The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, September 08, 1899, Image 3

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.1 1I.IV Kill ITOTS
t0 Pr,X All p , 1 J I t 'It-it
isf M 1 n't if Ai jttill tl,
t. it limit I'mi HnmU I t-tt iMi II
fl III Hit It i.i m ItntKl
tttlht a,,, it ll l.n'llt till
I It h(M nf , X"t.itMl,
Ptmnnv H. ' - iNn -.n-rVWitrM
5hl'li'lttt I tin l fun ,.t.. tlt'itti ll tliil
I .ilil itl c' pm,i hut p.iintiil
' Hni-mi llni. ntlllt mirt'Hii' l
lliy Idr 'iihIikiiI, flmliliiH ii(ilitt.
' lilm i If fu wind mi ii i Mil,
I t Hi I I'l Willi ll (lilt fai i 1 nf 1 1,11
, jii'lt; , ii'iMiliiiK lil Ih'iiiI Hi tliiun ni
I'lirii million nf point ! I it-r' ami
lllltlll lollflllllttltlillin Imlf (IkIIIK frittl!
III chair bihI droppitm Into II niriin,
ballllug With H Uh !u apeak mul .
tdnlii, iiiliiim In irifTr ninn lnorn
that lld cry nf Iniinteiun In which
Im hnn h. i imliitni i na. U In n nt Urn
Mid (if Mm ananlnti Hiii prcfthlctil gum
Mill leiivn hn threw Mln-mlf lll'iill ilc.
tl'lllll III," R famlldmd iIiik tilll btilin.
Ill vnii c wan hIiihiki i muni, do linrnU
wa It wlih Um IlltfflNlly of hln f -' 1 -Inn,
T li PM'r-nn nt' MitiiiiMliimii miionK
l lu' pnrtlMHiiM nf Ureyfun after La-
tlinthn'a nvldi'tli'H wan wntidcrfui, I hn
flrnt of i m k I ml alma lhn lii'KinnliiK of
III Irlnl,
"Let (hem rondcrnn lilm now If tlmy
Ann," oim excited Dnyfimiiril wna
heard to aay. Tint k-iim a I feeling In
now kt cully In favor of dm chutuen
Of M 'l U ) 1 1 ll I . A Verdict ttllint nut b
expected nrilll Hat unlay or even Mon
ilny, lint ln 1'niy'N nvhlcnen, which l,
I hear, Ioiik and nxtrnrnely aciinuthmnt,
rilihouith I cannot vouch fur ilu latter,
riKiy Rlvo rl to Incident which would
delay Hi t rift I Milll further.
Preyfiw' friend tim not yet derided
what ntcpti tlmy will take for IiIn future
aafety If nciptitfnd. They hava every
ronlldcnrn that Mux nuihorltlen will p.ct
lilm nnfely out of lliiinni. It In yet
too noun, I tu-y any, to dlncunn Um fij.
turn, but they ii n tlcl put n rininlderiihlfi
dlllli'iiltli'N on tlm piirt of tlin iirlMoncr
If they ptidi'MVor to llM!!ii!iili lilm from
n-miilntiuc In I'liincfi, iin Im nniloulii
'lly wluhfH, lln Inn, however, Iicpii
nt hint, liroiiKht to ri'nll,1! thut. further
Kolourn In the nniiy In ImiiiomhIIiIo, He
talk (i;lfi freely of thn vlmllctlvo feel
Iny Hhown liy tlm KeiiemlH.
"Holxileffifl h;m never looked nif In
Im fiue," lifi reiniirked tlm other tiny,
Jlh heiillh continue to hit Mm nutxn
of tlm uravenl unxlety, YeMterihiy with
hlx fuce lliihlieil to nn unheiilthy pink
and rthliiliiK with perHiilnif Ion, h
I'Miked llk a imiri tunttulned only by
tjfetpinefit with a very nhort tlnm to
after (hut fxcltement coiihi', I
liellvn a verdict of either coililemnn
flon or octiulttiil will pruvft IiIn dcnlh and til frlendn, Ihouich they
don't any afi, fenr llm an run,
Knterhy, helim jinked hf n reiorter
of tlm Kuridity Kpeilnl after reNdlnir
llm vldericf Klvnn nt Kennea If m atlll
fl'teniB Drevfu utility, atinwered:
"Yea, RullfyriioNt decidedly nn, And
yet I'm afraid llm court -tniiitliil In no
line to acfult him, It look very trim h
Iflif It Jut at ineacnt, nt nny nite."
Tlm Interviewer fluked whnt In Unit
r,iH would lni'iiien to Mercler,
"Oh," renlled tfatrhnzy, "Mercler
ffrtnlnlr will he condemned f,,r ttiU
tnVeriililt tiiiltor fif it Jew, and (lint
will orlv li the tiftrlnnliiK of the de
l"ce, Mark my wordn, th iii''iulttl of
liif vfiiM vIM e only Urn lc Klnnlfif.; of
tro"lil In Kiane,"
"Whv, then," Im wiih "ked. "don't
von, who know the (ruth nhout every
ttilnir, K' over tii Hfiinea nnd lie'fi net
Uit"n Hifht?"
")Ui," tin Id ITnff' hli7,v, with n Ktieer,
"f m rroch hetter fiver here,"
Hum fun tlfifml l(el I lMrliif lie
fnrl I fdiii lfri lloine,
VA',HtSHV)S, J), C ..,t, f - Of.
flclnla fif Urn Murine liofid .ii nrvhe
ar worklriK In hitcin'intoim co operfi.
(Ion with llm nlite fijlcila of I'loilil.i
In diilnif with the yelh.w fever oiH
hrewk at Key VmI, l, I'orler, the
licdlth officer of the nt;ite, hot rciorlc
hU arrival In Key Went, Huch Infor
tMiUfn an li;ot heen T'celvd by Ir,
Wyniftn, Urn aui'Keon n'ii.n'nl, nhowa
Umt there re n riumhcr of f.i-,i t
fever Oicre, hut mllil In tve i,
)f, Wytiian (od;iy received from Key
UVfct B list of Hfc,oiiJ who hiv! left
Umt l'y rccfuliy, twiii-t vlh Ihi
flute iif-d runiiiier of their dejiarUira
nnd tlu ir riemlunili o,
lr, vVvu .'iu iyt Unit whl! tliee l;1
110 ftcejodoll f'f wlurm conceinliiK !,i MP
iide oidle 1 1 y (ireciiniii tut 'vtutd r-
fl'liie (t'ii Ifiey h fee,l lilii' r oimeiVM
tliil for ten f);iyn, and If f ir of nnr'
t'lnd rhou'd ffmiie they iil,o'i;d h !mi
j::(id ii.'ttll tn tmluje frf (';! lively 1
t'rmined, 'lfn lliiv tr im I'uriiiera,
MAUb'ON, Wl 'f,"p, f I lie Amer.
cri 'Colleu c'imiiiiiiy will h'i'iif("r
buy l"if (iti.i''co direct from WIxcoiihIii
f-ir'iiem, Tli (runt will )( f a muiii -rrioth
fi'int In M;iol.on for n titinij nnd
alftlfiK i uif haw.
Thin move, t H xpectcd, drtvi
rmtny niii'll fcrn out it (tie field,
Itecently )i,"if ili'icf(i friijil Johhein,
whf'h Irrinxfieflori lmirernei II with
Um 'IVMiil;ye i f IuivIiik nK''i'iit ImyliiK
direct from the farmer, tlnit hy muk
IIK ble tHYlHg,
i'!niriiiii ttiid II r i utitfr,
WKmWWW! 'ftp. i' renldent
urmnr, of fht l'hlifl'X Vomrrifn
ii, wn ,ln confereiicn fAwc cuthI
nim todiiy with Hecreiary )l vA 'liK
fivr mattera lu conncutloi iti th't
'work of (hat body. Thin evf nLtlni
Kwretary and Mr, Hchuiiiin . v,Vi
HiieBin at dinner at (he White ifftu'iy.,
, at which k -Mayor HtronK of yt,yi
' York and hi win wete a'n tii-e-ni.
, Mr, l' hnnniin )n" n to reuvtn In t!)t)
s rity for a r;h'.f Cm", nn he .it-wlce ( i
jmv a f-oiifen nee widi frnf-ury Hi
when (he latter relurna to th' tlty.
lot-til lllli I l,k ttiMH M
M MI t 1 1 t ! I
tl.lti fttlcih'f-H ft K " I i'i'"Hl
.1 tti t a lf in I1' i f
oh.t i i lent ( t.1 M Ii i'i'il i '
t.i. Ihf Hnitx tif-m'-l Pt Pit'
the nit i i In f t (- 1 .p tsiiat
it i! till t"
Mnt f" i.'i'-h i .- i't -'. t i.
Ina In in Uif I ll hi. it 1 1 l t.iit
I til i I lie im i Ii it it lint ti.iiii i.f t.ii .
Itialnitttl tin artve ll,t tin I !!
liittiHi nn t i i iiinf it tli.-ii i f nn. ut
nllit lln! a Iiim .- (.itl I.-H Hi" t ill Hit").!
iiiit il tn Hie tie if lnuiii tnn l '
Mm It ii.. ,
I lie liMI ate (' ? !ltH ,V'V ft hi Inn
in act tiwn nn. ciniili finitt M,t
niln Uiltv niitki ie mt'ii for m
tciHI'tn (it nmntt"l" itiiiMitlinlid t-f r
lliitniili tlm mtitin;t Din In umt
1,1,.' a t it r . It Mill) tit' Kit III (l.tllllllMt
mi4 ii'i iim 1 1 null il it ii. I ll." t.iin
iie finiiid full nf 1 1. e
'I he Intuit m litn t' tt e a little ii'i'ti
Cl'i-it ft r the llillli'h nil itn unlit nt
nivi'inl thint'n id I It H it h win' nlilin
to liiiml'iii d llnlr ttmtlin tmli-na tlm
I lnhln of Hi lllnh niilijet tn nie it-ttci led.
Iwil llltl Ik ll VetttieU, I lie I Jt i ttl ami
llm Nelii, KteiP ill I veil by ntltnn nf
Winlher Intn the liiuttor nf I iiiaumn,
Urn 1 1 l lh lit ti milium nf I In- lHtauiitil
llillttiiy. The rfima Wfie llllU InnlH'il,
but nn their iirntenltnn that tiiey wem
III tilth tiihJcrlM the liinurai nt nnthur
lllen liertultted Dim IllHll. IvIvtiinU, In
cnliie to MhiiIIm, iinmilnlim to n leiine
Urn crew nf (hit Irfttnoii If Kilwanla ne
iliieil from the lllltinh inUMlhite H
atiitemetit nn to Urn niitlonnlity or thn
venncl. A allnlliir cunccnitliin wan liiildn
to the Nero.
Kdwarda aaya Im aaw neveral Anier
Iciin jirlnoiieia who were better fed
limn tlm Hmnliiri!a of tlx l'llli!no nttl
cria, A forcit of niitlvn pollcit htm been
foiined to putrid thn city of Muulhi,
co-oieiiitlnn with tin' piovoid nuiii'd,
whonn luck of kntiwledun of thn Inn
Kiiiiy.n and thn icnurtn of nutlve iiim
HmlM Iiiih ulven nn opportimlly for
lnii'Klniy, nn Indiintry which bun been
llnl ibihlni? of lute. The new force III
cluii n runny tneinbern of th old forcu
n ml noine liiniiiKeiitn who hud Krowii
tired of flKlillnK. It bun nlirady donn
t li Kond work lu innniiiK ilovtti Im-
tlve e 'IiiiIiiiiIh.
The Anieilciin aecrct aervlcn recent
ly found n nilplno npy nt. t'nbiniini.
lie hi nuiMim d to Imve bci n the nuiu
who nioht four kiiiim lichiiinlim to tlm
Wiiiihliiittori regiment, lie orfeii'd den
penitn renlnliincii to tlm nobller who
wan aent to cnplure hlni, and tiled ti
run uwny with two revolver Hlndn lu
bin bend, Finally Im wiin broimht
down with n rill" bullet lu hln hip.
lln died lifter JumpluK from t n
Mtretchcr and tryln to ru:i.
Wnf lMrlmeiit Iteei-lven Tun IH
inli-lif rrmii (iniii Oll,
WAKilllNdTON, Hept, 4.-Tlm Wr
ilepurtirmttt todny received I wo dln
patchen from Miiiilln. The flint reiidm
"MANILA, Kept, 4 AilJ'iliirtt CJom
cnil, WBiihlnitton, It, ('.: Iliillwny to
Aneen completed lu four diiya, In
nuiiti'iita north oneiied on nlaca thin
moriiltiK with ahnipnel, whh h fulled to
explode; no casuiilllen, K inn-a nnd
WimhliiKlorm beln bmded on (rutin
porta. Two biittnllonn of thn Minn
leeiilh I li fun try rellfvn the Ti'linentieew
nt Hollo nnd C"bu. Latter, with lownn,
the only remaining volun'cer rcjt;
lunula, art II aoou, (IT If"
At the War ihiiiiiitmenl, 11, In wild
Unit, VHIl the leuvlliK of llm Teiniewaeu
and lowii rcKliuentn nil the volunteein
will Imve bfi, the I'hlllppln-n, nlau nil
the men fif tlm rcKiihir niiuy dlnehnni
id under Renenil order No, l't,
Ii-hIii aeniU I'Iiiijii lli'li'ii't,
WAMIIINUTON, l. l' Hept, 4
Mi'ilne lloKiiltnl Kumcuii Irwin,
at nt to IJnhoti nnd Opoi lo lo
lnveih.,it' Urn phiKim outbreiik,
mi bl"a today Umt he hud mulled
it report, Hln c;iblee,rim cnliveya no
Infonimtiim leimrdlrm Um phiRiie and
It U Inferred Unit powalbly the alt
tlon Ik not na nerloun nn ban b" ti
thoilKht, 1 hfiiii.h there limy hn other
rcuunttn for the omlcnlon,
Meimtrr of lleiirr liri,
NRW YUIIK, l''it, 4 . T'm t.lteti
imnlverri.iy of tlm birthday of Henry
UeolK't wn celcblltled (bin cfieruoou
hi the (Jnind r'eiiiml piihice tinder tlm
auttplcet of (lie MfintlllllMII t'.ltiKle T
i lull, Abont 1,0'iU peraona wera pten
cut, Includlnit n number ff labor or
Kiinl.nllfiix Me:tnnea of apptoval and
eiieou,ilteuiCit Vcre feved lllld I'eil I
from Urn rlni'.le tiDo rtt of ll'iTalo, wh' ,
It wna announced, wcru lioldlttit ulm
llur niifilverniry Uieelin,'?,
,1'lnilnil nt. -hi III,
Ii'ii' i n,'t, Mn-.ii,, :b-p- t A b-iter t
ceyi. In -r from an olincr villi Ad
iii(il Wale n nt M.uiilii, 'loti tl July W,
Ktii'n Unit Hi" lolml.'lil (m htHI very III,
no Improvcmi nt In bl couoMlou bav
in e, been nhon atnee ll, IIUi, ll'
il.iin i.f the ncildc ii which 'lie iiii'itc'l
to decirfiy h!tt brim b nnd to whb h at
I n k in iiltrlbuii d, It In nn b tM'iod h
Will link to hn lit Mice c!eV d,
,.v. n .-. ,
n,. f'-lnil llUfi, i in I n If Hi"l,
WAI-IMNUTON, l, U., H' ltt. 4 - 'Hi"
necieiitry of tlm tieintuiy and Mi i,
iae will leave Vi'ahlnr!iou iihoul tP'
("inin-r in for a vlnli to ('IiIciko nnd
Other Wfiitei'll cltlea, 'l'h necidary
Will icmiilli nnill lifer the (li tobcr fen
llvi'len lu tlm l,iik City, while Men,
ai.n In phiiinliiK to proloiiK her no
Jmiin iirull lh late iiuluuin,
tn ,eni. lie I li't,
WAfUIIN'ITUN, Hept, 4, Innirim.
lioim hiive hen picp.iied auiliorliiii!
lb" H't'nl In chatt!" of the I nl ) II
run! viiiii-n In I tiiti to advertlre for
bldn for imn'.ttf. Um nuiplun landn, In
Whole fir III p:i'l, f 'f a period of (iva
yc:irn, I r n I ' M: AlO'll I next,
II t llr IHhiiI Vir llciiifl,
I'lOI X I -A I I,'! II, It , K' pl, 4 UU-
I (el ml li, IJ. Hnwklna fif Company !,
I Fit rtt. ftfiu'ii .ilolii, ttflived I'onie to
C day and v,m im t til Um depot by llm
M'ltul, ili" t 'it','tt Vet ran it' union, the
U;nind Army ' f tlm ll' imlilic ponin ntnj
larisc croud f.f i I'l.enn,
t I ! IH
j M V H IV1. I N. It 1 1 1lf f
'4 ... n . i . I t 1t
i tn!.il ti-.iil k Mil. VA - t ..)
j .'i. , .,.f, ! , t , M l
; I' -t t , - iMi i t. i.n i ii,
' . M;.-. I i Ire I t it. h . I ' '
I. ti It I M Is 'i t t nn ' !
f ..t tbitl tl f nt l' t Hi I i -miikiM ttt
i l ie tmt V ni'ltilt ii .1 1 I.f t'. '-!
Itlr Intn HI It H'tl .t ilit fit
t'l.i khi itit im-i I tip
iH'tfil tlu. I I nt li tt l ill Ml ltt
ei ll lb tt I);. I f ti' I' i .e. I i Imt .
lee nil itunl m it iv lit ttn Men.
t'lt t.( (t.t ill n t ,M..ritt t,i a ,i,ii,ri.
In titw if llm l In tnmthV
with nhi'tliit itlitlHr mini to tltl
dm nit. I aftt i t im in, it. thn a-obm'-
lie- i.l l,i. 1,1 MlltV i f the i'l I nil.l tbt It
i. 'itti.m lit bet , hi ttiitniii it'
Inlo n tip tintii the hIIm" Pi I, I ttitd
lli ppi'l Ft Id iv ttl:ltt t't Hut lltielmt,
ht"t liny bnt lt n Intel nil.
liHiel lr.t In Itttftt.
FAIttlil liV, Neb , herd f. K Mi
biidv, vonna fiituiir lltin a lew
liillm flt'ltl tlm till, l;tpi f.tutnl lien!
Ill hln I'ttKKV, lie tAitn nl a lii'li;liltnr n
thn pii'vlmm rvelilim. b tv ma thrtn
nliiKil n n't link nnd at H m link IhaI
linn Ulna; bin Inline let, mint tn (tin
anuin iiim e ntitl ntitpped In nr Dm linii".
I, IhIiIImi.Iv nan leitttltiK bin k In thn
burnt y with hlnahlil fmnt rntrretl with
blond and hild etldetillr bet'lt di'il for
net el it liniira. Me bud ln'i'll pit lint
Htieti'lnii fur aiutm tlnm tit a vuutnt
wtuiiiin, who wiim vlnltlim nl the bmi'in
wbeia Im railed, bill Miry liml ijilar
reb'd fur nniim cniintt or other and bin
vlnlt Wat lo effect a rncoiti'llliitlun, but
thn tlrl refllneil til renew Iter former
tlnnlti ttf a I'liinxrr.
cni.FMMFH. Neh .Rent. 5, Thn ami
widow of lloberl Mi liii'i, rumiuiilily
known UiriiilKhiiiit the wenlern part of
I'lalln t'oiiiilv an "Aunt l.ucy," tiled
very aiiiblenlv at lu-r htiniit In thn
WnllKvlllc iieliihliiiiiiooil. Mr, mid Mm.
NhholMiin were nninim Um eiirllent
ploiicern nf thin cnuiity, IiihiiIIiik their
liiiiiii'nti'iiil nn the name aecihui v.hern
aim died over forty yrnrn nun Mm,
Nlcholnoii wan nltnimt Kt yemn nf nun
and her hUHlirind piei ed nl her u mini
her of jt'iirn nun,
llmlv r. in ml 111 lint li)n.
IIAHVAHD, Neb, Hept, r,, - A tele
(train wan received frtuu n Jicilbe of
Um pence nt Au im, Kc'i., alallim Ihal.
.1. N, Howe nf thin city mul been found
dead by Um foadiilile, where Im hud
cnuilied Um iiIkIiI before, The A. t),
I'. V. lotlni', of which Im wiih n niein
btif, look llm mailer lip nnd orderei'
Um body whipped hern. Mr, Uown win
yeiiernl nrrent of tlm He.'nlnobi I ml tn tt
Metllclnn I'liinpnnv of lloiiiiit, In., uml
traveled exieiinlvely v.llh u team ntitl
Ni'tt limn (Inn a nnlnnmna llm llnyi,
NFAVMAN Ult'tVn, Nell,, Kept, B,
Tlm Military btiinl and clllzena lurtied
out Renernlly to welcouie Um aoldler
hoya of Cnnipiiuy F, Find Nehranlui
Voliitileera, til tlm county neat, M nil I -aort,
Tlm hand nnd tlm ranldeuln of
thin place went nut In Um country In
thn bourn of Hliunii Hlmnunoii nf Com
pauy K, firKatil.etl ut ('oltiiiihun, whit
went out to Manila and wiin wtiumletl
illlln Ncrlolifly In lull lb' llll'l like tntillV
olliern of Ihti "FIkIiIIiik Flrnl" aaw
miiiiy liiirdalilpn,
Wiett fill llm ni nmnit
IIHATIIKT:. NcIi,, K', fl,-Thn
f'liloit I'ltclilc hmi act ii force of men
lit woili liildiiK tp llm aide traclin
wliera tlm tit"V depni In (o aland, u
yatm of men fullo'vlnu who bcKan the
excavalbill, fine of the melt In
fif the work nii'.ri that lunleud of nenil
Inir In woiliii'ti, nil the work on tin
new bulbllim will be done by haul
lueii, liielildlriK lb' bflclUnyliiif nil I
rn nn tiler e-oiit, iiiid tint unbni vh'Vi
will he jctld,
llr-itt ti l Im a II Mil im
FltANK lIN, Neh,, Hept, B. - A bo
Itntlied Chlltlle llecdei' W'l.n dl'OWIieil
hern In (he llcpubllciiti river. 11" wn:i
iihoul I'l yearn old. lie wan will) ev
cnil oilier bovn mid wml lo the old
mill Hum flnhlmt nml lu niicitipilnr t i
awlm ncro;i a very awlfl nnd tin i
channel he wi nt tinder nnd wim In
Um wtrl it nliout llfieeii mluuien before
Im could be found. They look a birai
(lull Nelim nnd fid him llm II rut trial,
but life wim e .tlm t.
Held en I huff of Murder,
AUll'tN, Ni h , H' pi, ti, - VVoril bna
betli ecivn h"tit that lie IImII.iii ia
jilted In the Hi.IiIiIhk affray nl Fed m
bilil: .July (llei at ill, Jnnipb, en
roulf lo hilt home ( Inn I" I 'oitroy and
Mlihael Tbrutv. Um piii'ilclputiin "ho
WCI'e iii'l'ealeil. Will be tip before Iii'h"
f'u'uplc II fur hemliiff on llm iliuic," n'
llllllll' " t l III" fllfl ill MICH,
l',tl,.,l l(, 1,1,' lt,
UAyi'.K CIIN'I Fit, Nt h , f! tif. r,
The Htot'e Iiililll5 it li 1 pohtofllie '"eie
l;l'"l("u open iiiid rohlcd by the pi vliii'
iipeii or ijtit of Urn wlmlowa A 1 if ' i
t", lu iliriii!',e wat tnlieii nnd llm money
order blank book wan found out- d"
the liiillo i hk. An yd (hern in ,,, ,
In the robh'TH,
Hn n 'I rt I mi ii if Keliiuil ( eii-ii-,
WAIIOU, N'cb , Hept. S County Sbl
peilnten'l"iit tl'ill iny ban now com
piled in hln iilllcn the coiiipletH ach'i'd
iciiaun if Haunili'ia county ami whhh
fltow I im riuuibi r of children of achool
HI" Ut be mill Of thin number ;
per cfpt did not attend achool lint
Hum I untried ll'iinn,
fTtCI'ITON, Neh., Kept. f, - Tlm
elitei pi tninK liiciihllliltl of I'd -If 1. toll
deeoliltcd Uielr plliee4 of bilellinia v illi
COUIltleHH UUUil et (if t,ii( hint J :'i!a
of huiillni; lo honor Mm return of Fit
Vnte Al'mil 1 1 llff-l I of til" Firnl Nn
bl'iihhit l r-ijlliii;,!, An hnur b'-foie tniln
(line lb" Mill re p ipulalbiu, ,( ln-r
Vih country folN, tK'-ui 1. 1. .1 nl ill"
llcpiil I'l web otne the yo.llijt aobllel'
hmim, nnd aoil'l Hi" iIiikIc,' o I, t.,,
lite (It'll of f.iMMill llll'l !; n
driiiin thn I .", i vi im ii i i tX to lit
.t- tt n ft it
X 'llX-ilt , I 'r I, t
i i .,n i tt x i . .tn, 1 1. t .
I 11 -: ! U I It iM'r N i t , -
t I l I It i V ,1 !.. I IKl
it-,'-t : -i ,1 t-tt'-t l- 4 l 4
. I t X" i H ii t h ,.- It t . -t,
t 1 It, l i t'-t '-') -in t ! I
I -,i HiM X h-P'tt ,--t I (tn
i el ip I ti, l (ii-i- li , I ' tii t II
V -. 1 1 h . ink tl. iil 'ttnitt I
V t in ''t l i t-1 . it i ih
. ... I I !, I. t. -I I l It t
I IH i ttl n t.M l Hh l I
U'I'Iih! tiiiiun tt t't liititi
litl .t lo-Lti ,.,.t,, l,.'i, It-.,
I.l Hi thn I ,i. H I I t Wd'lil ttiil
nu t t (fui' ttittn a 'tr t i Ihi
I-, tt . ii). Ii l. itit.H Hit titt Set
I hn text - i .1 it 1 In t -I I. MiHMt
tei i mul i,at., i t r .t, ti i
nn I nihil the t"t,i. btiii i( m
I I ft 'ill. t tH be i it ' it t I -i 1- tt it tt
C til lit t he tlitn 1 1 .tin I 'n- t i.'l n
till ,1) tn. . ,;i.i t. . In i . i lli .
t,i ,n pli ellt
t !' ll hntMint
tUlh fllV N ?, H pi fi
Um i F yelinnef, Intn t niiiitiandi r
I'T f nttipnlil F tt( Ihn liutilll,. Fttt "
letiiilii .l ht ie Hit titi!t fttuii the
iitpinlli lit bin bitiltur Hit, HittllM
be ntmbt be at hniae, i-picnil nnr Mm
tllv and at H ntlink, Um tlnm Mm.
1 1 Hill wan die In leuve l.l.nnln III
1 1 it I Ii tn nl I lie Imiiii' itiiiilna nf the
Mibtlt'tn Unit tcpi'iite.! I'li'lii I liitl
time until Mm tiitlll pulled III eVelv
iblitK wan lu iipriiitr and fully S.'nxi
petipln xt cm at Mm tlepnl In tteli iiiite
Mm old low Hunan Tlm tut ml enrol t
ed Mm laptiiln and family lit Ihn ren
blelicit nf A. It, Kulnlil. tuluun a few
Inllllialn fili'inln met hint t'nplaln
'.ellnner, UtoiiKh yet a weak anil ah k
man, la (treat ly Improved I rum what
Im witn wlmll he rent bed 'Fi lncn, Thn
captain ban no word 1ml pratnit for the
men of hln rotninattd and npeiiltn nf all
an helim lliililein.
-- t.
Mitrlunar lit ithrHltn.
LINCOLN, Neh , Hept, 7.- 'l lm mot i
KiiKe atnllHllcn of lite nlnle an xlvcil III
repoi tn from nullity nftli cm hiivn been
compiled by the clerkn III lb" otllce of
Um 1 1 1 1 1 1 ciitiiinlniilouci' tit hilml' and
lliln nhowlliK of llm Hint nix niontltn of
I Mill hi mveii:
Tlm Inliil lunula I' of fann nmi t kiii;i'H
tiled lIlll'llIK the pcrloil entered wilt
tl.:ill, mul the Itlllollllt l I ,K l.'I.IKIL' I 4.
The number of farm iiuu I'viicn hiiIIm
lieil Wltn It.l'.'li, n Ilia tit III 1 1 1 K to $1 4.HHII.
kul.BS. The tinuiber of city anil town
tiini Im, men llleil wait ;i,,'istl, iimounl Iiik
10 2,sriil,12.Vl!l. Tlm town and illy
nun iKiilie nullHllei) were ll.lnt'.t, iimouut
I in: to .',,iitii;j:i.vtl, Tlm tiumher of
chuitid iiici 1 mo filed wiie tri,:i:iK,
it ni t i 1 1 1 1 1 11 k to I iLlu'il.fili;! l.", and tint
clinllel iiuu lKiiKen aiillntled were lit,:iui;,
itmoiintiuK to 1 1 .nr. k . :t7i ,
tlnan Inioily It t-f mi it I it v
IIKATHICi:, Neh,, Hept. 7, Tlm
county hoard nf hiipci'vIhiiiii nnd In
apeclal aennlott to counlder tlm coitiT
hoiiHH lion il icfiindliiK iiinller, Thei'tt
htm been coiinlderiihlit opptwltloit In
llm phut which ".van Hint proponed,
which wan lit re'tind Um fut.uuu of
lunula and imtlut I hint onvnhln only
after Iwenty yenta, hut Ht .if n Trean
urer Meitervit ban contu forward with
a propoHllloii which will prohahly not
meet With ll tl V opptinllloli. lie pi'o
poncn lo 1 11 h t Um botiil t ill il'ii per cenl
liileicnt nnd make (he payment of the
Hit tun opthuul with the conity after
11 nltoil lenn of yeitra, Thin nlll enable
the county lo pay off tlm h iiiiIh morn
rapidly than under I he flii plan pt o
piiHid nnd do iitvny with the tieteu.
iilly nf 11 hit lie hIiiIiIiik fuml
I lie lira 11 Ml-ilnn XI Ifr,
MAHTLNUH, Neh., Kepi. V.- I'apern
III It ill von H hlllt weie llleil In illnlllil
couil by M. A, llurllmiii, iilturimy for
l,hu philnlllT, Hie ca.'te bcliiK Fllttet aid
vn, I'ltzfeliilil, The pliilnilir, Willlaiu
A. I'lt.'.Keta'd, ban lliinlly adeceeded In
localliiK hln wife, w Im he anyn iIchciI
ed him thin Milliliter to travel around
Um country, 11 In chained with ft doc
tor named Ilea, who apenl aevcrnl
weel'n lii a ;llnt?H. The defendant
fm iiiei I v a Mint bin Cook and
woi lit d lu llm FlUn 'tald family at the
lime of tlm Unit f.lrn, FIlZKeriild'n
ib'tilh, dim iniiiilcd lo Mr. Fll,
Kerald noon a'ler Ihli occurrence,
Adultery n the Ktotind upon with u
Um in Hmi !n IuuiikM.
"tt riei In Nitrl ti fr' V 1V11', 1
fJOKI'-ON, Nell, r'ep;. 7. lllllltlllK
oniiiiiH in I m ' ? nniim ll lea for tunrket
In Hie iioi'lliwnl NehiiiMlia Ir n tiev
Velituie mail" f li I n aeitnoii b" Altlnir
Weir, ii youiiK prlliler, who left Child
i on and went ilowii lo (loi'iloti nnd
eiti"l ll pall It of lllteeli een of hot.
("in IiiIhI liml in under lln l it I im M m
Hit' Ii mul well tilled, Mr, Weir then
p'il In nil the oliioliH lilid hll 'il it horde
of llie lott n lioya lo i pi tnl a monili
ytieiiliiM ntiloiiit, nv. I ui ni Inn ami Ihtlt
lutt 'I bat iiniiv of liotn miide the
crop. It .i a ui w (iidniitrv here Dial
wair,' f.iimeiH next vt tl follow,
V Ii bail luade a few t It fin mt in I in!
Intn nnd tin1 noli In lu i -lull).
hi ink hum dreelt llm'.,
HTOi'KIIAM, Neh, Hept, 7.-Tlm
npitl of palilotihiii In tii'iekliam iiiiuil
fcHled llHidf III the leecplloll idvcn
tl;e teltilliltiK nuldlcrn of the "I'IkMIiiK
Flint. " All the nood Ihlnun the coitnli y
affoidri wei e loaded on a loiiu tabic and
nil were Invited I'l pill llelpnle, The n
wn mottle liy l ivo btitidn nnd npeaklnK
bV C, C, ChiiinbeiH of Um HlotkhiilU
Hlaiidiinl, and Id ii enetil nl vn (Iron-
venor nnd A, Lev, In, an old aoldler
Of 'III.
I limine lii 1 nn In rt,
IjhJAII, Nell,, Kept, The Fdnir
ni Imiil ( 1 1 it li -' I Willi liluiokl in eiillie
i hnnn In Ihi cm pa of teach. .m. I 'i nf
C. It Atlilllnoii, aiip"i'liiletidt lit ; Minn
I'. II Kinoyer, prlndiial, tin I Mian Ma
telle Fine, mt'ditl'iiil prlueipii). ,lli,n
M ItaiiiHilell, ui aiiiuiiii' d-'iittl't tiii-nl ;
"lilts V, Iliiln -, tilt.) Inlet nit' Hale; nnd
Mbit F, FillJlllKlOll M -''"lid lllterme
itlale; Mien limn' Mililne, julucuv;
Mien Maty Mi l'n' inti'l, p.-lm ipnl i oiillt
ni ti'i'iiH, nml , i. t Kit h, iin-tiititiinl.
! , ft fi Id
ft- tut x vh ist !'
il I t I It I ' t I'M
l4 IW-I,,1, 1,1 I'l, It- fc.,).)., I,
t It . ' .lt tt 1 t . i I i
'. 'X XI tin !". i t. tt I
' I - ;t ll r I V " t x l.t
) ts t ..nn f tU K i.!) ", nt
j !. ti. I Hi umt nt tt -l ts
I lutt mh. ml t I 1 1 I Mt4t it
i S I ."it ' ' . l l
Ihf 1 1 1 . , 'h i it it m ( h. I
tt Ji k tit i ll i t't i,. nmi
.: r In thn i, t".t if . i ,t
tn I lln i.i'iit i. ! )!" ina.ii tint
t .il l iilrit -l tMlll hil tidit til l
I t-l I I tt tt'ltl ti t t' III-
lo. r i t a tt'iiit- t.fii" nn h"it M-tn
itn mn n tf l l.t- In. I iitt nn e,l ..!
-t axil t't Itt l 1 K - tit n
it.. nf iii ..ii r I t t i t; I , Klnn
I h.i tiflnH .,i.llf t h.-t . t-li .1 ll'n
tin- I act! t hi h iiie 41 i niti I n'il t-tr
t. .t 1 1 nnd Ih.v ,i t It Itt tUx
It , tif Mile the l t li'wl tdt II
a ltd in An t-f M mm tf IHt-nt 'd
lint v 1. 1 I i ilo ti i for pit hit nut
It-.t hit tl ti.'ttl Ihn tune lln v lift
h. t'i,n lutltl Out it in--vi t nut mm
ttlll hntltin II till. Kite iit,t
I'll it'.' I.l II ill.Hllt.t Mix i Mil h.111"!' Il
ft it n,i hnn.tli.l and Mot Xtt'te ttlle.t
Ihtit' Ittut tl tt i il bit, tlii f'tl thn
lutt umt their ti liii'l" and i iit)lity
Htm li.tipy,
It. i.l t 1r lit ll.itllnilon
inSIIMSM, Neli.rtpl. it Tht-ra
XX me im licw iletel-ii'iiii'lil't Miiutlav III
the l.nuia l.en Fn-Ki ll ailtnntnt nnli bin
i nn Mm nfth nm xthn am vniktuR nn It
lint hilt lli) returned hntnn Thn f,i'litln.
limn vt Im claimed Mm Imdv rr II K
Oraenitt-r nf Crettshlitii, Nidi, and O T,
Tllllimliiiio-n nf I 'lilt tt Kit Tlm yniiliR
witmatt'a reinalna wetn taVnn tt Itur
llnt.toii (for bui'lnl licnldit tltnnn nf Iter
L. II. Viillnicr, a yituiiK nut it who
bun been WiuklllK pnlfitt rlKht aelmmni
III thin Heel Inn fur ntitnn Hunt, wna nr
rented nn ciunpbiliit nf Mm bank at
Kn 1 1 Held, Neh., on Mm cliariin nf nlitnln
t it k money nn bttKun rheckn nr drnfta.
II In it I 'to claimed that Im bun nwlmlled
other baiikn and n liuintier of farmer.
Tlm vim ti k itian'a father In n tulnhiter
nf Mm Kimpel nml la located nt Charl
ton, It.
Nr I'ritf, nf riirniltlry.
LINCOLN. Neh,. Hept. it. Or. Haltiuel
. Avery nf tlm Slnln unlveralt v hna
been I'b'i'ted to Mm chnlr of clteinlHlry
of Mm t'nlvernltv of lihtlio Or. Avery
wan Rriidunlcil front Mm Fnlvrralty of
Nebnthkii In Wi. Tlm fullnwlnu year
Im wan elnctcil IttHlriiclor In Mm I'hcin
liilry dcpiil'liuclit In Mm lleilllcn hi h
achiMil. In 1X!H he prepmed n Mienlil
on Um Kuhjert "Fh'ctrolylh' Mclhodn
for Mm Ociermliiiitlon of Iron," and
received bin acciilld I'tillenlntn ilenren
front Mm tinlvertilty. UuiIuk Mm two
following: yeitrii Imatudled In Furopeun
nnlveriililcn, recelvlnn tlm deRren nf
doctor of phlhtHophy nt. lli'ldeiliurK.
Hliicn I Ii rt t tlnm Im hna been nctliiK na
ndbiiict profenMor nf rliemlntry for thn
Nehiankii niilvnrally. Ir. Avery Intn
carried on an extennlva renettrch In
orKiinlc and clmtnlnlry, and
a tiumher of hln pnpera liuvn In en puh
llnhed lu ihemlciil Joiirniiln.
Vlitlnllnn n ' I liiinr l.w.
NF.PUAHK A CITY, Neb., Hept.
W, J, llriiiicll of Ihtiinliia, III thin roiin
(y, recently died n laiiuplaliit In Ihn
cniinly rniirt iiKiilnnt Tlioninn W. Hhort
for vlohillnit Ihn lliptor law by aellliiK
liner without n llcnnna In that town. A
wnrrnnt fur bin iirreat wna Innned by
iIiiiIkii .loyen uml Hherlff llrnwcr rninn
from OiitiKltia hiivliiK In thai'i'e Hhurt
nnd aeveri cittten of beer. Hhort wan
tillit'tl heforn ,IiiiIk .loyca mill oil hln
million Um caae wan conllntied nnlll
October 2. I Hn bond for nppciiritttrii
wna lined nl f.Vitl nml Captain Lncan
I'liirai t beeiinm bin aernrlty, Thn beer
In ntoieil lu llm hitaetucut of thn court
lion -e,
XVnvnn'n IXniv tlinrih,
VA YNH Neb., Held. (1 - F.fx hundred
pciinle ttllellileil the ib'tllciil loll rervlcen
of tlm new Flint Fiotbylerhiii church
hern o Id under tlm iiniipiecn nf cv,
0, C, Moulifoniei'V llev. V 0. Crnl,
I, 0 , LL. I),, of Chlcuipi delivered tlm
deillcatlnit aefiuoii. Tlm bulbllim hint,
completed at ft rout of over ii,UllU In
one of the lunnt beautiful ntrm turen fif
ii'it'i lift ti Nehnntldi. lln fiiiinditl loll In
i f red Htotm, llm roof In alate nnd Um
I'dltlee In healed bv two Iiiikc ftiinitccn
nnd lliditcd bv cliclrli Hy nnd him n
ai'itllt'i; tapai'liy of Bun,
lli'i'i'iitliin nl MnXVnrd
PFAVAItl), Neh,, Hept. (1, nveral
tlifilinntid people front nil llm vllbinei
find lov tirhlpn In llm cuunly iinneinbled
lure lii iillend tlm reception bIvcii Ihn
heroic noun of thin court y who wcrn
incfiibcin of the "FIkIiIIiiK I'lfHt." Tlm
hoya were the center of nltr 'ctloii, and
vein niirrouiided by crosvdu nil day
Ili'l'ttltUI to their experlelieca In Um.
I'lllllnlillien, The lint it Hilt all Kniltle-
iiiutilv, nnd nrc not ulven to
li, iiii'i Itic of I he niili'tclld rc ii' l their
I ei'lii'lil lilli'le Tlmv nil idtotv Ihelr
HiiMli ily ipiiilllIeK and Icitrlrut III Ihelr
in tloiiii iiiid ' oiiveri. iilnh, Tht v all
mt'l" liiilite III I'o'ld heallh mill leelStiK
fil e, cvieid 11, I', I liimplirev, who waa
wiitiiideil III Um nhoaliler lb" dav
' Colonel r'lnl. i 1 1 l.til I! Wiin killed, Mul
Vt foi hot lib:c lii be cut.
I nen-r X In. ti I I urn I run,
KMAHNKY, Ndi ., H'pl (1 Farniern
lbrotl.'hout lliln cert Inn urn ma-lifiltt-lutt
much lilicliidlienn In rcfereliee lo
the ciiin iron, The hot nun ban been
an liilemie that the prill il la rooklnif
anil the yield both an to ipiantlly tttid
iilnlllV vlll be creally reduced from
what ban h'-eii expetei Thn berry
"In tlm milk" In canlly affected by Hi
IlltctiHH belli. The iierenr;n thin year
In iiiinh hit i! i' than hcrciofori',
1'n II" lleiinrl.,l I ,i.t
FLATTHMOl'TII. Neb , Hi nt, fi Tlm
body of Fled LoiO ihiiir,eil hat been ex
humed and rhliipeil to Cai.i,tiifiia, I'n.
I'teVtoiiH to bin death he Wilt employed
In tlm Hut Huston shop, The hody wan
(teeottllilllile I In tllli tniln by . Mud-
em Woodmen of Ami'ib a.
, i
I hil'l f I ! ii iltrr liv IX itifiin
IIFMI.iOI.UT. N'b , He;, I. il Tlm r
year old net nf ,nn ph Mover, a farmer
llxltlK amtlh of town, fell finm n bind.' I
v.'ii.i'in tilul Mm vtht ' lii pa-Hi'd nver Mm
IRttM IUxC-f lit m IU.
tX- XX I '.itl l.t. ,4 fXt X itf. I)
IX.. HhI4 l , tvtittl
t h' l Of . t t lt- till tt.!
!- ,.,,..u. I, n ti-hit. t 1
tit ti"in .! Wtt.M'.- f-4 at .
a 1-1 ti-l a4 ( i" n In
tl .!,. XX l-nttf tlx ll'i
l"l!l Xnot ! t4 t ' v,rt
lv.,,t (l,t, t t Ji-aI ,l.if it -
( t't'-at lh it it i M l"t 4 I"'
Wn'tt t t-a ant titj .n. 1 1. ! t Ihn
tVm.t,. yf ,,n,r.rtt tl n tl
tltn n. Iltti 1 hna tn ltd
Mum! fi. , , niie-i.-i 'H it nf
il l and .l- -. v t h tn l
tut ttn-d i ( i,ii.( t,t f n i..- l
ini.h t.ii ilili(li ft hn f.nn.
ill nut nun lan.l hull and Itt X
thtt h H n ,i (h hilti t ttj.'l Itn nt
ati nt nn! itt I thwnv nnd t't hn ltd
nt an nnM.ii in 'i nifii xl ii i ntt''t
mm xrt it h iLmI fttinh a tin rniirt ftnull till I X ht IX Um Itl'Wt
tlttlihiritl nnint the indit llxtin
and ittintitlittii. ihc imtl t'tt ittct nn
Xntltin umt h,,iti and (ill 1" ln
fit and ttiiui ttti tnl and Inxuiltit
nf Itinttn tn xtlthm nnr lmlt. whf
(t't alutmd tn w nit It nf Mu m W e at
lead to Mil Ineitlty In .iVlntt nnr
thn tx-tj nrfli btf ccuidn nf NtnRam ft
Mm Si x, LuilI t Mm til. In lieu and
Oiitnibi Nnx iKHihui niitipititt. l;'lt HI,
I'mil nlitii, Mniitit'at. ll Ittala rx
b.timllxt ly nf Mm flncitt titland xtatt r
flip In Mm xt ni Id. fur inim hem nn Mm
iniilliit nt nf Ninth Auii'iha la them
a morn ph I m ".i no n uinii than that
w hbh Itii Iniwttii NiitKata and Mm
ami, Thn tin ml ntnKitllh ritt accliety
almiiiiiln f rum Mart tn flnlnh and np
piutiinlty fur xlextiiiit Mm nnnm
thifiiiKh fittllttliH that have linen pnt
Xbled by thn einiipitiiv nbnvn ri'ferretl
In la ao complete no rarefnlly wniknil
ntit In fvery tb tail -that Mm Joiirimy
nnca tniiiln inn bn Innked buck upon
an unn nr Mm lunnt ih'llKhlful nf n Ufa
llnm, Flrnt or all, NhiKnra llnnlf la
mm nf Mm wnmlcra nf Mm wtirbl. with
a fiinclniitlon Hint ilvma Um nitnnibn
of toutlHla an they at nit nut mi til In
trip nf nlifbt aetlnit tn Um ann, ll U
ao eitHlly reached Mint noun need de
prlvit Ihemnelvca of Um prlvlleKn nf
net'lnii; (hln nreaicut nf naliirn'a nmr
vein nml "iliilnit" Um grand tour or Mi
famed ThoiiMiitid Inlumlit of thn Ht,
Lawrence, From nil points aoiith of
Um liitcrtiatliiiuil biuiiid.iry Umra la
direct liillwiiy cnmmiiulcallnn, nearly
nil llm trunk linen nf Um Fulled HI a lea
ronvrrnliiH nt thin (trciit mitcway to Ihn
loiirlHtii' piiriidlia', Ciiininrni'ltiK nt lh
falla of Nlnmirn, on Um auuthern ahore,
then rromdiiK 1 41 kit Ontario by Hli'iinmr
tir roiiudliiK lln wenlern I'Mremlly by
rait, to Toronto, Um Quern City of Ihn
Went, Piubiii -kins on nun nf Um at cum
era of thn Itlchclleti nml Ontario Nnvl
Kiillnii iMimpany, fnllowliiK Ihn rouiMn
of Mm lake, panl Um roiuautlc wnteta
of thn Hay of Oulllle, In Klimalnll,
theiicn down Mm Ht. Lnwreitcit, ibrcml
ItiK In and nut of Um Thotimtml Inland
Into llm open alreli h In La nil Ml, Fnitl
cln, ahoolliiK tlm inpldn, atopplttit over
nt Montreal and (Juchci, and finally
rear hi 11 k Ilia rrownliiR Klory of nil
Ihn I iiiiiiii ihi 1 11 11I11 Kiamh'ur nf t.'in
HiiRiienry river, i
To properly tlencrlba Mm lienttllea of
Ihn trip from NIiikhiu tn thn aett wotibl
occupy many llmcn thn apnea Unit wo
inn hern ilevoto tn Ha porlmynl. !,ri
It hn liiiule, for Inntiilicn, mi Ilia hcatl
t If nl ateatner "Toronto," built tlm ptint
yetir, nml which benan reKUlnr Irlpa
on llm ToroiiloMoiitieal routn Juiiit 1.
II. Nulla from Toronto every Tucadny,
Thiirndny nml Kitlurdiiy. Thla iniiKiilf
hi'iit hunt ban apuchmn mid fh'ir.ntit
pannetiiier iicciimtmiilat lotin, IttcludltiK
1 10 aliitn loiiiiin, four parhiin nnd bit K"
I'lilliniiti ah'cplnir, Mihliin, nnd hna ti
nlecpinit I'lipiicliy for t;iu pamtciiKera,
Tlm illnltiK loom nn tint upper ilia It
ban n acatliiti ciipaclly for over ui)
Pentium. An iiltcinly mild, Um Navi
gation cnmiiiiny In tlm pei forinnucit
of their part of thn work, hna fot'H'it
fiolhliiK letiillliK to thn colnfoit lllld
choi incut nf patroiin.
Thin very linpoi tnnt. part lutvlnti
then I n provided for, Um tonrlat hna
but lo it villi bliiuielf or liernclf nf prlvl
b'lteH nffoi'ilcil within Um cnnlluea of
thn Tot niilo nnd iibnoth tlm htaiillen
of tint ui n to hn neen on every aldtt
from Itn ilct Itn, Hindu leal placea of
Inlercnt lira pointed out ami Vlnlted,
i ll h n nml townn viewed from bind ami
witter iind llm Kt'iiudly bcnutlful laml
rciipn ro Imprenned upon thn memory
that ever afterward Um tonrlat mutit
ciiiio'dit (hat Um (tip front NliiKurtt
In Um Men by way of llm HI, Fawreiicn
euihoillen liiiifii lent ilclliUit, more K'H
nine Molt lii nlKht tini'lnu 1 1 1 ii it
titty oilier coilimi that could be taken
111 it ttlvcu uutiiber nf tnllea. lln re
Iiiiiih to hln bourn cnrlch'-d lu kitowl-
i i! no of woii'lein of Ihn wot Id nml
t tin n Ii fill to the Nnvlialloit rotupimy
thiil ban made It piiiitllln for I j I ill In
nee an much nt. am h monliui! expemtii,
Th" I'lllelal until" tili'cadv nllu led to,
bi Hlden iiliow liu; lllu ii i nl lotin t-f tunny
clllin, public biillilllir.n and poltifn nf
Internal iiloiut th" roul't lalicii by llm
N'avlatloll cniiipiilty'a lileanieia, ulven
ii I ltd nf rat en for pannaH", ntnte roomn,
niealc, etc, etc, A copy of lliln jjulda
fhotild li" In th" Lit iflt of llioaft
uho ciiiitemiilale lint It I UK Um Itlp III
older that tiny may uuileiiitiilid nil
delalU ciiiirci iiIiik llm Journey and Ihn
beautiful acciierv It will Im their prlvl
I Itn in view tin tin y move from Nhm
at a lo the m a lu Um luxui loun ntcitm
cm of llm Hun In (Ui'titloll, The Kttbl"
can Im idilalui'd from tlm company nt
The author of thin mcuHott hnn mada
the trip here alluded to, but he riinnot
beclll to ibc'l'llie the beatltlia II pre
neiiln llln advice would bn Unit lour
lain take thin route for their nuiiitim"
fiutlnn, feclltiK iitnutcd thai In Mm end
liny will bn thankful for In fm unit Inn
that tttl'tmd them la Um (llrectlntt of
Um Ht. Lawrence and Um Thounand
Inlandn. If it trip U liti.lei'lul.eti It wilt
be found that iioihlntt ban been foiKot
ten tetltllllK to I Im pb'llrUl'n nml com.
foil of ("Utliiin who palroiiln Um wpn
clnna iind hi itutlftll tatf-ii I'MM i thai I'm
HI" hclleil company hna placed nt their
No (rim man envies anoHier who hnn
rem bed fame and poiilttntl by i i awlln
and ciIukIiik,
If rietv clothen bioli an uni'omfiu tahbt
nn Umy feel but few pi-opln would cnia
In n. i ur Uli'MI,
' (