The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, September 01, 1899, Image 6

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To Ccnqurr (lie Philippine
rl Mii I II-r nniitfrmi
iff of Ih Twelfth lnltr.1 lti Irt"
'!, belli (he tUHIUl'l (lt-
M'l Im ha '"! M'iilm In th
t"hllliiiinea, u jttal fnun Viilfn,
I rn")lii(( Irate of !iiie and la
tllllg U ItU'ltl Milt III Will
lllll "nl, .l. r u Mllll tiny.
...illlli, t,t Wral IVilfl! .r '
leMmn Mmilelle, Mil l IH.IuhI.'iI fi'lil
W I'tiiNt In IMJ, r.i. H-i.-y I
0,'llet, llllllltlll,g III Htl, alight l,f Imllll
!, ti fllllll Httlri allfflta,
ause, dr the lung Juiim" from M
nil ,i ft !, U will ia rir
T hct It t-iilhlng admit hi appi-arsm
I lilt WfHllil lllllll-at (llAl ll llNtl lwn
Ihriiimh llii. )n,iw fever of Uic flan
' Jungtea iir th tioplcal heat ami
Mln nf llm far Wer It tint fur
fb rlaln'i (, ho accompanied
Mm In Manila, Cpt, lleraev would
mill . tin (Inly about Manila. Mr.
Ilrr desired In rottirn home, unit
ao th captain got authority to accom
pany her 1,1 Itomoii, wild permission Id
enjoy Ihlrljr day leave of benc,
)ifttilii: ar
ir. vi ' . ; r, iiiirvriv.rn if-
F . ,'f
nil b rlibt fa apply Uit thirty ad
4iOfHi ffayi If b if'lrd, fapt.
Ifry lft wdb hi fKlmcnt on thr
(ranaoirt ilhcridati, Vth, I) lat, aall
fj fmiri Nw YurU, !,IiiL-('i;, Jacol
II, Kmlib In command, Tby re hd
MilU April If, Ha left Manila far
Hun frim lo, Jun IH, on th trani
frt ladlana, rfliiaj an qiiarlrn:
Ifr nu4 cimnilasary on th trip,
Th bd'iuirtfi of bla rKlmnt U
Vwt HumMis", In lha flly of M
wlla, I'a tn lh f!w of hi dpartir
ffna Mmlla, ('Dpt. llTf-y iliat
lb T w!fih r:lnent k.i bfn In lw
ftK"Mntt, Jun 2 and 13. In lh
f!rt ri) gefi)if lb rl nint lot f wo
i-a. Imrliif lh iwiunt nxiK'-m'-iit
ihre wen er klt!d, and on offlr
nd Pfi m"H r wonndej, Tit
flrl l'ti bf'ir Ih town of
'f ailil and f'aliKiila. and lb aund
f)(ht w at I a f'lii a and l'ranii,
lh Twi-lfib aupprlio( lyr'
bliry, UintH artlilry,
' It b4 l I'll Just bow many In-
l'flK Hi Wf In !' fir.JIKmefit,"
aald pl, tfffy,"tiijt It wa -(tnm4
ly lhiia on th flrlmc lift about. St'O
In ih fft tif,s'mt iid tfHi In
th affond, Hf ft-r Iffiirn'-d whn -orn-iidd
tt ttpiitrtuU n, HI, tli"y wer
fiij wPb Miar.'
A'ba ( apt, llerffy 1, ft tl. Inmir
ft't wr hi Bv il! rrf Ih
t Uy, 'i h TmmUk lftitry la iitnd
oh th nt l!u, tb Amf'n f'r
Tb tnoat aabiu plan fjg(eaid by
fiililtary ipru for tranaporilttg
Uot In tit ir aeroaa wid
f)r fa prbp that prpod by
Vru army iprt renily and ain
fi!Jy yit4 during tb Kren b
fsnijvr, ft fii'! of a portabl
lfldg to carried aifut wit a tb
tr'o) and thrown aw-r'xa tb atream In
m-rgeo lea and supported by means
of ballKo. Tk k!lKB ar not, how
ever, !Sowe4 in Boat !', but ar
plad ben' tb planking. A d'za
Isrg Inflated balbxxja an bored at tb
dlrd Mht en tbua ten mad fo
epport t picking on which t bundre j
men ean MWf er at one, Jn th
wMr alreanm three or four of the
plauk r necesasry to uad, but
tbJ-y -n b lfl4 together and tbui
TAKE 100,000 MEN
tsfdnds Says a Returned
twltig dlnlllloitnl tth kill (.milk, of
Ih t Hi
' W hue stasia I'lltm t!i I III .rf,,in tt," ali I'Spt ni,
lull tlu r at lll, IMe alHMit eugiir
la 1 1 1 1 1 (if l'i"mri. four la li I
I in in-. I lliey i itiiuiitl ain a Ihlih
er Nl hming I'm eiituigh. in
tuilil th tni, our f'rt "iii on
Rinl th lie n fought today aif bat k
gain liuttorto In Hi loan ili in
I tip in nut of ih itr I' fi'i Mum of
lh In in atiiiiit Manila t.ivn been
taken a mull llmi-a as a at U t-
polled In h live, V ncri IIHI.O'MI
iii ni In Hi Philippines, men cumuli to
VdirUnn tli town and hold them lift it
we lapiut them,"
"What la lb loti of Hi people
"Wi-ll, aliiiiilit Mr Hmt lh nililnn
(llitu't wini ui lhr, i fiillii( in
ward im la anything but klmlly.
"Thr at vml dally ppra "it
lUlini in Manila liy Amrrli-anii, anl
on or twit HpanlKh patora, All llil
talk a Inn it (irn Otl mint bnv ftopp!
J fill . aV m ' J i aW U
7' -. ,1
out aim f left, a OMfhlnz of tbi kind
wb brd whll I waa at Manila. I
beard tin rrltilama acalnat film, Tb
fllmi.l of Manila la mmh heal I bier
than that of Cuba, Va have ij yel
low fvr tbr, and tb thermometer
rat!it from 71 degree to M dezre,
I beard fto kl blna; tb troopa,
Tbejr ration ar foot?; drM frnlu,
mull a applea, prnnea and pa' Jiea,
ha ln added lo tb ration, Tbt
beef w fef ther la eel!ent, tb
qual, I think, to our own pa kln;
boua lef, ji cornea In eent
hap from Aif tralln and l dcllered
aboard ir refrSiterator ahlp In tlm
bay at ret.ta per pound,"
" Aulfi!'ldo lonlnf bla trip on tb
peopl ib'ir?"
"1bt' bard In y. On tan t'trm
an opinion well from what I print
ed Iter a trim what appear In tb
M irii;aj journal,"
"I Manila a ood p'-if tor Amerl
ramr 'Tor h rapiulifit I abonld aay ye,
For tb laboring man, no, libor I
o hp, Why, yon en klr tb beat
of ma! rrrvanta f,r $f AmnUm
m-mey a toon'h, Tber ar yt roul
fleida tber, Atnerlean ?pltal, aided
t,y fiatlv An r, ronl.J produf eoal at
V, V ,r I'm, mhi-rmn It roan about
Ilt.&O pey ton, Tim mur.tff fa frtll
byoid any itandard w b In tbU
foil n i ry,"
"Wbat ab'wt th pp!?"
mad to irt all praetleal ptirp'i of
ainglu apan, Tb only diffb yliy that
If wia iprfd th iw Idea wotiid
nemntr wa la th caa of Jow
tenked mrama, wbr It would le Im
polb! to t!a tb balloma bnatb
lb bridge and above th water. When
tbl wa tried, however, It wa found
thai tb m purport wa rvd by
floating tb balloon on top of th
!r, with tb advan'ag that fewer
bulloon were needed to mipport if,
planking. Tber I no dfffifuliy wat
ver In earrylng tb mt-rll fm th
baatKy eofl'ru-td br!d alyt jfe
p'ank are, of eourae, al!y tnmitM
carried and the balloon im)4 rd
lly Inflated with a balloon mnm. Thl
baa bfom an arpted parrot mill'
try paraphernalia In any vest, ao
X ill '
t wa tbi ti ha t'.m.
ni',! til I 1 1 i iit I in! ii
t'f , In! .rl.n lit Ih I i.i.!.'
Hi h li4 at II am ih.r. tn IS
f of th'if It I Iff liny at an in
t 1 1 1 n t hiii! l .ri .f I hm
Mini ktii ii il . Hi la m l
aim) tiiitiie I li turn lr) Mh
tail liH lli M.tiH im m ti. h
I'lilinni I fulil hal M bratfl
hll l Mrnil a ha i (in tf-Mallnti
In atlnt thai l'"i i tli aiijwrliir nf
lihf of thru pi-l Ihey at nicfi
of riliiiatlun m ttit fftiiniiil."
"At iMy riitipt'nl lit ni lhm-
(Hl "
WII, ! Mriliana li inn rcitnl
fiy fit In thai illfri linn, ami I
hu rcaann liy Ih Hl:iiini alinuMn'l,
lliiiiinh a I iK'ltrt Ui rin fr mut
liilclilKPtil than lh fntiiiir,"
"U lial ort of a f"M I II fur Ui
"Wfll, lhy ihIkM jul aa fl n
them Ij ruiHiit lh iii.ipln of H.ialn,
I Ill-re' Jual a nint h i lnfli In limko
"At lh peopl prlat rliMrn and
In h i li-uy rim I rkni bltaiit f r
from Ih ii"ipl?"
"Not ktiowln. I mntiot aay. Hut Ih
prlcata I tin-t at Mnlilla - tli Jeaulta,
tho who h rontrol of lh ob
rvatory lhr-ar a r) neholarly,
blh-nilnld at of men, who do all In
fhflr piwey
to tUT pear fa tu
fla fafament,
fnlted Utatea fonmil Covirl, at
J.yona, report tfm laying of a
piiyement In on of tb atreeti of that
rlty nearly a year ago, II aayi; "It
ba aood a bird imait aa any pavt
ment ronH b aubji't4 to durln that
Urn, and la atlll In an admirable, tft
t t preratlon, Tb r,l, or ermlff
atoti, pswnent la laid In tb form of
blok lKht Ini bea icimr, cb bUx It
wntalnlnf aluteen part In tht form of
e.H krr, Th blo k ar no rloejr
fi"d together that wafer ran not p.ia
between them, Tb advantagei attrib
n'ed in tbU rmo-rrytal by tb man
ufi Hirer ar; Aa payment It ha
grnter rtaiane than aton; it fa n
f t or rond'n tor of eold, and l" will not
fotrn Min It readily; dirt will not a--(iimuiai
upon It a x!Jy a upon
afotm, anf It will not retain microbe;
It U trior durabk l!ian ion and Juf
. thtxp,"
Wmm lleare In Anttrmlim.
Tb disproportion of tb x I
mill ry grwt In A'iKtralla, In Wnt
Ai'fcri!U iber er only &4,000 worn
'n in a population of IWrtQ.
Only womn -r 40 J!k tn tak m
trip without a Irunk,
that no ln''onynlnr U f;rleori
on thl aor, Tb balloon ar mad
of a neatry xinrd llk tbt readily
aland lb itraln tboa plfd upon
tl.em, Tbey ar matd!y arnlbd
and ap llly roat o that tb ur'a
I Immo'ed to tb effect of ordinary
b1owv"Tbey ar aomewhut amalb'r
ht th regular army balloon. In fb
V;m ti maneuver, by "r,ding a rum
ettny at a tlm ' ro tba bridge hast
ily thrown aero tb river, tn regi
ment wr nt rv In than an
hour and hlf. Including th time
neceaaary to bring tb army arid bal
loon wagon up from tb rear, and lb
tlm that It took to InfUf tb bl
Uon and thro th brldg Into pa!
tln, Tfcl I much lttr tlm than
waa mdt by tb prctc of ny othet
plsn In n In tb Kr9cb army.
1 ?
Till: MuMI.Mr.NT,
I tilk I H fU!f flal-
' of ii-mlf ! atiM .
Matt ! i' ftr t k l4an k m all
a II f
TI.Mt..i l,aii f.a .i! m on f
' lkl i f l w tnar
'M, I fH In ..lil m In .ll Ik llil
fiHl Ik hnlli.m of l liaatl "M ,"
kr Ik war. ia a r-nit, -n of ' M
', nam apvilatlr ia nil, a
nmtnlnt up H'fl l-nh ta a .kfltal
lad laantal aip I
lit tall anl itfm!y Niflm,
after Ik ,). of IM lat.r an I ftmr.
4neiti llirak toil leifim on tety
fitia and in nety m neinnt t'i
Hiip of and of Ulna
II I lni.ilri tteratinirla.l, and, In
deed, If m iik that ar. hr f
malm lltii or timhina but oiiatinai r
lim a big in Thi mm tl nation
blended together n a ihlik aoiiiHou
of lf'onip!-etii,yl pin. tinea. niDta
pHorl. ally ipeiklng, a atuii wall.
You argu with him; h will
Mlthr b ronvlnred bim!f nor t at
Hi troutil of runvlnrlng you. You
rannot lntrat htm agalmt hi will,
and h laldoai lhea in b lnttrnd.
rinally, you rinnot even bav th it
lafaetlon of rjuarrellng with him. for
b will not b roiiad, and look on
your auprmat efforu to angr him
lib th aay toleranr of a trlctorlou
1'eraeii watching Mdua'a anaky
lorka rntwln tbnnurl around hli
flngeri, and nrlva to niaka blm rilai
bla bold.
At on moment of our Uvea b v.-otild
bar had m bell In hi lordly way
that b waa not unwilling to link my
dentlny with blm. Hut, atrang to r
Ufa, I remained unmoved by tba gold-
tn proapert of hli companloniblp, pro
trarted Indefinitely purhapi r-terna!ly
nd bla tentative bir.ta lnpaed into
oblivion. To return to th af'.rrnoon In
nueatlon. Ilelng iwitre of hi artlMIc
trmperment, I naturally Jumped at thi
fonrlualon that bla rholc bad fallen
on a "daughter of th eod."
un, no, n nairj in tiM alow wir. ,1
Lautlful woman 1 deilzhtfu! to look
at, but not to marry, Khe would U
Impoailbl to manajte,"
"Then I ah young?" I aikrd, al
though my curiosity wa aomewhat
"Juat 17," Im observed, thoughlfully,
nd wa aurprUed at my xr!maljn,
i ' : a,
"But my dear Monty, you ar old
enough to b "
"Krua m, Mlmml, f would rather
lh were, atlll younger. Marry chll J
ni yon may bop to edueai br Into
th wlf you would cherish In your old
"0" I gaaped, "then what la
"fncllned to b frlvolon, bnt ( shall
aoon remedy that, Tb poor girl I only
too glad to find a man who I not hunt
ing hr for her paltry flv or alx hun
dred a year,"
That I eould readily bv, and In
Jumlcfj to Monty, f mint aay that mon
ey, a mr money, doe not In th It
appeal to blm, f'erhap that I bee i
h h alwaya bad enough to b com
fortabl. But b wa not good lover? If
wa even then far mor lntreid In
tb academy tban In hi fiance'
ebrm, Tber were tbre or four por
trait of Jovely women that bs ;k of
In a way tint mud mm glad th origi
nal did not eom within hi sphere of
a-f!iairjinc-for t!' girl's rfc.
Ha did not carry her photo Sn hi
pocket, it took him several momenta of
hard thought to remember her i) ir-M,
and-"bn you ar IntlmM enotigS
to eal) her by ber Cbriatlan nttnn," b
remarked, "plaa fall ber Kub';ml4,
and not Kffl,"
"Why?" I aak'd, determined on bo
aecouut to do ao,
"f!f'je," m answered lmpri-vely,
"Kf!l I to Inalgnlfliant for a married
woman, and I have g atrong objection
to pet name.
"Wbn," I Inquired, rn!y, "did you
ver In lb whol roura of our Hvi
all t by my bptlma) nam?" Mii
ty amlled Icdulyantly,
Tbt I diffre;;t. You ar not going
to b my wlf,"
I eonfe I rvld In thl eonol!ng
tbougbt, for nothing In th world could
r rconli me to th peculiar atro
city of my nam, and If It full hide.-
! la II I h tnr't ..
n,f... tn tij i ti I k 4
' " M.I M t
'lH 4. ,U ,,,
n a h . , I. ti
a-ff IfMlll
Vail (
iar'.tiiir ) " k't ,
will atml tk Urti ran
ikia if miixa, a4 aaiikiaf aa
i ik i." I4 M ?, afiar a,
Pt, l!i "ki-t t tinii
kta I k4 f'y fur r"'. Miwniia.
a ml lh. iit imi mlfhl ! maki in
Ia4 all "
"Ikir wiy kail lia I lni-f '4
rilititf, '! I tn (tiMfirt!y rttirm
mr 1 ,Ml
ly ui winld mak ma a bad hnl4n4
And M.n'y bate4 upon m nna of
th'i- all f.itHnn. allien aa t, gtam-ea
Ikil ar a.1 abniiima!!y Irritating nben
tin ii trying on' bei i.i nub blm.
After klnniy'a raanal itnurk I til
lurptlaed tt find l.nie g Air Imiklnt
girl, Ihiiugh a lite, of muri. no prr ar
ilmii to th Jnm i'i thai Mont d
mamli of Mi Ideal woman. b wai
young, Indeed, but bid an old fla!ilond
way with her that waa InDnltely atTn
live. I had gneeaed Intiilllvelr that ah
bad neither father nor mother, al
though many propl might aay that
thla waa Judging my rouiln too harih
ly. Hr guardian wer an rldrly tin
rl and aunt, wbo didn't mind what aha
did a long aa ah didn't worry tbm,
o I waa glad to help her with br
trooaaeau, and set aa much of br a
I ioon discovered that Monty objert
d to bar having ao many friend.
"Lancelot," a ah wa mada to rail
him, thought "gadding about" ahowed
"rmpty beadednesa."
"Hut, my dear child," I irlalmd, lit
urely doesn't expect you to drop your
friend Juat became you art going to
marry Win? Wby, you will want tbm
mort than ever. What do you auppoa
you II do whn he' at work all day 7'
"Then h haan't told you lie' going
to rexlgn the partoc-fhlp?" mid Klllfl
My hrart fror and the fact must
hav been rlearly evident to her, for
be hastened to add: "You don't think
be spolla m too much, do you. In glv
Ing It up for my sake? '
And th. rereading anirel ihould put
It to my eredlt that I only anwered.
"Kffle, if ba ever apoll you let me
Yesterday I tackled him.
" .-. i. i.
"Wht do you mean," I aaked "by r
tiring from bualnea at your age?"
"And wby not?" h said, "Jn'C I
husband' place at bla wlf' Id?"
"Most emplmtlcally no," I rejoined,
with deadly rnestnea, "A husband'
duty I to make money for hi wlfo to
enjoy herself with,"
"My dear Minimi," ht begged pita.
oualy, "dnn't put tbor, airt of Idea
Into Kuphemla'a bead. Yon ar too
frivolously minded to understand that
a woman should b a man' bandma.ii
mentally a well a physically, and not
bl plaything. I don't want wlf who
eniilr amnsinir, or wbo wish to
imuM me. If I want relaxation I ean
come and you, I want her to b
neefn), and dometlcted, and"
"And," I fnferrnpted, "what do yon
think ah will want to btV
Monty actually gped. Then he re
covered hlmiejf anffleiently to answer
"rib will want to b what I make
Poor KfTle' And th wedding I to
morrow!" Wtmln'cr Uudget,
Anstfala nt m 1itf Tear,
It l ald of Jsme Kmlthson thai
"happening to oluo-rv tear eliding
don n ldy' cbck h endeavored tc
catch It In s erystal veae; that on,
half of th drop r neaped, but, having
prerved tb other half, h aubmlffed
It to raye0ra, and detected what wai
then failed mlcrocosmlc lt, with mil
rlat of oda and three or four rnor v
line substance held In oJutlon,"H!f
Aiiiaiifij Kpre'l f III OIIr,
The tee4 of an olfr under watet
I amazing. Klsh hava no chance
azalnist them. In om place j0 D.
dla otter are. kept by thi native t
fla for thm. They ar tied tip w
I'akea Ilk dog whn not working
wf plaited collar and aeeo happy.
la at. !. ai.-ta a..i
lf.fl. f f-
ltlif lilt Ml in )ry '',
i t.'lMna ladl'' ta I; n
Wien'a ikn-a i-i!tlra fntnUli
It. (
't tfrt l!h at tiiitn fiTa', tk
lift MiiH "5 al adiantii if !
.-nralnn le In Otnaka and th !
a,'- on kiih ilnii i Hlia In
(l'ib ," ?iUef at krtl In tb
l ft and vietf riniei4
I hn
iwl ran to h ed tm I
lb n i
it. r.-v
ihf int.
and HI 1 1 1 A r
' I, tin la i In Ih
h rmpf
aw ii ii men i. Tbr l
Iva to l ip-
air fr I takn and wbK
aieiallng an
oiled lv a email iwinr -
'I b iii
air itiiin ii Th air whlatl w
t)l b
In lb routitii. brt th ir
vun at a blah fat i f apeed,
a I i wtlt If uutp'.l with a telephonk,
with fi'ly fet of wit and a inltrti
I'l" at.
14 r Ian VI ear nhrf
One ale amalli-r afli'r nalng Alb'n'l Yf
l;', powilor fur th fi'ol. It III
tla-M or lit-w ln. ay, I'ure
Irn, liol. af( tlo(f, aclilnif fort, lii(frtw
I n If unlK inni ami Imiiioit, At all
IruitirMa nod alio aliirca, 2 eta. Trial
.in iiai-i V I IKK l.v mall. AlWu
M. oimmod. ! Itoy, X. Y.
Wlllliim Hixtila, th greiteal rnl.ll)
owner In th I'nlteil Hint, attend
to nil th ileinll of bla work, entrust
ing aa little aa ponalhl to th ear
of atttioriltnatea, although hn could
well afford to retlm from th actlvn
management of hla bualnea. "If I
want to Im Hire thing la well donn
1 Juat do It myself," b anya. Twlen
a year h aiion.panlea hla shipment
of mitln from northern Arizona Into
Kanaua City,
I' ml en In a MetT'lnvenllnna,
II. II. Y of Ouitthn, Neb, aska: "I
hern any met bud of eatabllahlut
jrlorlty of Invention exept by a -"at?"
Anawer: W romineticcd llllnj
nromplete) appllcntlon In lieu of rn
'cata twenty yenr bko an', auch pra';
Ico baa been followed by other attor-
. . tr t t...i.... -.i. .. ...i..
ifyn. . i'. ininiwin, ri"e preaiuen'
f the Patent auoMMatlon ot)
A'l Rtilnt-ton I on record a saying In
I iractlce of forty-two he ncvr
'ound a invent benefit i.ny of hNj
tllrntH. There Ii n utron ptobabliitv
lint ori?reiia will abolish the raveat
The ravent fe nr on unnecessary
ixpenan. An application ench na
irejmr and file nt Wanblnrton upon)
be receipt of the flrnt fee, $;r), will In
eral protection for on year. Any
itbei way of fixing dafn cf priority of
nventlon la uncertain,
Cotjtiultatlon and advice about pro
ectlng Invention free.
Solicitor of Patent,
Dea Molne, Iowa, Aug, 12, 139,
No barber mi a right l ehnrge a
mm 15 rent for opinion that h
do'nn't want.
tfelp Malar Help Yn,
Vf'ailft eann"! piira aifafi. nniffa iMntirf
! rfn ln, tnH nut, I iiimi ( nn-lt l ai.,r
" mry n Illfl'lf, All flf.llla, t'f-', l,-ff..
Men who live on llttl are called ec
onomist and men who 'lv on nothing
arc called trampa.
Hint tn ffnnsekeeptiri,
A little dry "KajultienM Mtnroti" will frmUa
IrKiiniitltr of starch nilstiira and gie
iMittwr rmulu than anv otbar atnrch; try It
All griCfira awtll 'Konltlemi Mlnr. li," (Oc,
It I said that norne of tb abee
farm In Australia are a large a tlm
whole of England.
I nvr nd no quick A eur a Mao'a
Ciir for Conamrtiitlon, J. II, I'slmar.
" 1171, Hai, VVa-iti,, Nov, 'Mi, I,
More depend on your l.ileitlfin; tfifin
on Ood'a outpouring.
Mhcfifef h Done.
A vtif Amount of mUcliltf 1$ dme, ton.
hcAute people ntfffect to kttp their Hod J
pure. It spptMn tn tfuplhm, dytprpt, '
ttul geuwn, ntnmunesi, kidney dhtrt?J y ')
and oftitr tllmtnlu lhiod'i SdmpArllUp'
0ire$ ttt dlstAe$ promoted h) Imput f ft ,
blood or hot st tt of flit lyttttn. Pw h
ti'l Nt whs a if Ini'nh
m rC fr i It y" a i a' win kf ymt 4f tn II kar
Imiv 0 tuh Brfil
VI' Wf 1 It'll l UK la f'KH
ffWfl. W-W I' r.t.Htvtim It.
m ,
f 1'jWl ll t-,f.n M.n
I SenJ your riarrn and. id.Jrm on a
f ffntil, and we will cm ymi our 5o-
m luitrtcj Ulu frc.
17 fVlaektilit gfieai, Ha, Ceas.
e. V
1.7.. y,-
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