The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, September 01, 1899, Image 5

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hin'.,,t i 14 tti.
ILMU. l Mb
Ciit. IVS aVv. f n
! 4 tla . 1itriH
a e of hJrU4 tl4ft) tit
WASIUV-Jlns', Put 1 1 1 si"
4U IrpitM l II. i l( l lite
t. eiinttaii i. f Id If iini-i.n, I I Kr
l year t-iirt.d June t.0, I!-, 1-1. tin
ante Vrlr Ititrn l Us" IjiH In ti.j"
thiA !lh the rtli.) tl,-U I ll.c n ) null
Hill and the tivt ivtl.Jia l (in- i'ti i. u
The f union rt il I l.iailf up t.r ....
aurtmu lttieia 31.41 ti.lti
r tri'riiii nt triiti it- una i ra urn y
Uii i n Ui. in lt year imi, being Ji.4' 4m, mute uma
ver iM-forr.
The HM-niff if each rlnsa nf pen
sluuera I him higher. 'I in- hi
bureaus, Bttiirtu)! lees, etc., brought
the tUI eaptliucd tyt in l.lH,;ri5,l'.i
being 11,1.44. f less ihull Uie '.tu
, jirutton.
j The payment fur jtrr.eions for the
year kit cinssiiied as follows: lit neral
law, Spanish ar,
i t of UUU, i.4.3il.4;u. .Furs paid to
attorney were ttiti.lHi'J, .aguinsi i'3u,
000 In IS'.!.
Total number tif claims filed during
tthe yeur. 48,7i5; allowd, 37,0? J; re
.stored, 3,914; total allowanris, Includ
ing Increases, KD.uf.4; total claim
pending June 30, IN!), C5.Ii.j9; June
30, m. 477,239.
The total disinterments to pennlon
er since 18(16 were $i,3:i.!10.!)74
During 'the same period $15.4!il),HSfi
went to examining surgeons. 12,(ili2,
178 to pension agencies unit 1X2,2.17.228
fur salaries and other expenses of the
(The .number .of pensioners residing
In foreign countries In 4,300. to whom
la paid ,U33,309. Of thin number 2,139
reside .In Canada, 416 In Ireland, 605
In Germany and 321 In England. There
are four surviving widow and seven
surviving, daughters of the revolution
arywar on the roll. Hiram Cronk
of north western New York I the only
surviving pensioned soldier of the war
of 1812. He la 99 years of age. The
n' mber of penHlotied widows of the
' mr of 1812 i 1,89. On oeeount of
t ,e Indian war 1.6C8 soldiers and 3.-
Ii9 widows are pensioned. For service
In the Mexican war there are enrolled
9.204 s61dters and 8.179 widows. June
' qv, law, ine iuihi iiiiiiihi-i ui (ji-urhhi
... , r, . il. a ... 1 . . k. n t n. I i.n
er was 991,fil9, being 2.195 les than
'on the same date In 189H.
The 'report sny that eonxlderabln
progress has been tniide In bringing
tip the arrearn of work in tne mireaii
The -work 'tin 'original emlm Is pro
t etirrent and the wor' of aiding medical
V examination In Inefosi claim;: Is be
pushed so that very little time now
elapses between dnie or niing anu
.orderlnK the medic:.! exainlniiilons.
The eommlxlonfr reports the work
i'l fnr bettfir condition than at. any
t.uie slnee . Ar-fll, le.'j7, and It Is be
lieved that further pnwcsH will be
ettnlned by Ihe syt.'ems Instituted in
the different divisions.
'The commissioner calls attention to
the fact that order No. 225, Issued
June 8,1893, which provided for a re-
udjustment of rate of pensions pre
vlously granted under the operation
.of order. No. 164, 'h ntlll In force, but
he states that no revision of rates
tinder said order has been made un
der his administration,
During the year 107,919 claims of
I all classes were rejected In the bureau.
jt n 'imrniui Hiininii in vim ;nun'H i-i ic
f Jertlnn of so many claims Is given,
I snowitig that a large percentage or re
jectlons occur In which additional al
.lowanoerof some kind Is claimed.
A filtl and detailed explanation a
'to the icause of delay In the adjust-
.I'tniint ,fif .elultnM im nfcmanlAl fr.m
. which titiappear that In nearly every
V eaa of unumiHl delay the fault lies
I with claimants or their attorneys and
nut with the bureau.
In order that the present tomplex
wystem rf ipenslonlng may be slmpll
fled ano to secure a more uniform
ipraetloe iin the future the appoint
ment it ft .commission on the revl-
worn tit the law, rules and regulation
Is recommended,
legislation Nuggnsied extending
ine uenentor the acts of June 17. 18o,
to persons who served in the mm fed
erate army and afterward voluntarily
nllto4l In the union army or navy
prior to January 1, 18(15, and were hon-
, orauiy ajsenurgeii,
Km4iii(Iiiii Itiimiir ftill'.rf,
WASHINGTON, Bep(. j.-The navy
partment tins ree;Ved offlclul con
.11 nation of the Associated press dJs
patches annour'lng tlin resignation of
President Flr.nero of Houto Domingo,
In tho following rablegrnm from Cap
tain Lor.fcnecker tf tho New Orlenns:
"President Flguero resigned at 4
o'clock yesterday,"
Otis Will 1'rlnt s I'sper.
MANILA, Sept. L (New York
World Cablegram Special Telegram.)
(lenoral Otis Is arranging to beln
the publication of a newspaper next,
week, The soldiers who have been as
signed to duty In the composing room
complain that as they have been or
dered to set type they want typeset
ter' pay.
KstlfM Forced to Hetlr.
MANILA, Sept. 1. Dispatches Just
received from Cahu announce that the
American troops under Colonel Buy.
les with two field pieces, sallied, on
Monday Into the hlllw, agnlnut a bund
natives, who recently ambushed
our of our soldiers, and who have
Atn t!.. 4 II ni.
' J H ' imij n iiii'ii.riwiim, m?
erlcnn force found the natives rn-
nehed and drove thern from their
trenchea further Into the hills. There
no ciiHimltlcs on the Amerlrr.n
iue, though there were, sotiv! beat
proKtratlcno. The natlvfs' IctJ Ij not
iUUMU U It tt CI ( ID.
j I ! UWI tl.4 44 t IH.'t
! W t 'a s ni t .lt
4 . '.'. 5- Im4
4J , . t ,f f,.. t d I. t f
, il U U 1Mt
tt f e4 ( ife Is te
1. t i j f IS tt f 41 li.-t lir tt
u f t 1 1 ' i t-i I n I in ;
n I 'miU J .t In IN lit tMt
Hi t th lfcl It ii ( nil m Hi e
i i. . m it Ui i .t ,rt I
t ' H fmM n r . t nn r , ,i,
in t". Ii Ui ! ,r., 4 tt, if
f e.'I'MfM
At N Vi'tk ll hi'U hiii twiii
I'll l rv!.n f frw,, I i,i .i
frr ivti, M. ,rin( hi in it
sti.t ol tnhir Imim.iI.iM ,.lru Ihe r
ir f tul.l hn Um tKsilr or ijiiile
The tmlpl t.d.i Hf.'.'i.l If tV
rmditutt lv f.isti snd fir the
mi-iiih Ihe siKuntiU tit nearly
ft f.iil.iNt. Sln.e July , h,4et,
e hi It U hon f fl 03i!.CM. The tit
lal rielj.( f,.r tie munih are 45U; ..
171. of hu h ;o,. , , (rm
niMim. Irt a.-rciii fi.nn Intttnsl rev
enui. and i.l!i4 4 from iulllanr
oils suunea.
The .iMulltuie summit to fl3,.
6IX.000. of mUUh j4.lsl.(Kii si
rhulgnl lo ihe sr ileparimrnt, 14,
His.iMK) in the nav). $I3,UO,OOU In p ii.
slon and ihe renuilnder to civil and
wl.eeneuis interna and Indian ac
('unts. Kor August lust year, the pay.
ment to ihe wsr department amount
d to I24.JI6.M4.
iwivts mu thi in own towns
Uiiral J atrH.n t ilenila rrlllr. of
lf liirrniirul to FIIpln,Hi. .
WA8IIINIJTON. Kept. l.-Generul
Ijiwton s course in niunkl
pul goiernmimt In the Philippines h
explained In nYtuil in Manilu news
papera Just reelved at the war deport
ment. They.rtato ttmt tho general hit
made 4 tour of many towns along the
lino of his .division. Including Hanta
Anna, Pandiican and Hun Felipe, and
hua established in euch a complete sys
tern of civil Rovernment. The Inhahl
tants of the fiwns are to have entire
charge of affairs according to Ucneral
Lawton'n system. The general called
befose him Ihe principal men of the
towns and after pointing out the gen
eral purposes and desires of the Amer
lean government had the natives deslg.
nnte a mayor, vice mayor and head
men for the several wards, (leneral
Lawion explained to the Inhabitant
that the United State government did
not nvlsh to meddle at all with the local
affair of the people and they were
told to proceed with tax levies, to start
schools and public Improvements and
to establish such civil offices a they
saw. fit.
The people were told that the tax
money was to be expended at home
and none of it was to be contributed
to Ihe general government. General
Lswton also established the first civil
government nt Dallnng, Henor Guerrero
being Installed as captain general,
Ixm-hI governments also huve been put
In force at llueoo, Paranac and l.u
iirr: t ruli..f I n ilieNials ll.iu.c
MurrMliD fnr the Hj,
Hcpt.. i. Lincoln people turned out
last night when the rirst regiment ar
rived from Han Francisco, The clt.
cns of Lincoln and all the state for
100 miles on either side of the line of
travel of the regiment testified by their
presence In Immense crowds to the
pride the state feels In ihe regiment
a a whole. If remained for Lincoln
to show last night that she his a per
sonal and posiiessory pride in Company
D, the company which went from the
capital city.
The crush rtf men, women and chil
dren nt the slate house was a new
experience to even those who had
stood at the depot Tuesday night and
who thought that the feeling of the
people had been then and there given
full vent. For an hour before the time
set for the opening number of the pro-
grain the corridors or the state house
were filled with hundreds, anxious to
get within seeing or hearing distance
of the timid from which speeches
were to made, To not more than
one in a hundred who came was this
a posslblllly, and stilt the crowds
walled, overrunning the state house
lawn and walling In the vain hope
that somebody who had been fvored
with a good pbice would leave It and
permit others ts iotne In.
I;imtn f AIM Mtleil,
WASHINGTON. Hept. 1, Adjutant
General Coihln snld lody that there
were less tlmu o nnnolntnienls of
volunteer officer yet i'i be made and
they belonged mainly to tb states of
Wisconsin, California and tThlo, The
quotas o' the oilier Miit-s are prac
tically full. The president bs made
a small list from which the remaining
regimental appointments will he mmle
nuA It Is expelled ihul the result will
be announced In n few daya.
4iitli.ii. to I iill.t,
AT. LOCK Sept. l.-lloih the army
and tiavy recrulllng offices In Ht.
loulfi are besieged dally by applicants
for enlistment and Hie officer In
hurge are senirlug nil (lie men they
need. Naval Lieutenant West tonight
sent, eighty-three men and boy on a
h per I ul I ruin for the Mare Island navy
yard. Hie men and boys In this con
tingent were enllst'd as landsmen and
o pprc nt Iccsi, respect I vely.
Nnl ,4 ntli.m fur l.ailie.
NRW YORK, Sept. 1,-Mrs. Alex-
ander Glddlngs of Cleveland ha writ
ten to Ihe Dewey reception execullve
nmmlttro.nscommnnder nf the"Whlto
escort' of Cleveland, nslilng for a
place In the line during the parade,
She describes her command ni con
sisting of "181 young ladles, all dressed
In pitre white, rind carrying bright silk
nags. The letter was forwarded to
General Koe, who has charge of the
make-up of the land parade. General
Koe raid the other day that only mili
tary organizations would have a plaeo
In the line.
t t 4 . 4 l alt. (
ti'Uh S.t. , p I li m I n
!,. t s'4 i I ( I. l.i
' t ' if r ' . hnW
. i twt 1 1 1 1 ,i $ u - t t .-f a
l.t ! tint i M (! .1. I
lt Kit. I ! I i 1 1 n , t It.e 1 1 -
I.- , I i. .. .:, .t t -4 hr i Kit (
4mr4 t I tit.
I t I t ' I ll'N V.H P . I . 1
l I he.) .! -l III illl stl.-(.l
St 4 ! 1 1 i Iihm i A m II a t.-'s'S
I t I if vf t'. I t lit Kfle I r
I iw M. i , i ,1 1. 1; i teete In ,1.1 n
l'.t,.i,,, (,! it, am ,i..,,,l I sli It
f ). t . ft I i. h i"l I .'..I lit )H lit
ft!t I'l. I Ml N.l l pi.wpei
iri frtilmr liii t, . I illt ."IIIU if
I llli llarl In llni.
NOUTH HLND, N lt , 1i 1 1.
lltttit, iH lui, end l.ile
tuiult.K home I tl nii.l'.l, . Iliiuttli
frtim Mi ii Mid Mrlniiclv bin,
He he been lit., on, liti s em !ue.
It stems Cint he lad f"l I'll In nlneil
rlilitjr tiU of x, me In s) tho
It in-ne i time down and started the
In. it.e to run. Hirtiwinr. hi in l the
Kruiiiid and striKltis on his lnJ It U
Iruied thst the rkull has bet fruc
tand. Milla lrr4
Al.niON. Neb.. Hept. 1,-TU Albion
Milling eompi.ny's building uwik fire
abitui II o'clock at aud Ihe mill
hulldlng. initi liliu ry, stiM k and ulllee
were entirely cousiiuied. The elevator
and engine room wew saved with lit
tle Ions. The origin J lue lire I
mystery and everything was appar
ently secure when the men finished
work and went home at 10 p. in. l b
loss Is about '.'ii.(i(!0. w.lh about twv
t birds covered by Insuruuca.
Mwsrnlag at tfiul I.Unll.
GitAND ISLAND, Ni b., Kept. 1 The
remains of Frank Neptune, late a
member of the Colorado regiment
which bus Jiml returned from Manilu,
arrived in this city and was Interred
here, where hi parent reside, Dualh
took place at the Presidio after the ar
rival of the regiment In this country.
He was very highly thought of by hi
fellow soldiers and a military service,
with all the honors, was held at Kan
Francisco, be'ore the romulna were
sent to this city.
Mm.1 J'ail In a (Jtiarrrl,
STANTON, Neb., Sept. 1 As a re
sult of a quarrel, Andrew Johnson, Br.,
was shot and instantly killed by Oliver
Anderson, Jits half broiher, Johnson
bad been Anderson's guardian, both
in this country and in Sweden, lloth
men had been drinking when the quar
rel came up over mutters relating to
(he guardianship. In the first incite,
Anderson received a bad gash In the
leg, w hen (he men were parted. Tbey
met again, shortly after, Johnson car
rying a gun.
ftrufcenisn Itun flown by Train,
PICNDKit. .Neli Sept. I.-W, S.
Butirtcrlln, ho home is e Lincoln, a
brakemnn on the Chicago, Ht. Paul,
Minneapolis k Omaha road, was killed
at this place by being struck by the
fast freight i;olng north. He was u
mi-mber of the train crew of a special
freight which hod some switching to
do here before ihe train which killed
him was due, and he was sent a little
ws south of town to Itag the fast
frelht It Is supposed he fell asleep
on tho track while watting.
Ialh In Ilium way,
NIOHHA It A, Neb,, Hept, 1. A John
Ileum and Frank Pavelka, Hr were
returning from the hitter's furin the
team became frightened and ran
through a deep rut In the road, throw
ing both violently to the ground. Doth
were severely Injured. Mr, Hearn l
II nit In a critical condition at his home
In Verdlgre. Frank Pavelka, Sr., was
an old soldier, having served In the
Sixth Minnesota volunteera, snd was
burled In the soldiers' lot In Kau Qui,
Court county, under the auspices of
the Lander post, .Grand .Army ,uf the
Thlefl of lira,
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Jept. 1
While some freight cars were standing
on u sidetrack at Oconee, between Co
lumbus and Norfolk, the brass around
forty pairs of wheels was removed.
The conneiiience wsn that when these
cars were lken and pulled a "W
mile the journal were grimed down
snd the cars had to be sidetracked to
wslt for repalm, These brass nfllftH
weigh from eight to ten pound ciub,
40 tMi't the steal amounted to about
ISO for the thief. The 1ms the com
pany Is considerable more. The loss
of the brass, the damage ti the Jour
nals nud the labor of repairing will
amount to about iwtA,
I'm r 111 r 4' (4441 44i 1 1 a Stilelila,
I.ONO I'lNIC, Neb,, Hept, 1. ,Iohn
(Sramlstnff, nn old and well known
resident of Hock county, com mil ted
suicide by drinking carbolic acid, He
ws arrested recently on a charge of
Incest, and It is supposed the disgrace
preyed on him so heavily that he was
unable to endure It, Two neighbors',
John Talbot and Hugene Weeks, were
t his home when he drank the fatal
drug. They put him In a wagon and
started at once to Ixmg I'lne for med
ical aid, but he died In a few minutes.
Mr. (Irsndstaff had always borne a
good reputation snd many express
doubt as to his guilt of the crime
Threading Machine Aril.lrnf,
I.KNMI, Neh Sept, 1, The chapter
nf threshing machine accidents that
have happened In this vicinity should
ruuke this a good field for accident In-
.WW m-e agr-nts. Saturday lust (n-nige
lit nsr n, In attempting to put on a belt
while Ihe machine v.iik In motion bud
his hi.nd 111 iglit In the licit and dr.-iwu
'leiwei n h couple of pulley and rteve,-ul
hones In Ihe wrist broken and the mu
lei badiy bruliied, Monday Kd Hy-'
Nud had the flesh torn from the Inside
if lil. i-.nbf hand In the cyirtib'r of
rdattner liios., outfit, Inflicting a very
painful wound.
I .l S t.l hW 4 H.l II
"i I ' I il 1 t f III I lit I . I ,r if Iht.iHal l netl.tii In
! (v 1 1 1 1 i.,i (ha Hbm t(nnl II w
! fimis ! t h hiltilat.l " e i
iHitn.Uta ie hit t-i al 1 1 a, tl
tun et i, Ihe a. I rl
Oirta lite be N W4ti lll.l t
t f lil-h (U l t ia Bii.tlttfl t ttit. h
.il" fa. i f I'm m h psitdlil term ilt :l
liUh p'lt .la, til ll. litinn tallahli l rlD
sslnt ilh piitai. of hl.h I'm eh
li'itri sialnal lit Unas pi'tata, t.f I'i.I
Mi 'f, lil.tueta shIiinI IiIkIi ilirl
eii , rtf And the end Is -ml )i lint
4111 r lallna tAal she Is the milr
i butt It that Is "nnlletl ' slid ' bar
lii.nilsetl "
Just liuw iera Is lie. I lias beet, fur
a lung time a li fllliui if setitsl
buiulreil I'rt lull Juiilshlober In Nutlh
UriMikflil.l, M, sKnlhal an Irish
pileal. There la m similar qunrre! In
Irf'oiiilasli r, another lu Daub Isun Hie,
Cunn., and nianjr mure In follow.
This dispatch shows how men Mr the
war wuges In another ila - :
"Fust St. Louis, III,, Aug. . The
sentence itf ekiomruiiiib atlon ro
iiouucihI against the t'alhuilc parlnh of
St. Patrick's went Into eflict at noon
today. Illshop Jaiissen, of lli lleville,
has sought to place a German priest
In an Irish parish, and the
gallon objected. Tlie members of the
congregation gathered at the church
aud parochial school at noon and de
clared their unyleldlnK opposition to
tho bishop, at the very hour at wl Ich
the sentence went Into effect.
"To add to the emphahis, euch one
made a contribution to a iiiiid to tarrr
on the fight, this being one of the
things most Inveighed against In the
bishop's warning, read In all the
churches of the diocese last Sunday.
In addition the Irish and Amewan
flags were raised upon the mast of the
school and will be left there until the
end of the fight, Anotner similar
meeting was held tonight.
"The pirlsh has been strengthened
In the fight by the receipt of a tele
gram from a delegate sent to Welli
ngton, advising that the fight be kept
up, and Intimating that something of
Importunes Is to develop M the p'ipal
legation at Washington, The scenfl al
both meetings was a solemn one. All
present and all were adults bore
witness In their faces to the determin
ation actuating them. There were Hi,
least a thousand present. Men, women
and children, the parish munlier al out
six thousand souls."
Tillfl (X)NKK8hiUN A L, by Hat,
Chit. Chlnlquy; cJotfi, ll.'Hi.
fmmf $ipfm tm, mnS In
s ivr hmmtt 4 r vt
fM T tMM lata Ptt f IIm Mt
4a Mi.aM4 iftfti ftwrawa. tHIi 4 NrM t,
hWHf aw.lMf! Uiiftir,l to, twewt'il
K4ta, ajaat4lM BMMM a)fts, M44 rtt) ftltfi. f is
la, aMaif.l ( Vfixl. ef ae -if g
tt'ift, whiel, iii Mhi'tMi K'rar te (iit ItfllH
' 4aMw taieaasH aMtf 4Ml tm
a frffltN at f H ffrif
44it4,m f9 M f 4 ftf tle 9i,f4 ih.4
r4M t.'K af.ri flaMM f a4M m1
r,aff(M4 a4 I'-anwi 4r-ifima fr44-awa,
filtieef , et seii.a4l'4f 4-if-rf at.if.. MAMU
(KfMiN HMHt f4'tflf ita, th
(flrrf 4 Mta 4M laaj4M4l).f MMMl- aWtl4f.;
latta t,Hn Mra i.aa. Haar.atiiiit 11141, 4. a hi
4KI allAt, lf IfHlll.t f.O ..i,4 44(...l.4llt,
4 ..l.lf.a it at
,, -iJ5
nafl fft'tariil rturffa-aj, f, 'laKc f, w.l.
H V i'4 ff'rfu tee f f,y tf,ft( ffi
(1 ' -s, J -v Klin it fefa
lifar VJf.liMvff lf ',t,,, fcrii , ha," C
fi4 fil tlci fi)a(4it)tlfru, ajihrf (inininv", etiti
1 1 fV I' "ji, ar lMatMM.41.4, ajajfwuip ravW, ?f. t
w.f ,flUT HHHtH few fl4t aaml , , "
f irri.,U ttHKt aff F'r "t i,,,. ti A ir
la I Maft ttneaa-n, tff am A MMMMIJ t(ivTIC Mh
friirt tH'ftrft Aft f) fitattfif4i tvi'n fie ,l.fy to arrtir t H
ri4ls4.ti.rf(, V. . (!i-ir 4-eif)'f a)f -. t Y m
for eVn h titivp, fir. f.l.l a ,ly ajrtf, f itM fi
,,rU ,V ftpf'' b re aa Jrm if f f Iff Mf , A't'frawa)
jaara, ft a.4(a. ,va HMraattlf raUaaM. - taitar. J
tflA TV
fur miri ix'ti y r . 1 A
lf i If ai ' mrwT
1n I rSSST ' f Vlh
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Maa7e rft-Lre4k!i
'tfc a la. art ta W n.
Here's a Book Bargain I
Welvt yttii tbe-w f 1 1 v t b loale ymi liniiKry for iinf
A i' '- K'"MI thllul. 'II11 4 n III llnlli biinliiiK il for
0' ' m frtittt il
ASi 1' '"y "i4V'' ' vif "'ii oltiinl it t than ui
' j '. 7 H'"i4 acpr.
k" f- 'fi J lliey ar voura at 10 tret per copy, J
. - r ' . cnnlr fur "in irnl. Ilie whole llva bonk a
for 40
y imcsMi
lf "t, t-4 I ' II'
,"i K444r
,'L .. - IJ Hl.r anllwK a 44x41,4. It Nt a. H4IMn, imIMk mtt
i laaJBaaa '-wa" f t Hi a li. .ka iti itiUt tt, II. na
T ' .. f Ittf J- w. Hawiil, ami 4tit ,ilt ll,a tH.,Mr.4
Or vW-'. J " "" rn-r..aii Mi a a Ui IIm tnf'n
J F4,ar n..a ll.a ,.. tt4 HtJnttim I nttm ptava aw, S al.ara
kmtnAtnt Bj.awfMWia', f (vrt, t' awia, rliU'4 turn urn ei.i. a. '
, A SHIOK rHOM TMI BUtM. ti II'. iutit Su, A 1-u t r,tin t,,,. ti.k at,..
T-a m..m litt 11. am.. 1 ,,'.11..., n timti ttA lm wmwttt tmltttfiiitt. 'M..f I, imi m k ,f lltliti.a ara
ai.atS' -traailtM ll,rtp,al,.afl (l.a t.,a. i.a 11. mltt l,. tiff mh4 utttHtnt, ptltt! n.4 4al4ima
ti.tal,,,.,., a mh 4HI.I-4 lit i.f,l...i,,m,(,M t i( ur 1 l4t aebaatat It n
tltt- fl- ta laar llialtlta laa.a 1,1444,4 444144444,
TICKET NO. ie4T. IhKVIJ ,YH Al4t, inri,4 ll.l.ta I.-4....II, Ul.,14 wa.4-,l4
mAfwtititniA a 110114 a "141. an l 4141... I. e,a.l ft 4it te ti.. tint; mtA mtmih h4 it
1h fair I art4-IM, I. Iltaael ht lit ht i4f, la s mium ui r.a4.M.i4i arxl I4 k.mitA mat
lewa-MOt it arlli..
rOHTHf DtriNtl. f t. t1ltr.(M, Thlatatmirf halaMll.iai44l4raalli 44i4,
af It... fa' a,.'i.', Ii 1. a li4lta ail (...a tlint, 441114 a mrmttf ttrtrtf aiaraiaalM wa why. It w nf lntrH ff.wn l,gl.,, Ui tint. '' trtittil 1 m 4rfav
TfNfrrn TIM! l'iVICI-On IViok, 10 tnt Ibt book a, 21 canfft
All l lva book, 40 ccnta, postpaid. r
rvrnrTMiNn in miiiid
npn ' w H uriMi
Jmultmm ,M ,a,. f, at
1 1 4 anil (.'illt. f (a htitAiiM Umli, mull vnttH
II "iM-tn Ota ifnli ef tl, w all) an.4 "iiiril,
I My ",
'-ei-ltJ -11 mti""
I Wd-i. 1 I I W X m a7 -V, VII .at.. 1
f4M huMalw Irfaaa, .! !, ..a '!. . I.H l-.,..,. .. , 4,4,,,,,, , ,
K-"4 .H, 1,11,1, , ii 441 a.i.t,aa 1 i.-VM a4l a a -h l,.i,. 1,-, 4 ,,,. , ,M , a ri
.1.4 (,l S4I.4I, 4441 a. 4. 4.44.. a. M-tW l.aa f.,...' .., , 4 17, I. '.,
oers TObay, " it4ivaaa4tria..iaMiii4.M4a.i44M44iin, ,an
r;M:r;',r;vJr' ' scars, woeduck v co., cmicacc .l.
Rv. F, M. Ettofbrook, Tra irr r of thri ,Veif W: ,
I'niversiljr at l.'niverslt J'l-e, Neor., writ- on April 2d, J!; '1
linvote i n troubliid ttirwmm tlum with tlnailn In tlm throat which
ftfum freatijr afinnynd me, AfU;r taking- Ir. Ka'a I,iifif l5',n 1
found relief, I found your Of. Kay'f Kldntycura helpd my
kidney troubla which hail U-cfi trirnl.llijr tuflur a numle r of years,
Mr, terbneik hail been s'lliln-t t a eoiih tor finest of the winter.
and also Insofimla. After Uklng-on' tm U of yroif ;
Dr. Kay's Lung Balm I
she was atmoet entirely rel!eed of her eirtifjrhaf.ilsl.i4 aV frund It
made her sleep better, Wa find your remi die work lika achari. J
' TMrnairfa'denohsT4tthm U nn auhaflfntat fur tha htrm nn '
equal. , WtlH us fit trim mAtiv ar.l r. Kr Hfnai Tral,.4t 2
Valuabla bmib fr-. We sariil Hn rarna.liaa b mall, OM ar.-1 tr,, t
f-ir-l.tiriir Malm atl.J JI 00 Kl tri.y. tifa art f 8.-a, ri t h, t, t,, 2
Ksy's KanovaUtr. Aiiows la, II, Ur ar, 'i ,i44, J.t4 S
4 wmi , t . f . I it ft itltt-. ,
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a 4 .-. at . 4 4f m fl 4
torn- f4K' -t. 4l- t4rm,
II 44, Mill Hilt I 4 til. list I, f Mfio. IX
ilan aiitail ft la a av.44a4.t4 waata -tat4a4.
i4fi 1.4 li ,i i. r 14.1. v. I11 ii, it 4
tenia, potplil, 'J he wtibt be a
at five l-.r a l"llai,
TOM-t CAHIsfl t. life 4tMt In
i 11 1 Miner 111 1 1 111 11 nri.ii e n,, ,ai.r.
am4,.at r.l a. I,lt, aiw ivmiattlr, ai.4 II 4441 a 4144. 1 4,4 Iml 4 4t, ,.', O.a 4.,,
a.t ..t ri t..4(.l IIimI Htvr umtAlnlltft a...
. I A f..r)iikSln.4a 4 4-n...( 11 la a )mk M
at. .a M. il iit irwimfM in lairli
mr 't"t-t ai.'l
4 . 4 r a aint I in m 1.4. It la
rtHUil III l"f, l (flalila , ffm tm 14a a4'4. 4M
.i4, nut I.,..,...! NiaitfHI44l, m4 iiietjiir
Sail4 "Bit 11 Mir4, 4a
l"t " t.'" '"4 JilrftilHtt tm iMHH 1114 S.a,
'tfn 4U!" la mnlttm.t littttttl O.a t4t tit 41. M kM.
A Bf AHIf tl AmtMSf T
ha hn aJJed lo fh wall
k riowa ffospa
I attfi-i(R4t.
With SDx.l anJ fiemrt.
Writ Vr I'ei rl ieii fra, '
31 wnpxtx
hm.1,1 o. n,i ftffi.ttt huthMiim Ub til A.
. mtitlti I.. ftfi..i. II,. ... 4, ,
Hlfa";, tt,i ,k. 1441 l,4 M.iml 4nf ln..f ,,-( ni,,rt1lf ftrf
lfiif til tt f(.rti4 1,44. "i-arai-e'l.a H rl.y" 4,nn;ut
Of ft'i4n'ir r.f miih ai4 J Mm tm 44.fl In ai4V
l, h ell n In I tkK iiHiittt, y,i',i,i H,i,,ir,,f n,4 t,tf
,i-e. f I!l4(.rii!4ir.tr4i.i.i,)rrrr('4 0(a4w4
l ii,inti4., itin Umm f fl.4 Aiii iii, fi aa u mtu'l . ai t,
nimbi, ifnAI phtumitif tuA Ml'frff Aiiif4Un , -tiim 1 Oa
il.l' l-.( 4, mt )!( niitfiit y im Urf M il,t
Utimmimi fill, lit i:n it,ti it tm n p,j,i,r, , i- f,,4, n, tfHtt
'.1 If r HitUf," " ttt Hit ' I liihf ti4," f.iAtini
it'1 At imtii4" " 41 al 4l'f ," "wib e4 ' aavaaif.
T4i l"r.C nalk," tm.tU't t);ttt,1ti;' M)tl, f.
thmm,"" iminitiAitn 1, .(.' 1,1," "4 t f4 iH'tiHif
14," " f k'ri a. tf.iil 4),44f,4," 41 f I trlf,"
''ItitPiHttifilfiut Mulfitf," " An niUiil )U lnllt."Hi ,
rtr, yit Ituxi'titM i,l IU utli itfiiii, utiium tj 14
len x.l.l al 'tuinuli VifUHum Hot tmiilt mitn an ii
14 1 1,1 li,i,(,i,j,t.iA H yn,,4 I 1 mAmiit tmm M.
lire . '.4 ". U I'flsM fr'-fii Ian- Iff i (-4 (taaar, ia.
MtWil ;irt r Unmitfium Wmlitipiwi tp 'if', ar 4
fill' Mr, at I Ut'iltfiillt UmitA la 4llk ,kU4 iMk. M.a,ui 14.
ft,la In f tlUtif, 11,4 nut l,Url tvHa rla
ftl Saiaoa " l, avail pM ffH uu,n tmnu 14
4" ! Kir iv rM I
a l(,a MM 4i4!,, Mr( 1 1
n 1 TVs. " '-"- f.
- a, II. tt M . a aa
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