The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, September 08, 1899, Image 1

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"AMI KH' A OK AMI Ml AN " W ...ld tb.t all n A .,. .. I r A Hi gum l tee l'n it ' it hunt mntul , ..m i
A U KUV m.wm'Mi ,
N( MiM Mil
OMAHA, NI.IUiAHKA, I IMIA V, Hl l'l I.MIU l! i, s
n iinfiihiv f ii"1 ii 1,1
tb! imiMtry l Not taken klndl
i tlm repott f lh" t H fllatea In
kiilwr Comm'.lin on ISutii Hln. U
m tint to be exV ted that Hi")'
If pwed Hh a report tlrnn up by
'aieunt, but neither It tith.
luitf'l tht thdr niMtttmini t tha
point would be f t fiHn.t In it ton' (
bitter hnatlllty, M Hi" ' I-"0''
sample, not the following from the
Catholic Htandunl aim! Ttum, Hill-
"Nothing could well tnrne often
lve toward Catholic tcntlnmnt than
the tone of the Itimilur Citiiimllon
it' report; nothing pollly more
aslolnn than Ita reromnmndatlona to
the government on tha ubect of It
relation toward the Catholic church In
I'orto fllco. The iiggentlou to abaolve
prleat gnd nun from ttmlr vow. In
order that tbey might r at liberty t"
follow th figmpl f l-utbcr and
Catharine von Horn, ao itupld yet
wlibal to full of wanton mullre, Inn
aicnded all tbi bouniU of rational con
ception if a procea of aevrrance be
tween church and atcte. It idmply d"
atroyed Ita own pretext of Action. It
iccomiiu'inli'd lh elate to Interfere,
wilfully, Impertinently find wickedly,
with tlm lawful concern of dm
bun li, Thl recnminendntli n, If we
oni tn truat lh report now In tmcon
trfl'llitpd chciilutlon, lum ln'n n-im-illuffl
by dm jirPnldfiit, find tlm t'n
tim'n who mud it Iiiivp bt-cn ri-lmk
I'd for tbi'lr nrt'oKfltiri nnd ixnornncq
' In nmldiijt It. "flhiili1 tlil tuni ouf lo
U tb inm', w nrp aiire lb" fu t will
hi hulled by many nil n niort icnidfy
lif on. It would bi iilli In kcdnK
willi wbut e ulrrnfi J;nov if lh
li''M'iil'M (1UiohIIi)i. IIik dlMiip
iovitl of ri'llKloin lnofr.iiii'c wim
iniirkcilly liown limt yciir In KUn
WimliliiKton ni'imon nffnlr, V tuny
uKlly bi-lli'vo dint In In n limn of lib
crul mind blniHcIf, and niny aluo
(OU'IimIii dint Mm nubile .xtrl,ti'
wguld ciiiiNii bl in to shrink from tin
lii'loixi'iiM'ht of limult to nny fi'lliilouii
body In t lift country nn wry Imd id
It leu Ind I,"
What In llm trouM? Ibu llu' jcov
iinrimnt bi-i-n rKcommi,iid,d lo forr
CfitbollcN In I'm to Kli o lo do aoiui
thlnj( coiitnuy to tlm pit pal i'iIIkIoii?
No; not t all, Tb nroiiinii'iidiulon
rnfldn by dm rommlnalon win, "That
jii'bmtn and oIImt who hnv fiiken
dirt vow of ddllMry mny be jict'inlUi'd
ti riuiouiMii on Id vof and wili-r Into
inurrlnK ridiitlona, (hn mim an odmr
Iiioil," 'J'bcy urn Wt pcrf 1 1 y fr'
to do In dm iiinftfr am tiny chmm,
Tlmy ni not. to bo bound In dm mat
t'T by dm biw of tbi' bind,
I'ikIit Hpiiln, dmy wint bound by
dirt ilvll Imw, mid for bmiklriK him Ii
vowa could b jiiinUlu'd an irlinlnnla;
for undr Hpnlo, widi lu union of
hunli and alnl', !m lawn of dm
church were, In moat IbliiK, ft piiit
of tbrf lnw of I tin bind, Tim I'nlf l
H'uifn, a ri'lircxenldl by tin commia
lofi, nluiily iIocn not irn)fmc to main
e ft I ft tbla iii."iiiiKi'trtnt In forr. It
dm Calbolli' cbun h n-anrd nu' Ii HiIuhm
ui alim If alii wdl; f lie Kovptuiiicnt
will no for Ibui icimon trciit llmui im
1 1 lor 4,
Tim uiiiicy coninliilim of bcliiK "In
milled" by llilw rmiiiiniciidiiMou, yet
In'iy coiiiidulnt It inukm it IIIiik
it tin' K f rcfui time itnd bin wlf,
villi h mlKlif with tiiuili mora reiinon
Iw tiikcu nn mi IiimiiII by l.uilmranM
nnd other J'roteiiliifita; for "die exitni
ilo of J.utlier nod Cfttbailn" von flora"
wim not iiieiuit In tiny uiiiillin-tilii ry
Tbla ji;iml niHIiorlty bojic dmf tbi
rei 'omiiieudiiiloii, reiri;ieiitluK only dm
Aiiivi b iin M liii ljile i f neve min e b'-
r a kirn ll AA'I la'. " t H
li,iisid Vr Hi l'! ii,t." b.I iht
I hi llittM h,t nm.l- It hut
lr ivliiiicd fur lbir aiitni anu
imniHii.r in mutina It " 1 'hia idd
liiiitiimf tb Intiauaai1 if om abo
'H'ti-tiiiitlin a. id Aim'tuan
ltiiullb-t i'f anpitietil far in th
d.illiiK In (bo t utted (Mate 1 hla I
lha alnltant featur nf iht matter,
118 CLAIMS AHK Mill,
II J, Wachlnaton; U What ia
tha Mm of thu Catliolle ' Human
rhnnh, Will It modify Ita vital rl
menta to meet dm demanda of urow
Inn tinlvirat Intelllgrncf ?
A. Tim irleatliiH)tt of tlm Human
fatholle church Niwa gracefully to tlm
publle aentlnmnt In tlm I'nlti d Htatea,
and profeaaea to admlra Ha limtltu
tlona. Tlm Hillcy of that church baa
alwaya been to aubmlt to rondltloua It
could not change, and bld Ita tlmn.
It never loaea alght of Ita piirpoaa, nor
abntea It determination to take ad
vantage of dm fir at opportunity prom
lalng aucceaa,
A tyrant Itaelf, It baa bein dm prop
ot' tyranny and tha aupporter of king
craft. It hai deaplaed tha rule of tlm
people, and repented that they had no
right to govern Ihemaelvea. It r
pent a thin today In Kuropc, but In
America It la for liberty a.i l dm peo
ple! Yet dm church la otn and un
changeable! Tlm lender m.'iy profeaa
lo ndmlre libernl liiatlliilloua and
iiilnjit dm new thought of the fig", but
die belief, dm creed of ('atbollclam re
main tun lmiiK"d front dm dark ngen.
It n mint be cliiiiiicd for It I claliued
to be (tod-given, Infitlllble, the work
of Infallible wrltera; dm pojica In die
long lino from HI, I'etcr Imvo been In
fiilllblii, and to now cbiim tbnt tbla
biia been a world-wide mialnlm would
be to aweep the foundiitli iia of din
church away,
'I bu church tniiNt (cuiuln, many of
dm iiiembeiH nmy ftlmorb dm pew
iboiiKlila of dm day, and experiencing
dm Joy of true freedom will leave dm
organisation. On dm oilier bund many
member of Prolealnnt cbuiclm ee
lug dm lucoimlaleniH of their compo
alle faith will go over to dm certain
Ilea of tlm mother church.
The great conflict of dm futuro will
be between dm Human Catholic church
mid tlm hoata of free thought. I'ro
teNliinla will be compelled ti join otm
or dm other of dmaa force, The claw
of dm tiger ara now fonceaM In the
velvet pnw but thev ra a i harp and
dm fone behind Hikiii a mercllc aa
when It aupported tlm Inqulaltlon,
Tbera r not according to It own
atatement more than ten million of
Catholic In the- t'nlted Mlatei, Allow
J ii K one vofur to every flvn give two
million of vote to brt cant wlti
whichever party dm J'opn through llifl
pile! may fllclata, That body of
voter thrown to one ald or dm other
I ablfi to glva ancceaa to dm parly
dmy dealra fo win, J'hey ar then dm
real ruler of thl country today and
their only check i dm policy not to
make dieniaelvc or their mure ao
cofiHpb'Uou a lo excite the people to
rebel agalimt them, Tlm Catholic
church, a a government of dm moat
deapoili; kind, within ft government of
dm people;; with a menibernblp whir
U di'inarided to vow allegiance to dm
I'ope and I'opa aloim, an allegiance
which I above din profeaabm of ell
l.cnhlp, la a menace to liberty, and
abould be carefully watched, and her
profeon ahould be taken for whet
they are, Idle word to lull auaplcion
until dm time for a'tlon,
In dm Cuban (jueatlon end dm I'lill
llipine, dm church by Ita blhopa
tin conm to dm front and doiigbt fo
lend dm government, It ha exhibited
dm reul molfvea which Im1 always
iliiiiilimli'd II moveiiicnt 1 1 ml won
Tuli In In I'rogreaalvo Thinker,
Mr, John Katon, writing to dm
CbrlMlluu Iferuld, fniiiien thin atnte
Hunl fif4ttmg ibe itnl id lt '
inBH t'aiiilir ifk In Out lend
lb ttiioil tbnt the i.'inni'm
.l,. inHtti't l lin-l.d alih die H. Up
tun lti Ind l It Rltlliinte iH.-it 1 1"-
IiIoIIiihxI lme tod nlit kid Ibe
Wotd from dm ipli tml bale ill
Hnilid It, a A tule, fur tin nmehea
limy hata Imcii the blind badef of
tha blind, and mld fr thl -tveralin
from the Hpnnleh Ireamiiy."
11m papacy la llm aame all nvr,
Home work ahould be dmm In the
I'blllpplni a to cotiMterai t the bad In
fluence of dm papal church In dome
latanda, ht all the people help IhU
work of tlm ChrUtlait Herald, and lnd
to tlm light dinar who have been bad
aatray. V.,
Tlm papacy aland for a union of
church and atitle. It adherent claim
to ha good i Itlxena of the atate, and
are auch, no doubt, In many raae.
Hut they ran be good cltlnrii and 'if
tha aama time good Catholira, only In
a atata which la united with tha Cath
olic church. Itoman Catbolba ran lm
good r ItUena of tha Cnlted Htate only
to tha egtent that they rpudlat dm
principle of church and atata union,
A letter from Mr. W, J, Morgan of
thla atata, who hold the office of
comptroller, to tha Hoclmater Cabm
and Advertlaer, atate that "dm Itey,
0, V. Kurren, Hornan Catholic clergy
man, received $1,20(1 biat year for'hU
aervlec na chaplain" of the Hindi In
diiNlrlnl achool. And thene 'aervlec"
wer performed under die ' freedom
of Worahlp" bill pimaed aonm yrtnr
ago by the New York 1' glHliiiure, after
much dlMciiNNlou, under dm ,rovlaloim
of which Homan Catholb' prieala nr
lo be permitted to bold relli'loun aer
vlec In certain Piute lii'tiliiil ioui,
without coat to the alafe, Thl wim
what ndvocitte of dm bill wild when
R wim before (he leglalatiir; bill I
wa before dm leglnlature; but It
turnn out that die ainte now pay audi
clergymen l,2'iO n year, nnd In ad
dition allow "$,' a month for cur fare
for dm Water of Charily,"
The French police nl Uennea lit
hunting for dm iiihiihuIii of M. I,n
borl, chief founael for lueyfua, can -fully
gearched ,e,u Inalltudoii on
tlm outaklrt of that city, a a place
where the fugitive might be expected
to have ffed, That dm ,eull am
leagued with dm and Wcmlfe of
France, g fact well known to lb';
French nuthoiltle.
II I generally believed that Franc
I on dm verg of n revolution, A
pent up volcano I linking the founda
tion nf dm republic -a volcano of
moral and political depravity, 'be
leading iimn In public life- high gen
eral In the army, an ex prcrldent of
(be republic, and otlmi -appear on
dm wltneaa aland oiidec otm another
acctiantlon a liar, perjimra, forger,
etc,,--men utlerly without conaeldiee;
while ibe mob parade through the
afreet of I'arl ahoutlng 'lieadi to
dm Jew,"
Whfit ha brought France lo auch
n condition f Tim nnawer may be
aummed up In dm word, Jeauldam
and mllltarlam. Them wo great.
force repreaenf tlm oppoallli n lo the
French republic llolb are n,tiural en
einlca of republican government.
And t heaa two evil- mllifarlnm and
dm church In politic - are rapidly on
the Imrcaae in ibe Culled Hlnle,
Zech, I I II, rlcpl, 17, IX'ifi,
I, Where mm Zecharlnh born? 2,
In what year did Zerharlah mdlve,
till prophecy? 3, VVil be M pret li
well a a proptmi? i. What wa p
i ullar In regard to Zm lnuiiili and an
aligcl, when he prophealed? d, lo we
need au angel no fur Nome piod"?
, Of abut do" IhU 'iindicMiff k, or
i fiudle-bibt urn, with aevdi lamp, re
mind ua? 7, Wbiit other number l"
aldea audi lire fleiieilly fmllid III the
lillde? ti, What doe die number "7"
Hniifi a Whsl Ih buhl i"it
tbi mi n niauifi t lull h 'D
, Ill I al le i f llu. talt.Hxtlik' II If
It U li' dolt id ei'll I I1IUIU11 (u
hlii" It, i r ihii e Dill Die I liii
lina' U It dm bltd ot tlm in
110 .iiiii nd ll,ii' fiiutl tlm
i-llir lum make a Indian I u'dv fur
lliimi' lamp, Imw diH-a ll apptr to
11 Mml did yeibatlith do In dm pica
due of thl angel? II Can e til
In I ind' I.V la II wtniig lo ak 11" I
fur Infm matlon? M. Whr w llm
angid auiprlaed .eiharlnh did lint
kino hat thiHie thing meant f 17,
I hi (ml many ! limn ak aediilngly
allly ipieallniia? x, Who wa Zcrilb
bnbeir l. Who I dm Hplrll? 20,
What wa llm cauae of llm laraetltea
being In rapllvlty? 21, Mnt we de
pend upon tlm Hplrll now? 22, I the
help of man alwaya antlaf ntoryT 23.
If we go anywhere for (lod will dod
open tlm way? 21. How waa tlm Hd
Me made paaaable? 2ft. I II eaay to
exerclae faith when we go In tlm op
poalta direction from tha way (lod
want u to go lu? 2'). la M omni
potent? 27. What I meant Imra by
th Imadatona of tha building? 2.
What la tha meaning of dexplalng dm
day of amall thing? 29. Why can
Ood he pleaaed from tlm beginning In
regard to the conaummatloti of theaa
thing? !I0, What, wera the two olive
tree aytnbola of? 21, What Alnd of
hi flip are we? 32, (low doc (lod
auply I bean lamp with oil? M, Can
we ablne without dm power from
A, doca dm Itoman Catholic church
have any vlalona? II, Hboutd not an
angel awaken diem? C, Can dm
many candle of ., a papel church do
the work of the Holy Kplrlt In the
heart Vf man? U. doc dm papal
Chun It work by might and poer of
nrrnlc and diplomacy or by dm power
t,f llm Hplrll? K. Ar dmr moon
lulu lu dm way of tlm pupal church?
Now there I a Hum between dencia)
Oil and deneral Halo of Colorado,
According to very many feoort den,
era I Male baa fio uae for Oeneral Oil,
but I loo much (it gei,ieman and
diplomat lo falk too much, Whr tha
government retain deimral tftla af bla
work In dm I'blllppltm laland I
ipieadofi. There la on thing ur,
If thl arfy doe nol do aomeiblng
veiy aoou with or without dcfmral
Oil tlmr will b fiimh Icaa bow for
their exlatence another our year, il
may be that the people who ar Irving
to retain fJeneral Oil ha thl thing
In view, among many other, Hut
I do not aceuae dm Oemaerall party
with ao low a crime a that. Hut
there ar Homan Catholic, and dmy
want, Oil there for bla grand help to
their pagan cbun h, and while dm Ho
man Catholic (lock about MeKluley
and Mm hi foot print diey iifidoubf
edly lay plan that their dear church
may have free eooiae and be glorified
by llm advent of dm parly In whbh
there are ao many which are pel of
the pope,
I'f Oencfal Male return lo dm
('tilled Mtate and let dm people know
what Ihla governoicnl I aiipportifig
there In dm way of a general, dm de.
voted aon of tlm pope, ,V, T, f,
"llm I'ope in Krrnr" I i heading
whb h appear In a leading I'roieMani
Journal In tbla diy, a If a pupal error
were a thing tine enough to call for
comment, Tlm pope ihiiged wldi
being error regarding dm calendar;
"Certain forfhgivinga from dm Val
lum aeeoi i Imoly that dm pope
think the next ediiiiry In gin wit;i
l!ii)(i Inaicad of W, Tlm I inm, com.
meiitlng upon tbla, ay; 'If ! a f,ie(
beyond Intelligent doubt or argument
dun the toxt century begin, Jhiiuni?'
I, I it'll, of coiirii tbi a p'Mif hu b
Involve iMldi'-r do 1 1 inn i or d"gmii,
and therefore llm venerable bend of
die Calbollc i biifi h mii'M he miifiilii u
iiniiit If y,HjMi! thtowlng any Unfit
t Ik i lliim In I , f 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 lint M I
In mi ltni.i li i ini hlt' '
l,,i ihl be umite bt mut-iutt an I b a t
td alt by n iimn IMi a mind a t
!m! iMh h a that nt I'n X lit
If the pup la In di" dm Mi
cmlar, II In i d tml b Ibniiibl lia.'
tiling fnf It nut. I mil be Ibe flii
t-Mi'l tlml the papal tbuiib ha hul l.'
In lot lei hutting of time, llu ie ate
a number of tluae that aland tlmi" l
aaaltt'l Iter, and bale alimd ao foe
'the piiie ickoli lb"' beginning ot
the day at mldiilabl In Ir Hh It bo
gin at the aelting nf tha aun,
Me reiki ti a dm year a beginning
January I, In mlu winter. In Iruih it
begin with the awakening t aprltig
tin bellevea dmt Jean rhrlal aa
burn aa dm Imbrt of lleihlehcfit on le.
i ember 2't. In truth no perum know
the day of Chrlal a bifih, hul all evi
dence I again! peiember 2f a llm
Ha reckon the day of Chflet' ream -feet
bm a falling alwaya on dm II rat 1
day of dm week; whbh I a nbrfomv
ly falaa aa to auppoim that tlm day of
Chrlata birth would alway remain
tlm aaitm day of the week.
Calendar error, Indeed, la "atrong
point" In dm papal church, 'fheae er
rora have a ptirpoae fo erve; and !
may be dmr la purp to la aerved
In making limn tlm Aral year of dm
new century. -Amerb an Hendnel,
Htrllna whbh, II la claimed, ar
maimgcd principally by Koruun Cade
ollca, are lu every part tit the country,
It In raid, by tho who underafund
the alfuaflon fully, that atrlkc In Col
orado have pot that nuti In a condi
tion that will reunite a long dine fo
redeem lmrf, Tha men hunt,, not
expecting gfrlfcrt, buy a certain
amount of nu n handltm and Im baa
bl good M no al for ffn u-,, M'mt
pepa have not money to buy, The
ranchmen re trying fo mii' a living
Home are well fled flnan lally and
of beta are compelled lo watdi evry
fdekel, 'I hey bay but llflb' al for
a long llnm for dm prodm, Htitti
alrlker go tn a camp where diey have
fio union and demand (bat all tlm men
there Join llm union Home do and
aom do nof, Tboae who do mrf ar
f mil bed fo h railroad afaflon, at dm
foltif of rltlea, and warned not to fe
lorI, It ha been atated tiy aoum, wlc
are lnald of llm union, fbaf If fbey of;
f,i,tiii flma inefboda dmy are thrHi
died Wllh dadl If Ibey'do not ey
dm camp, Tha people who are f
feded by the action of fbi chin of
people think It la about flom tlm gov
ernment dora aomeihlng fo atop t, f
we have a thing that might be exiled
government. In dm mlnea dm people
rccdye o mo' h fbey will not work!"",f ( "V"ty'bing cl, I ,
fot (aimer who i nimbi" to pay J u"""' ' " ihf anmbl
very mm If, V"t af on of fh miima, u" sh,1 r fh fAofii
Where fbey were being paid Well, dmy "
alrike and an a coal fa mine, and j KHU' ""'" ' it ft
will not penult any oim cIm fo rom- t,k'i l W i'fifi"w,TfH
and woik fb mine, Why ar doom " tm Immm ha tag
thing not atoppeu? ut, thi in tm Jit" UivtiKit to utti-tut, Itl r,o im
law punching with Impiin mfnent "1 i"u,i " ' 1"
fb'ae who foumnf thetm atfikea, it '" hi fa,
In atated fbaf, one man went lo flue j Oik of flm depfiwmf at Waal
or four mining iampa wlmfa dm nn'ii ' ' 'M aupfeffing a mr,
tyera awdaflc'l nd got them to afrlka rhunii whbh dmy tm' feeaiia Ik
Why ahould that man not b puuUbed '"" ' permlMed fo conm ami t
l,e,n. of lb" lo of money and uf ""' thu act a apotlef tof Ihdf 4ot
ferlng Im immcd to otb"f, la fni ! '""ref prUaf to whom dmy imt
i4 flm i ooiiii y ao that a man i nn i .nme '
aufferlng to bundled; yea, diound, , Atdildahop ( Impel, it, in repotf
of people and yd go free? I We lly "" "' defary Hoot, I'rot
Hrnae? ' '" Hf to do for t'ntm m
1st lbe thing be gifted and H will H)"' '"' 'Wf M
be found alinod alay Omt p-pa y j ""' t'l'"Hli.
la at tl. bottom of t, X, W. j u "' "
. jontfi flifo!ifi dm woia lit dm pfi
7 in p"r tint and all e (pence goar I Idle, it I tent ft a
anieed our netl ageni who te j nciinfmliy of p-nypo n-tm-fn thn t
and appoint bal agent on our p,pu j -''b.n of the I nit.-d Kiaie,
lnf book, W need a few tn. ire now, ( A iie-mf tlm l!',mn Vut.toiU t
I, (otie or gentlemen, If ltde.(..d in I nf;M,K wh,,An 0ll4 ftii
II, iw ling Miiploiinifit O'l niiiini tor j ,
, ,. i i , , f if fbefo In i-i-i may i,t,;t,t,
filll tufoiiiifitlou. Ieal liirenU ft!0
y..iili. 'I (in H'i.ey J'l(l,jj ..,,(! fi, , ''''d ' """I t "t "fl II
CI-i'i'HO, III, I ! ,;i-.: '
Mud HI l;f ti
1 1 M lii b id Hi ' m,(i Im Kim him
i.t. i I it I ll a bin la it,
li li Moim i. in- itiiii m i na ted h
pi il imf.i, mi e ml .-0 I,m kiM
a mid', I in ,e ttieirt dud )lmn lher,
ll" mil, I m,0 iUted llm game Ile'la
ll l InhK, lull lii toi ,,e," h4
a iml Ibcfii and tin" Im la Idling
hat he iMild bave dune if ha IW
lecn Ihife If dm b (Im tuaut
bleed flom dm effwt of llm alt In
bla fie, It Miiubl Im wl for blai f
k '( 'l"lel and dm hojI may forget
llm little t In iiumfxiie Holland Itaa)
not bad Imr fight wllh Homlat fiar
iiiithlng F. I, T,
A lit; MAM.
We lotitlflim to '" mor of fhrt feat
per of dm pope' pd fij t,ti thm
alght of I he ph litre of lMy, Wky
llecauae Im Ihraalmd their diar Hpular
o and dm rtear aite wa a'l worrle-'f
over dm affair and now dm pop may
bum all dm money he loaned l' fU
detr rtpeln, that Hea-ey fhrah!,
The Komafilaf try laftimna I Ivy
demmrat agafnat fiewey and aay that
Hewey I m thiir ot MeKlnmy,
only thing they hl flewey t'rf U lee
eauie he not In faror o1 thi ptrpn
when ha ih fym want to rig thb
mi turn -w, c, f.
'fti'-y can aa what dmy plea- (wot
John Ireland loatng hi or iti fiat
Im wanted, and abo il dm many d'ii
fbfhg h fried lo do and did nut An,
but Im ha bl W Klnley yet and M
will work bl atrlnga well nn4 it wn
mil' Judge of dm past will i-gfcb amrt
large flab, What would hi do wlhoif
a MeKlnlcy? A firiftn who la pa;
htm I 'if what the pif'M 'ii'
mote i)m thin fmpal pgfi,
alb I
. at t-
Tlm alia k of dm many fUtitmn Cih
olle policemen l,t f'blldepf, m ffe
baa Arum ot dm ftay0o Army tn a
baae ad, yJom aay dm ienolfa ar
back of (tin ttttinU. tint tlm iuH
ay dmy urn uol, A hit tbmt fnoiitt
tin hot tin about If, twni flmy )
fbey do hot, Jv "ty mm who Im h
a liar, but Ibe JVaiflta aay dmy do mii
Th'-ri I a limit and dmr, the Jeaul
and fh rent of d, Hottmn ('HiUotln
tumt ahow ff,cj temper and ffe
plan and Uhim a point, and f bla la mi
ot tiit dr,m at I'blladelphla, Ttml
f fiiprafiir goi a bljti dmy ejfof
'd, and iJi 0 (be f)i,p nM nim Jfc
fl-elr great lov for Ihl goyrnmeaf
de,, wa all ",eolteaI pir,"
Afid fi'w iber ! H Striker' nnUm
dm larger part i,f it," UnArn of mUM
a Homn Catholic, 'flmy are no
aMbitied wit ft having lmof. eyerjr
thing ibdr way; dmy want full ton
fed ot all dm affix and thro