; thla do and thou ahall live,' Hut he, willing to Jimllfy hlmacif, nht unto Ji-atia, 'And who la my neighbor?' And Jemia nnewerlng, anld, A certiiln lit tt ft went down from Jei iiMiilem to Jerb ho, and fell among thieves, who atilpped Ii I m of bla raiment and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead, And by chance there cant" down a cerium prion) Hint way, mid when he aaw him he pitxxod by on the other able, And llkewlae u Levlie, when be waa at the ibicn, cnnie and looked and piiHNed by on the other able, but, a ceiialn Hatuarlliin, aa Im Journeyed, dime where he waa, and when he aaw hi tn he hint rompmialnn, and went to him and bound up hi wound, pouring In oil and wine and ei him on hi own beaat, and brought him to an Inn, and took eara of him, And on the morrow, when ha departed, he took out two pence and gav to the hot, and aald unto hint, "Take care of him, and whntnoever thou apendent more, when I come again t will repay thee, Which, now, of these three tlilnket thou waa neighbor unto him that fell among th thieve?' And he aald: 'Ho that anewed mercy on him,' Then aald Jean unto It I in ; 'Ho and do thou like wine.'" Thl clearly Indicate that I ill. nm Will t i Cfhnli ulled i 1 .i n b"i)' e It ti ! tn Iha 1 jt.l I'MIHIN M. I.IHIHIN X MVUti MiK IteM' I a nce fiiuti Catdlhal iiittlxn "To the p.iple of whulcvn fallh, have n.oiKKo, huve innli.b Inc. Ho mai ler how ! ' weluhlid down ly piml htn, -hilt' bbid will make )ou fine," iiinaha World Herald I lo II where due the ItoliVih Catholic pro! with hi prajera or maw for the dead come In? HIIiImiu I fooling (be greet man of the people, or the Church of Home la fooling all of her eottimimlcatita. Hither the Human Cut hollo Cardinal (ilbbon I deceiving the public i.i (hat meamtge, or he haa deceived and robbed every Homan Catholic for whom he ha ever aald ma, H ia not often Unit tlto father ntnl at ii, hoth iiiiintiging etlitor of a iluily paper at (lilfeieut perioila, are, at ilillVrent time, acctiacil in the columns of oilier ilaily paper, with having raped or rcduc 'd j;iil in their em ploy, yet aneli charge have lccn puhlialied nnaint IMwatd Homo. water and hU aon Victor l!o(e waler, hotli now connected with t ho ltee; and lite woral of it i, the charo-CH have not hceiijnude hy innendo, hut have lcen alat. eil in a hold and fear leu iniiii. nor go hold and mo fcarltH that tho people imiat wonder at their ncrvo in attemplinj; to iinieociato with rept ctahht people and in their effort lo diclato the nominationi an well im lhn pol icy of tho great Uepuhlioan pal ly in Nohraaka. Theso chared may fiirnish tho key to tho mip. port no ardently and periialenl ly accorded certuln vicious char itclcr who havo stood fur ollice in tho pait, A "fellow feeling would niako thoni woinl'roui kind," If ihcao cliarfjeiaro not dinproved it wotihhiot ho out of order for thorn to tin full a hiiu tier overthcir headuurtern with lhlniiiMcripliou, ' Virg'niH Utiindd II ore." THM I'OI'l.THY HOCTOIl, If you are Inlereated In poultry, by alt inenn end cent In poatag't atitmpa lo (be Aoclaled fancier, 4011 North Third at reel, I'lilliidelphlit, 'a for their new book, on the ithteiiacN of poiiltty. Although rompiirallvoly umiill, It In ao couclii", term and lucid aa to be of great value to be fancier end breeder of poultry. II abowa how lo maniiKi,' and rear fowl, bow lo de tect their different allineiiia, ai d bow to them by either allopill hie or homeopathic remedle. It I front the pen of Mr, John K, IHelil, Hut well known Anierlciin I'oullry Aaaoelalhui judge, one of Hie hlghext authorlllea (ill poultry, A IKKIK (N I'til'll'ltV, Coutaluliig 111) page, g beaullfiil lllho graphic plnla of a groiift of different fowl In natural color, engraving of all kltida of land and water poultry, deacrlptlon of the breed, plan for poultry houaea, how to manage an incubator, all about rnponlxlng, and the value of different breed, It will be mailed to any of our reader for 15 cent by the Aanrlntei Fancier, ion North Third at reel, I'hlladolphlii, IM. If tho Heiitiment cxpreaaed in thi paper meet your approval we should lo pleaxed to add )ournuiiio to our list, l'riec j 111! l.,1llll, llll I IMI I 'I I or I n t ti Tmk Im hi Ml win w I oi l It In I.iam fc, rfi.i r i lit allv loun r.nrr ccoej in cn unci vctuvc MS! t MMMS Alt! ttltlg fM.'Sli l V!HTHll HL fl'lll. cmbi'wc pisndi of mi rum i ana n rii. trn rcsfl 'rfviir fno hot- ttttl t in. nii tu aocr roNaatH atuiaixit, iKnoaa, aiionn, hiimui m mi rooNftiif t tv. wraovmiM of HMSir,t A iiu Itm !ai hmkud tin ,t no aort vi in Hi tr rnT"TT?NTT1' f1 w W itofiit ! ieM i.'f n,t 4 iKt-m m, i I L-liiJl ' '" ! tiAil't ti'Hi ! I M k ftrH i p tvt. llMOtlw ki A '14W"k !. HtillU IH ) ii! ( Pit V ti' TnlT "f of ih, il ili 'i.i,ii,,ti it nr t.. lift, ,fai I'iU tiitk 1 M'HMl "I ''fi.l'li !.' ! n,.wlly Ulni luff. to rz.Arri. it onnomoi. too itxtxiTnATiom. h Hulnmr Hun h4 nt MnniUMt 1 a VMint t r rHiii,nl I ntrm I irimt Wir ' lii.i.irlln. mi r ml r i 4ro You Woll? noli nr ti in f...n I, hi i,M,riiiit(i iiidii,il, 'I . MM' llrtllMIMK IV Olll. HI' Hum it lli'iil I I" Ii HI.' ni'l 1,1 In. ,n kl. w el Ok II In HUB,'. It It pi m. lltM i,r ill-!' ti II Midi In, 1,1 Ii Hi, m ,Htt ll Out tm , e ,i,.i i imimuIi l"l all, t, li ! i,l, nam ll, I lii all i an il,i ,f ,i,Hi, "I'lalll II,, lee I nth" mi 0,f i anma ,, eu, l aw, i-ltnta III llli I , .ani.ll a, ,i,ii.aalti IIM'il l-aOMtf, li'a ami n.rt-a Mi mi laiir, If,, eaa r i hIimmi ul al, "ilt'ill, a, l'i" U, tialilia ( i ii, On' tm lnl, in nl rtruta t , n.inl'Hi iitiilnrmlita llunr if iiiaiil,,M,i ai iiai l'r lia , a i t trail mt li, i,b a ,mii 8h, il, lliiiilfiirn n, , i .it. ma tlrea ill abulia, lhn i,t ai , ,i Iml'll It Mini llillil lai Inn In Hum, ii, i ll' , H' , ami II"' ail ii.iMr,ifii tiialiiina nl aiM lilf frlii-ri'liv le'iny et Om taai ut lain, ai'tea ata i,m,iiM'i i,i "aiii'lnl atHttn tliHI." Hila l liae'iT alinita lif lllniit -Inn imiliX 'iiiaa tn aatrar, li"w ir,unliiel,,ii daa In -i ,,n i' tm am, till II lll In 'I ilntfll, Ihiw lla lianrliil ilt-i if r, nit,,, oil to II i "liiiiiii l iil "- i""l ataillll, awl liljieriaul lai'la l,i hltntv, d Tim n,iiia nl i jail etiaait fur Wralllt, nt euf, ai'ta, i,trr atinlv, fallMii'a in lttl,ii't, I Im la, I thnt nailli It ih Imala nr fi nltli tmi f, r-i ami Urn ua anil illirn nt Imrrliili' llii lnlirlieli Oiimi l hi ill hull, ra n wuulil Im m il Im m I" O'liia '' Aro You III? 1 1ll:, t n nn linlw.l n rnrn lurn If I'm ai Ii,,). mill Ii I, ii ii liniv II. i nun, n if . wlinl'a III" t,l..ltl.l Ml..! t.1,1.1 M ,.l I..I ill. I. II. i ,fii'.ii).' Al V r, "'I V Imllier M Im llf I'el'l.'1 H I r l',l I H'O'iii'' iiiiiuilii nt kii-i tiltirf ir-iir i l"" ""''Old . T ,7 I, llll ,im iiiiiaa i, "-" Wl.V V I "iiliilil loll. I'l" aiiinli I ii'llOiil f y ii mil Im tiii.,ii., it I ., ami hiiai l'i Ul V kWlil ll, i Inf Hi. llw II Oil' in Ui r, ll li TV I ii 1 til Ii .ml l.iiiir'li" In Inn lililn W ' ) A'til:4 Jiiiw" II lai'l. r Inn le t Ih v ' A'.'i "l'i llll..iWl'Ml"l-lel;'illl' lyv . Wtl") Of, i, nit Im y our iiii nlnf am ni. I, in tiiii Miihmh Ii uf l,ki,'la 1 1,1 11 inn 1 hil ImiUll li,l W--' liil.i nil 1 III liuinliia III" lii-t. Iicttiinlanf fiyutatliiH On ati vital him 0, i If ., ,a tmi i,r nilii.a, imliia, hi iiialalu tir iIii'himiu i.lll, It Will aii'flr l.iif I'l l""ll ili 0," 'r (iialialiil limn nff aiir.'ir vol) "in I, want t i In Klc I ll.a Intnl. una trim, I.. ma n( HfUlit'a I'laciar, nr nOi f ll", ltiijt,. ilia anna i I hil "i" nl I, i in Inn it iilfant," ainl I1..H111' iH'.Miinit tif.tii',1 nil am Ii 11,1'ii'a aa tiiii.itinna,lr, luta ami wniaii (nt ma ,,r ciiinaaliiiia llaaaara "lit Ilia lumk" llian I'V l , l ' Ii in ', I im mil, ii.l will ti.l wmii aH.ui all i.iit tiiii.nii'iii'Vi mm.litmta. ilUiiaima ,if Wimli'll. Iirrtlllia fllal'tat a, iiainala, iaialrla, akla iUaea,,a, a. ml,' i l, tiimAtti, nun tH.nh I't'i'i"! i mnf nail tim lll'i Unit a, ah la liplr in," ami ilH.ri fufw In nitiiff niii'liiilimi, lir, frutti iwliifiM llm i( lliiittiti'nitii. Itiltrc nf " r It, 7, l'".'l f"" "nt . iin a'.ina nrktmnil .nnH ll In . nt In) irlirr, li ninm ii tt, l,li'l tilt? Wftl"J win anawarii tv tiia wm .riiltal.illl, lfllpr ! i nluf rinHiiinih, 1 inWT Til I VliT yiaalrninf htifa"nmihin lib lt"er"iit iafnmi.i titiaiirmta tm I lll J. 1 1 1 1 11 l Hniiaiinl I lull II. ln'ia-rnOiiriVi (.('' a ml lif itliritt nf Ml iHltaf Winta i IM"' li f Iff 1 1 rI ' Oil" w"K tmitinrml fur IMiAcit lull Inmi vm tl nl, 11IIDI, ami f lil A i 'ltlll inairllitlifil lilt'i'i''"etril'iN.lvi.iia litii.ri'.iati Inaili.'ltiia, ni'ki'l'l f ( VI A T U"! I"" l'""1 etiiliaaltilla a in. I mm nil i miiilrlrt wl.arii lii(lili taat.n i I I ll V' ' kill, a'iill.t. ei.ii In aal ihik. Nil Mi tiiKi-aiiftliiiaia. tMff ili'l.'Ifl WA T I"1'! H immea. rltrgvwin, fiH'itim, Imruert, ullimt, MIlM, lis v i iii i 1 tjiii ii 1 1 1'givitii Kiuiiiiieiiiit.raiii,ii ai) rmiiiiik' ("tr iriliiiil, , POPULAFf ROITIONa Cloth Binding, Prepaid by Mall, 01 .DC THE AMERICAN, 'aittous l iclioii by (lie World's (rcalsl Aiilliorst A CHARMING SET OF BOOKS, KMniXAOIITO- Ten of tho Groatest Novels Ever Written nr Tinxr of Tiira GREATEST AUTHORS WHO EVER LIVED ! If t.ifl Will alielv On. I.,,i.iilii a nf llin tfi'i'iil ttMllinia nf rmr iliiy, vmi will (iti,'in Unit In mini liialiui. ia iln u l' (.it'iiilniia tmn ln..n I if lu .i'ilie linn nf a allium ln,nh, ),"t Inn mm wmk llial n fi n ft ax1 1 . a n it m n i "i i" f' i'; i Jj ill li m i tafniillf (in-iit una tmiairn..,'ii.(.m'iiiiitii ffnii na nOmr'n fa-a . a-l llimti'ti lil fiHn'c (T'.fut mar li llltl'il Ml i niiiti.o liia iiaina will Ilm Hint Ilia ""IH ' rmel I"" alter I liii tiililmr Inia .aaaHl llr, A Wnll allllWtl M" Vlllll lillllllallllltf ll'iltal ll.ia al.n III llllllllllll Mil. I ll'lll It'.llll' atflll . nl llin aV' nml l.iiiin ia nnvaM III Hm Ktiidlall ,tiiKitii(.i, Hint liiivn H'ili-lai unnliifi mama Wlmtnlif Wa ail. l.,Hilni In nlfi.f lllla i ,iiila.illl mel Villi4l'l "i'l "f l.mita M H iti'IMIIIIll lit lillf mil ai remit iiinii iKiina wliii li main. Ilium .tumiaf n dim ail'. ' l "li" nl Hi" l.i.miti" imtma waa iia aililmr'a llii'iileal w.ita lila iiiiiaiuili..'- Mm fiMl ti tt'l i -! nM dial Mtit'lai Ilia ti.iina "let lnill, 'I'lta W.itfca tuiitiiii iaw in una'IK "' iKmta, WHH H HI" iillillalii. Uielur Ilm f lli'lHl llllit nf " r'nilimtit li' llna Ii, Ilia Willi.! Utculeal AillHtirt," l ("lluwai BAST LYKW B, II y (lira. Hum y H'ihiiIi jawb rrnn, II y ( Itm lull llnilila. JOMWUAMrAX, aCVTLEMAlT, Hf lla Mill.Ma, ADAM BEDS, ttf IttmiUH .,lli,l, Tilt WOMAW IV WHITE, ii y wiiam niiiiit, Ni'ti ef ltie cram tia.l piiwaiful wirha In Ina.l,'lt l titttrttiiir, vnl tiiirii rtii.w(a, Hwhititiiml Mint nimhi'maiil, iii'Imi h.h all ii m ..i in , tuna inn HiK it .' li.t r in I Oaf am Titer liMittmi rtmil tt"W tfN., i'i itt, n.ii'l mel rm.yi It ia .iitiiiotii a..i nt ti.ii.ta umi wnafrt iimat n l.fUlllil nl nl.UllilllU til. li 11,1. 11.11,1 llimka lll.'ill w ' ' ' AMKjhCAN; fit ! v 0" i i" ll-e im ,i it, if n lilt MUI'IM I- I I U I I I I I M M II , . . 1 1I mHi I'll I t Ii I.i I i o I I U,., , I.,, H III e I -t III m ii 1.....I t , ,,, , 1 t lll1l l. l 1 1 t.ll fill All!! t"1 l ot I "l t 0 I Imw lliey ,j;liiwir'Bh. i nine f U k ' ' Tot lit mm liow l. cnlev Jdii ninl ki-. n wib"' iii in.w (it p t i II ar-ua aii tj ( hist l-i'Wf I.i hr on wnio, i m ii,v , e, dm wlinln. Hull t f n.l n itlt hi !. H int H'tt'O t.ill,." ino , ;;n , ,, j ,,, , ;nhi hi i ii iooh i on nir M llrlale if I lfK Mull frnm thr t ! lllaratr ! (kt i iiiNr I'lftlr , tllal In -( rlnl n ri 'll Oii Or tr lrnn nl i l l,.i,.ll niiii)'ain, ih i lit i eli,i. Aro You Ingrtgod? it i i nff'" ll i Jit, .ll.aM Mali n't 1,, ii it ftn mlaiati. ll la aa iii (, i In ami aw itllil.iilt ant inn It la will Wt.riP nlli In ".a I . ,ti, tna rf, .i luff Hi. ill It t. a tlfhl Irl. nil a ,i a, I ' I,.. I., a a. i In ii.ii.i It rnal'lltitf .ii ! a. 'ai i ran litii'ti ai riiattilnf Itxllt i. I,i r't rtiltlahna llin IH. N , 1 i, Mai titM nl ail tlmla, la Ullrnl.lilrn a.lltr rilfl H rierrlineata tntna tianma l.tM n a.n . am n .1 in ...I. in, I.',, nar. ma ami nvili'i u, in i. na in an.iia what. in. I in il.i 1 Iii. ait i. al III r a IH l klnw Ina nil nl iii.tutttfl. .1 nattiii. ami mat rlaia tnttillt, tin1 tiitinrt nt eriiatttiittitii. iia j ii-t an tn'.'. alti.trti,i',ianni'ra i.' iulit, inn i iti,i it i.f r, an. I aai i tti I. in (..aiil n.n. ami i!, ,lil r, ,( On- ili'tiiltiniit ,aMl,,i' all Hi''" alil't l.aarn liiililnl In liilnal Inal i 1 1 1 r 1 1 In atnlil. lie llin i.lln r liaii'l la ..Ii ala'0. II l'i ti.arrlava nhvti. ai, lit. mat tnaMin lli ' "ll I'arly tnaiiitiaa, Inicrii, art nit ,', i d.,.. hihiIx, i ir , i,tr , ani On t.'t.i. 1 14 mutt i. a annd iitnlrlt, ai ii 1 1 l,ai.,.Ht 1V1 Imma anil n 11 Ina. Ti a ' "I.I ' I .1, II. f II11I1 li, a' ami In tl.i .i nil rut. ,( eti'l I'.iii 1 ai'nlt nl iniilila. Aro Ycu Married? 1 ,1 an I nn,' (itliii tint. la tin in al t t" t.'.'t wl a. "I li.UI II. ti n tata alM.i ll.'' tint. ,l i ai lit 1 1 Inn I I uiiiai', On' "eatiir el 11 IxOlillt nl . l' at ti t.' inn mfl.t' in i: Ml (in'Ol ati'l nil, f f f.irv. ra,.iia, i'iia arnrtr.wiii.'l Itn.l I iiil ltiiit tm tn1 III. ," Hi' , i in. Ulan v mil aim iih.iIi autltlai null la III, I'lian'i ' nil I'd nr It Ml a til. I, I ''' I. Ilia Biaara i.f n mi nt f ' 1 1 , .., i . r 1 1,1'iin it .l. , ai'lin ll" in " iili,,if ami tini.'ii. Ilm i, I" (iil,. ra Haa Nt iihiiii'. ''. iivn .ir ti.aii l. it in "I ii'" In aona" '.' I'tnai ti t, . li I'l.lnai af'ail, i-tirau, Innm tallnn, J.alnnar, tt. lllr. li Mi'.', ,fMi'lltli ti, en, ll'i'l.i'.', f'in.1 ("I I'll'' Iniiii wniiii ii, MM' pi'li'iiain ii nf i l.llif tnakllia, wlit i liiliiii-iiiff i.i'i.init fii'tl.iiiiii t'ti ml ii On ilitCi'M .alt In nn ii m i) i ii, i n liiaMnii' In laia Willi on I' In, nn. t' Imit nai, ellrai. aiif'" On iia Inal . il. On n ami tut Ilm fiiMl 1" "'I iimli laiaml, ami Willi Ii llila I.1...I1 will riillatfi n in. 11 nn l.iil tfimtuliir Ihtil , It lull lit itfiMi, 'lit VHIttirt ,iinti main In until i'h nr ilir imii.te.n ly itfiluifif Jft ij 1 ,.! In hil htlttntl $11141111 ty. 0 503 Sl.rnly Block, Omali. Nob n ! fi L y,.at-tC! 3 - ''ti 1 1 if V'f a i 1 I K ,1 ,'' ItADT Ulaa n, $ 11, inl.l,,, i, VAWITT TA1TL. if . l, 'I'liiiiltniny, AiT DATS Or POMFIIlA lr l' llulwit l,tii,,. Timcn arjAnnMi!nr Hy Ali tuiiilrr ItiiiiiHt, Toumetr iw hi tlacx. Hy ( h Ml Ira lli Miln, , (iamr. writl.l nvaf aal r.'d.l la pyni nniimi ninl I i, una Ml immtl lima. Iln" iifi. miniiaiiaii wilt vi r liatniamni. ninl ...n.n, n.i a Wlil. li will Im till niiMini l,. In , ,, n,i illinli (i,ii, r 1 1 e t '(; til iim i I f 4lliivi.itii - l,, i, ,.,,,i,i, ,, it,, , ',., ,,, ' " ' t,,,. I..,,, j ..,..,. . iaauni ,'-- -, , , ul (8) TT'l'T.r r i liar ' Jt "t (na i.i,iiil nn .. . ' 'V t I" !." " H nl P" V,', ' "llllB III liv tl 11 'n.i 1j br,:,;,!'.,;,',,,,!',.'r li'7 unit w i.mii in In m ,i.'" .rawrr .. .. . 1 I J II 7i it ii Itvi) nun I'" !,.. i I l til t an itii hi ir tjj (j